
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
MootBotMeeting started at 12:02. The chair is holstein.18:02
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]18:02
holsteinWELCOME ubuntu studio contributors team :)18:02
holstein[topic] agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2011June518:03
MootBotNew Topic:  agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2011June518:03
holsteinlets get started18:03
holsteinwho is here?18:03
holsteino/ of course..., and?18:03
scott-upstairsi'm here for the meeting18:05
holsteinscott-upstairs: i just dropped the link to the agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2011June518:05
holsteinand started roll-call18:05
holsteinastraljava: hey18:06
holsteinim sure folks will sneak in18:07
scott-upstairsoi, here18:07
holsteinand ckontros is here18:07
astraljavaholstein: Sorry for being distracted.18:07
holstein[topic] old buisness18:07
MootBotNew Topic:  old buisness18:07
holsteini have "none"18:07
holsteinand i think that is accurate18:07
falktxhey guys18:07
scott-upstairsyes, i don't think we have anything carrying over this meeting18:07
holsteinjust thought id pose that as we wait for folks to trickle in18:07
falktxmy first IRC meeting, please be gentle18:08
holsteinfalktx: welcome :)18:08
holsteinastraljava: no worries18:08
holstein[topic] Oneiric Timeline https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Oneiric/Timeline18:08
MootBotNew Topic:  Oneiric Timeline https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Oneiric/Timeline18:08
holsteinscott-upstairs: you added this18:09
holsteini think its shaping up18:09
holsteinscott-upstairs: you want to discuss a bit?18:09
scott-upstairsoi, yes...just a rough time line, please review it and the things your responsible for/helping with and adjust as needed18:09
scott-upstairsat some point (very soon hopefully) this will be a little more fleshed out and we can start maintining a better schedule for this cycle18:10
scott-upstairswe can use this to gauge our process and also as reminder of what we need to do and when we need to do it by18:10
holstein[action] review the timeline at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Oneiric/Timeline and adjust/help as needed18:10
MootBotACTION received:  review the timeline at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Oneiric/Timeline and adjust/help as needed18:10
scott-upstairsfurthermore it shows how other things are depending on the current task (if applicable)18:10
holsteinscott-upstairs: you mention putting it in chronologic order18:11
holsteini say, if someone wants to do that, let them18:11
holsteinotherwise, its working for me as-is18:11
scott-upstairsyes, i thought that putting it in chronological order would help understand how things should move forward18:12
scott-upstairsbut the colors would help people associated related items18:12
holsteinscott-upstairs: it wont hurt, i could look into doing that18:12
scott-upstairsfor example, the website tasks which would span many months but are defintely related18:12
scott-upstairsholstein, but i wanted to make sure people had made their edits first18:12
holstein[action] holstein to re-order the timeline chronologically18:12
MootBotACTION received:  holstein to re-order the timeline chronologically18:12
scott-upstairsi thought it would be easier to do that way...or at least less confusing18:13
holsteineh, i dont mind looking at it later too18:13
holsteinif i need to re-do some things18:13
holsteinanyways, i'll either do that, or ask for help with it :)18:13
holsteinscott-upstairs: anymore on that?18:14
scott-upstairsnot at this time, holstein18:14
holstein[topic] Website Update18:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Website Update18:14
holsteini was hoping kokito would be here, but he said he couldnt be18:14
scott-upstairsright, but i have some information...and not all is good18:14
holsteinanyways, scott-upstairs, do you have links handy you want to drop here?18:14
holsteinor news?18:14
scott-upstairsjorge will cease working on the website effectively immediately because he is taking a new job that will move him to japan18:15
scott-upstairsthe relatively good news is that what he has done is fairly mature and can be used18:15
scott-upstairsbut we will still need to do a few things however18:15
scott-upstairswe need to discuss where we are going to host it18:15
scott-upstairsdoes anyone have any opinions on this matter?  should we continue to squeek along with canonical hosting and limited access or should we push forward and host ourselves?18:16
* scott-upstairs hears crickets chirping18:17
holsteinscott-upstairs: i think it depends18:17
furnscott-upstairs: i think anything that helps the ease of use for the end user would be a good choice18:17
holsteinas of now,t he cannonical hosting is not working for us18:17
holsteinfurn: hello18:17
scott-upstairsright, i recently (two days ago) got access to our website sent to me so we are not relying on eric anymore for updates18:17
furnholstein: afternoon kind sir18:18
holsteinscott-upstairs: im comfortable leaving that up to you18:18
scott-upstairshowever i would suspect getting other access would be as laborious and i can't do everything in this matter18:18
holsteinif you feel like thd current system can work now that you have access18:18
scott-upstairsso i would push for hosting ourselves but i want to get input from others18:18
holsteini mean, we can vote it out18:18
scott-upstairsright, holstein, make an action item please about me researching what is available for hosting, i.e. price, bandwidth, storage, etc, etc18:19
holstein[action] scott-upstairs to research alternative hosting plans18:19
MootBotACTION received:  scott-upstairs to research alternative hosting plans18:19
astraljavascott-upstairs: Do we have any measurements, like how many are accessing our site daily?18:19
scott-upstairsbasically i feel that unless someone strenuously disagrees with us hosting our own i'll research it and put it to the group18:19
holsteinscott-upstairs: you want to leave it at that for now? and vote next time with mor information?18:20
astraljavascott-upstairs: Might help in deciding about the hosting.18:20
scott-upstairswe still have to evaluate what the costs are and if we can do that18:20
furnscott-upstairs: i think hosting ourself at any capacity at this point is a good option18:20
scott-upstairsaye, but would everyone agree with putting up five quid to help ;)18:20
holsteinscott-upstairs: thats the issue18:20
holsteinwe need to have all the information, and go from there i say18:21
holsteinlets table it til we get some #'s18:21
holsteinlet me/us know if we can help gather information18:21
scott-upstairsi can ask jorge via email too about hosting, he seemed to indicate that it shouldn't be that big of a deal18:21
furncould we setup a donation system on the site as a non profit?18:21
scott-upstairsi think cory mentioned away to get some funds as well, perhaps from canonical?  i'll ask cory as well18:21
scott-upstairswe could do that furn18:22
holstein[action] vote next meeting about where the new site will be hosted18:22
MootBotACTION received:  vote next meeting about where the new site will be hosted18:22
holsteinim going to skip the XFCE topic in hopes that ckontros makes it back18:22
furni think at this point with so many indie devs having paypal donation buttons, the act of politely suggesting the point of donation isnt quite as audacious as it once was for free media18:22
holstein[topic] Menu changes18:23
MootBotNew Topic:  Menu changes18:23
holsteinfurn: not to cut you off18:23
scott-upstairsholstein, i can answer some xfce changes but i agree let's wait and see if cory comes back, if not we can go with what i know18:23
* scott-upstairs is looking for screen shots18:23
holsteinscott-upstairs: personally, i like the generic menu items18:24
holsteinfor example, when i need to burn an iso in brasero, that has nothing to do with the menu its located in18:24
scott-upstairsother distros (many ubuntu studio derivatives) use additioanl submenus for audio applications18:24
scott-upstairsexample screenshot:  http://tangostudio.tuxfamily.org/images/stories/tangostudio-karmasutra.png18:24
holsteini think some of that might happen with putting apps like qtractor in a MIDI tab18:24
holsteini mean, qtractor is *not* the go-to daw, but if you want to record audio with it18:25
holsteinand its in the MIDI menu...18:25
scott-upstairsright, but synthesisers could safely be put into a synth submenu18:25
holsteinBUT, the scrolling for apps in the giant menu is a mess*18:25
scott-upstairsthe same for effects18:25
holsteinscott-upstairs: agreed18:25
scott-upstairsthe current menu IS better because we cut some18:25
scott-upstairsmy feeling is to leave it as is because it's a lot of manual coding to "fix" it18:26
holsteinwell, thats my other argument too18:26
scott-upstairsif other's feel that this is a benefit then i would be happy to make the changes18:26
holsteinits more work than i feel like we need to take on right now18:26
scott-upstairsIF, and only IF...18:26
furnholstein: i think everyone can nit pick about a menu item that isnt properly placed, but considering out somewhat savvy user base having something like qtractor under midi isnt too big18:26
scott-upstairssomeone can clearly identify what they want18:26
holsteinBUT, something we should keep on the table for the future for sure18:26
scott-upstairsi have it in the "release planning" wiki so it's not going away forever18:27
holsteini propose we vote to put this off til the next cycle*18:27
scott-upstairsobvisouly there isn't enough support for it :P18:27
* ckontros is "here" but not here. Im just looking in when I break from cutting my grass. ;)18:27
scott-upstairsckontros, you want to talk about xfce?18:28
holsteinthis is how you vote +1 / -1 / +018:28
holsteinckontros: yeah, hang for a sec18:28
holsteinand you're next18:28
scott-upstairsholstein, i'm not sure we need to vote18:28
holstein[vote] hold menu re-vamp til next cycle18:28
MootBotPlease vote on:  hold menu re-vamp til next cycle.18:28
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot18:28
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-meeting18:28
scott-upstairsonly two voiced opinions and we both said nay18:28
MootBot+1 received from holstein. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 118:28
MootBot+1 received from scott-upstairs. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 218:28
holsteinwell, its official :)18:28
* falktx people type too fast...18:29
MootBot+1 received from astraljava. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 318:29
falktxcan I show a quick screen shot ?18:29
falktxit's about this18:29
MootBot+1 received from christof. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 418:29
holsteinfalktx: sure18:29
holsteinchristof: hello18:29
holsteini think thats the majority18:29
christofhi all18:29
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 418:29
scott-upstairscan ckontros go?18:30
holstein[action] postpone menu revamp til next cycle (12.04)18:30
MootBotACTION received:  postpone menu revamp til next cycle (12.04)18:30
* scott-upstairs is anxious to get him while he's here18:30
ckontrosBut wait.18:30
holstein[topic] XFCE/UI Changes18:30
MootBotNew Topic:  XFCE/UI Changes18:30
falktxbasically I already have the code for this (more submenus)18:30
ckontrosIDK We have to become more familuar with how XFCE does menus.18:31
holsteinfalktx: yeah, hold that til the end if you dont mind*18:31
ckontrosIm unsure if we can apply the same work we did in GNOME ot XFCE.18:31
MootBotLINK received:  http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/tmp/scr001.jpeg18:31
falktxholstein: k, sorry18:31
holsteinfalktx: no worries :)18:31
ckontrosfalktx: But your install is all or nothing correct?18:32
holsteinckontros: i would imagine its quite different18:32
scott-upstairsmmm, falktx that is a good looking screenshot18:32
ckontrosSorry to back-track but I gotta chime in.18:32
falktxckontros: nope, let me get you a quick deb18:33
falktxthe deb is the stuff for this menu18:33
ckontrosfalktx: So your saying your work applies to any menuing system?18:33
falktxckontros: yes, I made it work under gnome, kde and xcfe at least18:34
scott-upstairsi think that xfce follows the freesektop.org guidelines better than other DE's18:34
falktxscott-upstairs: kde does so, it's just gnome that is the weird thing, like they were the bosses...18:34
ckontrosOk. We'll look into this. Move along. :)18:34
holsteinyeahm, we can always put it back on the table*18:35
holsteinanytime really, if we find that its something easy that we can handle18:35
falktxsure, I usually around if anyone wants to know more stuff about it18:35
scott-upstairsi still say that just because we can do this (adjust menu structure) that we shouldn't unless there is a demand18:35
ckontrosWe might be able to do it this cycle18:35
scott-upstairsand i don't think that the demand is really there apparently18:35
holsteinwell, its postponed as it stands18:36
falktxscott-upstairs: the menu gets pretty big and it's a pain to use...18:36
ckontrosscott-upsrairs: I say that we at least copy our current functionality. Unless *-menu was removed last cycle.18:36
ckontrosie: With the A/V submenus.18:36
scott-upstairsdefintely copy our current functionality for now18:37
scott-upstairslet's get some of the larger issues under our belt and then see about the restructuring18:37
scott-upstairswe still ahve to migrate to xfce18:37
scott-upstairsTHAT will probably be a bigger challenge than any realizes still18:37
falktxdoes the US theme works on xcfe?18:37
ckontrosfalktx: Generally, yes. I have to make a XFWM theme. And thats in progress.18:38
ckontrosFeel free to move to next item.18:39
scott-upstairshmmm, no ailo18:39
scott-upstairsholstein, can ckontros do his bit?18:39
holsteinyeah, thats up18:39
ckontrosWait, wait. Im not presenting.18:39
ckontrosI had no plans to anyway.18:39
holsteinckontros: you want to just give an update?18:39
holsteinor drop some links?18:40
scott-upstairscan you update about the xfce stuff and you mentioned banging heads together about a few things18:40
ckontrosIll happily answer any questions. :)18:40
holsteinOK, that works18:40
holsteinany questions?18:40
holsteinDo we have a tentative date for new -settings/-look packages?18:40
ckontrosI mean things are gonna move better now that my uploading is sorted.18:40
scott-upstairsyay :)18:40
ckontrosIm gonna shoot for 1 week for settings.18:41
holsteinDo you need help or testing?18:41
scott-upstairsi guess we need to update the -desktop package first18:41
ckontros-Look will be what it is untill I get some of the art folks settled.18:41
scott-upstairsthen -settings and -look ?18:41
ckontrosSo -settings will have to hit then the seed changes.18:41
scott-upstairssetting first?  i would have thought we needed to update -desktop first18:42
scott-upstairswans't that what we were looking at earlier on pastebin?18:42
ckontrosNo. Because -desktop is made from the seeds but will dep on *-settings.18:42
scott-upstairsthis "chicken and/or egg" thing gets confusing sometimes :/18:43
holsteinckontros: you need help/testing ?18:43
scott-upstairsso hopefully before Alpha2 we should have something to test?18:43
ckontrosSo we can get things ready in the seeds and -settings but they should push to the srchine @ the same time.18:43
ckontros*Hopefully* But Im thinking things will be rocky for a month or so.18:44
scott-upstairsi imagine we will need to make adjustments (possibly many as bugs are found) to the seeds and -settings18:44
scott-upstairsckontros, so the plan is replicate our current functionality as far as UI right?18:44
ckontrosSide note to all this, we can test upgrade paths but my official stance is new installs.18:44
scott-upstairsafter we get things stable, then we shoot for a new UI?18:44
scott-upstairscool to both :)18:44
holsteinckontros: Is there a newer screenshot for the new UI prototype?18:45
ckontrosholstein: No.18:45
holsteinthe other question from the agenda is Should we provide a option that looks like old UI?18:45
holsteini say, if its not dirt-simple, no18:45
ckontrosI'll upgrade the wiki with new info soon but its slow going at this point.18:45
holsteini dont think its going to be a giant departure in look/feel18:45
ckontros+1 (to no that is)18:45
scott-upstairsmaybe someone can hack something in a ppa to help users BUT18:46
scott-upstairsif we move to a new UI it should be default and we should push that18:46
holsteinyeah, something unoffical is welcome for sure18:46
ckontrosWell, it kinda will. Just AWN at the bottom as opposed the the panel across the top. But all functionality is replicated.18:46
holstein[action] Should we provide a option that looks like old UI? - not officially18:46
MootBotACTION received:  Should we provide a option that looks like old UI? - not officially18:46
falktxI have to pop up again here, as I am developing a replacement for *-controls18:46
holsteinckontros: cool, thanks :)18:47
falktxit is meant for kxstudio mainly, but I'm working to get it nicely goind with others distros too18:47
holstein[topic] Documentation Updates18:47
MootBotNew Topic:  Documentation Updates18:47
scott-upstairsholstein, can we break and address falktx 's comment first?18:47
holsteinscott-upstairs: you want to comment? ask for help officially?18:47
holsteinscott-upstairs: sure18:47
falktxcan I continue?18:48
scott-upstairsfalktx, what does the -controls update do?  what functionality?18:48
scott-upstairssure falktx  :)  you da man!18:48
falktxfor now the controls don't do much, as everything is already working in kxstudio ;)18:48
* scott-upstairs has a strat and isn't afraid to play it ;)18:48
falktxbut it checks for the kernel version and user/audio thing now18:48
scott-upstairsfaltx one thing we have tried to do with updating -controls is to author the app with the perspective of someone "updating" from vanilla ubuntu to ubuntu studio18:49
falktxthe more important thing about this app it's that it contain other cool sub-apps18:49
scott-upstairsso this would include checking if user is in audio group currently18:49
falktxa jack-patchbay, a-la patchage18:49
ckontrosfalktx: How about we team up and refine -controls rather then have parallel efforts?18:49
falktxckontros: we have different targets18:49
falktxckontros: for example, It also works as a plugin host18:50
scott-upstairsoi, it controls jackd, can start applciations18:50
falktxit manages WineASIO too18:50
falktxscreenshots coming18:50
scott-upstairsyou can install plugins (or at least assign where to look for them)18:50
falktxthis is the main app:18:50
MootBotLINK received:  http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/tmp/scr002.jpeg18:50
MootBotLINK received:  http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/tmp/scr003.jpeg18:50
MootBotLINK received:  http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/tmp/scr004.jpeg18:50
falktxthese are the 3 main tabs of it18:51
falktxthe first manages system stuff (jack, alsa bridge, a2j and pulse2jack too)18:51
ckontrosfalktx: Well you mentioned "replacing" *-controls. SO if we have different targets, why replace?18:51
falktxckontros: cause I want to incorporate all *-controls functionality inside18:51
falktxckontros: once ready, I want to push it to debian too18:52
ckontrosForgive me, Im just trying to understand how the targets are different.18:52
scott-upstairsfalktx, does it adjust jackd settings; rtprio, etc18:52
falktxscott-upstairs: it works with jackdbus right now. but I want to make it work with jackd too, soon18:53
falktxckontros: well, someone once told me that having WineASIO option in a US official tool was a bad tihng18:53
scott-upstairsckontros, i think it is currently intended to target the kxstudio audience where many things we worry about are already configure by installation18:54
falktxand that the "Audio Plugins PATH" management is also not very linux friendly18:54
scott-upstairsand they target different applications, including vst, wineasio, and applications that falktx has written18:54
ckontrosfalktx: Having the option for us would be no different than Debian. We just cant include the other packages by default.18:54
scott-upstairsgood work by the way18:54
falktxckontros: I know, any non-working option can be hidden if needed18:55
falktxfor example, WineASIO stuff is auto-hidden if WineASIO is not installed18:55
holsteinmaybe falktx and ckontros can discuss and report next meeting?18:55
holsteinsounds like something we could potentially take advantage of*18:55
scott-upstairs+1 or until after we get a working install with xfce ?18:56
falktxckontros: I also target jack2 and ladish in partical (more focus to it), which I don't think US is ready for now18:56
ckontrosSure. So, is this a situation where you just wanna do what you do and not work directly with us on our -controls app? I can get that. I just wanna be clear.18:56
holstein[action] falktx and ckontros to discuss *-controls functionality and report18:56
MootBotACTION received:  falktx and ckontros to discuss *-controls functionality and report18:56
falktxckontros: I can focus on the *-controls stuff if needed. but it's my own app, please understand18:57
falktxI've been working on it since the last 4 months or more...18:57
holsteinas far as documentation updates, let me just action-item these entries18:57
holstein[action] Documentation - Clarification: generally help.ubuntu.com is for users and wiki.ubuntu.com is for developement18:58
MootBotACTION received:  Documentation - Clarification: generally help.ubuntu.com is for users and wiki.ubuntu.com is for developement18:58
scott-upstairsi was hoping ailo would be here for the documentation part but i have a structure for the help.ubuntu.com section18:58
holstein[action] Documentation - The plan is to reorganize the help.ubuntu.com documentation18:58
MootBotACTION received:  Documentation - The plan is to reorganize the help.ubuntu.com documentation18:58
ckontrosIll let the meeting move on. And really, this isnt my call anyway as my involvement is for UI stuff and this cycle only. ;)18:58
=== apachelogger is now known as kernellogger
holstein[action] Documentation We will be deprecating older pages, modifying current ones, and creating additional pages as needed18:58
MootBotACTION received:  Documentation We will be deprecating older pages, modifying current ones, and creating additional pages as needed18:58
holstein[action] Documentation - Is anyone else interested in assisting?18:59
MootBotACTION received:  Documentation - Is anyone else interested in assisting?18:59
scott-upstairshere is the proposed structure, please ignore/forgive the link top:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/IntroTutVideos18:59
holstein[action] Documentation - ScottL would also like to work on wiki.ubuntu.com18:59
MootBotACTION received:  Documentation - ScottL would also like to work on wiki.ubuntu.com18:59
holsteinscott-upstairs: i say, shout out when you need help, and feel free to assign me to said tasks19:00
scott-upstairsright, i'll confer with ailo later about this, but unless someone strenuously objects AND wants to put forth an alternative, i'm going forward soon19:01
holstein[topic] New Applications19:01
MootBotNew Topic:  New Applications19:01
scott-upstairsthe basic goal would to be to make this more untutivie and user friendly19:01
scott-upstairs^^^ documentation19:01
holsteinyeah, im plowing on19:01
holstein[action] plugins - mda-lv2, eq10q, autotalent,invada-studio-plugins-lv2, vocproc, wah-plugins, foo-yc20, amb-plugins, dssi-vst, lv2vocoder, omins19:01
MootBotACTION received:  plugins - mda-lv2, eq10q, autotalent,invada-studio-plugins-lv2, vocproc, wah-plugins, foo-yc20, amb-plugins, dssi-vst, lv2vocoder, omins19:01
scott-upstairsthere are several new apps i would like to include and they support things19:02
scott-upstairsoh, you posted it19:02
scott-upstairsis that really an action?19:02
holstein[action] ladish - ladish, gladish, ladi-tools19:02
MootBotACTION received:  ladish - ladish, gladish, ladi-tools19:02
falktxis ladish on 11.10 now ?19:02
scott-upstairsi would like for us to move to ladish as well unless someone objects19:02
holsteindepends on if they are being added i suppose19:02
scott-upstairsyes falktx19:02
scott-upstairsthey are in debian and ubuntu now19:02
holsteinmore of a highlight than an action19:02
falktxI have one thing that might interest you all right now19:02
holstein[action] mudita24 - envy24control update, trying to get into Debian in time for Oneiric19:03
MootBotACTION received:  mudita24 - envy24control update, trying to get into Debian in time for Oneiric19:03
scott-upstairsfunctionality is still sketchy from my experience but i expect it to get better ;)19:03
scott-upstairswhat is that falktx ?19:03
falktxtake a look  please - http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/tmp/scr005.jpeg19:03
* scott-upstairs will talk about mudita in a minute19:03
scott-upstairscan you explain the functionality falktx ?19:03
falktxit checks for the current installed packages (not binaries), and displays them19:04
falktxthe list is hardcoded19:04
scott-upstairsit seems that it duplicates some of the functionality of ladish however19:04
falktx^ because of this, we can know where docs are installed19:04
falktxthis way we can select an app and click "documentation"19:04
falktxwe can always create like "US-docs" package and point to it too19:05
falktxthis app also helps ladish, by providing pre-setup templates for many apps19:05
falktx(anyone here knows about ladish internals?)19:05
scott-upstairsfalktx, i know some, can we discuss this together after the meeting?19:05
falktxscott-upstairs: sure19:05
falktxthis can help the menu situation of menus too19:05
scott-upstairsthanks, i fear other's eyes will glaze over otherwise and we're behind on the meeting19:06
falktxinstead of putting into the menu, let the app look for it and display it19:06
falktxoh, sorry19:06
holsteinok, moving on19:06
scott-upstairsmudita24 is the next version of envy24control which is for ice1712 chips (i.e. maudio delta series)19:06
scott-upstairsi'm hoping it goes into debian soon and then i'll file to sync with ubuntu if it isn't in time for debianimport19:07
scott-upstairsokay, done19:07
holstein[topic] Testing Procedures19:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Testing Procedures19:07
holsteini dont think we have anything official to test19:07
holsteinso i say we hold that til next time19:07
* falktx looks in debian git19:07
falktxnot there19:08
scott-upstairsright but it would be nice to have someone who will oversee testing19:08
holsteini was going to ask ailo :/19:08
scott-upstairsfalktx, http://packages.debian.org/unstable/main/ladish19:08
holsteinhe's really methodical about the tests we have done so far19:08
scott-upstairsbut he's really only been testing the kernel19:08
scott-upstairsi really wanted someone to oversee all of it19:08
holsteinright, i was going to ask though :)19:08
scott-upstairsremind people to test when builds come out19:08
scott-upstairsdevelop testing procedures19:09
holsteinyeah, we need that*19:09
scott-upstairsastraljava, you interested perhaps in helping with this?19:09
holsteinastraljava: ?19:09
astraljavascott-upstairs: Sure, why not. I'm not really a tester per se, but that's something I can do for contributing.19:09
scott-upstairs*anything* is better than what we have currently19:09
scott-upstairsastraljava, you can also look into the xubuntu testing process, they ahve some good stuff19:09
holsteinastraljava: cool19:09
scott-upstairsi'll find the link for you later19:09
astraljavaOkay, that works for me.19:10
holstein[action] astraljava to head up testing19:10
MootBotACTION received:  astraljava to head up testing19:10
holsteinOK, moving on?19:10
holstein[topic] Libre Graphics Magazine Ad19:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Libre Graphics Magazine Ad19:10
holsteinscott-upstairs: this sounds really cool19:10
scott-upstairswe have graciously been afforded a free full page ad in libre graphics magazine19:11
scott-upstairsi would like to captilize on this ad for the changes in oneiric19:11
scott-upstairswe have several months till then19:11
holsteinis there a way to make it generic?19:11
scott-upstairsis anyone interesting in hellping with brainstorming, developing idea, and effecting the ad19:11
scott-upstairsholstein, do you think it should be more generic?19:12
* holstein shrugs19:12
holsteindoesnt have to be19:12
scott-upstairsmy original thoughts were to celebrate our changes/improvements19:12
holsteinyeah, i can get on board with that19:12
scott-upstairsto sell them as "better", which i think they are19:12
holstein[action] holstein to help scott-upstairs with brainstorming for the libre graphics ad19:13
MootBotACTION received:  holstein to help scott-upstairs with brainstorming for the libre graphics ad19:13
scott-upstairsright, we can push this for further meetings and try to drum up support and develop things19:13
astraljavaI'm not into marketing and stuff, but I can help with technicals if needed.19:13
holstein[action] holstein to get libre ad timetable information19:13
MootBotACTION received:  holstein to get libre ad timetable information19:13
holstein[action] astraljava to help scott-upstairs with brainstorming for the libre graphics ad19:13
MootBotACTION received:  astraljava to help scott-upstairs with brainstorming for the libre graphics ad19:13
holsteincool... moving on19:14
holstein[topic] Advocacy ideas19:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Advocacy ideas19:14
holstein[action] start or find the current ubuntustudio advocacy wiki and update19:14
MootBotACTION received:  start or find the current ubuntustudio advocacy wiki and update19:14
holstein[action] holstein start or find the current ubuntustudio advocacy wiki and update19:15
MootBotACTION received:  holstein start or find the current ubuntustudio advocacy wiki and update19:15
scott-upstairsholstein, did you get that fedora marketing link?19:15
holsteini want to have something folks can easlily link to to show folks 'the buzz'19:15
holsteinscott-upstairs: im not sure... would you link it again?19:15
holsteinso it gets counted19:15
holsteini want a place where folks can add their personal blogs such as http://dullass.blogspot.com/19:16
holsteini think the xubuntu team has a lot going on in this department, and im looking forward to emulating19:16
holstein[action] for marketing ideas see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing19:17
MootBotACTION received:  for marketing ideas see https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Marketing19:17
holsteinnot sure why that link didnt get counted*19:17
holsteinanyways.. moving on19:17
holstein[topic] team reports https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports19:17
MootBotNew Topic:  team reports https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports19:17
scott-upstairshere is the link for team reports:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/TeamReports19:18
scott-upstairsit's not hard to do and this would be a great way for some newer person to help the team19:18
holsteinscott-upstairs: i can help with this too i think19:18
scott-upstairsis anyone interested?19:18
scott-upstairsholstein, that would be outstanding my friend!19:18
holsteini used to do it a bit for our loco19:18
holstein[action] holstein to help with team reports19:18
scott-upstairscool :)19:18
MootBotACTION received:  holstein to help with team reports19:18
holstein[topic] announcments - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule19:19
MootBotNew Topic:  announcments - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule19:19
holstein* LightDM will replace GDM in Oneiric Ocelot19:19
scott-upstairshttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule is the new schedule for oneiric proper19:19
holsteinscott-upstairs: anything else in announcements?19:20
scott-upstairsand as holstein mentioned lightDM will be replacing GDM19:20
scott-upstairsthis will mean some significant changes and will require hacking and testing19:20
scott-upstairsthat's it for me19:20
holstein[topic] Any Other Business - OPEN19:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Any Other Business - OPEN19:20
astraljavaWhich means we should have it in for alpha2, no?19:20
scott-upstairsokay, gotta run, kids are getting nuts downstairs and i need to help :/19:20
holsteinastraljava: i would think19:20
scott-upstairsastraljava, it will be ready to test after we update the seeds/-settings package19:21
holsteinwe'll keep an eye on the updates as they come in though19:21
astraljavascott-upstairs: Gotcha.19:21
holsteinanyone else??19:21
scott-upstairsby the way, i'll post minutes on this later this week19:21
holsteinquestions, comments?19:21
astraljavaOn other business, I intend to look into tasks.19:21
astraljavaubuntustudio-desktop doesn't work for natty, nor oneiric.19:21
astraljavaNot sure about earlier than that.19:22
holsteinastraljava: i didnt try them actually19:22
holsteinif you want, i'll help track that down sometime19:22
astraljavaholstein: I'm afraid no one did.19:22
holsteinif its an issue of testing, and looking at a log, i can do that19:23
holsteinlast time i tried was 10.0419:23
holsteinanyways... onward and upward i say19:23
holsteinastraljava: lets try and make sure we look at that in 11.10 :)19:23
holsteinanyways... if thats all..19:23
holstein[topic] next meeting - July 3rd 17:00 UTC - in #ubuntu-meeting unless otherwise noted19:25
MootBotNew Topic:  next meeting - July 3rd 17:00 UTC - in #ubuntu-meeting unless otherwise noted19:25
holstein[topic] next meeting chair19:25
MootBotNew Topic:  next meeting chair19:25
holsteini dont mind to do it again, assuming im free*19:25
holsteinanyone else interested?19:25
holstein[action] holstein to chair the next meeting - unless otherwise noted19:26
MootBotACTION received:  holstein to chair the next meeting - unless otherwise noted19:26
MootBotMeeting finished at 13:26.19:26
holsteinthanks everyone :)19:26
astraljavaThanks, holstein, scott-upstairs, ckontros et al.!19:26
falktxnice meeting, cool stuff here19:27
astraljavafalktx, too!19:27
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