
akgranerbut you'll see more emails and blog posts about all that before it all happens...00:00
MrChrisDruifSo "we" will have a news team leadership team?00:08
MrChrisDruifakgraner; ^00:12
akgraneryes eventually12:16
akgranerwhen the team elects/chooses its leadership team12:17
* NRWlion waves into the round of the team and reports back14:10
NRWlionhi there14:26
NRWlionam I the only one working?15:05
nhandlerakgraner: It might be better to have the leadership team own news, fridge, and UWN on LP. I believe we had news as a parent team of fridge and uwn, so by setting it as the owner, the relationship is a bit funky. That also allows anyone from the UWN team to add fridge editors even if they haven't done anything with the fridge themself15:13
NRWlionhi nhandler15:13
MrChrisDruifNRWlion; Yes, you are ;)15:39
MrChrisDruifNo, I'm "fooling around" with bicycle15:40
NRWlionMrChrisDruif: thaught so ^^15:40
NRWlionhey there21:47
MrChrisDruifAloha NRWlion21:50
NRWlionwhat took you so long to respond *hides*21:50
MrChrisDruifNRWlion; damnlol.com if you must know O:-) Is there something duct-tape can't fix? http://www.damnlol.com/thatll-fix-it-270.html21:54
NRWlioni was just asking ;)21:58
NRWliondidnt expect an answer :P21:58
MrChrisDruifIt feels great to surprise people :P22:03

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