[02:04] anyone around? [02:04] jeffrash: o/ [02:04] I have a quick question [02:05] and I know it's going to sound stupid [02:05] lol [02:05] As you may be aware, I'm from the Windows Server side of the force [02:05] but joined the linux side back with ubuntu 6.06 [02:06] I've mostly been focused on the linux desktop [02:06] so, here's the question [02:06] thats too bad [02:06] the server is really where things almost always work [02:06] and work great [02:07] desktop linux can still be a challenge [02:07] anyways, whats up? [02:07] is LDAP what's used for central user management is Linux? [02:08] like Active Directory is now for Windows [02:08] hmmm [02:08] i think thats up to you [02:08] what are the options? [02:09] check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LDAPClientAuthentication [02:09] jeffrash: i run a server here at the house [02:09] but, its just a little personal thing [02:09] mostly as a learning project [02:09] right, that's my plan too [02:10] check out these guys too [02:10] http://www.turnkeylinux.org/ [02:10] ^ very educational live setups [02:10] small too [02:11] i havnet had a reason to learn about LDAP yet [02:12] ok, thanks [02:12] bed time, I have to work tonight [02:12] jeffrash: laterx :) [02:13] jeffrash: if you can catch internalkernel sometime [02:13] he's one of my go-to server guys :) [02:15] jeffrash: I dont think you could pin point one authentication mechanism as "the way" for linux - like you can with linux [02:15] sorry I meant with windows... [02:15] Im working too ;)