
gary_posterbac danilos gmb, kanban now, call in 313:27
gary_posterdanilos, thank you for the good review.  fwiw, the reason why I liked the many functions inside the gigantor JS function is that it lets you bind local variable *identities* cleanly and without fuss (specifically, the "overlay" var, which changes when you click it since I recreate the overlay each time).13:46
gary_posterI have a couple of alternate approaches in mind, and I'll pursue them since I know what you say has merit, but it will be more annoying.  Maybe I can make them not much more annoying, let's see.13:46
danilosgary_poster, I know, but I specifically highlighted those functions which I don't see using the overlay variable13:47
daniloswell, parts of the code if not functions :)13:47
gary_posterdanilos, they do, because they use make_actions, which needs to know the overlay (for the clean up function if nothing else)13:47
danilosgary_poster, oh, right13:48
gary_posterSo, like I said, there are alternate approaches13:48
danilosgary_poster, sure, there are plenty of them; I am not highly opposed to you landing as is, fixing other problems (since this might require more work that you don't want to invest right now)13:49
gary_posterdanilos, OK, I'll look into that for a bit and see what I can do, and punt if I don't see something I like.  Let's talk about the thing I'm more worried about: the UI issues13:50
danilosgary_poster, right13:50
gary_posterdanilos, I think a <ul> is a good idea13:50
gary_posterWant me to try that, and see what your reaction is?13:51
danilosgary_poster, right, but that wouldn't work well with edit icons imho13:51
danilosgary_poster, sure thing if you feel like that might work13:51
gary_posterI thought that's what you were suggesting though13:51
danilosgary_poster, I was, but then I am pretty sure you'd have to kill edit icons13:51
gary_posterbecause it would be dot-image-words?13:51
danilosmaybe move the edit icon to the end, though there's probably no ready CSS class for that13:52
danilos'ready' == 'already made' :)13:52
gary_posterno, there's not, and it's another precedent-breaking thing--maybe more problematic13:52
danilosgary_poster, it might be worthwhile to check if huw or mrevell have any opinion/suggestion13:53
danilosmrevell, even though not a UI designer, can sometimes come up with good ideas as well :)13:53
gary_posterdanilos, yeah.  ok, I'll make a screen shot and try him13:53
daniloscool, thanks13:53
gary_posterthank you!13:54
* bac found an interesting Critical bug...that i likely caused. guess i should claim it.14:30
bacit's amazing how many wrapper frameworks exist for authenticating lplib.  just discovered lpltk.  if only we'd provided 'login_with' from the beginning...14:47
gary_posteryeah :-/14:54
gary_posterdanilos, I sent off a note to mrevell with some screenshots; I'll let you know what he has to say.14:57
gary_posterI have another question about the review, while I'm waiting.  You say this about BugSubscriptionPortletView.initialize:14:57
gary_posterI find this interesting.  What happens with eg. LIFECYCLE duplicate subscription? How are we to show that in the UI?  Should my code include the current user among the 'Other subscribers' if they have a duplicate subscription?14:57
gary_posterIf the user has a LIFECYCLE duplicate subscription, it will simply show at the top, "You have subscriptions that may cause you to receive notifications, but you are not directly subscribed to this bug's notifications."  Then they can click on "Edit bug mail" to see details, as usual.14:58
gary_posterThis seems consistent and OK with me--why should we have to tell people about duplicate subscription details here, but not the details of other subscriptions, like assignee or all the other variants?14:58
gary_posterBecause of that, my answer to your last question is "no".  :-)14:58
gary_poster(been back for quite awhile fwiw, in case you wre waiting forme danilos :-P )15:52
gary_posteranyone remember the name of the project we are supposed to use when we are just trying to make a bug go away?  I have searched for "nothing" "none" and "empty" and have not found it.  bac, do you remember?16:07
gary_posterah-ha, yes, thanks bac16:08
gary_postergmb, danilos, I just asked deryck why the following feedback ticket has no reply on it for the entire last week while the poor guy was emailing us repeatedly, but I also want to ask you if you had seen it when you looked at RTs this morning?16:48
gary_posterIt seems like I always have a lot of spam RTs to delete too16:48
gmbgary_poster: I completely forgot to check the RT queue this morning; my bad - I got sidetracked by needing to get an RC for my branch.16:49
gary_postergmb, understood16:49
danilosgary_poster, sorry, got completely immersed in my branches and haven't noticed the pings16:54
danilosgary_poster, going through your questions in order :)16:54
danilosgary_poster, the problem with *your* duplicate subscription in "Other subscribers" is that, well, it's not "other" but yours :)16:55
gary_posterdanilos, gotcha, I think: yes, my intent was that the current user would not be listed in "Other subscribers" anywhere: people should go to "Edit my bugs" for that16:57
danilosgary_poster, and it's also the only other one where you can have a specific bug_notification_level for that particular bug (i.e. it applies just as much as a direct subscription does; unlike eg. bug supervisor or product owner: for assignee, we make a direct subscription)16:57
gary_posterstructural subscriptions can also have a level danilos16:57
danilosgary_poster, right, so how is the current user to know that they do have a subscription to a duplicate unless they go to the "edit bug mail" page?16:57
danilosgary_poster, right, but that's not "for that particular bug"16:58
gary_posterdanilos, not following.  Wanna call?16:59
danilosgary_poster, yep16:59
gary_posterWhen's your EoD anyway? :-)16:59
danilosgary_poster, yesterday? :)16:59
danilosgary_poster, let's chat now about this and then I'll be EoDing soon :)17:00
gary_posterheh, ok17:00
bacwhy can i never remember that18:45
bacAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'makefile'18:45
bacreported from launchpadlib means:18:45
bacApache is not running18:45
bacit's so damned obvious18:45
bacgary_poster: argh!  look at this logo: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.engadget.com/media/2011/06/stevejobswwdc2011liveblogkeynote0425.jpg19:06
gary_posterbac, heh, yeah that looks prettttty familiar19:06

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