
=== hunger_ is now known as hunger
gourdoes bzr send has support for --format=hg ?12:59
jelmer_gour: yep13:39
jelmer_gour: though, as with all other write operations in bzr-hg, it's still somewhat experimental13:39
gourjelmer_: thanks...i wonder whether it's better t ocreat project at LP and work with bzr and then 'bzr send' to bitbucket upstream or use bzr-hg directly with bitbucket13:51
gourif it makes much difference at all13:52
gourmain point is i want to use bzr only :-)13:53
jelmer_it wouldn't make much of a difference - the code that creates changegroups (which are used for hg bundles, and for hg pushes) is the same13:53
jelmer_bundles are probably more trouble13:53
jelmer_gour: as mentioned earlier, the write support in bzr-hg still has some rough edges13:54
gourjelmer_: ok..we'll put it under some testing13:54
workthrickjelmer_: poke?17:28
workthrickjelmer_: bzr-git triggers bug #37071017:29
ubot5Launchpad bug 370710 in Bazaar "bzr: ERROR: File id {TREE_ROOT} already exists" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37071017:29
workthrickjelmer_: is there any way you could make it pick a unique name?17:29
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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=== tomaw_ is now known as tomaw

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