
Unit193There is a little too much of a connection issue here...00:28
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Unit193charlie-tca , bazhang , TheSheep: Requesting temp redirect for superbest00:57
compro01what is the username/password for the liveCD?00:57
compro01i've tried ubuntu and a blank password, but it doesn't work00:58
Unit193compro01: Did you try keeping both blank?00:59
compro01yes, it just chucks "authentication failure" at me then.  using ubuntu/blank, it appears to accept it, then X appears to restart and it chucks me the username/password prompt again00:59
Unit193compro01: This is what I found: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD#Logging%20in Could you be having X errors? Maybe try logging in with TTY1?01:01
compro01Unit193, how do you do that on the liveCD?01:04
Unit193!tty | compro0101:05
ubottucompro01: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution.01:05
compro01Unit193, interesting.  looking at TTY1, i am already logged in as ubuntu01:10
Unit193compro01: sudo passwd ubuntu   You can then set your password01:12
compro01Unit193, doesn't appear to be working.  after entering that command, it just sits there doing nothing.  as an aside, i also can't switch back to the gui prompt, it just gives me bunches of colourful lines01:19
Unit193Did you see a "Welcome to Ubuntu!" message?01:21
compro01at the top? yeah.  "welcome to ubuntu 11.04 (GNU/Linux", etc.01:21
compro01shows me the "ubuntu@ubuntu:~$" prompt, accepts the command as typed, then does nothing at all01:22
Unit193And something like    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$   ?01:22
* Unit193 brain fart01:22
Unit193I would wait for the next helper...01:23
compro01yeah, and this is just a secondary problem.  my inital problem is that the installer just up and crashes01:24
Unit193Did you try the AltCD?01:24
compro01i think that's my next idea.01:25
Unit193Or you could wait for the next support person...01:26
n2diythe hard drive on my main box crashed, so I moved the the HD from my backup box into the main box. Everything seems ok except for some of the graphics. I.E. Mines takes for ever to load, initially, and between games. During this, Xorg is consuming most of the system memory?02:27
compro01Unit193, just FYI, the alternate install CD worked fine.  thanks for the attempted assistance even though it didn't help much04:00
taylor_Xubuntu is amazing. :)04:39
drcTruly Amazing, Gracie.04:40
gynterI would like to use LVM, are partitions / (rootfs, 2G), /tmp (tmp, 5G), /var (var, 5G), /usr (usr, 20G), /home (home, 250G) ok?07:43
gynter /boot will be on non-lv partition (sda1) 500MB07:44
carter_hey hey09:10
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carter_so i cant stand unity..so switching to XFCE09:12
TheSheepyeah, that's common09:13
elrosyou can also think about lxde09:37
TeXnicerHi there. I do help in #latex-de. I found out that people installing texlive under #xubuntu usually cannot access the "tlmgr"-utility for maintance the texlive-installation. Does anyone present call tell me something about that? Specificallý we are looking for [ngerman]{babel} ... I do not know how to look for packages under xubuntu.09:43
Moehey guys09:43
TeXnicerWe look for [ngerman]{babel} under texlive2009 under xubuntu... any dice to find it. Alternative: how to work with tlmgr under xubuntu, since it seems not present should be part of texlive installation09:44
elrosTeXnicer, I cannot use that command either. I suspect that the latex packages in ubuntu are all handled trough apt. If you want custom packages, you can install them to your home directory in ~/texmf and run texhash ~/texmf09:45
TeXnicerah okay.09:45
elrossome useful packages are texlive-latex3 and texlive-math-extra09:46
TeXnicerelros: We go through that, right. Precisely what I was looking for. Hoping that helps ;)09:46
elrosglad to help09:46
MoeHaving issues with an upgraded maverick install here .. the natty installation supposedly starts a gnome-session daemon which obviously upsets xfce4-session and leaves the user without xfwm4 for instance. I already reset the environment (basically removed all the relevant configuration directories) .. still, no go .. any pointers?09:47
TeXnicerelros: any dice to get a "apt-cache search texlive" for an yesterday-xubuntu-version?09:55
TeXnicerelros: can you use [ngerman]{babel} ?09:55
Unit193!info texlive09:56
ubottutexlive (source: texlive-base): TeX Live: A decent selection of the TeX Live packages. In component main, is optional. Version 2009-11 (natty), package size 27 kB, installed size 124 kB09:56
elroswell, you could install texlive-lang-de09:58
elrosI'm not a german, so german babel packages aren't my speciality09:58
elrosall I know that texlive-lang-fi gave me finnish hyphenation09:59
elros!info texlive-lang-de09:59
ubottuPackage texlive-lang-de does not exist in natty09:59
elros!info texlive-lang-fi10:00
ubottuPackage texlive-lang-fi does not exist in natty10:00
elros!info texlive-lang-finnish10:00
ubottutexlive-lang-finnish (source: texlive-lang): TeX Live: Finnish. In component main, is optional. Version 2009-3 (natty), package size 28 kB, installed size 204 kB10:00
Unit193!info texlive-lang-german10:00
ubottutexlive-lang-german (source: texlive-lang): TeX Live: German. In component main, is optional. Version 2009-3 (natty), package size 1028 kB, installed size 2232 kB10:00
elrosTeXnicer, install texlive-lang-german and try again10:01
TeXnicerelros: Keep that for record. T'was texlive-lang-german ;)10:41
TeXnicerelros: German by any chance?10:41
elrosnope, a Finn10:41
TeXnicer.oO Just thought... who would have thought that ;)10:42
elroshave read german in school, so high five10:42
TeXnicerTo all latex-o-phils (I mean texlive and stuff)   AND German-speaking  #latex-de </advertising>10:42
TeXnicer.'´´#  <--- sort of a hand10:42
miro_Hej, i have a problem cpu frequency management in 11.04. Problem is with working a cpu-governor-plugin which doesn't work generally and with cpu-frequency-plugin which works but I can't change cpu state from on-demand on any other - I can change but nothing changes. Any suggestions?11:00
miro_At previous version of xubuntu everything goes ok.11:02
miro_Of course I'm talking about installation on notebook;)11:03
TedyBearHave a question regarding crypttab11:20
TedyBearI also asked the question on the xubuntu-users mailing list but I figured it couldn't hurt to ask here as well11:20
TheSheepcome on, ask it already11:22
TheSheepdon't keep us waiting11:22
TedyBearSo my problem is that the swap partition is defined in /etc/crypttab as /dev/sdb3 (during installation) but every now and then the swap partition is designated /dev/sdc3 and cryptdisks_start fails to mount the partition11:22
TheSheepTedyBear: do you have hardware raid on that computer?11:22
TedyBearCan I define the partition in /etc/crypttab using the /dev/disk/by-path/-alias?11:22
TedyBearTheSheep: no11:22
TheSheepTedyBear: what is detected as sdb when your disk is sdc?11:23
TedyBearas the partition isn't listed under /dev/disk/by-uuid11:23
TheSheepyeah I think swap doesn't have uuid11:23
TheSheepoh, actually it does11:24
TedyBearif swap is /dev/sdc3 then there is not sdb311:24
TedyBearand vice versa11:24
TheSheepis there sdb?11:24
TheSheepif there is, what is it?11:24
TedyBearyes, sdb1 is a 160 Gb NTFS partition11:25
TedyBear(the whole drive)11:25
TheSheepand it's always sdb, never sdc?11:25
TedyBearI've defined that through the uuid in fstab11:26
TedyBearso it's always mounted11:26
TheSheepI want to know why it changes11:26
TedyBearthe /dev/sd* are not static11:26
TedyBearthey're dealt out in the order in which they appear11:27
TedyBearie. external harddrives frequently change designation11:27
TedyBearthe question is can I use /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_ST380011A_3JV0MM65-part311:28
TedyBearin /etc/crypttab'11:28
TheSheepthat I don't know11:29
TedyBearJust had to try it. It's only the production-machine, what could go wrong? =)11:32
TedyBearIt worked11:32
TeXnicersomething tells me that t][s][o is a gamer...11:47
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t_s_omore a networking issue11:52
lloydb39Can anybody help with connecting to a LAN?12:24
taiyal|macI just upgraded from 10.10 to 11.04 and the battery monitor's gone, how can I get it back?13:03
taiyal|macnevermind, got it13:06
taiyal|macapt-get install xfce4-battery-plugin or some such package13:07
Kurdistanhey guys14:27
charlie-tca!hi | Kurdistan14:27
ubottuKurdistan: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:27
Kurdistancharlie-tca, do you have any bug-rapport from xubuntu?14:28
Kurdistanwant to see how many bugs have been solved in natty14:28
charlie-tcaThat is not an easy thing to search in launchpad14:29
charlie-tcahttp://2tu.us/3crv would be a starting a point, but I don't know how to limit it to Xubuntu now14:31
Kurdistancharlie-tca, exactly :) not easy to fined.14:31
Kurdistancharlie-tca, how is xubuntu turning out in natty?14:31
Kurdistanstable to be main os (distro)?14:31
charlie-tcaXubuntu in natty is very good14:31
charlie-tcaI use it all the time, so do many others.14:32
charlie-tcaSome do not like a few of the new changes, as always. Xfce 4.8 does some stuff differently14:32
charlie-tcaI think it has a memory leak, which requires restarting every 4 or 5 days, but that is not limited to Xubuntu, it is in Xorg or someplace14:33
DarkEraNot to forget,  there's also a issue with the current kernel(s) which affects more distro's using the 2.6.38 and 39 kernel, not only *buntu i've read. That's also not the fault of any distro14:37
Kurdistancharlie-tca, thx for te resume.14:37
KurdistanMany I have talked with says this is the best xubuntu release. what do you say charlie-tca ?14:38
charlie-tcaMaybe that kernel is where the leak is. I just know the system will freeze completely if you don't reboot often enough14:38
charlie-tcaI say it is very good14:38
KurdistanDarkEra, yes, do you mean power regression?14:38
Kurdistanits effect also maverick users14:38
DarkEraKurdistan, yes, that's what i meant.14:39
KurdistanI normally do not use only battery for my laptop14:40
Kurdistanso it does not really effect to much14:40
Kurdistanbut the problem I some users feels is the heat14:40
DarkEracharlie-tca, i have to agree with you. I'm very pleased with the 11.04 release myself and never thought i'd make a switch to Xubuntu.14:41
charlie-tcaheh, Surprise!14:41
charlie-tcaXubuntu is a good distribution for non-beginners. 11.04 is a good release in a good distribution.14:41
Kurdistancharlie-tca, many feels this is really good release. Really hardcore buntu friends that have used ubuntu from beginning14:42
Kurdistancharlie-tca, so if you are in the team, will proud. xfc 4.8 have made xubuntu only good in my view.14:43
charlie-tcaThe team likes to hear if things are good or bad. Good almost always is better to hear!14:45
Kurdistancharlie-tca, :) understand that.14:45
DarkEraIt would be nice if Xubuntu 11.10 had a app included again to rip cd's. It's something i missed in 11.04. For the rest you wont hear me complain. :)14:45
charlie-tcaI didn't know we ever had such an app as default?14:47
DarkEradidn't exaile this kind of thing?14:49
Kurdistanguys I will install xubuntu. I hope it will be good.14:49
Kurdistansee you guys later today or tomorrow14:50
charlie-tcaDarkEra: not ripping14:50
DarkEragood luck Kurdistan14:50
Kurdistancharlie-tca, before I go, can you give me default application list?14:50
charlie-tcaI was advised to use cdripper14:50
charlie-tcaKurdistan: I don't have one handy, let me see if I can find one14:51
Kurdistanthx, so I know what I am going to-do list after fresh xubuntu install.14:51
DarkEracdripper...... i searched for that in synaptic but didn't find it there... but i saw Asunder between them14:51
DarkEradrc o/14:53
charlie-tcaDarkEra: ripperx14:53
drcDarkEra: \o/14:54
charlie-tcaalmost the same thing... :-)14:54
DarkEracharlie-tca, aha, thanks. will look into it right away14:54
charlie-tcaKurdistan: I think this is the list: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.oneiric/view/head:/desktop15:00
Kurdistancharlie-tca, you are angel.15:00
charlie-tcaWell, actually, that is oneiric, but we haven't changed it yet15:01
Kurdistanso it is gnome-network ?15:01
Kurdistangood, before xubuntu had wicd.15:01
Kurdistannever liked it15:01
charlie-tcashould be network-manager, yes15:01
Kurdistanis pulseaudio preinstalled?15:03
Kurdistanreally good.15:04
Kurdistanme like it :).15:04
Kurdistanbest way to get the mic working15:04
charlie-tcaI like it because it lets me hear audio from both my main system and VBox machines15:04
Kurdistanse you all later. thx for the info charlie-tca.15:04
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:04
nicofsVery frequently, the icons in my tray start to wobble and CPU goes up to 100%. What can I do?17:05
GridCubethats really weird17:11
GridCubenever heard of that17:12
GridCubelet me do some research17:12
GridCubenicofs, is this your problem? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfce4-panel/+bug/58601217:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 586012 in Xfce panel "[Maverick] XFCE system tray became unusable after libgtk upgrade" [Unknown,Confirmed]17:16
nicofsGridCube, checking17:17
nicofsGridCube, not quite but close might be the same issue with different symptoms... i'll try downgrading...17:18
GridCubenicofs, aparently is fixed on xfce 4.7.517:20
GridCubexfce4-panel 4.7.517:20
Sysi4.7 is devel version, natty has 4.8, stable17:21
nicofsSysi, i have natty...17:21
GridCube:P mine is 4.6.3 XD but im using 10.0417:22
charlie-tcanicofs: what version does       apt-cache policy xfce4-panel       give?17:22
nicofscharlie-tca, http://paste.ubuntu.com/617651/17:25
charlie-tcapanel version is up to date for natty17:26
charlie-tcanicofs: was this an upgrade from maverick or a fresh install with a new /home17:27
nicofscharlie-tca, upgrade17:27
charlie-tcamight be something carried forward then. might need to rename ~/.config and restart. Then you can add things back one at a time to see what caused it17:30
th0rthere is a way to set up the workspaces in xfce so that moving the mouse off the edge of the screen causes a switch to the next workspace. I cannot locate that option; can someone point me in the right direction?17:46
GridCubemmm i dont know th0r17:49
th0rGridCube: been trying to find it in google but no luck so far <smile>. One of those little things that will drive me nuts for the next week or so17:49
charlie-tcath0r: which release of Xubuntu?17:50
th0rGridCube: found it!....under settings WindowManager.17:50
th0rI need to make up a list of these 'set once and forget' settings...every time I install xfce on a computer I waste a lot of time trying to find them again <smile>17:51
drcth0r: Or you be like me and bØrk your system so often, you have to re-install enough to remember where these things are.17:53
th0rdrc: I hate to think how many times I have installed xfce. Just returned to xubuntu from pclinuxos and had to start all over again. But finally remembered to make /home a separate partition this time17:54
Sysii once did three complete reinstalls within a week17:56
drcHah...I've done that in a day :(17:57
* charlie-tca done more than three in a day 17:58
drcI've taken to making a Xubuntu LiveUSB on a partition, and all my configs and tips on another partition on the same USB.17:58
charlie-tcaI just backup to dropbox now, and can move the settings as needed17:59
Sysififteen minutes to set up xfce, couple of hours to adjust software17:59
th0rwell, I was going to install linux in a vm under windows xp, but found that xp wouldn't recognize my new 320gb hard drive. So it must be time to switch to using xp in a vm under linux <smile>18:00
GridCubegreat, now firefox is asking to download all the pages that end in php18:01
Sysithat has happened for me with a bad connection18:04
GridCubei see18:06
DarkErahi folks o/20:36
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charlie-tcaHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:42
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charlie-tcaHow do I get rid of the x below the channel list in xchat? It closes the active channel when clicked on, even by accident21:42
DarkEracharlie-tca, i don't know. I got mine set up with the Tree and not the Tab switcher22:23
charlie-tcaThat takes too much space22:25
KM0201x below the channel list?22:57

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