
=== Wilson is now known as Guest76070
DeltaEpsilonhow do I list all folders with a certain tag?/00:33
SIR_TacoDeltaEpsilon: what do you mean exactly?00:35
DeltaEpsilonif you go to the properties window of a folder, you can set tags for a folder00:35
DeltaEpsilonI want to list all folders that has the same tag00:36
SIR_TacoDeltaEpsilon: what kind of tag?00:39
DeltaEpsilonSIR_Taco: try it youself and you will see00:39
SIR_TacoDeltaEpsilon: ok... fine... but how are you searching by tag?00:40
OerHekssort on part of name, date, or else ?00:41
DeltaEpsilonSIR_Taco: that is what I trying to figure out00:41
SIR_Tacoah ok00:41
SIR_TacoDeltaEpsilon: you can't select: Edit -> Find -> select Content -> and add the Tag there?00:44
SIR_Tacoin Dolphin, I'm talking about00:44
DeltaEpsilonSIR_Taco: I figured out how it works00:46
DeltaEpsilonI have to use the Information panel00:46
DeltaEpsilonthen click on the tag name00:46
SIR_Tacoah, ok00:46
DeltaEpsilonthat will show all folders with the same tag00:46
DeltaEpsilonquite useful00:46
SIR_TacoI did it through Dolphin and searched "image" and it brought up all pictures in my home folder00:47
DeltaEpsilonbut it is pain in the ass to go to the property window to add a new tag00:47
DeltaEpsilonthink I have to use the Information panel00:47
SIR_TacoDeltaEpsilon: you can always suggest a better option00:49
prowerhello :> i'm having a strange problem with kgpg...it starts fine, everything appears to  be normal, but when i try to generate a new key pair it fails on the actual generation step, without a helpful error message...has anyone else seen this?01:21
SIR_Tacoprower: have you tried running kgpg from konsole? might give you some error messages that will help01:24
prowerSIR_Taco: Hmm... gpg-agent is not available for this session...gpg-agent is installed, though...01:24
SIR_Tacoshould just be able to type kgpg01:25
prowerSIR_Taco, oh, that's what i did, yes :> that was the error message in the console01:26
SIR_Tacowhat error? if it's more than one line, paste to paste.kde.org01:27
prowergpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session01:28
prowerI also get it if I run gpg by itself in the console01:28
SIR_Tacois "gnupg-agent" installed?01:30
prowerSIR_Taco, you must have missed what i said before :> gnupg-agent is definitely installed01:33
SIR_Tacoprower: interesting... I get the same error01:35
SIR_Tacowhat version of Kubuntu and KDE are you running?01:35
prowerSIR_Taco, no idea what's causing it either, worked fine in 10.10, strace doesn't tell me anything useful...kubuntu 11.04 (64-bit) with the latest updates installed for kde 4.6.2, default repositories01:36
SIR_Tacoprower: well I'm on 11.10 and KDE 4.6.3 and get the same error... mine seems to be a dbus error though01:37
prowerSIR_Taco, Odd...so I guess it's not related to the KDE version then, I was using it in fedora 15 (4.6.3) and never had the same problem01:39
SIR_Tacohonestly I'm not entirely sure... I know it doesn't work for me (for whatever reason)... might be something it depends on that I'm not aware of01:40
prowerSIR_Taco, it's a mystery to me as well, though thanks for checking it out :> gpg seems to work fine otherwise01:42
SIR_Taconot a problem, very odd01:42
uberfrauhi guys, having a problem with a panel, it somehow jumped to top, and for some reason there's a panel inside a panel? o.o how do i move it back down to the bottom? >.<01:49
SIR_Tacouberfrau: and now there's no panel at the bottom? or you have an extra one at the top?01:51
uberfrauSIR_Taco: a panel on top and bottom, the one on bottom is default, but i want my major running programs back where they were before, in the default panel on the bottom01:52
uberfrauand i closed the weird panels that were inside the panel that moved to the top01:52
prowerSIR_Taco, it's a part of kdeutils so i'll probably file a bug on launchpad if i get a chance, there isn't one there already oddly enough01:53
SIR_Tacoprower: good idea, hopefully it's solved soon01:54
SIR_Tacouberfrau: ok, if you click the ugly cashew thingy on the panel (bottom right), you should be able to drag your "task manager" (holding your open windows) from the top taskbar to the bottom. If not, you can always do "add widgets" add  "Task Manager" to the bottom and remove it from the top01:56
uberfrausec :/01:57
uberfrauhow do i fix the 'screen edge' setting to fill out the full horizontal length of the screen?02:00
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uberfraunvm figured it out02:01
uberfrauthe centre thing has to be on the black line first02:01
SIR_Tacoget it all sorted out?02:02
uberfrauthink so, have to re-add a couple of widgets, sec02:02
uberfraui've been using kubuntu for a couple of months, but i don't play around with settings at all so >_>02:02
SIR_Tacono problem02:03
EagleScreen"ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase ~/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase" ask me a passphrase insted if showing me one, is it the expected behavior??02:16
uberfrauanother question: how can i move a tab within task manager over? my monitor is defective, so i want to move a specific task over to where i can see it when it lights up02:48
OerHekshow do you read my answer, uberfrau ?02:55
uberfrauwhat? X_X02:55
OerHeksah your monitor is not defective02:56
uberfrauthere is a 5 cm wide vertical band of lines02:59
uberfrauthe monitor is defective02:59
uberfrauhow do i move a task over within the task manager02:59
OerHeksalt tab or scrollwheel when hoovering over taskmanager03:04
uberfrauno, i don't mean to cycle through them03:13
uberfraui mean to move the location of a task within the taskbar >_<03:13
cjaeHi, is the an opensource wifi driver packaged with 11.04 kubuntu yet?04:33
genii-aroundcjae: Depends who makes your wifi hardware, I suppose04:34
cjaesorry that should say broadcomm04:34
cjaemy typing is horrible tonight04:35
cjaeI know there was supposed be an opensurce release coming but not sure if it there yet04:35
genii-aroundcjae: My onboard Broadcom 4313 is currently using the brcmsmac driver04:38
Daskreechcjae: do they have one yet?04:38
cjaegenii-around: so I assume that is the not open source, I have to install the STA right away if there is no substitute04:40
mr-richAnyone get in iPhone to connect to kubuntu 11.04 (amarok)?04:41
cjaeDaskreech: thats what I was trying to ask04:41
Daskreechcjae: I'll check04:42
cjaeDaskreech: cool04:42
genii-aroundcjae: It is the open-source driver, http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/brcm8021104:43
genii-aroundI'm connecting with it right now :) http://pastebin.ca/2075371 shows my lshw results for it04:45
darnell Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to add an LTSP client to my PXE install server??04:45
darnelli have a netboot server for installing but i would like to add the option to go to another server for LTSP04:48
cjaethanks guys04:49
rwwpeople* ;P04:50
cjaeok so I have the BRCM80211 module loaded, but the card is a bcm4322504:56
fayazhave a quassel doubt05:09
fayazhow do i automate "/msg NickServ identify <password>" action?05:10
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rwwfayaz: on freenode, or on other IRC networks?05:11
fayazrww on freenode...05:12
rwwfayaz: Settings -> Configure Quassel -> Networks -> [select network] -> Auto Identify -> Use SASL Authentication05:12
rww(many networks don't use SASL, hence the question)05:12
fayazokay thanks! :)05:12
* fayaz is trying it out05:13
fayazrww: it worked! :)05:13
iliashi all. is there any way to setup my onboard pci agere modem to use it as fax under 10.04?06:08
genii-aroundilias: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupAndFax  however, this is assuming it has some driver which works. Many are "winmodem" kinds06:10
iliasi know that the most of modems are winmodem kind and that's the problem, but i am wondering if todays linux is capable to setup them easy.06:13
genii-aroundilias: You can try the scanmodem tool06:15
iliasis this the scanmodel? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto/ScanModem06:15
genii-aroundilias: Yes, you get the app from the linmodem site, run it and then examine the output file it makes, so that you can see if there is some known existing driver, etc06:16
iliasok. i run scanmodem and was created the A subfolder Modem/  has been written,  containing these files with more detailed Information:1stRead.txt  Bootup.txt  dmesg.txt  DOCs  ModemData.txt  scanout.00:1e.3  tmp and in the DOCs subfolder: DriverCompiling.txt  InfoGeneral.txt  Intel.txt    Rational.txtSmartlink.txt        SoftModem.txt    Testing.txt  UNSUBSCRIBE.txtwvdial.txt           YourSystem.txt06:28
iliaswhat next know?06:28
genii-aroundilias: The relevant file is usually ModemData.txt to look at06:30
genii-aroundilias: Can you pastebin it?06:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:32
genii-aroundilias: Looks like it can use the slmodemd06:35
genii-around!info sl-modem-daemon06:36
iliasyes that is what i am reading too. what to do?06:36
ubottusl-modem-daemon (source: sl-modem): SmartLink software modem daemon. In component restricted, is optional. Version 2.9.11~20100718-4 (natty), package size 497 kB, installed size 1192 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)06:36
genii-aroundilias: So then, to enable the restricted repository, install sl-modem-daemon, see if you can use an app like kppp to query it with AT commands ( reboot may be needed after sl-modem-daemon install for it to recognize upon boot )06:38
iliasdo i have to go with the command sudo apt-get install sl-modem-daemon?06:39
genii-aroundilias: First make sure "restricted" repository is enabled, but then yes06:41
genii-around( after possibl;y also sudo apt-get update )06:41
iliashow can i make sure restricted repository is enabled?06:42
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats06:42
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:43
iliasi have already use it for restrictedd formats. is that enough?06:43
genii-aroundilias: What says result of: grep restricted /etc/apt/sources.list06:43
genii-aroundilias: Yeah, yer good to go that way06:45
iliasenable sudo apt-get install sl-modem-daemon?06:45
iliasdo i need i reboot? ande then what?06:47
genii-aroundilias: Your modem looks like it might be immediately available on /dev/ttySL006:48
iliasok. how can i check this? and how can i go with fax? you 're very helpful indeed and i i have to give you 1000 thanks in advance!06:49
iliasand the most important, you know the procedure.06:49
genii-aroundilias: To check if it is responding: sudo screen /dev/ttySL0       and then type in: ATZ     and see if you get a response06:51
genii-around( to exit screen program, ctrl-a and then uppercase K )06:51
genii-aroundilias: Great, it works06:52
iliasyou 're Master!06:52
iliaswhat to do know? efax-gtk?06:52
iliasinstall it?06:52
genii-aroundilias: It appears to be the preferred application, yes. Although I have not actually used it, so cannot assist with it's use much06:53
genii-aroundilias: We do know however at this time: your modem works and is found at /dev/ttySL006:53
iliasok. how can quit this screen. ctrl-aK?06:54
genii-aroundAh, wait06:54
genii-around!info kfax06:54
ubottukfax (source: kfax): G3, G32, and G4 fax viewer for KDE 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9really3.3.6-kde4.4.0-0ubuntu3 (natty), package size 176 kB, installed size 1376 kB06:54
iliasok i idt, i exited the screen06:55
genii-aroundilias: ctrl-a together, then upper-case K06:55
iliasok i did it. thanks. so what software to choise?06:55
iliaskfax is not bad i think. will it work?06:56
genii-aroundilias: Since Kubuntu, i would recommend kfax06:56
genii-aroundilias: I am installing it myself right now, to see it's interface06:57
iliasyea i have the same opinion. under kde is better to use kde applications06:57
genii-aroundHm, it does not seem very intuitive06:58
iliasi just want to send and revieve, nothing more special06:59
iliasthe simplier the better07:00
genii-aroundilias: Apologies, it seems to be only a viewer :( Probably to go then with the recommended efax-gtk07:01
iliasoh ok. i c. maybe. so what next?07:01
iliashttp://www.kde.org/applications/graphics/kfax/ yes its a viewer only07:02
iliashttp://ksendfax.sourceforge.net/ this is to send07:03
genii-around!info ksendfax07:04
ubottuPackage ksendfax does not exist in natty07:04
iliasvery old version!07:04
genii-around!info ksendfax lucid07:04
ubottuPackage ksendfax does not exist in lucid07:04
iliasdoes this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157156807:06
iliaswhy are you afraid to go with efax-gtk?07:07
genii-aroundilias: I have just installed the efax-gtk, it seems usable.07:10
iliasok. go with sudo apt-get install efax-gtk?07:10
iliasdo you install it on kubuntu?07:11
genii-aroundilias: Sure!07:12
iliasso i am getting the command07:12
iliasthat's it it finished07:13
iliasit is under Office07:13
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iliasi came near the thelephone box to try07:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:17
iliasi am calling my phone but efax doesnt do anything? what to do?07:20
iliasi tried also to send a file and i got this message: Socket running on port 9900GPL Ghostscript 8.71: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1Not valid postscript file07:23
iliasi went to settings and i change /dev/ttySL1 (default) to SL0.07:25
jussiHrm, how does one turn on ctrl+alt+backspace for loggging out?07:26
iliasi am going for a rebbot and i am coming back to see if we make it work.07:28
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iliaswell efax doesn't work. why?07:36
iliasgenii: help me Master plz!07:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:42
ilias1well. can anyone help me?07:49
ilias1how can i remove a non empty dir?08:10
ilias1using terminal08:10
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iliasok i found it08:12
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genii-aroundilias: Apologies, fell asleep at computer. I need to rest but will return to channel in about 6 to 7 hours08:27
iliasok. i need ur help to setup efax because i got errors although it opens /dev/ttyS0. i got these errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/619688/ and the efax does not answer or dial.08:32
susundberggoogle: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=536854 ?08:34
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iliashow can i save a *.rc file under /etc?09:50
iliasafter i edited?09:50
ArchangelSe7enilias, are you on Kubuntu ??09:55
ArchangelSe7en"sudo kate &"09:55
ArchangelSe7encopy the content of your first file into the window that come up and save it there09:56
iliasyep. i found a way. i copy the *.rc file in my /home/temp and then i am trying to copy the new file in etc using sudo09:56
ArchangelSe7ensudo cp <path to file> <path to destination>09:57
ArchangelSe7enwith no "<>" ofcs09:57
ArchangelSe7enyou're welcome09:57
iliaswell i did what another user said here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=536854 but i am still getting the same errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/619730/. any idea?10:02
PaowZhello there, I can't find ibus preferences, where is it actually ? :)10:13
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gribouilleI have a problem with X : yesterday, the screen resolution was 1280x1024, and today, it is 1024x768. Of couse, I didn't change the configuration. Does someone know what to do ? X : yesterday, the screen resolution was 1280x1024, and today, it is 1024x768. Of couse, I didn't change the configuration. Does someone know what to do ?11:13
gribouilleI have a problem with X : yesterday, the screen resolution was 1280x1024, and today, it is 1024x768. Of couse, I didn't change the configuration. Does someone know what to do ?11:14
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com/ http://www.ubuntuforums.org/ or http://www.kubuntuforums.net/ while you wait.11:14
ilias maybe here any body can help me about efax-gtk.  i did what another user said here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=536854 but i am still getting the same errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/619730/. my modem is already setup and sudo screen /dev/ttySL0 and then ATX gives ok. any idea?11:17
iliaswhy although driver's modem is installed and Kppp can communicate with the modem efax cannot do it and gives errors?11:27
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DeltaEpsilonwhat does the dotted check mean in Quassel? see screenshot http://imageshack.us/f/705/snapshot2o.png/11:53
OerHeksDeltaEpsilon, dotted check shows your current irc channel11:58
DeltaEpsilondon't think so11:59
kleopatramy guis look very angular what package do i have to install to make it look better? (i had this package once installed but alwasy forget the name)12:11
Apple_Catkleopatra: What do you mean?... Are you talking about how fonts are rendered?12:13
lcbAnyone know how to return desktops to original/previous settings (wallpapers, FolderView/s, Icons, etc) after losing. How did I lose it?! I opened a "New Activity", then calceled it and.... everything went away.12:14
kleopatraApple_Cat: not the fonts , those are ok. But eg my PushButtons are angular, id like to have some smooth curves instead.12:14
Apple_Catkleopatra: Ohhh ok, I think you don't have to install anything then you can just change a few settings in system settings12:15
kleopatraApple_Cat: well i doubt this somehow, i have oxygen activated and the kde-things look quite finne eg the systemsetting window, but codeblocks and firefox look like as they would use gtk+ style12:17
Apple_Catkleopatra: I think firefox has a QT package12:19
kleopatraApple_Cat: its more than just those 2 applications unfortunately, eclipse looks so codeblocks and many more12:20
rethus1if i try to delete some files in dolphin (ftp-connection) i got the error, Permission denied on trash://12:25
rethus1whats wrong hereß12:25
Apple_Catkleopatra: What graphics drivers are you using? Or it's really just a case of gtk being used?12:30
Apple_Catkleopatra: Probably gtk is looking quite bad if it's not installed completely/properly...12:31
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Ddpbfif you want gtk apps to look native in kde12:46
Ddpbfinstall oxygen-gtk12:46
Ddpbffor firefox install oxigen-firefox12:47
soeehmm if i press alt+f2 search box shows up at the top of the screen, is it possible to do the same with notes widget ?12:51
maiqiang hi everyone! Back so soon with another question.  I am trying to install an HP LaserJet 1020.  I've downloaded hplip-3.11.5.run and successfully installed it as per the directions (very excellent directions) on the hplip website.  However, when it opens the HP-Setup program I get stuck at step 2 when it asks for my administrative password, which it doesn't recognize.  I checked that it hadn't somehow been changed by running a sudo command in Konsole.  No pr13:12
iliasmaybe someone can help me with efax-gtk.  i did what another user said here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=536854 but i am still getting the same errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/619730/. my modem is already setup and sudo screen /dev/ttySL0 and then ATX gives ok. any idea?13:15
sebastianohi, did I fresh install of 11.04 and I am getting no internet over eth0, any ideas?13:37
sebastianoit works fine on my laptop, so I suppose it's a driver issue with the network card... is that possible?13:38
sebastianohow do I know which network card I got?13:38
BluesKajsebastiano, in the terminal,  sudo ifconfig up13:42
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Tauophow can i join a jabber groupchat with kopete ?14:00
Tauopmy version is Version 0.80.2 on KDE  4.3.214:01
iliasBluesKaj: maybe could you help me?14:03
BluesKajilias, well, ask your question , I'll try14:06
iliasi need a help with efax-gtk.  i did what another user said here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=536854 but i am still getting the same errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/619730/. my modem is already setup and sudo screen /dev/ttySL0 and then ATX gives ok. any idea?14:07
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BluesKajilias, sorry I have no idea about fax machines on linux pcs...ours is connected thru the w7 pc14:14
tkteunI have a question: Is there anyone that has got network-manager-openvpn working?14:23
tkteunI want to connect to a tap/bridged network and can't manage to get a tap0 interface. First off, the openvpn group/user didn't exist so I created them.14:23
tkteunNow I need a clear guide about how the network-manager needs permissions to the tun/tap interface or something.14:23
iliasτροθγη ςιν ισ σο εασυ14:23
iliasthrough win is so easy14:23
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes14:23
ncfi1013i wonder if you can tell me something...14:24
ncfi1013how do i delete a directory that has a hidden directory lock file in it...file looks something like this: .directory.lock.nx1767?14:26
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tkteunkill the process that locks the file14:43
ncfi1013nevermind figured it out thanks14:44
ncfi1013whats lsof mean?14:44
susundberglist all open files14:45
susundberglet me google that for you ..14:45
ncfi1013just easier to ask here and then learn more later...thanks14:45
drbobbguys, I'm using yakuake in kubuntu 11.04, and I can't modify the terminal profiles, like changing fonts & stuff15:12
drbobbwell actually I can but the changes aren't saved, it's back to the old default after a logout15:13
kleopatra_what do i have to install exactly to make gtk applications look native in kde?15:28
shadeslayerkleopatra_: install oxygen-gtk from the repos15:39
kleopatra_shadeslayer whats the exact name? i cant find oxygen-gtk15:41
kleopatra_oxygen-cursor-theme         oxygen-cursor-theme-extra   oxygen-icon-theme           oxygen-icon-theme-complete  oxygen-molecule15:42
shadeslayer!search oxygen-gtk15:42
iliasgenii-around: r u ready to help me with the fax?15:42
shadeslayer!info gtk2-engines-oxygen | kleopatra_15:43
ubottukleopatra_: gtk2-engines-oxygen (source: gtk2-engines-oxygen): Oxygen widget theme for GTK+-based apps. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.3-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 326 kB, installed size 1020 kB15:43
genii-aroundilias: As I can  :) I am connecting from work, so please expect sometimes large lag while boss needs me15:43
kleopatra_shadeslayer , it is installed already but still my applications look ugly angular15:44
shadeslayerkleopatra_: did you change the theme in systemsettings?15:44
iliasok. no probl with that. well the news is that  i did what another user said here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=536854 but i am still getting the same errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/619730/. the modem as u remember is already setup and sudo screen /dev/ttySL0 and then ATX gives ok.15:44
kleopatra_shadeslayer systemsetting -> application appearance = oxygen15:45
shadeslayerkleopatra_: there used to be a gtk applications option there15:46
shadeslayeri don't see it anymore on KDE Trunk15:47
kleopatra_shadeslayer dont find any option there15:49
shadeslayeryeah thats what i'm thinking as well15:49
shadeslayerkleopatra_: basically : http://hugo-kde.blogspot.com/2010/11/oxygen-gtk.html15:50
genii-aroundilias: line 2 of your paste shows it's trying to use /dev/ttyS0 instead of the /dev/ttySL0 that slmodem made15:52
iliasreally. actually is ttySL0 and not ttyS0. i am going to change it15:54
genii-aroundilias: There is a line reading:  DEVICE: ttyS0      or similar to change in /etc/efax-gtkrc15:59
iliasi changed both settings and efax-gtkrc. now the message is efax-0.9a: 17:59:21 Warning: /dev/ttySL0 locked or busy - waiting (4 times)16:00
genii-aroundilias: What says result of command: sudo lsof | grep ttySL016:04
iliasnothing. the system thinks and answers nothing!16:06
genii-aroundilias: Does file in /var/lock exist with ttySL0 in name?16:16
ilias /var/lock is empty16:17
jimmy51_!info qtparted16:18
ubottuPackage qtparted does not exist in natty16:18
jimmy51_what do people use (ui based) for parted these days in kubuntu?16:18
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap16:19
genii-aroundilias: ls -l /dev/ttySL0        please16:20
jimmy51_genii-around: ah, thanks.16:20
iliassystem answered: lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2011-06-06 09:31 /dev/ttySL0 -> /dev/pts/1 and efax still gives the same error efax-0.9a: 17:59:21 Warning: /dev/ttySL0 locked or busy - waiting16:23
genii-aroundilias: It is a symbolic link then. What says ls -l /dev/pts/1                   ...we want to see the groupname here and then see if your user belongs to that group, like dialout16:26
iliascrw-rw---- 1 root dialout 136, 1 2011-06-06 12:58 /dev/pts/116:27
iliasi think you are close to solve it!16:29
genii-aroundilias: grep $(whoami) /etc/group | grep dialout16:31
genii-aroundilias: If you are in dialout group will be some result, if you are not in group, just return to command prompt16:32
iliasprobably i am in dialout group.16:32
genii-aroundilias: Yes, looks like16:32
iliasso what next? why efax insists with errors?16:33
genii-aroundilias: I'm not sure :( And unfortunately I am also running out of ideas to approach the problem16:36
iliasoh my God...i cannot believe it. you know so many things. i know very well that fax/modem setup in linux is a very difficult case. but i see that you almost know everything16:37
iliasmaybe a reboot is needed?16:38
iliasis it possible to have a conflict with any other device? does dmesg or lspci can help you think something more?16:41
genii-aroundilias: I suspect currently some permissions issue. What is result of command: groups16:44
jjjjoeI'm on Kubuntu 11.04.  LibreOffice is caught in a recovery loop and it will not stop asking to recover a file.  How do I get rid of this?16:45
iliasuser adm dialout cdrom plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare16:46
genii-aroundilias: Hm, all looks ok there16:47
iliasyes i can see that16:47
iliasKppp can communicate with modem.16:54
genii-aroundilias: Do you have modem-manager installed?16:56
iliasno, i dont think so16:57
genii-aroundilias: I think to make it do a log and then look at the log. In /etc/efax-gtkrc  there is a line: #LOG:    which maybe make like: LOG: /home/user/efax-log          then run it again, after exit see whats in the log16:59
aaronthso no unity on for kde?16:59
aaronthor 11.10 alpha 1?17:01
iliasno log file!17:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 491275 in efax-gtk (Ubuntu) "efax- Warning: /dev/ttyS0 locked or busy - waiting" [Undecided,New]17:05
greywalkhello. if i remove the message indicator applet from the tray, will i see the icons of konversation and kopete? or will they be removed with the applet?17:06
iliasi am going for a reboot. sometimes the solution is in front of our eyes. i dont have many hopes but never knows. i am quiting and coming back in 3 mins.17:07
ArchangelSe7enthey should stay greywalk17:11
iliasgenii-around: you are a maste and genious. a 1000 thanks. after reboot it works!!!efax-0.9a: 19:11:08 opened /dev/ttySL0efax-0.9a: 19:11:09 using modem:1 in class 1efax-0.9a: 19:11:09 waiting for activity17:12
iliaswell as you can see the reboot solve the case17:13
genii-aroundilias: Glad to see it's finally working! Although I cannot really claim credit. Pleased to have helped.17:13
iliaswait know for a little more help. first i try to dial and to recieve a call. 2nd to you know how can i save *.ps files. OOo i read that it can but i didnt find anything17:15
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iliasi am calling my self but i cannot answer the call. either i hear any ring!17:19
iliasok now the efax answered the call. but there is no sign that someone is calling me. after 15 secs closed the line.17:23
genii-aroundilias: If you don't mind the modem sounds, you can put option like M1 or M2 for modem initialization, this keeps the monitor on so you can hear it talking to other things17:25
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genii-aroundilias: I have some construction happening in my office in about 20-25 minutes and so will be off the computer17:26
iliasok. i will wait for your super advises17:27
iliasthanks in advance17:27
=== Keshl_ is now known as Keshl
c2tarunbigbrovar, ping18:42
bigbrovarc2tarun: hi18:43
c2tarunbigbrovar, hi :) my kernel crashed today and my wifi stopped working again :( I am on ubuntu right now, is there any way to fix it?18:43
genii-aroundilias: Did you manage to get anywhere yet with the faxing?18:43
bigbrovarc2tarun: since deploying my work around I have not had any issue with wireless18:45
c2tarunbigbrovar, any suggestions :(18:46
c2tarunwhat should I do?18:46
bigbrovarc2tarun: whats the output of this cmd lsmod | grep wl18:46
bigbrovarand this lsmod  | grep bcm18:46
c2tarunbigbrovar, first output18:47
c2tarunbigbrovar, http://paste.ubuntu.com/620124/18:48
c2tarunbigbrovar, and nothing on grep bcm18:49
bigbrovarc2tarun: what about ifconfig18:49
bigbrovarbtw did u install any upgrade recently?18:50
c2tarunbigbrovar, nope18:50
bigbrovarok whats the output of ifconfig18:50
kobusmy knetworkmanager seems to be broken. Anybody with experience with knetworkmanager?18:53
kobusi defined some network configurations but after a reboot today the configs are no longer listed when i click on the networkmanager applet in the system tray18:56
c2tarunbigbrovar, ifconfig http://paste.ubuntu.com/620130/18:56
bigbrovarc2tarun: wireless hardware seems to be detected.  which network manager are u using? still the gnome version or kde version, and also what happens when u try to connect to wireless. is the wireless led indicator for the laptop on?18:58
c2tarunbigbrovar, yeah wireless is on, and I am using gnome's n/w manager.18:59
BluesKajkobus, what kind of connection , ethernet ot wifi ?18:59
kobusBluesKaj: ethernet18:59
c2tarunbigbrovar, any idea? I am just fedup of this ubuntu kernel issue with broadcom wifi :( what should I do?19:01
kobusBluesKaj: I added a fixed ip config for some course i'm on and when i tried to select the config knetworkmanager kept on crashing19:01
bigbrovarc2tarun: I have no idea really. I have not had a kernel panic since using my work around. brb closing from work been here for close to 12 hours19:02
kobusBluesKaj: i installed some updates this afternoon and after a reboot the configs no longer show19:02
BluesKajkobus, with ethernet you don't really need network manager , some edits in /etc/network/interfaces will work as well19:03
BluesKajkobus, dhcp ?19:04
BluesKajif so kobus,  sudo dhclient eth019:05
kobusBluesKaj: for convenience i want to be able to quickly switch to a network setup, specific fixed ip & netmask. how would i do this in /etc/network/interfaces? a pointer to what to google for is enough :-)19:06
BluesKajkobus, try this first sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart19:07
BluesKajkobus, here's a decent tutorial for using network/interfaces without network manager  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/19:09
kobusBluesKaj: reconfigured network interfaces, no change19:09
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BluesKajkobus, ^19:09
genii-aroundBluesKaj: I think thats been converted now to an upstart job19:09
kobusBluesKaj: thanks, I will look at it. strange, i've used knetworkmanager for this without problems for more than a year19:10
BluesKajgenii-around, I still use it , with dnsmasq settings in resolv.conf19:10
BluesKajHaven't used network manager for 3 yrs19:11
BluesKajexcept for wifi on the laptop19:12
kobusBluesKaj: why is that, it has the functionality. is it because the bugs are not fixed?19:16
BluesKajkobus, I was converted to using the network/interfaces file by some guys who claimed it's settings create a faster connection than using the network manager19:19
kobusBluesKaj: ok, maybe you will convert me19:20
BluesKajok rebooted router .added wifes online game to the allowed ports19:24
=== Nexus6_ is now known as Nexus6
damaltorhi everybody, i have a weird and not reproduceable wlan problem. i am working w/ linux for years now, so i have tried a lot, but: after booting my pc, SOMETIMES wlan will not connect. i have to reboot the entire pc then, logout/in, or restarting the knetworkmanager, or eve unloading/loading the driver module doesnt help. i have no idea what that is, and it appens in 3 out of 5 boots.19:45
afkpersonnumberohey, i see several dialogs with "share this graphical element on the network," usually plasmoids, what exactly does this do?20:02
afkpersonnumberohey, i see several dialogs with "share this graphical element on the network," usually plasmoids, what exactly does this do?20:02
Tm_Tafkpersonnumbero: that means if it's shared, it can be viewed on another system in the local network usually20:05
afkpersonnumberois it zeroconf or something? does kde have a backend server thats always running for those?20:08
iliasgenii-around: well the only i think i managed with efax was to call my line and manually answered and heared the known sound of fax. as i called my line from my mobile the line disconnected from efax after 15-20 secs maybe because recognized that it wasn't an incoming fax.20:11
iliasi could not manage to answer automatically although i enable stanby and 3 rings.20:12
iliasthat's a problem because i cannot know the time of the incoming call20:13
iliasthat is for incoming.20:13
iliasi tried also for an outcoming call but the program asks for a postscript file20:14
iliasi convert to ps file a pdf and a odt file but cannot accept them because cannot manage tiff files20:15
iliasi tried to find an online convertor to try with them but i diddn't find aything.20:15
iliasso i dont know if efax can call but i guess it can.20:16
iliasi couldnt manage to hear the modem dialing or accepting a call20:17
iliasthat is my short review. actually i googled enough and the same 'bugs' was identified from many other users20:18
iliassome of them recommend for an upadate to the latest stable version20:19
iliassome other althoug they updated their efax they couldn't solve these probls.20:19
iliasthat's all.20:19
cousin_mariokopete won't come out of the systray, for some reason20:20
genii-aroundilias: Apologies, my time to assist today is extremely limited, work is very busy and I am also having computer issues myself.20:21
iliasany way it was a very good try and your help was super. i am satisfied even i can only accept incoming faxes. i rarely send faxes. i prefer email.20:21
iliasok, no probl. i hope you read the above review and i hope next days to help to solve these small issues.20:22
genii-aroundilias: As I understand, it can send files which are PDF or PS . Openoffice/Libreoffice can export to PDF, this might be the best way to convert what you need to send. As for the receiving, I'm fairly lost on how to assist there20:22
iliasno, pdf, only ps but not the ps they can be converted with OO or LO.20:23
iliasefax: fails to send ps file: can't read multi-strip TIFF files20:25
iliaswell i have to go now for some sleep, is already 22:33 here. many thanks for the advises. regards.20:34
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cjaewhy isnt muon included instead of kpackkit21:16
cjaekpackagekit is lame21:16
toyoanyone care to enlighten me as to how I go about setting a socks proxy for kde?21:16
toyoit seems to only support http proxies21:17
cjaebut switching from adept to kpackage to kpackkit to muon, man it would take five more releases it to get it right ;P21:20
toyocjae, know how to set a socks proxy in kde?21:22
toyoyup looking at it21:23
cjaedoesnt look like there are much for answers, you should try #kde if you dont find anything.21:25
cjaereading an old post looks like you need extra packages21:27
toyohmm its quite a pain21:28
cjaegood luck21:29
Uber_GeekSo I just installed Kubuntu 11.04, from Ubuntu 11.04, and the search and launch screen's icons are huge for my little netbook screen.  I have been searching all day and haven't found a successful way to shrink them to a reasonable size.  any one have any luck with this?21:35
toyocjae, I figured it out...I will just use polipo to act as a gateway21:35
BluesKajcjae, muon will be default on 11.1021:36
BluesKajUber_Geek, look in kmenu/apps/settings/system settings / application appearance/icons /advanced21:38
Uber_GeekI don't appear to have a Kmenu21:38
BluesKajUber_Geek, you installed kubuntu?21:39
BluesKajdid you install kubuntu-desktop on gnome21:39
Uber_GeekI told it to do a clean install.21:39
BluesKajkmenu is the blue icon with K and a gear on it21:40
BluesKajin the panel21:41
Uber_GeekI know, I have used KDE in the past,21:41
BluesKajthen you probly beed to logout and in with kde/kubuntu desktop , if you have no kmenu, Uber_Geek21:42
Uber_GeekI am wondering if it loaded an alternate interface because it detected I was running a netbook21:42
BluesKajoh netbook , there;s supposed to be some kind of switch desktops icon in the panel21:43
Uber_Geekfound it - > System Settings - > Workspace Behavior -> Workspace - > Workspace Type : change from netbook to Desktop.21:58
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p896gbmhey guys, i've encountered some series regressions with plasma on natty22:59
p896gbmwhen i plug in an external monitor and go split screen, and try to move a taskbar to the external monitor, plasma always freezes22:59
p896gbmand i have to killall plasma-desktop22:59
p896gbmanybody else encountered this?22:59
p896gbmthe previous version had no problems with me enabling and disabling a second monitor. it wouldn't remember where my taskbars were but i could just move them around23:00
p896gbmbut in the new version the taskbars seem to want to animate as i drag them around, and it's screwing it up and freezing23:00
EagleScreenI have a problem with Policykit23:05
EagleScreenI created a new admin user with adduser (adduser -ingroup admin myuser) because the account of the installation user was corrupted and deleted. Now the new adminstrator user cannot install updates, because Policykit asks for the root password insted of the user password23:07
EagleScreenwhere can I configure policikit to allow this user to get privileges?23:08
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