
lachfome ilius: سلام / این اپلتی که باعث می شه  اسم کامل یوزر تو سمت راست پنل نوشته شه چی هست08:45
iliuslachfome: salam, un applet nist, indicator hast, vase chi mikhay?08:53
lachfomeilius: تو گنوم حنتو ندارمش می خوام اضاف کنم اما نمی دونم چی هست09:05
* AbismoNegro hates ubuntu's ugly unity interface11:31
=== a11 is now known as Guest16087
Guest16087salam be dostan rahnamaee konid baray nasbe babylon ya yek dictionery en be fa khobe dige15:23
Guest16087ro 11.415:23
=== asmo is now known as Guest58671
narcislinuxche khalvat18:33
amin`salam man mekham bedonam ke aya conection start va stop ke az tarigh gerafiki toi network manager hastesh dastore command line dareh?19:31
the-lightamin`: ye pppoe-stop hast, ama nemidunam aun app e Gnome az aun estefade mikone ya na19:50
the-lightage nemikard, mituni process ro peyda koni o kill koni19:51
tmp1* salam. kasi midone chetor address va port YourFreedom ro be system bedam?22:06
tmp1* age kasi midune begeha, tarof nakonid :D22:09
* WhiteCrow1 be bax salam mide23:17

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