
Ian_Cornejust thought about it, 11.10 will be all about third iteration00:09
Ian_Cornelinux 3.000:09
Ian_Cornegnome 3.000:10
Ian_Cornegtk 300:10
micahgIan_Corne: gnome 3.2 actually00:14
erosswith all these changes and when i code a couple of gui applications using c/c++, what's the recommended gui front-end to use? gtk, gnome? That being asked, I'm thinking in terms of the default installation00:27
erossis QT the way to go?00:31
litropyI recently installed gnome-shell. Mind you, I'm in Unity - I just wanted to have it as an option. When I press my power-on/off button, gnome-shell starts up, then immediately hibernates my computer. When I awake it, gnome-shell asks for my password, then logs me ... back into Unity. I can find no instance of gnome-shell running. All my sessions = ubuntu (which means Unity). Any ideas as to what's happening?03:11
litropy(I'm pressing power on/off with my computer on, using Unity.03:12
litropyOr maybe it's just suspending, as Power syspane says.03:14
litropySo I just changed that to Ask me ...03:14
litropyYep. Now I get the usual options. Hmph. But why on earth would it switch to gnome-panel upon suspend?03:15
litropyHeheh. It's a relief to know +1'ers like to enjoy their weekend. I'm about to head out myself. If I don't hear from you before shutdown, everyone have a good weekend.03:18
rinkukokiridoes build-essential come installed by default now? (as of 11.04)03:50
rwwrinkukokiri: 1) 11.04 stuff goes in #ubuntu, 2) looks like it.04:04
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wzssyqaTestittt: hi14:56
AdysThe package 'update-manager' is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist.14:58
AdysWhat's with that?14:58
charlie-tcaupdate-manager is one of those things that make life difficult if it is removed15:01
Adysjust using do-release-upgrade, but that seemed a bit weird15:02
penguin42hmm I should try an upgrade on something againnow that Alpha1 is out and see if it's any less disasterous15:05
Volkodavstrange that neither probes another install - natty does not see Oneiric on the other drive and same with Oneiric's grub. Have to change hdd sequence in BIOS16:32
Volkodavcan't loging in gnome day 216:32
Volkodavwhere do i change fonts ? And why gnome session is not loading ?17:07
Volkodavhmm - gnome is not installable  gnome: Depends: gnome-desktop-environment (= 1:2.30+7ubuntu3) but 1:2.30+7ubuntu3 is to be installed17:40
alex_mayorgahow crashy is the alpha?17:43
BUGabundoNot much17:48
alex_mayorgaBUGabundo: thanks! what's broken?17:48
BUGabundoNo GTK engine17:50
BUGabundoDue to transition to gnome 3.217:50
alex_mayorgaif I use plain gnome, would I see breakage?17:51
alex_mayorganouveau still doesn't like my card I believe17:51
penguin42better than last week - now it will let me log into gnome17:54
elrosi'm using lubuntu 11.10, and have three network managers in systray19:37
elrosis this common, and does someone have a solution?19:38
elroswith gnome shell and unity, there's no problem, only with lxde and xfce19:39
rwwSomeone mentioned the same problem the other day, so I guess it's common.19:39
rwwNo idea how to fix it, though.19:39
Volkodavhow do I change a theme in Unity ?19:44
charlie-tcaelros: I would expect that gnome-panel and xfce4-panel are both loading, and probably the lxde panel, too20:06
charlie-tcaWhich give some of the icons two and three times20:06
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KM0201dang, is alpha1 already out?21:21
* KM0201 did not know that.. :)21:22
KM0201and here i've been messing w/ fedora 1521:22
astraljavaKM0201: We won't judge you for it. :D21:24
elrosthe packages are always greener on the other distro21:25
* astraljava LOLs @ elros 21:29
KM0201where's the ISO download?21:43
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:43
genii-aroundKM0201: Probably on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/21:44
VolkodavHow do I change the fonts in Unity - can't find the option21:44
jbichato change the fonts, you'll probably need to use dconf-editor or gnome-tweak-tool21:46
penguin42Volkodav: Click on the 0/1 power button, go to system settings, click appearance and then the font tab21:46
jbichapenguin42: that's not how it works now in gnome-control-center 321:47
penguin42oh yes, 3 - ahem21:47
VolkodavThere is no appearance there23:17
Volkodavit's all changed around hmm23:18
Volkodavno close buttons on the windows23:19
Ian_Corneit finally feels like a proper alpha :D23:21
BUGabundothe network manager is making me blow !!!23:23
BUGabundostupid thing23:23
Ian_Cornewhat's it doing?23:23
BUGabundopidgin can't conntect23:23
Ian_Cornehaven't had a problem yet23:24
BUGabundoI even made a new profile23:24
Ian_Cornepidgin and empathy are broken for me atm23:24
BUGabundoIan_Corne: how?23:24
Ian_Cornei guessed it was libpurple23:24
Ian_Cornethey don't connect :)23:24
BUGabundoits NM23:24
BUGabundoI just talked on #pidgin23:24
BUGabundowe have the same version that natty has23:24
BUGabundoand their ppa23:24
Ian_Corneok :)23:27
yofelNM breaks about everything (the KDE NM applet too btw. ^^)23:28
penguin42yofel: The KDE one is pretty dodgy for me - if my machine boots up without the DHCP server working (i.e. if that's still coming up) then it never auto finds it in KDE, I have to prod nm manually at the cmd line23:28
yofelhm, usually works fine, but since nm 0.9 was uploaded it doesn't work at all here23:30
yofelit sees the neworks for wifi, but only says Err: Invalid state23:30
penguin42yofel: o the nm command line tools work?23:36
yofelno idea, I stop it and use wpa_supplicant by hand23:36
yofelthe KDE applet can't create system connections, so I never seem to find my connections with the command line tools23:37
penguin42I don't know if I've ever done the nmcli stuff for wireless23:38
BUGabundooops sorry for the caps23:39
BUGabundoI can't rezise mine23:39
BUGabundoit was fine before the format23:39
penguin42well, OO alpa1 fixes the iscsi root problem23:59

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