
CarlFKwhere are packaging scripts usually stored in relation to the source code repository?  like if I wanted to package http://code.google.com/p/jujuutils/ would I check out it out, add debian/*, create a repo on lp and push it all there?03:34
CarlFKor just push debian/* and have a reference to the rev of http://code.google.com/p/jujuutils03:36
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MattJHi all, I can't find anywhere docs on the process for getting a security update uploaded to the archive... pointers?03:42
MattJOh wait, I think I found it a few links further down the track :)03:44
sladenMattJ: file a bug, attach a patch, get it sponsored by the security-team03:57
MattJOk, thanks03:58
sladenCarlFK: check it out.  Add your the  debian/  directory.    debuild -S   and upload03:58
sladenCarlFK: (you could of course keep the combined result in git aswell and merge from new upstream versions03:59
CarlFKsladen: I know I could.. I am wondering if there is a convention.04:02
sladenCarlFK: many conventions :-)  The only thing in-common is the  debuild -S  and  dput ppa:...  step :)04:03
CarlFKi guess dput does store the source. and changelog has enough commit history/comments.  hmm.04:04
sladenCarlFK: well, one causes the output of a "source package" and the other uploads that to LP04:06
sladenCarlFK: those steps can be done manually with lots of low-level commands (eg. FTP), but it's a massive hassle04:07
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CarlFKsladen: yeah, I was more thinking of them like compile and post a binary.05:22
sladenCarlFK: the system does the building for you05:45
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Laneyanyone fancy doing a bunch of no-change rebuilds? ;)23:31
Laneygood for your karma...23:31
* ScottK bets Laney has a fence that needs whitewashing too.23:33
Laneythere /is/ a pile of washing up in the kitchen :-)23:34
* Laney writes a script instead23:34
X3lectricso go do it23:35
X3lectricits great for your karma23:35
X3lectricwhat or why?23:37
ScottKhttp://www.pbs.org/marktwain/learnmore/writings_tom.html <-- for those unfamiliar with the whitewashing a fence story (caution: archaic language)23:39
* X3lectric slaps ScottK around a bit with a large trout23:40
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