
dcordespersia: ping00:27
* persia prefers contentful pings01:25
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MrCuriouspersia: <ping> how was your last meal</ping>02:25
ScottK'last meal' seems very ominous.02:32
MrCurious73% done building OpenCV on pandaboard03:00
MrCuriousstarting to get a good feeling03:00
persiaMrCurious, Does the libcv2.1 in the archives not work for your needs?03:01
MrCuriousnot entirely sure what my needs are of yet. figured if i built from source, i would keep my options open03:02
MrCuriousi am on a voyage of discovery03:02
MrCuriousand example programs are very valuable :D03:03
persiaHeh.  May as well play then.  Most of us don't bother building from source unless we need to modify something (or are adding new software to the archive).03:03
MrCuriousi am half expecting to be needin gaccess to sources, and knowing that the lib and sources match 1:1 is a good thing03:04
MrCuriousa s aversion skew could couse ponderous oddaties03:04
persiaIf you find anything where the binaries and sources *don't* match in the archive, that's a bug to be fixed at the earliest opportunity.03:05
MrCuriousno. i mean the sources i dl with the binaries installed on the system03:31
persiaHow are you getting sources?  Generally we recommend `apt-get source` or similar, in case there are patches needed to build in Ubuntu.03:34
MrCurioushmmm. if this attempt fails, i may petition you for the mojo to do it the way you suggest04:18
dcordeshttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=specific&order=relevance+desc&bug_status=__open__&product=&content=webm I have a feeling this is the thing that happens when ff4 and fennec crash in natty when playing webm09:29
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dcordespersia: ok. content: unity-2d: QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM: it seems like there is no activity about it. you proposed to report the problem in a different place and would like to ask your advise now. https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/79185213:40
ubot2Ubuntu bug 791852 in unity-2d "unity-2d: does not parse QT_GRAPHICSSYSTEM env var" [Undecided,New]13:40
dcordesogra_: would publicly available logs of this channel be a problem with you ? (you set the topic...)18:21
MrCuriouspersia: do you know if the ubuntou people know that ubuntu-11.04-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap4.img.gz is corrupt?18:42
gildeandcordes: it requires someone with a stable irc-connection (ie. running irssi in a screen on a linux-server) and a public_html folder for that user to write the file into18:48
gildeani'm not sure how many people are really using irc as it should be, most still seem to use clients on their workstations18:49
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=== Lopi|idle is now known as Lopi
armin76uh...isn't there a botlog already?19:48
dcordesgildean: I have a friend who has such a setup. the question is if the channel is OK with that. maybe some prefer staying 'unlogged' :)20:30
gildeanhaha, the channel has nothing to say to that20:31
gildeanif you can join, you can log20:31
gildeanthat's the way it goes20:31
gildeani've been using irssi from a shell for about 10 years now20:32
gildeanbefore that, i used random clients on workstations20:32
gildeanlike mirc and xchat20:32
gildeanbut i don't autolog bigger channels, as the logs usually tend to grow and i don't have unlimited space on this server where i run my irssi20:35
gildeanlogging #ac100 takes up around 300-500KB per week20:35
dcordesgildean: that's why I enjoy having some remote machine log everything. with web search function :)20:35
gildeanand double that because i log the channel with a weekly rotation and a separate full-log20:36
dcordeswell thanks for providing the ac100 log!20:39
MrCuriousanyone here know anything about bluetooth + pandaboard + ubuntu?22:32
dcordesMrCurious: what's the problem about bluetooth + pandoraboard + ubuntu ?23:51
MrCuriousi cant work out how to get it to spot my bluetooth serial port23:52
MrCuriousi suppose i need to work out how to get it to pair or show devices that it sees23:52

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