
m4vHe has not challenged my decision, but if he does, I'll ask him to talk with the IRCC. I hope that's alright.00:06
m4v(given that nor effie_jayx nor erUSUL are around for back me up)00:07
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klaconerI'm trying to set my Real Name on epic4 to something other than it is set for as my shell real name. How do I do that, I'm trying (export IRCNAME="Whatever Name"   but everytime I login to epic4 it keeps my name as the shells real name and not the one I've picked.08:34
rwwklaconer: If nobody here knows, you might want to ask #freenode. They're generally a little more savvy about client functions.08:34
klaconerrww, thanks.08:35
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m4vBlouBlou now is banned in #xubuntu-es.15:02
bazhangthanks for the heads up m4v15:03
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