
c2tarunyofel, ping00:01
c2tarunsorry for not replying yesterday :( my friends dragged me for drinks. What do you mean by 4.7 layout?00:01
* Quintasan wonders why c2tarun has to be dragged for drinking00:02
c2tarunQuintasan, I gave my last exam for graduation yesterday ;)00:03
debfxJontheEchidna: should muon-installer depend on apt-xapian-index (since it calls update-apt-xapian-index in postinst)?00:03
Quintasanc2tarun: What I mean, is that they dragged you00:03
yofelc2tarun: compare 4.6.4 http://paste.kde.org/78523/ with 4.6.80 http://paste.kde.org/78529 and guess what the problem might be :P00:03
JontheEchidnadebfx: yes00:03
QuintasanWhen someone asks me to go drinking then I usually do not have any problems with it :D00:04
JontheEchidnaI copied the postinst over without copying the dependency00:04
c2tarunQuintasan, oh... they were drinking vodka and I prefer whisky or scotch so ... :)00:04
Quintasanyofel: ohshi-00:04
Quintasanyofel: Don't tell me there will be more splits00:04
yofelQuintasan: that's pretty much what the slackware and fedora folks said too :D00:04
debfxJontheEchidna: ok, I'll add it00:05
yofelwell, I think they currently plan (well, they don't have any sort of plan) to use the git splitup like we'll have in neon00:05
c2tarunyofel, well what the hell is 4.6.8 with 75 tarballs O_O?00:06
JontheEchidnadebfx: I've started working on getting it in to Debian, but this'll need to be taken care of first: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=628981 (I've talked with lisandropm the maintainer, and a better fix should be coming)00:06
ubottuDebian bug 628981 in libqjson-dev "libqjson-dev: Shipped FindQJSON.cmake cannot by found by CMake in default install location" [Important,Open]00:06
yofelc2tarun: svn componentes were split into seperate git repositories and they simply tarred every git repos seperately00:07
yofelyou'll see even more splits in the future00:07
yofel(kdeutils and kdeaccessibility are next on the split plan)00:07
c2tarunyofel, but why did the tarred them separately? I mean why each component alone?00:08
yofelc2tarun: they simply ran the release script and shipped the output without making any sort of plan00:08
yofelso they made pretty much every distro angry00:09
yofel(including us)00:09
debfxJontheEchidna: ah great. that should be easy enough to fix. has MoDaX or anyone else from debian kde already reviewed muon?00:09
yofelnot that the splitup is a bad idea, but that it was done without any sort of plan00:09
JontheEchidnadebfx: nope, I've not put the packaging up yet. OdyX said that he would take a look at it, though00:10
c2tarunyofel, so what about 4.6.8? I mean we are still packing here 4.6.4 isn't it?00:11
Quintasanc2tarun: 4.6.80 is 4.7 Beta 100:11
yofel4.6.4 is for natty00:12
Quintasanc2tarun: whilst 4.6.4 is point release with bug fixes and we want it in natty00:12
c2tarunand what everyone mean by ktown getting retired?00:12
yofelwell, the server will be shut down soon (or was already? not sure)00:13
debfxJontheEchidna: I'm talking more about muon itself, whether they want to adopt muon as their default gui package manager or not00:13
yofelthey're moving the stuff to ftpmaster.kde.org00:13
JontheEchidnadebfx: ah, no, I don't think so. ewoerner brought some warts he found with MSC to my attention last night, though00:14
yofelc2tarun: btw, your ssh key is on ftpmaster, I checked00:14
c2tarunyeah, so we should pack 4.6.4 for natty first or that beta 1 for oneiric?00:14
Quintasanbtw. yofel, I am going to create a Doodle poll later today for PN Brigade meeting00:14
yofelwell, 4.6.4 for natty, skip 4.6.80 (too late) and do 4.6.85 which comes out soon00:15
yofelQuintasan: sure :)00:15
JontheEchidnadebfx: the main thing they wanted was a security review, iirc00:15
QuintasanTopic in #kde-devel00:17
Quintasan>World did not end. Everyone back to work, better luck next year.00:17
JontheEchidnathey first said may 21st, now october :P00:17
* Quintasan goes to bed00:18
QuintasanI can't handle so much stupidity in whole day00:19
QuintasanI do not think anyone here is stupid though00:19
* Quintasan just had to deal with idiots today00:19
yofelincredibly unproductive way to waste time o.O00:20
yofelthey should spend their time on kubuntu instead ^^00:20
JontheEchidnaTo be honest mostly nobody believed that anyway, the media just reported on it because it was really funny00:21
c2tarunand judgemetday will be postponded further (god seems to be busy, as our paper screwed us ;))00:21
yofelwell, everybody is drowning in paperwork these days, the deadline probably just slipped his mind00:22
debfxwhy would libnotify-bin pull in half of gnome?00:27
yofellibnotify4 recommends notify-osd (and others) maybe00:29
debfxseems like we just need to make kdebase-runtime provide notification-daemon00:29
debfxit pulls in notification-daemon but certainly not half of gnome00:31
JontheEchidnakdebase-runtime provides notification-daemon00:32
JontheEchidnaor something00:32
JontheEchidnaor at least it did00:32
debfxnot in natty and oneiric according to p.u.c00:32
JontheEchidnamust have gotten dropped in a merge00:35
JontheEchidnaprobably since nothing provided notification-daemon, the real package got pulled in00:36
ScottKThat would do it.00:36
debfxerror-prone merges are error-prone00:36
debfxanyway I've created a natty<->oneiric image comparison script which shows that nothing heavyweight from gnome got pulled in00:38
debfxexcept firefox and its dependencies00:39
yofelgood one :)00:39
ScottKYep.  That would be enough to explain our oversize.00:40
ScottKdebfx: Can you run that on powerpc?  It's really ballooned up.00:40
debfxScottK: where are the powerpc images being published?00:42
debfx(for the natty release)00:43
ScottKI think cdimage, but let me check.00:43
debfxnatty seems to be missing in http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/releases/00:44
yofelgreat, oxygen-icons 4.6.4 is junk again00:44
ScottKPorts isn't used in natty.00:45
ScottKIt is missing, but not from there.00:45
apacheloggerScottK: what is the deal with00:45
apacheloggerAdded language-pack-kde-fr to full [amd64 i386]00:45
apacheloggerwhen I am updating kubuntu-meta00:45
ScottKWe need to probably figure out how to exclude the language packs from kubuntu-full00:46
ScottKKuubntu-full has everything on the dvd and that's probably overkill00:46
ScottKdebfx: I'll ask where it went.00:46
debfxScottK: http://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download still talks about 10.10 for ports00:48
ScottKdebfx: Yes, but you want 11.04.00:49
debfxwhich makes me wonder if we even released powerpc images00:49
ScottKAh.   Perhaps.00:49
* ScottK thought it was tested.00:49
* ScottK looks at Tm_T.00:49
JontheEchidnawasn't powerpc supposed to go away last release?00:49
c2tarunwhere can I get the lates version of kde-sc-dev-latest?00:53
c2tarunyofel, ^^00:54
ScottKJontheEchidna: No.00:55
yofelc2tarun: for...?00:55
c2tarunyofel, kdeutils00:55
yofelno, 4.6.4 or oneiric packages?00:55
c2tarunyofel, 4.6.400:55
yofelkdelibs needs a few more minutes though00:56
* c2tarun why the hell I am packaging the topmost node in tree :(00:58
* c2tarun gone insane will be back soon 00:58
debfxI can't find ubuntu powerpc images either00:58
ScottKLaserJock: apachelogger's advice is mail dirk.vdb@gmail.com00:58
yofelc2tarun: believe me, you won't be insane until you at least once try to get project-neon-qtscriptgenerator to build, that's pure insanity00:59
c2tarunhehe :)00:59
yofel(as a matter of fact I still haven't gotten that to build)00:59
* c2tarun crap, my chroot just crashed, I have to build another one :(01:05
c2tarunhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdegames link says that kdegames-4.6.3 is not in natty. :/ why so?02:16
yofelerm, it's in the PPA02:16
c2tarunyofel, then what about that page? the link I gave you02:54
yofelthat shows the official archive, 02:55
yofel4.6.3 for natty is in kubuntu-ppa/ppa02:56
c2tarunyofel, anyway I just wanted the debian/ :) I got it from LP02:56
yofelthat's where 4.6.4 will go too02:56
yofelc2tarun: you didn't use the debian/ from bzr right? the one from oneiric02:56
c2tarunyofel, oh, I was about to use it. where can I get natty debian?02:57
yofeldownload the package from kubuntu-ppa/ppa as I said02:57
c2tarunyofel, well the package is around 60 MB it will take me more that half hour to download everything. How can I get just debian?02:58
yofelI'll tar it for you, give me a minute02:58
Daskreechhi hunger03:00
c2tarundoes anyone feel that ubuntu works better than kubuntu? I mean I installed ubuntu and then kubuntu-desktop on it, and except some gliches its working better than kubuntu. Less kernel freezes or system slow or anything like that.03:02
yofelc2tarun: http://people.ubuntu.com/~yofel/debian.tar.gz03:02
Daskreechc2tarun: you mean the Ubuntu base system works better than the kubuntu base ?03:02
yofelthinking again, you could have gotten it from bzr actually, you would have just had to use the pre-merge rev03:02
c2tarunyofel, got it :) thanks03:02
DaskreechI.E. if you take off th DEs?03:03
c2tarunDaskreech, yeah I mean that ubuntu base system gives better performance then kubuntu base03:03
yofelc2tarun: well, the ground system is the same, but KDE usually needs a bit more resources than gnome03:03
Daskreechyofel: His argument is that installing Kubuntu runs worse than installing ubuntu-server (I guess) then apt-get install kubuntu-desktop03:04
yofelif you get more kernel freezes then because we use buggier parts of the kernel/drivers, or parts that ubuntu doesn't care about03:04
c2tarunyofel, nope, I got kde on ubuntu base, still this works better. Like in kubuntu my system freezes very often, and sometimes kubuntu don't start just the blue screen with four lights and sometime it don't shutdown. but its not happeneing now03:04
yofelno idea, shouldn't happen03:04
* c2tarun thought using ubuntu for a while but missed plasmoids so much that installed kubuntu-desktop same day ;)03:05
claydohkwin vs compiz, maybe? 03:08
c2tarunyofel, I remembered you corrected something to Vcs as its owned by kubuntu-packagers. Is this correct? http://paste.kde.org/78541/ as it says kubuntu-members and not packagers?03:12
yofelah right, that should be -packagers03:13
yofelhm, 4:15am03:16
* yofel tries to get some sleep, good night folks03:16
c2tarungn yofel  :))03:20
ScottKc2tarun: The Ubuntu and Kubuntu base systems are the same.03:28
ScottKapachelogger: I fixed /var/cache on the main armel box.  The other two that you couldn't connect to are powered on.  I'll need to drag a monitor down to where they are to figure out what's up with them.03:29
ScottKGood night all.03:29
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
c2tarunwhy am I not able to find any packages properly? where can I find kde-multimedia 4.6.3 for natty? I need to pack 4.6.406:40
c2tarunwell I just found that latest upload is 4.6.2ubuntu* so I am going to take its debian06:41
Tm_TScottK: I tested what I could and reported, then asked one person who owns g4 devices to do testing too, no idea if he ever reported his results06:50
c2tarunTm_T, he went to sleep few hours ago :/06:52
Tm_Tc2tarun: I know, and he can read my response when he returns (:06:53
c2tarunoh.. :)06:53
Tm_Tjust like I just did saw I was looked at06:54
c2tarunTm_T, could you help me with packaging problem?06:58
c2tarunI was packaging kdemultimedia and in debian/patches/series file I found only three names but there are four patches. Should I remove the extra patch?07:00
Tm_Tdepending on the patch07:02
Tm_Tdoes it still apply? is it still necessary?07:03
c2tarunTm_T, the patch  The patch remove OnlyShowIn=KDE from kmix.desktop07:04
Tm_Thmmm, so is it done in upstream? is there any comments in changelog of removing that?07:06
c2tarunTm_T, here is the patch http://paste.ubuntu.com/618866/07:06
c2tarunlet me check07:06
Tm_Tjust as a note: I haven't been involved packaging for a long time now so I might ask you checking more than is needed (:07:08
Tm_Tc2tarun: onlyshowin=kde is there in 10.1007:10
c2tarunTm_T, no problem :) that patch was applied long time ago but no details about removing it.07:10
c2tarunTm_T, I am checking whether its allready applied07:10
c2tarunTm_T, patch is not applied.07:13
c2tarunTm_T, the patch is not applied, it will apply if I want to.07:16
c2tarunTm_T, ping07:27
c2tarunQuintasan, ping, can you help me with ^^^ problem?07:43
Quintasanc2tarun: where did you get the packaging from?07:43
c2tarunQuintasan, packaging? or tarball07:43
c2tarunQuintasan, I am not getting what do you mean by packaging? :(07:44
Quintasanc2tarun: debian/ dir07:45
Quintasanit is the directory with packaging files07:45
c2tarunQuintasan, oh.. from Launchpad07:45
Quintasanso we call it packaging07:45
c2tarunwait let me give you link07:45
Quintasanyou get packaging from bzr07:45
Quintasanbzr branch lp:~kubuntu-packagers/<kde module>/ubuntu07:45
Quintasanso in this case07:45
c2tarunQuintasan, nope, sorry I dont know how to use bzr :(07:46
Quintasanbzr branch lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kdemultimedia/ubuntu07:46
Quintasanthen it is high time to learn it07:46
c2tarunhmm... ok, I'll learn bzr soon.07:46
c2tarunQuintasan, BTW I get my packaging from https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdemultimedia/4:4.6.2-0ubuntu207:47
Quintasanget it from bzr07:48
Quintasanc2tarun: which patch did you mean?07:48
c2tarunQuintasan, that 01_kmix***07:48
QuintasanIt is not a really grave change.07:49
QuintasanIt will just stop KMix from showing up in other DE's menus07:49
c2tarunQuintasan, yeah but once I left a extra space and every said that I should keep package size to small :/ so I guess this patch is taking few spaces.07:50
Quintasanc2tarun: That is left there to reduce delta to Debian's packaging07:50
Quintasanleave it as it is07:50
c2tarunhmm... ok07:50
Quintasani.e don't remove it, don't add it to debian/patches/series07:50
Quintasanjust to be sure07:51
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ^^07:51
debfxapachelogger: how is adding sound-theme-freedesktop to build-deps supposed to fix bug #790608 ?09:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 790608 in libcanberra (Ubuntu) "libcanberra needs to depend on sound-theme-freedesktop" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79060809:00
c2tarunwell I got this error http://paste.kde.org/78559/ while building kdeaccessibility. the package libXtst and speechd should be mentoned in debian/control?09:33
c2tarunwell libxtst and speechd are not packages in ubuntu :(09:39
yofelc2tarun: well, they are there mentioned in the control file (libxtst-dev and libspeechd-dev)10:18
yofelc2tarun: also, please don't forget to add the ~ppa1 to the package version, you did for kdemultimedia10:25
yofeland you don't usually remove changelogs, you add a new one :S10:26
* yofel goes fixing10:30
c2tarunyofel,  what do you mean by removing changelogs?10:39
c2tarunand if libxtst-dev and libspeechd-dev are in control file then why am I getting this error?10:39
c2tarunand not missing dependencies error?10:40
yofellatter not sure, for kdemultimedia you removed the 4.6.3 changelog and made  that into a 4.6.4 changelog10:42
c2tarunyofel, there was no changelog for 4.6.3 :/10:42
c2tarunI noticed it too10:42
yofelthe PPA package has it10:43
yofelc2tarun: see, it's there http://paste.ubuntu.com/618229/10:43
yofeler, wait, wrong link10:43
apacheloggerdebfx: damn10:45
c2tarun:( is there something wrong with my chroot or what :( I'll fix it yofel10:45
c2tarunjust give me some time10:45
yofelwel, I really don't know why you would get that error if sudo apt-get build-dep kdeaccessibility installs nothing10:46
c2tarunyofel, I am fixing kdemultimedia first :( then I'll work on kdeaccessibility now.10:46
yofelwait, I'll fix kdemultimedia10:47
yofelI first need to delete the package in ninjas since the version is wrong10:47
c2tarunyofel, I am very sorry for wrong upload. :(10:47
yofelk, in an hour or so LP should accept a ~ppa1 upload10:48
=== drdanz_home is now known as drdanz_randa
ulyssesapachelogger: did you see Doctor Who?10:51
yofelk, fixed multimedia up11:06
c2tarunyofel, I am getting this error http://paste.kde.org/78625/ and I looked into older version in repo but couldn't find kcm_audiocd.so file11:25
yofelkdemultimedia-kio-plugins 4:4.6.2-0ubuntu2 certainly has that file though...11:37
yofelc2tarun: wait, kdemultimedia is done already, why are you building it?11:38
c2tarunf***, sorry I am out of my mind right now :( I'll try later.11:39
c2tarunwhich ppa contains pkg-kde-tools latest version for natty?13:58
c2tarunI tried kubuntu-ninjas but its not there and neither in kubuntu-ppa/backports13:59
ScottKc2tarun: It's in regular natty-backports, not a PPA.14:03
c2tarunScottK, how to activate natty-backports?14:03
ScottKc2tarun: I think it's covered in this documentation: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports14:05
c2tarunScottK, thanks 14:05
yofelwhat do you need it for?14:06
c2tarunyofel, kdeaccessibility14:07
yofelif kdeaccessibility needs a newer pkg-kde-tools then you're using the wrong packaging14:07
yofelfor the natty packages 0.9 is enough14:08
* c2tarun not again :( checking14:09
yofelif you use packaging from bzr then you need to use the revision from before the oneiric merge14:10
yofelfor kdeaccessibility that would be r10214:11
c2tarunyofel, WTF .. :( why the hell I always get wrong packaging? 14:13
yofelwell, bzr HEAD has the oneiric packaging, you don't want that, the easiest way to get the right packaging is to download the 4.6.3 packages from the PPA(!)14:13
yofelor as I said, check the bzr log and use the pre-merge revision14:14
c2tarunyofel, as you know I have very slow connection, I cant download whole package again and again :(14:14
c2tarunyofel, any place for getting the correct debian folder directly?14:16
yofelas I said (multiple times) take the pre-merge revision from bzr14:16
yofelfor kdeaccessibility that's revision 10214:17
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=102&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 102 | added14:17
mfraz74is anyone here using Konqueror in 11.04?16:57
yofelsometimes, what's up?16:59
mfraz74In 11.04 if I try to access a non existent folder, I get an error saying the protocol error is not supported17:00
mfraz74any ideas?17:05
=== apachelogger is now known as kernellogger
tensa_zangetsuhi all. i'm learning pykde, so are there any programming projects/bugs related to that? 19:09
Daskreechtensa_zangetsu: in kde or kubuntu?19:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yfel
=== yfel is now known as yofel
kernellogger!find libdw.h21:28
ubottuFile libdw.h found in libdw-dev21:28
* micahg didn't know ubottu supported that21:29
shadeslayerkernellogger: https://code.launchpad.net/~neon/+recipe/project-neon-calligra22:13
kernelloggerjussi: ping22:16
kernelloggershadeslayer: is that working alreadyz?22:16
shadeslayerkernellogger: yes, it'll be building in a couple of minutes, should be available in a hour or two22:17
shadeslayerkernellogger: back from randa?22:19
kernelloggerbut out of the beerz22:19
ubottuKDE bug 274954 in general "Phonon people are beerless" [Critical,Assigned]22:19
shadeslayeryeah, i saw the bug22:19
shadeslayerkernellogger: you should probably assign that to ScottK22:20
shadeslayersince he seems to be experienced in arranging beer22:20
kernelloggerScottK: ^22:21
kernelloggerplz fix22:21
kernelloggershadeslayer: didnt we have a picture of jussi's qt on arm?22:23
kernelloggerfrom uds-n22:23
shadeslayerkernellogger: it's probably on facebook or something22:23
kernelloggerdidnt find it 22:23
shadeslayeranyways, i'm off22:24
jussikernellogger: what?22:27
* jussi is androiding...22:28
droidslayerkernellogger: roflol ... Bzr ran out of memory22:54
droidslayeryofel: ^^ manual upload plz22:54
yofelscript running22:57
claydohwell its not an android phone, but my wife bought me a webcam23:01
claydohshe doesn23:01
claydoht get it23:01
droidslayeryofel: i've disabled the automatic build23:07
ScottKkernellogger: I don't think I can do that remotely.23:09
yofelWTF, 94MB source.tar.zx :O23:10

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