
atekHi guys, I have a question here about compiling 32 bit software in 64bit ubuntu. It seems when I try and compile wine I get the following error: checking whether gcc -m32 works... no00:00
atekconfigure: error: Cannot build a 32-bit program, you need to install 32-bit development libraries.00:00
atek  ia32 libraries are definately installed though and I still get this. Suggestions?00:00
Ddpbfdennis_: sorry #ubuntu-app-devel00:00
atekdennis was that directed at me?00:00
vivek_so anthing other then man bash?00:01
jimrewdoes anyone want to try proto unity unity 2D?00:02
atekHere's my entire compile string: ./tools/wineinstall00:02
atekWine Installer v1.000:02
atekWe need to install Wine as the root user. Do you want us to build Wine,00:02
atek'su root' and install Wine?  Enter 'no' to build Wine without installing:00:02
atek(yes/no) yes00:02
FloodBot1atek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:02
atekRunning configure...00:02
jimrewhi semitones00:02
jimrewsemitones: hi00:02
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Logan_!please | vivek_00:03
ubottuvivek_: Avoid following your questions with a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:03
vivek_ubottu: ok sorry for mistake00:04
ubottuvivek_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:04
vivek_ubottu: you mean you are a computer ? not a person? strange00:05
ubottuvivek_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:05
KM0201!ubottu | vivek_00:06
ubottuvivek_: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:06
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
basilfaultyhalp, I ran pqmagic and stupidly told it to fix the lba/chs volume sizes... now 2 disks won't boot but can still see all stuff in ubuntu00:08
basilfaultyubuntu doesn't see partition tables on them.. but can mount them :S00:08
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vivek_basilfaulty: by boot you mean those two disks dont boot you mean they have some os installed inside them?00:10
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vivek_basilfaulty: sorry those two disks dont boot, you mean to say they have some os installed inside them?00:11
basilfaultyyes, ssd(sdc) has win7, won't boot off it or old win7 on sdb..00:11
basilfaultyubuntu doesn't see the partitions on those 2 disks00:11
basilfaultyknow any good partition table repair programs?00:11
vivek_ok boot with a live ubuntu cd and try checking the disks using the command fsck /dev/sdc00:12
vivek_and  fsck /dev/sdb00:13
basilfaultyaah thx00:13
basilfaultyforgot that00:13
ysisHi, I'm running Natty 64bit on a notebook with an Intel Celeron 575 processor and want to use cpu frequency scaling. I found a bunch of forum posts and bug entries about p4-clockmod to be obsolete. Can someone point me in the right direction for this?00:13
vivek_it will rectify all errors in the disk...00:13
coz_ysis,  hold on let me find a link for that,, It did work last time I tried it00:15
basilfaultye2fsck: Bad magic number in super-block while trying to open /dev/sdc00:16
coz_ysis,  in terminal see if the cpu supports it with    sudo cpufreq-selector00:17
basilfaultythey should be ntfs...00:17
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shugartcan someone please help me with my vpn pptp through network manager? I keep getting no GREv1 replies from my vpn server00:18
vivek_basilfaulty: do you have any other linux cd...sometimes ubuntu cd doesnt work in such cases.. i had a similar problem once and i tried bt.. it worked00:18
coz_ysis,  you might also want to read 'a few posts"   about this using this search string    ubuntu enable cpu scaling    dont settle for the first post that comes up,, make sure they are all consistent00:19
ysiscoz_: There is no cpufreq-selector available here. I'm quite sure that it works, because I had it working before with Gentoo and the p4-clockmod module.00:19
basilfaultynot to hand.. I was foolish and let pqmagic 'repair' my partition tables00:20
ysiscoz_: Just wanted to check here if there's some magic buzz word which I can search for when it comes to cpu frequency scaling nowadays.00:20
coz_ysis,  well that search string in google should pull up quite a few posts.,,00:20
basilfaultynow linux can see them but windows not.. and linux not able to see any partitions00:20
ysisbisilfaulty: What's your problem? I just recently had some hard drive problem, so I might be able to help.00:20
ysiscoz_: Thanks, I'll keep looking.00:21
coz_ysis,  remember to compare the posts,, be sure they at the very least similar00:21
ysiscoz_: Will do that.00:21
basilfaultyI ran partition magic from dos... and let it fix errors it saw in sizes between chs and lba.. now pc can't boot of those drives and linux can't see any parts.. but can still somehow manage to mount them :S00:22
smwwhere is java home on ubuntu?00:22
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ysisbasilfaulty: How can you not see partitions and mount them?00:23
coz_smw,  'java home" ?00:23
vivek_basilfaulty: are you trying to run e2fsck with the disks mounted or what?00:23
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basilfaultynope unmounted00:23
ysisbasilfaulty: The first thing you should do is make a backup, if not done already.00:24
smwcoz_, ah, found it. /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun00:24
cablopwhat is the alternative to synaptic in kubuntu?00:24
kristyanptqualcuno mi può dire se c'è un canale in italiano?00:24
basilfaultycfdisk refuses to open them.. bad superblock.. but thy are in my filebrowser00:24
minispotti have just installed lubuntu, and there's that weird desktop thingy, with all those apps, and so on.. and i wanted to know how to get rid of it, so i just have a clean desktop.. :]00:24
kristyanptnon sono mai entrato qui00:24
ysiscablop: aptitude00:24
basilfaultyysis :)00:24
coz_smw,  oh you mean its location  sorry i kn ew I read that wrong00:24
basilfaulty2.5 tb.  :(00:24
zencablop muon00:24
ysiscablop: I prefer aptitude because it can distinguish between manually and automatically installed packages. Don't know if synaptics can do that nowadays. I think KDE has "kpackagekit"00:26
cablopmuon? i do't find muon00:26
tripelbYesterday my 10.04 jammed up and the system monitor showed completely full even when everything was closed, except xchat. Previously I had transmission downloading at 200KBPS (yes!) but I stopped that to get the RAM to clear.  then it disconnected me from freenode so I turned the computer off and left it till now.  Help me please! (grovel)00:26
ysisbasilfaulty: Depends what's in this 2.5 TB. If it's valuable you should definitely do a backup, with ddrescue, for instance.00:27
nuefoxcan someone help me out please, i can't figure it out, trying to install 11.04 from usb stick,but my installer freezes :(00:27
cablopyes i see that kapackagekit thing i thout it was just for update packages... it seems that the kde thing is ignoring my synaptic setings of prefering maverick-updates and keeps offering me updates00:27
=== samir is now known as binlade2005
sq7objhi. I've got HDD mounted as /media/ABC, how i can check which /dev/ it corresponds to?00:27
pfnsq7obj, mount | grep ABC00:28
zencablop  http://jontheechidna.wordpress.com/2010/07/05/introducing-qapt-and-the-muon-package-manager/00:28
ysiscablop: Maybe ask in #kubuntu for that brings more insight00:28
tripelband, next, I just got a wireless router (Netgear g) and I want to protect my computer (sic) and leave the connection open to "anyone. (Later I will want to be able to throttle external connections, just in case of a heavy user on my line) - and so, anyone to help me with this?00:28
sq7objpfn: thanks :)00:28
cablopkubuntu is a dead channel, i ask and nothing happens00:28
gorgonzollais there any program to remap keys for ubuntu? or a program that supports macros like autohotkey?00:29
ysisbasilfaulty: If you can mount and browse the files, what's your problem exactly?00:29
lapalsI have a annoying problem... when I close the lid of my laptop and when it goes to standby... it does not work after I reopen th elaptop00:30
basilfaultyI can't boot the windows off them.. or install ubuntu on00:30
lapalsit does not wake up00:30
qintripelb: You would need to set transparent firewall.00:30
tripelbqin can you tell me more or should I google that?00:30
ysiscablop: Be patient; and also consider the time.00:31
basilfaultywhere does it keep it's mounted fs? nothing in /mnt00:31
kaddidlegorgonzolla - System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts00:31
cablopysis, i usually be, but with such common questions no answer is...00:31
vivek_basilfaulty: check this out http://linuxexpresso.wordpress.com/2010/03/31/repair-a-broken-ext4-superblock-in-ubuntu/00:32
gorgonzollathat's for binding keys to launch stuff00:32
basilfaultyglad it can see one drive.. should be able to copy what I need onto that.. how do I write a new part table tho?00:32
qintripelb: Well, you would want start from very thorought study of iptables, in short you set extra box "in fornt of router", and letting it bridge connection and there your firewall will act.00:32
gorgonzollai'd like to make the Q key the A key, for instance.00:32
DexterHI, IVE BEEN F*CKING with compiz, and now I believe I have destabilized my machine: all graphics seem to work well, but I cannot add any new item or menu to my applicactions menu. Is it related? Its all because of compiz-switch, and untrusted ap I tried to install00:32
Logan_!language | Dexter00:32
ubottuDexter: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.00:32
Dexterhow do I check the status of compiz?00:33
gorgonzollareason why i wanna do this is some games have their key settings hard coded00:33
gorgonzollaworkaround for that is.. remapping00:33
vivek_what do you mean by status of compiz?00:33
Guest00000how can i mount windows live skydrive in ubuntu?00:33
vivek_dexter : what do you mean by status of compiz?00:33
ysisbasilfaulty: Are you trying to fix a broken filesystem (if yes, which one?) or a broken partition table?00:33
ysisgorgonzolla: xmodmap00:34
kaddidlegorgonzolla - see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-106209.html (xev)00:35
lapalshave a good day00:35
Dextervivek, not sure, bacause is the 1st time I have to deal with an issue like this: I have just installed vegastrike. As suggested by their step-by-step ubuntu installation, i proceeded to download and install compiz-switch http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Switch which as you can see is really old. I just want to know if I have, after installing and totally deleting this old ap, messed with my machine and should expe00:36
Dexterct errors or applications that dont work, as is the case for wanting to add new launchers to my applications menu00:36
Dexteror, if this is something totally unrelated00:36
iuriI installed vlc but  i can't play .mov files on my ubuntu 10.04 64 bits. What is the codec i should install?00:37
ysisGuest00000: What's windows live skydrive?00:38
rewtsounds like cloud storage00:38
rewtfrom microsoft00:38
arsiamonsyer, cloud storage00:38
rewt"to the cloud"00:39
ysisi prefer staying on solid soil00:39
Phong_hi guys, why am i being ask to put keyring all the time00:41
Phong_how do i get rid of keyring thing00:41
Phong_i have no idea what the heck is keyring for00:41
gadgetdevilkeyring is for storing various passwords of the system, such as WiFi passwords, etc.00:42
Phong_gadgetdevil, but i dont want it00:42
iuriDoes anyone know how to play .mov on ubuntu ?00:42
gadgetdevilPhong_, do you log in automatically?00:42
Phong_gadgetdevil, in older version of ubuntu dont ask me that00:42
Phong_yes i do00:42
iurii already installed vlc but it just doesn;t play00:42
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=== binalde2005 is now known as binlade2005
kylefoxWhen I'm searching for a package with aptitude, how can I have the output show the version number?00:43
Phong_hello ?00:43
ysisiuri: Try google.00:43
iurii tried00:44
gadgetdevilPhong_, that is the problem, when you enable auto-login, you do not have a keyring that automatically gets unlocked, because that would be unsafe, what you can do is go to Passwords & Encryption keys and remove all your keyrings00:44
dj24tripelb,  how much ram00:44
iurii already added midubuntu on my source.list00:44
ysiskylefox: "aptitude show <package>"?00:44
iuriand i installed the whole thing in this tutorial00:44
gadgetdevilnext time you get asked for a pasword, do not enter a password, instead hit cancel and do not create a password-protected keyring00:45
ysisiuri: Try mplayer00:45
Phong_gadgetdevil, ok boss00:45
iuridid also00:45
gadgetdevilnote that this is very unsafe, I would recommend that you just disable auto-login00:45
gustonegrois there a way to add firmware support for my wireless card to an ubuntu instal USB stick?00:45
ysisand you can't play it with mplayer?00:45
iurii beleive it has to do with gsstream00:45
Phong_how to disable autologin?00:45
ysisiuri: no, mplayer is independent00:45
roardeWhat's a good location for binaries that I've compiled myself?00:46
iuribecause when i tried to open the link with the .mov it pops up and windows00:46
iuritelling me that i dont have the plugin00:46
iurii need to find a suitable plugin00:46
Jeruvyroarde: /usr/local/bin00:46
ysishave you tried on the command line "mplayer path/to/mov"?00:46
Phong_gadgetdevil, is there software to do image of current drive contain ubuntu?00:47
gadgetdevilPhong_, go to System > Login Screen Settings00:47
Phong_gadgetdevil, i really want to know if there exist imaging softgware00:47
JeruvyPhong_: dd is widely used.00:47
Ddpbfiuri: vlc and mplayer are playing .mov files00:47
gustonegroI want to add the broadcam sta driver.   is there just a .deb package I can add to the USB install stick?00:47
gadgetdevilPhong_, yes, I recommend using CloneZilla, it is FOSS software to do a bit-for-bit copy of your entire drive00:47
ysisPhong_: use ddrescue (gddrescue in the repos)00:47
kaddidleroarde: I usually put them in ~/bin and add that to my path. Move to /usr/local/bin when you are ready for others to use your program.00:47
roardeJeruvy: don't binaries from official packages go there?00:48
Phong_gadgetdevil, does it compress while imaging?00:48
Jeruvyroarde: they can.00:48
ysisiuri: Maybe your .mov file is broken.00:48
Phong_gadgetdevil, ever heard of Acronis true image? it compress while imaging00:48
Ddpbfiuri: if you are living outside of Northern America just type sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:48
iuriysis, that is what i am testing now00:48
iurido you have a valid sample where i can dpwnload?00:49
gadgetdevilPhong_, yes I have heard of it, this is more of a replacement for Norton Ghost, though you may be able to achieve the same effect by piping the output of dd through bzip00:49
Phong_how to install clonezilla?00:49
Phong_or dd00:49
roardethanks Jeruvy, kaddidle -- that tells me what I wanted to know.00:50
iuriDdpbf, i already installed that too :(00:50
gadgetdevilPhong_, http://drbl.sourceforge.net/faq/fine-print.php?path=./2_System/78_clonezilla_compression_option.faq#78_clonezilla_compression_option.faq00:50
ysisiuri: Again, use google or a search engine of your preference00:50
Ddpbfiuri: http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/mov00:50
iuriDdpbf, that is installed too00:51
Ddpbfthan it's maybe broken file00:51
ysisiuri: What exactly is the error message mplayer throws?00:51
gadgetdevilPhong_, dd already comes with your system, but you can not backup your entire system while you are using it, if you just want to back up your Home folder you can use dd otherwise use the Clonezilla boot disk00:51
iurihe required software to play this file is not installed. You need to install suitable plugins to play media files. Do you want to search for a plugin that supports the selected file?00:52
iuriThe search will also include software which is not officially supported.00:52
iuriysis, that is the message00:52
iuriysis, but now software are available, none shows up in the list00:52
Phong_gadgetdevil, how to get clonezilla00:52
gadgetdevilPhong_, http://clonezilla.org/00:53
iuriwell, i just tested a .mov and it worked00:53
iuribut the .mov in the link doesn't00:53
shuaibI am getting an error during installation of 11.04, saying it can't mount /dev/loop0. Any ideas?00:53
iuriysis, i believe it has to do with a specific codec for that .mov file00:54
Ddpbfmov is MPEG-400:54
basilfaulty I tried replacing the superblock from listed backup but said it was bad magic number.. they are ntfs parts00:54
Ddpbf*it is extendd to MPEG-4 part1200:54
Logan_shuaib: you may have a bad ISO - did you check the MD5?00:55
djmasterhelp im runing x-upuntu with xfce and im runing 10.04 i wont to go to the newest version but sudo,synaptic and the default software installer wont give me the distro update00:55
Ddpbfdjmaster: alt+f2 and type update-manager -d00:56
djmasterdone it00:56
shuaibLogan_: let me check00:57
ysisbasilfaulty: So you're trying to fix a NTFS partition?00:57
tomreyndjmaster: and this helped or not?00:57
djmastertomreyn, ?>00:57
shuaibwhere can I check the md500:57
basilfaultyany utils u know of that migt help?00:57
ysisbasilfaulty: Depends what's wrong exactly. If it's the partition table, a program like testdisk could do, but if it's the filesystem itself, I don't know.00:58
tomreyndjmaster: you said you did alt+f2 and type update-manager -d. did this make the distribution upgrade work?00:58
djmastertomreyn,  i dont under stand00:58
gadgetdevilshuaib, when you first boot of the disk, press enter and scroll down to verify disk00:58
djmastertomreyn,  no00:59
basilfaultypartition magic said it was fixing the size00:59
ysisbasilfaulty: If you value the data on this drive, you should really make a bit-wise backup before proceeding.00:59
ysisbasilfaulty: What was your intention when using partition magic in the first place?00:59
shuaibgadgetdevil: I am not able to boot00:59
basilfaultyyes, seems best.. will try copying what I want off00:59
shuaibaren't the md5 liste on the site00:59
basilfaultyresize a partition so I could squeeze ubuntu on00:59
tomreyndjmaster: open a terminal window and run this same command there: update-manager -d00:59
toshhttp://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/Hardware/Modem/CellulareGprsUmtsUsb, first step and with ubuntu 10.10 works fine not the same in natty, some help or tip01:01
aeon-ltdsay i use a computer regularly for a few hours, is it worth bitcoin mining in the background with generally 'crap' hardware - as in few hashes - would it still be possible to actually earn anything to cover something low cost (< $20) in a week of background mining?01:02
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roothorickSo I just did fresh installs of Ubuntu Server and Debian in two identical VMs01:03
tomreynaeon-ltd: you'd probably want to ask that in a bitcoin related channel01:03
Phong_any good software for linux out there?01:04
euxneksaeon-ltd: it's not worth it unless you've got like 12 GPUs running solidly.01:04
roothorickhere's what gets me... Deb is running at about 80MB RAM used, Ubu over 200... and I can't find where that RAM is going. Nothing seems significantly bigger01:04
tomreynPhong_: no it's all crap, keep DR DOS01:04
euxneksaeon-ltd: even then it's questionable whether bitcoin is going to be worth it for new users01:04
roothorickagain, identical VMs, basically the same config settings01:04
roothorickwhere's this 120MB of RAM going to?01:04
euxneksaeon-ltd: but yeah, go talk to people in the bitcoin channel ;)01:04
ysisbasilfaulty: Never do any repartitioning without backups; that's what I learned the hard way.01:05
euxneksroothorick: did you try using top or ps?01:05
basilfaulty:) yes01:05
aeon-ltdtomreyn: sorry i thought i was in #bitcoin, wrong tab my bad01:05
roothorickeuxneks: yeah. Nothing jumps out at me. There's an MB here and an MB there, but no way does it add up to 120MB01:05
tomreynaeon-ltd: :) thought so01:05
basilfaultynever let pqmagic 'fix' ur drive01:06
roothorickthe target machine has a whopping 1GB, so that extra 100MB headroom would be welcome :/01:07
basilfaultyadios, cheers01:08
gskelligcan someone help me with glx/unity problems?01:09
roothorickit appears to just be the kernel01:09
gskelligcan someone help me with glx/unity problems? glx nor unity will start, I think it has to do with drivers01:11
andre_plmy system wont respond to keyboard or mouse after rebooting today.recov3ry mode works, not gdm freezes righ away01:12
tripelbqin, thatnks for the words, I didnt even know what to call what I want to do. It gives me some place to start.01:13
tripelbqin re protecting my system/connection01:13
tomreyngskellig: just ask your real question and eventually someone will respond01:14
gskelligunity and anything glx related won't start, and I don't know why01:14
black-flamecan any body tell me what is the best security channel in irc ?01:15
tomreyngskellig: what does "not start" look like?01:15
gskelliglooks like normal gnome01:15
roothorickgskellig: do you even have 3D hardware?01:15
gskelligand glxgears gives me an error01:15
gskelligXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".01:15
gskelligError: couldn't get an RGB, Double-buffered visual01:15
gskelligyes roothorick. intel GMA x4500MHD01:16
nuefoxMy mouse is sooo fast..i did slow it down it 0 in Mouse settings but its still so fast..is there a way to slow it down more?01:16
gskelligits under supported intel cards with unity01:16
roothorickgskellig: have you been messing with xorg.conf?01:16
gskelligafter installing ubuntu unity didtn start01:17
gskelligright off the bat01:17
cablophas anyone used tasque here?01:17
Tweakymy unity only works 50% of the time01:19
gskelligmy unity works 0% of the time on this 11.04 install01:20
quantumlemurhey, my terminal bell doesn't seem to be working.  sound in general works, and the volume is turned up, and I can hear the preview sound, and the bell is enabled in the preferences, but the terminal never makes the sound01:20
gskelligthe LAST time i installed 11.04 unity and glx worked fine....01:20
gskelligi have no idea why it wont work this time01:20
gskelligseemed to be exactly the same01:20
gskelligsame laptop01:20
FloodBot1gskellig: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
Tweakyi dont know man this version fails...01:21
gskelligsame install cd! it should have been identical.01:21
Tweakywouldnt be half bad if it actually worked properly without hours of denial and error01:21
gskelligi like it01:22
n4dspwhats the best way to learn linux01:22
KM0201n4dsp: install it and use it01:22
KM0201n4dsp: set up a dual boot, so if you hit a major wall w/ Linux, you have Windows to fall back on, otherwise, you'll be reinstalling Windows before the weekend.01:23
n4dspI tried that a year ago and found myself not wanting to learn  linux so i dumped windows xp 2 months ago and now I am forced to learn linux01:24
n4dspto use it01:24
gskelliganyone help me with video drivers/glx issues/unity issues?01:24
KM0201n4dsp: if can't convince yourself to learn Linux when you have a dual boot system, then you won't convince yourself to use it when you don't have windows, and reinstalling windows is a simple matter.01:25
n4dsplot of bans here!01:25
gskelligthe channel has 1508 people currently01:25
Tweakysadly i dual boot. but only windows for a decent lightscribe application as none exist for linux 64bit01:25
gskelligi'm surprised theres not more trolls =/01:26
gskelligand advertisements...01:26
rwwgskellig: there's a reason we have floodbots and lots of ops ;)01:26
gskelligNONE seriously Tweaky?01:26
gskelligi dual boot for very proprietary software01:26
gskelligand *games*01:26
Narigohow can i edit the launcher in unity? i want to see why i cannot use the "keep in launcher" feature with some programs (they won't start and i want to know what is different to "regular" installed apps)01:26
Tweakynarigo if you find the answer id love to know as well lol01:27
KM0201gskellig: gaming is the one difficult thing to really do on Linux, unless you're using Linux native games (i like some of the native games)01:27
Tweakywith enough desire it will run anything >_>01:27
n4dspso this is the best place to ask questions at all hours01:27
gskelligKM0201, playonlinux is amazing01:28
gskelligubuntu related, yes n4dsp01:28
n4dspwhat is that01:28
n4dspthanks gskellig01:28
Tweakyi play ffxi on ubuntu through wine, mmorpg for windows lol01:28
b8lcymd7Hi! Please help me! I would like hide my grub Ubuntu 11.04 (Unity). I am using Ubuntu and Xubuntu and i would like run Ubuntu in sda1. Thanks!01:28
gskelligive played starcraft2 on ubuntu with wine/playonlinux01:28
gskelligon only a Geforce G210M too01:28
gskellighonestly worked almost as well on windows01:29
n4dspgot to go. Thanks for the info. GN01:29
andre_plmy system wont respond to keyboard or mouse after rebooting today. recovery mode works, but gdm freezes right away01:29
NarigoTweaky: I only found one should look at "~/.gconf/desktop/unity/launcher/favourites" --- but I do not have a ~/.gconf/desktop/unity folder...01:30
andre_plxorg in general, i removed gdm amd startx hangs too01:30
Tweakynarigo - not at all? perhaps its hidden?01:30
nuefoxis there a problem with ATI cards under Ubuntu 11.04? this is slow as hell01:31
Narigo.gconf is hidden, yes, i can find that, desktop is there, too - but no "unity" subfolder - just a "gnome" subfolder in there...01:31
slack-mHey, check out my sacc: http://forums.pugbot.com/index.php?topic=66.0 Approved for use by FTWGL and STF League.01:32
Tweakynarigo yeah actually im seeing here the same thing. ; ;01:32
gskelligi didnt even know my OS supported chinese characters01:32
n4dspah so01:32
pksadiqandre_pl: did you had a hard reboot?01:33
RaikiaHey, does anyone know of a good bug tracking system?  Which is the best (in your opinion) between Trac, Redmine, Bugzilla, Jira, or any others that you know.  It needs SVN integration01:33
rwwslack-m: Don't advertise here.01:33
rww!cn | yunfei01:33
ubottuyunfei: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn、/join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk。01:33
slack-mdamn it, autojoin01:33
andre_plpksadiq: yea several times.01:33
pksadiqandre_pl: then might be some errors is file try e2fsck for your ubuntu partition01:34
CarlFKRaikia: I like Triak over Bugzilla.  no clue how it ranks against the others01:34
nuefoxis there a way to make mouse slower?01:35
zen_yunfei wait 20 years, then everyone will read chinese :)01:35
Tweakynuefox: yes01:35
nuefoxTweaky, how? :P01:36
Tweakynuefox: lol ^^ ubuntu 11.04?01:36
nuefoxTweaky, aye01:36
nuefoxTweaky, but mouse settings doesnt help..it's still too fast01:36
gskellignuefox, synaptic mouse driver?01:37
Tweakynuefox: oh you have already slowed it down to minimum?01:37
nuefoxTweaky, yep..01:37
nuefoxgskellig, dont know which driver :P regular one i think..01:37
NarigoTweaky: I guess my problem is the Exec=XXXX line in the file /usr/share/applications/XXXX.desktop01:37
gskelligtry "synclient MinSpeed=0.5 MaxSpeed=0.5 AccelFactor=0" and change the 0.5 to lower numbers if its too fast or higher numbers if its too slow01:37
gskelligi know that works for synaptics01:38
Tweakyim also having an issue where my window borders disappear01:38
NarigoIt cannot find it but it doesn't give me an error :(01:38
nuefoxgskellig, no synaptics :P didnt work01:38
gskelligsorry then nuefox =\01:38
gskelligim having an issue where unity and anything glx related doesn't start01:38
=== eliezer is now known as eliezer_
hmullerI am pleasantly surprised to learn CPU frequency scaling is an Ubuntu feature, which version began including it?01:39
linxehhmuller: speedstep has been in there for years afair01:41
nbros652Hey all, I have an Ubuntu server set up with samba shares. Each user is created with certain files in his home directory. Problem is that I cannot see the files that are put each users account from a remote Ubuntu terminal mounting the SMB share. I CAN however see these files from Windows terminals. Any idea why?01:41
linxehhmuller: certainly when I was using it on my pentium-m it supported it, and I've not used that for 3-4 years01:41
Cameron904Guys I belive i have a networking problem, caused by an accidental script i did when i was drunk.01:44
Co11ym00r3Hey guis do any of you know how to remove the Skype icon from the systray on ubuntu 10.1001:44
n4dspgo have another drink and relive it and fix it back01:44
Cameron904it takes me like 9 tries to connect to my wifi.01:44
hmullerlinxeh: Thanks for the update. I started using Ubuntu around Jaunty/Karmic timeframe and don't remember it being a normal feature at that time01:45
Co11ym00r3Hey guis do any of you know how to remove the Skype icon from the systray on ubuntu 10.1001:45
hiexpoCo11ym00r3, right click delete it01:45
cablopi see there's tasque and gtg for task management... anyone has experience with them or another suggestion?01:46
hmullerlinxeh: normal = standard01:48
NarigoTweaky: It looks like, you need a /usr/applications/XXXX.desktop file, if you want to put your own programs into the launcher...01:48
=== Teste is now known as Gteste
preecherwill the themes in synaptic i used for 10.10 work for 11.04?01:50
=== tuxuser is now known as XeCrypt
NarigoWhy is it so complicated in unity to get a selfmade shellscript in my launcher? Why do I have to write a .desktop file? :(01:50
linxehhmuller: hmm, this would have been gusty/hardy timeframe01:51
linxehhmuller: not all cpus were supported though, I was lucky I guess01:51
hmullerlinxeh: Ah, Gutsy/Hardy... I remember those, I must have started using Ubuntu earlier than remembered.  Gentoo and Linux From Scratch before that.01:53
linxehhmuller: slackware from 94-2001, redhat/fedora from 2001-2003, debian/ubuntu from then on :)01:54
linxehI never saw the desire in burning fuel for pointless recompiles with gentoo01:54
Co11ym00r3well you gotta be more specific01:54
Co11ym00r3where can I find the Icon that is placed on the systray so i can delete it?01:54
hmullerGentoo was a good learning experience, Linux From Scratch even better.  Neither are sustainable solutions though.01:55
eiriksvinhey guys how do I telnet myself at a port?01:56
Fudgeeiriksvin  telnet localhost 2201:56
Fudgethink ctrl \ exits telnet01:57
SanctusoriumHey ya, could anyone help me set up a GUI on my Ubuntu VPS?01:57
skumararegarding ubuntu sound theme. How can I set sound for maximize , minimize window? and also to set sound for open and close window?01:57
SanctusoriumThus far, I've gotten VNC installed and connect.  I've ran apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:58
SanctusoriumNow I am stuck.  I can connect via VNC01:58
=== david is now known as dlublink
SanctusoriumBut I just get a grey background with a terminal window01:58
KM0201Sanctusorium: i had a lot of probs w/ vnc and 10.04...01:59
KM0201mostly GUI related though, not sure if thats your issue or not.01:59
entombedanyone try the brcm80211 driver on amd64?02:00
SanctusoriumMy issue seems to be that I don't have Gnome running...  I guess thats what it is?  I dunno.  I got a terminal window and thats it, haha.02:00
SanctusoriumIf I close that, I am SOL via VNC02:00
MrCartelI have a upnp server enabled on port localhost:51000 (makemkvcon). When I try to access it with mplayer, I get connection error: connnection refused. Any idea on what is happening?02:01
SanctusoriumCan't run anything in the grey.02:01
izinucsOk.. the left "BAR" program launcher will not hide now.. even with a program full screen.. how do I reset it?02:01
=== xidica is now known as xidica_
izinucswow.. is this the ubuntu channel? I don't think that I've ever seen it this quiet in 6 years.....02:04
Andy80izinucs: it's night, at least in Europe :)02:05
KM0201izinucs: it quiets down a bit at night (it's late in europe, as mentioned) when it hits around 12-1am EST, it's pretty slow.02:05
KM02013-4am EST... you can hear a pin drop.02:06
MrCartelAny idea why mplayer wont connect to a stream on localhost?02:06
izinucsAndy80: 6pm here.. typically see lots of activity for the U.S. folks02:06
mdg2I am installing IronAHK and get a message "No source path specified".  How do I fix this?02:06
arzyhello from west coast of u.s02:06
mdg2hi arzy02:06
cgree3hello from the east coast02:07
izinucsarzy: YEA.. another dinner time person..02:07
n2diythe hard drive on my main box crashed, so I moved the the HD from my backup box into the main box. Everything seems ok except for some of the graphics. I.E. Mines takes for ever to load, initially, and between games. During this, Xorg is consuming most of the system memory?02:07
cablopnow i need a good remember the milk client for linux02:07
cablopi need a client able to locally save stuff02:07
cablopnot a thing on goodle gears! i forgot to say02:07
arzyanybody have problems with pulse audio in 10.10?02:07
arzyi finally switched to alsa after all the stuttering and lagging02:08
Gorkymanhey guys, whats the shell command to get last modified files on all subdirs?02:08
mdg2I am installing IronAHK and get a message "No source path specified".  How do I fix this?02:09
mdg2Where is a good place to look for info on "sourcing" an app?02:11
NarigoGorkyman: ls -t would be for "one" directory, indicating which (sub)dir was changed last...02:12
NarigoOtherwise try "man find" - you can do almost anything with it ;)02:12
doogluslong ago, I disabled the open source network drivers and started using ndiswrapper instead.  any idea how I can switch back to see if the open source drivers are better now?02:12
gskelligstill seeking support with my glx/unity problem02:13
artsymptomhello guys, is this the right place to ask for help about a problem with the audio of my asus A52F ?02:13
GorkymanNarigo: what about last 10 changed files for ALL subdirs?02:13
cabloparzy, yes i have problems in my netbook with pulseaudio, afaik, it seems it is something related to the kernel timing or interruptions02:13
mdg2dooglus: you have to unload the ndiswrapper module02:13
Edistocan ubuntu run any package made for debian?02:14
artsymptomI have everything else working exept the audio, I install the restricted stuff from the package manager, but still no audio.02:14
artsymptomis this the right channel for ask for help?02:15
cabloparzy: the bad thing about reverting to alsa i sthe support for the microphone went really bad on it, then i have to enable pulse again and use another workarrount, that is go to pulseaudio settings and create a simultaneous output for all audio outputs then select that virtual device as the default one, the downside of it, if you use multiple users on same machine they cannotnaccess device...02:15
cablop...audios if your account is on... but cause i'm the only user of my netbook it is pretty enough for me02:15
mdg2artsymptom: not even beeps?02:15
dooglusmdg2: ok, I can do that.  what else?  I suspect unloading it will stop me being able to hear the rest of your instructions02:16
mdg2dooglus: did you update your system so you can get the newer drivers (newer kernal perhaps?)02:17
artsymptomhelp plx!02:17
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:17
dooglusmdg2: I updated from 10.04 to 10.10 and then to 10.04 since I last tried open source wireless drivers02:17
arzythanks cablop .. i forgot to check mic..02:17
mdg2dooglus: something you can try is a live cd of the02:17
dooglusmdg2: I used apt-get dist-upgrade to update.  I don't have .iso file02:17
mdg2dooglus: do you know the name of the driver your wifi needs?  You will need to unblacklist it02:18
cabloparzy it could seem to be ok, but mi netbook failed to work in Skype if i move back to alsa02:18
cabloparzy: what is your pc?02:18
arzyits an hp elitebook02:19
dooglusmdg2: I don't.  I can check what wifi I have though02:19
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arzyyes i remember smthng went wrong with skype last time i tried switching02:19
quantumlemurhey, my terminal bell isn't working.  audio in general works, and the bell is enabled.  anyone have any ideas?02:19
n2diythe hard drive on my main box crashed, so I moved the the HD from my backup box into the main box. Everything seems ok except for some of the graphics. I.E. Mines takes for ever to load, initially, and between games. During this, Xorg is consuming most of the system memory?02:19
dooglusmdg2: from lsusb: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 0bda:8189 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187B Wireless 802.11g 54Mbps Network Adapter02:20
arzyi use skype on my phone these days..so guess its ok.02:20
arzymoreover dunno hw long skype for linux wil be alive ;)02:20
mdg2dooglus: hmm, is that the rlt63 driver02:20
mdg2dooglus: ??02:21
artsymptomthanks ubottu02:21
dooglusmdg2: I have blacklist rtl818702:22
dooglusmdg2: I suspect that's it02:22
dooglusmdg2: so if I blacklist ndiswrapper and unblacklist rtl8187, should that be all I need to do?02:22
dooglusmdg2: I also have a file /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper.conf that says "alias wlan0 ndiswrapper02:23
Logan_!thanks | artsymptom02:23
ubottuartsymptom: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)02:23
mdg2dooglus: no unload ndiswrapper and blacklist rtl818702:23
dooglusmdg2: No command 'unload' found, did you mean: Command 'nload' from package 'nload' (universe)02:23
mdg2dooglus: unload a module = rmmod02:24
dooglusmdg2: I think rmmod only lasts until I reboot02:24
mdg2dooglus: to make sure ndiswrapper does not load on reboot you have to remove it from init.d (I think thats the file).02:24
dooglusmdg2: I used to know how to set what ran at each runlevel, but then we switched to upstars and now I've no idea02:25
mdg2dooglus: you might take the time to look at the ubuntu wiki regarding ndiswrapper and wifi02:26
dooglusmdg2: ok, I will02:26
ubottuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.02:26
mdg2dooglus: good luck :)02:26
roothorickI can't decide between Ubuntu Server and Debian. Someone give me a good reason in either direction...?02:27
hangfreeBSD is under consideration02:28
roothoricknot really. I want IP Tables and iproute2.02:29
roothorickfor familiarity, and HTB02:29
illupohelp me! i am italian. i am new. i need a name of italian server02:30
Gnoze5yellow, is there a way to do a network install and use one of the alternaste cd's mode?02:31
ubottuUbuntu 11.04 (Natty Narwhal) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/110402:33
rinkukokirigot this laptop, it's got dolby 2.1 sound on it (it has a sub)   wondering who can help me getting the sub working?02:33
ubuntuifngvI have a question i installed banshee on kubuntu 11.04 and brasero and ubuntuone-control-panel-gtk.desktop came with it can i remover them?02:33
gskelligcan someone help me get glx/unity working on ubuntu 11.04?02:34
pksadiqubuntuifngv: at desktop? you just need to remove that icon, that's all?02:38
rinkukokiriwhat's with the join/quit/join02:38
ArydenGreetings all02:39
rinkukokirianyone experienced in setting up an odd number channels on ubuntu?02:40
rinkukokiri*audio channels02:40
ArydenAnyone available to assist me with some driver issues on 11? Cant get my memory sticks or flash cards to mount02:40
nbros652Hey all, I have an Ubuntu server set up with samba shares. Each user is created with certain files in his home directory. Problem is that I cannot see the files that are put each users account from a remote Ubuntu terminal mounting the SMB share. I CAN however see these files from Windows terminals. Any idea why?02:40
rinkukokiriit appears there is no one in here helping us02:41
ubuntuifngv<pksadiq> :sorry my attention some where else02:41
ubuntuifngvim wanting to remove ubuntuone widget02:41
ubottuIf you're having trouble getting surround sound working in Ubuntu, try the instructions on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SurroundSound02:42
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:42
Aryden@Nbros have you checked permissions?02:42
gskelligcan someone help me get glx/unity working on ubuntu 11.04?02:42
preecherupper right where my time & name are on the top panel (ubuntu 11.04) all the icons are ok but the time display & name are very dim barley visable--any ideas on how to fix this--i have tried all the icon & themes and so far nothing is working02:42
ubuntuifngvand i was wondering if i could use k3b as my burner instead of brasero02:42
KM0201gskellig: do you have 3d drivers installed for your graphics card?02:42
ubuntuifngvwith banshee02:43
gskelligI don't know. i915 3D?02:43
EricthegreatMy ubuntu hangs at startup but I have found adding "i915.modeset=0" fixes the problem but now I have no unity, could anyone help me?02:43
nbros652Aryden: yeah, and I can do whatever I want from windows. The files are just invisible in Linux. If I add files, from linux, I can see those files, and only those files.02:43
rinkukokiriso for three channel sound I would use 3?02:43
gskellignbros652, i think we have the same problem02:43
gskellignot nbros, Ericthegreat02:43
Arydenthat sounds like permissions to me. Windows doesnt give a rats tooty, linux does02:44
gskelligi have i915 driver and no unity02:44
gskelligi used to have unity but now i don't02:44
gskelligi915 should be supported with unity02:44
gskelligwhat graphics card?02:44
nbros652Aryden: The files I add have the exact same permissions as the the ones I can't see02:44
Arydenadd a file and chmod it to 755 and see if you can see it02:44
gskelligi have an intel GMA x4500MHD02:44
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rinkukokiripksadiq, so for 2.1 i would use 3?02:45
rinkukokirithat page doesn't specify02:45
Ericthegreatdoes boot hang for you if you dont modeset=0?02:45
pksadiqruconse: may be , not sure, have not used yet02:45
pksadiqubuntuifngv: can't you right click on that and do it?02:46
nbros652Aryden: that does it, but why can't the owner see the file when the owners permissions are set to 7?02:46
ArydenNbros, I had the same issue with an OSX server, perms were the culprit there, not saying its is here, but worth a look02:46
gskelligi dont know Ericthegreat, i've tried a few things but they usually make it not boot.02:47
Arydencould be an issue with "who" exactly owns the file02:47
gskellighow does it hang?02:47
gskelligI get a mouse and ubuntu loading screen but nothing else happens I can't even ctrl+alt+F1 to get terminal02:47
KM0201gskellig: whats your graphics device anyway?02:47
nbros652Aryden: so 755 works but, that doesn't explain why they were hidden when they had the same permissions as files that were visible that I uploaded from linux02:47
gskelligKM0201, Intel GMA x4500MHD, but i also have an nvidia GT210M that's disabled.02:47
gskelligdual gpu laptop. but the nvidia one is turned off02:48
Arydenit does, linux is far more explicit than windows. Windows only cares about who can write and or execute mainly.02:48
KM0201gskellig: i would think the nvidia would run unity, but thats just a guess02:48
roothorickgskellig: it's a known problem. And the nV GPU isn't actually turned off, it's just inaccessible for now02:48
roothorickKM0201: he's talking about nV's Optimus stuff that doesn't work at all in Linux yet02:48
gskelligthe intel GMA is under unity supported devices, and i've gotten it to run unity in the past02:48
KM0201roothorick: oh ok02:49
gskelligroothorick, I've disabled the nvidia card completely, with a modprobe02:49
roothorickgskellig: it's still drawing power02:49
gskelligby default it is, I have actually turned it off02:49
roothorickgskellig: how did you manage that?02:49
gskelligit doesn't come up in "lshw -C video"02:49
nbros652Aryden: aside from windows though. I from linux, I have files with exactly the same permissions. Some visible some not. Only difference is that the visible ones were uploaded from linux into the mounted SMB folder.02:49
gskelligit did before I turned it off. I found a modprobe online02:49
rinkukokirianyone know where there's a more up to date version of this??  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79552502:50
gskelligturns it off completely02:50
rewthow do i make isc-dhclient-V3.1.3 (in 10.04.2 LTS) NOT overwrite /etc/resolv.conf ?02:50
Arydenand none that are uploaded fromwindows are visible remotely in terminal?02:50
gskelligit's specifically for the asus UL series of laptops, I can link you if you want roothorick02:50
Ericthegreatgskellig we got same prob02:50
gskelliglaptop Ericthegreat ?02:50
Ericthegreatjust my other gpu is ati02:50
gskelligEricthegreat, do you have any intention of using your ATI card? Or do you only want to use the intel one02:51
gskellig(i'm assuming intel) the on board one02:51
Ericthegreathave you tryed forceing unity on? I am about to?02:51
gskellighow do you "force" It?02:51
gskelligglxgears gives me errors, so I don't think it will even work if i force it.02:51
EricthegreatI use it in windows02:51
Ericthegreatdont wanna kill it02:52
gskelligdouble check and see if your ati drivers are completely uninstalled02:52
Ericthegreatyea I did that02:52
nbros652Aryden: No, I can see files on the linux computer that were uploaded from a windows computer.02:52
gskelligI did a sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current and I think it would fix it but for some reason it wouldn't even boot after that02:52
gskelligsomeone online fixed their problem (identical to mine) by apt-get purge nvidia-current (purging all the nvidia drivers) and it fixed their unity issues02:52
gskelligbut just made my problem worse =(02:53
Ericthegreatmy prob is ubuntu dont boot lol unless I use i951.modeset=0 lol02:53
Ericthegreat1/5 trys it will boot with unity lmfao02:53
gskelligi915 you mean?02:53
Ericthegreatmodeset=0 will always boot but no unity lol02:53
pksadiqgskellig: I hope you get command line, login and do sudo nvidia-xconfig    and reboot02:53
ArydenNbros: private chat?02:53
gskelligpksadiq, why nvidia-xconfig?02:54
pksadiqgskellig: if you are using nvidia02:54
gskelligI don't want to use the nvidia card at all in ubuntu02:54
gskelligi want to disable and uninstall everything related to nvidia while on ubuntu02:54
gskelligand only use the on board graphics02:54
gskelligto save power02:54
pksadiqgskellig: if you are not using nvidia just remove the package and restart   sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current02:54
gskelligi did that, and it hung on boot02:55
gskelligit displayed ubuntu loading screen, and i had a mouse i could move02:55
gskelligbut i couldn't get a terminal anywhere02:55
gskelligctrl+alt+F1 didnt' do anything, eventually even the mouse and ubuntu loading animation freeze02:55
pksadiqgskellig: try ALT+CTRL +F102:55
gskellig^^ lol02:55
pksadiqgskellig: I think there is some thing like ALT+CTRL + Print Screen + K02:56
pksadiqgskellig: restart C02:56
=== Gskelling is now known as Gskellig
Gskelligyep. ctrl+alt+prntscreen+K worked lol02:57
ubuntuifngv<pksadiq> i solve it by removing banshee02:57
Gskelligalso broke my x session O_o02:57
Gskelligtook me to login screen02:57
Ericthegreatoh yea you guys I got another prob ctrl+alt+f2 I just get a black screen or a black screen with a cursor no terminal02:57
ubuntuifngvty btw for helping02:57
GskelligEricthegreat, try ctrl+alt+F1 through F6, and ctrl+alt+F7 to get back02:58
Ericthegreatdont work02:58
pksadiqGskellig: now working?02:58
Gskellignope, still normal gnome pksadiq02:58
Gskelligif I reboot and DO get a terminal, after removing nvidia drivers, what do i do?02:59
Gskelligassuming ctrl+alt+prntscrn+k works, which i'm not sure if it will since ctrl+alt+F1 didn't02:59
Polahgskellig: Recovery console to get a command line perhaps02:59
Gskelligso when i get a command line? how do i get gnome and everything working again03:00
Ericthegreatstill also in gdm lol03:00
pksadiqGskellig: you installed nvidia-current and you are still getting X on intel :O ?03:00
Gskelligpksadiq, i don't want to use nvidia, i want to remove nvidia-current03:00
Gskelligbut if i remove nvidia-current it hangs at boot. Even though i am currently only using the intel card03:01
pksadiqGskellig: do you get terminal (ALT+CTRL+T) if so remove there03:01
Gskelligthis is if i reboot after removing nvidia-current successfully03:01
Gskelligi'm using gnome in the system i'm talking about now03:01
Gskelligworks fine, just no unity or glx03:01
Gskelligi appreciate your guys help btw. this is further than i've gotten before03:02
pksadiqGskellig: then remove nvidia current and try sudo Xorg -configure and copy the xorg.conf file to /etc/xorg.conf03:02
Gskelligweirdest part is in the past i have installed 11.04 and unity worked right from the get go. THIS time after installing 11.04 it failed on the first boot03:03
Gskelligokay pksadiq, i'm logging onto my other PC so you guys can help me if it hangs, brb03:03
olskolirchow do I completely uninstall ubuntu desktop please?03:03
olskolircsudo apt-get purge remove ubuntu-core? something like that?03:03
Gskelligits removing nvidia-current now03:04
U-b-u-n-t-uhow do you map around bad sectors on ubuntu?? my storage hd has 26 bad sectors03:04
nit-witolskolirc, what do you want for the DE ?03:04
GskelligEricthegreat, make any progress?03:04
olskolircmy friend has kubuntu so that he can uninstall ubuntu and reinstall b/c it was a bad install it freezes03:04
pksadiqGskellig: do sudo Xorg -confugre and copy the file before restarting03:05
nit-witolskolirc, what is your friends release?03:05
Gskelligpksadiq, i tried, it gave me an error about how xserver was already running03:05
Gskelligi figured i'd just reboot and try again03:05
nit-witolskolirc, you really don't nrrd to remove unty, you can just install another and use it.03:06
pksadiqGskellig: remove the lock file03:06
rinkukokirianyone successful in setting up a 2.1 sound system??03:06
Gskelligpksadiq, lock file?03:06
olskolircnit-wit, i know he wants to reinstall how to completely remove and reinstall please03:07
pksadiqGskellig: sudo rm /tmp/.X0-lock and the Xorg -configure03:07
Gskelligi already rebooted =/ into recovery03:07
dooglusevery time I boot, I get a blue kubuntu splash screen.  how can I switch back to the black ubuntu one?03:08
Gskelligcant establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already running03:08
dooglusand every time I shut down, it hangs (after 'all processes stopped within 2 seconds' or some such) and I have to turn the power off - can I fix it?03:09
nit-witolskolirc, natty is a bit different I don't think it is as simple a removing unity and installing another. Can you state what you want exactly.03:09
olskolircuninstall ubuntu desktop nit-wit03:10
olskolircand then he wants to reinstall ubuntu (classic) 11.04 nit-wit03:10
dooglusolskolirc: sudo apt-get --purge remove ubuntu desktop nit-wit03:11
pksadiqGskellig: do you get tty?03:11
nit-witdooglus, that will remove very little03:11
rinkukokiriolskolirc, skip all the install/uninstall stuff and just choose classic login from the login screen03:11
dooglusnit-wit: what do you want to remove?03:11
dooglusnit-wit: put the last after 'remove'03:12
Gskelligwhen I go into recovery I can get it03:12
GskelligI can't if i boot normally, it hangs on boot03:12
nit-witdooglus, your talking to the wrong person olskolirc is your target.;)03:12
olskolirchis classic is busted rinkukokiri thats why he wants to uninstall and reinstall03:12
pksadiqGskellig: ok now do sudo Xorg -configure and copy that file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:12
Aginoris the install busted or his settings? if it's the settings then uninstalling and reinstalling the packages won't help03:13
nit-witolskolirc, they also heve othe rdesktops installed correct like kubuntu?03:13
rinkukokirisee? this is why I question why the heck they added that Unity crap in the first place03:13
rinkukokiriit did nothing but confuze people and03:13
rinkukokirimake others really mad03:13
GskelligFatal server error: Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't already running03:13
Gskelligand some other weird errors03:13
rinkukokirinot everyone has a freaking touch screen, netbook, etc.03:13
pksadiqGskellig: try sudo service gdm stop03:14
Gskellig_XSERVTransSOcketUNIXCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed and server already running03:14
rinkukokirioh, and don't even mention you wanna try and use dual heads...03:14
rinkukokiricause unity is USELESS03:14
Gskelligi bet unity works great with a touchscreen! lol03:14
nit-wit! ot | rinkukokiri03:14
ubotturinkukokiri: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:14
dooglusevery time I boot, I get a blue kubuntu splash screen.  how can I switch back to the black ubuntu one?03:15
rinkukokirinit-wit, i already posed my support related question....03:15
Gskelligpksadiq, Xorg worked!03:15
Gskelligrebooting now.03:15
rinkukokirii need help activating my  subwoofer  it's dolby 2.1 on my laptop.03:15
Gskelligcopied to /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:15
andantinodoes anyone here know a channel where i could ask questions related to virtual box?03:16
Gskelligpksadiq, youre my hero.03:16
rinkukokiriand complaining about how unity does or doesn't work is support related03:16
rinkukokiriit's part of ubuntu and I have problems using it with dual desktop mode. as a matter of fact.03:16
pksadiqrinkukokiri: just wait some more time every thing here is not like M$, not getting income to answer, but simply for FREE(DOM)03:16
KM0201Gskellig: thats good news... now you can see the suck that is unity.. :)03:17
rinkukokiri##windows doesn't get paid either03:17
nit-witrinkukokiri, ranting is not appreciated, we all have our issues.;)03:17
rinkukokirialthough the support there isn't on fire either03:17
pksadiqrinkukokiri: I mean not like windows support ;), if nobody answers you , let me google, wait03:17
rinkukokirilol   already did google on both my questions.. the audio one refers me back to my original ubuntu forums thread titled "anyone got an asus m70vm, i'm getting one and need to know some things" from 200803:18
cgroza 03:19
cgroza 03:19
cgroza 03:19
cgroza 03:19
FloodBot1cgroza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:19
Gskelliggon' get kicked!03:19
Ash-FoxGreetings. I'm currently trying to store my syslog data 'auth,authpriv.*' directly on to a tape drive raw. And while I have succeeded in doing so, I have ran into a problem where I need to be able to run a set of commands to properly load the tape before rsyslog starts (or before it starts logging data to it). Which config files / manuals should I go about reading up on to set this up?03:20
pksadiqrinkukokiri: did you try changing default-sample-channels = 3   in the file /etc/pulse/daemon.conf  ?03:20
rinkukokirithe issue is with the way the channels are mapped, from what i've read03:21
BuenGenioI'm looking for Dovecot 2 packages for Maverick03:21
rinkukokiripksadiq, example... channel map goes: FL, FR, RL, RR, CEN, LFE, SL, SR03:22
Gskelligmailserver? good luck. out of my league.03:22
rinkukokiriso where 3 would be front left, front right, rear left03:22
metroiderhey, can anyone tell me how to access the clipboard in unity?03:22
Gskelligmetroider, ctrl+v03:23
Gskelligjust kidding =P03:23
nit-witBuenGenio, #ubuntuserver might help as well.03:23
rinkukokiripksadiq, i'm just hesitant about following "the hard way" from a tut (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=795525) that was outdated in 200903:23
Gskelligmetroider, have you tried diodon? I tried it out awhile back03:23
SanctusoriumI am running into some real trouble with trying to install a GUI into Ubuntu Server 10.04.  I've done apt-get ubuntu-desktop, I've installed VNC, and I am connected to the "desktop" via VNC, but I have just a grey background and a terminal window03:24
SanctusoriumAnyone able to help?03:24
nit-witBuenGenio, sorry #ubuntu-server03:24
metroiderGskellig: i will look for it in the repos --it works with unity?03:24
BuenGenioyeah, already asked )03:24
Sanctusorium...  And I'll be asking this in #ubuntu-server as well! xD03:24
Gskelligi believe so. might need to add ppa:diodon-team/stable03:24
metroiderhmm yeah i think i will have to add it03:25
Gskelligit says the diodon team provides packages for 11.04, so i would assume it worked with unity03:26
goddardso i got a little server trying to figure out what to do with it03:26
diegoviolathis bug is a huge PITA: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3387203:27
diegoviolaplease if anyone is also experiencing that, please add your comments!!!!!!03:27
pksadiqrinkukokiri: did you try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PulseAudio?03:27
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 33872 in Power-Off "System Hangs on Shutdown" [Normal,Needinfo]03:27
rinkukokiripksadiq, i'm reading multiple pages atm, trying the tut  out, making sure i read fully before committing changes.03:28
gskelligEricthegreat, fix your problem?03:28
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Ericthegreatno gskellig been screwing with stuff for 3 days gave up for now and actully going to use pc for now....03:33
gskelligi just fixed my problem. Fully uninstalling the nvidia drivers then reconfiguring X03:33
gskelligi messed with mine for about 3-4 days too03:33
Ericthegreatnot all linux stuff windows got screwed up to had to do a reinstall (didnt have much on there tho)03:33
gskelligare you on wubi?03:34
GregAcewubi crashed on me too many times, I use uunetbootin' now it's brilliant !03:36
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* KM0201 hates wubi03:37
nit-witGregAce, that makes no sense but good for you.;)03:37
gskelligi used unetbootin to install ubuntu on my laptop03:37
diegoviolaplease if everyone is having this issue, please contribute with comments: https://bugzilla.kernel.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3387203:38
ubottubugzilla.kernel.org bug 33872 in Power-Off "System Hangs on Shutdown" [Normal,Needinfo]03:38
gskelligwubi comes with a utility to boot from USB03:38
gskelligbut i agree unetbootin works better03:38
gskelligthe wubi installer rather03:38
GregAceyep sorry I did the association a bit quicker03:38
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MrCartelSo vlc is able to play a stream, but mplayer gets a connection error. What should I check to find out why?03:39
gskelligmy solution would to just use vlc =/03:39
gskelligive noticed vlc in general works when other stuff doesn't03:40
djmasterhelp im runing 10.04 and my xubuntu system will not do/show the distro upgarde help03:40
nit-witgskellig, pendirve linux has two multiload usb apps available one each are for a MS or Linux install.03:40
gskelliginteresting nit-wit, I didn't know they had come that far03:40
gskelligthats pretty cool03:40
MrCartelgskellig: Ah, Id still like to figure out why03:40
gskelligif i could help you I would =/ lol03:41
nit-witgskellig, it is pretty cool the linux one is the better one I think.03:41
gskelligi've used slitaz before03:41
gskelligwhich is VERY lightweight03:42
MrCartelgskellig: I end up with connection error: connection refused, making me believe it is a permissions issue03:42
rinkukokiriok so that tut didn't work03:42
rinkukokiristill have 2 of my 3 speakers working03:42
pksadiqrinkukokiri: did you tried this , a little more older @ 2008 http://www.automaticable.com/2008-05-28/how-to-enable-surround-sound-on-ubuntu-hardy/03:45
MK``are dvd and bluray disks also mounted in /cdrom?03:45
MrCartelMK``: I use /dev/sr003:46
MrCartelMK``: I guess you could mount it anywhere03:46
MK``yeah I assume /cdrom, /mount, and /media are sort of legacy things03:47
MK``for convinience03:47
nexacecan someone tell me why 'sudo apt-get install apache2' is not resulting in the configuration files being placed into /etc/apache2 ? in fact, it is not even creating the directory03:47
Flannelnexace: You already had apache installed, and removed it (and then deleted that directory), didn't you?03:47
Flannelnexace: So, when you removed "apache2" it only removed the apache2 package, it didn't remove any of the other apache packages (those other packages are where the majority of the config files are).  You'll want to purge all apache packages, and then you will be able to install from scratch.03:49
Flannelnexace: What version of Ubuntu are you on?03:49
nexaceLinux onevo #8 SMP Mon Sep 20 15:54:33 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:49
Flannelnexace: lsb_release -a03:49
Flannel10.04? 10.10? 11.04? etc03:49
nexace10.04.2 LTS03:50
nexacewhen apache2 was remove, i did apt-get autoremove03:50
nexaceand rm'd /etc/apache203:50
Flannelnexace: Alright.  Let me pull up the filenames.  Just so you know, don't manually remove folders like that.  If they came in with a package, they go out with a package (assuming you removed the correct package(s) correctly)03:51
nexaceFlannel, actually that wasn't the case03:51
gskelligwhoever came in here a bit ago asking about clipboard on unity THANK YOU03:51
nexacei wanted a reset of my configuration, and doing autoremove did not delete the conf files03:51
gskelligrediscovered diodon03:51
gskelligits amazing03:51
nexaceso i did it manually03:52
djmasterhelp im runing 10.04 on xfce x-ubuntu i wont to do distro upgrade im a advanced linux user but xfce is new help03:52
Flannelnexace: Right.  If you had removed the correct packages correctly, those config files will be removed.03:52
Flannelnexace: sudo apt-get purge apache2 apache2-mpm-worker apache2.2-common apache2.2-bin03:52
nexacethank you03:52
Flannelnexace: That should do you (purge is the important bit, it removes config files (well, whole packages) not just the binaries)03:52
Flannelnexace: After that, you should be able to reinstall apache2, and those files should come back.  If not, we missed a package somewhere.03:53
oo-oomagizian.hopto.org has those..03:53
Flannelnexace: If you were playing with apache modules (like libapache2-mod-php5, or something similar) you'll want to purge those packages too.  `apt-get purge libapache2*` should work03:54
nexaceFlannel: that worked, thank you03:54
djmastercan any body help03:55
Flannelnexace: The above( about modules) is still true, since those make files inside of those folders, so if you added any, purge and reinstall those as well.03:55
Flannelnexace: Just as an additional bit of info, dpkg -S /path/to/file will tell you what package added that particular file, so you know what to purge without asking some stranger on the internet :)03:55
nexaceFlannel: i'm hardly in a 'stranger' relationship with freenode #ubuntu :)03:56
nexaceFlannel: this channel is clutch03:56
nexacebut thanks03:57
djmasterfannel can you up date update manager ? i cabt get the distro upgrade even thru camand line sudo...03:58
Dinosaurushow can i disconnect from an sftp server from dolphin?03:59
Flanneldjmaster: What error(s) are you getting on the command line?04:00
djmasterFlannel, no eres just no distro04:00
Flanneldjmaster: I don't understand.  What command are you running, and what are you expecting to happen vs what actually happens?04:01
smartassDoes anyone here knows how multiple monitors are handled within ubuntu?04:02
JdGordonsmartass: depends on your graphics card04:02
JdGordonwith an nvidia card it sucks04:02
noisewaterphdsmartass: usually handled by your graphics driver04:02
noisewaterphdi have no problems with nvidia or ati, notebook and desktop repectively04:03
djmasterFlannel,  im running sudo apt-get update,sudo apt-get upgrade, sudo aptitude full-update04:03
smartassif I send a mousemove event to 35000 will it move the mouse to the 2nd monitor or does it use the resolution values only?04:03
airtonixwhy does the pidgin otr plugin fail at sending encrypted messages to windows and mac users ?04:03
* airtonix rages04:03
smartassdoes it handles each monitor within a virtual desktop?04:03
Flanneldjmaster: So, sounds like you're already up to date.04:04
Flanneldjmaster: Were you trying to upgrade between versions? (like, 10.10 to 11.04)?04:04
noisewaterphdairtonix: are those folks using otr and do you have their keys?04:04
djmasterFlannel, no 10.04 to 11.0404:04
noisewaterphdsmartass: you can do twinview or separate x screen, so it just depends on how you configure it04:04
Flanneldjmaster: Well, you can't upgrade directly from 10.04 to 11.04, you'd have to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10, and then from 10.10 to 11.04.04:05
qindjmaster: You system do not see non lts04:05
Flanneldjmaster: And, it sounds like you're configured to only get prompted for lts releases, not every release.04:05
Flanneldjmaster: If you want to jump off the LTS version (11.04 is not LTS), you can do that on one of the tabs in software sources/software properties.04:05
collegeHow to install flash on Xubuntu04:05
Flanneldjmaster: Then update manager will prompt you to upgrade to 10.1004:06
noisewaterphdcollege: it's in the apt repositories04:06
djmasterFlannel,  even the update manger wont give me a distro upgrade04:06
smartassif I'd my monitors setup as separate screens, what mouse coordinates do I need to send to display the mouse on a 2nd monitor for example04:07
airtonixnoisewaterphd: of course they are. i see their messages, but they just see my messages as the raw un-decrpyted message04:07
oo-ooj/who 04:07
cpt_lameheyguise, im having a bitch ofa time getting bitcoin to work on 11.04 with an nvidia card, any one have any luck?04:07
Flanneldjmaster: You have to reconfigure your software properties to prompt you on every release instead of LTS only.04:07
Flannelcpt_lame: please mind your language.04:07
djmasterFlannel, how04:08
EricthegreatI cannot even get 11.04 to boot without i915.modeset=0  lol and when I do that I have no unity04:08
Ericthegreatanyone know how to fix it04:08
Ericthegreatwould fbdev driver help?04:08
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Flanneldjmaster: Go to Sftware Sources, the Updates tab, and change it to "Normal Releases" (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades )04:09
djmasterFlannel,  thank you i found it04:10
noisewaterphdairtronix: I don't know then, never had an issue. I'd get on the pidgin forums and see if anyone knows anything04:11
gskelligEricthegreat, what happens if you type glxinfo04:12
nexaceFlannel: perhaps you can help with this issue as well. I am attempting to setup apache2 using VirtualHost. i've used a2ensite to create the symbolic link, but when doing /etc/init.d/apache2 reload i get this error every time: apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName04:15
Ericthegreatnot currently installed04:15
Ericthegreatshould I install it?04:15
gskelligyeah hold on04:16
Flannelnexace: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Troubleshooting%20Apache04:16
stardivinerwhat is kernel module start with ? I want to find kernel module named unionfs or squashfs04:16
gskelligEricthegreat, apt-get install xbase-clients04:18
Ericthegreatheres glxinfo04:18
gskelligcan you run glxgears?04:18
quiescensnexace: you are probably missing a ServerName directive inside a <Virtualhost> section somewhere04:19
gskelligshoot, that glxinfo is way more complicated than mine was =/ i can't interpret that04:19
gskelligthere may be some hints in there though04:19
nexaceFlannel: that was successful at eliminating the error. however, I still cannot connect to the server using the virtual host04:19
Ericthegreatyou fix yours gskellig?04:19
nexaceFlannel: does the reverse resolution of the IP effect it?04:19
gskelligEricthegreat, i did indeed.04:20
Ericthegreatlol ok gears are running04:20
Flannelnexace: No, that error doesn't affect behavior at all04:20
Flannelnexace: If you can't connect, it's something else.04:20
gskelligjust wanted to see if it would run or give you errors Ericthegreat thats all04:20
Flannelnexace: Can you connect with the default virtualhost?04:20
gskelligi fully removed the nvidia drivers, then ran Xorg -reconfigure and used the new xorg.conf04:20
Ericthegreatyou guys oo-oo = spammer04:21
gskelligyour ATI drivers might be getting in the way04:21
gskelligwhats your laptop?04:21
Ericthegreatpavillion dv704:21
nexaceFlannel: yes default connection works fine, and connecting to localhost and the reverse dns hostname works fine04:21
rwwEricthegreat: hrm?04:21
nexaceFlannel: only the virtualhost is not connecting04:22
Flannelnexace: Is it on a different port than 80?04:22
EricthegreatI have done a complete reinstall since I installed drivers04:22
nexaceFlannel: no same04:22
Ericthegreatso there are no more drivers since I never accepted install04:22
Ericthegreatwhat about useing envy to install my driver?04:22
Flannelnexace: If you disable the default one, do you get to it? or how are you differentiating the two?04:22
Ericthegreatwould that work04:22
crfhow can I stop a program under GDB if ctrl-c doesn't work?04:23
gskelligi dont have experience with envy04:23
Ericthegreatsince I can install newest ati catalyst useing envy04:23
EricthegreatI understand04:23
rinkukokirineed help mapping audio channels front-left,front-right,LFE04:23
gskelligyour laptop has two graphics cards? or just one?04:23
rinkukokiriLFE won't map04:23
Ericthegreat2 I think04:24
gskelligdo you care which one you use? or do you want to use one in specific?04:24
gskelligbecause i wanted to fix my problem by using the on board graphics card to save battery04:24
Ericthegreatin ubuntu no I do not care04:24
nexaceFlannel: well, that I am unsure of. I figured the client told the server which viritualhost it was attempting to get to. i have not tried to disable the default. my reserve dns is dev.onevo.com, so dev.onevo.com and onevo.com both connect to the default (neither are assigned VirtualHost). However, onevo.org, which has the same A Address in DNS to the same IP, does not connect at all04:24
Ericthegreatin windows yes04:24
gskelligcan you pastebin sudo lshw -C video04:24
Flannelnexace: I'd disable the default and see what happens.04:24
Ericthegreat1 sec04:25
nexaceFlannel: disable by simply removing the symbolic link in sites-enabled?04:25
Flannelnexace: Aye, or a2dissite04:25
rinkukokirianyone have experience enabling LFE on a 2.1 internal audio setup?04:26
quiescensnexace: for what its worth, onevo.org and onevo.com have different IPs04:26
nexacequiescens: LOL04:27
nexacequiescens: thanks, obviously that would be it04:27
RoosterJuice_anyone know the command to change to the previous directory in linux?04:27
quiescensnexace: but you're welcome to keep debugging apache if you want!04:27
nexacequiescens: lol04:27
danny1can you convert rpm to deb easily04:27
gskelligEricthegreat, see if you can somehow disable your ati graphics card. Google guides for your specific laptop. I have no idea how, I Found a modprobe module for my laptop.04:28
gskellignot necessarily your ATI one either, if you can disable your on board one that would work as well04:28
gskelligyou clearly have two active graphics cards, and i think they're fighting for unity04:28
Ericthegreatwould that also disable it in windows?04:28
RoosterJuice_how to you change to the previous directory in linux command line?04:28
gskelligas long as its not BIOS related04:28
EricthegreatI undestand makes sence04:28
gskelligEricthegreat, also see if you can forcibly remove the radeon drivers04:29
rinkukokirineed help with audio channel mapping04:29
roothorickhow hard is it to jump from LTS to LTS?04:29
gskelligi dont know the package name, for nvidia it was sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current that completely FIXED my problem04:29
Flannelroothorick: It's as easy as doing any other version upgrade04:29
gskelligif there was some sort of apt-get remove radeon-drivers for you, that *could* fix your problem.04:29
gskelligI believe your two graphics cards and/or graphics drivers are fighting over unity somehow04:29
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gskelligbut i'm not really qualified to go any further, sorry =/04:29
gskelligi'm already sort of guessing based on how similar your problem is to mine04:30
w30my libreOffice won't use the top panel for file, edit, etc. Is there a fix for this?04:30
gskelligyou've tried logging out and back in with "ubuntu" session instead of "ubuntu classic" right Ericthegreat? I assume that was one of the first things you did, thats basically what everybody was telling me to do first when i had this problem04:30
Ericthegreatum >.>04:31
Ericthegreatlog out?04:31
Newguy__Hi I just had a quick question, I'm new to ubuntu, and wanted to find out if there is anything I need to look out for on hardaware04:33
w30RoosterJuice_, cd ../04:33
roothorickNewguy__: desktop or laptop?04:33
Ericthegreatno I am in Ubuntu mode already04:34
gskelligthats what I thought04:34
Ericthegreatwhats weird is04:34
Newguy__I'm building an HTPC, and plan to run ubuntu and XBMC and didn't know if any motherboards/cpu's were notoriously good/problematic?04:34
gskelligthats as far as I can go, I'm sorry =\04:34
Ericthegreat1/5 times it will boot just fine with unity lol04:34
Ericthegreatits ok04:34
gskelligthats really weird04:34
gskelligyoure right.04:34
gskelligTry reconfiguring your Xorg04:35
gskelligsudo Xorg -reconfigure04:35
roothorickNewguy__: you'll want a discrete nVIDIA GPU if you're gonna be doing anything HD. Nothing too fancy, a 210 will do.04:35
Ericthegreatanother weird thing is I cannot ctrl alt f2 to terminal I get black screen or blinking cursor04:35
roothorickNewguy__: as for desktop motherboards, enthusiast boards tend to have a minor feature that doesn't work, but all the important pieces should go off without a hitch04:35
gskelligEricthegreat, after you do that you have to copy the new xorg.conf and replace the old one, I've gotta go. Good luck!04:36
Newguy__hmm okay, thanks, I've been reading that the new sandy bridge cpu/gpu's work pretty well, but I'm looking at a board that has a slot in case it's not enough04:36
Ericthegreatok tyvm04:36
gskelligsorry I couldn't be more help04:37
roothorickNewguy__: and do yourself a favor, and wire it. Even discounting the countless teething issues with Linux, WiFi tends to have reception issues regardless due to being next to the "noisy" desktop04:37
Newguy__yeah it'll be sitting next to my TV which is where my router/modem sits as well04:37
roothorickI had to drape cat5 across the floor :)04:37
Newguy__it'll probably be running as my media server so wired is pretty necessary04:38
Newguy__hahaha that's no fun04:38
roothorickI don't really mind, as messy as this house is, you don't even notice the cabling embedded in the carpet :)04:38
Newguy__I assume RAM is not an issue, but I figured I shoudl ask around as well04:39
rinkukokiriOK so I got a sub on my laptop that works in windows but isn't working in linux... I would like it to work in linux04:39
rinkukokirinot working = alsamixer doesn't even see it04:39
roothorickrinkukokiri: any alsamixer options named "external amplifier" or similar?04:39
Newguy__haha sounds like my old college house, 3 TV's stacked on top of each other (none of them flat panel) and every video game system cable you could imagine going all over the place04:40
Newguy__is there are reason you suggested Nvidia over ATI?04:40
roothorickrinkukokiri: spend some time playing with alsamixer, it might just be mislabeled or need something else on04:40
rinkukokirii got master, pcm, mic spdif, spdif default pcm, spdif 1[off] beep f-mic04:40
Newguy__I tend to like ATI better, but I don't know if that's a Linux thing or a personal preference thing04:40
roothorickNewguy__: nV is much more Linux-friendly. fglrx is a right mess and DRI radeon doesn't fully support video acceleration yet04:41
rinkukokiriroothorick, only master, pcm, mic beep and mic have volume sliders though04:41
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Newguy__alright well i'll keep that in mind, thanks for the quick answers04:42
roothorickrinkukokiri: hda-intel right?04:43
roothorickrinkukokiri: try different values for the model= module arg04:43
roothorickone website suggested trying "ref"04:43
rinkukokirii don't follow04:44
roothorickrinkukokiri: sudo rmmod snd-hda-intel && sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel model=ref04:45
roothorickrinkukokiri: see if you have different mixer options then04:45
rinkukokiriit's telling me module is in use04:46
roothorickrinkukokiri: are you listening to something now?04:47
rinkukokiriwas but stopped so i could do this04:47
roothorickrinkukokiri: does fuser /dev/snd/* print anything?04:48
rinkukokiriyep that's a pid right?04:48
roothorickrinkukokiri: yes. Check what it is before you kill it.04:48
rinkukokiristill not letting me do anything04:51
p1und3rdoes anyone know if ubuntu mono is available for 11.04?04:55
p1und3rthe font04:55
rwwp1und3r: the changelog for the private PPA's packages says so, but I haven't seen it on my system yet04:58
Tweakyhi guys having a hard time installing transmission. its saying unmet dependancies, but doesnt make any sense. output here http://pastebin.com/LTdPT1tV04:58
rwwp1und3r: ... oh, looking at it, it's only built for i386 right now. that's odd.04:58
p1und3ri keep finding sites saying it's out but i'm going nuts looking for it :p04:59
rwwp1und3r: It's not public yet.04:59
Ash-FoxI need to execute a command before rsyslog starts / starts logging, how would I do this?04:59
kbrown90can someone help me set up a IRC nickname?05:05
Drucyliahey all05:08
ivskbrown90: /nick <name> and if you want to register, /msg NickServe <desired password> <email address>05:08
Drucyliaany guru's available to help with a weird problem?05:08
Tweakyguru meditation error? ;p05:09
DrucyliaI'm looking at changing from old faithful fedora, and having trouble with the ubuntu disc05:10
Tweakyhow so05:10
Drucyliaburn speed 1X, md5 checksum confirms as correst05:10
Drucyliawhen I try and boot, it errors out with "unable to find a medium with a live filesystem"05:11
rinkukokiriSo. Technically I have an unsupported soundcard.. [ICH9 family]     wat can i do to enable my subwoofer? (it's onboard)05:11
Sir_JakeHello does anyone know how one would be able to get the server to prompt for a ssl pass phrase?05:12
bodieconrunning this command trying to install subsonic - $sudo dpkg -i subsonic-4.4.deb , and i keep getting errors.  been through a crap ton of forums but haven't found an answer.  anybody got a second to help?05:12
Drucyliaand no, its not a bust disc. 3 for 3 fails, same issue05:12
Tweakyhm... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1518898 third post?05:13
mbigrashello I'm trying to delete my /dev/sda1 partition, file system ext3 mount point /cdrom with gparted. It currently has 32 ubuntu installed, I want to delete it and install 64 bit in its place, my problem is that whenever I try to umount it either with gparted or the terminal I get the following error message "umount: /cdrom: device is busy." I don't see how it can be busy because I'm currently booted in from a usb thumb drive. Pleas05:15
mbigrase help05:15
Drucyliawell, theres only 1 dvd rom in the system. and its IDE. no sata devices are connected05:15
nbros652anyone have a clue why I can't see certain folders/files (added directly from the server) in my samba shared folder in nautilus. I CAN see any files that I add myself. Files that I can't see and files that I can have same owner and perms05:15
Sir_JakeAnyone know what to type into ssh to have the server prompt for a ssl  pass phrase?05:15
TweakyDrucylia: weird...05:16
Drucyliaikr. is it possible that it just doesn't like SATA being enabled on the mboard?05:17
lsvis there any option to ls to just print the file starting with a dot?05:17
Drucyliausing the standard 32-bit i386 image05:17
codeshahhey guys, I have a file that php is saying is not writable, but I did chmod 777 on it... I even tried to change permissions /owner to www-data [if( !is_writable($LOCAL_XML_FILENAME) ) die("Text Link Ads script error05:17
rinkukokiriNeed help setting up 2.1 internal audio on my laptop. I want my subwoofer working.05:19
researcher123My skype used to work well but since a week as I type password it closes suddenly05:19
CallumlordDid you try re-installing it?05:19
jakempI am having some trouble clicking on things05:20
jakempI can't alt tab05:20
researcher123Callumlord: yes even after reinstallation it closes when I type first 3 letters of my password05:20
jakempcan't click on much of anything, except some tabs inside firefox05:20
bodieconrunning this command trying to install subsonic - $sudo dpkg -i subsonic-4.4.deb , and i keep getting errors.  been through a crap ton of forums but haven't found an answer.  anybody got a second to help05:20
TweakyDrucylia: technically it should be fine with that05:20
Callumlordhmm researcher123, where did you download it from/05:21
Sir_JakeAnyone know what to type into ssh to have the server prompt for a ssl  pass phrase? My apache does not start tell I can enter this :(05:21
DrucyliaTweaky: yeah, thats what I figured. fedora and alinux work perfectly fine, with a burn speed of 16X. so why this is playing stupid idk.05:21
researcher123Callumlord: from synaptic05:21
rinkukokiriyou done a clean install  (purge) and reinstall of skype then trying?  researcher12305:22
Callumlordrinkukokiri Pleaes wait, Iam helping05:22
TweakyDrucylia: ;/05:22
mbigrasThere is also the key symbol displayed next the partitions that I want to delete in gparted which means that a process is using it. How do I figure out which processes are using that partition?05:22
Callumlordresearcher123 Uninstall, go to the main home folder, locate the skype folder, delete it, reinstall from the software centere05:23
hypatiambigras: try lsof?05:23
researcher123Callumlord: ok.trying05:23
mbigrashypatia, what parameters should I put in?05:23
green_Hello everyone. Any one want to help me find my wireless Drivers? compaq-presario-cq60-615dx-driver-for.html    (intell Wireless)05:24
rinkukokiriI would really like to get my subwoofer working (internal sound card, laptop with 2.1 dolby) but I have ICH9 so technically I have an unsupported card.   Any help is appreciated,  http://pastebin.com/sQEeXvwV05:24
hypatiambigras: not sure, try the manpage - possibly lsof | grep /dev/devicename05:25
jakemp 05:25
lsvgreen_: I don't know about about that but maybe this could help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide05:25
gulis it possible to use EMERALD with unity without compiz because compiz is crashing......?05:25
green_Thanks LSV05:25
lsvgreen_: no problem, just hope it helps05:26
Drucyliajust for the laugh, Ima disable SATA and see if that works. I'll let you know what happens :)05:26
Drucyliaback in a bit05:26
jakempAny idea what could suddenly cause ubuntu to intermittantly stop catching my mouse clicks?05:26
jakempand alt tabbing05:27
jamesklyneHad to install windows on my comp for school and it demolished ubuntu.  Wth is microsoft paying these institutions for proliferation?05:27
hypatiajamesklyne: are you sure it didn't just trash your grub?05:27
VICODANmicrosoft rm -rf'd your OS05:28
lsvsome help please?  is there any option to ls to just print the file starting with a dot?05:28
hypatialsv: ls .*05:28
hypatiaoh, heh05:28
hypatiathat wouldn't work would it05:28
VICODANls -a05:28
VICODANthose are hidden files05:29
lsvit went through all the folders ...05:29
hypatiaVICODAN: no, lsv wants only the dotfiles05:29
jamesklyneI had to use a restore disk since my acer came with win and I wasn't gonna pay05:29
hypatiajamesklyne: ah, yeah, that would trash it05:29
VICODANls -a .*05:29
Tweakyguys sometimes while using ubuntu sems out of nowhere my sound becomes distorted. any ideas?05:29
lsvi want anything starting with a dot not including . and ..05:29
VICODANTweaky: soud driver?05:29
VICODANlsv: i dunno. google it. man ls05:30
lsvi read it already :(05:30
TweakyVICODAN: yeah been through that.05:30
jamesklyneYeah boot loader gone-ified and replaced lol.  At least i can dual boot.05:30
VICODANwhy do you want to only see that ?05:30
hypatialsv: ls -a | grep ^[.]05:31
hypatialsv: i'm sure there's a better way, but that will work05:31
lsvVICODAN: it's nothing important, just want to know how05:31
Sir_JakeWell I was able to fix my issue, I just disabled apache2 on startup and activated it then I could type my pass phrase05:31
VICODANso what exactly do you want to see again lsv05:31
lsvhypatia: that worked, any way to print more than one file per line?05:32
lsvVICODAN: anything starting with a dot except . and ..05:32
vivek_hi everyone05:32
hypatialsv: no, that's how grep returns things05:32
hypatialsv: and note that it does include . and ..05:32
* hypatia tinkers with regex05:32
lsvhypatia: that can be fix with the ls -A option05:33
Drucyliawell, that idea didn't work. SATA has no effect :/05:33
lsvhypatia: I did something similar ls -A | grep ^\\.05:33
hypatialsv: ah nice, i was missing the \\05:33
lsvhypatia: yeah it took me a while to get it right the first few times05:34
hiexpohowcan i install grub to a usb from within 10.0405:34
hypatialsv: regex ftw :)05:34
hypatiaok folks, mounting LUKS encrypted LVMs on random other machines used to work, why has it broken in natty?05:35
lsvhypatia: regex is 'regular expressions' right?05:35
hypatialsv: yup!  they are awesome.  that's what grep uses05:35
gulis it possible to use EMERALD with unity without compiz because compiz is crashing......?05:35
lsvhypatia: ok then, regex ftw indeed ;D05:35
Flannelgul: Emerald is dead, has been for a few years.05:35
gulFlannel: so any other option?05:36
green_Anyone know where can I find Compaq presario Drivers (.deb)?05:37
hiexpogreen what card atheros05:37
DrucyliaTweaky : is it possible the file on the ubuntu website are glitched? should I try getting it from a mirror and see if the problem replicates?05:37
TweakyDrucylia: you could try that. could also try running it in vmware05:42
Drucyliagood point, vmware might save me discs05:43
hypatiaah, i sorted out the Luks issue, i had conflicting volume names :(05:44
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mbigrashello I'm trying to delete my /dev/sda1 partition, file system ext3 mount point /cdrom with gparted. It currently has 32 ubuntu installed, I want to delete it and install 64 bit in its place, my problem is that whenever I try to umount it either with gparted or the terminal I get the following error message "umount: /cdrom: device is busy." I don't see how it can be busy because I'm currently booted in from a usb thumb drive. Pleas05:44
mbigrase help05:44
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest76995
hypatiambigras: why not just have the installer do it for you/05:45
mbigrashypatia, as in just select the used partition to install in?05:45
hypatiambigras: yes, that will overwrite what you currently have there05:46
hypatiano need to "tidy up" before installing05:46
Darkenvyis silverlight finally for linux?!05:46
DarkenvyWHAT HAPPENED?! omg lol05:46
DarkenvyWill netflix play without wine?05:46
mbigrashypatia, the same problem happens, it says that the partition is busy, I'll try again and be back with some more specific information05:46
hypatiambigras: oh weird05:47
praveenHello, I have a problem with my ubuntu05:48
praveenI'm unable to start my X05:48
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Logan_!silverlight | Darkenvy05:48
ubottuDarkenvy: For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.05:48
DarkenvyWhen did this happen?05:48
DarkenvyI dont understand05:49
Darkenvymonths of playing netflix through VMware05:49
praveenI get an error "Failed to initialze the nvidia graphic device"05:49
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hypatiaDarkenvy: netflix doesn't work with moonlight because of DRM :(05:49
hypatiasorry to bust your bubble05:49
DarkenvyYOUR KIDDING05:49
Logan_Darkenvy: yeah, I was going to mention that :P05:49
DarkenvyDRM sucks ass05:49
Darkenvyit doesnt even stop pirates!05:50
hypatiathe only way to beat pirates is to copy them05:50
hypatiabut also practical05:50
praveenCan some one please help me with my X in ubuntu 10.10 !!!05:50
amd64Hi..the videos which I used to watch on youtube were saved in "tmp"  folder.But now it isn't der...pl. tell me wer are they saved ???05:50
Darkenvyso.... is there a *cough* software *cough* to play DRM protected netflix material?05:51
EastDallasDarkenvy: nope05:51
hypatiaahh, the original line was "the best way to profit from pirates is to copy them"05:51
Darkenvylike *cough* *cough* some sort of *cough* that would *cough* it?05:51
Darkenvyif ya know what I mean? ;)05:51
hypatiaDarkenvy: get thee a coughdrop05:51
EastDallasDarkenvy: not in Ubuntu anyway05:51
Darkenvywell I sitll ahve the vmware problem05:51
hypatiaDarkenvy: you're stuck with vms or maybe wine/crossover05:51
Darkenvyvmware wont play any videos. the driver within the environment crashes05:52
EastDallasDarkenvy: the linux equivalent of Silverlight, Moonlight, doesn't support DRM05:52
hypatiaEastDallas: we already covered that :)05:52
Darkenvythe only difference now is I went from 10.04 to 10.1005:52
rinkukokiriI have officially given up the quest for bass tonight05:52
rinkukokiriunsupported hardware. bah05:53
selvakumaranno effect of super+tab ? does 11.4 nt supporting nuh?05:53
Vilinyany idea why my server would suddenly start denying me permission to ftp/sftp any files to the server?05:53
Vilinyno matter where or what it is05:54
rinkukokiriViliny, china haxxored it?05:54
Vilinyno idea what i should do with that reply05:54
rinkukokiriViliny, if it's pingable to the open net, i wouldn't discount it. (although you would prolly have bigger problems than that though05:55
pravinkenatorI have a problem with starting my x server .... can some one please help me05:56
selvakumaran no effect of super+tab ? does 11.4 nt supporting nuh?05:56
selvakumaran no effect of super+tab ? does 11.4 nt supporting nuh?05:56
selvakumaran no effect of super+tab ? does 11.4 nt supporting nuh?05:56
FloodBot1selvakumaran: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:56
rwwselvakumaran: don't do that05:57
Vilinyrinkukokiri: i am on the machine via ftp/sftp but the machine isn't suddenly allowing me to send files to it. Only chance i can think of since i last sent stuff to it is installing sendmail05:57
lsvanyone with knowledge with x server stuff?05:57
EastDallaslsv: what's the problem?05:58
lsvEastDallas: just trying to help pravinkenator but I don't know anything about x servers05:58
pravinkenatorI get the error, "Failed to initialze the nvidia graphics device"05:58
pravinkenatorlsv: thanks buddy ..!05:58
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Vilinywell that was useless.05:59
pravinkenatorEastDallas: I just installed the nvidia graphic card drivers for my system05:59
lsvpravinkenator: just trying to help05:59
pravinkenatorand I'm unable to start the X05:59
mrdeboh really06:00
Vilinypravinkenator: that happens a lot. broke several ubuntu installations by installing nvidia drivers from the nvidia site06:00
mrdebpravinkenator: installed from nvidia site?06:00
pravinkenatorviliny: I need them for running cuda06:00
pravinkenatormrdeb: yes06:00
mrdebpravinkenator: you did nvidia-xconfig after?06:00
pravinkenatormrdeb: yes ... I did06:01
mrdebjust a minute06:01
pravinkenatormrdeb: sure06:01
Vilinyusually a kernel/compiler issue06:01
olskolircno irc client plugin for facebook or xmpp connections?06:01
Vilinyolskolirc: a plugin for what?06:02
hypatiaolskolirc: there's an xmpp plugin for irssi06:02
hypatiait's kinda terrible though06:02
rww!bitlbee | olskolirc06:02
rwwhrm, that used to exist.06:02
rww!info bitlbee06:02
hypatiarww: good point06:02
ubottubitlbee (source: bitlbee): An IRC to other chat networks gateway (default version). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-1build1 (natty), package size 252 kB, installed size 548 kB06:02
hypatia<3 bitlbee06:02
olskolircyeah im checking out bitlbee right now seems to be over with06:02
pravinkenatorvilliny: ok ... I got the drivers for ubuntu 10.10, which is my os ...06:02
rwwApparently that didn't used to exist. I guess I'm going crazy.06:02
olskolircoh its in universe06:02
Vilinypravinkenator: cool. Can you see why x isn't starting?06:02
hypatiaolskolirc: it's quite actively developped06:03
pravinkenatorvilliny: what is the solution for that ...?06:03
selvakumaranok, i m sorry06:03
Pi31415ubuntu 11.04 using baudline.  i think i've installed jack correctly, but when i start up baudline i get an error that the jack server is not running.  pointers to help?06:03
Vilinyi don't yet know what your specific problem is pravinkenator06:03
lsvPi31415: love your name :)06:04
olskolirchow do I get the universe repository06:04
pravinkenatorI installed the nvidia graphic card grivers from the nvidia website for running cuda .... the x does not start after that06:04
Pi31415lsv: my favorite number06:04
Vilinyyes but do you get ANY error messages that could help one figure out where to start?06:05
Vilinyi got plenty06:05
lsvPi31415: i don't have a fav number :( ...maybe number 2?06:05
pravinkenatorViliny: I get the error message " Failed to initialize the NVIDIA Graphics device06:05
Pi31415the only even prime number   ;-)06:06
nit-witolskolirc, enable the universe repo in software sources.06:06
Vilinyany specifiks?06:06
olskolirci don't have it nit-wit06:06
lsvPi31415: oohh, you know your numbers06:06
nit-witolskolirc, open synaptic then ei=dit I think then reo=pos.06:07
nit-wit* edit /repos06:07
olskolircim looking at my repository in synaptic right now - no universe06:07
nit-witolskolirc, first tab 4th box down06:07
olskolircoh yes nit-wit those are checked06:08
pravinkenatormrdeb: any clues ?06:08
nit-witolskolirc, Well I was just making sure you had it ticked I presume you have run a update since it was enabled. I just came on so I don't know the reason other then the bots prompt for the universe repo.06:09
olskolircyes i checked those after i installed or it was already checked but bitlbee isn't in my repository when i search for it06:10
olskolircnot on the command line or in synaptic nit-wit06:10
olskolirchow do I look for bitlbee?06:12
olskolirchas it been renames nit-wit ?06:12
iceroot!info bitlbee06:12
ubottubitlbee (source: bitlbee): An IRC to other chat networks gateway (default version). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.0.1-1build1 (natty), package size 252 kB, installed size 548 kB06:12
icerootolskolirc: enable universe-repo06:13
maurer_How do I get 32-bit libraries that aren't pulled in by ia32-libs?06:13
icerootolskolirc: after that run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install bitlbee"06:13
olskolircits enabled but it says its not there universe and multiverse is checked on the first tab06:13
olskolircdid that iceroot - still not there06:13
icerootolskolirc: post "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" to pastebin please06:14
iceroot!paste | olskolirc06:14
ubottuolskolirc: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:14
Pi31415one more time.  any audiophiles?  i'm trying to use 'baudline'.  tried 'baudline_jack -jack' as shown in docs, but get error that the jack server is not running or found.  i've installed jack.  easy way to get the server running?06:14
olskolirci got it - thanks - see one for skype too06:15
Drucylia>.< now I'm annoyed... stupid installer06:16
nit-witolskolirc, use the actual drop down search in synaptic, some 3rd partites only show there.06:17
lsvthis 'sudo lshw | grep -A 11 display' should display information about graphics?06:17
maurer_Upgrading to natty has caused Ida to begin crashing for me. It appears to have removed some 32-bit libs it was using. How do I get things workign again?06:19
Logan_!test | TyLLy_406:20
ubottuTyLLy_4: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )06:20
TyLLy_4my  alias is messed up06:20
dyllanHi Gents, im getting this weird error when trying to install 1 or 2 packages and i cannot open my Software Center any longer it quite with the same error, any idas?06:21
dyllandbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused06:21
dyllanIf i try and check if the Dbus service is running it gives me the connection refused error, soming is wrong with dbus??06:23
nit-witdyllan, restart x and see if its fixed.06:25
lsvoff to bed for me.  Godd night people.  Shall all your problems be resolved and you might gain widsom along the way.  :)06:26
dyllannit-wit, its a live server with 60 users :/ all are experiencing the same prob, so you think i should reboot?06:26
nit-witdyllan, No I would think not, it helps to gve that sort of info.;)06:26
dyllansorry :) been at it for a few hours06:27
icerootdyllan: is dbus running? ps aux | grep dbus06:27
icerootdyllan: if not, start dbus06:27
dyllaniceroot, yea dbus is running06:27
icerootdyllan: use strace to check the status of dbus06:28
icerootdyllan: any hints in /var/log/syslog?06:29
dyllanthats the error when trying to start the software-center06:29
icerootdyllan: use apt-get  so you dont have to kill the system at the moment06:30
icerootdyllan: also you have to use  gkduso software-center  instead of sudo06:30
dyllanyea good idea iceroot06:30
icerootdyllan: gksudo06:30
poi77Hi! I am trying to install a package and getting errors like Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/ghostscript/gs_8.64.dfsg.1-0ubuntu8.1_all.deb  404 Not Found [IP: 80]. I can ping security.ubuntu.com06:31
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dyllanwhat a rookie error ! thanks iceroot06:31
icerootdyllan: working with gksudo?06:32
ActionParsnipPoi77: try: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -y upgrade06:32
dyllaniceroot, no its not, i see the admin/rights window try load then it dissapears and nothing happens06:33
poi77 ActionParsnip: Thanks what will that do06:33
ActionParsnipPoi77: what's the output of: lsb_release -d06:33
icerootdyllan: ok then there is maybe only the reboot option. there are 3 things which needs a reboot to start correctly. dbus, libc and the kernel06:34
TrDhi all06:34
ActionParsnipHi trd06:34
poi77ActionParsnip: Description:Ubuntu 9.0406:34
mrdebiceroot: i thought linux didnt need rebooting like windows06:34
TrDi have a problem installing Sniffjoke06:34
TrD"sniffjoke is not running - fatal error - remove /tmp/nam by hand"06:35
TrDanyone have an idea please?06:35
ActionParsnipPoi77: thought so. There are no more updates or suppot for Jaunty06:35
TrDi removed the /nam directory06:35
poi77ActionParsnip: Can I get archived deb;s06:35
dyllanthanks iceroot hopefully it comes back up!06:35
ActionParsnip!eol | poi77 the OS will still function06:36
ubottupoi77 the OS will still function: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:36
dyllanpoi77, this server has been up for 293 days !06:36
icerootdyllan: great security wholes in the kernel with 293days uptime06:37
poi77dyllan: sorry06:37
poi77dyllan: What are you saying06:37
dyllanpoi77, that although u need to reboot linux from time to time its not as often as a MS machine.06:37
dyllaniceroot, yea :/ i guess, just holding thumbs that it comes back up06:38
ActionParsnipIceroot: not with that app which slipstreams the updates in. I forget the name06:38
icerootActionParsnip: ksplice06:38
ActionParsnipThat's it06:38
poi77dyllan: which server are you referring to? Is it something I posted06:39
* ActionParsnip reboots monthly06:40
icerootActionParsnip: then, great security wholes in libc with 293 days uptime :)06:40
UsagiakumuHello, I want to try Ubuntu without going through the hassle of formatting, Wubi, however, downloads the 64 bit version without giving me the option of not using 6406:40
ActionParsnipIceroot: true :)06:40
TrDanyone has trayed Sniffjoke please ?06:40
Usagiakumuhow can I tell Wubi to use 32 bit version06:40
poi77Where is 293 days coming from06:40
Usagiakumudoes the 64 bit version still have problems with flash and wine and some drivers?06:41
Usagiakumuthese are 3 really big deal killers for me which will force me to use the x86 version06:42
saranshwow I just wanted to try this out06:42
Usagiakumuthis is a support channel please take all "trying out" to #ubuntu-offtopic please :)06:43
ActionParsnipUsagiakumu: download and md5 test the iso. Mount it with magicdisk and install that way. You'll get a better experience if you resize NTFS (windows7 can resize itself) and install to the free space in the regular way06:43
red2kicUsagiakumu: Use LiveCD if you're just trying out Ubuntu.06:43
poi77Different question: I have a file with numbers only. What's the easiest way to get the sum06:44
UsagiakumuActionParsnip, see I dont wanna deal with that just yet when my second drive gets here I will06:44
UsagiakumuI just wanted to muss with the new 11.04 before it does06:44
ActionParsnipUsagiakumu: some drivers, possibly. There is 64bit flash and java. Wine will be the same06:44
Usagiakumuare you on x86 or x64?06:45
ActionParsnipUsagiakumu: both06:45
ActionParsnipPoi77: i'd ask in #bash too ;-)06:46
UsagiakumuI wish people would quit trying to push 64bit it died in 1986, why try to rebirth it?  Some of you dont remember it but I do, the dwords were too long then and they are too long now, and you can in effect support all the ram in the world from x86 you just have to code for it06:47
dyllaniceroot, ok machine came back up, shew! SS is working, so far so good thanks !06:47
ActionParsnipUsagiakumu: 32bit + pae accesses 12gb ram max06:47
ActionParsnipUsagiakumu: 64bit accesses 4Eb without any issues06:48
UsagiakumuI am not talking about pae, I am talking about true excedure map the memory the old way, 640k true, then the rest in "upper ram" you can support 4gig in the true then whatever else in the upper and the sky becomes the limit06:49
Usagiakumuif you use hex numeric page addresses you can literally support up to 8tb of ram06:50
quiescensis excedure even a word06:51
=== krabbe is now known as Krabbe
Usagiakumusorry I dont know the english word for it06:52
Usagiakumuits a french word from the latin excedar, first-person singular future passive indicative of excēdō06:53
Usagiakumuhowever translated means to point to06:54
quiescensthe older expanded memory spec or extended memory system?06:54
trap24which is the coolest ubuntu guide for newbies ??06:54
quiescensswapping pages of memory in and out of usable address space?06:54
quiescensrather than just directly accessing memory?06:55
trap24which is the coolest ubuntu guide for newbies ??06:55
Usagiakumuwell in effect you are never directly accessing anything you are still going through the dbus06:55
quiescensdbus has nothing to do with memory management06:55
Usagiakumuthe old swap trick, uses the dbus and therefore allows you to use all the ram you want06:56
trap24which is the coolest ubuntu guide for newbies ??06:56
arand!repeat | trap2406:56
ubottutrap24: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:56
Usagiakumuactually it does DBus identifies interfaces with a simple namespaced string06:56
quiescensand you are accessing the memory directly, you ask the OS to access it, but you access the data where it is06:56
trap24which is the coolest ubuntu guide for newbies ?? I want a link, file or pdf,.. anything will do06:57
Usagiakumuive been programming since before most of you were probably born I know a few tricks06:57
DrucyliaUsagi : you seem to know your stuff... got a quick one for you if you have time06:57
Usagiakumutrap24, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=coolest+ubuntu+guide06:58
silv3r_m00nhi there , hindi font is not displaying in google chrome on ubuntu 9.10 , any idea how to fix it ? tried adding the language in language settings , firefox works fine06:58
Usagiakumusure Drucylia06:58
DrucyliaTweaky's been awesome, but I'm stuck again >.<06:59
Usagiakumusure whats up06:59
Drucyliatrying to install from CD, original image is the standard I386 edition from the website.06:59
been-here-all-suHello my part ion ubuntu part ion is full so i resized my windoze partion and created another 25gb ext4 partion how do i set ubuntu to install software on this new partion?..06:59
DrucyliaMD5 verifies, cd burned at 1x. won't boot, give "cannot find a medium that contains a live filesystem"07:00
ActionParsnipDrucylia: did you MD5 test the ISO?07:00
Drucyliagive me chance :P07:00
Drucyliayes, it verifies07:00
Usagiakumusounds like you got a bad burner07:00
Drucyliathere is only one optical drive in the system07:00
Drucyliaburner is fine07:00
Usagiakumudo you have a USB drive?07:00
Usagiakumulike a thumbdrive07:00
Drucyliaunfortunately not07:00
DrucyliaVMware it installs from disc fine07:01
GrimmVarghey guys, ive been having some problems changing my hostname. Could anyone point me in the right direction?07:01
Drucyliafedora and alinux have burned onto discs from the same spool, and work perfectly. its not the burner07:01
ActionParsnipDrucylia: I'm on a GT540 phone with normal fingers. Makes me type slow :-). Sorry for jumping the gun07:01
Drucylialol np07:01
Usagiakumuso im guessing BIOS is set to boot from CD first?, try going to the hardware boot menu the key is usually F12 and pick the CD drive directly07:01
Usagiakumusometimes BIOSes can be sticky07:02
Drucyliait pick up the boot sequence fine07:02
been-here-all-suhow do i set ubuntu to install all software to another partion? (my ubuntu partion is full) thanks07:02
Drucyliaattempts, then fails half-way through07:02
Usagiakumuyes but its not processing the boot sectors upon boot07:02
UsagiakumuDrucylia, is this a prefab computer or one you built yourself?07:02
Drucyliaif it wasn't processing the boot sectors, it wouldn't be giving me the ubuntu splash screen07:03
quiescensprocessing the boot sectors07:03
pangaeahello i was just wondering eactly what a keyring password is for07:03
Usagiakumu.........000000000OOOOOO I see07:03
Drucyliaits custom.07:03
Usagiakumuwhats the error?07:03
quiescensit is able to start booting the system but is unable to find the filesystem that contains the livecd data for some reason07:03
Usagiakumuand by chance is it SATA-1 type drives?07:03
greenmang0silv3r_m00n, may be you want to use latest google-chrome07:04
been-here-all-suhow do i set ubuntu to install all software to another partion? (my ubuntu partion is full) thanks07:04
pangaeajust some examples07:04
Drucyliatheres a known problem with dual optical drives in the forums, giving the same error. I've disabled sata, cos I'm not using it - but theres only 1 HDD and 1 optical drive, both IDE07:04
quiescensso the bios is able to boot, but the kernel isn't detecting the drive most likely07:04
Usagiakumutry setting the SATA drive to AHCI07:04
ActionParsnipGrimmVarg: open both /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts for editting at the same time, change all the old hostnames to the new (very case sensitive). Save the new files and reboot07:04
pangaeaand ill be out of your hair07:04
Usagiakumuboth IDE ok07:04
silv3r_m00ngreenmang0: it's the latest , I upgraded07:04
icerootpangaea: keyring is a method to store your passwords (e.g. wifi, emphany and so on) with one single password07:05
accelI just updated /etc/hostname. How do I get the system to reflect the new value?07:05
silv3r_m00ngreenmang0: the same google chrome shows hindi fonts on ubuntu 11.04 , but on 9.10 it doesn't07:05
DrucyliaI figured I need to get to grips with ubuntu cos its what everyone is using. always used fedora/win dual boot before now07:05
Usagiakumumay I pm you to stop the constant scroll07:05
ActionParsnipbeen-here-all-su: did you try clawing back space by removing old unused kernels?07:05
icerootpangaea: also keyring can used for pgp-keys and so on. if the system needs access to them, you will be asked for your keyring password07:05
iceroot!hostname | accel07:06
ubottuaccel: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.07:06
greenmang0silv3r_m00n, i am not sure if this is the solution of your problem ... try installing ttf-devanagari-fonts07:06
ActionParsnipDrucylia: not everyone uses it07:06
icerootbeen-here-all-su: not possible to install packages to other locations07:07
pylixwill rm - r dir delete the dir also?07:07
icerootpylix: yes07:07
ActionParsnipPylix: yes07:07
icerootpylix: but its rm -r  without space between - and r07:07
silv3r_m00ngreenmang0: those are already installed07:07
pylixso if i want to just delete all the items in a directory do i need a loop?07:08
icerootpylix: rm -r dir/*07:08
ActionParsnipbeen-here-all-su: i'd also grab bleachbit and close as many apps as possible. Frees a tonne of space07:08
icerootpylix: -r is the loop07:08
quiescenstechnically "rm -r dir/*" won't remove the directory itself, or any .files in the directory whereas "rm -r dir" will07:10
icerootquiescens: hm, * should match .file also i think07:11
icerootquiescens: ah ok its not matching it on bash, but on zsh07:12
TrDanyone can help me installing Sniffjoke please ?07:12
quiescenswell, i suppose it could match on bash too, just not in the default environment07:12
been-here-all-subleach bit saved me 1.3mbs of space not really as much as i wonted i guess i can just reinstall ubuntu on the othere partion o have not really  got much installed on this partion anyway07:12
icerootquiescens: yes i think with extglob it can work07:13
tomek__who knows how to defragment ntfs volume under linux?07:13
noiesmoTrD, have you tried http://turbolinux.org/2011/05/sniffjoke-howto-tutorial/07:14
TrDyes noiesmo07:14
TrDi have an error message07:14
pangaeaiceroot: thanks07:14
noiesmoTrD, ok, I guess thats a given my bad07:15
TrD"sniffjoke is not running - fatal error - remove /tmp/nam by hand"07:15
greenmang0silv3r_m00n, what's the latest version of chrome you are using?07:15
TrDi removed that folder noiesmo , no luck07:15
silv3r_m00n12.0.742.68 beta07:15
zagrevhas anyone been able to successfully fix the frequent disconnect problem with the broadcom cards?07:16
TrDi didint find any doc about this issue noiesmo :(07:16
greenmang0silv3r_m00n, strange07:17
silv3r_m00ngreenmang0: on another system with 10.04 chome 11 displayed hindi fine , but the moment it was upgraded to 12 , it failed07:19
silv3r_m00non a 11.04 the version chrome v12 shows hindi fine07:19
Pharaoh2Hi, I have to host a server for a college website, I was thinking for hosting it on different VMs, and having ubuntu server as the host OS, please suggest me a good VM which can be easily managed from command line (through SSH)07:19
EastDallaszagrev: Have you tried using ndiswrapper?07:19
greenmang0silv3r_m00n, hmm ...07:20
Edistowhat directory is the applications folder under?07:20
EastDallaszagrev: I'm not specifically familiar with the issue, but using ndiswrapper can improve a lot of wifi issues.07:20
pylixEastDallas: it's the only way i got my wireless to work after the natty upgrade07:20
Pharaoh2also, I have a belkin powered usb hub, and it doesn't work on a USB 3.0 port, works fine on windows on usb 3, and on ubuntu on usb 2 (Ubuntu 11.04)07:20
EastDallasI've got 2 laptops running ubuntu, but neither one is running natty....sorry I can't help.07:21
zagrevah, thats the only one that i havent tried myself so far, but the thread on ubuntuforums has many people using it and still facing the disconnects....07:21
EastDallaszagrev: what's the only one you haven't tried?07:22
tomek__is there an anplication for system cleaning and optimizing like norton 360 in win?07:22
zagrevthe ndiswrapper method07:23
OY1Rtomek__, bleachbit07:23
Edisto1,500 people in this channel and no one can tell me where i access the applications folder?07:23
Bert-Hello there07:24
Logan_Edisto: *1,47407:24
Edistoindeed lol07:24
brylieEdisto, /usr/bin07:24
Edistothanks brylie07:24
OY1REdisto, terminal locate app07:25
EastDallaszagrev: you've got to install the ndiswrapper.  the gtk package in software center is Ndisgtk.07:25
tripelband, next, I just got a wireless router (Netgear g) and I made open and so do I need to protect MY computer from hacker entrance?07:25
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brylie/usr/bin contains links to most applications.. other aspects of applications are spread around.07:25
Pharaoh2Edisto, just type which <app name>, they may be located at differnet places07:25
Bert-I have an HTML signature file. This file uses some styles. When I try to insert the HTML file into evolution, style are losts. Signature is OK if I browse it with firefox. A way to make Evolution parse correctly my HTML file please ?07:25
EastDallaszagrev: if it doesn't help, you can always go back to what you have now by removing it07:25
YankDownUnderBert-, I'd honestly recommend you look at: http://projects.gnome.org/evolution/07:26
brylieEdisto, this article may help a bit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard#Directory_structure07:27
tripelbYankDownUnder, tripelb goes to look at that link too.07:27
zagrevhmm..was going with the wisdom of the crowd :) but i'll try it myself too, couldn't hurt...soon as i get this download finished07:27
Bert-YankDownUnder, ok thx07:27
brylieGNU/Linux doesn't necessarily have a 'Program Files' directory.07:27
quiescensi wasn't aware we had an "Applications" folder07:28
Edistothanks just trying to find where the chrome folder and firefox are stored or some of these apps i'm installing07:28
YankDownUnderThe term "program files" was used originally as a descriptor for what we'd know as /usr and /usr/local => and that came from IBM's OS/207:28
DiverdudeHow can i share a folder in /var/www so that it is accessible via FTP and may be edited remotely?07:28
mfaroukg1is there a flash problem with web browsers ? in the facebook for example?07:28
quiescensEdisto: if you want to list the files belonging to an installed package you can use, for example: dpkg -L firefox07:29
brylieEdisto, you can see all of the files for a particular application in Synaptic. Are you familiar with Synaptic?07:29
Pharaoh2Diverdude, you will need a ftp/http server running on your machine07:29
DiverdudePharaoh2, i have apache 2 installed07:30
Pharaoh2now you need to enable directory listing in it, should be on be default07:31
Pharaoh2can u see all  the files in the folder when u use a browser?07:31
Pharaoh2also, I have a belkin powered usb hub, and it doesn't work on a USB 3.0 port, works fine on windows on usb 3, and on ubuntu on usb 2 (Ubuntu 11.04)07:33
olskolircwhat is the repository for kernel 2.6.39 please?07:34
mfaroukg1why is simple-compiz doesn't install on the ubuntu 11.04??07:34
birdinatuxhauppage tv tuner card work in linux for watching tv?07:35
YankDownUnderbirdinatux, Generally, yes, they work.07:36
birdinatuxthen I probably have the one that doesn't haha07:36
YankDownUnderbirdinatux, If at first you don't succeed, try and try again.07:37
bryliemfaroukg1, Adobe Flash does not come installed on Ubuntu by default.07:37
arandmfaroukg1: not deemed useful enough.07:38
mysticsoulhi all, can somebody assist me in enabling Xinerama on ATI Radeon HD 5450?07:38
birdinatuxYankDownUnder: do they usually show up as something else... lspci is showing my card as a conexant systems.07:38
kLownishI'm trying to set up a VNC server on my ubuntu box, when I run the client on my windows machine, which display# do I use for ubuntus primary display (the one I'm logged into)07:38
mfaroukg1brylie, so what should do to get it, I remember the  flash 10 was the good one07:39
YankDownUnderbirdinatux, doing a "sudo lspci --vv" and posting the output on pastebin would be helpful07:39
mysticsouli've tried messing with xorg.conf but does not seem to enable it. ati control panel in administrative mode still shows xinerama grayed out.07:39
_sara--Please can you help me, i am running ubuntu netbook 11.4, i am trying to put together a aupair recipe book for a job interview. I am not able to save the recipe i have written in the Gourmet Recipe Manager .07:39
bryliemfaroukg1, yes, install Flash 10 in your Software Manager.07:39
mfaroukg1 arand, what is the replacement to get the cubes and other funny stuff07:40
fredhamiHello iam using lucid lynx 10.4 How do you upgrade to newer version?07:40
mfaroukg1brylie, do we have any problems with it ?07:40
p1oooopfredhami: I believe there's documentation on the website...07:40
mysticsouldo a sudo update-manager -d07:40
YankDownUnderfredhami, You should be able to directly upgrade - have you checked your settings in the Update Manager?07:40
bryliemfaroukg1, I am not sure if there are problems with it.07:40
p1oooop!upgrade > p1oooop07:41
ubottup1oooop, please see my private message07:41
osmosiswhats it called? build-essentials?07:41
brylie!upgrade > fredhami07:41
ubottufredhami, please see my private message07:41
p1oooop!upgrade | fredhami07:41
ubottufredhami: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade07:41
mysticsoulfredhami: sudo update-manager -d in a command line.07:41
mfaroukg1brylie, some times when I click pause or full screen it does nothing, have you notices that specially in facebook?07:41
mysticsouldoes anyone know why the xinerama option is grayed out in ati control centre?07:42
fredhamiyeah i tried to  use the newest version 11.4 in the virtual box but my system slows down to much07:42
_sara--Please can you help me, i am running ubuntu netbook 11.4, i am trying to put together a aupair recipe book for a job interview. I am not able to save the recipe i have written in the Gourmet Recipe Manager .07:42
bryliemfaroukg1, what browser are you using? I do not have flash installed, sorry.07:42
p1oooop_sara--: are you sure you're saving it into a directory which you have write access to?07:43
birdinatuxYankDownUnder: http://pastebin.com/fEi631Wg07:43
mysticsoulno idea what gourmet recipe manager is.07:43
_sara--p1oooop: yes i have admin privliges07:43
p1oooopneither do I, I'm just going off my generic "it's not working" list07:43
p1oooop_sara--: admin?07:43
mfaroukg1brylie, I am using the firefox and the chromium. but if you are not installing the flash what are you using ?07:44
riktking_fredhami: using a system in virtual box will be slower because it doesnt have the full resourses07:44
tomek__who knows good gaems download place for linux?07:44
p1oooop_sara--: you're running it as super user? 0.o07:44
mysticsoulhmm.. plooop, do you know why xinerama is greyed out in Ati control center?07:44
_sara--mysticsoul: its like that old book your mum has of all the family recipes07:44
p1oooopeg: sud(something)07:44
_sara--p1oooop: no07:44
p1oooopmysticsoul: dunnno07:44
mysticsoulthanks _sara07:44
_sara--i am the only user07:44
p1oooop_sara--: hmm, where are you saving it to?07:44
kLownishI'm trying to set up a VNC server on my ubuntu box, when I run the client on my windows machine, which display# do I use for ubuntus primary display (the one I'm logged into)07:45
_sara--i click save and then nothing happens07:45
p1oooop_sara--: hmm... sounds like it might be a program problem...07:45
riktking_kLownish: what VNC client are you using in windows?07:45
quiescenskLownish: probably 007:45
fredhamiriktking: yes the only other way i can think other checking out the newest 11.4 is running within windows Wubi07:45
p1oooop_sara--: try ctrl + s and see if that works07:45
riktking_fredhami: can u run it from a USB stick or CD?07:46
riktking_kLownish: i find that tightVNC is pretty useful07:46
fredhamiI burned a Live CD and tried just running the 11.4 from the live CD but it also to slow07:46
kLownishriktking_, vncviewer is what its called.07:46
kLownishthe vnc server works, but I was just picking up a terminal window, not an X display07:47
_sara--also it doesnt show up as a running programme but it is running, i mean in the wonder bar to the left in the netbook 11.4 menu07:47
nit-wit_sara--, it looks like a search engine that finds files, are you able to modify them in a doc writer app?07:47
mfaroukg1when is ubuntu 11.10 is coming ?07:47
kLownishquiescens, I'll try 0, thanks.07:47
riktking_kLownish: so you wan to have a terminal login?07:47
kLownishriktking_, no, I want it to show the X display I'm logged into now.07:48
_sara--p1oooop: works07:48
_sara--nit-wit: i can edit and now save07:48
riktking_kLownish: you should just be able to login using the IP of your machine, what VNC server are you using in ubuntu?07:48
_sara--tack så mycket07:48
p1oooop_sara--: ahh, good ;)07:48
birdinatuxi see by that output it is loading a driver for the card... would it be under /dev/video0 or something07:48
nit-wit_sara--, I see that cool.;)07:48
birdinatuxcx23885 module07:49
_sara--hej då07:49
kLownishriktking_, vnc4server07:49
kLownishriktking_, it asks for name/display #07:49
riktking_kLownish: there is a default built into ubuntu called remote desktop, very easy to setup07:49
riktking_kLownish: will let you login to the session that is running07:49
birdinatuxtight vnc is pretty good too07:50
=== mysticsoul is now known as test
=== test is now known as mysticsoul
riktking_birdinatux: i always use tightvnc if i have to use a windows box07:50
birdinatuxi use it on win and lin07:51
riktking_birdinatux: i always use the default remote desktop connection on ubun07:52
riktking_is there anyway to change the default programs when i click on the launcher in 11.04?07:52
birdinatuxi am rarely go lin to lin, mostly lin to win or win to lin.07:52
riktking_ahh k07:53
osmosishow can I do a full reinstall of build-essential.  it got messed up when I canceled during the install.07:53
birdinatuxminus the am. bad grammar haha07:53
linux_hacksosmosis:you could run yum -complete-transaction07:53
rwwlinux_hacks: wrong distro, this is #ubuntu ;P07:54
mysticsoulanyone knows why the option to enable xinerama is greyed out in the ati control center?07:54
linux_hacksrww: my bad :)07:54
Drucyliawell, I'm off. looks like 11.04 is a fail.07:55
osmosislinux_hacks, that doesnt seem to do anything07:55
osmosishow do I get a list of packages that build-essential installs?07:55
fredhamiI probably stick with lucid lnyx for a little while longer thx for the instruction:)07:56
=== Tweaky is now known as Tweaky-Away
* Tweaky-Away is away: Gone away for now07:56
bryliemfaroukg1, I am using HTML5 where possible.07:57
ikonia!away > Tweaky-Away07:57
ubottuTweaky-Away, please see my private message07:57
mfaroukg1brylie, okay thanks07:57
bryliemfaroukg1, HTML5, CSS3, and JS.07:57
mfaroukg1brylie, how you use those ? shall I install something?07:58
bryliemfaroukg1, https://mozillademos.org/demos/dashboard/demo.html07:58
brylieMozilla Firefox 4 and Chromium have good HTML5 support.07:58
bryliemfaroukg1, test your browser here: http://html5test.com/07:59
mfaroukg1brylie, can I remove the flash totally ?07:59
bryliemfaroukg1, yes, flash is completely optional.07:59
bryliemfaroukg1, feel free to join our HTML5 course on Peer to Peer University: http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/html-introduction/08:00
mfaroukg1brylie, how can I attend ?08:01
tripelbI just got a wireless router (Netgear g) and I made the wireless open -- so do I need to protect _my_ computer from hacker entrance?08:01
birdinatuxosmosis: http://packages.ubuntu.com/natty/build-essential08:01
tripelbbrylie, what's the background you need for the course?08:02
brylietripelb, you can install the HTTPS everywhere Firefox plugin: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere08:02
bhaveshHow can I add a shortcut to open "Sound Preferences" menu in Ubuntu 10.10 ?08:02
noisewaterphdtripleb: lock down your network...now. And yes, firewall your machine08:02
brylietripelb, the only background necessary is an interest in web standards and peer learning.08:02
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=== `q is now known as `x
bhaveshIn system > Preferences > Keyboard shortcuts I cannot find any option for Sound Preferences shortcut08:03
brylietripelb, we can have an open AND secure network. Thank you for opening your wi-fi :-)08:03
_sara--Gourmet Recipe Manager 0.15.7 cannot import a webpage08:03
tripelbnoisewaterphd, (first I'm tripelb if you want it to highlight, heh it's about belgian beer (bier) -- I dont know what I need to do NOW or how to firewall. That's why I am asking. I've been reading things that are too complex and off the point08:04
=== don is now known as Guest78460
Pr070calhi im having problems resizing an .img08:05
Pr070cali dd if=/dev/zero of=ubuntu2.img bs=1 count=0 seek=536870912008:05
noisewaterphdtripelb: secure your wireless with wpa2 and a strong password, possibly even restrict by mac address as well08:05
brylietripelb, check out Firestarter, the iptables frontend.08:06
Pr070calto create a new blank image08:06
brylie!Firestarter > tripelb08:06
ubottutripelb, please see my private message08:06
Pr070caldd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu/ubuntu.img of=~/ubuntu2.img08:06
tripelbbrylie, my cable provider made a little mistake and took the brakes off my connection. I often get 20MB tho I dont use it.08:06
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noisewaterphdtripelb: as far as your machine, start by looking at iptables with a nice front end gui of your choice08:06
Pr070calbut the images end up the same size 2g not 5g08:06
ssrihey,is it possible to call another json file in my original json file?08:06
brylietripelb, you may consider putting some of your extra bandwidth to use protecting free speech online: https://www.eff.org/torchallenge08:07
mkquistI thought that you could not boot to root with ubuntu? that's not true?08:08
llutztripelb: can't your router configure a 2nd, open wifi-network, separated from your LAN (which you should wpa2-protect)?08:08
tripelbbrylie,  noisewaterphd I've been reading about iptables and I'm not sure what this is. My gui is gnome or do you mean something else. You need to get this idea. I am very smart but that means if "something is left out that connects the ideas" I can be dumb as a rock. (the good part is I dont break things. not counting that Thermostat housing I messed up once on a car)08:08
mkquistyou can boot to a root desktop?08:08
ikoniamkquist: you need to make configuration changes to allow root logins08:08
brylietripelb, Firestarter is a GUI tool to configure iptables.08:08
bhaveshIsnt there any way to add "Sound Preferences" Keyboard shortcut?08:09
Master-LieHi all. Need help. Have a computer with Ubuntu 10.04 attached to the Active Directory using Likewise-open. Question: how to add a network user to the list on the login screen, gdm?08:09
tripelbllutz, please read what I wrote just above.08:09
mkquistwell you can, by accident08:09
mkquistjust checking.  Kinda surprised, did it by accident... not a nice thing...08:09
brylietripelb, Open Mesh routers have dual SSIDs so that you can have an open, bandwidth throttled, network as well as an encrypted wireless network at the same time. http://open-mesh.com08:10
tripelbllutz, I just dont understand enough to parse whether I can, how one could, what that means, I dont know really what a lan is and I could have a password separate from my account password or my wireless password. My wireless is open.08:10
trijntje_quasselHi all, vidalia is invissible in natty because natty has no notification/system tray area, which is where vidalia minimizes to. How can I acces this invisible program?08:11
tripelbbrylie, that is almost nonsense to me. as I said, I need some basics before I can understant, throttled 2 networks open mesh ssid sual ssid -- so I will look at your link and copy all this advice into a file.08:11
ikoniatrijntje_quassel: can you alt+tab to it ?08:12
noisewaterphdtripelb: you are just going to have to do some reading, too much to explain in chat08:12
brylietripelb, start with HTTPS everywhere plugin: https://www.eff.org/https-everywhere08:12
trijntje_quasselikonia: no, it just starts minimized08:12
ikoniatrijntje_quassel: and you can't alt+tab to it ?08:12
noisewaterphdtripelb: just remember, secure your wireless immediately, and get at least a simple firewall set up on your machine using iptables and firestarter08:13
trijntje_quasselikonia: no, its like rhythmbox in karmic, the program can 'hide' in the notifcation/system tray area08:13
brylietripelb, here is a Firestarter tutorial: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/tutorial.php08:13
ikoniatrijntje_quassel: was it installed from the ubuntu repos or a 3rd party ?08:13
brylietripelb, Wikipedia is your friend for any  words that you do not know.08:13
trijntje_quasselikonia: ubuntu repo08:14
ikoniatrijntje_quassel: in that case it maybe worth logging a bug against the package, or maybe even against ubuntu-desktop as it's a design flaw08:14
szal!info vidalia08:14
ubottuvidalia (source: vidalia): controller GUI for Tor. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.10-3 (natty), package size 2555 kB, installed size 5340 kB08:14
brylietripelb, you can use the following plugin to look up a selected word on Wikipedia: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/wikipedia-lookup-add-on/08:14
szalikonia: if Unity doesn't come w/ some kind of system tray, it's clearly a design flaw ;)08:15
chachindamn i wonder how it looks when there's a mass +v08:15
ikoniachachin: this channel is not voice moderated08:16
brylietripelb, there is also an introductory GNU/Linux course on Peer to Peer University: http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/linux/08:16
chachinikonia i know08:16
chachinjust saying08:16
ikoniachachin: ok - so please don't make pointless statments in the support channel08:16
tripelbbrylie still copying08:16
diegoviolaanyone having shutdown problems here? (like freezing/hanging during shutdown state)08:18
Kroplexmay someone please, please help me with a big problem08:19
Edistois there a way to access my windows files using the windows installed ubuntu?08:19
tripelbbrylie noisewaterphd  -- thatnks for this info. I'd been reading but had not gotten to the point where I can see the basic issues, except for by common sense - and I need more than that to tweak the systems I am involved with. So this gies me somewhere to go. I think I have to learn the network layers "maybe?"08:19
trijntje_quassel!ask | Kroplex08:19
ubottuKroplex: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:19
mfaroukg1Edisto, if you are finding the files in the same partition you will find them in /host08:20
Edistothanks mfa08:20
solarshey is it possible to chang emiddle mouse button emulation in the ubuntu settings somehow? after the upgrade my right-left/middle click refused to work08:21
Drucyliaalright, I'm out of ideas....08:21
KroplexI've tried to revert to windows xp which in short, did NOT work at all. Now I am trying to install Ubuntu 11 like I had originally planned but I still want to keep all my windows files because most of them are extremely important. But, when I go to install "Try Ubuntu 11.04" on the "Allocating drive space" screen there is /dev/sda and /dev/sda1 and I do not know how to make a partition, or overwrite windows vista/xp without removing08:21
KroplexAny help would be deeply appreciated, message me if any ideas?08:22
trijntje_quasselKroplex: first of all you should make a backup of all your important files08:22
brylietripelb, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEEE_802.11 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Protocol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transmission_Control_Protocol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secure_Sockets_Layer08:22
KroplexI can't, I do not have any CD's or external harddrives with me.08:22
Edistois there a big difference in speed running pure ubuntu versus windows installed one?08:23
trijntje_quasselKroplex: that makes it really dangerous to install ubuntu or change your partitions. If something goes wrong you will lose everything08:23
trijntje_quasselKroplex: if its less then 2GB you could store it in the ubuntu cloud: ubuntu one08:23
tripelbbrylie, if you are still here hehe.  If peer to peer means what I think then perhaps I can set up a way for others to break through the "threshold barrier" between ignorance and being able to play -- sometimes there are basics that are hard to get. a midddle ground say on Ubuntu between how to use and how to think about it. (if you want to go to offtopic or PM anytime it's quite alright) Once I understand something I'm good at that.08:24
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tripelbbrylie, I've heard about the tor challenge on reddit and I could be interested in being a bridge.08:24
KroplexIf it was less then 2GB I would probably just store it on a flashdrive, however in combination I would need to back about 30GB worth of things to make sure I have everything.08:24
tripelbbrylie, after I'm secure.08:24
trijntje_quasselsolars: it is possible, I did the same when I first installed natty08:24
solarstrijntje_quassel, do you know where? :) can't find it08:25
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I was thinking of course, if you could help me get Ethernet cable working on my "Try Ubuntu" USB drive I could back it all up to my web server.08:26
intxwhat is the /etc/init directory and how does it work?08:26
trijntje_quasselKroplex: wired internet or wireless?08:26
mfaroukg1Edisto, both are same08:27
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I haven't had ANY luck ever doing wireless so for right now just wired internet. Which it doesn't seem to be working right now.08:27
trijntje_quasselsolars: i'm looking, bu I forgot ;)08:27
Drucyliaanyone else wanna try and help with my boot problem?08:27
brylietripelb, did you get my message?08:27
AscavasaionI am trying to play a mixture of ogg, mp4, mp3, etc files through gmusicbrowser.  Certain files it refuses to play and just skips over them.  Is this because certain formats are not supported and if so how do I install the codecs.08:27
trijntje_quasselKroplex: wired should not be too hard to do08:27
brylie!gstreamer-ugly > Ascavasaion08:27
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: That's a relief. Would you mind helping me on that?08:28
solarstrijntje_quassel, alright :)08:28
trijntje_quasselKroplex: sure, no problem. Or if I dont know people here will surely help08:28
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: Ok, well for starters I have my ethernet cable plugged into both the back of my modem, and my computer. It does not show any connectivity signs on the Ubuntu side though.08:29
Ascavasaionbrylie: Which gstreamer-ugly packages? Therearea  few.08:30
osmosiscan anyone tell me why this isnt compiling?  http://dpaste.com/549958/08:30
riktking_everytime i do a sudo: unable to resolve host riktking-laptop08:30
brylieAscavasaion, I am not sure. It would depend on which codec you are missing.08:30
trijntje_quasselKroplex: can you run ifconfig in a terminal?08:30
Ascavasaionbrylie: All of them then?08:30
riktking_everytime i do an install in the term i get  sudo: unable to resolve host riktking-laptop but it still works, how can i get rid of  this msg?08:31
brylieAscavasaion, at your digression.08:31
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: which part do you need to see? or should I retype it all in a pastebin type of deal?08:31
trijntje_quasselKroplex: just the leftmost stuf, so lo, eth0, wlan0 etc08:32
Drucyliaalright, Ive been trying to get ubuntu to install for a good few hours. no luck. anyone wanna help me out here?08:32
Kroplexthere is only lo08:32
trijntje_quasseljust to see if ubuntu sees it has a connection08:32
Ascavasaionbrylie: Oh:(08:33
trijntje_quasselDrucylia: sure, what goes wrong?08:33
brylieAscavasaion, I don't really have specific experience with gstreamer-ugly, sorry.08:33
DrucyliaMD5 is verified, burn speed 1X. only one optical drive and one HDD, both IDE08:33
psypher246hi all, trying to log into ask ubuntu for the 1st time, keep clicking use launchpad account and nothing happens, no login box. Clicking the other buttons work08:33
psypher246am i missing something?08:34
trijntje_quasselKroplex: thats really strange, can you pull the cable and plug it in again?08:34
osmosis_paulgood morning, somebody enter yesterday in my server, how can i see the log access into the machine?08:34
trijntje_quasselKroplex: btw, I assume the cable does work for windows?08:34
osmosis_paulin witch log file can i take a look, i know the time when they have there because they change several files and i see the date08:35
brylieosmosis_paul,  check your Apache access.log08:35
osmosisi hit CTRL-C while  apt-get install build-essential  was running.  now ./configure wont work.  How can I do a full reinstall of build-essential?08:36
osmosis_paulbrylie, somebody enter phisicaly in the server i think and upload one file08:36
trijntje_quasselDrucylia: have you verified the cd? There is an option for that if you keep a key pressed while booting from the cd08:36
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: The ethernet cable works for windows, I have tried it on this computer.08:36
Drucyliawhich key?08:36
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I replugged both the modem side and the computer jack side and still nothing.08:36
tripelbKroplexbrylie I got your message and typed something in the PM too that may (with too many words for this channel) explain what I am asking for) And thanks for all your help. I'll be back/08:36
Drucyliatheres a whole board of 'em >.>08:36
Ascavasaionbrylie: Thank you.08:37
dsockwellHas anyone here tried installing Xen 4.1 on Ubuntu 10.04?08:37
brylieosmosis_paul, did they access over the network or at a locally attached keyboard?08:37
trijntje_quasselsolars: maybe this help? I've not tried it myself https://www.nowhere.dk/articles/ubuntu-natty-fixing-the-mouse-on-hp-2540p08:37
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osmosis_paulover the network or maybe by terminal not sure08:38
osmosis_pauli wanna know if someone log in yesterday08:38
trijntje_quasselKroplex: can you run lspci | grep -i net08:38
intxone of my services in /etc/init is not loading properly, is there anyway i can get it to dump to a log file?08:38
brylieosmosis_paul, the Apache2 server access.log(s) are located in /var/log/apache208:38
intxi have it doing exec /usr/bin/screen -dmS script su -c '/usr/local/bin/startscript.sh' ubuntu08:39
osmosis_paulbrylie, already look there nothing08:39
intxwhat am i doing wrong?08:39
osmosis_paulbrylie, but again they access into the terminal dont have anything with Apache08:39
pimperleif i hit ctrl-c in a terminal, how does the terminal/kernel (who?) determine which process will receive the signal?08:39
brylieosmosis_paul, try doing a 'sudo find / -name access.log' from the command line.08:39
pimperlewill it be the session leader? of what? the pty?08:40
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: Ethernet controller: Realktek Semiconductor Co., LTD. blah blah blah and Ethernet controller: Marvell Technology Group Ltd. blah blah blah08:40
ikoniabrylie: the file is access_log, not access.log08:40
osmosis_paulSimple question, when somebody login into the machine that information has to be registered in some log file08:40
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: Realtek ** not realktek08:40
osmosis_paulin wicht?08:40
brylieikonia, it is access.log on my end.08:40
ikoniabrylie: how odd,08:40
ikoniaosmosis_paul: depends how they login, eg: ssh will be picked up in certain logs, local login in a different log08:41
ikoniabrylie: ahh, hang on, are you talking about the httpd access log ?08:41
brylieosmosis_paul, try this article: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-log-files-location-and-how-do-i-view-logs-files/08:41
brylieikonia, yes, apache2/httpd08:41
osmosis_paulbrylie, thanks08:42
intxcan someone help me please?08:43
Kroplex!ask | intx08:44
ubottuintx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:44
trijntje_quasselKroplex: ok, so you have two ethernet cards?08:44
KroplexI'm almost positive that the Marvell is a wireless one.08:45
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: Reason be because only the first one says "PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller"08:45
trijntje_quasselKroplex: if you know the blah blah part you can google the model, see if its wireless and if not, see if someone else has posted a fix for your problem08:45
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I will go try that real quick and get back to you08:46
Kroplex... [cont] on what I find08:46
bhaveshI still didn't find any option to set a keyboard shortcut for "sound preferences" :(08:46
brylieosmosis_paul, you can also find files that were changed in the last day with this command: sudo find / -mtime 108:46
trijntje_quasselKroplex: sure, good luck!08:46
intxi have a script that looks like this, but for some reason it's not working.. when i type service eggdrop start (it's in /etc/init/eggdrop.conf) it just dies.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/08:47
intxsorry, wrong link: http://paste.ubuntu.com/617336/08:47
osmosis_paulbrylie, and what mean the 1?08:48
brylieosmosis_paul, 1 day08:49
cmomanhello all. hope its an easy one to fix. I wanted to remove the apache config files on my machine so I did 'rm -f /etc/apache' thinking I could then 'apt-get install apache2' to get back to virgin config files. doesn't work. any clues?08:49
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: A site let me to the Realtek driver download for the current model of my Realtek ethernet cable, but how would I go about installing it if I can't access the internet on the ubuntu computer?08:49
brylieosmosis_paul, / means root directory08:49
abelardohi, do ubuntu 11.4 compiz works?08:49
szalintx: why would you need to su to execute a script in a home dir?08:49
p1oooopgood question...08:49
DiverdudeWhich FTP server is recommended to use on a terminal based ubuntu 10.10 server?08:50
p1oooopunless it's some random security thing...08:50
bryliecmoman, did you try apt-get uninstall apache2?08:50
szalintx: other than that, does su work as expected in *buntu?08:50
ikoniaDiverdude: there is no recommened08:50
intxszal: yes08:50
brylieDiverdude, try setting up SFTP if you can.08:50
Diverdudebrylie, it just needs to be as simple as possible. Will only run on LAN anyway08:51
Diverdudeikonia, you know any good ones?08:51
brylieDiverdude, https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html08:51
ikoniaDiverdude: vsftp is considered one of the accepted08:51
cmomanbrylie: I tried apt-get --purge remove apache2 and then apt-clean. but /etc/apache2 was still there so eventually I nuked /etc/apache2. I've tried apt-get  --reinstall install apache2 but to no avail08:53
trijntje_quasselKroplex: you can just download the file from windows, and then copy it to the ubuntu machine08:54
trijntje_quasselcan you give me the link to the site where you found it?08:54
KroplexFound the driver or the answer?08:55
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: The driver is located at http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=7&PFid=7&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#208:55
hosangadi_Hey guys, I have a question related to dual booting ubuntu08:55
trijntje_quasselhosangadi_: ask away ;)08:56
hosangadi_If I dual boot ubuntu 11.04 64 bit with Windows 7 32 bit, can I upgrade ubuntu to 11.10 without corrupting my windows install?08:56
trijntje_quasselhosangadi_: yes, the updater shouldnt touch the windows partitions at all08:56
endstillei did this from 08.10 to 10.10 on every upgrade, yes you can :)08:57
hosangadi_endstille, you have your pc dual booted with windows? It didn delete the windows partition or remove the windows entry in the grub manager?08:57
jeffdebHello, I'm having some problems with my x server can some one help me ...!!08:58
bryliecmoman, did you try 'sudo apt-get autoclean' ?08:58
endstilleexactly. neither on my pc, nor on my notebook  i had any problem08:58
hosangadi_Which version of windows did you dual boot?08:58
endstillehosangadi_: xp, then vista, then 708:58
trijntje_quasselKroplex: if you have the RealTek RTL8101E, RTL8102E(L) and RTL8103E(L) you can use that driver08:58
stimpiejeffdeb: if you tell what your problem is maybe someone can.08:58
trijntje_quassel!ask | jeffdeb08:59
ubottujeffdeb: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:59
bryliecmoman, this might be an opportunity to try out nginx.08:59
cmomanbrylie: ha :)08:59
endstillehosangadi_: i still use dualboot, i just changed the disti ;)08:59
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I put it on a flashdrive and inserted the flash drive to my Ubuntu. Now the Ubuntu knows the flashdrives name "Kingston-M" but it will not let me view the contents of it08:59
hosangadi_endstille, you understand that I am asking if it is ok to upgrade ubuntu when it is dual booted with windows, right?08:59
jeffdebstimpie: I have a tesla c870 and nvidia 8500 graphic card and i have installed ubuntu 10.10 ... I downloaded the drivers from the nvidia site and tried installing ... the installation was successfull ... but, I'm unable to start my x09:00
pkkmHow to use computer with Ubuntu 11.04 as Bluetooth headset, so that I can talk on phone with computer's microphone and speakers?09:00
endstillehosangadi_: yes, as i said, when you upgrade with update-manager -d.... i did this at least 4 times09:00
trijntje_quasselKroplex: wow, just problem after problem :P09:00
hosangadi_endstille, which distro do you use?09:00
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: Story of my life when I try to do anything productive with computers.09:00
hosangadi_you said you changed from ubuntu09:01
jeffdebThe log of my x is http://paste.ubuntu.com/617343/09:01
trijntje_quasselhosangadi_: the updater wont touch the other partitions, if dual boot works now it will work after the upgrade09:01
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trijntje_quasselKroplex: what have you tried to open the usb drive?09:01
jeffdebcan some one help me on this ...!09:01
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I went to the left bar and pressed "Home Directory" and on the left side of the navigator I double-clicked "KINGSTON-M"09:02
trijntje_quasselwhat does it say?09:02
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: It does not do anything.09:02
trijntje_quasselKroplex: if you type dmesg in the terminal you wil see something with /dev/sdX in the last few lines09:03
trijntje_quasselX should be a,b,c,etc09:03
intxhow do I execute a command in the background in a /etc/init script?09:03
linux_hacksjeffdeb: can you more /boot/grub/grub.conf | fpaste09:04
trijntje_quasselKroplex: then you can mount the disk with: sudo mount /dev/sdX /mnt      (replace X ofc)09:05
Screentorialsendstille, what do you recommend, ubuntu x64 or 32bit09:05
p1oooopScreentorials: how much RAM do you have?09:06
Screentorialsploooop, 4 gb09:06
Edistohmmm... is there a way to force icons to show up in the new gui for ubuntu some icons are not appearing on the task bar to the left09:06
p1oooopScreentorials: hmm... one or the other...09:06
endstilleScreentorials: depends on your hardware, but if x64 is possible, i would use it (even with less ram then 4GB)09:06
p1oooopoyea... ^^09:07
Screentorialsendstille, ok09:07
p1oooopit is, most likely...09:07
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: ahahahahahahah it worked, now to install the driver from the readme09:07
kireo11.04 server, cant open samba configuration tool. can someone help?09:07
mysticsoulguys does anyone know why xinerama is disabled / greyed out in the ati control center?09:07
p1oooopkireo: erm... edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file yourself?09:08
trijntje_quasselKroplex: are you in the correct folder with the terminal?09:08
trijntje_quasselthen you can just run sudo ./autorun.sh09:08
kireoploooop, i want the gui :)09:08
osmosis_paulbrylie, it is possible use sudo find / -mtime 1 with less time than one day?09:09
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osmosis_paulbrylie, and more important thing that told me the dates of every changes?09:10
osmosis_paulThere's a way to know if someone move or send some information of one machine into another?09:11
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trijntje_quassel!hi | Guest6285909:12
Guest62859No quit09:12
Guest62859How does this thing work?09:13
PirschHi all. Any a/v experts here?09:14
kLownish Guest62859 can you be more specific on what "thing" you mean?09:14
cmomanbrylie: sorted. apt-get purge apache2.2-common apache2-mpm-prefork then reinstall.  thanks for your assistance09:14
PirschWhen I transfer a video from Windows to a usb flash it plays perfectly on my TV. When I transfer from Ubuntu to usb it either doesn't play at all or plays without sound.09:15
PirschIn PCLOS the trick is task-multimedia09:16
Pirschwhen I install that through synaptic all my troubles are gone. Is there something similar for Ubu?09:17
KroplexWho was just helping me?09:18
trijntje_quasselKroplex: me09:18
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I installed the driver and it worked for about two minutes09:19
cmomanPirsch: mediubuntu repositories might help you http://medibuntu.org/09:19
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: Then this computer became disconnected from internet as did the ubuntu.09:19
ChrisBuchholzIt seems Software Center is broken for me. I noticed it first time yesterday. When i open software center, this is all i get: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/168187/scrot/softwarecenterfail.png Any ideas?09:19
brylieosmosis_paul, I am looking at the manual for find09:19
bryliecmoman, you are welcome ;-) Good work!09:19
Pirschcmoman: Mdebuntu has never helped for this issue09:19
abelardo_does compiz effects still work on ubuntu 11.4?09:20
trijntje_quasselKroplex: did you follow the readme to get it working again?09:20
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tusherhello everybody, I use ubuntu11.04, I have a problem, My sound preferences option is nit working, when I click on that system setting option is opened and there is no sound preference option, how can I solve this problem, pls help09:20
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I tried everything directly as I did before and it did not work.09:21
KroplexI now have an eth0 and a lo on my ifconfig though.09:21
cmomanPirsch: ffmpeg -i  then the file you are attempting to play might give you a few more clues - ie if you've actually got the neccessary codec for the file you are trying to play09:21
trijntje_quasselKroplex: sudo ifconfig eht0 up09:22
jeffdebsome one with some knowlege in x ... ! I need some help09:22
icerootjeffdeb: just ask the real question09:22
riktking_im having issues with the package mousetrap, it simply will not load in ubuntu09:22
tusherhello everybody, I use ubuntu11.04, I have a problem, My sound preferences option is not working, when I click on that system setting option is opened and there is no sound preference option, how can I solve this problem, pls help09:22
jeffdebiceroot: I installed nvidia drivers from the nvidia site, I'm not able to start the x ... Here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/617343/09:23
icerootjeffdeb: dont use the driver fromo nvidia09:24
oCeanChrisBuchholz: you have hit a known bug [ https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-center/+bug/772549 ] From that, a reboot seems to be the workaround at this point09:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 772549 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center blank screen on fresh natty 11.04 install" [Low,Confirmed]09:24
icerootjeffdeb: use the driver from the repo (non-free drivers)09:24
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: still nothing09:24
jeffdebiceroot: I need to use this for CUDA ..!09:24
kireoso why wont samba server config gui open? 11.0409:24
ChrisBuchholzoCean: ah, right, thank you!09:24
jeffdebiceroot: I don't have any other option ..!09:25
Pirschcmoman: Warning: library configuration mismatch09:25
oCeanChrisBuchholz: if you have a Launchpad account, you can subscribe to the bug (showing that you're also affected) and follow the updates on that bug09:25
ChrisBuchholzoCean: will do, thanks09:25
jeffdebiceroot: I'm stuck in this for the last fw days ...! I need to get my x working ..!09:26
trijntje_quasselKroplex: what does it say?09:26
brylieosmosis_paul, do you know what user may have edited the file?09:28
cmomanPirsch: http://pastebin.ca/2074047  this is more the result that I get09:29
Kroplexi got it09:29
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I have successfully gotten ethernet to work and wireless on the windows computer. Do you want to try and get wireless to work?09:31
trijntje_quasselhithere second_half09:31
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: If not it is totally fine.09:31
helpI have a porn addiction problem09:31
helpplx help09:31
trijntje_quasselhelp: take it elsewhere please09:31
=== help is now known as Guest81787
DJonesGuest81787: We can't help you with that09:31
kireoapply for job09:32
dzupmay be a ban will do09:32
trijntje_quasselKroplex: if its only for the live usb it will be gone when you unplug it09:32
pyrokamileonI want to plug my Wii into my pc so I can listen to it on my headphones, can I do this?09:32
trijntje_quasselIf you make a backup of your files now I'll be happy to help you on the permanent system09:33
trijntje_quasselKroplex: ^09:33
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I have a question though09:33
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: Well, nevermind because I guess I would still need to back it up because we would be doing partitions.09:34
N8WulfHi All09:34
N8Wulfany unity users in here? wanna ask a Q about nautilus09:35
ikoniaN8Wulf: why don't you just ask09:35
N8WulfI'm using Unity, in Nautilus my Video Icons does not show the Preview Thumbnail as before09:36
pyrokamileoncan anyone help me on listening to my Wii through my pc?09:36
Edistohow do i get rid of the most recently accessed files and folders in the unity tab?09:36
riktking_im having issues with a compile, video.h is not there09:36
trijntje_quasselKroplex: yeah, things can go really wrong if you partition, thats why you should always have a backup09:36
pyrokamileonor recommend a better suited channel?09:37
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: How would I view the files of my windows partition (250 GB Filesystem)09:38
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: I try to go into the "root" folder and it says I do not have permission.09:38
N8WulfI've gone through the steps in this thread: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-in/2010-May/007859.html   as well as : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31845909:39
N8Wulfthing is, seems like gnome-video-thumbnailer is no longer part of the Unity mix09:39
N8WulfEvanescence: Hi, are you using Unity perhaps?09:40
Pirschcmoman: my results are much longer09:41
Edistohow do i get rid of the most recently accessed files and folders in the unity tab files and folders tab?09:41
cmomanPirsch: are you going to paste them somewhere - not on the channel obviously09:42
Pirschcmoman: the list on enabled/disabled is about 10 times that of yours09:42
EvanescenceN8Wulf: ??? yes09:42
Kroplextrijntje_quassel: Nevermind, I got it by running "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt"09:42
Pirschcmoman: I'm just trying to figure that out now. :)09:42
Madarahow can give machine command line to be activate after 1 year or on time i want to ? (like killing process or something )09:43
N8WulfEdisto: try on this link: http://castrojo.tumblr.com/post/4795149014/the-power-users-guide-to-unity09:44
p1oooopMadara: I don't think it goes offline...09:44
p1oooopjust login, I guess09:44
N8Wulfas well as : http://soluitionpoint.com/news/8-useful-ubuntu-unity-quicklists/09:44
N8Wulfif I remember correct I saw it in those guides09:45
Pirschcmoman: http://pastebin.ca/207405209:45
Edistothanks n809:45
Madarap1oooop its machine i will not be able to access it after some time09:45
N8WulfEvanescence: I'm trying to find out how do I get my avi files to show Icon thumbnails09:46
oCeanMadara: you can use cron to schedule commands https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto09:46
MadaraoCean thank you thats what im looking for09:46
B9I just have a question about Python scripts. I have written a few simple Python scripts in the Bash Terminal by activating Python 2.7.1+ . If I write a Python script in Kate and save the text file with the file extension .py and make it executable, how do I then execute or run it in the Bash Terminal the Unix Shell emulator? I tried the same way I have made compiled Pascal files execute in Terminal previously but it doesn't work, that is with "./<09:47
B9<INSERT FILE NAME>>" I would really appreciate some assistance.09:47
oCeanB9: maybe try #python channel? This is ubuntu support09:47
cmomanPirsch: so you are using the medibuntu derive ffmpeg library - now what happen when you type the ffmpeg -i <name  or your file>09:48
shockrateshow can i find out what architecture my system is?09:49
cmomanB9: python <name of script>09:49
th^^shockrates: uname -a09:50
EvanescenceN8Wulf: you can use ffmpeg to creat thumnails , you can google those similar command lines09:50
shockratesth^^: isnt there a way with flags?09:50
oCeanshockrates: uname -m09:50
shockratesoCean: says x86_6409:51
shockratesoCean: is there a chance it is amd64 ?09:51
oCeanshockrates: in that case your OS is amd6409:51
cmomanBP: if you want to use ./  you need to paste #!/usr/bin/python  on the first line of your python script09:51
cmomanB9: if you want to use ./ you need to paste #!/usr/bin/python on the first line of your python script09:51
browntechxWho know how to set up a Ubuntu server?09:51
shockratesoCean: in a site there was and x86_64 deb package and and amd64 package. The first didnt work for me09:52
sunilI want to simulate packet flooding on the demo server. anyone having any idea on this. I am using ubuntu09:52
trijntje_quassel!server | browntechx09:52
ubottubrowntechx: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server09:52
shockratesoCean: so there must be a difference09:52
Pirschcmoman: I get "no such file or directory. The name of the file is 'Biology Of dads.avi'. It's on the Desktop. I wrote the command as 'ffmpeg -i Biology Of dads.avi'. Keep in mind, I'm a noob. :)09:52
Pirschcmoman: do I need to first cd to desktop?09:53
oCeanshockrates: no, the naming convention is i386 and amd64, or ia64 which is for Itanium 64 bit09:53
B9cmoman: thanx for ur time & advice. I tried that... I also had that hashtag comment as the first line in my script as well but it doesn't work... i was trying to do the "Hello World" via a text document rather than directly in Python app in Bash09:54
cmomanPirsch: you're not escaping the spaces in the file name. so cd to the Desktop and use <tab> to autocomplete the file name09:54
sunilI want to simulate packet flooding on the demo server. anyone having any idea on this. I am using ubuntu09:54
avernosis it possible to make a startup disk with different distros? any howto or wiki ?09:54
Pirschcmoman: that worked. Nice trick09:55
cmomanB9: the other thing that might trip you up is line ending. using a text file written on a windows box doesn't work on linux unless you resave it with a linux editor09:55
DiverdudeHow do i search all files in a folder for a string: 'adodb_getall' ?09:56
brylieDiverdude, use the find command.09:56
cmomanDiverdude: find . -iname "*adobe_getall*"09:56
Diverdudeno i need to search inside the files09:56
Diverdudenot the filenames09:57
bryliegrep then09:57
Diverdudeyes i thought : grep adodb_getall09:57
N8Wulfso, my 2 seconds of rant... Empathy lost my vote as Messaging client09:57
Diverdudebut that just hangs09:57
Diverdudenothing happens09:57
B9croman: i am using Kate09:57
SimeonKhi, i can't boot from my usb, it says that there's no space left, but there's 2gb of free space on it..09:57
=== Thomas___ is now known as Ripp__
bryliegrep -lr "adodb_getall" .09:59
B9cmoman: I am using Kate09:59
user011I was wondering if there is anyway to autostart an openoffice presentation with ubuntu 10.4 ?09:59
jeffdebHello, I'm having a problem with starting my x ... I installed nvidia graphic card drivers from the nvidia site ... I'm not able to startx now ... here is the log http://paste.ubuntu.com/617343/09:59
Pirschcmoman: http://pastebin.ca/207405510:00
brylieDiverdude, grep -lr "adodb_getall" .10:00
user011so that when the computer is started the presentation slideshow starts automaticcally10:00
cmomanbrylie: thanks, I usually use my windide for that job so nice to know that grep comman10:00
=== eliezer is now known as eliezer_
user011or is there no such way ?10:00
pkkmHow to use computer with Ubuntu 11.04 as Bluetooth headset, so that I can talk on phone with computer's microphone and speakers?10:01
shockratesoCean: look here http://www.renoise.com/board/index.php?/topic/28279-linux-installation-packages/10:01
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shockratesoCean: which package should i get/10:01
cmomanPirsch: you file looks okay so what are you trying to play it with10:01
cmomanPirsch: your file looks okay so what are you trying to play it with. vlc is pretty robust or mplayer10:02
cmomanB9: what version of python are you using? type python -v10:03
jeffdebcome one help me in resolving my x issue10:03
brylieuser011, you  can put a shell script in your /etc/rc5.d/ folder with the following line: 'openoffice.org /path/to/file.odp'10:03
cmomanB9: no don't10:03
B9cmoman: Python 2.7.1+10:04
cmomanB9: ah and what verions is your tutorial written for?10:04
Pirschcmoman: The files play fine on my pc but I want to play them on my TV. I have a usb port10:04
=== denny- is now known as denny
user011thanks Brylie ill try that :)10:04
brylieuser011, actually, edit the file /etc/rc.local and add a line 'openoffice.org /path/to/file.odp'10:05
Pirschcmoman: If I put the file on a flash disk via windows, the file plays fine10:05
Pirschcmoman: but when I do it through ubu more than half won't play10:05
N8Wulfany idea why we get disconnected so much?10:06
N8Wulffrom this channel?10:06
cmomanB9: many tutorials are written for Python3 and the print command has changed10:06
riktking_when.i load shotwell i get **10:07
riktking_ERROR:i686-linux-gnu/db/VersionTable.c:104:version_table_construct: assertion failed: (res == SQLITE_OK)10:07
oCeanshockrates: I downloaded both packages, however it seems to fail, since both remain named <blah>.part. But in the end, both downloaded files are identical10:07
cmomanPirsch: what does "more than won't play" mean?10:07
cmomanPirsch: what does "more than half won't play" mean?10:07
B9cmoman: *lol* that is prolly it... may I please ask what the new keyword or syntax is?10:07
shockratesoCean: i clicked on it and it installs10:08
N8WulfB9: check on this site: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/10:08
zagrevanybody knows where the "focus stealing prevention" option is in ubuntu natty?10:08
shockratesoCean: amd64 does x86_64 says wrong architecture10:08
brylieB9, feel free to join our free Python course at Peer to Peer University: http://new.p2pu.org/en-US/groups/python-programming-101/10:08
N8Wulfhere you'll find a current and nice Python tutorial10:08
Pirschcmoman: more than half of the videos won't play. Some just lock-up the TV and others play without sound. About 30% will play fine10:08
riktking_http://pastebin.com/utCjnknK is an error i get when i load shotwell, have had a crash10:08
cmomanPirsch: and the TV runs ubuntu ?10:08
shockratesoCean: mean amd64 installs10:08
dsockwellHow do I enable the grub menu in Ubuntu 10.04?  I have a kernel i want to try10:09
B9cmoman: I am using book I downloaded from The Pirate Bay  :-S10:09
oCeanshockrates: very weird. If you are concerned about that, you might try to contact the maintainers of that package.10:09
brylieB9 there are at least five free Python eBooks, no piracy necessary.10:09
shockratesoCean: ok it installed10:10
shockratesoCean: as amd6410:10
B9brylie: i'm there, thank u SO MUCH... captured link10:10
Pirschcmoman: I put the vids on usb flash drive. Then I plug the flash into the TV. If I transfer files from my pc to the flash through Windows, the file plays fine. If I do it through ubu, I have the problems. I want to stop using Windows altogether.10:10
brylieDive Into Python 3, Python for Informatics, Invent with Python, A Byte of Python, and How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, all linked to on the P2PU page: http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/python-programming-101/content/full-description/10:11
dsockwellwell ok10:11
dsockwelli got grub up10:11
brylieB9, you are welcome :-) See you in the discussions.10:12
cmomanPirsch: are you unmounting the usbflash drive properly?10:12
B9brylie: i have actually been mining what was pre-installed within the share documentation on Natty Narwhal regarding all the apps I use... this is my new treasure find getting to know who coded them and their history and development ... i just have a soft spot for pirates since I was a kid after seeing Yellowbeard, & Robin Hood ;-P10:12
Pirschcmoman: always 'safely remove drive'. Always.10:13
p1oooophey ikonia10:13
PirschI had the same issue with PCLOS but found a file that fixed it (task-multimedia)10:13
p1oooopwoah, fast typing.10:13
* p1oooop wishes he could type faster10:14
Pirschcmoman: I had the same issue with PCLOS but found a file that fixed it (task-multimedia)10:14
zavosorry, i'm new for this system.. can you help me to find the italian channel? (if it exist)10:14
cmomanPirsch: sounds like the files have nothing to do with it - seems like the files are not being transfered correctly.10:14
p1oooop!it | zavo10:14
ubottuzavo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:14
cmomanPirsch: have you heard of md5sum10:14
riktking_where do i set a network drive to auto mount on.boot?10:14
Pirschcmoman: I've considered that and tried both copy and paste and dragging10:14
riktking_yhe config.file10:14
p1oooopriktking_: fstab10:15
Pirschcmoman: I've heard of it but know nothing about it10:15
p1oooopriktking_: /etc/fstab10:15
p1oooopriktking_: the syntax shouldn't be too hard to learn.10:15
cmomanmd5sum makes a unique number from a file  if its copied correctly the m5sum of the file will be exactly the same10:15
Pirschcmoman: thanks for all your help but I've run out of time and have to run. I'll look into that next time. Again, thanks.10:16
cmomanPirsch: md5sum <filename>10:16
riktking_plooop thanks i just couldnt remeber where it was lol10:16
p1oooopif it matches, your file is good... if it does not, it is not good10:16
p1oooopriktking_: we all forget ;) ... I'm glad to help :)10:16
Pirschcmoman: ok, do I need to get it from repos?10:16
cmomanPirsch: na, should be on your machine already10:17
p1oooopPirsch: md5sum?10:17
Pirschcmoman: ok, thanks dude10:17
p1oooopPirsch: try sudo apt-get install md5sum10:17
p1oooopohhh, oops10:17
Pirschploooop: ok, thanks10:17
intxanyone have experience with writing /etc/init scripts? i'm trying to do a while statement based on the error code of 'xset -q' but it's not worknig10:18
p1oooopintx: I kinda do... I'm not very good though10:18
p1oooopintx: make a pastebin and I'll see what I can do...10:18
baldarishey ubuntu giving me error initfms boot error , tried to reboot with ubuntu live cd intallation hangs on step 2 ...what to do??10:18
cmomanintx: ducks and sneaks out of the room10:18
p1oooopbaldaris: check if it's corrupted?10:19
riktking_http://pastebin.com/utCjnknK is an error i get when i load shotwell, have had a crash10:19
baldarisp1oooop:seems to be working fine on my desktop10:19
mysticsoulcan someone help me with enabling xinerama?10:19
baldarisdidnt tried the installation10:19
p1oooopbaldaris: hmm...10:20
p1oooopbaldaris: well, something's wrong somewhere...10:20
p1oooopbaldaris: did you check the disk?10:20
intxp1oooop/cmoman http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/617377/10:20
p1oooopoh god, lagg. LOL10:21
baldarisp1oooop:was following some tutorials on ubuntu forums , tried sudo fdisk -l10:21
baldarisi am having 3 partitions linux , extended and swap10:21
baldaristried sudo mkdir /mnt/ubuntu && sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ubuntu terminal got hanged no reply10:21
p1oooopintx: woah, is it me or do I not recognize this perl? lol10:22
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intxp1oooop: it should be bash script10:22
p1oooopintx: try using an if statement... let me give you an example10:22
baldarismaybe i might be doing something worng10:23
intxp1oooop: i tried running it as a regular non /etc/init script and it works10:23
intxit's something to do.. i dunno, something :P10:23
p1oooopintx: yeah, it's perl. LOL10:23
lunavorax_miniHi all10:23
intxah! so it's supposed to be written in perl?10:23
baldaristhe error i am getting is mounting /dev on /root/dev failed no such file or directory /sys and /proc no init found try passing init=bootrag10:24
p1oooopintx: http://www.piffey.com/2011/02/23/bukkit-minecraft-server-startup-script-for-linux/ here's a good example of an if statement10:24
p1oooopwell, a few good examples... LOL10:24
p1oooopintx: it usually is...10:24
cmomanp1oooop: bash?10:25
baldarisp1oooop:any idea what i need to do?10:27
lonejackhi, dropbox problem. no longer shows some icons. any suggestions ?10:29
Seveasfroud, you may want to change your password now10:29
p1oooopfroud: uhho...10:30
froudseems like nickserv identify is not working as described10:31
Seveasfroud, it is, but it does not work by typing your password in a channel10:32
pksadiqfroud: ?10:32
Seveas/msg NickServ identify your_password_here10:32
froudSeveas, yes that is what I typed :-)10:33
nenn3Hello, does anyone have a lead as to what might be wrong when all disk usage causes extreme cpu load?10:34
froudSeveas, done10:36
intxis there some way I can have a program start with X on startup, without a WDM?10:36
Ascavasaionthere is a command line (text) application where you can put certain programmes into the background.  Then you can log in remotely and open it up again and it runs as normal.  what is it called... Screen?10:41
icerootAscavasaion: yes, screen10:41
Ascavasaioniceroot: Thank you.10:41
pksadiqintx: might be gnome-session-properties10:42
B9brylie: r u still here? If so I have signed up http://new.p2pu.org/b9Jokerswild108    thanX10:46
mysticsoulanyone have any idea why xinerama cannot be enabled in the ATI control center?10:47
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Guest66170hi all10:50
ech0s7where can i find the config file where are module and daemon to start at boot ?10:55
AngelkillerHow can i verfiy that my openssh is running? i could use ps -aux | grep ssh but can i do it the gui way too?10:58
cmomanAngelkiller: ssh into yourself...maybe10:59
Angelkillercmoman: thats true10:59
pksadiqAngelkiller: might be in System Monitor10:59
Angelkillerpksadiq: yes it is.. thank you...11:00
ech0s7where can i find the config file where are module and daemon to start at boot ?11:01
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto11:03
ActionParsnipech0s7: you can add modules to be loaded at boot by adding its name in /etc/modules11:03
ech0s7ActionParsnip: and daemons in init.d ?11:04
=== shi-tianlong is now known as cablop
AngelkillerAnyone know how i remove the login/logout info in irssi?11:05
ActionParsnipech0s7: yes11:06
pksadiqAngelkiller: do you mean the infos shown when others enter and exits? then it /ignore * +parts +quits +joins11:09
DJones!quietirssi | Angelkiller11:09
ubottuAngelkiller: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS11:09
ActionParsnip /ignore11:09
ech0s7thanks ActionParsnip11:11
ActionParsnipech0s7: np man11:11
royale1223How do I install keryx on natty?11:19
ArmyMan007hi... i'm having problem with my sound... i can't hear any music file!11:19
royale1223How do I install keryx on natty?11:20
ArmyMan007hi... i'm having problem with my sound... i can't hear any music file!11:20
GauravButolaI use synaptic Package manager to lock a software version when I need to use an older version of a package, How can I lock a package version from commad line?11:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.11:21
GauravButolahelp please11:21
royale1223How do I install keryx on natty?11:21
inckiei installed ubuntu server, in virtual mode, but i need the option.ko module, which is not part of the kernel in the virtual machine mode, but in normal server mode, how can i install/enable this module?11:21
inckieit is for a Huawei USB modem11:21
ActionPa1snip!info keryx11:22
ubottuPackage keryx does not exist in natty11:22
royale1223How do I install keryx on natty?11:24
ActionPa1sniproyale1223: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-dgVwadH4c11:24
royale1223ActionPa1snip: whats that?11:24
ActionPa1sniproyale1223: please don't repeat that fast, it achieves very little and scrolls the channel11:24
ActionPa1sniproyale1223: watch and see, it'll help11:24
royale1223ActionPa1snip: okay, but no one was replying.11:25
Beliashave an error here11:25
BeliasThere is no application installed for executable files11:25
Beliasit used to work before11:25
Beliaswhy not now?11:25
ActionPa1sniproyale1223: so, asking every 20 seconds will ask the SAME people won't it?11:25
royale1223ActionPa1snip: "sadly, you can run keryx in 11.04 but it will only work for your offline ubuntu ". What does that mean?11:26
ActionPa1sniproyale1223: grab the maverick deb11:26
royale1223I have it ActionPa1snip11:27
royale1223ActionPa1snip: But says dependency problem11:27
ActionPa1sniproyale1223: then you'll need to run:  sudo apt-get -f install   to try and automagically install them11:28
royale1223ActionPa1snip: okay. What doesnt work?11:29
ActionPa1sniproyale1223: how do you mean?11:30
ActionPa1snipguess I fixed it11:40
ActionPa1snipnice gratitude11:40
DexterI cannot access my external HD because it is owned by user ID 1000 and I am user 1001. HOw do I revert to be user ID 1000?11:43
DarkStar1Hi ppl... I'm trying to solve a symbolic link access issue and whilst looking at directory permissions I notices a few directories with a 't' where the 'x' would be... has anyone ever come across this?11:44
DarkStar1guess not11:45
itssynecdochehow do i go about asking for help here?11:46
Dexter1522 users and noen has an answer11:46
plaingurlhi room, is there a life dvd so that i could test ubuntu without having it installed?11:46
itssynecdocheyou could do that by just trying it online, i think11:46
itssynecdocheor just stick it in your usb and boot your machine with it.11:47
itssynecdocheso, nothing ever happens in this room?11:47
itssynecdochedeath reigns all around11:47
plaingurlhow do i do an usb version of it?11:47
itssynecdochethey have an option for that on the site11:48
itssynecdochedid you check that?11:48
plaingurlnot yet, but it seems the right thing to tho:)11:48
itssynecdochecheck it out. go through the site. it's quite simple.11:48
itssynecdocheanyone else wanna help me with compatibility problems?11:49
itssynecdocheplanning to get ubuntu on my hp11:49
plaingurli'll be back if troubles arise;)11:49
itssynecdochewanna know do i check if the drivers and all will work11:49
ricardo_someone dutch ?11:49
ricardo_somebody dutch ?11:50
itssynecdochewell? anyone?11:50
SanctumWhich is the best resource to learn shell scripting?11:51
mithranlinux computer11:51
plaingurlduh - there it is "Burn your CD or create a USB drive" right at downloads...11:52
* plaingurl feels dumb and leaves now11:52
plaingurlbuh bye11:52
osmosis_paulquick question, one guy in my office change his password and now dont remember what was and cannot connect again11:54
Dexterwhat is usermod -u 1000 tom for?11:54
osmosis_pauli connect with recovery mode to the terminal as root and look in passwd but there seems that dont show the passwords11:54
osmosis_paulany idea?11:54
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl11:55
anirudhrosmosis_paul: I just joined. Are you having lost-password trouble?11:55
osmosis_paulanirudhr, yep11:55
osmosis_pauli connect with recovery mode to the terminal as root and look in passwd but there seems that dont show the passwords11:55
osmosis_paul any idea?11:55
anirudhrosmosis_paul: You want to recover the old passwords?11:55
osmosis_paulyes or at least look what is the new one11:56
anirudhr /etc/passwd won't have the passwords and /etc/shadow will have the hashed passwords.11:56
Zeu5hi there11:56
Zeu5i just updated my ubuntu and suddenly i cannot reload or restart my apache 211:57
Zeu5please advise11:57
ikoniahow are you trying to restart it11:57
anirudhrosmosis_paul: You can perform a dictionary attack on the hashed passwords, if you know what encryption scheme was used. That is your only option for getting the old passwords.11:57
Zeu5ikonia: service apache2 reload11:57
ikoniaZeu5: restart is the command11:57
Zeu5ikonia: service apache2 restart11:57
ikoniaZeu5: what happens when you try11:57
Zeu5both gave me error mesages11:57
Zeu5let me bin it11:57
osmosis_paulanirudhr, already get it thanks11:58
Zeu5ikonia: http://pastebin.com/9GAzyTPk11:58
anirudhrosmosis_paul: So, trying to hack the government? ;)11:59
anirudhrZeu5: Did you sudo?11:59
ikoniaZeu5: ok, the problem is that a.) the logs can't be opened (probably permissions) b.) and your network doesn't appear to be setup in line for apache11:59
osmosis_paulanirudhr, they hack me yesterday the server :_(11:59
Zeu5anirudhr: you are right. i forgot to sudo. silly me11:59
anirudhrZeu5: Happens, mate. :D12:00
Zeu5anirudhr: i have 1 folder i use symbolic link and i keep getting You don't have permission to access / on this server. even though i have set the permissions to 75512:00
Zeu5the other folders that i use symbolic link all can be accessed via http://localhost/12:01
Zeu5thanks ikonia12:01
anirudhrZeu5: Rather than symlinks, use mount --bind and try.12:02
anirudhrApache2 does not follow symlinks, AFAIK.12:02
ikoniayou have to change a directive for apache to follow symlinks12:02
Zeu5sorry anirudhr what is mount --bind ?12:02
anirudhrZeu5: Are you familiar with the mount command? You can use the "--bind" option to mount one location in another. Let's say /etc/foo contains baz that you want elsewhere too. You mkdir /foobaz and then "sudo mount --bind /etc/foo /foobaz", and then you can access the baz from both locations.12:04
Zeu5the command seems similar to ln -s12:05
Zeu5i give it a try12:05
anirudhrZeu5: ln makes hard links. apache2 will not follow it.12:06
B9Sanctum: if you go into ur usr/share/docs/bash   then follow your nose, you can do this for all of the applications in Ubuntu12:06
xskydevilxI was looking for a good subtitle editor / workshop for Ubuntu (something similar to Subtitle Workshop on Windows) to edit and upload the subtitles as closed  captions to YouTube. Any suggestion, guys?12:07
ActionPa1snip!info subtitleeditor12:07
ubottusubtitleeditor (source: subtitleeditor): Graphical subtitle editor with sound waves representation. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.38.0-1build1 (natty), package size 422 kB, installed size 1620 kB12:07
Zeu5Thank yu anirudhr it works12:08
B9Sanctum: in there you will find a link to an excellent workbook/manual on Bash (the Unix Shell emulator known as 'Terminal' :-D)12:08
anirudhrZeu5: Glad to be of help. :)12:08
BajKwhat is the reason for kubuntu frequently kernel panicing on startup? '/sbin/modprobe -bv pci:v00001002d000068C1sv00001025sd00000365bc03sc00100' unexpected exit with status 0x000912:17
BajKthis came with natty, wasn't in maverick and is on none of my othe rmachines12:18
Logan_!pm | psal_dun12:18
ubottupsal_dun: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:18
internetpchi, how to restart samba ?12:18
BajKinternetpc: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart12:19
anirudhrinternetpc: use the /etc/init.d script or "service restart samba"?12:19
BajKor sudo initctl restart smbd12:19
BajKin never ubuntus12:19
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo12:19
mentmanNa mate, what you ned is a windows 7 CD, then install it. Simple as12:20
ActionPa1snipsudo service smbd stop; sudo service smbd start12:21
IronHi, could you help me  a person fro Italy12:21
LjLIron: there is an #ubuntu-it if you prefer12:21
BajKany idea on this panic thing? if I remove the "quiet splash" and that "swap thing" and the payload to "text" on startup then it works just fine12:22
BajKbut I dont want to edit the grub config on any start12:23
ActionPa1snipBajK: what video chip?12:23
BajKActionPa1snip: Intel i91512:23
ActionPa1snipBajK: what is the "swap thing"?12:24
BajKbut seems the radeon makes problems here12:24
BajKActionPa1snip: swap.blabla=7 or something mom12:24
BajKActionPa1snip: vt.handoff=712:24
BajK!pm | psal_dun12:25
ubottupsal_dun: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.12:25
ActionPa1snipBajK: not come across that12:26
BajKActionPa1snip: Me neither but that's what natty brings frequently12:26
abhi_i am trying to install parsec benchmark tool from source, i am not able to build the source file, i cant find any makefile, can anyone help me12:26
BajKrestarts are IMPOSSIBLE. then it panics no matter what I do12:26
leaoI need to write a script to decode a basic captcha on a site, but I need an example source code. Can anybody help ?12:26
BajKcold starts work if I remove that handoff thing, the splash and change payload to text12:26
jercosmetaquestion for an op or someone who watches the channel, was someone in here spamming a link to a subdomain of hopto.org a while ago, and if so, do you have their hostname handy?12:27
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:28
jercosAh, of course. Thanks much.12:29
leaoI need to write a script to decode a basic captcha on a site, but I need an example source code. Can anybody help ?12:29
RevSpecies116not here, leao12:29
RevSpecies116This is the Ubuntu Support channel12:29
leaoyeah im using ubuntu12:29
leaohelp a fellow ubuntu user12:30
jercosThose logs don't appear to include hostname.12:30
RevSpecies116leao, you need another channel12:30
psal_dunhow to make the pendrive  bootable to install ubuntu from the cd i have obtained12:30
leaobut i have no clue which one i should join12:30
leaocan u at least give me ur personal opinion ?12:30
leaoin pm ?12:30
RevSpecies116the language it is to be written in?12:30
leaoyeah that too!12:30
leaoperl ?12:30
MonkeyDustleao: put ur question in one line, pls12:30
jercospsal_dun: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ might be what you're looking for.12:30
BajKActionPa1snip: seems a problem with the discrete/integrated graphics stuff. When I force the discrete graphics in the bios it works fine (and consumes like 30 Watts -.-)12:31
BajKbut there is no option to disable the discrete graphics and use the integrated only (what I do all the time)12:32
leaoMonkeyDust it was :  I need to write a script to decode a basic captcha on a site, I need to know which language would be best, and an example source code perhaps.12:32
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leaobut yeah it has nothing to do with my operating system12:32
leaoso im just leaving12:32
RevSpecies116leao, also sounds like a HighSchool/University assignment - I doubt you'll get help anywhere for that...12:34
RevSpecies116For ethical reasons12:34
bartekhi, how to get send to evolution under right mouse click?12:34
ActionPa1snipBajK: oh is it one of those dual gpu monstrosities?12:34
leaoyou caught me12:35
leaoyeah its university <^.^>12:35
ActionPa1snipBajK: I've seen bumblebee which can use those. Never used it though12:35
BajKI would not have bought something like that if I knew that 1. hybrid graphics is just a mess in Linux and 2. I would never use it anyway .D12:35
BajKActionPa1snip: the Intel graphics suits my needs perfectly. blur effect, 3d stuff and all nice effects and useful effects such as window overview work lag-free12:35
leaoplus, I need to improve myself. But I dont know where to begin12:35
MonkeyDustBajK: your question is too uncommon, few people have encountered it, if you find a solution or workaround, that makes you the expert :)12:36
mro3613BajK: hybrid graphics is a mess anyway, regardless of OS. i hope manufacturers will continue making notebooks with a single gfx card.12:36
BajKMonkeyDust: great.12:36
BajKmro3613: it works PERFECTLY with windows 7 …12:36
mro3613BajK: and i perfectly don't need it12:37
ActionPa1snipme too, the GPU should just clock up and down like the CPU does12:37
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BajKmro3613: I dont need it as well but I dont understand why natty kernel panics on start up …12:37
MonkeyDustBajK: other things work perfecty in linux and not in windoze12:37
BajKMonkeyDust: 99% but hybrid graphics does not belong to that :P12:37
BajKMaverick worked right away out of the box12:38
mro3613BajK: if there would be at least some standard to switch gfx cards... but no, each manufacturer invents his own method.12:38
BajKNatty is so much better but that kernel thing is … not good12:38
BajKmro3613: hm yes12:38
BajKthe next time my notebook will have a decent Intel HD graphicvs and that's it :D my next big computer will also have Intel graphics only.12:38
BajK(and companies that dont just provide a SIMPLE contact formular suck)12:38
dr_Willisintel has had its issues also. but i think the company learned its lesson. i hope12:39
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amikropHello, when I right click on my desktop and the menu opens, the same right click sometimes chooses the first highlighted option but I don't want that, how can I stop it?12:40
BajKdr_Willis: never encountered problems with intel and linux. and their drivers are just working. no mess because of no kernel mode setting support and stuff12:40
mro3613BajK: you never tried running Xorg on the poulsbo chipset, did you? :)12:40
BajKbut also I dont understand why in grub's entry theres "gfx_linux_payload=$linuxpayload" and not "text" as I have set it12:41
BajKit's time that X gets burnt down anyway12:41
RevSpecies116amikrop: you mean you double right click on your desktop and the second right click presses the top option?12:41
BajKWhy doesnt windows have an X server? :D12:41
BajKThat prehistoric thing would PERFECTLY fit into the prehistoric windows itself :)12:41
dr_Willisive seen several people with issues with some of the chipsets intel has/had in the past. i dont recall the chipset12:41
mro3613BajK: well the poulsbo is not a Xorg only problem. there simply is no fully working driver for it.12:41
BajKX sucks anyway :)12:42
dr_Willisxming is an xserver for windows12:42
amikropRevSpecies116: Or, single right click but for some reason it selects the top option (maybe mouse sensitivity problem?)12:42
MonkeyDustBajK: in a year or two, X will be replaced by Wayland :)12:42
amikropRevSpecies116: so, a solution would be to set right click *not* to be able to *select* any menu option12:43
BajKbut so I will just live with the fact that my notebook wont start up properly for trhe next 4 months^^12:43
dr_Willisi will belive that when i see it.12:43
amikropRevSpecies116: but is that possible?12:43
BajK(then I hope Oneiric will solve that again)12:43
ActionPa1snipnvidia refuse to support wayland :(12:43
RevSpecies116amikrop: first simple step is to try another mouse [or if on laptop, try an external mouse]12:44
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internetpc<BajK> : sudo: /etc/init.d/samba: command not found12:44
BajKinternetpc: if you had read a bit further …12:44
RevSpecies1162nd simple step if the new mouse does the same thing is to check the sensitivity of the mouse in the settings12:45
amikropRevSpecies116: the same mouse doesn't do that on a windows box12:45
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dr_Willisuse the proper service command internetpc12:45
MonkeyDustinternetpc: that's because you didn't specify a command12:45
RevSpecies116windows is not linux ;)12:45
phaidroshow to tell resolvconf to keep the original given nameserver (the one given by dhcp)12:45
phaidrosresolvconf just renders /etc/resolv.conf empty atm :/12:45
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ActionPa1snipinternetpc: sudo service smbd stop12:46
amikropRevSpecies116: ok, so what would you propose? :)12:48
amikrop* sugest12:48
amikrop* suggest12:48
RevSpecies1161) Check with a different mouse [irrelevant if it works on windows or not ;) ]12:49
Craig`hey guys, when someone was helping me setup this machine they disabled eth1 for some reason or another and i don't know how to set it up again, could you please help?12:49
RevSpecies1162) Goto System->Preferences->mouse and check the settings there12:49
ActionPa1snipCraig`: sudo ifup eth0   not work?12:50
amikropRevSpecies116: alright, thanks. what if it does the same with a different mouse, and what if doesn't? what should I do to each case?12:50
RevSpecies116Ahhh, good question amikrop :)12:51
NaturiginalHey! Kinda new to Ubuntu(and to Linux for what matters) and I'm finding trouble following a tutorial.... can someone guide me, walk the tut alongside with me? the tutorial is about compiling a Trinity emulator. thx in advance12:51
RevSpecies116If (1) is the problem no need to do step (2)12:51
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amikropRevSpecies116: you mean if it works with a different mouse?12:51
RevSpecies116If (1) is NOT the problem, do (2)12:51
RevSpecies116Yep - I mean if you problem disappears with a new/different mouse12:52
RevSpecies116you problem = your problem12:52
compdocif I wanted to use an ubuntu box as a gateway/nat for my lan, do I have to install any special software?12:53
amikropRevSpecies116: yeah, but that mouse works under windows, shouldn't there be a software-based solution under ubuntu?12:53
ikoniacompdoc: iptables should do it12:53
ikonia!ics | compdoc12:53
ubottucompdoc: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing12:53
RevSpecies116Naturiginal: Patience - someone may help you soon :) 1000+ users in the room, but those that can help you may be busy :)12:53
compdocikonia, ty12:53
RevSpecies116amikrop: It could be windows that is tollerant of a broken mouse, and linux is not tollerent12:54
Naturiginalthx for the reply RevSpecies116 , I am patient, I just wanted to say I need help(like most of us around here)12:54
jercosHoly Guacamole, Ubuntu really is trying to be everything bad about windows and mac OS except the NT kernel...12:54
amikropRevSpecies116: oh... wouldn't it be possible to somehow set "right click does not choose a menu option"12:54
RevSpecies116Give it 5 mins, and just repeat the question again, Naturiginal - any 'quicker' than that could be considered spam12:55
ikoniajercos: this is a support channel, please try to keep to that12:55
thrillERboyHi Can I change my Ubuntu PC to an Wireless AP12:55
thrillERboyI cannot connect my android phone to Adhoc Network :(12:56
jercosikonia: I'm not feeling very supported here ;)12:56
kalemy computer starts gedit instead of nautilus. now where whould i fix that?12:56
ikoniajercos: please keep to the topic12:56
phaidrosanyone familiar with the resolvonf script? It is istalled (an I cant uninstall it on dozens of already copied virtual machines on usb sticks) and removes the dns server given by dhcp, which leads to an empty /etc/resolv.conf12:56
internetpc<ActionPa1snip> :  internetpc@Internetpc:~$ sudo service smbd stop12:56
internetpcstop: Unknown instance:12:57
NaturiginalHey! Kinda new to Ubuntu(and to Linux for what matters) and I'm finding trouble following a tutorial.... can someone guide me, walk the tut alongside with me? the tutorial is about compiling a Trinity emulator. thx in advance12:57
bazhangNaturiginal, trinity the game?12:58
Craig`ActionPa1snip: no that does not work, it says eth1 is not a device12:59
RevSpecies116thrillERboy: Can't your phone detect the AP?12:59
dinosaurvskittenever since I upgraded to natty, firefox tabs have been showing "Connecting ()" or "New tab" instead of the actual tab titles. Why? Gestures have stopped working, too. I can still do them (ex: rightclick + down), but the context menu shows up.12:59
dinosaurvskittenand flash has been eating up 100% of cpu, like 2 years ago13:00
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Naturiginalbazhang,  www.trinitycore.org13:01
NaturiginalIt's an emulator for WoW13:01
kalewhen i click "places" and then choose my homedir. then it tris to open it in gedit. how do i change it back to nautilus?13:01
bazhangNaturiginal, install build-essential13:01
bazhang!compile | Naturiginal13:01
ubottuNaturiginal: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:01
NaturiginalI am using this tutorial: http://www.trinitycore.info/How-to:Linux13:02
NaturiginalI have installed all the necessary packages, running on Ubuntu Sv 11.04, with ubuntu-desktop installed13:02
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NaturiginalI have also installed OpenSSL and ACE systemwide13:03
NaturiginalI am having trouble configuring before compiling.13:03
RevSpecies116Naturiginal: Ubuntu is Debian based13:04
supersashohi.. i have a problem with phpmyadmin on ubuntu 11.04 64bit.. apache, php,mysql is working fine,  just phpmyadmin isn't working.. reinstalling didn't help13:04
Naturiginalyes, and the tut includes Debian based distros13:04
RevSpecies116Good - just hope you were not following the 'red hat' method ;)13:04
Naturiginallol'd :D13:04
Naturiginalwell, in all do fairness, I am rather new to *nix, trying to do so much in so little time.13:05
NaturiginalI don't know about the flags before compiling...13:05
NaturiginalI was wondering if someone can help me out...13:06
kaleok, i removed gedit, and now it starts a movieplayer instead of nautilus. is this "places" i random program?13:06
dr_Williskale: i think i bookmarked a guide on fixing broken plaves menu items at deliciius.com/dr_willis  i got it from the webupd8  blog site13:08
RevSpecies116Naturiginal: seems TrinityCore also has a IRC channel - so if no joy here, you may try there13:08
RevSpecies116Naturiginal: [you most likely have already seen this thread, but repeating here]: http://www.trinitycore.org/f/topic/5-official-info-thread/13:09
linuxnewbhow do i add the day to a file name? for example the output of $ ls -lR /proc > backup.X.log where X is the day of the week?13:09
bazhanghttp://www.wikihow.com/Build-and-Maintain-a-Private-World-of-Warcraft-Server-on-Linux Naturiginal13:10
linuxnewb$(date'+%d') doesnt work here :/13:10
icerootlinuxnewb: $(date '+%d')13:11
linuxnewboh like that, thank you :)13:11
corzonmithhow do i get ubuntu to recognize my zip drive (100mg)13:13
icerootcorzonmith: is dmesg not showing it?13:13
icerootcorzonmith: what happens if you plugin the drive with a disc?13:14
corzonmithits ide13:14
corzonmithif I put in a zip it just acts dead13:15
NaturiginalRevSpecies116, bazhang thank you very much for your help :D13:15
carl-ericHi - does anyone know of a text editor available in/for Ubuntu with the ability to preview Markdown?13:16
jagdeephi everyone ,I need little help when i run google-chromium through terminal i get message :"Segmentation fault",what it means and why it does not run.13:16
homo_interneticuлюди есть кто живой?13:18
yaaic|demohy.i'm a gay13:18
ikoniayaaic|demo: we are not interested, this channel is for ubuntu support topics only13:18
yaaic|demohehehe.just kidd..sorry13:19
bazhangyaaic|demo, take it elsewhere13:21
LVLAaronwhen i use chrome and compiz, there is an extra titlebar.... any way to remove that?13:21
hemikaHello, can anyone please help me with installation of lamp server, i have already installed tasksel but whenever i write " sudo tasksel install lamp-server" i get an error as "tasksel:aptitude failed(100)13:23
ikonia!lamp | hemika13:23
ubottuhemika: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)13:23
hemikaikonia, i even tried to update using sudo apt-get update but still i ain't able to install it13:25
ikoniahemika: did you read the instructions on that page13:25
RevSpecies116hemika: you have installed Apache? And MySQL?13:26
thrillERboyhemika: https://gist.github.com/825672 Try these steps, this is how I install LAMP on Ubuntu13:26
thrillERboyDo the second line like "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart" only without quotes13:26
hemikaRevSpecies116, wouldn't installing LAMP SERVER directly install APache and MySQL in a way ?13:27
thrillERboythis is to restart, apache after every install hope that helps hemika13:27
ikoniahemika: did you read the instructions on that page13:27
linuxnewbhow do i output a list of the top 10 biggest files in a directory (terminal) ?13:27
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ikonialinuxnewb: use du and sort13:27
pankaj_sharmau can install them separately aswell13:27
linuxnewbikonia thank you13:27
thrillERboyhemika: I think theres not Wamp or Mamp like package for linux, but you can install everything seperately though, its very easy.13:28
BajKhow can I find out the installed Gstreamer version?13:28
hemikathrillERboy, i thought LAMP is similar to Wamp, isn't it?13:28
RevSpecies116Nope, hemika :) Got to do a few more steps legwork13:28
ikoniahemika: have you read the instructions on the page ubottu gave you13:28
RevSpecies116But the legwork is merely finger walking on your keyboard13:29
napster32Hello anyone know postfix and speak italian?13:29
ikonia!it | napster3213:29
ubottunapster32: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)13:29
thrillERboyhemika: yes. L in lamp stands for Linux and W in wamp stands for Windows, its easy to install Apache Mysql and PHP Seperately by following these CLI commands13:29
ikoniaxammp is not wise to install13:29
RevSpecies116BajK, good question - I'm having trouble updating pitivi to 0.1413:30
hemikaikonia, yes i installed with the help of this link only, but it isn't working for me13:30
BajKokay, just looked it up in the repositorie s:) :D13:30
ikoniahemika: ok - so what's not working13:30
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.13:30
RevSpecies116and Gstreamer dependencies is holding it up13:30
hemikathrillERboy, so basically installing all the three components separately is same as installing LAMP Server?13:30
iceroothemika: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server13:31
thrillERboyhemika: Absolutely, yes13:31
hemikaikonia, whenever i type the command sudo tasksel install lamp-server i get the error as tasksel:aptitude failed(100)13:31
thrillERboyhemika: https://gist.github.com/825672 << just copy paste these commands, you'll get LAMP installed in notime13:31
RevSpecies116hemika: Are you joking?13:31
hemikaRevSpecies116, joking about what?13:32
thrillERboyhemika: are you connected to Internet? :D13:32
ikoniahemika: that page also gives you instructions on how to install each component13:32
ikoniahemika: so I ask again, have you READ the document13:32
RevSpecies116you have repeated that 'problem' several times, but you have not answered the question of 'have you followed the instructions ubottu gave you'13:32
hemikathrillERboy, i am trying to install using the steps you just sent me, and definately i am connected to the internet :D13:32
Ans5ii am trying to get mesa-gallium drivers working on my ubuntu 11.04, but test software says that it could not create drm screen and drops to software, any ideas howto fix this?13:33
markssHey I'm having an issue with my wireless where I the connect button is unclickable even though I've entered the WEP key13:33
carl-ericmarkss, I think WEP keys need to be a particular length - maybe it's a WPA key instead?13:34
marksscarl-eric: No the key is right, I'm using it on other devices13:35
hemikaRevSpecies116, i am trying the method given on https://gist.github.com/82567213:35
marksscarl-eric: It's WPA as well, sorry13:35
RevSpecies116hemika - great :)13:35
carl-ericmarkss, then I don't know13:36
markssAnyone else able to help me out?13:36
=== _sara-- is now known as Stockholm_Angel
RevSpecies116Do you have Synaptic, or the update manager open?13:38
hemikaRevSpecies116, http://paste.ubuntu.com/617492/13:39
RevSpecies116Do you have Synaptic, or the update manager open, hemika? That error could indicate exactly what it says...13:39
hemikaRevSpecies116, yes i was installing some software13:40
thrillER1oyhemika: Got it installed?13:40
RevSpecies116Then you will have to wait till that is finished before trying to do the LAMP installation13:41
hemikathrillER1oy, nope still working13:41
=== thrillER1oy is now known as thrillERboy
RevSpecies116no, thrillER1oy - hemika was doing something else. But as soon as that is done, hemika will follow those instructions13:41
hemikaRevSpecies116, oh okay, thank you :)  i will just finish the installation then i will follow those steps again :)13:41
RevSpecies116hemika, it is NOT working due to you already installing software13:41
RevSpecies116Good :)13:42
hemikaRevSpecies116, yes13:42
thrillERboyLOL.. Okey..13:42
thrillERboySo, Can I make android into an Wireless AP13:43
ViderizerI just started using linux and I already have a problem13:43
ViderizerI try to type in the terminal13:43
bazhangthrillERboy, ask in an android channel13:43
clem87irc ://irc.freenode.net/spipirc ://irc.freenode.net/spip13:44
thrillERboyErrr sorry...13:44
thrillERboySo, Can I make Ubuntu into an Wireless AP13:44
Viderizercd ~/Desktop13:44
Viderizerbut it says13:44
bazhang!ics | thrillERboy13:44
ubottuthrillERboy: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing13:44
Viderizerbash: cd: /home/elias/Desktop: Lupa evätty13:44
ViderizerLupa Evätty = Permission Denied13:44
psal_dunanyone need attention : how to make usb bootable from the cd i have obtained from ship it .13:45
RevSpecies116thrillERboy: To become an AP for your Android phone?13:45
thrillERboyyes RevSpecies11613:46
psal_dunanyone need attention : how to make usb bootable from the cd i have obtained from ship it13:46
RevSpecies116So you have wired internet going to your laptop, and you want your laptop to allow sharing of the internet to your Android phone [just to confirm]?13:46
ViderizerOh nvm13:48
RevSpecies116thrillERboy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1612757 ?13:50
RevSpecies116thrillERboy: Have you tried to create an unsecured ad-hoc network connection first to even check your phone picks it up13:51
RevSpecies116if it CAN pick up the unsecured ad-hoc, you can then progress to making it WEP/WPA secure13:52
mn_hi.how can i share LocalRepository in lan network13:52
mn_how can i share LocalRepository in lan network13:53
omidmn_ inja behtare ;)13:53
omidalan mifahmi13:53
=== Guest16479 is now known as coconutz
mn_how can i share LocalRepository in lan network?13:53
psal_dunanyone need attention : how to make usb bootable from the cd i have obtained from ship it13:54
=== coconutz is now known as Guest60214
psal_dunmy cd drive is not waorking13:54
mn_how can i share LocalRepository in lan network?13:54
RevSpecies116psal_dun: Do you have acces to a computer that has ANY CD-ROM drive working?13:54
mn_how can i share LocalRepository in lan network?13:55
oCeanmn_: no need to repeat that quickly, have some patience13:55
hungryhubbypsal_dun: you can do it easily using startup disk creator13:55
hungryhubbyfrom live cd13:55
RevSpecies116hungryhubby: his CD-ROM drive [current] is broken13:55
psal_dunya but plz understand the problem13:55
hungryhubbyput the cd in another computer13:56
mn_how can i share LocalRepository in lan network?13:56
oCeanmn_: stop it13:56
OerHekspsal_dun, no working cd-drive, download the iso and put that on usb13:56
RevSpecies116The .iso is around 700MB, psal_dun - will that be a problem?13:56
mn_so why anybody dont answerd me?13:57
psal_dunyes , but i cannot create the iso from the ubuntu cd ????13:57
mn_pls help13:57
mn_so why anybody dont answerd me?13:57
RevSpecies116Not if your CD-ROM drive is not working ;)13:57
mn_pls help13:57
mn_how can i share LocalRepository in lan network?13:57
FloodBot1mn_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:57
RevSpecies116mn_, you wont get help like that13:57
sipiormn_: no one likes needy people.13:57
psal_dunwhy waste time downloading again , when i have the cd.....13:57
oCeanmn_: again, stop repeating your question13:57
RevSpecies116psal_dun: CONFIRM - your current CD-ROM drive is broken?13:58
mn_ok.can i wait for answer?13:58
omidmn_ tekrar nakon ye chizo13:58
oCeanmn_: sure. And you can try your question every, say 15 minutes or so13:58
oCeanomid: english13:58
omidok ok13:58
OerHeksmn_, here is some reading > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Offline/Repository and > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=59947913:58
Dexterdo I have to execute find / -uid 1000 -exec chown 5000 '{}' \+ as root, AND in the recovery mode console?13:58
mn_tnx and tnx omid13:59
RevSpecies116psal_dun: Please CONFIRM - your current CD-ROM drive is broken?13:59
web_knowshi o/13:59
psal_dunnot broken , it does not detect the disk13:59
bazhang!info apt-mirror | mn_14:00
ubottumn_: apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.8-3ubuntu1 (natty), package size 13 kB, installed size 124 kB14:00
RevSpecies116psal_dun: If your CD-ROM drive is not detecting it, then you need to either 1) put it in another computer and try it there, or 2) download the .iso from www.ubuntu.com [even if you think it is a waste - your CD is not working]14:00
oCeanCIlypher: stop that14:01
FloodBot1CIlypher: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:01
bazhangCIlypher, stop that14:01
exiffhow do i compress files separately ? e.g. i have 10 files in a folder, and i wanna make 10 archives without compressing them individually?14:01
RevSpecies116Is it happy nutty hour?14:01
beef-supremedoes anyone know how to configure lxdm?14:02
bazhangbeef-supreme, lxde?14:02
oCean!rootirc | CIlypher14:02
ubottuCIlypher: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.14:02
bazhangCIlypher, ask a question, all on ONE line14:02
CIlypherubottu thanks14:02
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:02
beef-supremebazhang, lxdm, the login manager14:02
CIlypherBazhang ok14:02
matbeeHow do I add --allow-file-access-from-files to my shortcut on my Unity toolbar?14:03
matbeeHow do I add --allow-file-access-from-files to my Google Chrome shortcut on my Unity toolbar?14:03
psal_dunif i discover a way to make iso from cd , i can use some one elses computer burn iso to usb , and then boot : my plan wright or wrong , please help ,,,, any one14:04
matbeeI see absolutely no way to edit how something is launched from this14:04
RevSpecies116psal_dun: correct14:04
RevSpecies116Take http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ with you, too14:04
foufisanyone that has this graphics card AMD Radeon™ HD 6790? problems? tweaks needed?14:04
RevSpecies116it seems to work better than the Canonical solution on the CD14:04
ActionParsnipfoufis: thats a range of cards, not a specific model14:04
RevSpecies116psal_dun: Take http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ with you, too - it seems to work better than the Canonical solution already on the CD14:05
foufisActionParnship:Correct, sorry.... this must the model   ATI Radeon HD6790 1GB DDR5 PCI-E Dual DVI HDMI Mini-DP (Sapphire)14:07
=== furqan is now known as jellyman
=== jellyman is now known as furqa
=== furqa is now known as furqan
omidubuntu 11.04 installition shows persian like this(even after the instalition of FA fonts) : http://031.img98.net/out.php/i371701_Screenshotneiname.txtDatagedit.png   i dont had this problem when in 10.04 . any ideas?14:14
HydrikJust a quick question: How do I remove the user password from my Ubuntu 10.10? I'm really annoyed by the password pop-up everytime I'm trying to do anything :)14:16
bazhangHydrik, you dont14:16
Hydrik= Not possible? :o14:16
RevSpecies116Hydrik: for security reasons, you can't14:16
bazhangsudo -i for a a root shell if you must14:16
Hydrikhmm weird.14:17
omidyou mean ubuntu dosnt have passwordless logins?14:17
omidsuse has this14:17
bazhangomid, auto login?14:17
RevSpecies116omid - you can have passwordless logins14:17
Hydriki dont mean the logins14:17
bazhangomid, of course it does14:18
RevSpecies116you just can't have passworldless root access14:18
omidcan anyone help me with my above issue?14:18
bazhangHydrik, not supported nor recommended, it will bring grief14:18
exiffdoes file-roller use the rar command when creating rar,cbr files?14:19
chocomingoguys question here from a linux newbie14:19
root_is it possible to use irssi over tor network?14:20
chocomingosorry phone14:20
chocomingoum, i read on the ubuntu help site that maverick doesnt have support for the trackpad on the latest mac pros14:21
chocomingodoes this mean that the trackpad isnt supported across all os'es for the new mac pros or that only maverick does not support it14:21
=== root_ is now known as Cypher
bazhangCypher, #test14:25
RevSpecies116chocomingo: Do you have a latest mac book pro?14:25
chocomingoyes i do14:25
chocomingothe 13 inch one14:25
RevSpecies116And do you have access to fast internet, chocomingo14:26
chocomingoyes i do.14:26
CypherHi, can someone help me out with something?14:26
RevSpecies116OKies, chocomingo, instead of listening/seeing words on forums that could be wrong, I recommend you download and burn that Maverick version of Ubuntu and test it out directly :)14:26
bazhangCypher, ask all on one line14:27
chocomingoas in run the os from the disk?14:27
CypherIs there a way to install ubuntu on EEPROM14:27
bazhangCypher, no14:27
Cypheror another small debian variant14:27
RevSpecies116Yep - not need to install it, chocomingo - it is a LiveCD14:27
chocomingookay thank you14:27
bazhangCypher, #debian14:27
RevSpecies116And then, chocomingo, if it DOES work, register in all the places that claim it doesn't work and tell them they are incorrect ;)14:28
chocomingohahaha, I would get banned, xD14:28
chocomingoi like the mac hardware but the os is restrictive to say the least, =/14:28
RevSpecies116Just to let you know, though, the latest ubuntu release is Natty (one up from Maverick], and it still has the old Ubuntu feel [if Unity was not your thing]14:29
markssCould anyone help with me fixing this wireless problem I'm have. The connect button is un-clickable even after I've entered the WPA key14:29
chocomingohmm, I will look at them all, :) will dual boot probably14:29
chocomingothanks for the help RevSpecies11614:30
RevSpecies116Dual boot is safe, too - Ubuntu will detect that, and guide you through if you choose to install after checking the LiveCD14:30
guyvdb_Hi, when ubuntu boots, upstart starts various services. I can stop a service via   "service <name> stop" how can I administer if it should be started on boot?14:30
RevSpecies116chocomingo: Just for your records, the LiveCD's can be downloaded from www.ubuntu.com14:31
chocomingothank you!14:31
RevSpecies116No troubles :) Have fun :)14:31
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
bullgard4guyvdb_: System > Administration > 'Atartup Manager.14:35
RevSpecies116Atartup = Startup ;)14:35
bullgard4guyvdb_: System > Administration > Startup Manager.14:35
nimbioticsHow do I 'Fix broken packages'??. TIA!14:38
pimperlecan i prepend some data to a tail -f command? like echo "foo" | tail -f logfile ?14:39
pimperlethis doesn't work as tail doesn't forward the stdin14:39
iFrankZI need help14:39
nimbioticsWhen I try to fix broken packages in synaptic, I get error messages shown at http://paste.ubuntu.com/617528/. How do I fix this? TIA!14:40
iFrankZActually I'm using a program called Brasero which is native on Linux. It copies the .isos files on cds, actually the one I'm using is displayed as 4.3 GB available, then I put the file I use and it says a lot less, so it doesn't let me put all the file inside, what's wrong? :S14:40
Dextercan anyone help me out with this?14:40
Dexterroot@hihihi100-laptop:~# find / -uid 1001 -exec chown 1000 '{}' \+14:40
Dexterfind: `/home/dexter/.gvfs': Permission denied14:40
Dexterfind: `/proc/5984/task/5984/fd/5': No such file or directory14:40
Dexterfind: `/proc/5984/task/5984/fdinfo/5': No such file or directory14:40
Dexterfind: `/proc/5984/fd/5': No such file or directory14:40
Dexterfind: `/proc/5984/fdinfo/5': No such file or directory14:40
FloodBot1Dexter: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:40
DexterYou have new mail in /var/mail/root14:40
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: can you give a pastebin of: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install; lsb_release -a14:41
dsockwellwin 3114:41
quiescensDexter: what's wrong with it?14:41
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
Dexterquiescens, I dont know, but should that command list those not found files and denied permissions?14:42
linusoleanderI can copy a file between two directories, even thou I own the directory14:42
PiciDexter: /proc is a special filesystem, it contains an interface to the kernel itself, they don't represent files on your drive.14:42
linusoleanderAnyone know why this is?14:43
linusoleandercp -r dir/shared/cached-copy dir/releases/20110603133802/14:43
linusoleandercp: cannot create regular file cached-copy/.git/objects/92/07e89e3ee4ae1734551b3e4828188c8a18bdc0': Permission denied14:43
quiescensDexter: .gvfs is a fuse based directory and probably shouldn't be played with while logged on with the user in question, you are using find with -exec, and it is probably trying to access the files that detail the proccesses that find itself is creating and then quickly destroying in /proc, as pici said you really shouldn't play with permissions in /proc14:44
linusoleanderThat doesn't make any sens at all14:44
Dexterpici, that explains (I really dont understand) the proc messages, but what about the .gfvs denied permissin?14:44
coz_linusoleander,  are you using sudo with that?14:44
nimbioticsActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/617534/14:44
Dexterquiescens, pici, should I execute those commands from the recovery mode console then?14:44
ActionParsniplinusoleander: if you verify the folders and it's right, you can prepend with sudo14:44
linusoleandercoz_: No, I own the directory14:44
coz_linusoleander,  try it with sudo ,, see if it allows the action14:45
linusoleanderYeah, sudo works14:45
linusoleanderBut that isn't the problem14:45
nimbioticsActionParsnip: BTW, why is it reporting 10.0 whn I've supousedly got 11.04?14:46
quiescenslinusoleander: just because you own a directory doesn't neccesarily mean it has its user write permissions set14:46
coz_linusoleander,  oh   sorry,, what is the problem?14:46
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: http://pastebin.com/nt7DTWZG14:46
ari__how to install chrome on ubuntu ??14:46
ari__please...help meee,,,,14:46
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: you are using maverick, you haven't booted to a natty kernel and your sources all say maverick14:46
coz_ari__,  do you want chrome or chromium14:46
ActionParsnipari__: it's in the repos14:46
ari__chrome web browser14:47
coz_ari__,   sudo apt-get install  chromium-broswer14:47
omidari__ no diffrence . install chromium14:47
nimbioticsActionParsnip: ok i had somewhat noted that but why then does about report 11.04?14:47
ari__ubuntu indonesia please ..14:47
ari__i'm indonesia..14:47
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
ari__helloww ??14:48
ari__indonesian please ??14:48
coz_ari__,    sudo  apt-get install  chromium-browser14:48
ari__oke ..thankz you :)14:48
DJones!id | ari__14:48
ubottuari__: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia14:48
ActionParsnipomid: one is open source, chrome is a snapshot of the open sourse one, the open one is a later version and will have newer features14:49
ari__oke ..thankz :)14:49
PiciDexter: Other users can't have access to .gvfs due to a fuse issue.  You may be able to alleviate this by ensuring that gnome isn't running when you make these changes.14:49
omidActionParsnip thank you. i knew it. i was telling ari__ that there is no diffrence14:50
PiciDexter: See bug 22536114:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225361 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "other users don't have access to .gvfs" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22536114:50
Dexterpici, ok, gnome wont be running if I am in the recovery mode console14:52
PiciDexter: Right14:52
Dexterproceeding then, as soon as I finsh watching full metal jacket14:52
ActionParsnipari__: if you want all the funky features, grab the daily build ppa14:52
linusoleanderquiescens: That was the problem. I change the permissions to 775, thanks!14:53
zae_bdnhi ubuntu lovers14:53
malgorathI just installed ubuntu on a new hard drive with my windows 7 install. But there is no menu to boot between them as I had to do custom partition, is there a page on how to fix this so I can boot windows still for games since wine can't get decent fps yet14:54
thomas001hello, i am currently upgrading my father's laptop to 11.04. i miss the application menu, where you just select "office > OpenOffice Writer"...is it hidden somewhere or how are you supposed to find the writer now?14:54
Picithomas001: If you prefer the old interface, you can select Classic Ubuntu from the login menu.14:55
edbianmalgorath: There should be a menu.  Can you boot Ubuntu and run sudo fdisk -l?   (I am nervous you erased windows)14:55
Pici!classic | thomas00114:55
ubottuthomas001: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.14:55
thomas001so in unity there is no menu? and you have to search for it?14:55
malgorathedbian, its there I have it mounted as /windows even14:55
edbianmalgorath: Then run this: sudo update-grub   This should re-scan for your windows partitions and add entries to grub for you.14:56
ActionParsnipnimbiotics: better?14:56
malgorathedbian, just tried it again, finds to images in /boot and /memtest86+ nothing regarding windows14:57
malgorather finds two14:58
edbianmalgorath: Can I see sudo fdisk -l ?  What partitions are what?14:58
zae_bdnu look so nice trained edbian14:58
zae_bdnwhere are u from?14:58
zae_bdnnice to meet u14:58
zae_bdni'm from barcelona14:58
edbianzae_bdn: :)  you to14:58
edbianDo you have a support related question?14:59
bazhang!ot | zae_bdn14:59
ubottuzae_bdn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:59
zae_bdnjust wanna meet someone14:59
* edbian kicks the dirt with is feet and smiles coyly14:59
malgorath/dev/sda1 is windows NTFS, /dev/sdb1 swap, /dev/sdb2 linux root14:59
edbianzae_bdn: If you wanna chat we should talk in Ubuntu offtopic14:59
edbianmalgorath: Where is the windows recovery partition?  There are usually 2 windows partitions on vista and 715:00
malgorathI don't know to be honest, I installed the second hard drive, installed windows in primary, then installed linux on secondary drive and this is what I have left.15:01
foufisdoes anyone have this graphics card? drivers work fine? tweaks needed? problems?   http://www.epricee.com/computer-accessories/14907-sapphire-radeon-hd6790-1gb-ddr5-ati-pci-e-graphic-cards.html15:01
edbianmalgorath: Perhaps that recovery partition is a OEM installer thing.  IDK15:02
malgorathWish i didn't have to consider going back to windows for just entertainment issues but I guess thats life15:02
ech0s7i have a problem15:03
edbianmalgorath: I'm researching.  (Have you tried a VM?  Performance hit but it's more convienient)15:03
ech0s7i'm using Natty and after distro upgrade, i haven't no more network-manager15:03
malgorathedbian, its a frames per second reason for going back forth between linux and windows 7 right now15:04
=== chocomingo is now known as fudgebird
edbianmalgorath: sudo update-grub2  ? (perhaps it's different)15:04
edbianmalgorath: Mmmm15:04
edbianmalgorath: Trying to find the quick fixes before we write a custom entry15:04
malgorathedbian, same result15:04
ech0s7i'm using Natty and after distro upgrade, i haven't no more network-manager15:04
edbianmalgorath: Ok hang on15:04
ech0s7i can't access to internet15:04
malgorathech0s7, have you attempted to setup the network via CLI?15:05
edbianmalgorath: gksudo gedit /etc/grud.d/11_windows715:05
ech0s7malgorath: yes15:05
malgorathedbian, its an empty file15:06
malgorathech0s7, and you didn't get connected manually?15:06
edbianmalgorath: Yeah, we're creating it15:06
malgorathedbian, I assumed was just confirming.15:06
edbianmalgorath: Put this in it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/617551/15:07
=== david is now known as Guest22247
ech0s7malgorath: yes i got internet connection manually15:08
ech0s7but why upgrade system has deleted network-manager ??15:08
malgorathech0s7, tried to use apt-get to install the network-manager again?15:08
DogWaterWhat is considered the best way to synchronize web server content amongst multiple servers?15:09
kalehow would i go about mounting an USB floppy drive?15:09
ech0s7malgorath: not yet, i would know why it has deleted15:09
malgorathedbian, finished. restart? or rerun the update-grub again?15:10
edbiankale: Plug it in.  Double click the icon in 'My Computer'15:10
edbianmalgorath: sorry, I'm here now15:11
genii-aroundkale: Also see the manpage for ufiformat15:11
edbianmalgorath: Have to make it executable  sudo chmod a+x /etc/grub.d/11_windows715:11
vivek_hi everyone... i have to write a bash script that tells me the url of all websites which are currently opened in my browser.. can anyone please just give me an elementary idea in this respect...?15:11
malgorathedbian, done15:12
edbianmalgorath: sudo update-grub15:12
nimbioticsActionParsnip: having same troubles, but I'm trying another approach, will let you know in a minute, THX15:12
malgorathAdding Windows15:12
edbianmalgorath: You should see 'adding windows 7'  now  but we'll reboot to see if it actually boots windows 7.  I believe15:12
malgorathoka brb15:13
edbianmalgorath: I believe it changed grub so that the menu shows on each boot now.  If not hit shift and we can fix that too15:13
edbian...no way he read that15:13
c2cHello, anybody here already installed php5-mysql AND mysql-cluster-server ?15:13
cismoHola! Does anyone know what happen to a"advance section" of the help and support for Ubuntu15:13
c2cI got a conflict between libmysqlclient versions15:13
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
MagicJI have installed 10.04 from a memory stick.  I know the stick is good - have done other installs from it - computer runs perfectly from the stick as live CD, when installing it goes through all 7 steps and just after saying 'setting up users' it goes to the live CD sign on screen = it appears that it is not setting the boot loader but that all else is OK.  If I re-install it sees the...15:18
MagicJ...previous partitions etc there = HELP!15:18
MalgorathBOOTMGR is missing... somehow i guess installing ubutnu wiped out my bootmgr for windows15:19
edbianMalgorath: what?  Lemme look that up.  (grub is a your bootMGR now).15:20
halvordoes anybody know how to fix missing shadows in compiz?15:20
Malgoraththats what what I figured also edbian15:20
halvori've tried already all i could find15:20
edbianMalgorath: What exactly happened?  Did you see a menu at all?15:20
Malgorathyeah i see the menu edbian15:21
edbianMalgorath: What is on the menu?15:21
Malgorathpicked "Windows15:21
edbianMalgorath: And then you got that error?15:21
Malgorathi am on my laptop so I don't have to d/c from irc again15:22
edbianMalgorath: Ok great.  So the menu has our new entry in it. That means grub is definitely running.  This is 11.04 ?15:22
MagicJMalgorath: I am not trying to set this as a dual biit - I do agree - so how do I get a boot manager on there?15:23
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
solovoyhi, how can i do to the windows don't open maximized15:24
MalgorathMagicJ, huh?15:24
bazhang!alis | davidbelgie_15:25
ubottudavidbelgie_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*15:25
davidbelgie_ubottu: list of channels15:25
ubottudavidbelgie_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:25
davidbelgie_ubottu: channels15:25
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:25
sabiancrash_cgxTemps cannot be colder than absolute 0. (-459.67F)15:25
hobeiiI'm having problems installing the 32bit driver for the canon pixma mx320 all-in-one-printer on my 64bit system (11.04)15:25
bazhangdavidbelgie_, /msg alis list *name*15:25
hobeiithe Install is showing missing dependencies that are installed already15:25
* BluesKaj wonders where, google-linux went15:26
bazhangsabiancrash_cgx, this is ubuntu support15:26
Picisabiancrash_cgx: Do you have a question?15:26
=== Tribaal is now known as TribaalTroll
edbianMalgorath: Boot off from Windows 7 DVD and select Repair your computer.  Select your Windows installation directory and click Next.  Choose the Command Prompt option and use the following command to fix the problem: bootrec /fixboot15:27
cismojoin #Documentation15:27
hobeiimissing packages would be15:27
hobeii cnijfilter-common:i386 hängt ab von libc6 (>= 2.3.4-1).15:27
hobeii cnijfilter-common:i386 hängt ab von libcupsys2 (>= 1.2.1) | libcups2.15:27
hobeii cnijfilter-common:i386 hängt ab von libpopt0 (>= 1.7).15:27
edbianMalgorath: Tell me what happens along the way please :)15:27
FloodBot1hobeii: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:27
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
Malgorathedbian, k 1 sec15:28
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
edbianMalgorath: I believe that bootMGR is a file on the windows 7 install.  NOT In the MBR (not sure about that though)15:28
=== TribaalTroll is now known as Tribaal
hobeiiat least I get an answer this way :P15:28
BumsasHello all15:29
oCeanhobeii: that cannot be a reason to violate guidelines15:29
oCeanhobeii: anyway, you say you have 64bit system, but the package you are trying to install seems to be .i386 (32 bit)15:29
hobeiioCean: that's correct15:30
hobeiioCean: it doesn't seem to be any 64bit drivers avail15:30
Malgorathedbian, i was digging  a bit looks like I have to rebuild that partition(100mb) some how cause its like te /root now for windows15:30
oCeanhobeii: you should not mix those architectures. Ask the maintainers of that package, what can we do about that?15:30
edbianMalgorath: It's like te /root   ?15:31
Malgoraththe /root15:31
hobeiioCean: I know I shouldn't. But thee's this printer and I want to get it running ...15:31
oCeanhobeii: yes, but we cannot support 3rd party software15:32
edbianMalgorath: In linux /root is root's home folder.  I think you mean it's like /   (the system root directory).  Did my instructions help ?15:32
Malgorather yeah I mean /boot15:32
hobeiioCean: I see. do you still have any idea, why dpkg sais there are dependencies15:32
nimbioticsHello everyone. I'm trying to install devede, but I'm having problems with synaptic as its telling me that devede deppendes on such and such but its not going to be installed and if I try to install such and such I get similar responses recursiverly. A more detailed explanation is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/617569/. Please Help me. TIAS!15:32
oCeanhobeii: yes, because you are mixing architectures. That. Won't. Work15:32
sine__hi there. does anyone have libfish.so that they have compiled on 64bit15:32
=== dragon is now known as Guest19993
hobeiioCean: so the only way would be to install 32bit version of Ubuntu?15:33
Malgorathedbian, the 100m partition in windows is not the /boot for windows, without it there is no way to boot windows and I found a site that talks about your instructions but there is some partition stuff that has to be rebuilt first it says(M$ website)15:33
Malgorathedbian, er is now the /boot for windows15:33
syockitHow is ~/.xinitrc handled in ubuntu? is it omitted in favor of /etc/X11/Xsession?15:34
edbianMalgorath: Ahh, did you ever have a /boot partition or something?  Where did it go if it was just a folder in windows?  (this explains why grub doesn't find it)15:34
usmanhi, i have a small problem regarding bind9, i have just installed it and try to setup a domain( a kind of self learning) but it wasnt working out, so i remove all the thing i write in the file, now whenerver i am trying to restart the bind i am getting this message. http://paste.ubuntu.com/617573/15:34
=== Mohan is now known as Guest38355
oCeanhobeii: I have no idea. There might be other possibilities, ask the manufacturer15:34
Craig`hey guys, when someone was helping me setup this machine they disabled eth1 for some reason or another and i don't know how to set it up again, could you please help?15:34
hobeiioCean: thanks15:34
dpeverytime xscreensaver stops running, my keyboard stops responding momentarily. any ideas?15:34
bazhangCraig`, eth1 ? should be eth015:34
Malgorathedbian, honestly I didn't really examine the parts of /dev/sda since I knew ubuntu was going on /dev/sdb and windows was working fine15:34
Craig`bazhang: no i've got eth0 working15:34
edbianMalgorath: sure15:35
Craig`i have 2 gigabit ports, eth0 and eth1, eth0 is connected to the internet via my router, eth1 does not exist apparntly (though i know it does)15:35
bazhangCraig`, its another ethernet card? or just not identified wifi card15:35
bazhangCraig`, set up to do what15:35
Craig`bazhang: it does not exist apparntly, i want to get it working again - every command like ifconfig says the device does not exist15:36
Craig`http://www.globalscaletechnologies.com/p-32-guruplug-server-plus.aspx is what i have15:36
phox_Why can't I use the command "unrar" on a file which ends in .r01 or .r02, and so on?15:37
sunilI want to generate about 400MB/s traffic on my demo server. anyone knows how can I do this.15:37
bazhangphox_, install the unrar package15:37
phox_bazhang: I think I have. I can use it on .rar packages.15:37
Guest19993how to hack password with ubuntu?15:38
Piciphox_: Use it on the first archive of the series and it should extract from all of them.15:39
usmanany idea anyone ???15:39
bazhangGuest19993, you dont15:39
Piciusman: You need to use sdudo to restart services15:39
pace_t_zuluGuest19993: if you type in your password here it will mask it from the rest of us15:39
Picipace_t_zulu: Please don't joke around here.15:40
bazhangpace_t_zulu, no thats wrong and not helpful15:40
pace_t_zuluPici bazhang .... apologies15:40
pace_t_zuluPici bazhang .... i shouldn't have gone there - thanks for keeping me in check15:40
usmanOPici: can u tell me the command for ubuntu because right now i am using /etc/initd.d/bind9 restart15:40
Snicers-Work2Is there any rsk of downtime when using "aptitude upgrade"?15:40
sunilI want to generate about 400MB/s traffic on my demo server. anyone knows how can I do this.15:41
phillhow to install/setup OpenVPN, I'm an ubuntu laptop connected to a Windoze network. have OpenVPN client setup working fine on the windoze computers, would like same setup on my laptop....15:41
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
Jcook_5xDataSnicers-Work2, No some services will restart15:42
Malgorathedbian, if I figure this out I think I might post something about it somewhere as I can see this being a more common problem15:42
phox_Shouldn't the command "unrar *.rar" unrar any archive in the folder I'm in?15:43
Jcook_5xDatasunil, what kind of traffic web port 80 , sip?15:43
edbianMalgorath: sure.  I'm more interested in what caused windows 7 to go from bootable to unbootable15:43
Snicers-Work2Jcook_5xData, is there a risk that they will be unable to restart?15:43
Piciphox_: I remeber someone here saying recently that it doesn't do globbing for some reason.15:43
sunilJcook_5xData: any type of traffic,15:43
phox_Pici: ok, so how do I solve it?15:43
Jcook_5xDataSnicers-Work2, I very had a problem both on service and desktop. Not there is always that chance.15:44
Piciphox_: Something like; find . -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.rar" -exec unrar {} \;15:44
sunilJcook_5xData: I want to simulate it on my server.15:44
sunilJcook_5xData: even if its is syn flood, that also gonna work, but it should be about 400MB/s15:45
Jcook_5xDatasunil, just use ping then ping -packetsize 100
phox_Pici: that just listed all of the options..15:46
klingelbartis there anyone?15:47
sunilJcook_5xData: I said 400MB/s, ping cannot produce so much data at this rate.15:47
Piciphox_: sorry, I missed the argument for unraring something. Its unrar x {]  I think.15:47
phox_Pici: ok, so "find . -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.rar" -exec unrar x {} \;"? Do I need the " in front of *.rar?15:48
Piciphox_: yes.15:48
Jcook_5xDatasunil, http://sourceforge.net/projects/pfgen/15:49
Picisunil: Depending on what you want to test, something like siege, netperf or dbench  would likely be appropriate.15:49
Picisunil: I got all of those from apt-cache search benchmarkk15:50
sunilJcook_5xData: I want to generate traffic and try different tools and see which one is best for capturing during heavy traffic.15:50
solovoywhen a windows open maximized, it don't use all the space of the screen, what can i do ?15:50
phox_Why doesn't this command: "find . -type f -name "*.r00" -exec rm -f {} \;" delete the rar-archives which ends in .r00?15:50
klingelbartnoob question: i entered "man cd" into terminal. how do i get back from this manual page to the terminal?15:51
phox_Oh wait, it worked. Nvm15:51
EugenMayerwhen trying to install ubuntu using the alternate cd, it boots but it can detect the "CDROM". i tried cdrom-dete/try-usb but it did not work. Any suggestion?15:51
genii-aroundklingelbart: q15:51
Piciphox_: You can always test it by using -echo ranther than -exec to see what commands it would have issued :)15:51
sine__hi there. does anyone have libfish.so that they have compiled on 64bit15:51
klingelbartgenii: thanks!15:52
genii-aroundklingelbart: You're welcome15:52
Picisine__: what is that file for/from?15:52
sine__fish ecryption for irssi15:52
sunilJcook_5xData: The data rate may reach upto 1GB/s, so I need to test which too provides best performance15:52
sine__im on a shell that is ubuntu and the admin fails at compiling libfish15:53
Picisine__: Perhaps the #irssi channel would have a better idea of where to get it15:53
sunilPici: I want to generate traffic and try different tools and see which one is best for capturing during heavy traffic.15:54
sunilPici: The data rate I have to capture may reach upto 1GB/s, so I need to test which too provides best performance15:54
eregonHello, is it possible to install ubuntu (desktop) from command-line using another version (without cd) ?15:54
Picisunil: Did you check out any of the tools that I suggested?15:55
Malgorathedbian, i think i might have to fully reinstall windows15:55
edbianMalgorath: ouch15:55
sunilI have tried mz, tcpreplay15:55
Jcook_5xDatasunil, I dont know of any thing other then what stated. if you have dbase install you could write a query that loop or some thing or a page to down a file over over again. other then that google15:56
Piciedbian: There a few install methods available, take a look at; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation15:56
sunilPici: I have tried mz, tcpreplay15:56
RoastedIs it still confirmed that gnome classic will be removed with 11.10?15:56
edbianPici: Gee thanks but I don't need to install Ubuntu15:57
Piciedbian: ;)15:57
Picieregon: There a few install methods available, take a look at; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation15:57
Jcook_5xDatasunil, you may have better luck @ #ubuntu-server15:57
sunilPici: mz just checked, but all tools are giving about 700MB/minute15:57
PiciRoasted: You may want to ask in #ubuntu+1 and/or check out the blueprints from UDS15:57
phox_Can I use the "find" command to find a folder? The folder in this case will always be called "sample", or "Sample". I want to delete it.15:57
sunilJcook_5xData: ok, now can i joint this without closing current, I think there was connect something command.15:58
sunilJcook_5xData: can you help me in this15:58
KbolesHello, I am having trouble with my sound and I know the ALSA drivers are installed.  When I test the speakers I get a static noise.  Please Help I have tried everything.  I do not want to buy a new sound card and have the same problem.15:58
Piciphox_: find /path/ -type d -iname "sample" -delete15:58
schnufflephox_: find /startfolder -type d -name "name"15:58
sunilconnect: #ubuntu-server15:58
phox_Pici: thans man, you really seem to be an expert =)15:59
eregonPici: thank you15:59
Jcook_5xDatasunil, what irc client you use15:59
tmghi, any ideas how to findout where the real problem is if i get kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt ?15:59
=== smartere is now known as Miles--
sunilJcook_5xData: freenode.net15:59
bazhangsunil, /join #ubuntu-server15:59
Jcook_5xDatasunil, xchat?15:59
Jcook_5xDatabazhang, thanks :)15:59
sunilbazhang: thanx15:59
Kbolesdoes any know of USB audio devices that work with ubuntu 10.10?16:00
=== kLownish is now known as klown_away
phox_Pici: should I replace the /path/ part? I am writing a script, and I want to delete the sample dir in the folder I'm activating the script from16:00
cutouthi, i want ubuntu to stop asking me for the keyring. every time I login even I set the login without password it asks me for the default keyring password. also even if i set in the details to not ask me about it again next time I start my computer it asks me for it!!!16:01
Piciphox_: Replace /path/ with wherever you want to start searching from/ use . for current directory.16:01
bazhangcutout, set it to blank16:01
cutoutbazhang: from where?16:01
cutoutam on 11.0416:01
phox_pici: ok, so /path/ becomes /./?16:01
Piciphox_: no. It becomes:  .16:02
Piciphox_: find . -etc etc16:02
phox_Pici: hehe ok =)16:02
phox_now i get it..16:02
=== sandertje is now known as sndrtj
=== klown_away is now known as klown
KbolesAnyone know of any USB sound devices that work with 10.10?16:04
phillcould not find OpenVPN in the Ubuntu Software Centre, did "sudo apt-get install openvpn", now what?16:04
KM0201Kboles: probably not very many to be truthful... are you on a laptop or PC?16:04
KM0201phill: did it install?16:05
Kbolesim on an Older gateway PC with no built in audio from motherboard16:05
Kbolescurrent sound card does not work...all I get is hissing static16:05
=== oleg is now known as Guest95219
KM0201Kboles: ok, well it must have audio somehow... does it have a PCI slot? you could buy a PCI sound card.16:05
KM0201Kboles: what have you tried to fix it?16:05
Guest95219Guys, I am having a problem: my graphics theme does not apply to anything but the window borders.16:06
KbolesI've been looking for something cheap, such as a e-mu 1212m, but with no avail16:06
toxi_Hi all.  Anyone can tell me if there is #ubuntu like channel?16:06
KM0201Kboles: is something wrong w/ your current sound card (does it work in windows?) or are you just wanting a new one or what? i fthere's a hardware problem, obviously ubuntu can't fix that.16:06
bazhangtoxi_, like?16:06
KbolesI have tried to redo everything driver wise, with success, but still no sound only static16:06
Picitoxi_: #ubuntu is an #ubuntu like channel.16:06
KbolesThe sound card did work in windows16:07
toxi_What I mean is if there is #windows or similar16:07
Rashanhi everyone I was wondering how do I completely uninstall ubuntu from my machine and put windows on it instead?16:07
KrishnanduHi, I want to take remote desktop to Windows Server 2008 R2, which I guess uses rdp protocol. But I dont find any option of RDP in dropdown box of Remote Desktop16:07
Picitoxi_: ##windows exists.16:07
AzelphurRashan: ^16:07
KM0201Kboles: ok... well, what driver did you try recompiling?16:07
bazhangRashan, delete the partition, install windows16:07
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
Guest95219Rashan: Install Windows with formatting drives, ditto.16:08
FernandoTertiaryE:Could not open file /tmp/aptdaemon-frozen-statusO5DmLB/status - open (2: No such file or directory), E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened16:08
toxi_Thks, Pici16:08
ubuntucu_ahmethello everbody!16:08
Rashanok how do I delete the partition?16:08
KM0201Rashan: when you tell the windows installer to take over the whole hard drive, it should do that automatically.16:09
FernandoTertiaryRashan: you need to download the partitioning tool16:09
Jcook_5xDataKrishnandu, sudo apt-get install remmina16:09
Rashanhmm ok16:09
dpeverytime xscreensaver stops running, my keyboard stops responding momentarily. any ideas?16:09
FernandoTertiarydo such in Synaptic & it is easy16:09
KM0201FernandoTertiary: not really... if he's reinstalling windows on the entire drive, and removing windows.. he can just let the windows installer repartititon/format the drive.16:09
KM0201*removing ubuntu16:09
hiexpomorning all16:09
KrishnanduJcook_5xData, Thanks, But isn't there any RDP protocol for the Gnome's Default Remote Desktop client??16:10
KM0201no real need to install an app to do it.16:10
KrishnanduJcook_5xData, I tried rdesktop, but it says it's already installed16:10
FernandoTertiaryKM0201:, ah, did not ascertain that16:10
nimbioticsHello everyone. I'm trying to install devede, but I'm having problems with synaptic as its telling me that devede deppendes on such and such but its not going to be installed and if I try to install such and such I get similar responses recursiverly. A more detailed explanation is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/617569/. Please Help me. TIA!16:10
FernandoTertiarydid everybody see that Error code from attempting to download the updates?16:10
Jcook_5xDatait under tscremote i think. I remove and install remmina it is some much better16:11
ubuntucu_ahmetCannocal started to support Lubuntu official now. I use Ubuntu (gnome) but i don't use gnome-panels. I remove them from th startup and i use AWN. Because i remove the gnome-panels i can not use also ALT+F2 combination to write any command. For me it is better to use Lubuntu ? What will i lose ? Gnome is a good without his panels ?16:11
ActionParsnipubuntucu_ahmet: lubuntu is just a light DE, you can use your Gnome apps in LXDE without issue16:11
KM0201ubuntucu_ahmet: lubuntu doesn't have official support yet (won't until 11.10)...16:11
schnufflenimbiotics: did you do a apt-get update before trying?16:12
ubuntucu_ahmetKM0201: sorry anyway. i will use it with 11.116:12
hiexponimbiotics, i think you need to install medibuntu  repo what version of ubuntu you on?16:12
KM020111.1... interesting16:12
* KM0201 wishes people would understand version numbers are not mathematical.16:13
=== Guest95219 is now known as Okitain
KrishnanduJcook_5xData, Thanks, remmina did my job..!! Thanks a lot :)16:13
ubuntucu_ahmetActionParsnip: i know i can use gnome (also kde) programs without problem. But what will change for me as and end -user ? will i have driver problmes ?16:13
KrishnanduJcook_5xData, So isn't there any RDP protocol for the default client??16:14
KM0201ubuntucu_ahmet: unlikely, i've not had any... the desktop isn't quite as easy to customize, but it's very workable if you have older stuff, or just like "fast and simple"16:14
ubuntucu_ahmetKM0201: if you understand me there is no problem :)16:14
schnuffleKrishnandu: there is, wait I'll look up the name16:14
KM0201ubuntucu_ahmet:  if you don't mind sounding lik a dolt, i don't mind;16:15
Jcook_5xDataKrishnandu, they are use two different clients one for VNC and one for rdp16:15
PalzieriCan I upgrade my not supported Jauntie to any other distribution???16:15
OkitainGuys, once again, I am having a problem: any GTK theme does not apply to anything but window borders, leaving me with "cleanlook", which is ugly.16:15
ActionParsnipubuntucu_ahmet: no, its just the frontend that changes, everything under the hood is identical16:15
schnuffleKrishnandu: there's gnome-rdp16:15
KM0201Palzieri: you can upgrade it to Karmic... 9.1016:15
KrishnanduJcook_5xData, Hmm, Ok :)16:16
Krishnanduschnuffle, Thanks :)16:16
PalzieriHow??? my update tool says it's not possible16:16
KM0201!eol | Palzieri16:16
ubottuPalzieri: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:16
KM0201Palzieri: depending on where you want to end up... it might be easier to just clean install a current version.16:16
schnuffleKrishnandu: and there's http://remmina.sourceforge.net/16:16
ubuntucu_ahmetKM0201: i don't think that , this is dolt or someting so there is no problem here.. but if you say that is, please don't mind..16:16
Jcook_5xDataKrishnandu, sorry I can remember there name I have not used them in years16:16
ubuntucu_ahmetActionParsnip: understand thank  you! :)16:17
Krishnanduschnuffle, Yeah, Jcook_5xData suggested that, and I installed and did my job. Thanks a lot, it was really urgent. :)16:17
kubanchow could i install libmp3lame.so.016:17
schnuffleyour welcome16:17
Palzieriok but my cd rom is not working properly16:18
FernandoTertiaryneed a developer to assist with E:Could not open file /tmp/aptdaemon-frozen-statusO5DmLB/status - open (2: No such file or directory), E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened16:18
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: what did you do?16:19
Pi31415anyone using a third party piece of software called baudline for audio spectral analysis under 11.04.   i seem to be having trouble with jack and a device menu in the program does not find the audio devices..... TIA16:19
KM0201Palzieri: can you boot a USB?16:19
FernandoTertiaryschnuffle: attempted to download the updates amigo16:19
KM0201!info libmp3lame0 | kubanc install this package would be my guess16:19
ubottukubanc install this package would be my guess: libmp3lame0 (source: lame): An MP3 encoding library. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.98.4-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 246 kB, installed size 440 kB16:19
Palzieriehm I do have USB but I cannot boot from it16:19
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: How? did you try a sudo apt-get update ina terminal?16:19
FernandoTertiaryschnuffle: via Synaptic Update Manager16:20
lucas__ubuntu br16:20
KM0201Palzieri: sounds like you might have a problem.16:20
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: can you try: sudo apt-get update?16:20
calef13I'm trying to downgrade ghc to 6.12.2, anyone know how to find the package name for that version?16:21
kubancubottu, thanx for givving me the correct name for the package16:21
ubottukubanc: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:21
KM0201Palzieri: did you look at that link i gave you t upgrade 9.04 to 9.10 via the internet?16:21
PalzieriInfact I have put my distro in an old laptop16:21
FernandoTertiaryschnuffle: that appears to have worked. Gracias amigo!16:21
PalzieriKM0201 can you give that link back to me?16:21
KM0201!eol | Palzieri16:22
ubottuPalzieri: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:22
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: When the automic update tool has a lock, you get this problem16:22
psyophi, can i easily mess up my system if i install openbox on my ubuntu which already has gnome in use?16:22
eb3ha4elWhy eHDD product have description line for compatibility with OS unlike USB flash memory?16:22
calef13psyop: no16:22
basilfaultyI tried to install ubuntu from a usb stick... it seemed to work but failed after a while. The files seem to be on the disk, but it won't boot. I have chroot to the mounted fs but there doesn't seem to be anything in the device.map16:22
FernandoTertiaryschnuffle: there is a update, & the text reads "end", though when pressing "S" it reads "log file"16:23
KM0201Palzieri: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty    that link is more specific to your issue.16:23
FernandoTertiaryschnuffle: what should be entered?16:23
eb3ha4elWill any eHDD work with any OS like USB FM??16:23
PalzieriSo where camn I download a new version? the site doesn't show my case16:24
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: still using snyptics? just do a: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade16:24
KM0201Palzieri: look at this link, it tells you exactly what to do... (as did the other link for that matter...) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Jaunty16:24
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: If you want to stay with synaptics, you'll have to ask somebody else, I don't like it and don't use it16:25
FernandoTertiaryschnuffle: it reads the same thing in the Terminal16:25
szalKM0201: are you sure 9.04 can still be upgraded to anything?  9.10 is also EOL, so I somewhat doubt that16:25
KM0201szal: of course i'm sure.16:25
PalzieriBut now it requires to have libraries written in my /etc/apt/sources.list16:26
KM0201szal: did you read the link?... there's ways to upgrade EOL releases,16:26
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: normally it asks you if you want to upgrade the packages and you can accept with yes16:26
KM0201Palzieri: yeah..?16:26
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: can you paste the output16:26
KM0201Palzieri: why is adding sources an issue, thats the only way you're gonna complete an upgrade in this situation,.16:26
FernandoTertiaryschnuffle: yes, then it stops with a /tmp location, then suggests "end" then posteri pressing "s" it reads "log file: "16:27
Palzieribut now is it enough if I add the links to my sources.list file??16:27
FernandoTertiary -- Marc Deslauriers <marc.deslauriers@ubuntu.com>  Tue, 31 May 2011 05:48:25 -040016:27
FernandoTertiarylog file:16:27
KM0201Palzieri: are you reading the links i gave you?...16:27
ronin__hi how can i install gcc-3.4 on ubuntu 10.1016:27
KM0201they tell you EXACTLY WHAT TO DO>16:27
nimbioticshiexpo: im on 10.1016:27
clusterfuskI can't see my linux box in the workgroup on a windows xp pro system, but can on other linux systems.  Is something wrong with my smb.conf?  http://dpaste.com/550108/16:27
Palzieriit says to have certain links written in my sources.list16:28
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: hmm, no idea what's going wrong16:28
PalzieriI checked but there aren't16:28
KM0201right, so add themt o your source list, are you saying you don't know how to add them?16:28
KM0201no, it says to "make sure you have them" so if you don't, you need to add them.16:28
Palzierisadly yes16:28
lucidguyUbuntu 10.04 server vm ... with no X11.  Will be LAMP server, do I really need any of the VM tools installed?16:28
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: have you some update applet in the panel?16:28
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.16:28
=== genzo is now known as genzo_
Palzieriwhen I try and add them it says I haven't got the permission to do it add them16:29
KM0201Palzieri: just run gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list      enter your password and when it opens up, copy EVERYTHING thats in that box on the howto... into your source list... then save, close, then run sudo apt-get update16:29
indicatorHello. I was using Optimus previous when I installed ubuntu, and my native resolution was at 1080p on startup (grub/tty) but now that I'm using discrete, my resolution has hit its minimum16:29
FernandoTertiaryschnuffle: am attempting to discern what to enter posteri "log file: "16:29
indicatorWhere do I configure this?16:29
Palzieridoing it....16:29
KM0201Palzieri: just keep in mind, after you upgrade jaunty to karmic, karmic is also end of life, so you'll likely want to upgrade karmic to lucid.16:30
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: I don't know, why not just enter something like /tmp/update.log?16:30
hiexpoman sounds like a fresh install would be easier16:30
kerebrusIs there a way to disable hd mount icons on the desktop?16:31
schnuffleFernandoTertiary: but you /tmp directory exists?16:31
KM0201Palzieri: how old a laptop is this?.. i'm surprised it can't boot USB (mine is 7yrs old, and it can)16:33
lotuspsychjekerebus: are you on natty?16:33
basilfaultyanyone know grub?16:33
indicatorDr. Google does... :o16:33
lotuspsychjelol indicator16:33
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: What's the problem?16:34
basilfaultydr google has given me some medicine, but it still isn't working16:34
lotuspsychjekerebrus: are you on natty?16:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:34
basilfaultyMy ubuntu install failed, but all files seem to be on the drive, installing from usb. Doesn't seem to be a MBR on the drive and can't get grub to sort it16:34
kerebruslotuspsychje im still on maverick, havent updated yet.16:35
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basilfaultyshould I chroot to the drive before I run grub?16:35
lotuspsychjekerebrus: sudo gconf-editor and disable volumes in apps/nautilus/desktop16:35
PalzieriIt says error 40416:36
KM0201Palzieri: weird, that way should be supported.16:36
KM0201sounds like you're pretty well screwed16:36
kerebruslotuspsychje awesome, thanks16:37
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: chroot and run grub-install.  don't forget to mount/bind /dev and /boot16:37
KM0201!pastebin | Palzieri please pastebin your sources.list and give me the link16:37
ubottuPalzieri please pastebin your sources.list and give me the link: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:37
Palzieriah wait, I didn't take out the #s on the optional ones16:37
basilfaultywhen I run grub from the usb it gives an error about "unable to stat aufs"16:37
lotuspsychjekerebrus: np ; )16:37
edbianbasilfaulty: Do you already have ubuntu installed?  What are you trying to do?  I can help16:37
basilfaultyclusterfusk: I've gone for just a / partition, do I still need to mount the dirs u mention?16:38
arya_hi everyone... wireshark is not working in my ubuntu.. its not listing the interfaces.. whereas in windows its showing the realtek and i am able to use it... whats the problem here?16:38
edbianarya_: Run it as root16:39
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: if boot is on the same partition, you can skip that, you you do need to bind /dev so it's visible to grub inside the chroot16:39
kerebrusarya i made a icon on my desktop with the command gksu wireshark works fine for me.16:39
basilfaultyaha, it's complaining about no /dev/null and no /boot/grub16:40
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: sudo mount -o bind /dev /whereveryouhaverootmounted16:41
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: sudo mount -o bind /dev /whereveryouhaverootmounted/dev16:41
KM0201Palzieri: did it work?16:41
Palzieri# deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.10 _Intrepid Ibex_ - Release i386 (20081029.5)]/ intrepid main restricted16:41
Palzieri# See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to16:41
Palzieri# newer versions of the distribution.16:41
Palzierideb http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty main restricted16:41
Palzierideb-src http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty main restricted16:41
FloodBot1Palzieri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:41
Palzieri## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the16:41
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: ignore the first one without the /dev on the end16:42
arya_edbian: thanx a lot.. can you also tell me how can i see the list of all urls which are open in my browser on terminal?16:42
clusterfusk!paste | Palzieri16:42
ubottuPalzieri: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:42
edbianarya_: I don't know of an easy way to do that16:42
FloodBot1Palzieri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:43
Palzieri# Line commented out by installer because it failed to verify:16:43
edbianarya_: That's info that firefox holds (you could edit the source to print it for you).  Otherwise you'll have to capture the packets when the connects to those urls are made.  There will be a hailstorm of packets16:43
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
KM0201Palzieri: use a pastebin so i can actually see what you pasted.. (or did you get it to work)16:44
basilfaultyclusterfusk:I tried /whereveryouhaverootmounted as /media/1e12d768-afad-4605-ad7d-88dc6c52cff7 (which it can't find as that's now /) not sure what I'm supposed to put in there16:44
basilfaulty(with the /dev on the end)16:44
arya_edbian : how can i edit the source and fro where?16:44
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: no.  mount/bind BEFORE you chroot16:45
basilfaultyaha =D16:45
basilfaultycan I unchroot? :)16:45
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: just type "exit" and hit enter16:46
oCean!afk > HammerTiem16:46
ubottuHammerTiem, please see my private message16:46
basilfaultyjust /dev or /boot too?16:46
edbianarya_: No offense but if you don't know where to get source you aren't going to be able to edit it :)16:46
arya_ok you mean the source code?16:46
edbianarya_: Having said that: http://www.mozilla.org/developer/16:46
edbianarya_: Yes, the source code16:46
arya_ok that i know.. so what changes do i need to do ... like what command so that it will print on the terminal?16:47
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: you said your target /boot is on the same partition as your target / so you should only need to bind /dev16:47
nabiplease help me16:47
clusterfusk!ask | nabi16:47
ubottunabi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:47
edbianarya_: That's the hard part.  It would take me too much time to figure it out.  Sorry, on your own here.  What is the ultimate goal here?16:47
jordotechanyone know how to attach a file and email using mutt?  this isn't working for some reason... mutt -a filetoattach.tar.gz  -s 'this is the subject' myaddress@gmail.com < test.txt16:47
nabiI want to setup internet access for my vpn users16:48
basilfaultywhen I chroot, is it just that term that changes?16:48
nabiI have ubuntu 11.0416:48
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: yes.16:48
jordotechthat gives the error 'Can't stat myaddress@gmail.com: no such file or directory'16:48
arya_i just wanna write a bash script to show all urls opened.. just a curiosity16:48
mehdihey guys wat is the keyring for?16:49
arya_edbian :i just wanna write a bash script to show all urls opened.. just a curiosity16:49
edbianarya_: Yeah it would be hard.16:49
nabiplease help me16:49
basilfaultyawesome, thanks :) "Installation finished. No error reported."16:49
Scunizinabi: put your question on one line.. don't ask for help.. just ask your question clearly16:49
edbianarya_: Perhaps you'll be lucky and that is already printed out in some debugging info or something.16:49
clusterfuskbasilfaulty: try booting and tell me if it works.16:49
arya_edbian: can you suggest me a tutorial or something?16:49
arya_edbian: i tried to look for it but didnt get anything16:50
edbianarya_: man firefox    would be a good starting point16:50
nabiI want to enable my vpn users to access Internet through their VPN connection.my vpn server is Ubuntu 11.0416:50
JuJuBeeWhen I try to enter sudo route add -net netmask gw spme.public.ip.address eth0 I get this : SIOCADDRT: No such process16:51
clusterfuskI can cross off give tech support while high on pain pills from my bucket list now.16:51
clusterfuskI can't see my linux box in the workgroup on a windows xp pro system, but can on other linux systems.  Is something wrong with my smb.conf?  http://dpaste.com/550108/16:51
unopjordotech, try putting the recipient's address as the first argument.   mutt you@gmail.com -a file -s subject < message.txt16:52
nabiI want to enable my vpn users to access Internet through their VPN connection.my vpn server is Ubuntu 11.0416:52
nabiplease someone tell me how16:53
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Palzieriwhat is a pastebin???16:54
clusterfusk!paste | Palzieri16:54
ubottuPalzieri: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:54
unopPalzieri, a webservice that allows you to upload some text to show to other people .. you then just give them the url.16:55
Palzierilike arab 4 me16:55
PalzieriI have to open http page ok16:55
Palzieriand then??16:55
PiciPalzieri: Paste your text at http://paste.ubuntu.com, then press the [Paste!] button, then give us the URL of the page it sends you to.16:56
jcapincare there any web developers in here?16:56
clusterfusknabi: if somebody knows how to help you and wants to, they will.  be patient and wait a while before asking again.16:56
jcapincfellow web developers that work in ubuntu?16:56
Picijcapinc: Likely, best to just ask your question.16:56
jcapincHow do you  guys test in IE16:56
clusterfuskjcapinc: me.16:56
clusterfuskjcapinc: virtualbox16:57
yoghello, I have a problem with metacity transparency(?) I enabled it with gconf and it still doesn't work properly; (this is how cairo-dock looks like http://bildr.no/image/897025.jpeg)16:57
edbianjcapinc: I don't worry about it16:57
jcapincany other way? virtualbox is such a memory hog16:58
jcapincedbian, I dont have the luxury of not having to worry about it16:58
KM0201Palzieri: is it working?16:58
clusterfuskjcapinc: if yoou have another box, you could access your test server across the lan.16:59
Madmoehello everybody16:59
edbianjcapinc: :/16:59
MadmoeI have a small complicated question16:59
=== solstice__ is now known as solsTiCe
MadmoeI dont knwo where the error exist17:00
yoghello, I have a problem with metacity transparency(?) I enabled it with gconf and it still doesn't work properly; (this is how cairo-dock looks like http://bildr.no/view/897025 [wrong link previous time])17:00
nicofsI can't connect to my WLAN. Either I get "bad password" (pw is correct!) or "can't get IP"... what can I do?17:00
MadmoeI have a Triple Boot MacBookPro 7,1 with OSx, WinSeven and Ubuntu 11.0417:00
KM0201Palzieri: ok, is it working?17:01
KM0201the upgrade?17:01
PalzieriI am a bit confused17:01
Madmoewhen i installed Ubuntu and going into grub and choose windows seven (loader) grub crashes with error 15: File not found!17:01
KM0201Palzieri: whats confusing? the instructions are clear as can be17:02
Palzierihow can I see it??17:02
amerohey how do we install a package from ppa when the package name clashes with one from the offical repo17:02
Palzierido I have to reboot?17:02
KM0201Palzieri: no17:02
Madmoefdisk -l doesnt show the sda517:02
KM0201hold on a second17:02
Madmoebut i cant visually see the windows hard disk and mount it!! with everything intact17:03
KM0201Palzieri: ok, now what part confuses you?17:03
chris_yo dawg17:03
Madmoecan someone help me PLEASE!!!17:03
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Guest48582sup homie17:04
Palzieriwhat command should I give to check my actual version???17:04
martich2on 10.04 how can i check to see what driver is being used for the video card? The card is a ATI Rage XL rev 2717:04
Guest48582your all gay.17:04
KM0201Palzieri: lsb_release -a17:05
lotuspsychje!10.04 | martich217:05
ubottumartich2: Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/100417:05
martich2lotuspsychje, i was thinking more of a command17:06
FloodBot1Guest48582: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:06
Madmoeis there another channel for support??17:06
FloodBot1Guest48582: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:07
PalzieriIt still says I have Jaunty 9.0417:07
KM0201Palzieri: for cryin out loud, answer my PM17:07
Palzierican you do it again??17:07
PalzieriI want to die17:08
KM0201Palzieri: i've pm'd you 4x...17:09
KM0201Palzieri: type this w/o quotes.. "/join #km0201"17:09
Pici!patience | Madmoe17:09
ubottuMadmoe: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:09
Palzieriwhat "to pm" means?17:09
KM0201Palzieri: private message.17:09
KM0201jsut type that and join me in a private chat before you brick something.17:10
Palzierihow can I see it??? 1st time in this chat17:10
PiciPalzieri: Perhaps #ubuntu-it would be easier for you to understand? That is our Italian support channel.17:10
PalzieriI do understand english17:11
KM0201lol.. i have my doubts17:11
PalzieriI am just new to Linux17:11
Madmoefdisk -l doesnt show the sda5  but i cant visually see the windows hard disk and mount it!! with everything intact17:11
PiciMadmoe: How are you mounting it then?17:11
IdleOnePalzieri: PM is an abbreviation for Private Message17:11
n8wulfPalzieri: What would you like help with?17:11
KM0201Palzieri: type this w/o quotes... "/join #km0201"17:11
MadmoeGoing into grub and choose windows seven (loader) grub crashes with error 15: File not found!17:11
Kaveh8i downloaded some login windows from www.art.gnome.org17:11
anandrdI installed Ubuntu 10.10 on an iMac G5 yesterday (using the alternate install). It installed successfully (the basic system; not including X). However, when I boot into it, the moment the TTY login screen appears, the display is extremely garbled.17:12
anandrdBefore that, everything is fine.17:12
Kaveh8but i dont khnow how i can install them?17:12
MadmoePici: Im using Natty double clicking on the hard disk name17:12
Madmoeall the windows files are there17:12
PiciMadmoe: And what is displayed in the output of:  mount17:12
Kaveh8plz someone help me17:12
anandrdDoes anyone have any experience with this?17:12
Madmoeim visually mounting the hard disk17:13
Madmoebut i cannot boot from it using GRUB17:13
Madmoei get an error file not found17:13
PiciMadmoe: It says file not found when you just type on a terminal; mount   ?17:13
anandrdThis is on a PowerPC using the yaboot loader.17:14
MadmoePici: file not found if i boot from grub and choose the windows seven loader17:14
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MadmoePici: One more thing my logical partitions are OSX then Linux then Linux SWAP then Windows17:15
Madmoeand when i do fdisk -l OSX LINUX AND LINUX SWAP appears17:16
Kaveh8i downloaded some login windows from art.gnome.org17:16
solsTiCehi. How do I change grub2 conf so that it installs in partition header instead of MBR at next update ?17:16
PiciMadmoe: Can you please 'visually mount' the partition and pastebin the output of   mount17:16
Kaveh8i dont know how i can install them?17:16
PiciKaveh8: The version of GDM that we use in Ubuntu nowadays does not support the old-style themes.17:17
KM0201Palzieri: did you figure this out yet?17:17
MadmoePici: how to past the output17:18
Kaveh8Pici: what can i do?17:18
Pici!paste | Madmoe17:18
ubottuMadmoe: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:18
PiciKaveh8: I don't know how to tange the graphics in GDM now, sorry :/17:18
Kaveh8Pici: can i change my login window?17:19
Kaveh8by another way?17:19
PiciKaveh8: GDM is the login window.  I don't know how to change that.17:20
MadmoePici: how to past the outputi have double clicked the hard disk name and i can see the folders and everything in it17:20
Madmoebut what do u mean by paste the output17:20
PiciMadmoe: Open a terminal.  type this:   mount    press enter.  and then paste that output onto a pastebin.17:20
Madmoeah ok17:20
lotuspsychjeanyone knows a website with screenshots of ubuntu user desktops?17:21
TheeSagalotuspsychje: The Ubuntu Forums has a thread, let me find it for you.17:21
wvianahi, what is the channel of C program ?17:22
KM0201Palzieri: still lost?17:22
lotuspsychjeTheeSaga: cool tnx alot17:22
MadmoePici: i just did17:22
TheeSagalotuspsychje: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=177263917:22
TheeSagaYou'll need to sign up as a user to view the pictures.17:22
wvianaIm needing a help to a program in C, some one that can help me ?17:23
lotuspsychjeTheeSaga: tnx mate nice thread..i m always curious of other ppl screenz17:23
Piciwviana: The folks in ##C can help.  But you'll need to register/identify to join.17:23
Pici!register > wviana17:23
ubottuwviana, please see my private message17:23
PiciMadmoe: You need to provide us with the URL of the resulting page.17:23
PalzieriIt doesn't work17:24
TheeSagalotuspsychje: Yeah it's a nice thread, they do it every month and it gets a lot of responses.17:24
PalzieriI am going for dinner now17:24
Palzierisee ya17:24
Dexterhow do I make a folder be owned by 0?17:24
Madmoehehehe sorry http://paste.ubuntu.com/617650/17:25
MadmoePici: i was woundering how u gona see my pastie17:25
=== The-Kernel_ is now known as TheKernel[work]
wvianaSome one know how I can read the files of a folder with C program?17:25
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
Psydollhello i need help trying to get compiz to work for me can someone lend a hand?17:26
sipiorwviana: the channel ##C might be of some use to you.17:26
oCean!nickspam > HammerTiem17:26
ubottuHammerTiem, please see my private message17:26
wvianathanks u17:27
pangaeasudo mkdir ##17:27
pangaeashould be owned by root i think17:27
pangaeaPsydol: whats it not doing17:28
Psydollwhats the command to list the devices ls pci....?17:28
Psydolli forget17:28
Dexteris root user ID's 0?17:28
sipiorDexter: yes.17:28
Psydollpangaea: its not working at all ive installed it and everything17:28
Dexterwill this then work? sudo chown root:root /usr/share/games/FlightGear17:28
pangaeaPsydoll: what you running17:28
PiciMadmoe: It says there that you have /dev/sda5 mounted on /media/BOOTCAMP is that where you can see your windows files there?17:29
Psydollno 10.0417:29
MadmoePici: Is it the case where i have to reinstall grub from a live CD?17:29
MadmoePici: YES!!17:29
grumeteif I make a big swap partition, it will lead to a better processor performance?17:29
pangaeaPsydoll: install the compiz config manager17:29
pangaeaand run it17:29
leaohi guys17:29
leaoI installed Eclipse from terminal17:29
leaobut it downloaded a weird version of it17:29
leaothat i wasnt used to17:30
braiam_how I can repair my locales? I screw up the whole thing!17:30
lotuspsychjeTheeSaga: i like this one :p http://ompldr.org/vOHdodw17:30
leaoor nvm its too crowded atm, ill ask it later17:30
pangaeaPsydoll: look in synaptic for compizconfig-settings-manager17:30
PiciMadmoe: do you know which version of grub you are using?17:31
babaluhello guys17:31
codeshahhey guys, I am trying to setup vbulletin but it keeps saying one file is not writable... I added my username to group www-data & even chmod 77717:31
codeshahany ideas?17:31
sipiorgrumete: a certain amount of swap is needed for optimum performance. past a certain point, a larger swap partition will make no difference.17:31
MadmoePici: grub217:31
MadmoePici: i guess not17:31
braiam_or at least, how can I rerun the installation wizard?17:32
KindariIs there a version of ubuntu compatible with a i686 cpu?17:33
sipiorKindari: the base 32-bit install should be just fine.17:34
PiciMadmoe: I believe that you'll need to reinstall grub2 to fix this.  Take a look at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB217:34
Kindari"This kernel requires a x86-64 CPU, but only detected a i686".17:34
KindariSo then download the 32 bit. Ok.17:35
babaluwhats better for gaming intel processors or amd?17:35
virtualalquien habla en español?17:35
antivirtelhi! How often has the wtmp been cleared? (Source of `last` command)17:35
babaluhablo espanol17:35
sipiorbabalu: makes no difference.17:35
braiam_!es virtual17:35
Pici!es | babalu17:35
ubottubabalu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:35
virtualsoy nuevo en esto17:36
braiam_!es | virtual17:36
ubottuvirtual: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:36
babalumetete a ese canal k acaban de poner17:36
babaluescribe eso para meterte a la comunidad hispana17:36
sipiorbabalu: no habla17:36
virtualno entiendo bien17:37
virtualq es elo q tengo q poner17:37
Picivirtual: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:37
MadmoePici: can i use the 11.04 live CD?17:37
PiciMadmoe: Sure.17:38
MadmoePici: and where should i go into the advanced mode?17:38
braiam_virtual: /join #ubuntu-es17:39
MadmoePici: or i can just PPA boot-repair reight!!17:39
PiciMadmoe: right.17:39
html_inprogress does anyone know of a distro called katana ?17:39
tensorpuddinghtml_inprogress: no17:40
Picihtml_inprogress: This channel is for Ubuntu only.  Try ##linux17:40
html_inprogressit has linux on it silly, like 4 distro packed into it , and even got on tv for it17:41
slack-mSource to sacc now avalible! Current builds: Windows Standard ioUrT, Windows bumpy ioUrT and Linux.i386 Should have x86_64 linux build tomorrow. Download here: http://forums.pugbot.com/index.php?topic=66.017:41
Picislack-m: Please don't do that here.17:41
sine__libfish.so for ubuntu 64bit does anyone has it17:44
IdleOnesine__: install libfishsound117:44
PiciIdleOne: I don't see libfish.so in that package.17:45
MadmoePici: just did that i'll restart and get back to you17:46
wildc4rdevenin all17:46
sine__IdleOne: im on a shell where the admin cant install it, i dont have root17:46
servet_cncmy chromium does not udpates my extensions when i click on "update extension" button from Tools-->extensions->developer mode-->update extensions button. can someone help me please ?17:47
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IdleOnePici: I did a quick search for libfish, didn't check the package, perhaps I should have17:49
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IdleOnesine__: it's ok doesn't seem to be the right package anyway17:49
SpaceBasshey folks17:50
SpaceBassI've got my ffmpeg and related libraries all screwed up ? how can I purge ffmpeg, x264 and everything related so I can start again?17:50
SpaceBassapt-get purge and reinstall doesn't seem to do it17:50
Egbert9e9after i ssh into a remote box, open "screen", detach and close the ssh session, when i ssh back again and open a new "screen" window, i get "username@boxname:(unreachable)/$"17:51
Egbert9e9anyone knows what's going on? how do i keep the ecryptfs mounted even when there're no sessions open?17:52
MagentiumLooking for Help with Gnome Panel Menu17:52
MagentiumBut Unsure if this is the correct Channel17:53
TheeSagaMagentium: Doesn't hurt to ask ;)17:53
johannes_could some kinds soul help me with adding different wallpapers to the 4 different desktops ? i have followed the instructions on the tutorial to the letter...but only the old wallpaper shows17:53
MagentiumWell i am currently trying to see if there is a way, to get the GNome Panel Menu to "cascade" the menu, instead of list it vertically17:53
MagentiumYou see, i have A LOT of applications, and it takes way too long to go down the list to find them, does anyone know how to make it open sideways or anything to that nature17:54
TheeSagaMagentium: What version of Ubuntu are you using?17:54
MagentiumCurrently i am using Ubuntu Ultimate 2.9 which is based off of 10.1017:55
rwwMagentium: Ubuntu Ultimate isn't an official derivative of Ubuntu, and thus is not supported here.17:55
=== randomerest is now known as k1d0
MagentiumI have already contacted the ubuntu ultimate IRC Channel and they told me to ask here, because it is a Gnome problem, not ubuntu Ultimate.17:56
rwwMagentium: They were incorrect; we don't support their distro here.17:56
akashm1990trying to change GRUB bootorder (ubuntu 11.04 )17:56
MagentiumWhat about my desktop install? it is just a simple 10.10 install17:56
akashm1990sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst file doesnt exist17:56
MagentiumRetail 10.10 install, is there any way to change the Menu for that ?17:56
akashm1990*want to change the order of boot17:56
akashm1990make windows default17:57
tensorpuddingakashm1990: you need to edit /etc/default/grub17:57
Deviohello! I've got a really annoying problem which has been escalating recently.  Every so often if I press ctrl(more recently it just does it randomly) I get locked out of any drop down menus including right click, my type cursor acts as if whatever I try type in isn't selected and I cant move any windows around.(sorry for the mass text)17:57
tensorpuddingakashm1990: there is a variable GRUB_DEFAULT, you set it to the name of the entry you want default17:58
MagentiumIs there a Gnome Channel ?17:58
tensorpuddingakashm1990: then run 'sudo update-grub', which updates the actual grub configuration17:58
coz_Magentium,  the main gnome channel I believe is on gimpnet  under #gnome17:58
tensorpuddingMagentium: Gnome has its own network, gimpnet17:58
tensorpuddingMagentium: i can't say it's very good, though you may get gnome help there17:59
MagentiumI am simply looking for a Gnome Panel help but i cant find anything on google :(17:59
MagentiumOr a replacement to the Gnome Menu Applet17:59
coz_Magentium,  there is a #gnome channel here on freenode but not sure how effective or responsive they are17:59
akashm1990tensorpudding, so, I cannot move windows to the top of the list? since everytime there is a Ubuntu update, the serial no. of WIndows will change17:59
tensorpuddingMagentium: what exactly is it you're looking for?17:59
coz_Magentium,  there are several optioins for gnome menu if you right click  Add to panel18:00
tensorpuddingakashm1990: what do you mean, "the serial no."18:00
coz_Magentium,  unless y ou are on Unity that is18:00
tensorpuddingakashm1990: the name of the windows entry won't change, though its position may; if you specify it by name in the GRUB_DEFAULT variable, it will always choose the right one18:00
TheeSagaHe's not on Unity18:00
MagentiumI am just currently running Gnome 2, and i have the Custom Menu on my panel ( The one with Applications, Places, System)18:00
DevioNo one?18:00
akashm1990tensorpudding, ohk.. I'll do it like that18:00
akashm1990can I see the list of names  in the bootmenu without rebooting18:01
StudyingHardI've found that ubuntu 9.10 (i.e. karmic) is no longer going to have updates released. What are the implications if I don't update? How risky might this become and how long would it take to get risky from the last update? Also, what are the alternatives to not-updating? The only one that comes to mind is upgrading to ubuntu 10, but given that I use an old machine, that's probably going to make it even slower. Do I have another 18:01
MagentiumI am seeking help to make it that when one of those are clicked, instead of LISTING the programs in a vertical way, i wish to have the horizontal18:01
coz_Devio,   I havent experienced that ,, at least no yet18:01
coz_Devio,  is this 11.04  unity or classic?18:01
OmegaDevio: I've never seen that problem before, you should try on the ubuntuforums, or look on launchpad to see if it's a known bug18:01
Magentiumbecause i have a lot of programs installed for KDE, GDM, and XFCE, they are showing it too many at once18:01
tensorpuddingakashm1990: the actual configuration that grub uses is in /boot/grub/grub.cfg, you can read that file and look for what it calls the windows entry18:02
n8wulfDevio: sorry mate, that is the weirdest I've ever seen18:02
=== it is now known as danbr
tensorpuddingakashm1990: don't edit that file directly though, since it gets rewritten every time you install a new kernel18:02
Dr_WillisMagentium:  you may want to start using one of the gnome-do type apps that you access programs via the keyboard/search terms - i rarely use the menus any more for launching apps18:02
Devioomega: I've tried ubuntu forums, no one replied and I dont want to make another post.  coz_: ubuntu 11.04 as of today but i updated to get away from the problem which started in 10.1018:02
MagentiumDr_Willis, i only use the menu because i have no idea what apps are installed :P Is there any other sort of, application browser ?18:03
n8wulfDevio: you updated, yes?18:03
tensorpuddingDevio: are you using classic?18:03
Dr_WillisMagentium:  theres also some alternative menu applets you may want to try.18:03
coz_Devio,   hmm,,  I cant say I have heard of this one before,, I kn ow I have not experienced it,,,18:03
Devion8wulf: yes tensorpudding: yes18:03
MagentiumDr_Willis, do you have any links or recommendations for the custom menu applets?18:03
TheeSagaMagentium: Avant Windows Manager is a Gnome-Panel Alternative that has a couple of different options for the style of menu's, one that's Unity-like.18:03
Deviocoz_: thanks anyway :)18:03
MagentiumI currently use Avant and Docky :) Love those programs18:03
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
Dr_WillisMagentium:  theres ppa's for teh mint-menu thats pupular. and i think one or 2 other menu applets for various docks and an alternative menu applet for the panel.18:04
akashm1990tensorpudding, is this change in /etc/default/grub OK?  GRUB_DEFAULT="Windows 7 (loader) (on /dev/sda1)"18:04
tensorpuddingDevio: i've been hit with this bug a lot18:04
n8wulfDevio: maybe try a backup of your Docs and the Settings to most importeant Apps like yuour Email client and eg. Dropbox, then format and Vanilla install18:04
Magentiumoh, I may look for Mint-Menu, i loved that menu18:04
tensorpuddingakashm1990: that could be it, is that the text you see in the grub menu?18:04
Psydollhey folks are the command line commands the same for all linux operating systems/ditrobutions with a few small differenceS?18:04
akashm1990yes, I copied from there18:04
MagentiumThank your Dr_Willis for your amazing help! if i run into problems i will look back to here18:04
Dr_WillisMagentium:  i think the webupd8 ppa may have it.18:04
tensorpuddingDevio: it only happens to me in unity though, not classic18:04
n8wulfPsydoll: yes, pretty much18:04
Deviotensorpudding: really?!  n8wulf: yeah that seems to be the case... I'd have to write down everything I've installed via the terminal :P18:04
Psydolln8wulf: THANKS18:05
Deviotensorpudding: unity is the new 11.04 thing yeah?18:05
tensorpuddingDevio: yes18:05
MagentiumAlso, has anyone heard of the Ubuntu on a HTC desire HD ?18:05
coz_be back in a bit18:05
TheeSagaMagentium: Have you tried the applet named 'AWN Main Menu'? It might suit you better.18:05
MagentiumAWN main menu? not unfortunately i havent, i shall look into that now :)18:05
n8wulfyeah, awn is cool18:05
tensorpuddingDevio: i fixed it by hitting super+d to minimize windows, then unminimizing them by hitting the key again18:05
Deviotensorpudding: like randomly now the cursor cant decide whether I'm allowed to type or not it's flashing on and off, proper strange18:05
Magentiumn8wulf, Awn certainly is nice, i like your style18:06
tensorpuddingDevio: actually, your bug might be different than mine, since typing works fine18:06
tensorpuddingDevio: i just can't select other windows, or use the mouse at all18:06
Deviotensorpudding: in fairness that's the only problem i can deal with holding ctrl to move windows or access menus18:06
tensorpuddingDevio: i've had this bug since before natty released, i assume they'll manage to fix it sometime18:07
n8wulfMagentium: I switched to Unity Vanilla last week, you won't believe how many times my Mouse goes South lookin for my Awn18:07
Deviotensorpudding: i can use my mouse which is weird18:07
nadimHi all - been having a REALLY tough time with apache2 (on lucid) - I thought it was the router, so I removed it and am now connected straight into the cable modem, the ISP (cox) says they are not blocking ports but I can't seem to be able to access port 80 from the outside - localhost works just fine.  Ideas ?18:07
StudyingHardI've found that ubuntu 9.10 (i.e. karmic) is no longer going to have updates released. What are the implications if I don't update? How risky might this become and how long would it take to get risky from the last update? Also, what are the alternatives to not-updating? The only one that comes to mind is upgrading to ubuntu 10, but given that I use an old machine, that's probably going to make it even slower. Do I have another 18:07
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
Magentiumn8wulf : i tried to use Natty Narwhal on this laptop but it lags VERY BADLY because of my ATI Card, another thing i am looking for help with18:08
th^^StudyingHard: 10.04 isn't really much more demanding, quite the contracty actually18:08
th^^StudyingHard: and it's supported for 3 years on desktop, so you should upgrade to that18:08
n8wulfMagentium: Unity basic?18:08
GatoLokocan somebody tell me how/where to report that a package has been linked in launchpad to the wrong upstream?18:09
ndlovuI've got a problem with rhythmbox not connecting to musicbrainz to identify CDs on lucid (rhythhmbox 0.12.8-0ubuntu7). seems it's a recognised problem (https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+question/158253). Is it fixed in later versions of ubuntu?18:09
PiciGatoLoko: You could mention it in #launchpad18:09
Magentiumn8wulf : Well really just Natty. I read up that there is a known problem where Compiz and Natty dont like it each other. Typing etc is fast, but moving windows and stuff is sluggish. With and without unity activated18:09
n8wulfMagentium: is funny it lags, I've got a Intel VGA and it's 100%18:09
sofiankrtI just installed Natty, got ccsm and enabled desktop cube. Everything crashed and now I can use neither Unity nor Compiz. Help!18:10
nadimIs there anything in a vanilla Lucid that blocks incoming port 80 connections (netstat notes that its listening)18:10
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Magentiumn8wulf, yes, when i run it on my other laptop with a GMA 950 Chipset its fast, its a problem with ATI Drivers18:10
Deviogonna go have a mess about and try and fix this, thanks all!18:10
n8wulfnadim: there shouldn't be18:10
MagentiumI found that Natty is slow with ATI, and doesnt like installing NVIDIA Drivers either18:11
Guest64261connect irc.abjects.net18:11
GatoLokoPici i think it's more ubuntu related than launchpad related, but ill try, thanks18:11
nadimn8wulf: what's the best way to debug this then - as noted I removed my router and am connected straight to the cable modem - ISP notes not blocking anything, what can I do next ?18:11
=== kks is now known as estabon
sofiankrtcan anyone help me with my Natty installation, please? I can no longer use Unity18:12
Magentiumsofiankrt, what is it saying?18:12
TheeSagaSofiankrt: You'll need to be more specific18:12
n8wulflemme just check your prev post, I'll see if I can suggest something in a mo18:12
txx28Sofian : try switching to metacity18:13
sofiankrtMagentium, TheeSaga: I installed Natty, and got ccsm. I enabled Desktop Cube, everything crashed, and now Compiz doesn't work and Unity doesn't work18:13
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sofiankrttxx28: I think I'm using it right now, but I want to have desktop effects18:13
n8wulfnadim: sorry mate, just describe your issue again, can't find it now18:13
gigasofti have problem running sound on kubuntu 64 bit not sound at allll  ...18:13
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
beef-supremedoes anyone know a good text editor that i can personalize [tab] width and whether i want it to insert spaces or tabs when i press [tab]18:14
Psydollcan someone tell me what is a .ng file and how to install it?18:14
nadimn8wulf: been having a REALLY tough time with apache2 (on lucid) - I thought it was the router, so I removed it and am now connected straight into the cable modem, the ISP (cox) says they are not blocking ports but I can't seem to be able to access port 80 from the outside - localhost works just fine.  Ideas ?18:14
Magentiumit sounds like something has gotten corrupted, correct me if i am wrong, but have you tried accessing the Shell using CTRL+SHIFT+F1, and then doing a Sudo Apt-get autoclean, and sudo apt-get install -f18:14
MagentiumI believe those are the commands to check installs and such but not sure18:14
sofiankrtMagentium: was that for me?18:14
Magentiumsofiantkrt, yes it was18:15
Magentiumsofiantkrt, sorry for not being specific, lots of windows opening at once for me currently :p18:15
n8wulfnadim: maybe a quick workaround would be to install No-IP?18:15
n8wulfnadim: are you trying to a Local Hosted webpage from Public?18:16
nadimn8wulf: No-IP as in no-ip.org ?  Sorry not following...18:16
sofiankrtMagentium: it's okay :P I just ran both commands. I'm not sure what I should do next18:16
n8wulfnadim: no-ip.com18:16
Magentiumsofiantkrt, unfortunatley i have not had much experience with natty, or else i would give you more advice, when there are problems like the one you have had i find that those two commands i should use first18:16
sofiankrtMagentium: okay, I'm going to reboot and see if I still have the problem18:17
Magentiumsofiantkrt i will be online after :)18:17
nadimn8wulf: yeah, I installed apache2 and can see the "It works" from localhost (ie. but if I try to access my IP_address from the outside (ie. the internet) I don't get through - ssh works fine, vnc works fine, if I look at the apache logs so access entry, etc - its simply not coming through from the looks of it18:17
MagentiumLooking for help with Ubuntu natty being slow on ATI Hardware18:18
nadimn8wulf: it very much looks like its being blocked but where - the ISP says "not me", I removed the router (so its just the ISP's cable modem) and the lucid box - so what can I do further to debug this ?18:19
n8wulfnadim: I'm thinking... but it feels like I'm Sinking18:20
cordoval_hi all of a sudden my wireless does not work and it says hardware switch disabled, see the light only orange now, what can I try?18:20
cordoval_CLI commands anyone?18:20
nadimn8wulf: hehe18:20
Magentiumcordoval_ firstly, is there a hardware key on your laptop to turn it on ?18:21
nadimn8wulf: ok, tried something else and that worked18:21
cordoval_Magentium: yes and it is on position18:21
cordoval_still does not work, before this would work18:21
n8wulfnadim: what did you try?18:21
cordoval_I am on natty latest, this was working minutes ago18:21
nadimn8wulf: instead of 80 I modified apache2 to use 3389 (just for grins) and that works fine - I can see the "It works"18:21
Magentiumcordoval_ can you please open a terminal and type lspci, and let me know if it recognises your card18:21
nadimn8wulf: so port 80 is definintly  being blocked but where and how18:21
sofiankrtMagentium: nope, it doesn't work18:22
n8wulfMagentium: did you do the Hardware drivers Update? which version?18:22
sofiankrtI can make changes to CCSM but nothing works, not even Unity18:22
n8wulfnadim: cool man!18:22
Magentiumn8wulf i installed Natty Narwhal, updated all packages instantly, did an image of my system. without drivers it lagged, tried both opensource and proprietory and they both lagged18:23
n8wulfnadim: I'm not allowed to type my thoughts18:23
=== bodieocn is now known as bodiecon
cordoval_hmm I see this 08:08.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation PRO/100 VE Network Connection (rev 02)18:23
n8wulfwhich model ATI?18:23
Magentiumn8wulf and then i disabled SynctoVblack and Detect Refresh Rate and it was faster, but nothing amazing18:23
Psydolldoes ubuntu provide a text based email service at the command line?18:23
cordoval_however that does not sound like the wireless18:23
MagentiumATI Radion 425018:23
sofiankrtcan anyone help? Unity and Compiz aren't working on my fresh Natty installation18:23
ActionParsnipsofiankrt: do ou have 3D accelleration?18:23
nadimn8wulf: is there ANYTHING within lucid that might be blocking port 80 ? I don't have a firewall installed/used18:23
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
ActionParsnipnadim: ou do have a firewall, its just configured to allow all18:24
Magentiumokay cordoval, it seems that its finding your card, but not initiallizing it. I would go to google first and see if there are any known bugs with your adapter18:24
sofiankrtActionParsnip: I'm not sure. If you're asking me about my hardware, I think it supports it. If you're asking me if the drivers are enabled, I think they are. Is there any way to check?18:24
Magentiumsofiantkrt, correct me if i am wrong, but if port 80 was blocked, you wouldnt be able to get any incoming internet data ? or am i thinking of 808018:24
cordoval_are you sure this is finding my card? because I think it has not18:25
n8wulfnadim: I should think not, no reason to be, lemme just remember quick, there is a site somewhere that allows u to test all open Ports on your IP18:25
nadimActionParsnip: well yeah ipchains is there but there are no settings so effectively nothing there - any way to see what else might be blocking it ?18:25
n8wulfnadim: will get back to u just now18:25
sofiankrtMagentium: iirc, port 80 is for http, yes18:25
ActionParsnipnadim: netstat -a | less     see what's going on18:25
cordoval_let me do a pastie18:25
ActionParsnipsofiankrt: what is the output of:  lspci | grep -i vga18:25
nadimn8wulf: tried canyouseeme.com and it said that 80 is no visiable from outside (what else is new :-) the question is how best to debug this18:26
cordoval_here it is http://www.pastie.org/201464918:26
n8wulfnadim: http://canyouseeme.org/18:26
cordoval_do you see a wireless card? I don't18:26
cordoval_oh yes18:26
KM0201cordoval_: is it internal, or USB?18:26
cordoval_05:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)18:26
n8wulfandim: as the site says18:26
cordoval_sorry internal18:26
cordoval_sounds like it is there18:26
Magentiumsofiantkrt the last time i had an issue with port 80 there was a program that was locking to it....18:26
n8wulfyour ISP is defs blocking it18:26
KM0201cordoval_: your wireless is int hat list..18:26
cordoval_but the hardware switch is off18:26
nadimActionParsnip: let me revert back to 80 from 338918:27
cordoval_I mean it is on physically but it looks like it is off now18:27
cordoval_at least that is how the machine is reading it18:27
n8wulfMagentium: sorry mate... Bump18:27
cordoval_how can a bug sudently appear like this?18:27
KM0201cordoval_: are you using 11.04?18:27
cordoval_yes natty18:27
=== cordoval_ is now known as cordoval
Magentiumn8wulf that is okay, its a known bug in natty and its being worked on, but working with 10.10 and knowing that there is a new version is killing me :P18:27
artzzhi everyone.18:28
artzzI got my new computer today and it has 8gb of ram. I suppose I should install linux 64-bit, but I also read somewhere that linux 32-bit may be able to handle that amount of ram. is this true?18:28
sofiankrtActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/617685/18:28
n8wulfMagentium: Kudos to you if you stick with all the Unity issues like me...18:28
kleinerdrachehi there18:28
n8wulfI'd like to see where Ubuntu is going with this18:28
petrolmanHi, is the zeitgeist-daemon an important process for Ubuntu? It always causes a zombie process. I tried to end the zombie with kill -CHLD pid, but no reaction. So I would like to end the father process18:28
nadimActionParsnip: tcp 0 0 *:www *:* LISTEN18:28
Magentiumartzz from what i know you can make any 32bit OS READ the 8GB, but not use it18:28
artzzoh ok18:28
rwwartzz: 32-bit Linux with PAE enabled can do 8GB of RAM, but can only do up to 4GB per application. If your CPU supports 64-bit, I'd recommend 64-bit.18:28
artzzI meant use them18:28
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info18:28
vkamble1@artzz - 32 bit cannot use 8 gig RAM18:29
artzzI see18:29
n8wulfk... I'm off to have a Brandy18:29
rwwvkamble1: Yes, it can. See above.18:29
Magentiumn8wulf, the idea of Unity is amazing, and it runs better then Windows or Mac substitutes, but of course its a new design and new shell, so i cannot expect it to be perfect. I will stick to it as much as possible18:29
artzzso I should install the 64-bit version then, I guess.18:29
s3r3n1t7artzz, see the !pae from ubottu18:29
vkamble1+1 with rww18:29
kleinerdracheis it possible somehow to use a set of packages from oneiric in natty? best would be to set up a ppa for that set, but how can i get the oneiric sources without installing oneiric here?18:29
Magentiumn8wulf also, my laptop suffers from a bug where the battery monitor only shows "Estimating"18:29
nadimActionParsnip: tcp 0 0* LISTEN18:29
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info18:29
macokleinerdrache: you can get the source packages from launchpad18:29
cordovalI found this https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/155210 but it does not look like it18:29
spvenskosorry for the stupid question, but when printing in ubuntu, is there some options to make it so that you can fold the pages and form a book? i already have it printing two pages per side and two sided but i would like to basically change the ordering18:30
cordovalhave you found anything?18:30
ActionParsnipnadim: weird, usually gives the program etc18:30
macokleinerdrache: http://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/packagename  click the oneiric version you want18:30
Dr_Willisspvensko:  ive seen tools that let you do that. but not used them in ages.18:30
kleinerdrachemaco, thats a bit to much i think to many clicks, for that 20 packages18:30
Magentiumubottu thank you for that information, i dont believe windows can do that if i am correct, but i was unsure as to linux18:30
ubottuMagentium: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:30
Dr_Willisspvensko:  xprint perhaps? it was an old tool i used years ago18:30
nadimActionParsnip: I'm using netstat -tuln18:30
sofiankrtActionParsnip: did you get the link?18:30
Dr_Willis!info xprint18:30
ubottuxprint (source: xprint): X11 print system (binary). In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.6.0-4 (natty), package size 643 kB, installed size 1360 kB18:30
spvenskoDr_Willis, but this option is not in the default ubuntu printing options?18:30
ActionParsnipvkamble1: 32bit pae can :) 12Gb Max with PAE18:30
rcmaehlhow does my netbook boot faster than my desktop even though my desktop has MUCH better specs and less entries in the boot up list18:30
cordovaldo you need this output? sudo lshw -C network; lsb_release -a; uname -a; sudo iwlist scan | head -n 2018:30
Dr_Willisspvensko:  it would be a 'cups' feature actually. ubuntu uses cups. like most every disrto out there.18:30
cordovalhold on I will get the output18:31
macokleinerdrache: could also add the deb-src line for oneiric to your sources.list and use  apt-get -t=oneiric source packagenames18:31
rwwMagentium: Depends on your version of Windows. Microsoft limited that functionality depending on how much you pay them ;)18:31
ActionParsnipsofiankrt: got18:31
solovoyis any way to see a windows in the alt-tab even if this is minimized ?18:31
rcmaehlsolovoy: yes18:31
Dr_Willisspvensko:  so some tools can alter the data befor it goes to cups.18:31
Magentiumrww i hate paying for anything, only ever paid for windows once, then i moved to linux :P18:31
rcmaehlsolovoy: although it breaks minimization18:31
MagentiumHas anyone else had a problem with the battery monitor only showing "Battery Time Estimating"18:31
Dr_Willisspvensko:  i useed to do 2 pages per page all the time. Its possible the cups web interface may have addational options you could use.18:31
rcmaehlMagentium: yes18:31
rcmaehlMagentium: on 11.04?18:31
solovoyrcmaehl, how ?18:31
sofiankrtI wanna get Pidgin, Empathy is so annoying18:31
rcmaehlsofiankrt: sudo apt-get install pidgin18:32
artzzthanks a lot everyone18:32
ActionParsnipsofiankrt: did you install the proprietary driver18:32
Magentiumrcmaehl on anything, 10.04, 10.10 and 11.04 all do the same thing, i found a link to how to fix it but i cannot find it anymore18:32
anthony_devhi. i got problem. I dloaded ccsm just to see if I can off main menu ( starts if I press windows button on keyboard. or "super" button). and tryed to apply "blur windows" option (the icon is "drop"). so something gone wrong. and now when I restarted ubuntu I see only login form. then after succesful login I see background + terminal18:32
rcmaehlsolovoy: sudo apt-get install ccsm and tell me when it's done18:32
anthony_devhow I can fix that thing to normal way?18:32
cordovalis it possible that the latest updates on natty had gotten rid of the wireless driver?18:32
solovoyrcmaehl, i'm in ccsm18:32
livcdHDD space needed for ubuntu ?18:32
nadimActionParsnip: tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4640/apache218:32
sofiankrtrcmaehl: thanks, I was just expressing my frustration :P I wanna learn to get used to Empathy instead of going back to Pidgin18:32
piksihi, i have 11.04 with one autologin user, and i'm unable to find how to change the de+wm to lxde or unity2d. do i need to disable autologin to be able to select another de?18:32
sofiankrtActionParsnip: yup18:32
rcmaehlsolovoy: give me a sec18:32
rcmaehlMagentium: do you have acpi installed?18:33
ActionParsnippiksi: log off, log into the DE etc of your choice, then log in. It will be used next time18:33
spvenskoDr_Willis, i can do two pages per side but i want it so that when i take the stack of papers and fold it into a V it forms a book18:33
livcdHDD space needed for Ubuntu ?18:33
spvenskoie you can flip the page and read it as though you were reading a book18:33
kleinerdrachemaco would that affect any apt-get upgrade things? if no i would do that.18:33
rcmaehllivecd 4 GB18:33
Magentiumrcmaehl i installed an acpi module before but im not sure, do you have any recommendations on installing it ?18:34
Magentiumrcmaehl sleep and everything works, brightness does as well, its only the battery monitor. Widgets will show remaining time but i cannot set it up via the gnome one18:34
TrfsrfrHow do I make it so I can access anything in my file system?18:34
nadimActionParsnip: the only oddity that I can see (compared to another machine) is no mention of a tcp6 entry in netstat for apache218:35
sofiankrtActionParsnip: any ideas?18:35
rcmaehlMagentium: run acpi -V in terminal and tell me what you get18:35
cordovalplease here is the output of the very long chain of commands http://www.pastie.org/201468518:35
cordovalI do appreciate it18:35
bodieconjust installed 11.04 and i'm having issues trying to install subsonic.  dpkg error.  searched a bunch of forums but only found one with exact issue and he just posted "got it".  anybody able to help?18:35
TrfsrfrI cannot access my root folder, even though I am an administrator.18:35
solovoyrcmaehl, is the option in workarounds ?18:36
Dr_Willisspvensko:  ive done that.. like 20 yrs ago. :) heh18:36
Magentiumsays its not installed18:36
cordovalMagentium: are you talking to me?18:36
spvenskoDr_Willis, it appears that psbook will do what i want, ty for pointing me in the right direction :D18:36
th0ra question regarding aptoncd. Does the system keep all installed deb files in cache, or are some deleted to save space? In other words, if I keep just the last iso created by aptoncd, will I be able to reinstall everything i have from it?18:36
Dr_Willisspvensko:  i cant even find teh tool i used befor.  search the pacakge manager for printing front ends perhaps?18:36
rcmaehlsolovoy: >< forgot were it is looking for it now18:36
Magentiumcordoval oh sorry, no i mean rcmaehl, acpi is not installed on this system.18:37
ravkelAny can help?18:37
Dr_Willisspvensko:  reminds me of the old  greeting-card programs that the big thing years ago18:37
Trfsrfrhow do I become the 'owner' of my files?18:37
cordovalhere is my output http://www.pastie.org/201468518:37
rcmaehlMagentium: sudo apt-get install acpi acpid18:37
cordovalthe hardware switch sounds like it is not obeying18:37
th0rTrfsrfr: use chown18:37
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: look into chown18:37
Magentiumrcmaehl i have just installed acpi, can i still installed acpid seperately or must they be installed together?18:37
solovoyrcmaehl, there is an option in Workarounds, this say "Keep previews of minimized windows"18:38
cordovalanyone please help me my wireless network was just working and now it is not http://www.pastie.org/201468518:38
rcmaehlsolovoy: ag18:38
solovoyrcmaehl, i try that but don't work good18:38
ravkelI got ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 install in dual boot and installed Burg and wanna reinstall Windows 7 agin how to do that without breaking ubuntu?18:38
rod95need some help to set up a sound onboard ac'97 on 11.04 (no sound), anyone?18:38
rcmaehlsolovoy: ah*18:38
Magentiumrmaehl acpid is already at latest, should i try a restart now that acpi is installed?18:38
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: can you expand on "root folder" as well, chowning the system will make it not work18:38
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rcmaehlMagentium: yes18:38
rcmaehlMagentium: if it is recommended18:38
rcmaehlMagentium: if not just log out then log back in18:38
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ActionParsniprod95: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh; chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh; ./alsa-info.sh18:39
cordovalcordoval@cordoval-HP-Pavilion-dv2000-RM421LA-ABM:~$ sudo ifconfig wlan0 up18:39
cordovalSIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill18:39
cordovalwhat is rf-kill?18:39
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rcmaehlcordoval: kills radio frequencies18:39
cordovalthat is not good18:40
Magentiumrcmaehl i will restart now and let you know what happens18:40
TrfsrfrActionParsnip, In properties?18:40
cordoval> sudo rfkill unblock all18:40
cordovalwill that be safe?18:40
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: what are you intending to chown18:40
ravkelayone can help me?18:40
irwinfvcordoval, if you want to power on all your rf devices then yes.18:41
rcmaehlcordoval: what wifi card do you have18:41
rod95<ActionParsnip> :  Your ALSA information is located at http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=37e30a9e5202ebc6153181dfa31135632672d66018:41
cordovalintel look at the pastie18:41
cordovalsounds like this will work > sudo rfkill unblock all18:41
cordovalyes I don't care about rf18:41
cordovalcome what may18:41
TrfsrfrActionParsnip, I recently removed windows and backed up my files, I just want to put some CAD files back into the folder so I can access them from that program (running under wine)18:41
cordovalnetwork is back18:41
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: then put them in ~/.wine/drive_c18:42
cordovalye yey hooo woot!18:42
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: there is no root folder involved18:42
TrfsrfrActionParsnip, im not able. theyre in the root folder and it is locked18:42
irwinfvcordoval, alternatively if you just wanted wifi you can always do rfkill unblock wifi18:42
cordovalthis is a bug in ubuntu natty18:42
ActionParsniprod95: is the system a branded pc or laptop at all?18:42
ravkelI got ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 install in dual boot and installed Burg and wanna reinstall Windows 7 agin how to do that without breaking ubuntu?18:42
Magentiumrchmael i restarted my laptop but still the same issue18:42
ActionParsnipTrfsrfr: then chown your home folder back to your user, thats all18:42
rcmaehlMagentium: hmmm18:42
cordovalfor your reference ubuntu developers https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/15521018:42
cordovalhttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-nettool/+question/155210 solved my problems18:42
cordovalbut it should be a patch soon18:42
FloodBot1cordoval: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:43
TrfsrfrActionParsnip, you make it sound so easy...18:43
cordovalshut up FloodBot118:43
TechnicusHello . . . how can I make different login sessions?18:43
PsydollCan someone tell me if ubuntu provides an email service to its users that is text based?18:43
petrolmanHow can I update zeitgeist to the newest version where the datahub bug is already fixed since 1 month?18:43
PiciPsydoll: what do you mean by 'email service'?18:44
Magentiumtechnicus does it show LXDE or XFCE or KDE etc ?18:44
PsydollPici: I mean something like elm or pine18:45
rww!info alpine18:45
Magentiumrcmaehl it is not a major problem as my Docky applet works fine, it is just annoying18:45
rww!info mutt18:45
ubottualpine (source: alpine): Text-based email client, friendly for novices but powerful. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.02-3 (natty), package size 2837 kB, installed size 6412 kB18:45
ubottumutt (source: mutt): text-based mailreader supporting MIME, GPG, PGP and threading. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.21-2ubuntu3 (natty), package size 1061 kB, installed size 3468 kB18:45
PiciPsydoll: mutt is in the repositories.18:45
rcmaehlMagentium: I had that problem. I'm going through my system logs to see what I did to fix it18:45
Dr_Willispetrolman:  there may be some PPA's with newer versions18:45
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ravkelanybody got anyidea on my problem?18:46
ravkelI got ubuntu 10.10 and windows 7 install in dual boot and installed Burg and wanna reinstall Windows 7 agin how to do that without breaking ubuntu?18:46
PsydollPici: Mutt is the ubuntu version of elm, or pine?18:46
PiciPsydoll: mutt is its own mail client.  alpine is an upgrade of alpine.18:46
PiciPsydoll: er, of pine.18:46
Dr_Willisravkel:  you will most likely need to reinstall grub. if you had a spare flash drive you could install g4rub to it.. so you can boot from it - get back to ubuntu, and rerun 'update-grub'18:46
Magentiumrcmaehl thank you, if you cannot then it is okay, i value your support already :)18:46
PsydollPici: is mutt texted based?18:47
Dr_Willisravkel:  or else learn to reinstall grub some other way.18:47
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | ravkel18:47
jamfadeDoes anyone know if vsftpd still requires db3?18:47
ubotturavkel: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:47
PiciPsydoll: mutt's package information says that its default keybndings are like elm's.  Yes, all of those are text based.18:47
TrfsrfrActionParsnip, thanks! I think I figured it out.18:47
Dr_WillisDoes the live cd have a 'reinstall grub' feature yet? I sware i saw that somewhere.. may have been some ubuntu variant.18:47
PsydollPici: does mutt make me setup a new email account or does it log into my existing email18:47
alvinPHhello buddies, can I install a third OS, win7, xubuntu, and another distro?18:48
Faustus2is there a way to turn off mouse-over popups in ubuntu/gnome? eg app-tabs, and almost everything else :S annoying!18:48
PiciPsydoll: I'm not sure how the default config is setup.  I have mine configured to login to my gmail account.18:48
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  you can. but you might need to tweak grub to  boot it properly.18:48
xskydevilxHow would I install LightDM on Natty?18:48
petrolmanDr_Willis, thanks, I ve found some infos at: https://launchpad.net/~zeitgeist/+archive/ppa18:49
Dr_Willisxskydevilx:  i would see if theres a PPA for it.18:49
alvinPHif I will install for example wattOS, will the brub be ruined?18:49
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  you need to pick what OS handles teh biootloader..  unless you have more then one hd and keep each OS on its own hd.18:49
MagentiumLooking for help with Renaming a HDD, Error states : Operation Not supported by backend18:49
alvinPHhow can i do that?18:50
Dr_WillisMagentium:  rename a hd? clafify what you mean exactly.18:50
alvinPHplease tell me how to install a third one18:50
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  learn to restore grub in ubuntu, it should be able to handle the other disrtos via grub2. you may need to configure grub2 by hand to load wattos. (never heard of that one)18:50
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  windows first, then the other,, then ubuntu.. is how i would do it. I dont se emuch point in having 2 differnt disrtos however..18:51
alvinPHjust saw wattOS in linuxfreedon.18:51
MagentiumDr_Willis, in Nautilus, when i go to view a HDD it shows FileSystem as the label for my harddrive, is there any way to change that ?18:51
Picixskydevilx: I see lightdm in the repositories.  You should just need to do: sudo apt-get install lightdm18:51
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Dr_WillisMagentium:  what is the filesystem of the 'filesystem' in question?18:51
xskydevilxPici: I'll try that. Thanks.18:51
alvinPHor how about moonOS?18:51
blimealvinPH: you might try using VirtualBox to test out new operating systems, if that's why you're looking to multi boot your system18:51
Dr_WillisMagentium:  gparted can change fs labels IF the proper support tools are installed for it.18:51
iksiki'm trying to setup 2 monitors on my nvidia with 2x X11, but there is some weird behaviour of my 2'nd monitor... the most important thing is.. that window decorations are totally missing there... any idea how to deal with it?18:51
Dr_Willis!info ntfsprogs18:51
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu4 (natty), package size 268 kB, installed size 712 kB18:51
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  i just make bootable flash drives :) much easier.18:52
KurlonJust upgraded to Natty, I don't have 3d support so I'm still using the classic gnome shell.  My window decorations match the selected theme, but anything else GTK driven (menu bar, status bar, terminal's colors, etc) have reverted to a gray/generic theme and don't respect changes from the appearance panel?18:52
MagentiumDr_Willis currently i believe it is an ext4 partition, i also have the same problem with ext3 and xfs file systems18:52
Dr_WillisMagentium:  for linux fs's you can use the 'tune2fs' command.18:53
Dr_WillisMagentium:  lavels may not actually 'change' untill you reboot (well the system may keep using the old label)18:53
alvinPH:D, it's easy but I want a persistent one, persistence in live usb sometimes fails18:53
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  not if you do a 'full' normal install to flash drive..18:53
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  i install to them same as i would a internal hd. :)18:54
MagentiumDr_Willis looking a the tune2fs command i cannot see how to change the label, do you by chance know how or know a link that can help me ?18:54
Dr_Willisbut you do need bigger flash drives.. 4gb+ 8+ even better18:54
Dr_WillisMagentium:  tune2fs --help     its -L or -l18:54
alvinPHI'm just using a usb creator for that way18:54
Magentiumdr_Willis thank you i will check that now :)18:54
alvinPHi'm just using  a 2gb stick :(18:55
rcmaehlMagentium: is upower installed?18:55
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  i do a normal install via the installer to my flash drives. some times I do need to use 2 flash drives.. one with a 'usb live' setup and  boot that to install to the 2nd flash drive.  or youi can use a cd -> flash drive.18:55
Dr_Willis16gb flash are getting afforadable. :)18:55
ActionParsnipTristam: what was the magic bullet?18:55
Dr_WillisI grabbed an old laptop and made a little 60gb usb-hard drve for testing also.18:55
ActionParsnipTristam: just nipped for a smoke18:56
alvinPHno nit here in Phils. :-)18:56
Magentiumrcmaehl i believe it is, i wil check18:56
Magentiumrcmaehl Upower is at the latest version18:56
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  you can also set up grub2 to boot ISO files.18:56
alvinPHhow is that?18:56
Dr_Willisplenty of guides on doing grub2->iso, i got some bookmarked at delicious.com/dr_willis18:57
Magentiumi find that grub is a pain in the ass, have you looked a burg?18:58
Magentiumi think that is what its called18:58
alvinPHI wish ubuntu could have enlightenment desktop :D18:58
Magentiumenlightenment desktop?18:59
Magentiummay i ask what that is ?18:59
OlhaEuAiOlhaEuAI só olhando _______m_^____^ m______18:59
rcmaehlMagentium: burg runs on top of grub18:59
OlhaEuAiamigos, alguém pode me dar uma ajuda?18:59
Magentiumrcmaehl ahh i wasnt sure, never used it :p18:59
Pici!br | OlhaEuAi18:59
ubottuOlhaEuAi: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:59
alvinPHit's not so widely used but it's quite pretty, there is a desktop gadget thing19:00
omni_I am trying to connect my Dell printer to Ubuntu over the network. I have found the computer, however i cannot find the correct Drivers. I have the CD, and found the Unix folder, i am lost where to go from here to install the drivers. Can anyone help?19:00
kyoHi, I want two different programs running in two different wine's windows.19:00
alvinPHPCLinuxOS and moonOS got enlightenment desktop19:00
Magentiumomni what kingd of printer?19:01
Magentiumomni_ what kind of printer are you connecting to ?19:02
koshieHow I can measure in second the time between I type enter after the name of a software and the time where it's ready to work ?19:02
nabihow do i change ufw DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY19:02
omni_Magentium, Dell 172019:02
Magentiumkoshie what exactly do you mean, you are testing how long it takes to process the command you typed?19:02
MrKeunerhello, I have a script that runs on each system boot. I have installed it using update-rc.d myscript defaults. How can I uninstall it?19:02
koshieMagentium, sorry for my english ^^19:02
Magentiumomni_ I beleive that is your laptop model, what model Printer are you connecting to ?19:03
koshieMagentium, I'd like to measure time to launch a software19:03
mod_curewhere is the apache config that contains all the modules that i can activate ?19:04
Renskijust updated the nvidea drivers on my 11.04 box, and now when I restart my monitor reports the input is out of range19:04
nmvictorI have installed cairo dock version 2.3.02 from the cairo-dock-team PPA but I cant get more themes in the theme section even with my internet connection. The cairo dock I had in Maverick had themes from the internet loaded in the theme section, What do I do to get these themes back?19:04
omni_Magentium, That is the printer. It is a Dell Printer.19:04
Magentiumkoshie i dont think there is a way to do that unfortunately unless you extract a log and look at the time that is taken from one command to another, possibly make it do two commands and time between the end of the first and the start of the second19:05
RenskiI can get to a shell by presing alt,ctrl,F1, but how do I modify the refresh rate through the command line19:05
Renskiseems to be ignoring the contents of /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:05
koshieMagentium, so you don't know a software to do that ? Hm19:05
koshieI will search again on Internet, but thanks.19:05
phong_can acronis true image backup linux?19:05
Magentiumkoshie unfortunately not, i know that with apt-get you can usually extract to a file, you may just have to google how to log the program that you are trying to use19:06
koshieOk, thanks19:06
koshieGood afternoon everyone.19:06
phong_sup dude19:06
_mike__good afternoon lol19:06
koshie(I've say something funny ? :o)19:06
nmvictorI have installed cairo dock version 2.3.02 from the cairo-dock-team PPA but I cant get more themes in the theme section even with my internet connection. The cairo dock I had in Maverick had themes from the internet loaded in the theme section, What do I do to get these themes back?19:07
phong__mike__, if it is excatly 12pm i call it: good noon ?19:07
Magentiumomni_ oh i see, my appologise, google showed up a laptop >.< stupid google. Try googling for Linux Drivers, in my experience Dell doesnt support Linux too well19:07
NCS_OneI have installed ttf-inconsolata but I don't know how to show it on xterm, now I have "XTerm*font: -jmk-neep alt-bold-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1" on .Xresources but I can't find something similar on inconsolata. How can I do this?19:07
_mike__ha ha i guess19:07
ActionParsnip19:00 here19:07
_mike__but by the time you type noon it will be one 12:00:0519:07
omni_Magentium, I have the drivers, they were on the CD. i'm new and do not know how to install them into Ubuntu19:07
phong__mike__, haha19:08
whiteybulgerwhere is 'connect to server' applet in Unity?  like gnome had ?19:08
omni_Magentium, i have 3 "Packages" a .plugin a .deb and .rpm19:08
phong__mike__, do you think there is racist in USA even thought you just dont know it19:08
NCS_Oneomni_: the .deb19:08
Magentiumomni_ if you are using ubuntu, please try the .deb file19:08
Magentiumomni_ it should start up the application centre and install the package19:09
FlintWestWoodhi there, i just installed 11.04 and firefox looks like the old firefox even though its firefox 4.0.1. the firefox i have installed on windows looks better19:09
omni_..sigh, every time it opened i closed it because i did not want the software center to open..19:09
FlintWestWoodis there a way to set firefox to the new interface19:09
kbrosnanFlintWestWood: there is no transparency or firefox button by default on linux19:09
omni_NCS_One, Magentium; thank you both for your help.19:09
FlintWestWoodwhat does that mean?19:10
Magentiumomni_ you are very welcome :)19:10
Dr_WillisFlintWestWood:  the 2 look differnt  i belive.19:10
leaoGuys, the Eclipse IDE downloaded from Software center is different with latest Eclipse version (helios). Why is this ?19:10
MagentiumI was talking to someone before who mentioned that i should try MINTMENU19:10
kbrosnanFlintWestWood: different operating systems have different styles19:10
leaohulp ?19:10
Dr_WillisMagentium:  its one of many alternative menu applets yes..19:10
Kn|t3    /connect -ssl_verify -ssl_capath /etc/ssl/certs chat.freenode.net 669719:10
FlintWestWoodoh. is there a way to make ubuntu firefox look like windows firefox19:11
MagentiumDr_Willis, yes i remember you saying i should try it. its perfect for me needs, and i thank you very much for your help :)19:11
ActionParsnipFlintWestWood: apply the sme theme19:11
Dr_WillisMagentium:  i cant stand mintmenu. :)19:11
NCS_OneI have installed ttf-inconsolata but I don't know how to show it on xterm, now I have "XTerm*font: -jmk-neep alt-bold-r-normal--15-140-75-75-c-80-iso8859-1" on .Xresources but I can't find something similar on inconsolata. How can I do this?19:11
MagentiumDr_Willis May i ask why ?19:11
FlintWestWoodafik its the default one that comes with ff19:11
ActionParsnipFlintWestWood: do you mean with the big green back button?19:12
FlintWestWoodwith the orange ff button in the corner19:13
Dr_WillisMagentium:  i mentioned how i use gnome-do or others.. i rarely need the menus any more19:13
Dr_WillisNCS_One:  an app used ages ago was 'xfontsel'  that would generate a proper font line you could use, via a gui.19:14
oalHow can I search through a secondary hard drive for a file? locate only works on my main drive, it seems.19:14
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alvinPHDr_Willis: i read your bookmarked tutorial, it's about unetbootin, is it like the principle of wubi?19:14
NCS_OneDr_Willis: yes, but inconsolata doesn't show on xfontsel :(19:14
MagentiumDr_Willis I have Gnome-Do installed and use it as well, its an amazing program, I only had problems that since this is a Semi-Custom install which comes with a bunch of programs using a script installer, i am unsure of all the programs installed :P I really should clean up programs i never use19:14
ActionParsnipFlintWestWood: I dont use the browser, mine at work looks like this: http://blog.braintapper.com/assets/images/tinygrab/windows_firefox.png19:15
_mike__oal: did you mount the hard drive?19:15
oCeanoal: if you only just have attached the 2nd hdd, your locatedb has not been updated yet. Try running "sudo updatedb"19:15
MagentiumalvinPH wubi i believe is just a windows installer that will set it up inside a Folder and add the link to the Windows Boot Loader19:15
rod95ActionParsnip, not working either sound generic or auto :\19:16
mod_curehow can I load the mod_proxy module ?19:16
oal_mike__ and oCean I can browse it and it shows up under "Places" as 976 GB file system. sudo updatedb doesn't appear to do anything?19:16
ActionParsniprod95: ok try with no options, but then run:  alsamixer    ensure all levels are cranked and unmuted19:16
Dr_WillisNCS_One:  hmm. been ages since i messed with fonts.  used to be a fontcach you would need to rebuild..19:16
FlintWestWoodi want mine to look like this http://newtech.aurum3.com/images/firefox_4_preview.png19:16
alvinPHMagentium: no, what i mean is that booting an iso via grub2 is like the principle of wubi.19:16
trismNCS_One: xterm -fa inconsolata-11; seems to work here, don't know if you can use a similar line in .Xresources19:17
Magentium alvinPH oh, my mistake :) I only read that line :P19:17
butch1282I need to get a laptop that can run ubuntu properly in the next hour - is the live-cd a good indicator for comatability?  i have 11.0419:17
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  not really.. wubi has the linux filesystem in a file..   but i hate wubi anyway. :)19:17
ActionParsnipbutch1282: sure19:17
Jordan_Ubutch1282: Yes.19:17
ActionParsnipbutch1282: you can do anything in the live OS except reboot19:17
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  grub is just sort of faking a cdrom and passing the right options to the kernel.19:17
rod95Actionn, alsamixer closes everytime I click in sound proprieties19:18
Magentiumbutch1282 i find that if it is a fairly common laptop (Dell, HP, Lenovo) it will run fine regardless, I do not take Live Disks seriously as when i boot a live disk on my Laptop sound and Touchpad works, but when i install it does not19:18
butch1282thanks, second question - do you see any comatability issues with this laptop? its the cheapest i can find. http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=357138&CatId=493819:18
Dr_Willisbutch1282:  allow time for the first set of updates,   and so on. :) normally takes less then an hr here.19:18
oCeanoal: I guess that means that is not currently mounted, but when you go through Places to that filesystem, it gets mounted under /media. The fact that updatedb does not do 'anything' means that is has nothing to update. As soon as you have mounted the 2nd filesystem, you should run the updatedb command19:18
alvinPHDr_Willis: ah, therefore if I do the boot iso via grub is like a booting via live cd/usb?19:18
Dr_Willisbutch1282:  with laptops often the 'cheapest' is not that much of a value. if you can get 2x the machine for $30 more..19:19
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  it can be identical to booting from a cd.19:19
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  i think you can somehow set up a persistant save on the hd also. but ive never bothered19:19
butch1282ok - do you see any issues with the AMD E-Series Processor/Chipsets?19:20
computerxG'day, I have a dual screen setup with 1 workspace. The secondary monitor is smaller and to the left of the main monitor (with the gnome toolbars). When I fullscreen OpenGL or Flash apps, they spread across both monitors. How can I make them only fullscreen on the main monitor?19:20
alvinPHDr_Willis: I'm looking for an alternative distro that's far different from the looks of ubuntu but still based from it.19:20
Magentiumbutch1282 if it is anything like the AMD Series then no, i run a 2.2Ghz Single Core V120, and its blazing fast and stable19:21
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  theres dozens of them.. it all depends on your needs.19:21
butch1282k, thanks19:21
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  been trying Bodhi on this box :) but dont expect support in this channel for the variants.19:21
Magentiumcomputerx if you have Compiz Installed, inside the CSMM i believe there is a plugin to stop windows opening off screen, it should keep them on one screen, but no promises19:21
nabihow do i change ufw DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY ?19:22
computerxMagnetium: I have the compiz manager installed, any idea which plugin?19:22
Magentiumcomputerx give me 1 minute I will have a look19:22
computerxThank you19:22
Dr_Williscomputerx:  what chipset are you using?19:22
alvinPHDr_Willis: I want a simple and lightweight interface, basically for web browsing, multimedia and office suite. what distro could you suggest?19:23
computerxProprietry driver19:23
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  go to disrtowatch web site and see.. any of them can do it.. You may as well try Lubuntu first.. since it  is almost an official ubuntu variant. :)  or will be official soon19:23
Dr_Williscomputerx:  if you enable twinview. (and restart the x server) when you fullscreen an app it will maxamize to the display its on.19:23
Dr_Williscomputerx:  unless its a very badly written app. :)19:24
alvinPHwhat is its desktop anyway?19:24
Dr_Willislubuntu = lxde19:24
Magentiumcomputerx unforunately i cannot find the plugin i had, but the method that Dr_Willis explained also works well19:24
Jordan_U!best | alvinPH19:24
ubottualvinPH: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:24
computerxTwinview is with 2 workspaces, toolbars on each?19:24
MagentiumLUBUNTU Is AWESOME!! =D I love it19:24
nabihow do i set ufw DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="ACCEPT" ?19:24
Dr_Williscomputerx:  run nvidia-settings tool. enable twinview.. restart X server (or reboot)19:24
george_Hello. Do you use mplayer? I'm using the last version on kubuntu 11.04 repositories and can't play mms stream. Any ideas? I have gstream good, bad, ugly installed...19:25
irwinfvalvinPH, xfce (xubuntu) runs pretty lightweight too...Though a little larger the lxde19:25
Dr_Williscomputerx:  just hitting apply will not work properly in some cases.  untill you reset the X server. some apps can get confused.19:25
computerxIt's on twinview already. Neverball, Neverputt and Flash in Chrome don't behave.19:25
alvinPHno, you get me wrong, i'm not polling see i'm asking only one person?19:25
computerxMore don't behave, they're just three examples off the top of my head19:25
MagentiumalvinPH if you are looking for a basic Desktop envionment that focuses on minimal resources, i personally recommend Lxde19:25
Dr_Williscomputerx:  you did restat the X server?19:26
Dr_Willisrestart. :)19:26
computerxIt's been setup like this for months19:26
computerxAs Twinview19:26
Dr_Williscomputerx:  so Some apps do work properly.. and some dont?19:26
alvinPHmagentium: ok i'll try what you suggest, thanks to all of you19:26
Dr_WillisI dont have a 2 monitor sysstem handy to double checn those apps. I cant even recall the last app i saw that worked wrongly.. other then some java apps.19:26
computerxOnly "normal" apps seem to work properly. Maximize etc. Anything with a fullscreen option goes crazy.19:26
leaoGuys I'm using Xchat-Gnome for my ubuntu, do you have any other suggestions because it SUCKS !19:27
MagentiumalvinPH you are welcome, Even though it is not offically supported, if you wish to use a distribution that has multiple environments installed, then you could try Ubuntu Ultimate19:27
leaoit doesnt even show the user names as default19:27
MagentiumI have KDE, XFCE, LXDE, GNOME, Openbox and Fluxbox installed by default19:27
Dr_Williscomputerx:  well.. i definatly CAN (could) use the max/full screen feature in vlc/xbmc/games and if the game window was on the 2nd monitor - it would fullscreen to that monitor only. Double check teh nvidia-settings and be sure twinview is on. and I think xinerama is off..19:27
alvinPHMagentium: where could i get that?19:27
nabihow do i set ufw DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="ACCEPT" ?19:28
Magentiumleao have you tried just normal Xchat? I am using it currently and its create19:28
MagentiumalvinPH i shall get you a link19:28
Dr_WillisUbuntu Ultimate - is definatly not lightweight. :)19:28
alvinPHok thakns19:28
Magentiumalvin, you are competent with Torrents?19:28
Putrhey guys. I'm at an event and my friends computer isnt connecting well to the wireless (signal is intermidiate). Is there a way he could connect to me with cable and my computer would work as a network switch?19:28
computerxI did double-check Twinview as you said it. VLC and Totem do work correctly, as it happens. This is becoming relevant as I'm installing Doom3 linux client right now, and this will drive me nuts. I'll check xinerama...19:28
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Dr_Williscomputerx:  xinerama is like the 'old' way of handling it. nvidias enhanced way is 'twinview' I Have heard of some issues in 11.04 with multi monitor support. It could be theres some iother  issues causing the problem.19:29
Dr_Williscomputerx:  i would be curious if it worked properly with other window managers like icewm.19:29
Dr_Williscomputerx:  if running in a window, the CCSM plugin 'window rules' (i think) has ways to set windows to be spefific sizes/locations19:30
Dr_Willisand even hide decorations i think.19:30
yoRI've just tried installing Ubuntu (from USB drive), loading it from USB worked great, was able to do almost anything, but after installing I just get purple flicker... any ideas? (and is this the correct channel to ask?)19:30
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Dr_WillisyoR:  whats your video chipset.19:31
Magentiumalvin i shall get you a link to the torrent file, it is much faster download, the file size is 2.6GB i believe, and comes with A LOT of programs, Themes, etc. Once you tweak it to your needs, it works justn like any other Distro19:31
computerxI'll check window rules. I'm hesistant to make significant changes because this is primarily my work computer, I spend 90% of my time programming on it, and really don't want to mess it up ;)19:31
yoRI've got an Asrock Extreme 4 motherboard and a ATI 687019:31
Dr_Williscomputerx:  You could always test with a differnt user.19:31
yoRIt boots with PCIe as default19:31
computerxOooh, clever19:31
Duesentrieb_hi all! i'm using natty netbook edition, and it randomly crashes. screen is black, can#t change to vt, no ping, no ssh. there's nothing obvious in the syslog. i wonder how to debug this...19:32
Duesentrieb_any ideas?19:32
Duesentrieb_anything i could turn on to find out what's happening?19:32
Dr_Williscomputerx:  i would be curious if the apps did fullscreen properly in icewm, or openbox.19:32
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MagentiumalvinPH http://ultimateedition.info/ultimate-edition/ultimate-edition-2-9/ if you go to that link, there is 32Bit and 64 bit, i am sure you can get the downloads from there. Perhaps read up about the install and programs, watch some videos and screenshots etc before you make your choice19:32
alvinPH:D thank you buddy.19:33
PicialvinPH, Magentium: Please keep in mind that we do not support Ubuntu Ultimate in this channel.19:33
Dr_WillisDuesentrieb_:  while its running  ssh in, and have the log files being printed in real time.. untill it crashes. (use tail -f /var/log/SOMTHING)    and see what the logs say.19:33
computerxI'll try the "not installing stuff" route first ;)19:33
Dr_Williscomputerx:  i always keep icewm installed for a 'backup/rescue' window manager.19:33
computerxIf this PC goes tits up, I lose a lot of time, and then money19:33
alvinPHthat's ok,19:33
Duesentrieb_Dr_Willis: well... which log?...19:33
Dr_Williscomputerx:  not like icewm is going to blow up your system..19:33
Duesentrieb_Dr_Willis: as i said, the syslog doesn't have anything interesting...19:34
oCean!afk > Jon|AFK19:34
ubottuJon|AFK, please see my private message19:34
Broc93hello everybody19:34
MagentiumPici yes and i respect that :) was just giving him an option for if he decided to try out something that has it built in :)19:34
Dr_Willistheres kernel log and others..  you may want to monitor several of them19:34
computerxI assume I can apt-get it?19:34
Broc93how do I delete a file using the console?19:34
Dr_Williscomputerx:  of course...19:34
Dr_WillisBroc93:  rm file19:34
Dr_Willis!cli | Broc9319:34
ubottuBroc93: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro19:34
computerxAnd switching to it? Is icewm the equivalent to metacity/compiz?19:34
IdleOneMagentium: and when he has problems with it he can go to the irc channel and be told to come here where we don't support it.19:35
Dr_Williscomputerx:  icewm is a widnow manager like metacity.. will add a gdm menu item.19:35
computerxThis is part of the X "relationships" I don't "get"19:35
alvinPHMagentium: there's no LXDE for 32bit19:35
nemoDuesentrieb_: any issues w/ CPU temperature? also, run memtest already? (maybe you are at something pretty fundamental)19:35
Dr_Williscomputerx:  its all about layers... X --> Window manager --> File manager and other apps19:35
MagentiumIdleOne of course i know that, my appologise for mentioning it19:35
Dr_Williscomputerx:  icewm is a window manager.. Gnome is a 'desktop' :) which is a WM + other apps..19:35
MagentiumalvinPH you may wish to just install the environment onto your current install19:35
anthony_devI got same problem, plz help. I cant see menu button at top and even this taskbar or something like that. and I cant see side panel.19:36
Duesentrieb_nemo: not a temperature issue, no. memory would be possible i guess. though it didn't happen with 10.10... but i probably should run memtest19:36
dsockwellmy Ubuntu server doesn't give any output on boot.  I'm used to seeing output from the kernel, how can I read that?19:36
Duesentrieb_nemo: will do next time it crashes19:36
dsockwelldifficulty:  the machine won't finish booting.19:36
computerxlol, doom3 went to the bottom-left of the left monitor, at 800x600 "fullscreen".19:36
Dr_Willisdsockwell:  you could see if the /etc/default/grub file is hiding the output. replace the 'quiet splash' with '' or 'text' perhaps/19:36
Duesentrieb_is there a way to get continuous output from dmesg?19:37
Dr_Williscomputerx:  given how old doom3 is.. Im not suprised. :)19:37
Magentiumdsockwell we had the same issue, try using the -v option when running the kernel19:37
nemoDuesentrieb_: any suspiciousness in dmesg?19:37
dsockwellMagentium: -v? ok19:37
nemolike, that might be warning signs?19:37
Dr_Williscomputerx:  you can set up scripts to run xrandr and turn off one monitor, run the game, then reactivate the monitors after the game exists..19:37
Duesentrieb_nemo: none that i can tell, no19:37
Magentiumdsockwell yes i believe that -v is for verbose unless i am confused with Mac OSX19:37
computerxI don't play... well, games hardly at all. Doom, a little WoW...19:37
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nemoDuesentrieb_: /var/log/dmesg?19:38
dsockwellthe linux kernel doesn't usually take its arguments with a -19:38
Dr_Williscomputerx:  i saw they got doom ported/runniong in a web browser now. :)19:38
computerxWebGL is a marvel...19:38
dsockwelltrying now19:38
Duesentrieb_nemo: ah, wait - non in syslog. i don't know about dmesg. because i never get to see it. dmesg is reset on boot, no?19:38
Dr_WillisThere maybe redone open sourced rewrites of doom319:38
usmanhi, i am trying to configure dns server from the following forum post, i did exactly as they says but when i try to nslookup or do dig , it dont get it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=23609319:38
yoRDr_Willis: I'll try running it from the onboard videocard19:39
computerxSo I see xrandr should let me be quite specific. I like this. I'll probably go the script route. I'm handy with bash.19:39
omni__I'm still having a problem with Del Print drivers. the .deb installed it, however i get a kickback error during installation. It is telling me not to be in root, however i'm not. (Here is the Error in Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/uhyPS22D )19:39
Dr_Williscomputerx:  im not sure how well xrandr works with the nvidia twinview.19:39
Dr_Williscomputerx:  but it shouldent break antying a log out/back in cant fix :)19:40
computerxOh, I'm sure something "interesting" will happen. It usually does.19:40
dsockwellMagentium: -v did it, thank you19:40
Magentiumdsockwell you are welcome, we run 2 LInux servers here and -v is on for both simply because of that issue :)19:40
dsockwellthat's going in /etc/default/grub19:41
computerxWell, thank you Magnetium and Dr_Willis, I'll plod on with the help you've given me, and relax for once...19:41
Magentiumcomputerx if this was facebook i would "like" your status, something interesting ALWAYS happens with me on linux :P19:41
dsockwelli love how ubuntu goes to such great lengths to avoid confusing new users that it gives experienced users heartburn19:41
Magentiumcomputerx you are welcome, i will try and stay online for as long as i can tonight if you need any more help, feel free to email me at admin@magentium.com if you need any other assistance19:41
computerxlol Magnetium. Everything since installing an Nvidia card has paled in comparison to the "joys" of trying to work with an old ATI card.19:41
computerxI've sworn at (a lot) and off ATI since moving to Linux permanently.19:42
Magentiumdsockwell LIKEEE, I have to agree. i Installed it for my GF and she loved it cos it was so simple, but for me its the biggest challenge since waking up in the morning :p19:42
alvinPHMagentium: i found what I need, it's BOdhi :D19:42
Duesentrieb_nemo, Dr_Willis: ok, tail -f running for dmesg and syslog from a different box now. and will run a memtest when it crashes again. hopefully, then i'll know more19:42
MagentiumalvinPH Briliant :) i am glad you found what you needed :)19:42
alvinPHit's light and the desktop is enlightenment :D19:43
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  i mentioned im using that right now. :)19:43
alvinPHaw. sorry i didn't noticed XD19:43
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  its ok. but enlightment is really.. not that impressive to me .. ive used E on and off for years.19:44
PolahalvinPH: Isn't Enlightenment just a window manager, not a desktop enviroment?19:44
alvinPHcan i install bodhi on a 2gb stick?19:44
Dr_WillisEnlightment is almost a desktop. :)19:44
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  a full install here was a little over 3gb i think19:44
user1can someone tell me about DNS services in ubuntu19:45
Dr_WillisalvinPH:  and when you start using it for real work.. your tmp and caches will start taking up space also.19:45
usmanalso is necessary to define reverse lookup enteries for a domain then bind will work ??19:45
Dr_Willisnight all..19:45
PolahDr_Willis: How can it be almost a desktop? It's either an environment and provides as such, or it's a window manager that sits on top of an environment like GNOME. If it managed windows and did some environment stuff it could conflict.19:45
francesco_ciao a tutti...italian irc ubuntu?were is?19:45
alvinPHi just want office , browser and multimedia, is it enough?19:45
Pici!it | francesco_19:45
ubottufrancesco_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:45
francesco_ok ty19:46
pejoteciao a tutti19:46
user1can someone tell me about DNS services in ubuntu19:46
ActionParsnipalvinPH: could start from minimal and build up19:46
ActionParsnipUser1: dnsmasq can provide a dns service19:47
alvinPHthat's my point, I want the minimal but complete for my needs19:47
computerxNext! The audio is crunching and clicking. It won't use OSS (/dev/dsp not found), and is using Alsa. I use Pulseaudio and EsounD (in Wine because it's more stable than Alsa under load, I've found). Any ideas?19:48
user1ActionParsnip : if i have vps.abc.com and an ip how do i bind them so that i can ping vps.abc.com19:48
ActionParsnipalvinPH: the default ubuntu comes with a tonne of fluff. Using minimal then only adding what you need keeps it small19:49
computerxuser1: sudo nano /etc/hosts - put in vps.abc.com19:49
yoRDr_Willis: Cool, the default onboard graphic card is working, thanks. Now I can update the drivers etc19:49
user1computerx: that's done already19:49
ActionParsnipUser1: add it in /etc/hosts19:49
computerxThen the ping vps.abc.com should be pinging that IP19:49
computerxDoes the ping show that IP?19:49
omni__I'm still having a problem with Dell Print drivers, the .deb installed it, however i get an error during installation. It is telling me not to be in root, however i'm not. (Here is the Error in Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/uhyPS22D )19:50
user1computerx: no19:50
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user1computerx: it doesnt resolve19:50
MagentiumActionParsnip, my minimal do you mean the Alternate Installer?19:50
computerxThen you've either put the line in wrong, or have some caching nameserver installed19:50
Scuniziuser1: you have to restart the networking services.. and perhaps samba.. sudo service networking restart19:51
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computerxNameservers aren't my forte (I pay cPanel to care about that), so I'd check the hosts file at least19:51
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alvinPHActionParsnip: how can i remove those bloaty package?19:51
Magentiumhello unknown, welcome to the ubuntu IRC :)19:52
computerxMagnetium, do you have any suggestions regarding my clicky alsa audio?19:52
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ActionParsnipMagentium: no, minimal. It installs using the web. Just install a base OS then hook up to the web and install apps (wired link makes this easier)19:52
computerxWould it be affected by me running one of my two cores at 100% constantly? Do I need to give alsa some cpu headroom?19:53
ActionParsnipalvinPH: use software centre19:53
Magentiumcomputerx i have had very bad times with Alsa, new kernel and then alsa is gone, i find that when its clicky i check the PCM Volume and update to the latest version and it works19:53
MagentiumActionParsnip, where could i find this install? is it the minimal iso that can be downloaded from FTP sites?19:53
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=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
computerx"pcm volume"?19:54
oCeanHammerTiem: please stop the public nick changes19:54
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:54
Magentiumcomputerx if you go to a terminal and type alsamixer, it SHOULD come up with PCM Volume i believe it is called, i find that if it is too high, even the Alert Sounds are crackly and horrible19:54
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MagentiumActionParsnip, i had no idea that this even existed! This would have solved my problems YEARS ago, thank you!!!19:56
bigbangwhen i start my google video chat in chrome i get error "A problem occurred while attempting to access your graphics hardware."19:57
computerxalsamixer didn't fix it directly, but it looks like Doom3 was pushing the audio in a little too high. Now I've turned that down, it's fine. Thanks for the guidance19:57
Magentiumbigbang what graphics card do you have ?19:58
ActionParsnipMagentium: np man. I use it then install lxde. Very fast and punchy OS plus fewer updates after install as you install from the server19:58
Magentiumcomputerx you are welcome19:58
ActionParsnipDoom3 rocks!!19:58
MagentiumActionParsnip, the main problem i have with ubuntu is when it installes stuff idont need, and then takes HOURS to remove it all safely without bricking the OS. Minimal install sounds like an amazing thing, i shall try i!19:58
computerxIt does, especially as ID software released a Linux client19:59
bigbangmagentium, how to check it in ubuntu19:59
ActionParsnipMagentium: even if you install the metapackage, its still a handy way to install. Also look into apt-fast for quicker i20:00
bigbangMagentium, how do i check for my graphics card20:01
Magentiumbingbang go to the terminal and enter lspci, it should tell you it somewhere in there20:01
joshuauHi there20:02
ActionParsnipBigbang: lspci | grep -i vga20:02
iliasi installed kubuntu 10.04 lts in my desktop and i had some graphic's driver's problems (icons pixelized). i will proceed with ubuntu 10.04 i will be faced with he same problems?20:02
joshuauI saw recently that ubuntu was developed in the isle of man.... is that correct20:03
ActionParsnipIlias: what video chip do you use?20:03
petrolmanHi, I cant find Java in the "system control" of Ubuntu 11.04., but OpenJDK-6-JRE is installed! I would like to configure the Java console.20:03
joshuauI saw recently that ubuntu was developed in the isle of man.... is that correct20:04
joshuauI saw recently that ubuntu was developed in the isle of man.... is that correct??20:04
Magentiumjoshuau not sure, i heard a rumour like that too20:04
bigbangMagentium, it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/617756/20:04
ActionParsnipIlias: the drivers are identical. Only the UI is different20:04
joshuauwell i'm on vtc linux and it has a screen shot from a webpage of distro watch in 2006 and it says so.20:05
ActionParsnipIlias: install the nvidia driver, should make things better. Which nvidia?20:05
oCeanjoshuau: keep this channel for technical support please, chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic20:05
usmanis here is anyone who can help me out with bind dns server20:05
rwwjoshuau: No. The company that sponsors Ubuntu is incorporated in the Isle of Man. Ubuntu is developed by a worldwide group of people, and Canonical (the aforementioned company) is based in London and has people worldwide.20:06
_cbthere is an non-open source product based on Linux Terminal Server Project. Can't remember the name. Anyone know what I am talking about?20:06
usmanyes i do20:06
rww_cb: Userful Desktop?20:06
usmanThin Client20:07
usmanits a thin client20:07
usmanas we have in suse20:07
iceroot_cb: nx?20:07
iliasi know that, so it's true that is very possible to have the same problems. i am not now on this machine so i cannot tell u. i only can tell u that exact the same problems i faced with suse 11.3. 11,2 was ok, 11,4 ok too. but kubutnu 10,04 and opensuse 11,3 have issues with my card. strange?20:07
=== Duesentrieb_ is now known as Duesentrieb
_cbiceroot nx, that's it. Thanks !!!!20:07
iceroot_cb: freenx is the gnu-version20:07
ghabithello. just installed. how to swith off unity? want classic gnome20:08
ActionParsnipIlias: different xorg versions20:08
bigbangMagentium, it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/617756/20:08
alvinPHwhat will happen if i run sudo apt-get autoremove?20:08
ActionParsnipghabit: choose it at logon20:08
Pici!classic | ghabit20:09
ubottughabit: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. You can switch back to regular !Gnome by logging out and clicking on your user name, in the Session box at the bottom of the screen select Ubuntu Classic.20:09
_cbiceroot, nomachine is the company. Thanks !!20:09
ActionParsnipalvinPH: it removes unneeded packages20:09
BluesKaj!u | ilias20:09
ubottuilias: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.20:09
Kutemcloseanyone here usse Devede?20:09
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.20:09
alvinPHis that sure and has no conflict with other currently installed packages?20:10
iliasso. do u think is better to run 11.04 althought it is new?20:10
iliasnobody can change irc alphabet!20:10
BluesKaj!u > ilias20:10
ubottuilias, please see my private message20:10
iliasso is 11.04 stable enough?20:11
KutemcloseI'm experiencing the error "conversion failed, make sure you have enough space" when trying to convert an avi to iso using Devede. anyone getting the same issues or have the fix for it?20:12
ActionParsnipilias: works well here :-)20:13
OerHeksKutemclose, the error says 'you don't have enough space ( on your hdd)'20:13
BluesKajyou don't convert avi files to iso with devede , use an iso maker app, Kutemclose20:13
ActionParsnipKutemclose: check free space dude20:13
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: devede makes a dvd iso from video files20:14
iliasdo you have any idea if 11.04 will detecte and install the appropriate driver for my prolink usb tv analogue device with np-1004+ chip on it?20:14
KutemcloseBluesKaj, you most certainly do use it for that. I've been using the program for years to do just that. Problem is just recently it started not working20:15
bigbangwhen i start my google video chat in chrome i get error "A problem occurred while attempting to access your graphics hardware." I have this graphics card http://paste.ubuntu.com/617756/20:15
BluesKajActionParsnip, yeah but it takes dvd authoring etc , one can't just convert an avi file with devede20:15
jfbouchardHello, is GCC 4.1 avail in 11.04 64 bits ? I dont see it in the repo ???20:16
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: it combines the avis and make an iso you can burn.20:17
BluesKajActionParsnip, Kutemclose , devede claims it can , but I found it so frustrating to use I switched tot tovid20:18
omni_Can anyone help me find where printer drivers were installed to? I installed the drivers but it still does not show up when i try to setup the printer.20:18
MagentiumCya people! Thanks for all your help!20:18
alvinPHbye guys i'll try wattOS :D then bodhi..20:18
=== donald is now known as Guest34527
ActionParsnipjfbouchard: check for ppa if the version you desire is not default20:18
YankDownUnderKutemclose, Do you have enough space on the drive - just asking?20:19
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
jfbouchardActionParsnip: Hello, I just want to get confirmation that its not in the repo of 11.0420:19
ActionParsnip!info gcc20:19
ubottugcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.98ubuntu3)): The GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.5.2-1ubuntu3 (natty), package size 4 kB, installed size 64 kB20:19
bigbang when i start my google video chat in chrome i get error "A problem occurred while attempting to access your graphics hardware." I have this graphics card http://paste.ubuntu.com/617756/20:19
jfbouchardActionParsnip: Yeah, I know its not default but normally there is more than one version avail in the repo.20:20
KutemcloseYankDownUnder, more than enough space on the drive20:21
ActionParsnipjfbouchard: not sure of that dude, sorry20:21
KutemcloseYankDownUnder, i'm told its a problem with mencoder20:21
PRCwhats up20:21
Guest34527hello gentleman20:21
PRChello Guest3452720:21
PRCwhat are you doing?20:21
Guest34527hows everyones day going?20:22
YankDownUnderKutemclose, The reason I as is because sometimes folks have strange partition layouts - like putting their /tmp and /var/ on different drives, etc etc etc...and just for a giggle and a grin, have you cleaned the crap outta yer /tmp and /var/tmp directories lately?20:22
PiciPRC: This is a support channel. If you're looking to chat, check out #ubuntu-offtopic :)20:22
PRCthanks Pici20:22
Guest34527hows your day fella's?20:23
YankDownUnderKutemclose, mencoder - hmm...well, you can then always download and compile a newer version (not really recommended or supported in this channel)20:23
TTSDAHello there20:23
TTSDAHow can I allow the user www-data to access /home/ttsda/test1 ?20:23
Guest34527so how is everyobody doing?20:23
ActionParsnipTtsda: look into chmod and chown20:24
PiciTTSDA: Easiest way would be to allow others read access there. chmod o+r /home/ttsda/test120:24
TTSDAI did chmod 7720:24
TTSDAand chown20:24
PalzieriI've just tried and upgrade my Jauntie 9.04 without any success20:24
TTSDAAnd I still cant access20:24
pcpowerdon't do that20:24
FloodBot1TTSDA: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:24
TTSDASorry :<20:24
Guest34527gentlemen, we all just need to slow down20:24
ActionParsnipTtsda: 777 isn't too wise20:24
TTSDAI know20:24
TTSDAIt was just for testing20:25
pcpoweralso if /home/ttsda doesn't have execute permissions for said user, they won't be able to access /test1 either20:25
Picipcpower: Ah, good  point. I forgot that.20:25
Guest34527guys now you just need to stop20:25
TTSDAOh ?20:25
TTSDAHow do I add execute permissions ?20:25
pcpowerchmod o+x /home/ttsda20:25
PiciGuest34527: Thats not needed.  Please try to stay ontopic here, as this is a support channel.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic20:26
Guest34527all you guys are really starting to piss me off20:26
Guest34527just show some manners20:26
Pici!guidelines > Guest3452720:26
ubottuGuest34527, please see my private message20:26
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:26
BluesKajI admire your patience Pici20:26
zul_hi all20:27
nhodgesso, i'm running command line only (init level 3) no window manager, can i change the font of terminal20:27
nhodgesof the terminal20:27
Guest34527yea, well fuck you guys, your turning down Donald fuck'in Doyle!!!20:28
KM0201Palzieri: did you try running sudo aptitude dist-upgrade20:28
TTSDAOkay, I will try to tell what I need. I have a lighttpd server set up, its folder is /var/www. I want to access the file /home/ttsda/q/file.php from the web server, So I set up a symlink in /var/www to /home/ttsda/q/file.php. And I get 403'd. How do I fix it ?20:29
ActionParsnipTTSDA: i believe there is a setting regarding symlinks for apache20:30
TTSDAIt is lighttpd :/20:30
ActionParsnipTTSDA: probably a similar deal20:31
computerxMe again! Err, I can't figure out how to set my desktop to x +1360, y +0, w 1920, h 1080 using xrandr20:32
computerxHi NCS_One20:33
NCS_Onehow do I reload .Xresources?20:33
boomboorumHi everybody. I have installed marlin - a replacement for my nautilus elementary. But do I make it work?20:33
ActionParsnipTTSDA: http://redmine.lighttpd.net/issues/129920:34
ActionParsnipboomboorum: press Alt+F2 and run it20:35
fosterdvActionParsnip: Hey how are you doing today? I had a crazy question, that I thought maybe you could answer... ?20:35
boomboorumActionParsnip: It starts, but looks like it is a program from like 10 years ago. Where did all the design go?20:35
=== HammerTiem is now known as DavidDavidson|Of
=== DavidDavidson|Of is now known as HammerTiem
kevkeHey ppl, I missed to autostart ssh on my webserver, how can I do this (system is a webserver on a farm20:36
ActionParsnipboomboorum: i don't use it and never have. Its an unofficial package so i suggest you contact the packager20:37
boomboorumActionParsnip: Thanks, but it might be the problem with my computer. Because last week I had problem with nautilus. Its theme was changing on startup to a very old one20:38
petrolmanHow do get back the java console in Ubuntu 11.04. I need the console for debugging my java webstart programs20:40
fosterdvActionParsnip: Do you have any tips, on troubleshooting issues, with running out of processes?20:41
greywalkhello. what package does ubuntu use to detect and connect to mobile broadband devices?20:41
computerxxrandr: I can't work out what name it wants for --output...20:42
NCS_Onehow do I reload .Xresources?20:42
fosterdvI've been able to see on my server, where process running was httpd at 99%, and I had to restart to bring it back stable.20:42
fosterdvHello PRC20:42
PRChi fosterdv20:43
ActionParsnipGregwalk: usb-mode-switcher may be needed. Use the 8 character hex id to identify the device20:43
=== slow-motion is now known as Der_Fuehrer
=== Der_Fuehrer is now known as slow-motion
ActionParsnipfosterdv: not sure personally. How long has it been up?20:44
IsmAvatarhey folks, got a microphone here, not sure if it works or not. How can I test?20:44
pcpowerskype test call20:45
ActionParsnipIsmAvatar: sound recorder20:45
IsmAvatarI tried sound recorder. It didn't record anything, and the Level at the bottom-right stayed empty.20:46
ActionParsnipSkype often fails even when the mic works in other apps20:46
omni_Can anyone help me setup a network Dell Printer? I cannot locate the drivers after they have been installed.20:46
ActionParsnipIsmAvatar: run: alsamixer   and be sure the mic is unmuted and cranked20:47
bazhangomni_, check linuxprinting.org database20:47
omni_bazhang, thank you, i'll check that real quick20:48
NCS_Onehow do I reload .Xresources?20:49
IsmAvatarActionParsnip: I'm seeing Front Mic and Front Mic Boost. I cranked them both up to 100 and turned the prior's MM into 00 by pressing the M key (which I assume means unmute)20:50
IsmAvatarstill nothing on the sound recorder20:50
tomshawIs git status always supposed to inform you of the file/files you've ignored in .gitignore?20:50
tomshawWrong irssi window :)20:50
IsmAvatarShould I be seeing something for it under Sound Preferences > Input? Because that lists no devices.20:51
HemikaHello everyone, I have dual boot windows and ubuntu 10.10(Gnome) but unfortunately Ubuntu hangs too much, any suggestions to the problem?20:52
IsmAvatarHemika: when does it hang?20:53
omni_bazhang, the dell drivers there do not have the version of printer i'm looking for. :\20:54
peterhilHi! How are Serial ATA drive devs usually named?20:54
BlessJahone guy just removed xorg.conf, could someone using _nouveau_ paste /etc/X11/xorg.conf?20:54
ChrisBuchholzHey guys20:54
saammanyone experiencing hyper mouse and touchpad sensitivity after xorg update in natty?20:54
IsmAvatarpeterhil: hard drives? sda, sdb, etc20:54
HemikaIsmAvatar: All of a sudden anytime, i don't know the reason, i have installed Ubuntu inside windows20:54
eamonHow do you get firefox 3.6 addons to work on firefox 4.0? I think thgere's an extension for it but the name escapes me.20:55
peterhilOk, but if I have an PATA drive as IDE on /dev/sda20:55
peterhilShould the Serial ATA drive be /dev/sdb?20:55
saamm anyone experiencing high mouse and touchpad sensitivity after xorg update in natty?20:55
ChrisBuchholzIn the PowerMizer tab of NVIDIA X Server Settings app, "Performance mode" is set to "Maximum Performance". How do i set it to lowest? There is a "dropdown dialog" below where i can choose prefered mode, but it doesnt have any effect.20:55
nimbioticsis there a channel for ubuntu studio?20:55
Picinimbiotics: #ubuntustudio20:56
nimbioticsPici: THX!20:56
peterhilShould I load some kernel module? I think the motherboard has some VIA/nVidia chipset and has SATA controller20:56
peterhilI just plugged my old serial-ATA drive in20:56
IsmAvatarHemika: thought you said dual boot.20:56
HemikaIsmAvatar: oh i am sorry, it is inside windows20:57
klingelbartnoob question: if I install new programms, in wich directory are the files stored?20:57
ChrisBuchholzThere was a /etc/X11/xorg.conf in earlier versions than natty. Where is it now?20:57
BlouBlouklingelbart: it depends of program :)20:57
IsmAvatarpeterhil: not completely sure, but I think PATA goes to /dev/hda20:58
klingelbarthmm, im kinda comfused^^20:58
nimbioticsI've got ubuntu 11.04 installed. Can I upgrade to ubuntu studio or do I have to reinstall from zero? TIA!20:58
macolsmnot in yeeeears20:58
macoIsmAvatar: not in yeeeears20:58
bazhang!info ubuntustudio-desktop20:58
ubottuubuntustudio-desktop (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 40 kB20:58
bazhangnimbiotics, ^^20:58
IsmAvatarshows how long I've been using linux20:58
macoIsmAvatar: as of about '07 ot '08, its all sd**20:58
=== john__ is now known as semperubisububi
nimbioticsbazhang: meaning?20:59
peterhilIsmAvatar: On this Fujitsu Siemens machine PATA shows as /dev/sda20:59
semperubisububiOh wait20:59
semperubisububiur a européen20:59
bazhangnimbiotics, install the package ubuntustudio-desktop20:59
macopeterhil: IsmAvatar is just outdated ;-)20:59
klingelbartif my ubuntu installation is based on the partitions home, root and swap, in wich of these partitions are folders like "bin" "boot" or "etc" stored?20:59
macokleinerdrache: /20:59
peterhilmaco: You mean old fashioned? ;-)21:00
IsmAvatarno, outdated21:00
klingelbartnoob question: if my ubuntu installation is based on the partitions home, root and swap, in wich of these partitions are folders like "bin" "boot" or "etc" stored?21:00
nimbioticsOK, THX21:00
petrolmanklingelbart, learn the hierarchy within the linux directory http://www.techrepublic.com/article/learn-the-hierarchy-within-the-linux-directory/503195721:00
macoklingelbart: /21:00
macokleinerdrache: sorry21:00
IsmAvatarpeterhil: If your master pata drive is on sda, I'd expect your secondary sata drive to be on /dev/sdb21:00
macoklingelbart: its pronounced "root" but is written /21:00
macoklingelbart: there's also "/root" which id usually call "slash root"21:00
klingelbartis there a different between / and root21:01
macoklingelbart: so /bin, /usr, /etc are all under /21:01
klingelbartbut there is a folder called root under /21:01
peterhilOk, it wasn't there. Maybe no kernel module was loaded or the SATA controller was disabled in BIOS - there was an option for that. And now it seems, I have accidentally set a password... :-/21:01
macoklingelbart: "the root partition" is how you say it out loud, but when you write, it, it's "the / partition", get it?  and yes, there's a /root, which is a directory named "root" inside the / partition, and functions as the root user's home directory21:01
HemikaIsmAvatar: Can you help me with my problem?21:02
klingelbartthere is a folder called root under the main directory root? like root-root or "slash root"21:02
IsmAvatarpeterhil: if it's not showing up, definitealy check the bios21:02
michrzI have a bit of a problem on my fathers laptop - it's with the detect display function. Displays are detected correctly, but after unplugging the remote screen there is a little box left in the upper left corner with the display name ('Laptop' in this case). And it won't go away until he reoots. Has anyone encountered such problem?21:02
peterhilWell, the machine is great otherwise. Amazingly responsive and fast compared to almost similar HW.21:02
IsmAvatarHemika: sorry, I have no experience with Wubi.21:02
peterhilIt has quite fast buses and memory I think21:02
IsmAvatarHemika: aside from having lots of problems with it >_>21:02
HemikaIsmAvatar: oh okay21:02
klingelbartthanks maco. got it21:02
macoklingelbart: k good21:02
peterhilIt's going to be my Linux dev machine.21:03
IsmAvatarHemika: my recommendation is to fork over a little partition space and actually install an ubuntu partition.21:03
=== Krabbe is now known as krabbe
wmarone_is there any way to press someone to get the ages old Python + HTTPS + Proxy bug fixed?21:03
peterhilIs the only ways to reset the BIOS password to set a reset jumper on the MB or remove battery?21:03
michrzit depends on BIOS21:04
IsmAvatarpeterhil: if your secondary hard drive isn't showing up, I'd make sure it's connected properly and then make sure it's detected and enabled in the bios21:04
edbianpeterhil: You don't know the password?21:04
michrzsometimes you can use one of the universla passwords21:04
peterhilNo. I didnät set the password on purposefully...21:04
IsmAvatarbecause generally hard drives don't just up and walk off inside the OS.21:04
klingelbartthe folder "home" is inside the root device. but i thought home and root were different partitions? is that not true?21:05
peterhilOk, what are the usual ones?21:05
michrzor you can cast reset BIOS with the jumper (hope that it's a correct translation)21:05
HemikaIsmAvatar: Even i don't prefer inside windows but actually everytime i installed normally i never get the menu to choose between windows and ubuntu ie. the grub menu is never there21:05
Picipeterhil: This is a better question for #hardware, as it doesn't really have anything to do with Ubuntu21:05
michrztry to google them - search by MOBO manufacturers name21:05
peterhilOk. Thanks for everyone.21:05
omni_I need help setting up a Printer.. Cannot find the drivers that were installed through the software center.21:05
klingelbartthe folder "home" is inside the root device. but i thought home and root were different partitions? is that not true?21:05
Picipeterhil: sorry, ##hardware21:05
michrzor rather BIOS manufacturers name21:05
klingelbartnoob-question: the folder "home" is inside the root device. but i thought home and root were different partitions? is that not true?21:06
peterhilI'm going to have a friday night out now. And see that BIOS PW later.21:06
macoklingelbart: when you mount a partition, you can mount it into any directory on the system21:06
IsmAvatarHemika: if you install Ubuntu second (after Windows), then grub should show up.21:06
macoklingelbart: the directory onto which you mount it is called its "mountpoint" -- any directory can be a mountpoint21:06
klingelbartthanks maco21:06
macoklingelbart: if you look in your /etc/fstab file, you can see what the mountpoints are that you have configured for boot21:06
=== brianl|a is now known as brianl
michrzHas anyone encountered problem with the "Display Monitor" functionality?21:06
HemikaIsmAvatar: Yes i know, i installed it after windows only everytime but still21:07
klingelbartmount point: place where i can find the thing a mounted?21:07
macoklingelbart: if your /home partition wasnt mounted, there would be an empty folder in its place21:07
evonIs there a way to change the size of the top panel so that it is shorter just on the left side?21:07
macoklingelbart: if you type "mount" on the command line, it lists ever partition that's mounted, where its mounted, and what its mount options are21:07
klingelbartthanks again maco. got so much questions^^21:08
IsmAvatarspeaking of hard drives up and walking off, my live boot CD won't boot, because it apparently can't find /dev/sda...21:08
IsmAvatarwhy would it need to find /dev/sda?21:08
guntbertklingelbart: have a look at http://ubuntu-manual.org/ :)21:09
bl4ckcomb`is there some default gtk input box that can be used in bash scripts?21:09
klingelbartguntber: thanks21:09
klingelbartguntbert: thanks21:10
saammanyone experiencing high mouse and touchpad sensitivity after xorg update in natty?21:10
evonnot i21:10
guntbertklingelbart: you're welcome :-) (and you can use <tab> to autocomplete nick names)21:10
edbianbl4ckcomb`: zenity21:11
edbianbl4ckcomb`: and notify-send is pretty neat too21:11
klingelbartguntbert: thanks again^^21:11
bl4ckcomb`edbian, thx, I'll check it out21:12
edbianbl4ckcomb`: sure21:12
evonIs there a way to change the size of the top panel so that it is shorter just on the left side?21:13
digger_1967Greetings all21:14
=== eliezer is now known as eliezer_
meLonSo, I can ping hosts.  I can dig hosts.  Chromium and Firefox will not load pages.  They just load and load and load and load and load.  No other computers on the network are having these issues.  Any ideas?21:14
digger_1967melon, is your firewall active?21:15
meLonI have default iptables digger_196721:15
digger_1967Just as a test, try disabling your firewall21:16
saammis there any command to measure current mouse sensitivity?21:16
digger_1967See if either browser will load pages21:16
meLonIt's not my firewall.  I've made no changes to my firewall, digger_196721:16
meLonI think it has to do with DNS, although dig is showing very quick resolves21:17
IsmAvatarwhy would a liveCD complain about "unable to open `/dev/sda`" and then not boot?21:17
digger_1967Ok, well always try to cover the basics first.. it's a troubleshooting thing21:17
peterhilI think I found the reason now - by default the SATA adapter was set in RAID mode instead of IDE21:17
IsmAvatarpeterhil: I was wondering about that when I looked at my new mobo's bios, I saw RAID and IDE. Mine was set to IDE.21:18
SophieHoneycombHi. I have a real newbie question. I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop and I want to configure RDP so I can connect to Ubuntu via my Android tablet. My first question is what is the default port the RDP listens to. I've googled like mad and came up with 5900...but I'm not sure if this is right. I can't figure out how to reconfigure the preinstalled RDP Client.21:19
matbeetry a port scan?21:19
matbeenmap yourself :)21:19
CreetureThat sounds kinky.21:20
digger_19675900 is for VNC SophieHoneycomb21:20
PiciSophieHoneycomb: there is no RDP server on Ubuntu.  There is a VNC server though.21:20
digger_19673389 is for actual RDP - if your using Windows Remote Desktop protocol21:20
meLondigger_1967, lynx seems to not have any issues.  Just firefox and chromium.  traceroute runs fine and ifconfig shows no packet loss/errors21:20
CreetureWhat's a good set of packages to remove on a machine that was installed as a desktop but I want to pull back to a server role?21:20
Creeturexserver-common ?21:20
meLonYou want ubuntu to boot without GDM, Creeture.21:21
digger_1967However if you want to use true RDP and a windows remote desktop client SophieHoneycomb,  you'll need to install XRDP on ubuntu first21:21
veresphey guys, i remember one scifi show, but i can't remember it's name... maybe someone of you will... they used some devices looking like sort of coffin when they were landing on planet and this probe/module could be lifted back by spacecraft... don't you remember name of this show? :D21:21
CreeturemeLon: No, that's easy. I want to take all of the X related packages, all of the gnome stuff off. Don't want to update it anymore.21:21
evonIs there a way to change the size of the top panel so that it is shorter just on the left side?21:22
meLonWell, you still need X, Creeture.  You just want to remove gnome, eh?21:22
SophieHoneycomboh ok. let me try to scan for it. I was just using the Gnome remote desktop that's preinstalled. I guess that's VNC. as long as vnc will clone the browser ok. my adroid tablet still can't play netflix and hulu. :(21:22
CreetureI don't need X for anything on this box.21:23
petrolmanIs it possible to replace the image icon of the buttons in the launcher?21:23
CreetureMaybe xauth for ssh forwarding, but not even that really.21:23
IsmAvatarveresp: wrong channel21:23
digger_1967As long as your android tablet has a VNC client then all you'd need is to open port 5900 and you should be good21:23
peterhilIsmAvatar: Yes, that was it.21:23
Piciveresp: Try #ubuntu-offtopic for chat21:23
peterhilNow the SATA drive works21:23
IsmAvatarpeterhil: glad I could help21:24
peterhilYes, thanks21:24
* peterhil takes a couple of beers now21:24
IsmAvatarnow to find out why my liveCD can't find /dev/sda and why it feels it needs to find /dev/sda21:24
adminewbFresh troubleshooting data points: it's now confirmed that my system hardware can run linux for amd64 (on sysrescue), but for whatever reason I can run only x86 (32bit) ubuntu, of whatever release build tried... yes ubuntu likes for people to run 32bit, but any explanations for that have been evasive at best. Someone know something about why amd64 support is so poor?21:24
SophieHoneycombawesome. anyone use a mobile vnc client they like by any chance? I'm not sure why there is such a wide price range in the market...21:25
IsmAvatarSophieHoneycomb: I've always been happy with ssh21:25
digger_1967SophieHoneycomb: That's pretty much the nature of mobile apps, the prices on them always vary wildly21:26
digger_1967However my guess is if you do a google search or two you can probably find a free alternative that works as well as the paid apps21:26
petrolmanadminewb, I ve no problems with amd II X4 955 Processor. What s your CPU?21:26
CreetureAhhh..  aptitude purge x11-common gets me a long way toward my goal.21:27
adminewbAMD Athlon 64 X2 dual core21:27
adminewbpetrolman, it's possible that the ubuntu kernel (distinct from other amd64 linux distros) doesn't like my extra core, or the unconventional display hardware arrangement. I can't diagnose the syslog messages.21:28
Ivan_The_TerriblHi all. Anyone knows a player possible to play mp3s through ftp protocol?21:29
digger_1967melon, have you checked your ipv6 settings by chance?21:30
adrian15Ivan_The_Terribl: Possibily vlc21:30
Ivan_The_TerriblI'll try it, thank you.21:30
IsmAvataradminewb: I never had trouble with my amd athlon dual core and linux. Granted, I did have trouble with it eating hard drives, but that's unrelated.21:30
gnome3schit!pm | Hemika21:30
ubottuHemika: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:30
digger_1967So what your saying IsmAvatar is that maybe to get linux to run on an AMD dual core you need to sacrifice hard drives to it occasionally? Lol21:31
SophieHoneycombis there an ssh client that will get me the gui? I only need the vnc to get around android restrictions on my hulu and netflix accounts.  god forbid I haul my laptop to another room if I want to watch battlestar galactica. lol.21:32
manumanuelhola, hay alguien que hable español aquí?21:32
adminewbincidentally, I got only a short way into the debian squeeze amd64 install process, but far enough to lend some credence that I'd not have the same trouble with debian that I do with ubuntu.21:32
IsmAvatar!es | manumanuel21:32
ubottumanumanuel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:32
manumanuelrecibido, Thanks!21:32
adminewbthat is to say, debian loads up amd64 kernel (2.6.35?) to run its installer on.21:33
petrolmanadminewb, strange, Ubuntu 64 bit should work on all 64 bit CPUs like Athlon 64, Athlon II, Opteron, Phenom..., I even use the amd64 bit version on a notebook with intel core 221:33
adminewbpetrolman ok21:33
__mikemHow come the LibreOffice menu doesn't appear at the top with all the other app menus21:34
adminewbpetrolman, well I've collected enough data points telling me I don't have a motherboard issue with respect to amd64 / 64 bit mem address space21:34
IsmAvatar__mikem: It's Unity/Gnome3. I think LibreOffice just doesn't do Gnome 3 yet, but I think they've fixed it for 11.1021:34
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digger_1967adminnewb, I suggest you check your BIOS settings on the dual core, sometimes Ubuntu an other distros don't react well to things like overclocking, etc.  Usually most BIOS's have a "Load Optimized Defaults" option that will allow you to load standard BIOS options21:35
__mikemIsmAvatar thanks :)21:35
adminewbdigger_1967 not overclocking, nothing unusual in BIOS settings21:35
digger_1967Ok, if you say so.  Worked like a charm on the last machine I had problems with - but obviously my help is unnecessary21:36
francesco_hi, i have a problem i cant see nothing when i type in my url that is the url of my router21:37
s3r3n1t7digger_1967, all help is appreciated, but such comments don't help you nor him21:37
adminewbis there another more kernel oriented ubuntu support channel where I could try posting a syslog where it hangs in kernel startup?21:37
__mikemGnome-Terminal running full screen in unity = AWESOME21:37
xanguaadminewb: #linux21:37
BluesKajfrancesco_, ping the router21:37
macshow do i stream Video from my laptop to my Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick VPS?21:37
adminewbxangua, #linux presumably doesn't have any ubuntu specific knowledge; wouldn't that make a difference?21:38
__mikemthe people in #linux and ##linux are pretty knowlegable.21:38
delacI'm using Ubuntu 9.10 and trying to get Natty installed on usb stick with unetbootin. But I only get "boot error" from bios. Can anyone verify that it is somehow possible to get Natty installed on usb stick from 9.10?21:38
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__mikemAre the repositories for 9.10 still on line?21:39
s3r3n1t7adminewb, what you're describing also isn't Ubuntu specific. This channel is about Ubuntu, more kernel related can be found in #linux21:39
xanguaadminewb: well ubuntu is a gnu/linux os, who knows...21:39
xangua__mikem: nop, not supported anymore ;)21:39
adminewbok then21:39
KM0201__mikem: i don't think so, but you should be able to upgrade w/ either an ALT cd, or using the EOL repository21:39
KM0201!eol | __mikem see second link21:39
ubottu__mikem see second link: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:39
edbiandelac: It is possible.  It doesn't matter what distro you use to create the USB stick.21:40
zombi-what permissions should be set on /var/www/ ?21:40
zombi-group/owner ?21:40
Creeture__mikem: They'e at old-releases usually. I think. Maybe that's Debian.21:40
adminewbis there an easy way to say what distinguishes #linux from ##linux?21:40
__mikemI know, the only reason I ask is because delac  said he is using 9.1021:40
edbiandelac: What is your boot priority in the bios.  Sometimes the usb keys are in very sneaky spots (like under HDDs of 'removable media')21:40
BluesKajfrancesco_, type route in the terminal , the destination gateway is the router IP21:40
KM0201__mikem: well, then whatever efforts he's making to do something will likely end up fruitless.21:40
PalinBachman2012bluetooth audio on an IOmega domgle? Natty, YES?21:40
ari__I just installed ubuntu 'natty' using Wubi. The first time I booted in Linux it worked, but now every time I try it takes so long to finish the booting commands (over 30 minutes) I have to just shut down manually and boot in windows. Other commands take much longer than usual, but I usually get stuck on apparmor stuff. Is this a known problem, any fixes/advice?21:41
syockitzombi-: depends on who you want it to be visible to. For internal use server pages, group/owner only. For public, allow for others as well21:41
__mikemKM0201 he's trying to create a bootable USB of something21:41
KM0201delac: what are you trying to do?21:41
delacedbian, mike: I dont actually use it myself, but a friend of mine.21:41
KM0201oh i see21:41
syockitzombi-: by the way you don't have to set it recursively. you can select which directories are public and which ones aren't21:41
* __mikem stares lovingly at gnome-terminal running in unity in full screen :)21:41
delacedbian: I do thonk that the boot order is ok21:41
__mikemedbian tell your friend to upgrae his ubuntu install :)21:42
__mikemer delac  ^21:42
zombi-im talking about the filesystem permissions not server21:42
edbiandelac: ok. Are you using the USB creator thingy?21:42
zombi-but i have /var/www/* all set to root:root21:42
delacedbian: I just wanted a confirmation that there is no nkown problems21:42
KM0201delac: i take it you have no access to a machine other than 9.10?21:42
* edbian tells all his friends to upgrade their Ubuntu21:42
zombi-but i have the user "zombi" which i would like to be able to edit the pages there21:42
delac__mikem: that is what we are trying to do21:42
edbiandelac: WEll.  There are none that I know about but that isn't saying much21:42
syockitzombi-: yes. What are the files inside going to be used for?21:42
zombi-so im wondering what the best way to go about allowing that is21:42
delacKM0201: the friend doesnt have21:42
d1gitalwhat program will allow me to capture an image from the webcam from a shell script?  i had it before, but I can't remember what it's called.21:42
s3r3n1t7zombi-, add him to the group that has write permissions21:43
__mikemdelac well, do you have internet access on the box?21:43
petrolman__mikem, yes, full screen terminal is cool with transparent background :-)21:43
zombi-so add zombi to root group?21:43
delac__mikem: yes21:43
syockitzombi-: you can change group, and add both root and yourself to that group21:43
BluesKajari__, you didn't actually install 11.04 , it runs as a guest OS on windows ... wubi for ubuntu merely to try it , it's not a serious OS21:43
zombi-usermod zombi -G root ?21:43
syockitzombi-: no, don't add zombi to root group, that'll turn you into a superuser21:43
s3r3n1t7zombi-, wait, does your web server run as root? That's wrong ... both the group and user owner should be owned by a user like www-data21:43
syockitzombi-: create a new group. maybe something named www21:44
__mikemdelac okay, and you are trying to create a bootable USB to install off of?21:44
CrustyBarnaclezombi: #ubuntu-server21:44
zombi-CrustyBarnacle: sorry21:44
delac__mikem: yes, that is plan one21:44
delac__mikem: plan two is to make dvd21:44
CrustyBarnaclezombi: You might find more answers there is all.21:44
__mikemdelac is there any particular reason why you prefer the USB route? I am not saying there is anything wrong with it, I am just curious21:44
s3r3n1t7delac, if you have a running system, perhaps that unetbootin is a good plan?21:45
KM0201__mikem: if you're having trouble w/ the USB setup... you should be able to burn an ISO w/ 9.10...21:45
TiCPUis there a way to force close all handle of all programs to a specific file without killing the programs?21:45
__mikemKM0201 I'm not the one having the trouble :)21:45
KM0201then let this be a lesson to keep your system up to date21:45
zombi-syockit: so i could just find the user/group apache runs as.. then change the owner/group in /var/www/ to match them.. then add zombi to that group.. and all should be fine?21:45
KM0201__mikem:  i keep forgettin that.... delac see above.. :)21:45
delac__mikem: it's faster nad easier and doesnt use any dvd-r21:45
edbianzombi-: www-data I believe21:45
__mikemdelac okay, well, I never did the USB thing before. So I would probably refer you to KM0201  since he seems to know a bit more than I do :)21:46
delacs3r3n1t7: do you know if there is any problems to instaa Natty from 9.10 (with unetbootin), as I dont seem to be able to make it work?21:46
s3r3n1t7delac, "install from 9.10" ?21:46
ari__blueskaj I would prefer not to install a whole new OS, Id like to stick with wubi if possible... is wubi so buggy that i should give that up or have people generally been ok with wubi/natty21:46
syockitzombi-: I haven't used a server on ubuntu for a long time. Maybe it's a edbian said21:46
delacKM0201: yes, that is plan two21:46
KM0201delac: personally, if its available, i'd make it plan 1... the chances of 9.10 being able to burn an Iso of 11.04, is pretty slim.21:47
s3r3n1t7delac, i didn't have any problems making a bootable USB from 10.04 to reinstall my os, and it's running fine at the moment.21:47
zombi-yeah i always remember it being www-data21:47
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zombi-but for some reason on this clean install its root:root21:47
xanguaari__: wubi is ok if you want to try ubuntu, to use it dialy better make a real install21:47
KM0201xangua: meh.. if you want to try ubntu, use a live cd or USB..21:47
KM0201to much risk w/ wubi21:47
cgrozaari__, if you want a stable OS I suggest you avoid wubi.21:48
* edbian agrees21:48
KM0201if you want a stable anything, i'd avoid wubi.21:48
zombi-its all very odd21:49
ari__alright if the problem i posted isnt a common one with a known solution, I think i will just do a real install21:49
zombi-according to the config apache is running as www-data21:49
zombi-but the www folder is root:root21:49
madmoehello everyone21:49
edbianzombi-: So change the folder21:49
edbianmadmoe: hi21:49
zombi-would seem the obvious thing to do :)21:49
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zombi-but its a fresh install.. curious if theres a good reason for this21:50
CarlFKis there a sox syntax to do this in one command: "sox -n -d synth .1 sin 500; sox -n -d synth .1 sin 700"21:50
edbianzombi-: The fresh install does not have a webserver. The real question.  Why doesn't apache change these permissions?21:51
adrian15!pipe | CarlFK21:51
heduI've got a really newbie linux uestion here.....if i get it correctly, there are loadsa different IRC-servrs oot there (I tihkn called nets, such as EF-NEt or whatever....how can i connect to one of this, that are located nearer where I live and my friend IRC there too....?21:51
linuxsalve a tutti21:51
adrian15CarlFK: Can't you use shell pipes to do so ?21:52
zombi-i mean i installed apache from apt21:52
linuxdove torovo flashfxp21:52
adrian15!it | linux21:52
ubottulinux: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:52
CarlFKadrian15: um.. no.21:52
Dcitehedu: IRC servers are just servers.. or groups of them.. currently you are connected to a group of servers called Freenode, the physical location doesn't matter21:52
madmoei have a small big problem i have tripple boot on my macbok pro im using rEFIT for the startup screen after installing ubuntu natty when i choose windows boot it falls on ubuntu and from ubuntu grub2 i can see the windows seven loader but it will not boot21:52
ari__thx for the advice on wubi guys21:52
CarlFKadrian15: im trying to reduce the number of times sox is run.  something like "sox high beep, low beep"21:53
heduLet's try to keep it in english, and most of these terms just i do not know, I installed Ubuntu like 4 days ago.... :-/21:53
edbianzombi-: I know!  apache should really do something with the permissions21:53
Dcitehedu: IRC isn't something linux related at all.. Ubuntu just happens to be supported here.21:54
zombi-ok so im not going insane? :D ill just fix it21:54
madmoei tried the grub boot repair but still it didnt work21:54
heduYes, I nkow, Mirc is for Windoze and all, but I'm just hving problems with this Xchat...21:54
adrian15madmoe: What is the installation order that you have done?21:55
Dcitehedu: X-Chat and mIRC use the SAME IRC... but how can I try to help you :)21:55
madmoewhen booting into windows i get an error that file not found21:55
hiexpohedu, what problems you having with xchat21:55
adrian15CarlFK: And using man does not give you any clues ?21:55
madmoeadrian15: OSx Windows seven on bootcamp then ubuntu with rEfit21:56
madmoeadrian15: but my partitioning table is different than the regular one21:56
adrian15madmoe: I think that you either have rEfit or you have bootcamp. That might be why Windows does not boot. But I am not very sure.21:56
heduBasically my general confusion of these irc-servers....so if i contact some, hwtaever irc-servers, I can still join channels where ever server they might be ran from...?21:56
adrian15madmoe: I know... There are not primary and logical partitions.21:57
Alexhansj vim21:57
Alexhansheh, sorry about that21:57
CarlFKadrian15: clue that it is possible, yes.  but I can't figure out what the syntax actually is21:57
Hemikahedu: it depends if the channel you want to join is a part of that server or not21:57
madmoeadrian15: yes but refit overrides bootcamp21:57
Dcitehedu: Yes, this is the freenode group of irc servers, so if your friend is using freenode too then you can be together. If your friend is on EFNet then you will have to connect to an EFNET irc server too to join him.21:57
heduThat's what I figures....so erm...still new to Xchat, how do I switch between IRC servers....?21:58
madmoeadrian15: now my mouse stopped working im using Natty21:58
Hemikahedu: just type /server "name of the server you wish to join"21:59
hiexpohedu, when you start xchat you will see the list of severs21:59
edbianmadmoe: unplug it.  Plug it back in.  Your keyboard works?21:59
adrian15madmoe: Oh, yes, Did you remove power?21:59
Dcitehedu: You can also use the menu's ontop the bring up a network list or make a new tab for multiple servers.21:59
madmoeadrian15: you mean power cable22:00
adrian15madmoe: You are supposed to be able to use touchpad, isn't it?22:00
adrian15madmoe: Yes, power cable.22:00
madmoeadrian15: yes aleady did im using battery22:00
adrian15madmoe: If you unplug and plug the mouse you will be able to use temporarly the mouse. It happens to me at least.22:01
madmoeadrian15: how can i unplug its the touchpad!!22:02
adrian15madmoe: Has your touchpad ever worked?22:02
adrian15madmoe: Has your touchpad ever worked (on ubuntu I mean)?22:02
madmoeadrian15: im gona get an external mouse22:02
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madmoeadrian15: yes of course22:02
SophieHoneycomb2hey y'all. I'm up and running on the right ports and remotely through dynamic dns. Although VNC is way too slow to run video from a remote connection...esp. a 3g one.  Thank you very much for your help!22:03
xanguamadmoe: how about just press the key combination to enable/disabe the trackpad22:03
Dcitemadmoe: When was the last time it worked? Did you recently try disbaling the touchpad in any way? (IE shortcut key)22:03
marekw2143hi, where can I see source code of unity?22:03
madmoeit just crashed now22:03
madmoeim using an external usb one now22:04
xanguamarekw2143: on it's projetc page on launchpad22:04
SophieHoneycomb2I'm going to try a VLC server now and see if that works :)22:04
ubuntuguyIf I install the .tar.gz file for the new libreoffice, will it update my current one when installed?22:04
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edbianmarekw2143: If you have the source repos enabled.  sudo apt-get source unity22:05
madmoeif i can remember someone told me about grub customize ppa that can help22:05
adrian15madmoe: Can you pastebin sudo fdisk -lu output and /boot/grub/grub.cfg contents ?22:05
bigbang when i start my google video chat in chrome i get error "A problem occurred while attempting to access your graphics hardware." I have this graphics card http://paste.ubuntu.com/617756/22:05
madmoeadrian15: sure22:06
edbianubuntuguy: I believe it will mess with it royally.  Copying over some files and leaving some files from the original install.  You should unistall from the package manager first22:06
ubuntuguySo, uninstall the current libreoffice, and then install the new one?22:06
marekw2143edbian: where will sources be then?22:06
madmoeadrian15: this is my problem when fdisk -l the windows partition doesnt show here22:07
edbianubuntuguy: Yes.  What do you need a newer version than what is in the package manager?  Generally it is a good idea to stay within the package manager whenever possible22:07
edbianmarekw2143: In the current working directory22:07
madmoeadrian15: it is /dev/sda522:07
adrian15madmoe: And before installing Ubuntu Windows was also in sda5 partition ?22:07
ubuntuguyWait, what?22:07
ubuntuguyI'm install the .tar.gz file. I figured it would update for me22:08
madmoeadrian15: yes22:08
marekw2143edbian: are those sources proper "thing" to change bechaviour of pressing "windows key" + w?22:08
madmoeadrian15: let me tell u i think i did something wrong22:08
edbianubuntuguy: No.  Installing a .tar.gz means you are installing an app completely outside of the package manager.  You will get the version in the .tar.gz and it will never update unless you do it manually (by getting a new .tar.gz)22:09
adrian15madmoe: Windows has never been able to boot by itself from a logical partition. It might have change with Windows 7... but I have my doubts.22:09
edbianmarekw2143: No, that's the hard way! :P22:09
madmoeadrian15: in all the tutorials that i have read there should OSX then Windows Then Linux Then Linux SWAP on the partition table22:09
marekw2143ed1703: so how should I do that?22:09
edbianmarekw2143: What does super + w do right now??22:09
madmoeadrian15: what i have done is that i had OSx and windows on bootcamp22:10
ubuntuguyOh, I see. But the .deb file is inside of that .tar.gz file22:10
marekw2143edbian: makes all windows smaller and shows all them on the screen22:10
jamfadehello everyone, does anyone know an ftp server that allows SIZE while in ASCII and has some way of handling windows paths (like mod_rewrite on proftpd)?22:10
adrian15madmoe: But why windows in a logical partition ? Why not in sda3 ?22:10
edbianubuntuguy: That is a .deg (so the package manager will be aware of it) but it will not automatically upgrade.22:10
madmoeadrian15: so lets say from blok 1 to 50 is OSx and from 51 to 100 Windows22:10
adrian15madmoe: Anyway... can I take a look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg ?22:10
edbianubuntuguy: That also makes it much easier to install.  I don't think it will screw up if you don't uninstall first (since the package manager knows about it) but I'm not sure22:10
madmoeadrian15: and everything was working fine22:10
edbianmarekw2143: open a terminal, run ccsm22:11
madmoeadrian15: sure just a sec22:11
xanguaubuntuguy: i would better add the libre office ppa22:11
ubuntuguyWhat's the PPA?22:11
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk.22:11
edbianubuntuguy: If there is a PPA then that is perfect!  That keeps things inside the package manager entirely and you get a newer version right away.  It is auto-updated as well.22:11
madmoethis is for the fdisk -lu http://paste.ubuntu.com/617840/22:12
ubuntuguyYeah, there'sa PPA22:12
ubuntuguyIs it the most recent verision?22:12
* MonkeyDust never trusts a PPA22:12
marekw2143edbian: ok, I've launched it22:12
edbianubuntuguy: That's the point of a PPA22:12
xanguaonly if the author updates it ;)22:12
edbianubuntuguy: It's more recent than what's in the repos usually22:12
edbianmarekw2143: go down to 'scale'22:12
ubuntuguyIf I install the PPA will I need to remove libreoffice first?22:13
marekw2143edbian: ok22:13
edbianmarekw2143: I'm pretty sure that it.  Under the key-binding tab you can change what button combo causes that to happen. You could also turn the whole plugin off by ticking it's checkbox22:13
edbianmarekw2143: helpful?22:13
marekw2143edbian: yeah, I didn't know about ccsm22:13
QaDeS_my box doesn't switch off after adding an SSD drive and a new graphics card (nvidia, like before). any idea how i can hunt down the culprit and make it work again?22:13
marekw2143edbian: but in fact I'd like to implement new functionality :)22:13
adrian15madmoe: Maybe I will need gdisk /dev/sda and the output of 'p' option on it that usually means print partition.22:13
edbianmarekw2143: sure. Did it solve the problem?22:13
edbianmarekw2143: Good luck! :P22:14
marekw2143edbian: thanks22:14
edbianmarekw2143: sure22:14
tatofooI had two raids partition, one for / and other for swap, while reinstalling ubuntu how can I delete the swap partition, it tells me it is in use?22:14
marekw2143edbian: but what would I implement is: assign each application a label (e.g. Internet, programming, school)22:14
marekw2143edbian: and then after pressing super + w, there would appear groups (e.g. Internet, programming, school)22:15
=== QaDeS_ is now known as QaDeS
bestedhello to everybody!!22:15
adrian15!swapoff | tatofoo22:15
omni_Anyone know how to install a printer with a .deb package?22:15
marekw2143edbian: and after clicking each group there will be shown applications of that group that are open22:15
adrian15tatofoo: swapoff commad should help you on that22:15
edbianmarekw2143: That would be cool22:15
marekw2143edbian: so my question is can I acheive that modifing sources fetched by apt-get source unity ?:)22:15
edbianmarekw2143: Look at22:15
xanguaomni_: ammm double clic¿¿22:16
edbianmarekw2143: You could just write your own program.  unity has nothing to do with it.  Look at apwal for a model22:16
adrian15omni_: Only hp printers with hplip package.22:16
omni_xangua, yeah, did that, it "installs" but no drivers show up.22:16
tatofooadrian15: thanks, I tried swapoff -a earlier and it didn't worked, tried swapoff /dev/md1 and it did, thanks!22:17
marekw2143edbian: hehe, that's true22:17
marekw2143edbian: thanks for advice :)22:17
macsi've been waiting for ages now can anyone tell me a good program to strem video from my laptop to my VPS22:17
madmoethis is my grub.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/617844/22:18
adrian15macs: Maybe vlc and there was one with the strange name22:18
madmoeadrian15: is my grub.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/617844/22:18
macsok Thanks adrian1522:19
madmoeadrian15: i dont have gdisk currently installed22:20
marekw2143btw, where can I find the code of implementation of "funcitonality" that happens after pressing super + w in unity?22:20
niallbongohello anyone here?22:20
madmoeadrian15: should i install it?22:20
adrian15madmoe: What error do you have exactly when booting Windows 7 ?22:20
adrian15madmoe: It is recommended. It is like the fdisk substitute for gpt disks.  You might not use it but it's useful to have it.22:21
SuperPaco69how can i adjust my sound... I can not speask on the speakers22:21
matt1sThe Unity dock won't hide, it just stays there22:21
madmoeadrian15: it doesnt boot it says no floopy no cdrom22:21
not_insaneHi, I've been trying to get rid of the universal access button on the bottom panel of the ubuntu 11.04 login screen. I've tried removing the icon (ubuntu helpfully replaces it with an image-not-found icon) and removing stuff from /usr/share/gdm/autostart, removing the gnome-settings-daemon file gets rid of it but also screws up the theme and stuff. Any ideas?22:22
adrian15!es | SuperPaco6922:22
ubottuSuperPaco69: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:22
madmoeadrian15: then Error 15: File not Found22:22
madmoeadrian15: then press any key22:22
madmoeadrian15: whn i press a key it goes to a red screen of grub22:22
matt1sHow do I get rid of the unity dock? It won't hide22:22
Error404NotFoundgo to settings and pick ubuntu classic22:23
madmoeadrian15: from there there are more options i have tried them all and still all of them get the same error22:23
adrian15madmoe: Can you run sudo update-grub ? I think that is a problem from updating recently from grub 1.98 to 1.99.22:23
alainghow do i check a system time using command line22:23
matt1sIt's been working fine, it just now decided to not hide any more22:23
madmoei did that already22:23
madmoeadrian15: i did that already22:23
icerootalaing: date22:24
madmoeadrian15: when i ran update-grub it shows every partition including the windows one22:24
alaingiceroot: thanks. I think you've helped me before22:25
adrian15madmoe: Can you go into grub console while talking here in order to see what partitions does grub2 see?22:25
madmoeadrian15: Found Windows 7 (loader) on /dev/sda522:25
alaingiceroot your nick seems to ring a bell22:26
Lynx__why the hell empathy doesnt let me signup on msn anymore?22:26
matt1sWhat do I do when the unity dock does not go away?22:26
madmoeadrian15: can i do that from here or should i restart and boot into grub??22:26
YankDownUndermatt1s, hehehehe get rid of Unity? ;)22:26
djiefohi mates !22:27
adrian15madmoe: If the affected computer is the one you are using to chat you need to reboot. It is the actual grub console not the one inside Linux.22:27
madmoeadrian15: i dont think i can cuz im working on this affected laptop!!22:27
icerootalaing: maybe, cant remember :)22:28
mark__Does anyone know why my touchpad won't work on Linux Mint XFCE LiveUSB? I am aware this is the Ubuntu IRC and not Mint but it's all Debian based in the end.22:28
alaingiceroot me neither but it just does....i think i was having problems on my headless ubuntu server22:28
matt1sYankDownUnder, well I love the keyboard shortcuts (ctrl+alt+numpadkeys) for window management. The Unity launcher just now decided to be on top of all my windows and not hide any more...22:28
djiefoI got a lil' problem here, I just installed xubuntu 11 and everything gone well. I installed Compiz but seems to don't work. The changes are not effective. Could you help me a bit please?22:29
QaDeSmy box doesn't switch off after adding an SSD drive and a new graphics card (nvidia, like before). any idea how i can hunt down the culprit and make it work again?22:29
adrian15madmoe: Let me check you grub file again22:29
madmoeadrian15: ok22:29
not_insanedjiefo: Have you tried compiz --replace ?22:29
madmoei'll disconnect from here22:29
xanguadjiefo: compiz is best integrated with gnome2, unity and kde22:29
djiefoit's a good thing?22:29
madmoemadmoe1 is me22:29
xanguadjiefo: try: compiz --replace &22:30
MadMoe1Tell me adrian15 what should do into grub boot22:30
YankDownUndermatt1s, Was being cynical and negative about Unity (and Gnome3/Gnomeshell) => have experiemented and found all of them, well, just absolute duds - released far before "mass testing" - and also ergonomically horrific, destroying the desktop paradigm altogether whilst attempting to enforce a "mobile phone" mentality on the end-user. ;)22:31
not_insaneCan anyone help with the login screen universal-access thing? Stopping gnome-settings-daemon from starting at startup also stops the login screen from getting themed and I see artifacts22:31
adrian15MadMoe1: Press the c key to go into grub console22:32
adrian15MadMoe1: And write ls22:32
djiefooh wow! so wonderful :D thanks!22:32
gavin_HI everyone. Im on 11.04 desktop and after a recent upgrade I find mouse / cursor "stutters" some time and temporarily is unresponsive. Any ideas?22:33
adrian15MadMoe1: Maybe you have to type ctrl+c to go into console I am not sure about the hotkey.22:33
Magentiumgavin_ can you remember what packages were upgraded ?22:33
gavin_Magentium: unfortunatly not. It was a significant upgrade of circa 150mb22:34
adrian15MadMoe1: Do you see (hd0,gpt5) on ls output ?22:34
gavin_so... quite a few.22:34
eiriksvinanyone know Blender in here?22:34
gavin_Im just trawling through the net now to see if there is anything / bugs.22:34
Logan_eiriksvin: #blenderQA22:35
Logan_eiriksvin: sorry, #blenderchat22:35
matt1sYankDownUnder, true enough, it will all come down to taste in the end. I really like the keyboard shortcuts for managing windows though. ctrl+alt+<numpad-[0-9]> is excellent for positioning windows22:35
AlvinPhhello, how can i open files from other partition, i'm running xubuntu 11.04 and i'm using lxde desktop now but my problem is it says permission denied when i try to access other partition22:35
not_insaneAlvinPh: Mount them while root/via sudo22:36
AlvinPhwhat's the cmd line?22:37
KM0201AlvinPh: command line --  open a terminal22:37
YankDownUndermatt1s, This is true, my friend - we all drink our tea/coffee/chai differently - I'll stick to my ancient Gnome2 with Compiz and Cairo-dock and be happy and productive - especially using two monitors for a single desktop...that's the paradigm I prefer... ;)22:37
Magentiumyo AlvinPH u had any luck ?22:37
not_insaneAlvinPh: sudo mount /dev/(device) /mnt22:37
madmoeadrian15: can you repeat i got DC22:38
KM0201think of command line as DOS on steroids22:38
madmoepressed c and then ls22:38
adrian15madmoe: On grub you press 'c' key. You get to the grub console.22:38
madmoeadrian15: im now on grub screen22:38
matt1sYankDownUnder, does Ubuntu Classic / Gnome 2 support the way of organizing windows that Unity has? I refer specifically to ctrl+alt+<numpad> combinations22:38
MagentiumAnyone else got a problem with Slow Natty narwhal while using an ATI Graphics Card ?22:38
madmoeadrian15: yes22:38
adrian15madmoe: Do you see (hd0,gpt5) on output ?22:38
not_insaneAlvinPh: Then your files will be under /mnt22:38
AlvinPhMagentium: i've already tested wattOS and i found that it runs on LXDE but the problem is it does not have ubuntu software center :(22:38
KM0201AlvinPh: you can install Lubuntu if you like LXDE... and then you can install ubuntu software center on it.22:39
MagentiumAhh i see, well why not install an ubuntu install, and then install LXDE onto that ? Just switch at startup :)22:39
YankDownUndermatt1s, There is ALWAYS  a way - and if it's a matter of just re-assigning keys to window controls or combos, yes, it can always be done...22:39
madmoeadrian15: i got (hd0) (hd0,gpt5) (hd0,gpt4) (hd0,gpt3) (hd0,gpt2) (hd0,gpt1)22:39
madmoeadrian15: yes22:39
adrian15madmoe: Ok. Let's try manual boot before doing anything22:40
madmoeadrian15: how is that?22:40
matt1sYankDownUnder, thanks for your time. I'll ponder a bit and see if I change back22:40
adrian15madmoe: set root=(hd0,gpt5)22:40
adrian15madmoe: chainloader +122:40
adrian15madmoe: boot22:40
AlvinPhouch, sorry i forgot, my other account is logged on.. how stupid am i XD22:40
Magentiumomg, after like a year of pain, i find out the rattle in this laptop..is the HDD22:41
tabacanalHI, I want to show a popup window with a message in ubuntu 10.14 after the user logs in in gnome. How can I do that?22:41
KM0201tabacanal: just propse on one knee, its easier22:41
Magentiumyou COULD use a program like QT to design it to run as a program at startup ?22:41
adrian15madmoe: Type these three commands. Each one on a different line. This should boot you into Windows. It might be that grub2 is detecting the wrong uuid for the windows partition after all22:41
MonkeyDustzenity is for creating popups22:41
madmoeadrian15: same error: find --set-root --ignore-floppies --ignore-cd /bootmgr22:42
Magentiumlol maybe he has bad knees :P22:42
tabacanalyes, but tehre is not an easy way sop I dont' have to program?22:42
tabacanalI dont knwo about programming22:42
adrian15tabacanal: With gdm2 I knew how... with gdm3 I have not clue at all.22:42
madmoeadrian15: Error 15 File not found22:42
nemorhi there, hello22:42
ZykoticK9tabacanal, 10.14 ehh (what was the code name of that?), I guess you mean 10.04LTS.  But I don't have an answer so I'll shutup ;)  Good luck.22:42
madmoeadrian15: Press any key to continue22:42
MagentiumWhat do you call something that is awesome and wont ever cheat on your , leave you, or abuse you ?22:42
MagentiumUbuntu of course!22:42
tabacanal10.04 sorry22:42
nemorwho is using unity22:42
MagentiumI was, whats up ?22:43
adrian15madmoe: Have you selected the windows boot entry ?22:43
MonkeyDustMagentium: a dog22:43
nemornatty narwhal22:43
not_insanetabacanal: Go to startup applications and enter this in the command - zenity --error --text 'Hi!'22:43
=== eliezer is now known as eliezer_
MagentiumMonkeyDust lol yes dogs will do that. Stick a dog in the trunk of your car for a day, and your gf in the trunk of a car for a day and see whos happier to see u when u open it22:43
madmoeadrian15: yes its in gpt5 /dev/sda522:43
MagentiumAnyone know anything about ATI Drivers etc ?22:43
iceroot!ati | Magentium22:44
ubottuMagentium: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:44
AlvinPhLOL, Magentium is sick of his GF22:44
adrian15madmoe: And what about my commands?22:44
Magentiumiceroot, more about their compatibility with Natty...22:44
tabacanalnot_insane, thatnks, but hwo do I do so that script runs at startuyp?22:44
madmoeadrian15: i did then and on "boot"22:44
madmoeit gave me the previous error22:45
not_insanetabacanal: Go to system>preferences>startup applications, create a new one and enter it there22:45
MagentiumMy laptop seems to lag baddlyy with 11.04 when i move windows etc, i turn off Detect Refresh Rate, and Sync to VBlack and it helps a little but overall still slow22:45
not_insanetabacanal: Or do you mean when the computer starts up before anyone logs in?22:45
djiefohi :), about setting for cube, how can I see 4 faces on the cube?22:45
Magentiumdjiefo are you talking about the Compiz Desktop Cube ?/22:45
not_insanedjiefo: Install compiz-config22:46
adrian15madmoe: Grub2 developers and their black magic! Commands making more things that what they are supposed to do!22:46
MagentiumThe number of faces depends on the number of virtual desktops you have :)22:46
adrian15madmoe: Are you in grub console?22:46
djiefoi have the cube but its only 2 faces22:46
madmoeadrian15: yes22:46
MagentiumDo you only have two virtual desktops ?22:46
madmoerebooted though22:46
KM0201AlvinPh: sorry, got sidetracked, if you want software center w/ LXDE.. you can install lubuntu and then install software center, its easy (but software center really sucks, if you understand how to use synaptic)...22:47
KM0201!info software-center22:47
adrian15madmoe: Ok.22:47
ubottusoftware-center (source: software-center): Utility for browsing, installing, and removing applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.2 (natty), package size 450 kB, installed size 2484 kB22:47
nemori have installed ubuntu 11.04 as only os without any multibooting with windows for the first time; the only thing i seem missing is the system recovery feature in the grub list22:47
djiefowell i see 4 in the tray..22:47
eiriksvincan someone help me with this:22:47
adrian15madmoe: Try: inmod part_gpt22:47
madmoedo u want to PM me cuz i doesnt know how to22:47
adrian15madmoe: Yes, it is better.22:47
Magentiumhmm, possibly try going to the Cube settings in CCSM and see if it has a value for it22:47
nemordoes anyone know if i should install grub with a couple of lines : one kernel xxxyyy(system recovery) ??22:48
djiefono 2 faces again22:48
nemor& how22:48
Magentiumwhen you install grub, it should automatically do that for you22:48
Magentiumit did that for me atleast22:48
Magentiumonce its configured to the HDD it should show your kernel, plus a recovery option for it22:48
nemor1 os?22:48
MagentiumYes even with 1 OS22:49
AlvinPhKM0201: how can i get USC via terminal or synaptic?22:49
nemorhow do you install grub the easy way22:49
KM0201AlvinPh: exactly.22:49
Magentiumit comes up with mine as Ubuntu blah blah blah, then underneath is the sae but with (Recovery mode) at the end22:49
nemorok M22:49
Magentium!grub nemor22:49
nemorwhat i needed to know22:49
Magentiumdidnt work22:49
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Magentiumstupid Xchat22:49
MagentiumI will get you a link22:49
not_insaneAlvinPh: Install the package software-center22:49
djiefooh i just solve my problem22:49
KM0201AlvinPh: just install Lubuntu, then search synatpic for "Software Center" and you'll have software center (but software center sucks compared to synaptic, not sure why you'd want it if you know how to use synaptic and apt-get22:50
Magentiumnemor : http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub.html22:50
KM0201software center is a resource hog.22:50
=== skrewler_ is now known as skrewler
xangua!gub | Magentium nemor22:50
AlvinPhKM0201:USC helps me to choose software for an overview :D22:50
xanguaups :S22:50
MagentiumKM0201 yes, i second that. I usually dont like it and tomorrow i am going to be getting rid of my install to get Minimal on so NO resource center :p22:50
Magentiumxangua, dont think the bot recognises it22:50
KM0201AlvinPh: i guess... it just sucks to much memory, and its not that useful... synaptic provides the same information22:51
AlvinPhKM0201:another is the filename of the software to be used in the terminal22:51
KM0201AlvinPh: what about it?...22:51
tabacanalnot_insane, that worked22:52
tabacanalfor gnome22:52
AlvinPhKM0201:I just use USC to get the filename of a software then install it via apt-get :D22:52
tabacanalI'm going to restart to test it22:52
not_insanetabacanal: You're welcome :)22:52
KM0201AlvinPh: no offense, but you can do that w/ apt-get also..22:52
KM0201apt-get lists packages by package name, just as software center does... not bagging on you, but what you're saying makes no sense22:52
ZykoticK9KM0201, you might want to try "apt-cache search foo" from cli as well.22:53
ZykoticK9AlvinPh, ^22:53
KM0201ZykoticK9: i don't need help.. :)22:53
AlvinPhhehehe, it's opt to be coz i'm just a newbie in linux :D22:53
ZykoticK9KM0201, sorry, nic fail.22:53
=== matt_ is now known as Guest60424
not_insaneAlvinPh: If you want to get a console-based interface for managing packages, you might want to look into aptitude, just run it from the shell and you'll see what I mean22:53
nemori guess i have to configure it22:54
KM0201ZykoticK9: i can see where apt-cache search can be a little overwhelming though22:54
KM0201sometimes it can return a bazillion results22:54
MagentiumAt first Apt-Cache was horrible for me, but once i got into it it is much easier then the software Center22:54
ZykoticK9KM0201, a bazillion ehh?  Has Ubuntu passed Debian for number of packages all of a sudden?  And by a large margin ;)22:55
KM0201ZykoticK9: lol.. touche'22:55
KM0201Magentium: apt-cache search isn't bad, when you know what you're looking for...22:55
* KM0201 watches the room go eerily silent22:58
SqueezerHelly everyone23:01
Squeezeris there a gui in ubuntu to start services like nginx or mysql?23:01
Squeezerwithout going into the terminal23:02
MagentiumKM0201 sorry for late reply, i agree apt-cache is good if you know what you are a looking for, i found that for new users though the USC is nicer for them, a lot of people are scared to touch the terminal23:02
KM0201Magentium: yeah..23:02
Juestsqueezer have you tired searching for it in repos???23:03
th0rSqueezer: used to be something called 'bum'...don't know if it is still available or not23:03
MagentiumI want to run Natty :(23:03
fr00gDoes anyone know what video editor was used to create the Celebrate Ubuntu videos?23:03
MonkeyDustMagentium: what's the prob?23:03
MagentiumMonkeyDust my Graphics card has a known problem with the Compiz settings, the whole install grinds to a halt, its un-useable23:03
AlvinPhsudo mount doesn't work23:03
KM0201AlvinPh: well you gotta put a path to a device after it23:04
MonkeyDustMagentium: can you boot into the system and something won't work?23:04
MonkeyDustMagentium: or can you not even boot into the system?23:04
KM0201Magentium: when you do that minimum installl, you should check out lxde, small and fast23:04
MagentiumMonkeydust Booting is fine, everything works PERFECTLY in it, except that there is a Compiz problem where it doesnt detect refresh rate properly and all Compiz effects are really slow. Even with 2D Unity, its an actual bug in how it processes whats on screen23:05
Magentiumbut unforatuntely there i no know proper fix23:05
Magentiumand i dont want to go installing natty if i cannot get full speed23:05
paulgulleySo i've just updated to natty on my netbook, and unity appears to be broken. log-in page works fine, however once i get on an account, i get only a black screen. Status bubbles and the like (for internet connections etc.) still appear, but that's about it.23:05
KroplexDoes anyone know the command to look at your current network devices (ethernet and wireless)?23:05
MonkeyDustMagentium: type this in a terminal : gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz && compiz --replace <enter>23:05
Kroplex~ask ibrahim23:05
Kroplex!ask | ibrahim23:06
ubottuibrahim: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:06
Magentiumkroplex ifconfig23:06
Magentiumibrahim whats up?23:06
MagentiumKM0201 Yes i was running LXDE on my ubuntu install and it is indeed nice, i may actually switch to it seeing at its fast, and i heard can still use Compiz :)23:06
KroplexMagentium, not exactly, that gives me current connections but yesterday someone gave me a command and it actually showed something along the lines of "realtek blah blah (ethernet) blah blah marvell topdog"23:07
MagentiumMonkeyDust, is that to try and fix the Compiz error? as i am currently running on 10.1023:07
KM0201Magentium: well, i don't know about compiz w/ LXDE (although I don't see why not)... you shoudl check out Lubuntu... it's about as bare bones as it gets23:07
KroplexMagentium, I more want to know what hardware I have for my wireless so I can get the correct driver to install on ubuntu.23:07
MonkeyDustMagentium: it worked for me and some other user, yesterday, here, on this chatroom23:07
MagentiumKM201 Ive heard of it, never used it though. I have the ISO on my storage drive but i havent tested it yet23:07
djiefohi, I lost my windows bar... the bar above the screen with _x_ button23:07
ysisKroplex: try lshw23:08
MagentiumKroplex, try lspci\23:08
KM0201Magentium: i switched to Debian for a long time, and Lubuntu is what broght me back.23:08
Magentiumysis yes, or that one23:08
fr00gDoes anyone know what video editor was used to create the Celebrate Ubuntu videos?23:08
KM0201Magentium: it'll be an official release in 11.10, rather than a community port though23:08
hiexpodjiefo, what version ubuntu you using and are you using gnome ?23:08
MonkeyDustMagentium: copy paste the line i just put here23:08
KroplexMagentium, thank you that worked.23:08
MagentiumMonkeydust, yes but is that for Natty or 10.10 as i do not have Natty installed on this laptop23:09
djiefoxubuntu and i verified if Gnome Comp is on and yes it's on23:09
Magentiumhello :)23:09
MonkeyDustMagentium: ok, never mind, it's for natty23:09
tjiggi_foKroplex, sudo lshw -C Network works better23:09
MagentiumI was thinking of doing a new install of Natty on here, but I am thinking that Lubuntu might be a much better choice23:10
Magentiumor Fedora23:10
MagentiumWhat do people recommend? I want something that looks good, runs well, is functional23:10
hiexpodjiefo, sorry i am unfamiliar with that version of xubutu23:10
KM0201Magentium: well, you can do lubuntu Natty... :)23:10
ysisMagentium: I use xubuntu and am pretty satisfied.23:10
MagentiumMonkeyDust, what exactly does that command do ?23:10
djiefocould be same moves than ubuntu1123:11
MonkeyDustMagentium: in natty, it sets compiz to defaults23:11
MagentiumKM0201 do you think it will fix the problem that i am having though ? seems like its the entire of Natty thought LXDE may actually be better23:11
MagentiumMonkeyDust oh okay, thank you :)23:11
KM0201Magentium: i wasn't aware you were having a problem.. thought you just didn't like the bloat of Unity.23:11
MonkeyDustMagentium: it may work for maverick, but i cannot tell23:11
MagentiumKM0201 i like Natty even though its bloated, but icannot run it due to graphical problems23:12
MagentiumMonkeyDust yes that commands works in Maverick as well :)23:12
paulgulleyIs there an easy way to install gnome via command line? My unity is broken, it seems.23:12
MagentiumOkay i am goign to test Natty and install LXDE onto it see if it works better :)23:12
cillinim running virtualbox and 11.04 server as guest, the server can ping anything and reach internet, but how to reach the server? ifconfig in guest gives, but thats not reachable23:12
KM0201Magentium: ok, what happens when you try to start it, you just get dropped to a command prompt or what?23:12
hiexpodjiefo, http://ooboontoo.blogspot.com/2009/01/how-to-restore-xubuntu-desktop-panel.html23:13
ugarteIs there a way to make files stored on an ntfs partition executable in ubuntu?23:14
doxini've got someone leeching my wifi, what to do>23:16
ugarteis it encrypted?23:17
th0rdoxin: turn on mac address filtering, enable wpa,23:17
qindoxin: you can monitor it using airodump-ng23:17
doxinth0r: i have wpa, which is the odd thing.23:17
th0rdoxin: I don't depend on wpa, always use mac address filtering23:17
ugarteif you dont need wifi now, you could turn it off. they would probably go find somewhere else to leech23:19
doxinth0r: meh, put him on child protection, only 1min allowed a day, that should annoy him away23:19
qindoxin: and eventually spoof intruder :)23:19
doxinqin: upsidedownternet :P23:19
roothorickis the bootsplash not working on nvidia cards a known issue?23:20
doxinqin: problem is that my wifi router aint too advanced.23:20
roothorickalso, what's with the ugly burgundy tint in the bootloader? It looks like my monitor has sun damage D:23:20
qindoxin: you do need to have goor wifi card close to ruter, and some time ;)23:20
doxinqin: what are you suggesting?23:21
qinqin: airckack-ng as first, arpattack (or whatever), wireshark, ssldump23:22
doxinqin: yeah, hack into my own wifi, sounds like a great way to keep people out :P23:22
qindoxin: It is called offensive security.23:22
doxinqin: i just wish my router ran some form of linux, then it'd be easy23:25
KM0201doxin: what kind of router do you have?23:25
qindoxin: what router is it? tomato or wrt-dd is supported on many models.23:26
KM0201qin: just what i was thinking23:26
Afflictohey everyone23:26
Afflictodoes anyone know how to run minecraft in ubuntu?23:26
KroplexAfflicto, wine might work23:27
Haitham76urgent help needed23:27
Afflictowell it is made for linux too23:27
rwwAfflicto: download the .jar file from Minecraft's website, install Sun Java, and run it.23:27
* KM0201 can't understand what everyone sees in Minecraft23:27
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu on 10.04 LTS and newer, see http://tinyurl.com/2ffg7cc -  For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.23:27
Afflictook thanks rww23:27
KroplexAfflicto, ^23:27
adrian15!ask | Haitham7623:27
ubottuHaitham76: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:27
Haitham76anyone expert in installing USB dongle for broadband?23:27
KM0201Haitham76: i doubt there's an expert in that field, weren't you here the other day asking this?23:28
doxinKM0201, qin: its a fritzbox23:28
KM0201what the..23:28
Haitham76but it seems that this is a common problem23:28
qinHaitham76: Start form hardware: is it Huwaii?23:28
qinhm, do not look like right name...23:29
doxinKM0201, qin: fritz!box 734023:29
KM0201doxin: are you in the US?23:29
doxinKM0201: lolno23:29
KM0201well that explains it.23:29
edbianI am able to torrent when I'm on the LAN at my school but not over wifi.  Ideas?23:29
KM0201doxin: i sincerely doubt tomato or ddwrt would work w/ such an obscure piece of equipment23:30
Haitham76ok. let me give the info i have. it is a USB dongle that i purchased from an ISP here. i don't know the hardware's name23:30
doxinKM0201: they don't23:30
thewanderer1hi. should byobu work on a vt100 terminal?23:30
tbruff13Yes I am having trouble play the online game evony in ubuntu 10.1023:30
qinHaitham76: lsusb, and paste,ubuntu.com23:30
KM0201doxin: have you considered purchasing a router from the 20th century?23:30
Haitham76the driver provided with it says something like iburst23:30
KM0201Haitham76: take a xannex, and do what Haitham76 said, need to figure out what the device is first23:31
thewanderer1I'm getting strange glitches  - byobu's bottom line is printed twice, one over another, and there is some flicker. vt100, 115200 baud23:31
KM0201woops.... do what qin said.. :)23:31
rinkukokirianyone have experience with HDA-Analyzer?23:31
Haitham76guys i'm working on Windows now since i can't connect to the internet from my Ubuntu23:32
qindoxin: http://www.dd-wrt.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=15795&sid=71337ff14604004631ff9c59cd4c9ad123:32
qinthewanderer1: are you using tint2 panel?23:33
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qinthewanderer1: Sorry, disregard23:33
KM0201Haitham76: this will be near impossible to help you fix, if you can't get online via Ubuntu23:34
KM0201Haitham76: or at least online from another machine, while sitting in front of your ubuntu machine23:34
tbruff13evony wont play in chrome or firefox23:34
macoHaitham76: usually if you can get a wired connection to your ubuntu, getting wireless drivers becomes a lot easier (There's an automated tool for it that should launch when you plug in)23:35
Polahgood evening23:35
Haitham76ok i'm dual booting on my laptop, i have to reboot to ubuntu. what info do u want to extract from there? lsusb from terminal?23:35
rinkukokiriCan anyone help me decipher the interface for hda-analyzer?23:35
NoPinkycan someone please tell me how long  the check filesystem will take to check 250gbs of ext2 file system?23:35
qinHaitham76: lshw, lsusb, ifconfig, iwconfig, dmesg (after plug in usb dongle)23:36
alessio_alexHello, what's the easiest way to make an image of my current Ubuntu (I want to install the same config on a server somewhere, such as Amazon AWS). Thanks23:36
NoPinkythere is no progress indicator at all...23:36
KM0201qin: lol, hope he has a printer23:36
qinKM0201: or good memory23:36
KM0201Haitham76: did you say it came w/ a Linux driver?.. does it have instructions on how to install it?23:37
cillinnoone? running 11.04 server as guest on vbox, but how to reach server from network?23:38
fr00gDoes anybody know where the awn custom icons are located?23:38
qincillin: /j #vbox23:38
rinkukokirianyone familiar with hda-analyzer and how I can use it to determine my soundcard setup?23:39
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rinkukokiriCan anyone help me use HDA Analyzer?23:44
NoPinkycan someone please tell me how long  the check filesystem will take to check 250gbs of ext2 file system? is it more like 3-5hours or rather like less than 1 hour?23:44
dah42Can someone tell me how many times do Brasero tries to read a scratched dvd's sectors before it gives up and goes to the next?23:45
dijonyummy123is there a good linux native app similar to adobe lightroom?23:45
deuteriumhi, anybody using fail2ban here?23:45
deuteriumdijonyummy: hardly23:45
dah42dijonyummy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70846623:46
dah42dijonyummy, but you can always try to run it trough wine or inside a virtual machine23:46
dah42dijonyummy, they are both 10-min like procedures23:46
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palliOh right... Ubuntu outconnects to irc.ubuntu.org... am i on freenet ?23:47
braiamwhere i can found the gstreamer camera conf file?23:48
dijonyummy123i run it through virtualbox now but a little slow. would it be faster if through wine?23:49
rinkukokiripalli,  you are on freenode...23:49
Haitham76qin? anyone?23:49
Haitham76i ran lsusb the hardware is Kyocera Corp. iBurst Terminal23:50
pallirinkukokiri, Trying out xchat-gnome for the first time, it hides the sidebar so i could not tell :)23:50
rinkukokiridijonyummy, "good linux app" and "adobe" are never in the same sentence together23:50
rinkukokiris/good linux app/good app/23:50
Polahpalli: xchat-gnome? Difference from regular xchat?23:50
rinkukokiripalli, np ;D23:50
KM0201Polah: xchat doesn't suck?  :)23:51
ZykoticK9Polah, i personally can't stand xchat-gnome - but others like it.23:51
PolahKM0201: Use it myself, it's pretty good I thought23:51
PolahZykoticK9: What's the difference? Different layout/style?23:51
KM0201Polah: not compared to xchat, but there's certainly a lot worse IRC clients out there23:51
dah42dijonyummy, keep in mind there are other programs in linux wich do what lightroom does, they are just not bundled in a single package. I might be wrong but an easy browsing trough your Ubuntu Software Center should clear the doubt23:51
ZykoticK9Polah, xchat-for-dummies ;)  joking!23:51
PolahKM0201: We all know Mibbit is actually the best irc client.23:52
* KM0201 agrees23:52
Haitham76i need help installing my USB dongle23:52
dah42are #ubuntu and #ubuntu-unregged 2 different channels?23:52
PolahHaitham76: What kind of dongle? Wi-Fi connector, bluetooth connector, storage drive, something else?23:52
palliUp untill recently i was still an irssi user... guess it is time to upgrade to something from this decade :)23:52
* rinkukokiri hates the term 'dongle' 23:53
dah42palli, the future is console :D23:53
Haitham76it is a broadband dongle23:53
ezlwhats the command to have a program output go to the screen _and_ to a file?23:53
KM0201dah42: lol, that seems a silly question23:53
Haitham76Kyocera Corp. iBurst Terminal23:53
Polahdah42: -unregged is the verification channel for users that aren't identified on freenode. Stops bots and spammers and whatnot.23:53
rinkukokiriBy definition a dongle is A device that is connected to a computer to allow access to wireless broadband or use of protected software23:53
ZykoticK9ezl, &> maybe?  I don't remember.  If you don't get an answer here, ask in #bash23:53
dah42KM0201, its not clear to me... I am pretty sure they are 2 different channels, but xchat shows I am in 'ubuntu', not 'ubuntu-unregged'... and I am not using a registered nick23:54
rinkukokirii'm not regged23:54
adrian15ezl: Check tee command23:54
KM0201dah42: you'll occasionally (randomly) get kicked into unregged23:54
Haitham76the driver enclosed is ibdriver 1.2.923:54
Haitham76when i run it in terminal $make it doesn't work23:55
dah42KM0201, so -unregged is a completely different room (and I am in it), seems clear now (even if I don't understand why xchat labels this as just 'ubuntu'23:55
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dijonyummy123i like xchat, more than mirc which you have to pay for23:55
syockitmy chat client shows #ubuntu-unregged in addition to #ubuntu. Am I still in #u-unregged or not?23:55
dijonyummy123too bad the windows version of xchat isnt up to date23:55
rinkukokiritoo bad the windows version of xchat is paid for23:55
ZykoticK9dijonyummy, more importantly xchat is FAIF, mirc is not.23:55
Haitham76do i have to install a different or updated ibdriver?23:55
KM0201Haitham76: this is gonna be impossible to help you trouble shoot, when you have to reboot back to ubuntu then back to windows, i don't know what more to tell you23:55
rod95hi, need some support. my onboard card sound intel ac'97 not working after install 11.0423:56
Haitham76ok KM020123:56
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dijonyummy123anyway do you think lightroom would run faster under wine than under virtualbox. i notice even stuff like web browsing seems noticeably slower under latest virtualbox, even when i give it lots of ram23:57
Haitham76is there a link that could help me? at least to have an idea of what could be the problem?23:57
biberaooops wrong channel23:57
KM0201Haitham76: only link i have found that might be helpful, given the limited info you've provided, is this one...  http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/archive/index.php/t-82091.html23:58
rinkukokiriCan anyone help me use HDA Analyzer?23:58
MonkeyDustrinkukokiri: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/HDA_Analyzer23:59

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