[07:19] hello, what is the keyboard shortcut for taking a screen shot? [07:20] r4y: print screen does it for me [07:21] ty [07:22] bye [08:32] hello, I have been wanting to know this for a while. Can I control someone's computer with their consent?, We both are running Ubuntu and it would be great if I could help them out [08:33] team viewer [08:33] r4y: it's easily accomplished, just check out remote desktop preferences in your system menu [08:33] teamviewer.com [08:34] Error404NotFoun1: if they're both on Ubuntu why install 3rd party software? [08:34] ease of use [08:35] ty, I thought it might be that, but I don't like messing with something unless I know what I am doing, but I don't messing around a little but after reading up first, ty for the input [08:45] r4y: You can also use remote desktop connection [08:47] It's really hard to type right now, I am talking on the phone with someone, but not the person who I want to help [08:49] Ok [09:02] http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/ubuntu-remote-desktop-builtin-vnc-compatible-dead-easy/ [09:02] After you answered me I found that link, ty [09:03] r4y: Not a problem :) [09:03] It will be neat to try out sometime soon, but it's their bedtime and it's getting late for me, so ty and bye [09:04] :) Have a good night [09:04] ty, I will [09:38] anyone using Ubuntu One? [11:08] hej [11:08] anyone around [11:12] DarkwingDuck: HEJ [11:13] pleia2: you around miss? [15:44] Heya [19:17] new at this , first time here, ah i in the right place to ask stupid beginner questions? [19:19] am looking for a program that will image a disk or partition [20:00] hej [20:00] är det en secure-delete default [20:01] ? [20:01] nej det är inte [20:01] vad menar du? [20:01] jag förstod inte ;) [20:01] asldkja lskdja lksdj askljd a :D lol [20:01] och kan vi prata engelska? [20:01] hi bioterror [20:02] min svenska är liten dålight ;) [20:02] ligt [20:02] sorry, couldn't help it lol [20:02] bioterror: i mean i want to make the system use secure-delete when deleting stuff [20:02] like shread ? [20:02] no [20:02] shred is laughable [20:02] seriously 7 passes [20:02] lmao [20:02] too few? [20:02] really bad for security [20:03] how about you use shred and I buy a package of tin foil, so that you can make hat ;) [20:03] secure-delete does 38 passes by daufault according to http://techthrob.com/2009/03/02/howto-delete-files-permanently-and-securely-in-linux/ [20:03] i want to and NEED to make my system inpenitrable [20:04] Stockholm_Angel, how about srm? [20:05] and your nick just reminded me that I should visit Ikea [20:05] Hey guys, I am brand new to the Linux scene, and I seem to be having a problem. [20:05] for example my todo list is: reinstall my webbook with whole disk encryption aes256, ready set up with all apps set to use tor and xchat set to use sasl for freenode [20:06] Lucius_Tolkar: what is your issue? [20:06] i would ask whats your problem... but sounds wrong [20:06] I have already installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my HP Pavilion laptop, and I got the operating system to work yesterday [20:06] yeah, and... [20:07] I turned it off last night, and when I went to turn it on this morning, the OS wouldn't load and I have a blinking cursor in the upper left corner [20:07] press ctrl and f4 [20:07] probably X does not get loaded, needs to press alt+ctrl+f1 and login to tty [20:07] or just alf+f1 [20:07] alt [20:07] X required ctrl too :D [20:07] ill try that right now and get back to you. [20:09] anyone want to help me develop this securbuntu? [20:09] I have tried clt f1, and ctrl f4 and nither have done anything [20:09] alt f1 * [20:09] still on the blinking cursor [20:10] hold the powerbutton down and try to get it to check the disk [20:10] Alright [20:10] in setup now [20:11] Primary hard disk self test? [20:11] or did you mean the install disk? [20:13] Stockholm, could you be a little more specific as to which disk I am supposed to be checking? [20:32] http://paste.ubuntu.com/619358/ fail [20:32] supposed to be all swedish === yofel_ is now known as yfel === yfel is now known as yofel [21:04] Stockholm_Angel: Well, apparently a few strings hasn't been translated or didn't make it to the last translation package. [21:04] geirha: i know [21:26] hi can someone help me turn off the annoying sound when you hit the backspace key too many times in a terminal window? === nlsthzn is now known as nlsthzn-wirk === nlsthzn-wirk is now known as nlsthzn-work [21:29] anyone? [21:29] Buuntu: check your preferences [21:29] what terminal you using? [21:30] stlsaint, ? Application > Accessories > Terminal [21:30] stlsaint, and in previous version of ubuntu you could usually change it in Preferences > Sounds but it isn't there anymore [21:32] Buuntu: what releaes you running? [21:32] 11.04 [21:32] Buuntu: are you referring to the "terminal bell" ? [21:33] stlsaint, yes [21:33] stlsaint, oh thanks, i guess it's in the terminal preferences :P [21:33] stlsaint, i thought it was a system sound [21:35] nope [21:35] Buuntu: no prob === kristian_ is now known as kristian-aalborg [23:01] Linux and MacOSX hosts require a third-party driver such as NTFS-3G to achieve full read/write capability with NTFS volumes. [23:01] Where do I find such a driver for ubuntu? [23:09] holder: it should be installed [23:09] Yep [23:09] holder: the package is titled: ntfs-3g [23:10] Yep, just googled it to be sure [23:10] holder: yes that is what i am saying you can use to install [23:10] felt like it was all too easy [23:10] It came with it out of the box [23:10] =), thanks tho [23:10] yep yep [23:12] anyone know how to turn off file indexing in 11.04? [23:18] boodieman: sorry i do not [23:18] i would just search for it [23:24] Hello People !! [23:26] Server Test 123 [23:27] aayush: server test? [23:27] I am making sure my IRC is working. My first time using IRC [23:31] aayush, welcome aboard! [23:32] aayush: awesome, well yea its working, what client you using? [23:32] Thanks @ philipballwe; stlsaint @ I am using Pigdin [23:32] philipballew: hello [23:33] stlsaint, hello! aayush pidgin is not a bad option at all [23:33] aayush: aye, good client there [23:33] @stlsaint : oh ya 4sure