
zombi-FunnyLookinHat: Apache2 -V00:06
rudyvHi, I'm trying to cinfugre iptables on my box to provide NAT through eth1 to eth0 (which provides DSL via PPPoE). How do I set up the rules in iptables to do that?00:38
jMCgrudyv: take a look at the ufw wiki, I think it might have something you're looking for.00:48
rudyvI got the basic NAT up with iptables.00:48
rewtrudyv, also make sure to  echo 1 >/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward00:49
rudyvI did that00:49
rudyvand set the appropriate line in sysctl.conf00:49
rudyvI have the rules set00:49
rudyvAccept if input = eth1 & state = established or related; accept if input = ppp000:50
rudyvThat works.00:50
rewteth1 is your lan?00:50
rewtpastebin your iptables rules and i'll can have a look if you want00:52
rudyvrewt: I'm using Webmin to configure it00:53
rewtcan that give an equivalent of iptables-save ?00:54
rudyvI can get it via SSH00:55
rudyvpastebin isn't working from here00:57
rudyvlemme try pasteit on the server00:58
rewttry a different pastebin00:58
rudyvoh, pastebinit00:58
rewtyeah, that's quite a bit off :/01:00
rudyvthat probably explains why some sites take longer to load on this system01:02
rudyvrewt: What do I need to do to configure it properly?01:04
rewthere's a script that should work after you put in your details in lines 3-5:  http://pastebin.com/Nj43cGT101:05
rudyvWell, I want to be able to set forwarded ports much like one can on a standalone router01:07
rewtfor that, just add pairs of lines like this:  http://pastebin.com/Lx5YzW4j01:09
rewterr, that DROP on the end should be ALLOW01:09
rewtfirst line redirects it to the lan pc, second one allows it through01:10
rudyvI'm inputting the rules in the script into Webmin.01:13
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rudyvI have forwarding up.01:20
rudyvHm, some Web sites though, like my personal Web site, won't come up01:25
rudyv(nor will any on the same server)01:26
jMCgrudyv: is your personal website in you LAN?01:26
rudyvit's on a VPS01:27
rudyvand I distinctly recall paying for it01:27
rudyv"It's just you. rudyvalencia.com is up."01:27
rudyvFinally it's come up, albeit extremely slow.01:28
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=== RudyValencai is now known as RudyValencia
RudyValenciaWhy would browsing to some sites be slower than to others if I have my Linux box providing NAT access to my DSL for my LAN?02:08
RudyValenciaWhy am I having problems with some sites with NAT provided by my Linux system?02:19
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jmarsdenRudyValencia: Make sure you log everything your packet filtering setup drops, and then read your logs.  Sounds like you are blocking some traffic that you want to allow through?02:23
RudyValenciaI'm trying to set up IPtables rules to provide NAT on my server02:26
jeeves__how do I go about setting up SA-LEARN on my Dovecot box with virtual e-mail boxes that are mapped in MySQL?02:43
DerptronHi, I'm wanting to use oprofile and need an uncompressed vmlinux. Does anyone have any experience doing this? I can't find any documentation on how to acquire/setup one.03:27
Derptron(I'd use --no-vmlinux but the given process is spending 20% of its time in "--no-vmlinux", so I need to better isolate what it's doing.03:28
luitehmm, last time I needed one (for booting with an old xen version), I rebuilt the whole kernel03:30
DerptronI need to somehow do this with minimal to no downtime or performance decrease, as the server has >50 users connected at any given moment.03:32
luiteI used another (faster) system to build the kernel and just copied the vmlinux file over :)03:33
DerptronI was hoping ubuntu 10.04 LTS might have a package that already contains debug symbols etc03:33
Derptronhmm, wonder if I could do that03:33
luiteI'd be interested in that as well, would save me some time the next time03:33
Derptronluite: We may be able to use these in the future, although they should probably be documented or included in apt. http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/l/linux/03:43
luitehmm, interesting, thanx03:45
luitehuge files :)03:45
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RefaelAlatshola, am attempting to do a RFC Bridging for a Actiontec Modem to a WRT54G2 Router, & am in hopes various persons might be able to assist for references to certain things06:20
RefaelAlatsthe modem gateway is & the Router Gateway is, though the Modem displays Address for reasons unknown06:21
RefaelAlats& the hopes are to Bridge the couple devices to enable Port Forwarding from the WRT54G206:21
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=== Refael is now known as FernandoTertiary
FernandoTertiarycan anybody assist with bridging a modem & a router?07:12
FernandoTertiaryonline sites do not help, & the manuals do not cover the topic07:13
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JonathanCHello. I'm trying to install a Ubuntu 10.04.2 server for a dev server on a very old laptop (it uses a Xircom Realport card, no built-in port) but though that card loads and works in the installer, it doesn't work in the installed system.10:13
JonathanCHow should I troubleshoot this?10:13
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KeatonguyI need info on how to build a proxy server. I already have an ubuntu server machine running on another network, but I don't know what software to use.11:15
Ethosanyone experienced with setting up PPTPD? Or could recommend something easier to setup?11:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #792761 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79276112:26
RoyKKeatonguy: apt-get install squid12:46
teaforthecathello, would someone like to help debug an install?12:47
pmatulis!ask | teaforthecat12:49
ubottuteaforthecat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:49
teaforthecatok thanks; I swapped out a hard drive from a broken machine; ubuntu 8.04server boots fine; the only issue is no ethernet is picked up. Would there be a way to force ubuntu to see the nic? I put e1000(intel pro nic) in /etc/modules, but no luck.12:54
RoyKteaforthecat: probably interface naming - type 'ifconfig -a'12:56
teaforthecatifconfig -a gives lo only12:56
RoyKnot udev, then12:56
teaforthecatifup eth0 gives: no device found12:56
RoyKwhat does lshw has to say?12:57
teaforthecatlspci says Ethernet Connection Intel Pro (100/1000)12:58
pmatulisteaforthecat: try 'lspci -vvnn' for more info12:58
RoyKteaforthecat: if it's a new card, it can have a new PCI ID, which the old driver in 8.04 won't recognize12:59
RoyKiirc the only way to fix that, is to fix the driver12:59
teaforthecatdo you mean recompile the e1000 module?12:59
RoyKI don't think you can tie a driver to a PCI ID not known by the driver12:59
RoyKin the source, there are PCI IDs listed13:00
RoyKand as new versions of NICs are released, they are given new PCI IDs13:00
exekiashas anyone experienced problems updating from security ppa for lucid?13:01
teaforthecatso on the install of ubuntu on the broken machine was the e1000 module compiled?13:02
RoyKwas it the same card?13:02
RoyKprobably something supported, then13:03
RoyKthe first thing I thought about, was udev, ubuntu ties eth0 to the mac address, so when changing a NIC, the old name is left and the new is named eth113:04
RoyKbut if ifconfig -a only shows lo, that's not your issue13:04
teaforthecatthat is good to know13:04
RoyKifconfig will only list interfaces that are up - ifconfig -a should list all13:05
teaforthecatcould there be a module that is loading before e1000 that is interfering?13:05
RoyKnot really13:05
RoyK13:58 < pmatulis> teaforthecat: try 'lspci -vvnn' for more info13:06
RoyKdid you try this?13:06
teaforthecatI'm sorry I'm not at the machine, maybe I will come back later when I am(it is at work)13:07
teaforthecatbut, would the module e1000 fail silently?13:08
RoyKyou may want to try to boot it up on a lucid cd13:08
RoyKjust to see if that can see the nic13:08
RoyKteaforthecat: the e1000 module is loaded when the kernel finds a PCI ID match. if it's a new card, the PCI ID won't be in kernel, and the module isn't loaded13:09
teaforthecatI tried a maverick cd, but I should also try a lucid?13:09
RoyKdid maverick see the card?13:09
teaforthecatyes it worked13:09
RoyKok, then that's the problem13:10
RoyKeither upgrade to lucid (if you want to stay on LTS) or get another NIC13:10
teaforthecatthat is the answer; that is awesome; so an upgrade from a lucid cd should solve it?13:10
RoyKhm... dunno13:11
RoyKI've never upgraded with a CD13:11
RoyKcan't you just get another NIC for the upgrade?13:11
RoyKanyway - to reset the udev stuff, just rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules13:12
teaforthecatoh just install a pci ethernet card?13:12
RoyKyou want to do that anyway13:12
pmatulisteaforthecat: you should really identify your card (PCI id like RoyK referred to).  the lspci command you were given twice will give it to you13:12
teaforthecatawesome I will try to reset the rules too13:12
RoyKpmatulis: and as he said, he's not at the office where the machine sits...13:13
teaforthecatbut the idea is that I should tie the output of lspci -vnn to a particular module right?13:14
teaforthecatI did verify that e1000 is the module that I'm looking for because it covers all intel nics13:16
teaforthecatRoyk: thanks for the help13:17
JanCe1000 is for Intel PCI NICs, Intel PCIE NICs use e1000e...13:33
RoyKJanC: are you sure?14:06
JanCRoyK: that's what I see being loaded for PCIE Intel NICs at least...14:15
JanCI think both drivers share some code though14:16
JanChttp://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=blob;f=Documentation/networking/e1000e.txt;h=97b5ba942ebf847781fbd2e0f2526d7b92646135;hb=HEAD --> most PCIE are e1000e, except for some specific models14:22
heirentonI have problem with my new ubuntu vps. I installed ubuntu-server and everthing looks working fine but there is no internet connection... I cant ssh to it or from vnc i cant ping any web adress or ip. I reboot it and restarted network services. eth0 look working correctly. bump... does anyone show me a way to pinpoint the problem?14:34
smwshouldn't the vps come setup with networking and ssh?14:36
heirentonI am new to vps stuff. I use ubuntu all the time for my local server etc. They told me that after installing ubuntu to vps through vnc ssh and networking should work. but it is not working. i wrote a support ticket but in the meantime i am checking if i am making a mistake on my side.14:38
RoyKheirenton: where did you get this vps?14:39
RoyKheirenton: also, is ssh installed? or a webserver?14:39
heirentonRoyK: Host House... Ssh is installed and it is working. I can ssh to localhost on vnc. Do i need web server for ssh or internet access. Because without internet access i cant update of install anything to ubuntu14:40
RoyKno need for webserver for that14:41
RoyKif you can't ssh in, a firewall may be blocking14:41
RoyKask the provider14:41
heirentonRoyK: I asked already. But as i said i am checking if missing something. I am new to vps stuff. :) Thanks by the way.14:42
rewtdid you configure the networking?14:42
luiteis the network configured properly?14:42
RoyKhave you configured the network correctly?14:42
rewtthey should've given you the network settings to configure14:42
shaunoI tend to expect a sane working config on a new vps.  but finding an issue right off the bat isn't always a bad thing.  it's a great chance to find out if they're worth the price before you're too vested in them14:44
heirentonrewt: Uhmm. They didn't give me any network configuration. But in their confirmation mail they said that after installing ubuntu to the server, i could ssh to it. But i can't... When i checked the dns through nslookup i see google dns is configured. I assume they have that configuration inside ubuntu install.14:44
heirentonshauno: I aggree.14:44
RoyKheirenton: you obviously need to configure the network somehow...14:45
rewtheirenton, did you install ubuntu from scratch, or was it pre-installed?14:45
rewtif it wasn't pre-installed, you have to tell it at least the ip & gateway to use14:46
RoyKunless the provider uses static dhcp...14:46
rewtwell, yeah14:46
RoyKheirenton: is there an ip returned ifconfig? if so, does this look sane?14:46
RoyKs/returned/returned by/14:47
heirentonRoyK: yes.14:47
RoyKcna you ping something from the server?14:47
heirentonit gives me the ip of the server14:47
heirentonRoyK: nope. Neither adress nor ip. I cant ping anything14:47
JanCheirenton: how do you get that IP address?14:48
RoyKdoes netstat -rn show a default gateway?14:48
heirentonJanC: They emailed it to me for ssh to the server.14:48
JanCheirenton: I mean, how does the server got it, DHCP or you set it manually?14:49
heirentonJanC: I think it is dhcp because i didn't set it up.14:49
RoyKheirenton: check netstat -rn14:50
heirentonRoyK: netstat gives two results for eth0. First is to gateway genmask
heirentonsecond is dest to gateway14:51
RoyKcan you ping
heirentonRoyK: Nope. Host unreachable.14:51
RoyKcall the provider, then14:51
RoyKask for correct network config14:52
rewtlol @ ptr for that ip14:52
heirentonRoyK: Ok. :) I thought it wasn't about me but it is better to be sure. Thanks everyone.14:53
JanCrewt: heh, the same (default) PTR for all their clients?14:57
FernandoTertiaryhola, am bridging a modem to router, & using transparent bridging. the modem address is & the router address is What should the router address be manually set to initially for Bridge priori Transparent bridge is established?16:23
qman__FernandoTertiary, when your modem is switched into bridge mode, the device directly connected to it will have your internet IP16:25
qman__if you have a dynamic address from your ISP, use a DHCP configuration, otherwise it's the static IP your ISP gave you16:25
FernandoTertiaryqman__: in other words, the router adopts the modem address?16:26
FernandoTertiaryqman__: does Ubuntu have a bridging tutorial?16:27
qman__well, unless ubuntu is your modem, you don't want to bridge on ubuntu16:27
FernandoTertiarythe modem & router manuals do not cover that infomation16:27
qman__you want to bridge on the modem16:28
qman__and then route with the next device, which I am guessing is ubuntu16:28
FernandoTertiaryqman__: the page http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,14709801 was referenced, though does not display step a step instructions16:29
ujjainDoes Ubuntu Cloud allow to make such an environment as Amazon AC2?16:38
ujjainIs the Cloud an effective way to host high-volume sites?16:50
pmatulisujjain: it's meant to answer the need of increasing and decreasing resources quickly16:54
pmatulisujjain: like a tap of water16:55
ujjainYes, seems pretty scalable.16:57
ujjainalthough it does not provide a raid-like storage, does it?16:57
ujjainif I have 3 servers with 1x1TB raid1.16:57
ujjainfor storage, it will not become faster than 90MB per second, will it?16:57
=== FernandoTertius is now known as FernandoTertiary
qman__clouds are intended for much larger scales than three servers17:00
qman__you won't see any benefit17:00
qman__only reason to run one on that small of a scale is as a testing environment, before you load your application on a real cloud17:01
RoyKujjain: the cloud is, imho, a good way to host servers if you don't have infrastructure yourself. If you do, however, it'll probably be cheaper in the long run17:09
RoyKujjain: servers are cheap these days, and with Amazon's pricing, you can probably setup a rather nice and redundant system for less money, at least if the system is cpu/network intensive17:10
qman__could is a good technology, but it's also very niche17:11
ujjainRoyK: I run VMWare ESXi17:12
qman__I know it has the current solve everything buzzword effect, but you have to have a specific need to make use of it17:12
RoyKujjain: then why bother with the "could"?17:14
RoyKor "cloud"17:14
qman__lol, whoops17:14
RoyK"servers in the fog"17:15
FernandoTertiusqman__: maneuvered a modem to router bridge, though now the modem page is no more visible17:21
FernandoTertiusit is configured for Transparent Bridging17:21
qman__FernandoTertius, precisely17:21
qman__now the next device in line is directly connected to the internet17:21
FernandoTertiusah, & there is no way to enter that modem config utility any more?17:22
qman__there is, but it typically only works if the modem is offline17:22
FernandoTertiusqman__: gracias amigo17:22
qman__the modem doesn't have any influence anymore, it just connects the two lines and that's it17:22
FernandoTertiusqman__: does Filter Internet NAT Redirection enable NAT? or disable NAT?17:24
FernandoTertiusit does not specifically suggest "Enable" or "Disable"17:24
qman__couldn't tell you, you'd have to look up your device in specific17:25
qman__to see what that actually does on it17:25
FernandoTertiusqman__: forgive the questions, though does Filter Internet NAT Redirection  This feature uses17:28
FernandoTertiusport forwarding to block access to local servers from17:28
FernandoTertiuslocal networked computers. Select Filter Internet NAT17:28
FernandoTertiusRedirection to filter Internet NAT redirection. This feature17:28
FernandoTertiusis not selected by default" mean turn it on or no?17:28
RoyKFernandoTertius: the way your router works, isn't really related to ubuntu17:29
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teaforthecat:RoyK the module rebuild worked, the new machine is online with the hard drive from the old machine, thanks for the suggestion18:15
qman__I ran into the same thing on my file server, bought a new NIC to replace the burned out one and it wouldn't work. I ended up upgrading to lucid18:19
* RoyK listens to Rammstein - LOAD18:19
iceflatlineRammstein!? Perfect.18:25
RoyKRammstein ist gut...18:26
FernandoTertiusqman__: when a router is bridged to a modem & the router is the gateway, is each machine within the network then a Router?18:32
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sw0rdfishgrrrr! why can't I send my sysadmin a letter!18:42
sw0rdfishmaybe i should use "mail" instead of alpine18:43
FernandoTertiaryhola, am curious if a bridged router should be set to Router or Gateway18:51
qman__FernandoTertiary, the router is not bridged, the modem is19:03
qman__and, all computers are always routers, that's just basic internet protocol19:04
FernandoTertiaryok, does that mean the router is the gateway?19:04
FernandoTertiaryor can the router still be set to router mode?19:05
luiteFernandoTertiary: if it's a bridge, then you don't need any IP configuration for it, use the gateway that you'd use at the other side19:07
luitelinux computers can perfectly be configured as bridge by the way19:08
FernandoTertiaryluite: am attempting to prove open tcp/udp ports with port forwarding, though when attempting to access the specific page with port, it gives error 40419:10
FernandoTertiarythough the dyndns page displays open19:10
qman__most residential ISPs block common ports19:11
luiteFernandoTertiary: hmm, a 404 error means that at least the connection is coming through. Is it really a 404 error, served by your web server?19:11
qman__such as 25, 80, and 44319:11
FernandoTertiaryluite: not certain what you mean, though the address http://refael.dyndns-work.com displays "It Works!", though with ":9000" it gives "knomes" page, not certain the reason19:12
qman__most routers which have that mode option, 'gateway' mode is for being a gateway to the internet, 'router' mode is when you have it connected to other routers for a more complex network structure19:13
FernandoTertiaryam attempting to prove http://refael.dyndns-work.com:9000 with a "It Works!" page19:13
luiteFernandoTertiary: doen't work from here at the moment, have you turned off the server?19:13
FernandoTertiaryluite: forgive, ufw was inactive19:15
FernandoTertiaryattempt to connect a second time if you would por favor19:15
luitedoesn't work... is the url correct?19:17
FernandoTertiaryluite: are you suggesting neither work?19:17
luiteyeah... can't connect to either of them19:18
FernandoTertiarytcp/udp are open19:18
FernandoTertiarypermit time to prove nmap displays open19:18
luitethis is your ip address? refael.dyndns-work.com has address
FernandoTertiaryno, that is not the address19:19
luiteoh fix that first :p19:20
FernandoTertiary& nmap shows open|filtered19:20
FernandoTertiaryactually, not certain why, though the WAN is altering frequently19:22
FernandoTertiarythough nmap still displays filtered tcp & open|filtered udp19:23
luitecan't you give the ip address instead? if you can connect to the ip address then you know at least that your network setup is ok19:25
FernandoTertiaryluite: should VPN Pass through be enabled?19:25
luiteprobably not19:25
luitethat can't be correct :)19:26
virusuyhi all, grettings from Uruguay in South America19:26
luitesince that's a private ip address19:27
FernandoTertiaryhttp:// is the WAN19:27
luiteFernandoTertiary: oh ok, so the dyndns was correct19:30
FernandoTertiaryit pertains the nmap WAN not proving open tcp/udp ports19:31
luiteFernandoTertiary: but what's your network configuration?  you have a modem and a bridge?19:31
FernandoTertiarythe actiontec modem is has Transparent Bridge to Linksys WRT54G219:31
luiteoh I think I see now. so your Linksys has the public IP address on its WAN port right?19:32
FernandoTertiaryluite: that is what the Status page displays, yes19:34
FernandoTertiaryluite: though local network displays address
luitehmm, that's a bit strange. all your computers are connected to the LAN ports on the Linksys?19:35
FernandoTertiaryit is just a single machine connected19:36
DuvrazhCan someone help me troubleshoot a read-only problem with my Samba when the read only option is set to false?19:36
FernandoTertiarythough the gateway is displaying
FernandoTertiaryluite: is that typical for loopback configuration?19:37
luiteFernandoTertiary: I'd expect a gateway for route, can you post a screenshot of the network configuration page?19:38
luiteor maybe some page with a configuration overview, or current status. the one with the most info :)19:39
FernandoTertiaryluite: there is a local status, & a router status19:45
qman__Duvrazh, samba uses 'yes' and 'no', not 'true' and 'false'19:45
Duvrazhcorrection: it's set to no19:45
qman__also, check the filesystem permissions on said files and directories, as the user that they authenticate with must have write permission there too19:45
Duvrazhwould I need to chmod the directory to 777? it's on my private network so security is not a concern19:46
qman__no, you would need to make the user or group that they authenticate with have permission19:46
qman__777 is rarely if ever the right solution19:46
Duvrazhqman: a moment to post the setup, I would like your recommendation on how to go about this19:47
DuvrazhServer running samba on my entire raid, the samba is JUST to allow my Windows machine to place files there. These files will be access through Twonky and streamed out to an Apple Tv, a PS3, and a WD TV Live19:47
Duvrazhand I have little to no exp in this area...19:48
qman__are you authenticating successfully? as in, you can read existing files?19:48
FernandoTertiaryluite: the imagebin page reflects Router Status19:48
qman__just not create new ones?19:48
DuvrazhI can read/write to my home folder, but the raid array is readonly for some reason19:48
luiteFernandoTertiary: wich page?19:49
qman__the best solution here19:49
qman__is to chown or chgrp the share you want to write to, to your user19:49
qman__if you're the only user19:49
FernandoTertiaryluite: http://imagebin.org/156761 is Router Status screenshot19:49
Duvrazhmy share is /media/raid19:49
luiteFernandoTertiary: oh sorry missed it :)19:49
DuvrazhI'm the only user yes19:49
qman__otherwise, create a group, chgrp to that group, and add all users to that group19:49
qman__then, chmod u+w (or g+w) the share19:50
Duvrazhchown, what will that do?19:50
qman__777 doesn't just mean all human users, it means everyone, including system daemons, which is high risk even for accidental things19:50
luiteFernandoTertiary: wan config looks ok, and I can ping the address19:50
qman__chown changes the owner, chgrp changes the group-owner19:50
FernandoTertiaryluite: what address specifically?19:51
qman__you also probably want the -R option, to recursively apply the changes19:51
qman__since you have files already19:51
qman__ls -l shows the current permissions and owners19:52
luiteFernandoTertiary: can you shwo the "Local Network" status page?19:52
FernandoTertiaryluite: am unable to connect to from local connection19:52
luiteFernandoTertiary: that's ok19:52
luiteFernandoTertiary: at least, it's expected :)19:53
FernandoTertiaryluite: http://imagebin.org/156762 is the LocalNetStatus page19:54
Duvrazhi'll take a couple minutes to try your suggestions, thank you19:54
qman__Duvrazh, if you need a more detailed explanation of how permissions and ownership work, try the man pages for chown and chmod19:54
Duvrazhls -l of my array's folder drwx------ 2 root root 16384 2011-06-04 16:15 lost+found19:55
Duvrazhlost+found being the only folder in there (just installed the server a few hours ago)19:55
qman__you actually want ls -l /media19:56
qman__that will tell you the permissions of the parent19:56
Duvrazh drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2011-06-04 16:19 cdrom drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 2011-06-04 16:15 raid19:56
luiteFernandoTertiary: ok looks ok as well. looks like the only things you need to add are port forwards for port 80 to port 80, and port 9000 to port 900019:56
qman__root's the only one allowed to write there19:57
Duvrazhso the array is owned by root19:57
Duvrazhso chown to my user account?19:57
qman__so chown or chgrp to you19:57
qman__then ensure you have write19:57
Duvrazh drwxr-xr-x 3 duvrazh root 4096 2011-06-04 16:15 raid19:57
FernandoTertiaryluite: why port 80?19:58
qman__yep, should be able to create files now19:58
Duvrazhis it necessary to restart samba19:58
qman__not in this case19:58
Duvrazhhey it worked great19:58
luiteFernandoTertiary: oh unless you don't want http://refael.dyndns-work.com/ to work19:58
qman__filesystem level permissions take effect immedately19:58
DuvrazhThanks qman, two thumbs up19:59
FernandoTertiaryluite: ok, that is accomplished20:00
FernandoTertiaryluite: the Linksys already has a Dyndns configuration intrinsic to the configuration20:02
luiteFernandoTertiary: still doesn't work here :(20:03
FernandoTertiarycould it be a result from the firewall?20:03
luiteFernandoTertiary: yes20:03
Duvrazhwhat's the mdadm command that will show you what the progress of building array in percent?20:03
luiteFernandoTertiary: try to disable firewalls on first20:03
FernandoTertiaryufw is configured to prove the ports open, though it displays "filtered" au lieu20:04
luitetry ufw disable just to test20:04
FernandoTertiaryluite: ok, accomplished20:04
luitestill nothing20:05
luiteyou can reach on your local network right?20:06
FernandoTertiarynmap for LAN displays 9000/tcp open, though 9000/udp open|filtered20:07
luiteyou only need tcp for http20:08
FernandoTertiarypriori it displayed 9000 tcp/udp just open20:08
qman__Duvrazh, actually not an mdadm command, cat /proc/mdstat20:08
FernandoTertiary& a loopback20:08
qman__you can also watch /proc/mdstat if you want auto refresh20:08
Duvrazhnaw just needed a one time20:08
Duvrazhfound a good one though, mdadm --detail /dev/md0   (needed to see the rebuild %)20:09
DuvrazhThank you qman20:09
FernandoTertiarythe WAN displays 9000/tcp filtered20:09
FernandoTertiaryluite: is port triggering necessary?20:10
luiteFernandoTertiary: no20:10
luitejust forwarding20:10
FernandoTertiaryok, disabled port triggering20:11
FernandoTertiarythough the direct to port does not display still20:11
luitecan you show the page where you made the port forwarding settings?20:12
FernandoTertiaryluite: http://imagebin.org/15676520:13
luiteFernandoTertiary: you just need TCP, but other than that, it looks ok20:15
FernandoTertiaryactually, need udp as well, because it is for a loopback configuration to connect to a server20:15
luitehmm? HTTP doesn't use UDP at all20:16
FernandoTertiarydoes HTTPS?20:17
luiteno, still TCP, but a different port (443 is the default port)20:17
FernandoTertiarywhat uses UDP?20:17
luitelots of other things, DNS, some streaming media stuff, online games20:18
FernandoTertiaryluite: it is for a OpenSim Server20:25
roboshello: does anyone know how to disable the update manager?20:25
robosi see connections it's trying to make but the firewall is dropping it20:25
robosso i'd like to disable it20:25
FernandoTertiaryluite: & the WAN tcp port displays "Filtered" status20:25
luiteFernandoTertiary: but if you go to in your browser, does it work?20:27
FernandoTertiaryluite: yes, it works20:28
luiteFernandoTertiary: if you've disabled ufw, and you still have those port forwards, I'd check the other pages for security options in the linksys config20:30
FernandoTertiaryluite: the single feature in Security is "Block WAN Requests" and all are enabled20:32
luitedunno what it means, but try disabling it :p20:33
FernandoTertiaryluite: feature is already disabled20:34
FernandoTertiaryluite: look at the ifconfig http://pastebin.com/BntdkJHt20:39
luiteFernandoTertiary: that looks ok20:40
FernandoTertiaryluite: anything else that would perhaps be an assistance to observe?20:40
luiteFernandoTertiary: you could add route -n, but that's probably ok if you can access the internet from that machine20:40
FernandoTertiaryluite: ifconfig -n?20:41
FernandoTertiary-n: Unknown host20:42
FernandoTertiaryluite: that -n: Unknown host is potentially a problem and should be corrected20:42
luiteFernandoTertiary: route -n20:44
FernandoTertiaryluite: yes, did ifconfig route -n & it returned -n: Unknown host20:45
luiteFernandoTertiary: just route -n, no ifconfig, it's a different program20:45
FernandoTertiaryah, ok20:46
FernandoTertiaryluite: http://pastebin.com/fG9rCHCm displays the results20:49
luiteyeah that's ok... otherwise you wouldn't be able to access the internet from that machine anyway...20:51
luiteFernandoTertiary: can you access now by the way?20:51
FernandoTertiaryluite: no20:53
FernandoTertiaryluite: would you suggest the problems with the config pertain the DHCP settings being disabled?20:53
FernandoTertiarywith congruence to the modem bridge & the router?20:54
luiteFernandoTertiary: nah, a static IP for your server should be ok20:55
FernandoTertiaryluite: what about host & domain name for Router Status?20:58
luiteFernandoTertiary: nah it's probably some problem with the forwarding in the linksys, or a firewall issue with the server. if your linksys allows requests to your wan address to be forwarded back to your lan, then you should be able to view from your own network21:00
FernandoTertiaryluite: because the dsl is default DHCP & the Static is coded, does the Host & Domain need to be configured?21:00
luitenah you should make it work for the IP address first, that should work without a hostname21:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #792837 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79283721:06
FernandoTertiaryluite: are you able to see
luite FernandoTertiary: no, that's an address that only exists in your local network21:07
FernandoTertiaryluite: what about
luitenope, stil doesn't work21:08
FernandoTertiaryluite: what about http://refael.dyndns-work.com/ ?21:09
luiteno that still resolves to the same address, so that doesn't work either21:10
FernandoTertiaryit works locally21:10
luitewhat does # host rafael.dyndns-work.com   say?21:10
luiteif you run that in your terminal21:11
FernandoTertiaryrefael.dyndns-work.com has address ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached21:12
luiteFernandoTertiary: hmm, strange... so you say http://refael.dyndns-work.com/ works, but doesn't, from your own network?21:15
luiteFernandoTertiary: what doesn't work by the way, do you get an error page from apache?21:16
luiteor a message from the browser saying that it could not connect21:16
FernandoTertiaryluite: perhaps it pertains Dyndns settings within the router, because the refael.dyndns-work.com works, though the direct Address does not21:20
luiteFernandoTertiary: what's the type of error you get?21:22
FernandoTertiaryluite: the connection continues to attempt for a time, then displays "Page not found"21:24
virusuybut can you access using LAN ip server?¡21:24
luiteFernandoTertiary: is that literally waht it says? can you post a screenshot?21:25
luiteFernandoTertiary: amd check that the WAN IP hasn't changed in the meantime21:28
virusuywich port are you using FernandoTertiary ?21:28
luite80 and 900021:28
virusuy9000 for wich service?21:28
ReshAyin_luite: forgive, though enabled DHCP to test, then disabled it, so the address proves different posteri alteration21:29
virusuyFernandoTertius: wich specific problem do you have?21:29
luiteReshAyin_: that's only your local address probably21:29
luiteReshAyin_: a static ip address for your server should really work fin21:29
=== ReshAyin_ is now known as FernandoTertiary
FernandoTertiaryam still in chat21:31
FernandoTertiarynot certain why it gave "quit" message21:31
FernandoTertiaryluite: should static routing be configured then?21:37
luiteFernandoTertiary: you don't need extra static routes21:40
FernandoTertiaryDynamic Routing enables the Router to automatically adjust to physical changes in the network layout and exchange routing tables with other routers.21:40
FernandoTertiaryDynamic Routing should be enabled & configured for connectivity?21:40
FernandoTertiarywhat about configuring Static Routing?21:40
luitethe routes you already have should be enough21:40
luiteFernandoTertiary: what you can to is go to Applications & Gaming, then choose DMZ, and set the DMZ address to
FernandoTertiaryluite: look to that pastebin21:44
luiteyou don't need extra routes21:44
luiteif you can access the internet from your server, then the routes are ok21:45
FernandoTertiaryluite: The Port Forwarding feature is more secure because it only opens the ports you want to have opened, while DMZ hosting opens all the ports of one computer, exposing the computer so the Internet can see it.21:45
luiteFernandoTertiary: I know21:47
FernandoTertiaryluite: then do not wish to open DMZ21:52
luitebut I thought it might be best to make it work first, and then secure :p21:52
virusuyFernandoTertiary: just open 80 and 9000 doing a port forwarding to your local Server21:54
virusuylwizardl: hi21:54
lwizardlanyone here know much about cpanel ? I am using it on my ubuntu server and need some serious help21:54
FernandoTertiaryluite: the local address & the router address won't permit the connection22:01
FernandoTertiarythe router address can't align with the local22:02
FernandoTertiaryis that not correct?22:02
luiteno idea what you mean by that22:02
FernandoTertiarythe attempt is to connect to the WAN, though that pertains the router address, & the port forwards pertain the local address22:03
FernandoTertiarythus advanced routing needs to be configured to align the router & the local addresses22:03
luiteuh no, that shouldn't be necessary22:03
virusuyFernandoTertiary: if you port forward to your local apache server, when you point to your WAN IP will forward the request to your local server22:04
luiteFernandoTertiary:  advanced routing is for adding static routes that the router must know about, for example if you had another 192.168.2.x network22:04
FernandoTertiarythough such is a static route that the router should comprehend, since it is not configured within the router22:05
luiteFernandoTertiary: but in your situation, with only the 192.168.1.x network that the router already knows about, you don't need to add extra routes22:05
FernandoTertiaryluite: then why is start & end addresses
FernandoTertiaryon the local status map22:06
luiteFernandoTertiary: that's because DHCP is disabled22:08
luiteif you had enabled DHCP there, those would be the lowest and highest IP address that the DHCP server could assign22:08
qwebirc106043Can someone please help me with ubuntu - Postfix? My SMTP server is not working. It's like its no longer connecting to my ISP's relay host22:43
lwizardlI need some serious help with a server issue lately. I own a server that is running Cpanel 11.28.87 and having the WHM enabled on my account. I was nice enough to host a site for someone and made them a separate login to cpanel and now I need to get into that account to backup content to turn over to the owner. Does anyone here know how as the WHM admin can I gain access to the filesystem account to backup both the DB and file s22:45
lwizardlystem? I am the reseller, and the other account is under me22:45
cocoa117anyone know how to make xen-pci frontend driver for Ubuntu lucid ?22:50
JanClwizardl: that sounds more like a question to ask to the cpanel support people, you're paying them after all...22:52
lwizardlJanC, i have tried to contact my host and no luck for 2 weeks22:53
lwizardlso now its my time to find out for myself22:54
lwizardli know i can suspend the account but not wanting to do that really22:54
lwizardland yes i am looking for a new host asap22:55
JanCis this a dedicated server or VPS?22:56
lwizardlshared i think22:56
JanCdo you have ssh access?22:56
lwizardlfrom in my cpanel yes22:57
JanCno normal ssh access?22:57
lwizardlno i think the host blocks direct access to that and mysql22:58
JanCwell, I have no idea how cpanel works...22:58
JanCcan't your client make a backup him/herself?23:00
lwizardli think the person has been ignoring all calls and emails. so I am going to backup content to a cdr and then notify them once more and if no response i will kill that account23:01
qwebirc106043I need help with my postfix server. SMTP no longer works.23:05
lwizardlnope just tested ssh direct access is blocked23:08
JanClwizardl: so how do you upload content ?23:14
JanCqwebirc106043: did you check the logs?23:14
qwebirc106043JanC: Sorry i was AFK. Can you give me the locations of the logs? I'm not good at finding log files for SMTP/Postfix23:19
JanClwizardl: sftp goes over ssh?23:20
JanCalthough maybe they limit ssh to sftp23:20
lwizardlyes it does but when i use putty to try and login the server never responds23:20
JanCqwebirc106043: /var/log/mail*23:20
JanClwizardl: doesn't respond, or you can't get a shell?23:21
lwizardlsays connecting to x.x.x.x and stays there for an hour last time i tried23:21
lwizardlx's i used to hide the ip for the server from irc view23:22
JanClwizardl: anyway, can't you get to his data using sftp or so?23:22
lwizardli think i should be but i can not find that directory when i log into my account23:23
qwebirc106043i'm getting a huge list in mail.err, no SASL Authentication...23:23
qwebirc106043My ISP is blocking port 25. How can i change the port that postfix uses?23:43
JanCsubmission      587/tcp                         # Submission [RFC4409]23:46
JanCto submit mail, you should probably use port 587 (with secure authentication, of course)23:47
qwebirc106043JanC, How can i make postfix use that port though23:47
qwebirc106043Oh, 587 is blocked by my ISP also23:48
JanCport 587 outgoing is blocked by your ISP?23:49
JanCor did you want to recieve mail at your home IP?23:49
JanC(that's most likely a bad idea)23:49
qwebirc106043I want to receive and send mail from my server.23:49
JanCserver at home or in a DC ?23:50
qwebirc106043Now, how can i change the outgoing port23:50
JanCmost mailservers block SMTP connections from consumer IP ranges23:50
JanCso sending mail from your home server will require using the relay from your ISP23:51
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
qwebirc106043I've been using a relay from my ISP for the past 3 weeks and its worked fine. Now, SMTP isn't working. I reinstalled postfix and everything. I just need to change the port postfix uses to something other than 587 or 2523:53
qwebirc106043I can send mail to localhost just fine. JanC, Can you please tell me how to configure postfix to use a unblocked port?23:56
JanCbasically, you edit master.cf23:56
JanCbut for incoming mail you need port 25...23:57
qwebirc106043Incoming works for some reason. But outgoing fails23:57
JanClike I said, you'll have to use your ISP's relay for outgoing mail23:58
JanCIIR one of the debconf preconfigs for postfix allows you to set that up23:59
JanCIIRC *23:59
qwebirc106043Its setup to use my ISP's mail relay host23:59

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