
thegoodcushionafternoon all04:27
thegoodcushionRecommendations for a cheap new laptop that can run Ubuntu?04:33
elkythegoodcushion, pioneercomputer.com.au have cheap computers and come with ubuntu installed. their customer service is appalling though.04:44
elkyer, pioneercomputers.com.au04:44
thegoodcushionI was thinking of JB Hifi04:44
thegoodcushionor Officeworks04:44
elkythat too. you'll have to go see what your local outlet has, write down the models and check the intarwebs04:45
elkyand if you're in a place that has msy check their prices to see if they also have it, because both places will beat the price04:46
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head_victimsagaci: I can't even find Ubuntu alpha on aarnet10:34
sagaciyeah, i'll send a request email sometime this week10:35
head_victimThey have the repositories but maybe they don't do dailies or pre releases10:35
head_victimNow I have to wait :/ Ah well, it's going to take over an hour to dl10:36
head_victimI might have to do some REAL work instead of playing around with VBs10:36
head_victimI'm playing with Lubuntu 32 bit alpha 1 and Ubuntu 64 bit alpha 110:37
head_victimI'll just keep updating until release10:37
gorillahead_victim: VB === Victoria Bitter. Didn't think you had that up there.10:37
head_victimgorilla: ha ha10:37
head_victimI should really do an Xubuntu and Kubuntu install as well just to keep abreast of it all10:41
sagacikubuntu has a nice installer10:47
sagaciwell it's pretty much the same but it looks a bit nicer10:47
elkygorilla, i keep seeing people in wellington drinking it. i can't fathom why.11:11
gorillaelky: Because someone told them that it's a premium beer, perhaps?11:14
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