
Kilosgood morning everyone08:13
sakhimoring Kilos 08:29
Kiloshi sakhi 08:29
kbmonkeymorning Kilos and sakhi 08:35
Kiloshiya kbmonkey 08:41
sakhihi kbmonkey 09:10
n8wulfHello there from Vanderbijlpark09:51
kbmonkeyhello there from Durban :)09:54
Kiloshello there from Pretoria :-)09:55
nuvolarihello there from Ballito09:56
Kiloslol. lo nuvolari 09:56
nuvolariwhy are we greeting like that?09:56
nuvolarimorning oom Kilos 09:56
Kilosbecause we can09:57
nuvolaristanding our ground?09:57
nuvolarithere, only me now09:58
kbmonkeydouble agent eliminated09:58
kbmonkeybeen playing with openbox and conky :) - http://postimage.org/image/1yja2flqc/09:59
nuvolaribah :( need to go fetch my charger at the office now now10:01
nuvolarikbmonkey: super!10:01
nuvolarithe only thing I could not get used to with openbox is the statusbar10:01
Kilosas jy nie n goeie kop het nie moet jy goeie voete he10:01
nuvolariKilos: lol hehe ja nee oom10:02
nuvolaridis die eerste keer in 'n lang ruk wat ek my charger vergeet10:02
nuvolarigewoonlik vergeet ek hom by die uis10:02
nuvolaribut this time for some reason it was the other way round10:02
Kiloskry nogeen dan is die prob verby10:03
nuvolarikbmonkey: nice background! that chick from Tron is scorching!10:03
nuvolariKilos: ek het daaraan gedink tot ek die prys gesien het10:03
Kiloshulle het pirate goed nou vir about 250 ek dink10:04
Kiloskyk by pc repair plekke nie by agente nie10:05
Kilosof kyk by gumtree10:05
nuvolarimaar die is die werk se laptop, so ek wil nie sulke goed inprop nie10:05
Kiloso ok10:05
kbmonkeyja Olivia is n oulike een ne nuvolari ;D10:06
* nuvolari drool10:06
kbmonkeyonly watched that film last week, I like10:06
* nuvolari loose consciousness10:07
* nuvolari maak google image search results toe voor die screen smelt10:09
kbmonkeyha ha ha!10:09
nuvolarikbmonkey: is jy afrikaans of 2-talig?10:11
nuvolari:? think that's the wrong way to ask lol, but you get the idea10:11
kbmonkeynuvolari, ja ek is bilingual!10:12
kbmonkeyafr/eng familie en skool ook. 10:13
kbmonkeynuvolari, ek sal vroeer by G'way wees met my sussie en sal soek vir waar daar free wifi is. M&B blykbaar charge.10:14
nuvolarikbmonkey: hmm, ok, no problem. I wonder about Spur? I know the Mustang spur at Musgrave centre was free last time10:20
* superfly missed the greetings...14:58
superflyhello there from the Republic of Cape Town14:58
Kiloshiya uncle superfly 14:58
afrodeityI think we over the last of the hurdles with the 11.04 classic upgrade17:48
afrodeitybut still wondering why I'm getting people asking me how to install a vodaphone modem which is .exe17:48
afrodeitysurely there's a synaptic or software centre solution by now?17:54
nuvolariwhoot! had a successful 2 ubuntu hours :D18:04
nuvolarimet kb<tab>18:05
nuvolarinow where is he?18:05
kodeznuvolari: where was the ubuntu hour?18:06
nuvolarihmm, it was unofficial though.18:06
nuvolarikodez: in KZN18:06
kodeznuvolari: what were the main topics?18:07
nuvolariwe touched on Moodle, Unity, Gnome3 and how new users react to new environments18:13
nuvolarikodez: ^^18:13
kodezi wish i can also have an ubuntu hour in pretoria, i hope i will manage to organise one after my vacation18:15
nuvolarikodez: make like we did: just name a place/time and arrive :P18:27
kodeznuvolari: i will do it like you (the motu) did18:29
* nuvolari is about to eat a chilli... crazy?18:56
Kilosnot on its own are you18:57
Kilosbek brand18:57
nuvolarilol, met 'n broodjie oom18:57
nuvolarihot hot hot hot hot18:59
nuvolarineed milk19:00
Kilosfinish eating19:00
Kilosthen hot tea or coffee with stop the burn19:00
nuvolariis klaar oom19:00
Kilosa good chilli doesnt calm down for long with milk19:00
nuvolariek voel so19:01
Kilosmaar jy kry nie meer koud nie19:01
nuvolarimy mond meen oom nou19:02
Kiloswarm tee of koffie19:02
nuvolarisal vir my 'n laager rooibos maak19:02
Kilosas dit n goeie chilli was en jy het genoeg ge eet dan kry niks meer koud nie19:03
nuvolariek het net een geëet oom19:04
nuvolaridaar is nog 27 oor19:04
Kilosha ha ha19:04
nuvolarinie sleg nie, 28 cchillies vir R719:04
Kilosas jy die pitte eers uithaal is hulle nie so warm nie19:05
nuvolarija maar dan is dit nou nie meer 'n chilli nie :P19:05
Kilosya man19:05
Kilosmaar baie mense brand net  van kyk na hulle19:06
Kilosjy moet habaneros probeer 19:06
Kilosof jalapeno19:06
Kilosjy kannie eers dink daarna nie19:07
Kilosen volgende dag vat jy a bakkie koue water saam as jy toilet toe gaan19:08
nuvolariKilos: maar watter is die warmste? jalapeno of fresh chillies?19:12
Kilosdie fresh wat ons hier koop is wat die indiers gebruik meestal19:13
nuvolari:? is oom seker? Debonairs se jalapenos brand nie vir my so kwaai soos fresh chillies ine19:13
Kilosdan is dit nie regte jalapenos nie19:13
Kilosgaan na fruit and veg city en kyk na al die verskillende chillis19:14
Kiloshulle het gewoonlik papiere by wat al die name en hittes gee19:14
* nuvolari taps foot. I need to take them on about their chillies19:14
nuvolariek sal bietjie gaan kyk19:15
Kiloshqang net af watse fresh chillis jy gekoop het19:15
nuvolariweet oom wat ek met die ander 27 chillies kan maak? :P 19:15
Kilosof google chillis19:15
nuvolarisoos 'n resep vir inlê19:15
KilosMaaz, google hottest chillis19:15
MaazKilos: "Bhut Jolokia chili pepper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhut_Jolokia_chili_pepper :: "Chili pepper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chili_pepper :: "The chilli so hot you need gloves - Times Online" http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article700700.ece :: "Famous Chili Recipes" http://www.famouschilirecipes.com/ :: "YouTube - Worlds Hottest Chili" http://www.you19:15
Kilosdaar is recepte ook19:16
nuvolariek sien :P check dit nou uit19:16
Kilosek maal hulle fyn met die selfde hoeveelheid knoffel en sit in asym met suiker by19:17
nuvolariek sal swaarkry as ek alles moet eet :P19:17
=== nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-wirk
=== nlsthzn-wirk is now known as nlsthzn-work
Kilosdit maak n soort chilli sous wat jy dan op brood met ander goed by sit19:18
Kilosof bietjie in sop of stew gooi19:18
Kiloslo nlsthzn-work 19:18
nuvolariKilos: hmm, dit klink heerlik!19:19
Kilosek eet dit met amper als19:19
Kilosnet nie in my tee nie19:19
Kilosjy kan die mengsel ook in n mikro koop vir so n half uur dan proe dit nog lekkerder19:20
Kilosdis gesond19:23
Kilosek het nie genoeg data om te gaan kyk nie19:23
nuvolarivitamiene C en A19:23
nuvolaridis okei oom19:23
Kiloseintlik moet ek gaan slaap19:24
Kilossien julle more weer19:24
Kilossoet wees19:24
nuvolariLekker slaap oom Kilos 19:24
Kilosdankie seun jy ook19:24
nlsthzn-workHello all :)19:32
kodezhello nlsthzn-work19:53
nlsthzn-workkodez: Alo :)20:11
=== jpm is now known as kerkero[main]
kodeznlsthzn-work: good evening. how are you?20:16
nlsthzn-workkodez: I can't complain, and how are things over there?20:22
kodezi'm well and collected. i am enjoying my python basics studies20:23
nlsthzn-workkodez: Cool... I would like to get into python, but I just got my LPI study guide so I will first get into that and see if it wants to stick in my head :p20:25
kodeznlsthzn-work: where have you managed to get your study guides?20:26
nlsthzn-workkodez: Amazon dot com :) - Got myself the Sybex one... will see if it is any good20:27
kodezkwl, i will join you before the end of the week we are starting tomorrow. i have developed a plan to cover most of the staff that i need in my career, and lpi is among my goals20:30
nlsthzn-workkodez: awesome... I am just doing it to understand linux a bit better ... I doubt I will ever use it career wise as I have already invested 10 years in a totally unrelated field20:33
kodezi am hoping to be in a linux world 100% but also take into consideration that bill gates machines are all over the show20:35
nlsthzn-workI think for peeps going into IT it helps if your proficient in as many different things (or at least have a running knowledge because so often everything is connected )20:36
kodezyes i agree20:37
nuvolariok, so I hear klaas vakie calling really loud :-/21:19
nuvolarilo kbmonkey!21:19
nuvolarihow does your calendar look on the 18th of July?21:20
nuvolariok, I'm out. Night everyone21:22
kbmonkeyim free most of that day21:41
nlsthzn-workkbmonkey: Hey... whats news?21:47
kbmonkeyhi nlsthzn-work. trying to install kubuntu on a lappie, it keeps crashing :/ 22:03
nlsthzn-workkbmonkey: that sucks...22:03
kbmonkeyyeah, ooold hardware. think its a write-off22:03
kbmonkeyyou working late nlsthzn-work?22:04
kbmonkeykubuntu 11.04 looks *beautiful* though, wow.22:05
nlsthzn-workkbmonkey: yup, latest Kubuntu is sweet (even though it is still a second child compared to Ubuntu)... Nightshift :/22:06
kbmonkeythink I'll install kubuntu as a secondary OS on my netbook :)22:12
kbmonkeywell it installed, but it hangs on boot. I guess that's a writeoff ^^22:37

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