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kaushal | micahg: hi | 05:08 |
kaushal | can someone please guide me about https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-June/245771.html | 05:10 |
micahg | kaushal: that's a question for #ubuntu | 05:13 |
kaushal | ok | 05:14 |
kaushal | micahg: Any ideas ? | 05:14 |
micahg | kaushal: I'll answer in #ubuntu | 05:14 |
kaushal | sure | 05:14 |
tumbleweed | fabrice_sp: yay, I was just about to ask you about doing another vtk transition :) | 12:25 |
fabrice_sp | Hey tumbleweed! :-) | 16:47 |
fabrice_sp | I was going to check which packages are still using vtk 5.4, but if you already have the list, that's great! | 16:48 |
tumbleweed | it's only a handful. Laney: care to set up a tracker? libvtk5.4 -> 5.6 | 17:04 |
Laney | could you propose a merge? :-) | 17:05 |
* tumbleweed supposes he could | 17:05 | |
* Laney is trying to encourage people to learn the syntax | 17:06 | |
tumbleweed | the syntax is pretty straight forward | 17:06 |
Laney | actually ou don't even need to propose a merge | 17:06 |
Laney | yes, quite | 17:06 |
tumbleweed | Laney: +junk branches arne't really amenable to merging... | 17:08 |
Laney | 'propose' in an informal sense, then | 17:12 |
Laney | but no need: just do it directly | 17:12 |
Laney | we ought to get a better branch really | 17:12 |
tumbleweed | I think with the new permission model I'd have to join the team first | 17:12 |
tumbleweed | owners != members | 17:12 |
Laney | the intention was that the RT be able to manipulate it | 17:15 |
Laney | so that's fine | 17:15 |
* Laney is too busy playing with olduse.net to be useful :-) | 17:16 | |
tumbleweed | Laney: a readme file with a list of build-deps would be handy :) | 17:24 |
* tumbleweed supposes he can write it now | 17:25 | |
Laney | from my history I can see I had at least ocaml-nox libocamlgraph-ocaml-dev libpcre-ocaml-dev libocsigen-ocaml-dev menhir | 17:26 |
Laney | s/had/installed/ | 17:26 |
tumbleweed | yup | 17:26 |
paissad | hello guys, i would like to use an environment variable during the run of the start-stop-daemon command ! | 17:27 |
paissad | start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --oknodo \ | 17:27 |
paissad | --exec $DAEMON -- $DAEMON_OPTS | 17:27 |
paissad | the env var is XXX | 17:27 |
paissad | i did read the manpage of start-stop-daemon, but unless i did not read carefully, i don't see anything related to env vars | 17:28 |
paissad | i'm not really sure that doing "export $XXX" before the use of 'start-stop-daemon' is a good idea | 17:28 |
paissad | how should i proceed ? | 17:29 |
Laney | you can do VARIABLE=value start-stop-daemon ... | 17:39 |
tumbleweed | Laney, fabrice_sp: that was relatively painless: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/transitions/vtk.html | 18:04 |
Laney | tumbleweed: yay, nice one | 18:04 |
fabrice_sp | tumbleweed, nice one, yes! | 18:05 |
fabrice_sp | binariy packages are still in NEW, so better wait before uploading packages for that transition :-) | 18:06 |
tumbleweed | of course, need them to get through NEW (and armel building) first | 18:06 |
fabrice_sp | armel is at 37% after 7 hours... | 18:07 |
* Laney clogs up the buildds some more ;) | 18:29 | |
micahg | Laney: I think you're fine, they're pretty empty ATM | 18:30 |
Laney | yep, I have the whole of i386 now :) | 18:30 |
Laney | +amd64 | 18:31 |
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paissad | i have a problem about a makefile, i don't know how to set a variable into the IF statement | 19:15 |
paissad | here is the related target from my MakeFile http://pastebin.com/JQ7Scdw7 | 19:15 |
paissad | at line 7, i expected an echo of "HEAD" ... but i have nothing onto the terminal | 19:16 |
paissad | and you can see at line 6 that i did SVN_REVISION="HEAD"; | 19:16 |
paissad | what am i doing wrong ? ... how must i set that variable ? | 19:17 |
paissad | here is the output http://pastebin.com/NjN3T9WN | 19:20 |
geser | paissad: I'm not fully sure but my guess would be that you set a shell variable in line 6 but access a Makefile one in line 7 | 19:55 |
paissad | geser, finally, i did something like this | 19:56 |
paissad | ifeq ($(USE_STABLE), true) | 19:56 |
paissad | DOWNLOAD_SITE := http://ps3mediaserver.googlecode.com/svn/tags/$(TAG_VERSION) | 19:56 |
paissad | SVN_REVISION := HEAD | 19:56 |
paissad | endif | 19:56 |
paissad | outside of any kind of target | 19:56 |
paissad | and i also removed the check-if-use-stable target which no more needed | 19:57 |
geser | here you set a Makefile variable | 19:57 |
paissad | indeed | 19:57 |
geser | your line 6 from that paste is part of a subshell execution ('echo "$$SVN_REVISION"' might work in line 7, not sure if () are needed or not) | 19:59 |
paissad | ok | 19:59 |
m4n1sh | I am having issues building a package. The packaging code has been provided by gilir and the error is here | 20:08 |
m4n1sh | http://paste.ubuntu.com/619350/ | 20:08 |
m4n1sh | the code is present here | 20:08 |
m4n1sh | I think there is some screwed up rules file | 20:09 |
m4n1sh | anyone can help? | 20:09 |
geser | m4n1sh: is mozilla-devscripts in Build-Depends? | 20:18 |
m4n1sh | geser: it is there | 20:19 |
m4n1sh | but I am using debuild | 20:19 |
m4n1sh | so I need to isntall mozilla-devscripts right | 20:19 |
m4n1sh | I missed that part | 20:19 |
m4n1sh | thanks' | 20:19 |
geser | do you have it also installed? | 20:19 |
geser | yes, you need it installed for calling the clean target (but you might don't need to have all build dependencies installed to build the source package) | 20:20 |
m4n1sh | didnt have it installed | 20:20 |
m4n1sh | but debhelper might need the xul-ext addon | 20:20 |
m4n1sh | right? | 20:20 |
micahg | m4n1sh: mozilla-devscripts provides dh_xul-ext | 20:21 |
m4n1sh | geser: did that. Works :) | 20:21 |
m4n1sh | micahg: yes. works | 20:21 |
m4n1sh | I was not able to make out from which package that addon comes from | 20:21 |
micahg | m4n1sh: apt-file search dh_xul-ext should've helped | 20:22 |
m4n1sh | micahg: thanks for the tip | 20:22 |
geser | m4n1sh: or you search on packages.ubuntu.com for files named "xul_ext.pm" (see your failure message) | 20:23 |
m4n1sh | hmm | 20:24 |
m4n1sh | never ever tried doing searches for files on p.u.c | 20:24 |
m4n1sh | only tried package name search | 20:24 |
geser | "Search the contents of packages" on that page | 20:24 |
m4n1sh | hmm. Thanks | 20:24 |
m4n1sh | learnt a lot :) | 20:24 |
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