
=== massimo is now known as Guest323
DeltaEpsilonIs it possible to remove some items such as "trash" from "places" on the left of Dolphin?00:19
MonikaYes, right-click, remove entry00:22
Monikaor just hide00:22
Monikaeither way00:22
DeltaEpsilonthank you00:24
DeltaEpsilonit seems KDE/Dolphin does not preview image files..00:24
MonikaI had this problem after upgrading to 11.0400:25
Monikago into its settings and just set all the checkmarks again00:26
Monikaor just for the image types, whichever you prefer00:26
mathewi need some Free GIS applications00:26
Monikain Dolphin settings under General > Preview00:26
Monikawhat#s GIS?00:26
DeltaEpsilonMonika: what check marks?00:26
mathewGeographical Informattion Systems00:26
MonikaDeltaEpsilon in Dolphin settings under General > Preview00:27
mathewanythng related to that?00:27
Monikamathew is this like OpenStreetMap?00:27
DeltaEpsilonMonika: does not work00:27
mathewcan i get itthrough snaptic application manager?00:28
Monikabut you found those settings?00:28
Monikaand set the checkmarks?00:28
mathewi mean package manager00:28
DeltaEpsilonMonika: I checked all the types00:28
Monikaand have you pressed the preview button for the folder you want?00:29
DeltaEpsilonMonika: got it working00:29
DeltaEpsilonI have to check "preview" in View menu00:30
Monikayeah, that's the same as pressing the Preview button00:30
mathewwhat other applicatrion can i use   i am a graphics designer00:30
Monikainstall marble00:31
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WalzmynI have an application that, as it runs, opens a closes a child window several times. Is there a way I can make the task bar ignore this window so it's not playing havoc with the rest of my system?01:39
LINKSWORD2Greetings, all.01:50
lcbhi LINKSWORD201:51
LINKSWORD2:O Whatever it is, I swear I'm innocent!!!01:52
LINKSWORD2Wait... Nevermind. Guilty conscience...01:52
lcbyou did something01:54
lcbyou said hi all01:54
lcband all... is absent01:54
LINKSWORD2It's sort of a joke...01:54
Linkmasterlcb: he wants you to think he did something01:56
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: sorry about that in advacne01:56
LINKSWORD2And... Well, about ten years ago, one of my classmates in high school rolled his truck and left this world.01:56
lcbLinkmaster: so you are there too. good morning.01:56
LinkmasterMorning? I quite think its the opposite here xD01:56
lcbLinkmaster: good Sunday01:57
lcbohh whatever, have a good one :p01:57
LinkmasterSunday??? I think its a Saturday in these parts01:57
lcbhere sunday already, almost 2am01:58
LINKSWORD2About a week before, the principal had been standing behind his chair in class, and decided to rather loudly close a book.01:58
LINKSWORD2Our friend, known for a guilty conscience, said; "Whatever it is, I swear I'm innocent!"01:58
LinkmasterNow of course, don't get me wrong, thats just what my lil ole computer tells me. For all we know, the world could have been offbalance since the beginning of measurements, making the world a different date01:58
Linkmasterand LINKSWORD2 that made me laugh :P01:58
LINKSWORD2So... My words are somewhat of a joke, and partly a tribute to him, as he left this world all too soon....01:59
lcbLINKSWORD2: i do that a lot too, joking w/ppl. but indeed there is somewhere, somehow, a guilty conscience in me.02:00
LinkmasterI'm never guilty02:00
Monika3 a.m. here02:00
LINKSWORD2lcb: I encourage you to please read the whole story....02:00
* LINKSWORD2 can see the Devil horns on Linkmaster's head...02:02
* Linkmaster is hovering with a soft glow around him. w/o Devil horns02:02
lcbLINKSWORD2: i didn't read the first msg of what you wrote. the sad one. sorry about that.02:03
LINKSWORD2lcb: I assume you have seen the whole story, now?02:03
lcbLINKSWORD2: yeap02:03
lcbhello gundri02:04
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: I just noticed the first part now, and I feel bad for laughing02:04
gundrihello icb02:05
* LINKSWORD2 beats Linkmaster across the head with an old AT keyboard!02:05
gundrii am new here..02:05
lcbthey are still usable LINKSWORD2. Linkmaster keep it02:05
* Linkmaster dodges, and wonders if we should bring this to #kubuntu-offtopic02:05
lcbgundri: i'm the oldest one here. about 56 yrs young02:06
lcboops, got scared02:06
MonikaYeah, well, she looked death into the eyes.02:07
The_Letter_MI have a question02:07
Monikahi M02:07
Monikaask your question02:07
lcbThe_Letter_M: me 202:07
LINKSWORD2gundri, here's a little FYI: "lcb"s name is compilation of the lowercase L-C-B. It angers him to be called "icb"02:07
lcbThe_Letter_M:  can i ask first?02:07
lcbThe_Letter_M: my question is; hat's your question?02:08
lcbwhat's too02:08
* LINKSWORD2 *Facepalm.*02:08
Linkmasterlcb: well, hats are fairly explainable02:08
Linkmasterthey go on your head, cover from sun, rain, other elements, and generally look pleasing02:08
lcbonly now i noticed we aren't at offtopic...02:09
LINKSWORD2And if your name is Link, they look quite good if they're long and floppy. :)02:09
The_Letter_MI have a nettop (as in Atom processor w/ no CDROM or Floppy drive) running Kubuntu, I need to flash the BIOS. Is there a way to do it directly from Kubuntu, or is there a good way I can do it from a USB stick?02:09
* Linkmaster had mentioned it before02:09
* Linkmaster also doesn't mess with BIOS flashing02:10
lcbLINKSWORD2: :)02:10
* LINKSWORD2 agrees02:10
LinkmasterLINKSWORD2: get in -offtopic02:10
LINKSWORD2I.T. commandments: Thou Shalt not touch the BIOS.02:10
Linkmaster:Thou Shalt not touch the kernel02:11
LinkmasterThou Shalt not also use Winblows02:11
MonikaNee nee nee: Thou shalt recompile teh kernel.02:11
LINKSWORD2Eh, yeah... I'm not that crazy.02:11
LinkmasterMonika: thats allowed, since your fixing it02:11
LINKSWORD2The last time I tried to touch the kernel, it popped... And I got popcorn....02:12
lcbThe_Letter_M: read the whole procedure. you might have a readyou.txt file with the bios upgrade02:12
LinkmasterEdit: Thou Shalt not use Windows unless its XP and removed of useless bloat02:12
The_Letter_MWell I was running Vanilla Natty, then switched to Fedora 15, then to Kubuntu02:13
MonikaThou shalt not use Windows, especially not XP. Windows 2000 may be used in emergencies.02:13
lcbwis there a Mini Kubuntu, Linkmaster? :P02:13
The_Letter_MI have a problem that occurs in both versions of Ubuntu but not in Fedora02:14
The_Letter_MI'm hoping updating my BIOS fixes it02:14
MonikaThe_Letter_M usually BIOS cannot be flashe from within an OS.02:14
Linkmasterlcb: possibly? Not sure :P02:14
Monikahm, if it does not occur in Fedora, that indicates it would not be a BIOS problem02:14
LINKSWORD2Monika is correct, concerning that it would not be a BIOS issue, in that case.02:14
LinkmasterMonika: XP isn't that bad...if its had the crap hacked out of it02:15
The_Letter_MI've seen some that do it from within Windows02:15
The_Letter_Mbut only in Windows02:15
MonikaXP is colorful, a giant security hole and needs to be registered.02:15
lcbThe_Letter_M: some upgrades yes, not for all motherboards, afaik02:15
The_Letter_MBut that's not my issue02:16
The_Letter_MI need to figure out how to flash it directly from Linux or from a USB drive02:16
lcbThe_Letter_M: read the info files and BEFORE select/download the correct one02:16
LINKSWORD2Most, and again I say MOST updates to the BIOS can be flashed via CD or USB... Or in the case of older systems... Floppy.02:16
LINKSWORD2But good luck finding a working floppy. lol02:17
lcbThe_Letter_M: very careful doing that. but, in meantime, there are some live boot cd utilities with bios upgrades02:17
* lcb pong02:21
lcbso quiet i got bored, so i decided to play a bit02:21
lcbweird - my WLAN didn't connect to one hidden wireless (with correct info inputed). i had to open it.02:23
DaskreechAnyone can help troubleshoot a Akonadi Mysql conflice?03:05
Magnussoncan someone help me figure out why my kwin desktop effects have suddently stopped working? desktop cube, cover switch, etc03:50
DaskreechMagnusson: are they on?04:00
MagnussonDaskreech>yep, at least they're checked in system settings. whenever i click apply , i get the popup "the following desktop effects could not be enabled" and then lists all those04:01
DaskreechMagnusson: did you hav any changes before this happened?04:02
Magnussonno :(04:02
Magnussonhad been working just fine04:02
MagnussonDaskreech>is there an error file somewhere or something i could possibly look at to figure out what's wrong?04:10
DaskreechHi CartoonCat04:10
DaskreechMagnusson: hmm I think so04:10
CartoonCatim having a issue and i am sure i need ot reinstall qt and libc, but not sure how to do with kpackage04:10
CartoonCathello Daskreech04:10
DaskreechMagnusson: ~/.xsession-errors I think04:11
matti_Oh, Good Morning. (I just realized this might be international channel)04:57
brandonGood evening, you're correct :)04:58
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList05:00
matti_Is this the "right" place to whine about Kubuntu? ;) (My very first time with KDE desktop on my HD)05:00
Daskreechmatti_: yes :)05:00
matti_No, I don't want to be whiney, but I wonder why the Kubuntu installer is so "hard" to me. (I've been using ubuntu so far, but now the unity made me consider other DE's)05:02
nikon-lappyi love this better than unity05:02
nikon-lappyi bet tons of people will show up here now05:02
brandonDon't like the new Ubuntu?05:02
nikon-lappyheck no05:03
brandonThere's a simple way to return back to gnome, rather then sticking with the Unity implimentation.05:03
nikon-lappyi got some issues with sound.  It doesnt work.  It worked ( ok ) but in kubuntu i got nothing.05:04
nikon-lappybrandon: i tried that.. it was still broke.  had to go back to ubuntu classic no frills to get it to work05:04
nikon-lappykubuntu works great05:04
nikon-lappysave for the sound.05:04
matti_And with this I mean the Hard Drive partition part. Only "auto- full disk" option, and of course, the manual "hard" way.. And I tried the "old" gnome, but, I .. Oh, nikon-lappy just sayed it..05:05
brandonYeah, personally I prefere the Maveric Meerkat, I don't blame you.05:05
Daskreechmatti_: The installer is the same as Ubuntu05:06
Daskreechwhat makes it more difficult?05:06
matti_I made "plenty" free space on my HD, just blank.. And it didn't offer me a chance to install to a free space.. (sry for my poor english :) )05:07
matti_And I'm dual bootin this with vista.. That is why I didn't use the auto mode..05:08
matti_But got it on HD, with asking help with my old frien Google. ;)05:09
matti_And I don't say it doesn't offer it, but it didn't show up for me. (This maybe is a user related problem)05:14
MagnussonDaskreech>still working on it, but realized i forgot to thank you at the time after i got lost trying to fix it :)05:16
Daskreechmatti_: how did yo uget it working?05:16
DaskreechMagnusson: You ar welcome :)05:16
preecherhey Magnusson long time no see05:17
matti_(If problem at all) And what I mean all this, is that many user with lack of knowledge may be skipping this KDE-version, only for that reason. (I have tried many times Kubuntu and  I haven't got balls to try install it on HD) I manually "prepared" my HD, with help of some site google suggested.05:18
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Magnussonhey preecher, was wondering if you were around. yeah i've been out of town05:19
nikon-lappymatti_: whats the problem?05:25
matti_I have no problem, I just "whine" about the installer.. On ubuntu installer it gave option "use blank space on HD" and yesterday, when I installed this, the Kubuntu installer only suggested "full disk" (250 gb) or "manual partitioning". (There were space which weren't formatted in my HD)05:28
ubuntu_userI'm having problems with my broadcom wireless on 11.04 and the ubuntu website keeps suggesting articles from old distros05:36
matti_This is "old" version, but exactly the same situation that I had. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall/Kubuntu?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=single_boot.jpg05:37
matti_There were no automated option to install side of Vista05:38
nikon-lappyare you trying to get rid of vista?05:38
nikon-lappyor dual boot?05:38
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matti_Dual boot. (i'm CSS addict. ;) )05:39
nikon-lappyCSS works in linux05:42
nikon-lappyi think steam has a linux version i may be wrong05:42
matti_But it doesn't solve the installer "problem" :P I found familiar picture on ubuntu installer.. http://ubuntu.ninetomidnight.com/images/book/install/partition_allwindows.png05:46
matti_And the option "Guided- use largest continuous free space" is what I'm missing.. ;)05:47
nikon-lappywhat do your drives look like?05:48
nikon-lappyusually you are going to install kubuntu on the unpartitioned space05:48
matti_I have installed Kubuntu now, and I did have unpartitioned space on my HD. (Used Live-ubuntu disk to make the free space) And all what I'm whining now, is that the installer isn't really "noob-friendly". (I think)05:51
matti_So, I don't have problem's (with Kubuntu), but really wanted to "shout" it out.. Sorry all, if I didn't got my point out.05:52
matti_(or is it "point clear")05:54
matti_Maybe I'll try, if there is someone wake at our native chat. (it is really early sunday morning here..)05:55
nikon-lappymatti_: it is actually pretty noob friendly.. and you did what you should have.. googled it06:01
matti_And that's why I very early in my posts asked if this is right place to whine.. ;) I'm not a troll, atleast it weren't my purpose. I just wanted to complain that I didn't find the installer easy. :)06:08
nikon-lappyno you are fine.. although if this was a more active channel they would ask you to take it to off topic06:08
nikon-lappythey love suggestions.. how would you change the process?06:09
Daskreechmatti_: :)06:09
matti_And I think I'm not the only one. I would like it to have option to install "spare space" or "unpartitioned space", whichever is the right..06:10
matti_(If there is enough raw sectors on hard drive)06:11
matti_(My English is so poor, I don't propably find the right words)06:12
Daskreechmatti_: it works well enough06:13
matti_(And the kubuntu-fi channel is dead, as I thought it to be this early.. So, U have to stand my complains.. :) )06:13
matti_YEs, that is something I can agree.. Even I got it installed and dual booting with Vista.. But is "well enough" enough, if U R perfectionist? :)06:15
matti_And the "main" idea of my complaining is that I'm little bitter, that I didn't have enough courage to partition the HD myself earlier. (Maybe even some info screen before the hard drive part of the installer would be nice)06:20
ubuntu_userhrmf. bcm4312 not supported on a dell.06:20
ubuntu_user*not explicitly supported .. same pci device as the supported hp and lenovo... so why doesn't it work06:22
LINKSWORD2... I'm quite sure that there's nothing to talk about, tonight.06:24
ubuntu_userheh.. all the real hackers are unplugged06:25
LINKSWORD2I don't suppose you know how to change the color scheme of the Konsole system terminal?06:27
ubuntu_userI used to06:27
LINKSWORD2... :(06:28
ubuntu_userI've forgotten though. All this windowing when I'm not earning a living offline got me spoilt.06:29
=== c2tarun_ is now known as c2tarun
LINKSWORD2welcome back, c2tarun06:34
LINKSWORD2Simple question... Is there a way to change the color scheme of the Konsole system terminal?06:35
LINKSWORD2If so... How?06:35
c2tarunwell changing is color in konsole is possible, as we have to edit ~/.bashrc file06:36
LINKSWORD2... That does not sound easy.06:37
c2tarunwell I heard its not that difficult06:37
c2tarunLINKSWORD2, http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Customize-the-Shell-Prompt-40033.shtml06:39
c2tarunthis may help ^^06:39
LINKSWORD2c2, the link in that tutorial does not work.06:48
c2tarunLINKSWORD2, what do you mean by does not work?07:01
LINKSWORD2At the bottom of the tutorial, there's an http address to the modification files.07:03
LINKSWORD2c2tarun, try out that tutorial if you wish. Maybe you know more about it than me.07:08
LINKSWORD2But the link at the far bottom is a dead-end. The file it's supposed to download is not present.07:08
c2tarunLINKSWORD2, sorry I am not on kubuntu right now.. using ubuntu for a while :)07:09
LINKSWORD2In that case, I'm not going to bother with it anymore tonight.07:10
LINKSWORD2I'm logging off.07:10
ubuntu_userthis is sad ... I'm running a "live" boot on my new (to me) laptop, made all kinds of changes ... and don't have a working casper setup07:11
c2tarunubuntu_user, live??07:28
ubuntu_userpendrive boot07:28
c2tarunso what's the problem?07:29
ubuntu_usercan't save all my changes cause they're *poof* gone when I reboot07:29
c2tarunubuntu_user, well, you can't save changes in live boot07:31
ubuntu_useryou can with a casper setup.. I did before .. just dont have it set up this time07:31
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siryuytengo un problema07:58
siryuyhola a todos07:59
siryuyhi everyone07:59
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Guest36756how can I join #help channel? my IP got banned and i need assistance08:50
Linkmasterhow do you use 'git'? for example, I have: git clone http://anongit.kde.org/koffice but don't know what to do with it09:00
merchello friends..09:28
mercanyone there09:28
mercI have a little problem with kubuntu, I need your help.09:28
merchey Ash-Fox..09:30
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flyHigh_hahahaDoes my kubuntu related to the hard disk corrupted?09:44
XVampireXcan anyone please tell me how to disable touchpad while typing or at all if not possible in kubuntu 11.04 ?09:44
flyHigh_hahaha*Does my kubuntu freeze related to the hard disk corrupted?09:44
XVampireXfn+f key doesn't work (the one for the touchpad)09:44
flyHigh_hahahai  also done the bios self test and when it reached full hard disk test it  failed..09:46
flyHigh_hahahacan anyone help me?09:46
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mfraz74Wishing I hadn't upgraded to 11.04 at the momen10:08
mfraz74Firefox 4 keeps forgetting that I have extensions, no plymouth splash screen, odd things with phonon config for starters10:10
mfraz74Oh and Strigi seems to be indexing the same files every time I reboot10:13
BlaXpiritHello everyone!10:19
BlaXpiritI have a problem here. My mouse's scroller is very advanced, it has 5 actions: scroll up/down, press, move left/right. And guess what, it's broken now.10:19
BlaXpiritScroller press does not work any more, but I need to use it very often. Can I remap *move left/right* to *scroller click* (middle mouse button) permanently?10:20
BlaXpiritSolved: $ xinput set-button-map <device id> 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1610:45
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gribouilleI have a problem with X : yesterday, the screen resolution was 1280x1024, and today, it is 1024x768. Of couse, I didn't change the configuration. Does someone know what to do ?11:31
flyHigh_hahahaDoes Kubuntu and windows freeze related to the hard disk failure?11:34
flyHigh_hahahai use dual-booting and i have run bios full HD test and it stuck at 16%..11:35
flyHigh_hahahai also run badblock in terminal and it show 5 badblock at windows partition..11:36
flyHigh_hahahacan someone help me please?11:36
Kat_87gribouille, what is your graphics card?11:40
gribouilleKat_87, 60:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G84 [Quadro FX 370] (rev a1)11:44
Kat_87are you using gnome or kde11:47
gribouilleKat_87, kde11:47
Kat_87open krandrtray11:48
Kat_87you should be able to change the resolution from there11:48
Kat_87if not11:48
Kat_87open nvidia-settings and change it from there11:49
Kat_87nvidia-settings works if you are using the propietary blob11:49
gribouilleKat_87, I run krandrtray, but nothing happens11:50
Kat_87have you tried changing the resolution?11:50
Kat_87you should get an icon in the tray11:50
Kat_87click on it and a window should pop up11:51
Kat_87you can change screen resolution and rotation11:51
gribouilleKat_87, the resolution 1280x1024 isn't available11:52
Kat_87ok what if you type "nvidia" on krunner11:52
Kat_87do you get the nvidia settings link?11:53
gribouilleKat_87, yes11:53
Kat_87open it11:53
gribouilleKat_87, ok11:53
Kat_87click on xserver display config11:54
gribouilleKat_87, ok11:54
Kat_87and there should be a resolution menu11:54
gribouilleKat_87, the resolution 1280x1024 isn't available either11:55
gribouilleKat_87, isn't is possible to configure xorg.conf directly ?11:55
Kat_87what does /etc/X11/xorg.conf say?11:56
gribouilleKat_87, it is extremely short (16 lines)11:56
Kat_87are you using natty?11:56
Kat_87or maverick11:57
gribouilleKat_87, no, maverick11:57
Kat_87can you post what xorg says11:58
gribouilleKat_87, where ?11:59
Kat_87here or you could pm11:59
gribouilleSection "Screen"11:59
gribouille        Identifier      "Default Screen"11:59
gribouille        DefaultDepth    2411:59
gribouilleSection "Module"11:59
gribouille        Load    "glx"11:59
FloodBotK1gribouille: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:59
Kat_87ok maybe postin here wasn't such a good idea12:00
gribouille        Identifier      "Default Screen"12:01
gribouille        DefaultDepth    2412:01
gribouilleSection "Module"12:01
gribouille        Load    "glx"12:01
FloodBotK1gribouille: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:01
gribouilleKat_87, I have pasted the whole contents of the file12:05
Kat_87is that it?12:06
Kat_87then maybe that is the problem12:06
Kat_87so you don't get any mention of nvidia on the config file12:06
Kat_87my config says12:08
Kat_87Section "Device"12:08
Kat_87        Identifier    "Default Device"12:09
Kat_87      Driver "nvidia"12:09
Kat_87         Option "NoLogo"      "True"12:09
gribouilleKat_87, isn't it possible to generate a default configuration file automatically ?12:10
Kat_87do you have any backups on the X11 folder?12:10
gribouilleKat_87, I have xorg.conf           xorg.conf.failsafe  xorg.conf.new12:11
Kat_87what about them12:11
Kat_87what do they say?12:11
gribouilleKat_87, I tried to use xorg.conf.new, but it didn't work12:11
gribouilleKat_87, I'm sure there is a way to generate the config file, but I don't know how12:12
Kat_87you could try with system-config-display12:12
Kat_87make sure you backup your xorg.conf file first12:12
gribouilleKat_87, that's done12:13
gopalKHi...all i'm facing a problem in qt packages that are provided in 11.0412:13
Kat_87does that help?12:13
gribouilleKat_87, let me see12:13
gopalKI upgraded my qt ubuntu package today and now i'm getting 'Qt compiled without support for -fvisibility=hidden' message while running cmake for calligra... http://paste.kde.org/78631/ . Is it the problem with qt package of ubuntu or am I missing something?12:14
gopalKThis error comes not only for calligra but basically any kde app that I try to compile from source12:15
Kat_87gribouille: you could also try deleting xorg.conf and rebooting12:19
Kat_87that should generate a default one12:19
gribouilleKat_87, will the default one be better than the one I pasted ?12:20
Kat_87the one you pasted was incomplete12:21
Kat_87it lacked the section where the driver is specified12:21
Kat_87I'm surprised you get x to start at all12:21
Kat_87what version of x are you using by the way12:21
Kat_87it's not the 1.1012:22
Kat_87maverick should have 1.9.012:23
Kat_87so yeah try with the default one12:24
Kat_87if it's not better just restore the backup12:24
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gribouilleI run dexconf an its exit code is 10, but I get no error message12:27
Kat_87does xorg.conf looks fine?12:27
gribouilleKat_87, it isn't modified12:28
Kat_87just delete it12:28
Kat_87maybe it will change it12:28
ryrychis it a known bug that watching flash videos (YouTube in my example) casues X crash or what happened me a while ago: restart of system?12:28
Kat_87or delete and reboot12:28
ryrychno matter what browser I am using12:29
Kat_87ryrych, is hardware acceleration enabled in flash?12:29
gribouilleKat_87, I can't reboot right now12:29
Kat_87restart x?12:29
gribouilleKat_87, neither12:30
ryrychKat_87: do you enable it via rmb?12:30
Kat_87ryrych:  right click on the flash video, settings, and there should be a checkbox12:31
ryrychKat_87: yup, it was enabled12:31
ryrychI switched it off12:31
Kat_87any better?12:31
ryrychit happens unexpectedly12:32
ryrychlet me see12:32
Kat_87gribouille:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42116112:32
Kat_87see if that is of any help12:33
gribouilleKat_87, ok, I'll see12:34
Kat_87ryrych: hardware acceleration is usually the problem12:43
Kat_87but if that's not it you can try another flash version12:43
Kat_87anyway I gotta go now, cu later12:44
ryrychKat_87: X again exited abrupty12:55
ryrychI saw one of console – couldn't change it and the sound from YT movie was looped12:55
ryrychI have ksystemlog in front of me – which information should I take a look at?12:56
GeertJohanI'm having a problem with borders in KDE13:04
GeertJohanbut I dont know if its a Kubuntu, KDE or X11 problem..13:04
GeertJohanborders of windows go missing13:04
GeertJohanand graphics do wierd..13:05
GeertJohaneveryting keeps running though.. no crashes.. its just that it looks wierd... reboot fixes the problem, but It'll come back.. sometimes 30 secs after boot... sometimes 30 minutes or even 2 hours...13:06
GeertJohanI cant find a pattern in actions I do and the event happening..13:06
GeertJohanany thoughts?13:06
BluesKajHiyas all13:09
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BluesKajWednesday, June 8, 2011: KDE 4.7 Beta 2 Release  The beta becomes available for general consumption.13:17
ryrychanyone experiences abrupt X crashes watching YT videos? I disabled hw accelleration but it didn't help13:27
ryrychwhich log should I look up?13:27
ryrychit crashes unexpectedly13:28
bigbrovarryrych: I do get that when am using skype or vlc13:33
bigbrovarreported a bug about it and never heard from it again13:33
bigbrovarits totally random and from my investigation seems to be a kernel 2.6.38 bug with intel cards13:34
ryrychbigbrovar: hi, I am using rather older radeon xpress 200; I don't use skype; it happened to me only with flash content; I thought it is Chromium issue so I switched to Firefox but here it is the same :(13:36
ryrychbigbrovar: is this crash logged?13:36
BluesKajryrych, you're lucky to have usable graphics at all with x200 , mine was absolutely unusable  ...slow cursor , slow loading of anything graphical13:41
ryrychBluesKaj: indeed in 11.04 it is more usable than in 10.1013:41
ryrychin 10.10 I used x from xorg-edgers13:42
BluesKajI had to install an nvidia pci card13:42
ryrychso, I would like to fill in a bug report but I don’t know what log to look up to :(13:43
ryrychthere's nothing in kdm.log13:43
ryrychxorg.0.log shows only bits from loading13:43
BluesKajryrych, try /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:44
BluesKajoh sry , din'y notice your last post13:45
BluesKajryrych, frankly the support for ati integrated graphics is really pretty poor IMO, by ati and linux13:47
ogzyi installed kubuntu 10.04 with LVM and crypto support, after the installation and upgrades, i was not able to open User Manager, any idea about the problem?13:48
BluesKajuser manager ?13:52
BluesKajfile manager -dolphin ?, ogzy13:52
ogzyBluesKaj: user management at the system settings13:53
ogzyBluesKaj: i am trying to remember the error message but it was saying something about a py file and giving error13:54
BluesKajogzy, make sure you have the latest python installed13:55
ogzyBluesKaj: i had applied upgrades and security fixes  from the kpackagekit13:57
BluesKajogzy, right , but I would still run sudo apt-get install python13:59
c2tarunwhich ppa contains pkg-kde-tools latest version for natty?14:00
BluesKajkpackagekit is not as reliable as ppl think ...using apt is best IMO..I know it uses apt too but guis in general can dreak stuff14:00
BluesKajpaolinux, re ?14:01
ogzyBluesKaj: ok i will try it14:03
ogzyBluesKaj: at the same machine i have a problem with cups interface that is localhost:631, asking to the channel14:03
BluesKajc2tarun, no ppa , it's in the repos14:03
paolinuxBluesKaj: i'm REntered in this chat14:04
BluesKajwe don't use shortforms unless they're universal ...I know the 're ' used to mean 'rehi' in other irc chats but those don't apply here due to the international nature of this chat14:06
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ogzyat my kubuntu 10.04 installation on LVM and crypted disk, i have problem on progressing cups interface, i choose AppSocket/HP JetDirect , enter socket://ipnumber:9100, the next screen asks to give printer name and description after entering this, i see again the IP enterance screen, it never ends, i don't know how to debug and investigate where the problem occurs?14:11
ogzyso mainly driver selection never comes at the cups web interface, any idea or bug report related with it on 10.04 kubuntu?14:13
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BluesKajogzy, open the system settings /printer configuration / network printer14:20
ashwinkdelibs5-dev : Depends: libsoprano-dev (>= 2.5.63+dfsg.1) but it is not going to be installed14:22
ashwinhow can i install kdelibs5-dev ?14:23
ogzyBluesKaj: printer adding is working if i open it from system setting / printer configuration but the web interface does not bring the driver selection14:24
BluesKajit doesn't use a web interface for the driver , you choose the driver with the  configuration settings by clicking next and choosing your printer in the manufacturers list14:29
BluesKajogzy, read above ^14:31
BluesKajashwin, try to install libsoprano-dev14:31
BluesKajthen kdelibs5-dev14:32
ashwinlibsoprano-dev : Depends: libsoprano4 (= 2.5.63+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1) but 2.6.0+dfsg.1-3 is to be installed14:32
ogzyBluesKaj: ok that screen comes if you follow the Add Printer at localhost:631, which is not coming14:34
BluesKajok don14:35
BluesKajdon't add printer @ local host ...why are you using a  browser for this ...it's nor necessary14:36
ogzyBluesKaj: i know it is not necessary, but i want to reach my printserver from web interface not from gui14:37
BluesKaj!cups | ogzy14:40
ubottuogzy: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows14:40
BeenI've just picked up a netbook (Samsung NF110) and I'm having issues with partitioning my drive so that I can dual-boot between Windows 7 and Linux14:42
BeenBasically there seems to already be 3 primary partitions, The windows partition, a boot partition and a recovery partition.14:43
BeenAnd when I try to alter the partition table I can only add another Primary Partition (which would have to be /boot, leaving me with no other partitions) or a logical partion14:43
BeenIf I create a logical partition then I can still create additional ones, but I can no longer specify if they're primary or logical.14:44
BeenAnyone got any ideas what I can do to fix this?14:44
BluesKajBeen,  whatapp are you using to partition?15:00
BeenIt's the default one as part of the install on the Kubuntu live CD.  I don't know the name I'm afraid.15:02
BluesKajBeen, so no freespace is available to be unallocated then ready for ext4 formatting ?15:07
BeenOh there's plenty of free space.  I have 160Gb of free space, but it only allows me to make one primary partition (due to there already being 3 on the drive, and not being able to go over 4), then no further partitions of any type15:09
BeenOR I can install 1 logical partition of any size (such as swap) then I create further ones of no specified type (I'm guessing logical again though)15:10
BeenSince I need at least 1 primary partition for /boot, I'm sure how to get around this15:10
BluesKajBeen, not to worry , logival partitions work fine , just resize you ntfs to whatever you think it wll need15:12
BluesKajBeen, as for the boot partition, grub will install on the correct part of the drive and list windows in the boot menu15:12
BeenThat's another concern actually.  It says there's a 100mb boot partition already.  I imagine if GRUB was installed it could chain them together to boot windows no problem.  But it still needs to be installed on the first few blocks of the hard drive yes?15:13
BluesKajBeen, when the install is alkmost finished , a dailog will give you choice where to put grub and beinga dual boot it will recognize this and thje default will be the correct one.15:14
BluesKajscuse my spelling15:14
BeenAh, so that option comes later then?  Thanks :)15:14
BluesKajthe small partition 200mb or so is the windows boot recovery , the mbr for windows will be chainloaded by grub so when you choosw windows in the menu then a normal windows boot will take place15:16
Beenkk.  I'll give it a shot later then.  Just realised I need to some shopping and the shops shut in 40 minutes15:17
BluesKajBeen, gparted live cd is a great way partition your drives ..I prefer it to the kubuntu livecd partitioner15:19
BeenI'll give that a shot then.  Won't hurt to take care of that first.15:20
BeenI'm off to shop and partition some things then.  Laters15:21
BluesKajright , later15:21
maiqianghi!  i am new to kubuntu, although i've used ubuntu for a few years.  i've recently installed 11.04.  i'm having a problem with skype.  i use a webcam with a mic.  the webcam is working with no problem, but not so the mic.  any suggestions?15:38
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BluesKajmaiqiang, do you have pulseaudio installed ? If so , it could be causing the problem depending on your soundcard . Check alsmixer in the terminal first to make sure no ctrls are muted and turn up all relavent ones.15:53
maiqiangBluesKaj: Thanks for the suggestions. Yes pulseaudio seems to be there by default.  Should I remove it?  If so, how? Also, how do I check alsmixer in the terminal? (My ignorance is showing)15:55
BluesKajmaiqiang, type alsamixer in the terminal15:56
maiqiangBluesKaj: Easy enough.  I'll do so now15:57
BluesKajmaiqiang, you can remove pulseaudio and reset your audio preferences in system settings multimedia /phonon ..test the different soundcard settings available  and try skype settings to coincide with the phonon choices.16:02
maiqiangBluesKay: I've made sure alsamixer settings are okay and now I'll try skype again16:02
BluesKajmaiqiang, if removing pulseaudio doesn't help ., just reinstall it16:03
maiqiangBluesKaj: No success yet.  I'm trying various audio settings now to see if anything works16:08
BluesKajmaiqiang, remove pulseaudio for now..it can be reinstalled if necessary16:08
maiqiangBluesKaj: Still nothing.  I don't see how to remove pulseaudio16:15
BluesKajmaiqiang, in the terminal , sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio16:16
BluesKaj!apt | maiqiang16:16
ubottumaiqiang: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)16:16
maiqiangBluesKaj: Removing it now16:19
maiqiangBluesKaj: just got a notice that kde detected that one or more internal sound devices were removed with the question do i want kde to permantly forget about these devices. sounds ominous16:24
BluesKajmaiqiang,  choose manage devices , don't let it remove anything16:25
BluesKajmaiqiang, you can reset your audio preferences in system settings multimedia /phonon ..test the different soundcard settings available  and try skype settings to coincide with the phonon choices.16:27
maiqiangBluesKaj: I'm in phonon now but i don't see how to rest the preferences.  some of the devices in audio capture>communication are greyed-out and i can't select them.  defaults seems to do nothing16:29
aaronthKubuntu 11.04 seems great16:33
BluesKajmaiqiang, check acessability. use the "test" options with that16:33
maiqiangBluesKaj: thanks for all your suggestions.  the test button is greyed-out in both communication and accessibility16:34
BluesKajmaiqiang, move the optional soundcard setting with the prefer/defer options and test those16:35
maiqiangBluesKaj: i just tried that but still can't test16:36
BluesKajmaiqiang, also try in the terminal,  speaker-test -c2 -Ddefault -t wav16:37
maiqiangBluesKaj: just did that and the speakers are fine16:38
BluesKajmaiqiang, what driver is listed at the top right corner in alsamixer?16:40
BluesKajerr top left corner16:40
maiqiangBluesKaj: what if i close multimedia>phonon?  would that reset everything to the original configuration and i could then start again?16:40
maiqiangBluesKaj: Card: HDA NVidia16:41
maiqiangRealtek AlC662 rev116:42
BluesKajmaiqiang, ok , I guess you need to reinstall pulseaudio and try again16:45
maiqiangwill do16:45
maiqiangBluesKaj: do you think it is safe to close phonon and then reopen it? will i lose any of the devices it though it should remove?16:49
BluesKajmaiqiang, you can safely close phonon..you won't lose anything16:50
maiqiangBluesKaj: okay, thanks16:51
BluesKajthen open it and run the test on the default16:51
BluesKajyou may need to check skype audio settings to make sure it's linking to the phonon setting16:52
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mfraz74In Kubuntu 10.10, if I try to view a file that doesn't exist in Konqueror I get an error saying "Unsupported Protocol error"16:53
maiqiangBluesKaj: okay, i closed it telling it to discard changes. reopened it and several of the devices are still greyed-out and so it the test button. skype's sound devices only gives me the option of PulseAudio server (local)16:54
BluesKajmfraz74, try dolphin16:54
mfraz74BluesKaj: I don't like dolphin as I can't split the window top/botto16:54
mfraz74the protocol error is not supported by the KDE programs currently installed on this computer16:56
* BluesKaj shrugs16:56
mfraz74I see Phonon configuration is messed up in 11.04 too16:58
BluesKajmaiqiang, try the music option in /device prefernce in phonon to test17:00
mfraz74BluesKaj: could you try going into speaker setup, going back to overview and then look at speaker setup again?17:00
maiqiangBluesKaj: no problem with that. sounds fine17:01
BluesKajmaiqiang, ok video , communication, games ..are they ok ?17:02
BluesKajif they work then skype should be ok as well17:02
mfraz74maiqiang: have you got pulseaudio volume control installed?17:03
maiqiangBluesKaj: all healthy17:03
BluesKajmfraz74, pls lets wait for a reply17:03
mfraz74BluesKaj: installing pavcontrol is the only way I've found of getting skype working with kubuntu17:04
BluesKajok maiqiang , check your skype settings now ...the pulseaudio soundserver should work if you set the ctrls in the pulseaudio settings pavcontrol in the kmenu17:05
BluesKajkmenu apps/multimedia17:06
BluesKajI don't need pulseausio , I use skype static version which doesn't need pulse audio17:07
maiqiangi don't see pavcontrol or pulseaudio settings17:07
BluesKajI've seldom had any use for PA , ever17:07
mfraz74pulse audio volume control17:07
BluesKajmaiqiang, kmenu apps/settings perhaps17:08
BluesKajsometimes it makes no sense where these options end up in the kmenu, you may nneed to explore to find it , maiqiang17:10
maiqiangBluesKaj: can't seem to find it anywhere17:11
BluesKajmaiqiang, alt+f2 , pavcontrol17:12
maiqiangBluesKaj: finds nothing17:14
ricky1966hi everybody, where i can find a tutorial for compiling module with 11.04 ?17:14
BluesKajinstall build essential , ricky196617:15
ricky1966ok, but i've this message17:16
ricky1966Missing files that required to build driver: /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/source/drivers/media/dvb/dvb-usb/dvb-usb-common.h dvb-usb/dvb-usb.h dvb-usb/dvb-usb-ids.h dvb-core/dvb_frontend.h dvb-core/dvbdev.h dvb-core/dmxdev.h dvb-core/dvb_demux.h dvb-core/dvb_net.h dvb-core/demux.h dvb-core/dvb_ringbuffer.h frontends/dvb-pll.h17:16
ricky1966Try to get kernel source closest to 2.6.38-8-generic from www.kernel.org and then copy to /lib/modules/2.6.38-8-generic/source/drivers/media/dvb17:16
BluesKajmaiqiang, kmenu/apps/system ?17:16
FloodBotK1ricky1966: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:16
ricky1966ops osrry17:16
ricky1966BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/619255/17:17
maiqiangBluesKaj: nope, nothing there either17:17
mfraz74maiqiang: you may have to install it then17:18
maiqiangmfraz74: install from kpackagekit? what is it called?17:19
BluesKajricky1966,  you have a video capture card that needs a new driver from what I can see , look around for the driver required on 11.0417:19
DarthFrogricky1966:  try using the auto-apt tool to build your driver.  "auto-apt run ./configure" instead of just "./configure".  You'll have to install auto-apt first "sudo install auto-apt" and build its databases as well: auto-apt update && auto-apt updatedb && auto-apt update-local.  Then it will install the needed missing files for you.17:20
BluesKajricky1966, or disconnect the card temporarily , and proceed with your upgrade then reconnect the card and reboot17:21
BluesKajDarthFrog,  interesting ..never used auto-apt17:23
ricky1966i try to compile a usb tv card17:23
DarthFrogBluesKaj:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGet/Howto?action=show&redirect=AptGetHowto17:23
ricky1966with 10.10 i only downloaded the driver, compile with make and installed17:24
mfraz74what driver?17:25
DarthFrogricky1966:  Obviously with 10.10 you had the necessary pre-requisites already installed.17:25
maiqiangmfraz74: okay, i installed pulseaudio volume control, but i still can't find it17:25
mfraz74maiqiang: it should be in the multimedia menu17:25
maiqiangmfraz74: i take that back, i just found it17:26
ricky1966but i remember i've downloaded the driver and installed build-essential and after make and make install17:26
maiqiangmfraz74: thanks for your help here.  input devices shows two devices: 'internal audio analog stereo' and 'c8 webcam analog mono.'  volume is up on both of them17:29
BluesKajricky1966, check out v4l and v4l217:30
ricky1966how ?17:30
maiqiangstill not working in skype however17:31
mfraz74what about in the recording tab?17:32
maiqiangvolume up there too17:32
mfraz74maiqiang: for skype?17:33
maiqiangwait, i take that back: recording has the message no application is currently recording audio17:33
przemek__can someone tell me how to get normal desktop in latest kubuntu?17:34
przemek__hi guys btw :)17:34
mfraz74sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:34
mfraz74oops, sorry wrong question17:35
mfraz74przemek__: what desktop have you got at the moment>17:35
przemek__i have this search and launch default panel running with icons and application bar on top17:36
mfraz74that would be the netbook interface, do you have a system settings icon anywhere?17:36
przemek__wait a sec17:37
przemek__got it17:38
mfraz74when you find it you need to go into workspace behaviour > workspace > workspace type - desktop17:38
ricky1966missing linux-source packeges17:38
przemek__should work fine. thanx17:40
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BobbixAnyone know how to connect with wifi AP on Kubuntu 10.04 ???17:51
BobbixA see "Unavaliable" on the network icon, What means???17:51
derek_hey my software updates and installer are kinda messed up...17:54
derek_I can't update or install any new software.17:55
BobbixI've KD3 4.4.5 and KUBUNTU KDE NETWORK "UNAVAILABLE" WORKAROUNDi can't connect to my wireless ZP17:55
Bobbixzp = ap17:55
BobbixAny idea ???17:55
BluesKajBobbix, sudo lspci -k , pastebin the out put18:10
kavurtmy computer cannot see memory stick. can i do something about it?18:19
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BluesKajBobbix, hang on a minute ..I may have a fix for that18:24
BluesKajBobbix, go to www.kernel.org and look for the sru kernel update , there's a ppa to install and the update and upgrade18:32
BluesKajtaking a break < BBL18:33
uneivihey, hi everybody!18:42
uneividoes somebody know, why the blur effect shadow effect does not work with blur effect?18:45
derek_What is the output of "date -u +%W$(uname)|sha256sum|sed 's/\W//g'"?18:47
derek_bear with me. thanks.18:48
derek_Ok... does anybody know?18:49
BobbixKDE and network manager are very horrible!18:55
MagnussonDaskreech>hah hey just got on to look for you. fixed my problem yesterday18:56
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* Daskreech waves at Magnusson18:59
MagnussonDaskreech>reinstalling my nvidia driver fixed it all18:59
Magnussondoes anyone know if there's a way you can make dolphin show you folder sizes when you hover over them?19:00
BobbixKDE + NetworkManager = Garbage !19:07
EagleScreenBobbix: wicd-kde is a good alternative19:08
Bobbixyes but i need to connect with a umts usb modem and  i've succefull configured under kdenetworkmanager19:09
BobbixMy question... i'm th only one in the world with all this problems with wireless using kde network manager ???19:10
EagleScreenI'd like to encrypt my home folder with ecryptfs-utils19:10
EagleScreeni have run ecryptfs-setup-private, and it created a /home/user/Private folder which is encrypted19:11
Bobbixhow i can read the system logs here?!19:11
DaskreechMagnusson: nice :)19:11
DaskreechMagnusson: Umm Tooltip?19:12
DaskreechNot sure That's not something that's static or quicl19:12
Daskreechif you hover over /home or /var for example that's nearly all the data on the computer19:13
ubuntu_userBobbix: terminal and look in /var/log?19:13
DaskreechBobbix: That will be more robust in KDE 4.719:13
Bobbixi use the normal system upgrades.. but kde... it's less stable (more less stable) than gnome!19:14
MagnussonDaskreech>hmm? i mean as it stands now whenever i hover over a folder all i get is that it's 4.0kb. i'd like to know how much the total folder size is including all subdirectories, etc19:14
DaskreechMagnusson: the folder is 4KB19:14
Daskreechi.e. the file that describes the folder is 4Kb19:14
Bobbixi go now.. i'm very nervous for this... i want to experiment kde for a lot.. but for working nothing it's better than gnome!19:15
BobbixHi to all and thanks for help!19:15
Daskreechthe size of things inside the folder is variable and takes a long time to calculate19:15
Daskreech it could be done as non blocking so you could get the otehr information instantly and wait for that but honestly Alt+Enter is a faster way to check multiple directories or look at dolphin in Filesize mode19:17
DaskreechMagnusson: install filelight19:20
EagleScreenso, if i want to ecrypt all my home folder, as like as the installer does, how must I proceed?19:20
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory19:21
MagnussonDaskreech>hmm yeah i knew the folder itself was 4 kb, but i'll look into filelight :) tyu19:21
DaskreechMagnusson: as I recall it hqs a dolphin view19:24
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LINKSWORD2Greetings, all.19:41
* genii-around slides LINKSWORD2 a coffee19:41
xboxownsYo yo19:41
xboxownsWhat is up, yo?19:41
LINKSWORD2... Wrong time of day for a coffee, mate.19:42
xboxownsYeah, that is true. * rubs the back of his head *19:42
LINKSWORD2xboxowns: What's up?19:42
genii-aroundLINKSWORD2: Ah, then a beverage of your choice, certainly.19:42
LINKSWORD2Mtn. Dew. :)19:42
xboxownsNot much, not much. I love this game called Allen Wake. Literally the best game I have ever played.19:42
xboxownsIt is like a movie but at least with an awesome story and effect19:43
LINKSWORD2Do you live a Dew life? :)19:43
xboxownsWhat is a Dew life?19:43
LINKSWORD2Drink Dew, play games, drink more Dew. :P19:43
xboxowns No, just game life :d19:43
xboxownsPlay game, but skip drinking.19:44
xboxownsDude!! GAMES are worse than drugs man, they are that addicting19:44
xboxownsno wonder the gaming industry make more money than movies19:44
xboxownsit is worth it19:44
LINKSWORD2Games CAN be addicting, but only if you let yourself get drawn in.19:44
jmichaelxoften when i click on a window to bring it to the foreground, instead the pointer turns into the cross-shaped symbol, and when i move the mouse the window is dragged around. does anyone know how make it stop this?19:44
xboxownsI LET my self get drawn in19:45
xboxownsand happily willingly at that19:45
LINKSWORD2jmichaelx: Your mouse is turning into the Move cursor, and therefore moving the window.19:45
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: i understand that, i want to make it quit doing that19:46
LINKSWORD2I would suggest that if you use a wireless mouse / keyboard, check the batteries, first of all.19:46
LINKSWORD2Low batteries can make them very uncooperative.19:46
Daskreechhi LINKSWORD219:46
* LINKSWORD2 pokes Daskreech with a sharp stick.19:47
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: that isn't the issue. i have kubuntu on 3 machines, plus my PC at work... the behavior is the same on all of them19:47
xboxownsThis I gotta read * grabs popcorn and awaits the next respond with great anticipation *19:48
LINKSWORD2It is probably the click sensitivity, then. Hang on a moment while I find the appropriate settings.19:48
xboxowns* munches *19:48
LINKSWORD2jmichaelx: Go into your System Settings -> Input Devices -> Mouse19:49
LINKSWORD2You can make adjustments there to your mouse's sensitivity.19:50
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: i think what i am getting at doesn't have much to do with sensitivity. i don't want it to ever switch to 'move window mode', unless maybe i am continuing to hold down the left mouse button19:51
xboxownsWait wait, is your objection that when you move the mouse all of a sudden your entire windows shrink in size and you get to pick which window to view while the others in background?19:52
jmichaelxxboxowns: no.19:52
LINKSWORD2That falls under the Drag Start Time, if I remember correctly. Its default value is 500ms.19:52
LINKSWORD2I might adjust it to about 800, but that's my preference.19:52
xboxownsOoh ooops..nevermind then, sorry.19:52
xboxownsSometimes when I move the mouse all the open windows shrink in size and placed in different location, like a tiny thumb image or tiny painting with frames until I pick which window I want to view it enlarge to normal size and the rest of the window is hidden from view19:53
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: ok, that might help.... i'm not sure i want any drag start time. KDE did not used to have this behavior, and i would love to shut it off or make it go away19:54
xboxownsis it...visually appealing jmichaelx?19:54
jmichaelxvisually appealing?19:54
xboxownsyeah, looks pretty?19:54
jmichaelxis what visially appealing?19:54
* LINKSWORD2 slaps xboxowns with his own bag of popcorn19:55
xboxowns* rubs my head *19:55
LINKSWORD2lol ignore him. He just needed a good slap. :P19:55
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: honestly, this is just about a minor annoyance. violence is not necessary (yet)19:55
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jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: do you use chromium/chrome?19:56
LINKSWORD2Yes, I have Chrome on my system.19:56
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: ok, click on the bar at the top (not the KDE titlebar, if you have that enabled)19:57
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: it will ALWAYS switch to move mode, and i HATE this19:57
LINKSWORD2Just a moment. I don't have Chrome open.19:57
LINKSWORD2OK. You're talking about the tabs bar?19:58
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: hmm.... ok, it is inconsistent. sometimes it stays in move mode, even when the mouse button is released, sometimes not19:58
LINKSWORD2I cannot be certain what's going on, but I still think it has to do with the amount of time before the mouse initiates its drag mode...19:59
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: i do not know how to explain this, but KDE still has some freaking annoying bugs20:00
xboxownsI have a verrrrry funny single comic strip here20:01
xboxownswho wants to see it20:01
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: i don't think it does. look, if i konversation does not have focus, and i click on it in a gray area to bring it to focus, it usually switches to this drag mode, and stays in that mode even if i release the mouse button. i never ever ever want it to move things when the mouse button is released20:01
xboxownsit reaaally is funny20:01
LINKSWORD2I've done a lot of tweaking with KDE right after the initial install, to maximize how KDE performs for me, and minimize the bugs I have to deal with.20:02
LINKSWORD2I don't think I can see the same results as you, jmichaelx20:02
* LINKSWORD2 ignores xboxowns20:02
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xboxownsYou know what...you can really resolve this by doing teamviewer20:02
xboxownssimply put...see by your own eyes what he is talking about20:02
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: that is strange, since it behave this way for my across 4 machines (all but one with nvidia graphics, if that has any bearing)20:03
LINKSWORD2... Teamviewer?20:03
jmichaelxfor me*20:03
xboxownsit is a free program20:03
xboxownsallows you to access his desktop as if you are behind it yourself and see what he is complaining about20:03
xboxownsperhaps even resolve it there and then20:03
OerHeksTeamviewer runs trough their servers, no thanx20:03
xboxownseverything runs through someone elses server20:03
LINKSWORD2Well, my Kubuntu PC is a very old Compaq with on-board VGA. Just something I put together to experiment, and by no means, a top-end system.20:04
jmichaelxeh, most of what i have is not top-end, either20:05
LINKSWORD2We get a lot of people here asking about an NVidia graphics issue, but I'm not sure if that applies in your case.20:05
LINKSWORD2... And maybe saying "a lot" is not true. But it is one we see every so often.20:06
LINKSWORD2jmichaelx: Do you mind if I open a direct, one-to-one chat?20:07
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: it is a fair bit.... KDE is not playing nicely with a lot of nvidia and intel adapters20:07
OerHeksto get the videocard details, terminal: lspci | grep VGA20:07
xboxownsOut of curiosity how old is KDE?20:08
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: you can, but you do not need to, ncessarily. i was just wondering whether or not someone might know off-hand how to fix this20:08
LINKSWORD2I'm not very well-versed in commands or the general interface. I know enough to get around and that's about it.20:08
LINKSWORD2xboxowns: Google it. :P20:08
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: what i am dealing with appears to possibly be a bug. one reason i say that is because the behavior is not consistent... it does not always do what i am describing20:10
LINKSWORD2Well, jmichaelx, I've given you the best that I can come up with. Perhaps adjusting the drag mode threshold above 500ms will help solve the issue.20:10
LINKSWORD2I'm sorry to have to cut things short, but I need to leave. I lost track of time.20:11
jmichaelxLINKSWORD2: again, the issue is not in timing, it is in movingwindows around even when the mouse button has been released20:11
LINKSWORD2That's the only thing I can figure it to be. If it's not that, I'm out of suggestions.20:13
LINKSWORD2I'm sorry, but I must leave.20:14
Daskreechgenii-around: know anything about mysql restoration?20:21
cousin_mariohow do I enable/disable upstart services?20:36
Daskreechcousin_mario: you mean permanently?20:41
BluesKajcousin_mario, in system settings/startup and shutdown/service manager20:42
zoraelDoes ubiquity keep logs someplace?20:48
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zoraelFound them, nevermind!20:49
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cousin_marioDaskreech: yes21:02
cousin_marioBluesKaj: unfortunately I can't find system services in there21:02
BluesKajcousin_mario, kmenu /apps/ settings/system settings21:04
EagleScreeni have encrypted my home with ecryptfs-migrate-home, it genergated a random passprhase, and it didn't show it to me, therefore, I have now my home encrypted ad I don't know my passphrase, but i am loged in and i have now acess to all my data21:05
cousin_marioBluesKaj: I mean I can't find system services in "startup/shutdown" within the system settings window21:06
BluesKajcousin_mario, which kubuntu version are you on ?21:08
cousin_marioBluesKaj: 11.0421:08
BluesKajkubuntu or ubuntu ?21:08
Daskreechzorael: where are they ?21:09
Daskreech in the /var/logs ?21:09
zoraelDaskreech: /var/log/installer, /var/log/partman21:09
BluesKajcousin_mario,  alt+f2 , systemsettings , right near the bottom,  startup and shudown21:10
cousin_marioBluesKaj: and that brings me to the same place I was in21:12
cousin_marioBluesKaj: can't find ssh listed anywhere21:12
Daskreechcousin_mario: try man service21:13
BluesKajssh isn't there21:13
cousin_marioDaskreech: unfortunately it doesn't say how to permanently disable a service21:14
BluesKajsudo service ssh stop . or if you want just remove openssh21:14
cousin_marioBluesKaj: I want to be able to start the ssh daemon only when I need it.21:15
cousin_marionot uninstall it, nor having to stop it at every boot21:15
BluesKajsudo service ssh start21:15
cousin_marioBluesKaj: what good would that do to me?21:15
EagleScreencousin_mario: see if rcconf can help you21:15
cousin_marioEagleScreen: it's upstart-based from what I can see21:16
cousin_marionot sysvinit21:16
EagleScreenso uncompatible with rcconf.. true?21:16
BluesKajit stops the ssh daemon21:17
cousin_marioso I can't simply go erase the relevant /etc/rc?.d links21:17
cousin_marioBluesKaj: what does?21:17
BluesKajsudo service ssh stop, does21:18
cousin_marioBluesKaj: only I don't want it to be started in the first place21:18
BluesKajcousin_mario, why , it doesn't do anything til you invoke itr21:19
cousin_marioBluesKaj: It is a potential vulnerability, I want it to be available only when connected to a safe network21:20
Daskreechcousin_mario: looks like the recommended way is to rename the file21:20
cousin_marioDaskreech: the .conf inside /etc/init/ ?21:21
BluesKajpotential vulnerability...bah , everything is a potential vulnerability ...gawd21:21
BluesKajtime to take a break...this is getting to be too much for me21:22
cousin_marioBluesKaj: I thought the idea was to improve things, not complicate them21:22
cousin_mariounfortunately it hasn't been the case when this script was switched from sysvinit21:22
BluesKajminiscule potential IMO ...this isn't windows21:23
cousin_mariooh, debian would suffice21:23
Daskreechcousin_mario: yes21:24
cousin_marioplus I can think of many reasons why one wouldn't want to start ALL of the daemons21:24
Daskreechcousin_mario: as can I21:24
BluesKajcousin_mario, ok , I see you #ubuntu , there's some guys there who are as vulherable as you think you are that might help :)21:25
Daskreechcousin_mario: Is your computer directly addressable on the internet?21:25
cousin_marioBluesKaj: perhaps they'll try to understand the question before telling me21:25
cousin_marioDaskreech: not now, but it is sometimes21:26
DaskreechBluesKaj: if you have ever trolled the ssh logs for a computer that's internet facing you might agree with cousin_mario more :)21:27
BluesKaj I did and your so called vulnerability seems pre..tty small to me .n  ..and if you can't run a simple command without thinking it's jumping thru hoops then you have my sympathy21:27
cousin_mariorun a command at every boot?21:28
Daskreechcousin_mario: You can automate that :)21:28
BluesKajdask then why don'y ydevs include ssh in the startup and shutdown services?21:28
cousin_marioplus, what if a service was unconfigured?21:28
Daskreechcousin_mario: well for debian they are all configured for use on install21:29
cousin_marioDaskreech: I sometimes leave things halfway-through21:30
cousin_marioon test machines21:30
cousin_mariocan't be sure it's safe21:30
Daskreechcousin_mario: Well that's your fault then :)21:30
cousin_marioanyway it's solved21:31
DaskreechBluesKaj: Which services is this?21:31
DaskreechBluesKaj: The KDE service manager?21:32
BluesKajDaskreech, he din't mention ssh ..he asked quote : how do I enable/disable upstart services?21:37
DaskreechBluesKaj: Good point21:37
BluesKajbloody waste of time21:37
cousin_mariounfortunately ssh is handled by upstart, isn't it?21:37
DaskreechI'd just save the config files and uninstall it but in  any case it needs a better management scenario21:38
cousin_marioDaskreech: they told me to add a /etc/init/servicename.override file21:39
cousin_mariocontaining "manual"21:39
Daskreechshould be interesting once systemd starts propogating to see if those tools will be adopted since Canonical doesn't seem likely to take the system itself21:39
cousin_marioin case you weren't there21:39
Daskreechcousin_mario: I wasn't21:39
DaskreechI had seen something like that but renaming the file seemed faster21:39
cousin_mariorenaming the file would have made impossible to start the service via /sbin/service I believe21:40
Daskreechthat way is "more" maintainable21:40
Daskreechhaving service disable ssh would be the easy and maintainable way but let me not complain :)21:41
cousin_mariosomething à la ufw21:43
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SIR_Tacomuch better21:48
DaskreechIf gnome goes through with making systemd a hard depends that should be interesting21:49
BobbixHi to all... at the end i've solved my wifi problems with KDE and NetworkManager21:52
SIR_TacoBobbix: good to hear21:53
BobbixNow i'm connected with wifi... the solution was simple but very hard to find.21:54
BobbixI'm using an hidden  wifi network... and i've to scan this wifi network before connecting21:54
BluesKajBobbix, well, that 's best ...easy to find but to solve is much worse :)21:54
SIR_TacoBobbix: something to suggest in a bug report maybe?21:54
BluesKajhard to solve21:54
Bobbixi've used: sudo iwlist wlan0 scan essid mywlan21:55
SIR_Tacokind of like.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnm85jraE8s21:55
Bobbixafter this command i've been able to connect without problems..!21:55
BluesKajwas it the kernel update / ppa , Bobbix?21:55
Bobbixi've the standrd installation... and standard repositories21:56
BluesKajBobbix, ok good to know for the future21:56
Bobbixi've fid on an italian linux blog21:57
Bobbixok, hi to all, i go to bed (i'm in Italy too an here i'ts 22:57)21:57
SIR_Taco'night Bobbix21:58
BluesKajmust be an italian thing ...lots of intel wifi on pcs there :)21:58
ubuntu_useranybody know about broadcom wireless card (bcm4312) and why I get no internet even though everything (iwconfig, ifconfig, route) looks right?22:02
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: installing "fwcutter" was a solution I heard a while ago22:03
ubuntu_userI've got that .. I think that helped the system even talk to the card22:04
BluesKajubuntu_user, try , sudo modprobe b4322:05
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: ok... you're not connecting at all? losing connection?  or limited connection?22:05
ubuntu_useris it right that I have firmware-b43-lphy-installer along with b43-fwcutter ?22:06
ubuntu_userBluesKaj: nothing outputs from modprobe22:07
SIR_TacoI've never had a broadcom card... just going with bits I've heard22:08
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: ifconfig and iwconfig claim I was connected but I couldn't even ping the router till I added a usb rtl818722:08
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: and route -n showed right before adding the rtl22:09
ubuntu_user0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)22:09
DaskreechBluesKaj: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27495422:10
ubottuKDE bug 274954 in general "Phonon people are beerless" [Critical,Assigned]22:10
SIR_Tacoubottu: we are not!22:11
ubottuSIR_Taco: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:11
SIR_Tacoyes, yes I know... way to hamper the sarcasm22:11
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: so it's USB wireless?22:13
ubuntu_useryes, the broadcom that doesn't work and the rtl that does22:13
SIR_Tacothe RTL does work?22:13
ubuntu_userand the bcm claims to but doesn't22:14
BluesKajDaskreech, yeah , vlc seems to get around my phonon probs , but I do have beer :)22:14
BluesKajusb wifi on kubuntu...uhoh22:15
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: have you matched your PCI-ID to this? http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#working22:15
ubuntu_userBluesKaj: it works ... and the builtin bcm doesnt22:16
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: scroll up a bit to see the command to get the PCI-ID22:16
BluesKajubuntu_user, good then you are lucky ...my belkin usb is useless22:17
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: USB NICs are POS.... how's that for acronym hell? haha22:17
SIR_TacoDaskreech: ty22:18
BluesKajit was fine til jaunty  SIR_Taco22:18
LinkmasterDo you guys happen to know if the development version of KOffice works on KDE4.6?22:19
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: noooo... it may have been fine for the one you own, but USB network cards are like software modems.... bad news22:19
BluesKajralink rt2870 is supposed to work , but it quits after the first conn and absolutely refuses afterwards22:20
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: I had a wireless card like that... it was a D-Link and worked fine with the older drivers, but with the ATH9K etc. drivers it would connect, then randomly disconnnect22:22
BluesKajforget about wicd , it's out of the picture as well as a network manager...tried wpa_supplicant  and thougt I had it woking ...it did for about 10 mins then started dropping the conn22:22
* BluesKaj nods , SIR_Taco ...22:23
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: same issue?22:24
BluesKajyup SIR_Taco , seems so22:24
SIR_TacoBluesKaj: you can get the ath_pci drivers still and install them...22:24
DeltaEpsilonstill no kde 4.7 beta in the repo :(22:25
BluesKajyeah, but which ones ...tired of blacklisting22:25
BluesKajDeltaEpsilon, wait til wed22:25
BluesKajbeta 2 DeltaEpsilon22:26
DeltaEpsilonBluesKaj: k :-)22:26
DeltaEpsilonhope it is good22:26
BluesKajso do I22:26
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: according to that it should work (w/ potential DMA errors since I haven't made a 3x kernel)22:27
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: I'm not sure entirely... I'm running 11.10, but have no 3.0 kernel22:29
SIR_Tacoor the card you have for that matter22:29
ubuntu_userI don't even know where to look to find the error22:30
SIR_Tacodmesg would be a good place to check first22:30
ubuntu_userI don't see anything there that points to a problem.22:32
LINKSWORD2I'm back, but I may not be very responsive.22:33
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: but you can ping the router?22:34
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: not wiht the bcm. I could ping localhost and the local 192.168.0 addresses but nothing else22:34
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: ok... so it's not connecting... but is the driver being loaded?22:35
SIR_Tacolol, funny song just started... always makes me laugh22:36
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: well, it did connect well enough to get a dhcp internal address, but tcp didn't seem to flow through it22:36
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: no ping, no dns, no http22:37
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: aside from localhost and local interface22:37
LINKSWORD2Which song, SIR_Taco?22:37
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: ok... so you couldn't even ping the router when you got an IP?  (not trying to say you didn't try all of this, just trying to eliminate the possibilities)22:38
ubuntu_userthat is correct22:39
SIR_TacoLINKSWORD2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq_s_q0u2DA&feature=autoplay&list=FLkJ5uDxQPDwo&index=9&playnext=122:39
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: but it still says you're connected?22:41
DeltaEpsilonW: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net natty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2836CB0A8AC93F7A22:41
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: affirmative22:41
DeltaEpsilonhow do I fix this error? I ra apt-get update22:41
SIR_TacoDeltaEpsilon:  http://tnoergaard.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/ubuntu-missing-key-error-howto-fix/22:42
SIR_TacoDeltaEpsilon: ignore that one... http://www.liberiangeek.net/2010/10/fix-requires-installation-untrusted-packages-error-ubuntu-10-10-maverick-meerkat/22:43
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: you don't have any MAC/IP restrictions on your router? what security do you have on the router?22:44
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: no restrictions on the router, security is rsa2/psk & hidden ssid22:45
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: which shouldn't be  aproblem since I know the key and the ssid22:46
DaskreechDeltaEpsilon: they will put out Beta 222:46
Daskreechthat's this week22:46
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: ok, and how did you set up the rsa2/psk?22:47
ubuntu_userwent into the router config, selected rsa2/psk, typed in the psk, made sure of capatilization etc, hit apply, set same key  locally, connected, got dynamic ip and route...22:49
ubuntu_userbut no internet22:50
SIR_TacoI seem to remember having a problem with something similar, if I can remember what the solution was....22:51
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: oh .. I was wired when I set the key .. then I took that interface down and did the wifi stuff22:51
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: and when that didn't work I rebooted22:51
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: and when that didn't work I added the rtl22:51
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: and now I'm on the rtl w/ the rsa2/psk22:52
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: ok, that was my next question22:52
SIR_Tacoso it's most definitely a problem wth the broadcom card then22:53
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: yes22:53
SIR_TacoI know you're not an unexperienced person, but I'll throw some things at you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=197102  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33865222:55
SIR_Taco or try this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-broadcom-ethernet-card-driver-installation/22:56
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: I'll take that ... it has been a few years since I ran Linux exclusively. Thanks for the pointers.22:58
SIR_Taconot a problem22:58
ubuntu_userI need to invest in some new glasses or something22:59
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: I missed the UN part of what you said and thought I was being subtly insulted!23:00
xboxownsHave you guys heard of the amigaOS?23:01
LINKSWORD2I've heard of it, but I don't know anything significant about it.23:02
xboxownsAh ok.23:03
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: no, I was not insalting you at all23:04
SIR_Tacoxboxowns: what do you want to know about AmigaOS?23:05
ubuntu_userSIR_Taco: I saw that and I was trying to apologize for taking umbrage at something you didn't do23:05
SIR_Tacoubuntu_user: haha ok, no worries23:05
SIR_Tacoand everythings gone silent23:08
ubuntu_userlol .. I'm busy researching those links you gave me23:09
SIR_Tacohaha ok good23:09
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