[10:24] morning [10:29] hi there [10:31] hi there [10:49] hi there === VampiricPada is now known as VampiricPadraig [23:05] airurando: ping pong [23:09] hiya tdr112 [23:10] are you driving to 3d camp [23:10] yip but I'll be in limerick from Wednesday night [23:11] Dad has a minor procedure happening in hospital on Thursday [23:11] ah ok , well good luck with that [23:12] thanks [23:12] what time are you talking? [23:12] i dont know yet , are you driving home on the day ? [23:13] yip [23:14] happy to give you a lift up to red cow [23:14] do you drove back near port laoise [23:14] yeah I come via port laoise [23:16] ah cool i might take a lift from you so , i have to see if we are doing a workshop the next day , if we are not i will only be there for the day [23:16] no prob [23:16] would love the company