
nigelblifeless: erm, how do I deal with that branch now?00:21
lifelessnigelb: I like the idea of having a helper which we can make better02:47
lifelessnigelb: there are some various utility modules around, have a look and see if you can find one to move the sort logic too02:47
lifelessthen use a helper02:47
nigelbthis means we've have to move all of the sorts into using the helpers, right?02:48
lifelesstheres what, 3 so far ?02:52
lifelessfile a bug saying 'we collate in C order'02:53
lifelessand reference that bug as an XXX: bug 12345 nigelb this collates using ASCII which is not as nice as unicode collation.02:53
_mup_Bug #12345: isdn does not work, fritz avm (pnp?) <isdnutils (Ubuntu):Fix Released by doko> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/12345 >02:53
nigelbokay, yeah makes sense02:54
lifelesseither way is fine with me02:57
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #610: STILL FAILING in 5 hr 37 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/610/03:29
wgrantlifeless: Bah, pyunit-friends don't support python3 yet.04:46
lifelesswgrant: FSVO05:07
lifelesswgrant: testtools does, subunit does, fixtures does.05:07
wgrantlifeless: Ah, testtools' LP page doesn't mention 3.x support, but I see on PyPy it does.05:09
wgrant(although it isn't tagged as such)05:10
lifelesspatches gratefully05:19
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #362: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 7 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/362/09:59
lifelessrsyncing a no-op change to an archive: 16MB10:28
wgrantlifeless: The whole primary archive?10:32
lifelessthe one carried by nz.a.u.c10:32
lifelessso i386, amd64, oni etc10:33
lifelesssent 16256452 bytes  received 31851 bytes10:37
* lifeless sighs @ btrfs10:48
NCommanderevening wgrant11:55
NCommanderWas SUPERSEDED supposed to actually be in the indices are some point? I found a comment in the donminator.py that it was planned to hold the binaries in place, but it suggests they would remain SUPERSEDED12:17
NCommandernm, disregard that12:18
NCommanderSo it appears Soyuz is actually keeping the binaries around in a SUPERSEDED state until the arch-all/arch-any skew is resolved, or a ne wSPR is uploaded12:27
NCommanderbut since SUPERSEDED isn't in the indicies, its effectively doing nothing beside taking up disk space12:28
NCommander^- wgrant StevenK12:28
wgrantNCommander: What do you mean? Superseded is a final state.12:33
wgrantThey will stay there forever.12:33
NCommanderwgrant: right, but the dominator won't mark those packages for death12:34
NCommanderits already checking the condition I need to check for, its simply doing the wrong thing12:34
NCommanderI can refactor the code to keep these packages from being SUPERSEDED in the first place, but I can't understand why it exists unless the behavior of SUPERSEDED changed sometime in LPs development history12:34
wgrantNCommander: There's a comment there describing the behaviour that you desire, but it's not implemented.12:35
NCommanderwgrant: no, it is12:36
NCommanderIts preventing packages in groups from being deleted (deathrow is not set)12:36
NCommanderI posted the link to a source that FTBFSed on ARM 7 days ago, but the i386 and other arches are being retained12:36
NCommanderhold on, I need an unedited copy12:36
wgrantIt does that for sources.12:36
wgrantNot binaries.12:36
NCommanderBinaries get superseded only when multiple versions of them exist12:37
wgrantThat is the definition of superseded.12:37
NCommandernow I see it. So its close to what I need, I just need it to retain the arch_all binaries12:39
NCommander(or more specifically, the nominated_arch binaries)12:39
wgrantI think the correct thing to do is to do something just like the source check.12:41
wgrantBut that only works if we subvert Julian.12:41
NCommanderwgrant: Julian said it was acceptable to have multiple PUBLISHED records, just publishing SUPERSEDED was a nono12:41
wgrantYes, but that's expensive.12:41
wgrantBecause it means we have to analyse everything in groups.12:42
wgrantNot just stuff in SUPERSEDED.12:42
wgrantAlthough, having multiple PUBLISHED records long-term is just strange.12:42
NCommanderWe're already determining all the BPPHs per SPPH. The cost as it was is already being paid12:42
wgrantOnly for superseded SPPHs.12:42
NCommanderIf SPPHs are checked first, BPPHs can be removed from the supersedication queue. That being said, I still feel its clearer to publish SUPERSED or implement a new publishing state12:43
NCommanderThe only other idea I can have is instead of have the packages go SUPERSEDED back to PUBLISHED, but I suspect thats just crack.12:44
wgrantSUPERSEDED stuff is often left published on disk. It's no stretch to include it in the indices.12:44
NCommanderPlus it makes the indices match the pool. Consistancy for the win.12:44
wgrantWhich makes elmo happy.12:44
StevenKNCommander: "Consistency" has one e, and no a.12:45
* NCommander throws a brick at StevenK 12:45
StevenKWhereas "pedant" has both.12:45
NCommanderStevenK: do you have any feelings w.r.t. to publishing SUPERSEDED in the indicies? (or another sane solution to the above issue on archive skew?)12:47
wgrantIt sounds counterintuitive. But they are on disk anyway.12:48
wgrantWe would keep sources in indices too, except apt didn't support that until recently.12:48
wgrantDebian does it now.12:48
StevenKNCommander: Personally, it does sound counter-intuitive.12:48
NCommanderam I the only one who was ever bugged by SUPERSEDED not being in the indices?12:49
wgrantI have long found it odd that there is unindexed stuff on disk.12:49
StevenKKeeping them PUBLISHED sucks, but so does putting SUPERSEDED in the indicies.12:49
wgrantStevenK: Why does putting SUPERSEDED in the indices suck?12:50
wgrantDebian does this now. The tools support it.12:50
NCommanderWell, the other idea I had was PUBLISHED_BUT_SUPERSED status, but I suspect adding a new publishing state to Soyuz would be painful12:50
wgrantNCommander: Painful and entirely pointless.12:50
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!14:13
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #611: FIXED in 5 hr 32 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/611/14:13
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