
=== luciano_ is now known as virusuy
LaibschHello, I'd like to ask how to proceed with bug 52160707:04
ubot4`Launchpad bug 521607 in openoffice.org (Ubuntu) "Openoffice Writer crashes after inactivity (affects: 8) (heat: 44)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52160707:04
LaibschIt affects quite a number of people (including me) and is a high importance bug07:05
Laibschyet, it gets closed repeatedly because apport does not produce a crasher file07:05
LaibschIs Ubuntu choosing to ignore that crasher bug just because of that?07:06
LaibschI'm happy to follow any procedure given to me to try and produce more information07:06
LaibschIn fact, I guess I'll start ooffice in gdb now to see if I can get a stacktrace that way07:06
penalvchLaibsch, we just talked about this. We need a crash report via apport.07:07
Laibschyes, and we came to no conclusion07:08
penalvchThat's not true. I politely advised you to provide a new bug via apport07:08
Laibschthe problem is still there. tell me what you want me to do and I will do it.  Closing tickets is not bug triage, my friend.  Edging things closer to fixing problems (!) is.07:08
Laibschpenalvch: and I told you a number of times that apport is not producing the files you are requesting.  So, what's the point of another ticket?  You'll close it just the same, with the same reasoning.07:09
Laibschpenalvch: now, you tell me what you intend to do with the problem!07:10
penalvchLaibsch, well let's work together to get apport working and take it from there.07:11
LaibschI've already followed all the steps you gave so far07:12
Laibschbefore coming here.  before reopening the ticket07:13
Laibschso, I'd say the ball has always been in your field.  And that was my point, your reaction to it being there was to close the ticket which I find unacceptable for proper triage07:13
penalvchLaibsch, well I did not just close the ticket unjustly. It was a crasher bug with no crash file. I followed the proper Triage guidelines -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses#Missing%20a%20crash%20report%20or%20having%20a%20.crash%20attachment07:16
penalvchLaibsch, but let's not digress any further and continue to work on your apport07:16
penalvchLaibsch: does your /etc/default/apport have enabled=1 ?07:17
Laibschnot today07:18
Laibschit did in the past07:18
Laibsch(like two weeks ago)07:18
Laibschand the problem was still there07:18
penalvchLaibsch: ah everytime your restart you have to re-enable apport07:18
LaibschI DID!!!07:18
Laibschlook at the file, look at the command you gave07:19
penalvchLaibsch: Ok. Whenever I restart I perform at the Terminal: sudo service apport start force_start=107:19
Laibschpenalvch: I already told you I ALREADY did that07:19
LaibschI told you here, in private chat and in the ticket07:19
Laibschand I have in the past had enabled=107:20
Laibschin the file you mentioned07:20
penalvchLaibsch: Ok. Do you have libreoffice-dbg installed?07:20
LaibschI had restarted the computer at that time.  I reproduced the crash.  Yet there was no crasher file07:20
Laibschprobably not07:21
Laibschlet me check07:21
LaibschI'm not using libreoffice but openoffice (lucid system  as I mentioned in the ticket)07:21
LaibschI can't see a dbg package for that07:21
Laibschhttp://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openoffice has no string dbg in it, so I guess there is no debug package.  Maybe that's the reason for the missing crash file, maybe the proper apport support for it was added in a package past lucid.07:25
Laibschand that's the reason that blindly following some rules is not bug triage.  bug triage is about getting closer to fixing problem, not closing the largest number of tickets07:25
Laibschaccording to comments in the ticket, maverick is also affected.  No confirmations for natty or oneiric yet07:27
penalvchLaibsch: Should be uno-libs3-dbg and ure-dbg07:27
penalvchFound that via -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/openoffice.org07:28
LaibschOK, thank you.  That's valuable information.  Good triage07:28
LaibschI will install those and do one of two things: if still files, expect me back here ;-), otherwise I will do as you suggested and open a new ticket07:29
penalvchLaibsch: Ok. If you have any further OOo bugs/problems, please let us know. We are here to help! ;)07:30
coskii've never used irc so I dont even know if its working...16:05
coskihi, thanks16:06
coskiI'm here because the webpage said this is where i should look for info about how to file a bug16:07
charlie-tca!bugreport | coski16:07
ubot4`Factoid 'bugreport' not found16:07
charlie-tca!bugs | coski16:08
ubot4`coski: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:08
coskiI've read that, but the thing is i dont know which package is buggy, what happens to me is:16:09
coskisuddenly, and randomly, when im using the PC or not, i get a console output (black screen white text) saying: BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at 000000020000001016:09
coskiand a lot of more info16:09
coskii googled that phrase and found a few bugs16:10
coskiin launchpad16:10
charlie-tcaokay, you can file that after it happens by opeing a terminal and typing      ubuntu-bug linux16:10
coskibut i think they dont relate to my problem16:10
coskiahh, ok!16:10
charlie-tcaWhen it a kernel issue, we prefer you file a separate bug report for each computer with a problem16:10
charlie-tcaEvery report helps find the real problem and get it fixed16:11
coskiOK =) so I'll wait for that to happen again, and then I'll run "ubuntu-bug linux" and just follow the instructions16:11
coskino, thank you =) bye!16:12
CarlFKif I want to report a bug in a man page, should I do the normal ubuntu-bug?17:51
arandFind out what package the manpage belongs to and use ubuntu-bug, yeh17:54
CarlFKBug #79284417:55
ubot4`Launchpad bug 792844 in lshw (Ubuntu) "man: "Remove sensible information" (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79284417:55
CarlFKtypo cracks me up.   I kinda want to leave it for amusement :)17:56
penguin42oh that's fun17:56
arand. o O (lshw -whimsical)17:57
ali1234CarlFK: best to send that one upstream20:13
ali1234CarlFK: i just checked out the source on natty, the bug is fixed20:15
ali1234however it still seems present in the french translation20:15
ali1234src/po/fr.po:msgstr "\t-sanitize       omet les informations sensibles (comme les numéros de série, etc.)\n"20:15
ali1234but, maybe that's french for sensivite, i don't know, i don't speak french20:16
penguin42oh intersting20:16
ali1234according to google translate it is20:16
penguin42that's quite fun20:17
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