
aalphai have found what i search00:31
aalphaso i have ocelot download00:31
aalphainstall jack00:31
aalphaand a bug00:31
aalphaof seting00:32
aalphaanybody can help me to search what is not going00:32
aalphawhen i have ubuntu 10.04 i'm will obliged to chane of kernel00:33
astraljavaaalpha: Not sure I follow. With Ubuntu Studio, jack comes already installed by default.00:37
aalphaso jackd will be not use to start on ocelot 11.1000:44
astraljavaTo be honest, I'm not quite sure at the moment what's going to be used for oneiric, but we'll have a devel meeting on Sunday, which will most probably make such issues much clearer.00:53
astraljavaI would think that jackd isn't going anywhere, though.00:53
astraljavaAfter all, it's the stuff that's used to have real-time efficiency for audio processing.00:53
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=== Guest86395 is now known as orngjce223
ParadoxGuitaristI think I need to understand the uses of ladish17:34
ParadoxGuitaristWhat's the difference between ladish and qjackctl patchbay?17:35
ParadoxGuitaristIs it just that ladish does midi as well?17:35
nimbioticshello all. I;ve got ubuntu 11.04 installed. Can I upgrade to ubuntu studio or do I have to reinstall from zero? TIA!20:57
astraljavanimbiotics: There are a bunch of ubuntustudio- metapackages that will give you all the functionalities, but not the original outlook of a ubuntustudio install.20:58
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation20:59
orngjce223But yeah seriously it's definitely possible20:59
astraljavaorngjce223: Or, that.20:59
orngjce223Sorry. I just happened to remember the command.21:00
nimbioticsOK, THX a lot to both of you21:00
astraljavaorngjce223: No need to be sorry, that's awesome! :) I never recall the bot commands.21:00

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