
nigelbmhall119: did you get around to reviewing my MPs?00:04
mhall119no :(00:06
* mhall119 was in config-glue/wsgi-oops hell all day00:06
nigelbouch, I don't even want to go there.  That's a very painful hell00:07
nigelbcjohnston: want to review a few of my branches? :D00:19
nigelbmhall119: to display the time of last refresh, do you have any preferences on where it should go?01:23
nigelb(top right, bottom left, bottom right)01:23
cjohnstonbottom left01:24
nigelbokay :)01:25
nigelbbottom left it is then :D01:25
nigelbcjohnston: is it only with the datewise view or also on room and track view?01:27
cjohnstondo track and room auto refresh01:28
nigelbI doubt01:29
nigelblet me check01:29
cjohnstonif they dont then just day.. if they do, then yes01:29
nigelbcjohnston: how does this look? http://i.imgur.com/IonHZ.png01:44
nigelbI can't move it higher because the schedule thingy is that big.01:44
cjohnstonlooks fine to me01:52
nigelbdaker_: hrm, did ical break for you too?02:14
cjohnstonmhall119: ^^ nigelb broke the ical now02:20
nigelbno, i didnt02:21
nigelbi didnt touch ical02:21
nigelbcjohnston: one of your changes seems to have broken it02:21
cjohnstoni doubt it02:22
nigelbcjohnston: mhall119 broke it.02:24
cjohnstonwhats broken02:25
nigelbI think meeting_page_url02:27
cjohnstonhow so02:27
nigelbwell, if I make it google.com, instead of meeting.meeting_page_url it works02:29
nigelbthis is very strange02:41
nigelbmeeting.meeting_page_url works from the shell02:41
nigelbgosh, that was a hard bug to catch.02:51
nigelbI got the problem02:51
nigelbdaker_: ping me when you get online, I realized why ical is broken.02:51
nigelbcjohnston: lol, so remember had trouble with 10.10 in the urls02:52
nigelbcjohnston: I fixed that, its awaiting review.  so if anyone has the old data, the ical will be broken.02:52
nigelbusing django shell to debug++03:19
mhall119nigelb: I'll have to teach you pdb03:21
nigelbmhall119: is that the python equal of gdb?03:21
nigelboh that sounds sweet03:21
mhall119much better for debugging than the shell03:22
nigelbwell, I only wanted to figure out what were the wrong values that broke the ical03:22
nigelbwell, I had to first figure out that meeting_page_url broke it03:22
nigelbthen I checked if meeting_page_url was generated correctly03:22
nigelbthen I checked it for all the meetings03:22
nigelband it hit me what wwas going wrong :)03:23
nigelbmhall119: 38 bugs in summit that aren't in progress.03:23
dakermhall119, any thing on bug 538177 ?12:22
ubot4`Launchpad bug 538177 in loco-directory "Send Email updates (affects: 3) (dups: 1) (heat: 16)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53817712:22
cjohnstonmy 2.5 hours off is almost up and ill have to go back to work13:48
l3onHi all, someone of you know where I can find planet ubutnu theme?15:38

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