
jonomhall119, cjohnston what is the recommended mailing list for LTP discussions?00:17
jonodaker, ^00:18
nigelbjono: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/community-web-projects00:20
cjohnstonjono: thats again for all community sites, summit, LTP, hall of fame, community themes, etc00:30
jonocjohnston, yup, cool00:31
nigelbjono: "Kind of like Second Life, but in the real world." BWAHAHAHA00:51
jononigelb, :-)00:53
YoBoYgood morning06:54
dakermhall119, cjohnston  do you have any recent sqlite db of LD ? import-live-data is very slow11:55
dakerah i forgot s/LTP/LD ツ11:57
mhall119unfortunately no12:06
nigelbThe last time I did that, I canceled midway12:10
nigelband worked with half the data12:10
dakeri'll share the db with you12:10
dakermhall119, http://pastebin.com/4R6gT2pC12:32
dakerbug :/ http://dpaste.com/550065/12:37
dakermhall119, nigelb cjohnston Ronnie bug #79232312:53
ubot4`Launchpad bug 792323 in loco-directory "No module named _thread (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79232312:53
alejandraobregonnigelb: ping13:17
dakerWoo fix it :D13:18
dakernow i need to find how to fix the package ツ13:20
mhall119daker: what package?13:25
dakerbug #74212613:26
ubot4`Launchpad bug 742126 in dateutil "_thread not available on Python 2.6 (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74212613:26
mhall119um...why is _thread in there?13:26
mhall119also, it looks like you got the error on python 2.713:27
dakeryep 2.7 natty13:27
dakerhere is my bug #79232313:27
ubot4`Launchpad bug 792323 in loco-directory "No module named _thread (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79232313:27
mhall119right, but I still don't know why _thread is being used in teams.views13:28
dakerbecause on teams.views we import vobject13:29
dakerand vobject is using dateutil13:29
nigelbalejandraobregon: pong13:32
alejandraobregonnigelb: hello there! having launchpad issues and can't find the bug about jobs on ubuntu13:33
alejandraobregonnigelb: any ideas?13:33
nigelbl remember seeing one13:34
nigelbalejandraobregon: bug 605969?13:35
ubot4`Launchpad bug 605969 in ubuntu-website-content "Redirect /employment to webapps.ubuntu.com/employment (affects: 2) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/60596913:35
alejandraobregonnigelb: could i have that link to the job board you showed me too pls?13:35
nigelbalejandraobregon: yeah, http://jobs.hasgeek.in/13:35
alejandraobregonnigelb: ubot4` thanks13:36
dakermhall119, nigelb cjohnston Ronnie the database https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDirectory/Development#Database15:11
nigelbw00t, thanks daker :)15:34
mhall119daker: awesome, thanks15:39
cjohnstonmhall119: if you answered me, I didn't see it.. Is there a status update for django-openid-auth?15:50
cjohnstonand the only hold up for upgrading south and django is asking afaik?15:51
mhall119cjohnston: anthony reviewed my branches and has requested some cleanup, I'll hopefully get to that this weekend15:55
cjohnstonI see that we got a couple more people to join the ML16:13
=== daker is now known as daker_
cjohnstonmhall119: I'm wondering if team admin == owner period?20:14
cjohnstonalthough I do have a fix, which I have wanted to do for a while. ;-)20:18
mhall119cjohnston: I'd say no20:35
mhall119since launchpad just introduced the ability to have a non-admin owner20:35
cjohnstoni do see code in the lpupdate that takes anyone who is Administrator and makes them admin in LTP.. or so it appears20:39
cjohnstonmhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-directory/remove-admin/+merge/63423 just hit approve20:43
mhall119cjohnston: I'm unsure of why this is a good idea23:06
cjohnstonI'm still not sure why the admin should be displayed23:54
cjohnstonif an admin isnt a contact then whats the reason of displaying their name23:54
cjohnstonI'm prolly on my own.. I just don't get why they both need to be displayed23:55

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