
Unit193drc: http://pastebin.com/6T2SK0rX00:01
drcSorry, I forgot to make the icon blink on a message :(00:20
Unit193You still got the msg :)00:21
drccharlie-tca isn't around to run them by right now, so I'd just place that in an email to the ML (did you see mine from ealier this morning?)00:21
drcThe reports go to charlie-tca anyway, so that way he'll have from the mail list instead of here (they want a daily test report to the ML anyway, according to the testing page00:22
Unit193Those are just notes...00:23
Unit193about:startpage worked for me...00:24
Unit193Desktop icon also worked00:24
drcDifferences between 32 and 64 :)00:24
Unit193Just paste that into an email?00:28
drcI would, I ask cgarlie-tca if they had a template, he said no, they just wanted to know what was wrong.  I'd cut-n-paste and mail it.00:29
drcIf he wants something different he can tell us :)00:29
Unit193I'll do that in just under an hour (I'm only on a TTY right now...)00:30
NewUbuntuUserAnybody here?13:58
charlie-tcaGood morning14:41
charlie-tcaso, this is Oneiric14:42
astraljavaMorning charlie-tca, sounds great! :)14:43
Unit193charlie-tca: My email didn't seem to go out to the list (The one with the testing notes) If you are admin, you can just read it14:59
charlie-tcaWill push it through15:00
charlie-tcaAre you subscribed to the list?15:00
Unit193Yeah, but I don't think from that email addy15:00
Unit193Does the email make sense?15:01
charlie-tcaTakes me a while to get there. 15:01
charlie-tcaI don't quite have things working yet in Oneiric15:01
Unit193That will be fun ;)15:02
charlie-tcaOh, by the way, I have to restart to get to the emails, first. I will push it through later today15:02
charlie-tcacody-somerville: you are right. It is *much* different trying to use the hidden panel15:04
charlie-tcaMy screen seems to go down forever now15:04
Unit193The same panel in 11.04?15:09
charlie-tcaI had mine changed a lot, and now have the default panels15:10
charlie-tcaWell, more or less. I removed workspace plugin, to try the middle click button15:10
Unit193You think LightDM will come with A2?15:13
charlie-tcamicahg: any estimate on lightDM?15:15
charlie-tcaUnit193: you testing the daily today?15:15
Unit193charlie-tca: I should have the time! I have Alt32, correct?15:16
charlie-tcaYou're asking me? That sounds right15:18
charlie-tcaI can't make the browser work right either yet15:18
charlie-tcaUnit193: I need you to try adding a user when testing today15:18
Unit193I guess that will work...15:20
charlie-tcaUnit193: system -> User and Groups, add user15:20
* charlie-tca tried to add a user here using a 64bit install. It fails to start15:20
Unit193Yep. Did you get where it thinks the hostname is already on the network?15:21
Unit193(Boodle-VirtualBox is not already on my network ;) )15:22
charlie-tcaI can't make that work either yet15:23
=== GridCube is now known as No_GridCube
knomeNo_GridCube, if possible, can you try to avoid awaynicks?20:50
No_GridCubesure :)20:52
knomethanks, and no problem20:52
=== No_GridCube is now known as GridCube
GridCubewas just some jocking whit other channle people :P20:52
knomeheh, okay ;)20:52
knomemore meaning in #xubuntu, we try to avoid any extra lines of text/unnecessary info20:52
GridCube:) ok20:53
unit193TestingWhy isn't charlie-tca here when you need him...21:25
micahghe should be back for hte meeting in 1.5 hours21:26
micahgI might be a few minutes late to the meeting22:17
beardygnomeis this the right place for the xubuntu meeting?23:05
DarkErayes it is23:05
beardygnomehave we started?23:06
DarkEranot yet23:06
DarkEracharlie-tca is missing, hope he didn't forget it23:06
* micahg is here :)23:18
beardygnomeno news from charlie?23:28
DarkErahe didn't log in yet and didn't see any mail that the meeting would be canceled. Maybe somebody else here has some news from charlie-tca?23:35
micahghe was around ~8 hrs ago23:36
astraljavaHe was in here in the morning (his time).23:36
astraljavaMaybe some connectivity problems?23:36
DarkEracould be possible23:36
micahghow many people are here for the meeting?23:37
astraljavaCould someone else run the meeting instead? micahg?23:37
* micahg is considering it23:37
pleia2knome: demo wordpress site is up \o/ and you have email23:37
beardygnomemicahg: i am23:38
micahgmr_pouit: are you around?23:38
* GridCube is here for the meeting23:39
micahgwell, we're missing 2 team leads, but I guess this is enough for the meeting23:40
micahgpleia2: would you like to chair?23:40
pleia2oh no thank you23:40
* pleia2 is being pulled in a few directions at the moment :)23:40
micahgcody-somerville: are you around?23:40
micahgwe'll wait one minute to see if drc comes back, then I'll start23:41
micahgok, let's start, the agenda is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Meetings23:43
micahgOld business - all23:43
micahg    knome is to set up a tele-conference of some type to discuss marketing - carried forward 23:43
micahgknome: any updates ^^23:43
micahgok, moving on23:44
micahgTeam updates - Team LeadsPackaging & Development 23:44
micahgmr_pouit: ?23:44
* micahg hopes he's still connected...23:45
micahgok, so, congratulations to all, we released alpha 1!23:45
micahgwe're looking to swap out gdm with lightdm in the near future, I will coordinate that with mr_pouit 23:46
micahgfrom the ML, it looks like we're going to add pavucontrol and pastebinit to the install, but not the live environment23:47
GridCubeok gotta go23:47
micahgactually, pavucontrol might be in the live environment23:47
GridCube:( sad no meeting was met23:47
micahgcharlie-tca was also interested in adding midori as well as a second browser to give it some wider testing, we'll have to see if there's space available for that23:49
micahgI think that's it for development...23:49
micahgBug Triage & Testing23:49
micahg    Daily testing versus milestone testing 23:49
micahgdoes anyone have any information on this ^^23:49
micahgok, well I'd like to thank all the testers of alpha 123:50
micahgbeardygnome: astraljava are you still around?23:51
beardygnomei'm here23:51
astraljavastill here :)23:51
micahgk :)23:51
beardygnomei'm not able to do any testing at the moment as we've just moved house and don't have broadband installed yet23:51
micahgbeardygnome: k23:52
micahgWebsite & Marketing 23:52
beardygnomehaving to use my android phone's 3g for this meeting23:52
micahgpleia2: any updates?23:52
pleia2yep, on the website side I just got a test install of wordpress up on a site where knome and I have ssh access23:52
pleia2so we should be able to start theme development this week :)23:52
pleia2on list I also proposed a "promote xubuntu" section of our site where we can link to our logos and stuff for people who want to put xubuntu banners on their blogs/sites/etc23:53
pleia2for marketing23:53
micahgthat sounds like a good idea23:53
pleia2that's it for me :)23:54
micahgthank you pleia2 23:54
* astraljava makes a mental note of joining the mailing lists. :D23:54
micahgArtwork 23:54
micahgochosi: or knome ^^23:54
* micahg guesses it's too late wherever they are23:55
micahgmoving on,     Documentation 23:55
micahgbeardygnome, you're up23:55
beardygnomei am?23:55
* micahg thought you did docs23:55
micahgsorry, if I'm wrong :)23:55
beardygnomei did some work reviewing the last doc update23:56
micahgwell, if you have anything to note, I think you're the most involved individual present :)23:56
beardygnomebut that was work that someone else had done23:56
beardygnomeok :-)23:56
beardygnomenothing from me23:56
micahgbeardygnome: k, thanks :)23:57
micahgAny Other Business - all/anyone 23:57
astraljavaJust a side not, coming from Ubuntu Studio world, I'm interested where this derivate is going.23:57
micahgastraljava: to infinity and beyond!23:57
astraljavaSo will likely pay more attention to xubuntu from now on.23:57
astraljavaIf possibly, contribute as well.23:57
pleia2great :)23:58
micahgastraljava: cool, there are lots of different ways to contribute23:59
astraljavamicahg: Yeah. Testing first, but hopefully filling in where there's a chance.23:59
micahgastraljava: testing is a great way to help23:59

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