
palhmbshey guys - I'm looking for a update.gif icon (an animated one)10:38
palhmbsI've looked in a few icons sets, but it seems to be missing.10:39
thorwilpalhmbs: where do you have the name from?10:41
thorwilthe only GIFs in /usr/share/icons here are ./hicolor/32x32/animations/softwarecenter-loading-installed.gif and ./hicolor/32x32/animations/softwarecenter-loading.gif10:42
palhmbswell the name _could_ be wrong - all I'm interested in is a moving web element that GPL really - to show the user that the item is being "updated"10:42
palhmbsthorwil, I have absolutely nothing in that directory :(10:42
palhmbsI've grepp'ed for gif's but none in the icons folder at all.10:44
thorwilfind -name "*.gif"10:44
palhmbsyeah that10:44
palhmbsany ideas - is there any OSS site devoted to GPL icons ?10:46
thorwilyou could use http://ajaxload.info/, though it just says free use10:48
palhmbsthorwil, yeah it's for a OSS web project - so I have to be able to verify the GPL.10:49
thorwilpalhmbs: i doubt including what is essentially public domain in a gpl project will be an issue10:51
thorwilthe gpl isn't even a good match for icons10:52
palhmbswell I tried slipping in a tick mark to show progress on a UL list - and got asked where the icon came from - ended up having to use an openclipart.org one :(10:53
thorwilpalhmbs: you could look into the source tree of a gpl project that uses such a loading animation, as it might end up baked into the binary, i guess10:53
thorwilor create one yourself10:54
palhmbsthat's a thought - but I think I'll try slipping past the ajaxload one for now... at least that page says it's "free"10:55
thorwiloh, and you can extract softwarecenter-loading.gif from a package10:55
thorwilit's listed for http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-10.10/ubuntu-updates-main-i386/software-center_3.0.8_all.deb.html10:56
palhmbsI look into that, & thanks for your thoughtfulness - it'd be nice if we OSS web developers had a central repository of this sort somewhere!10:57
thorwilyou're welcome. you mean a central multi-icon-set repository?10:59
palhmbsyeah, just for different free license based stuff. - That has an awesome index / search capability - easy to use and find things, and has _almost everything_11:00
* palhmbs dreams on.11:00
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aced125hey guys22:14
aced125any1 there?22:16

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