
mhall119cjohnston: ping02:38
YoBoYgood morning07:08
nigelbGood morning YoBoY :)07:29
nigelbYoBoY: Did you have a good weekend?07:29
YoBoYyes, saturday I was at the Fedora 15 release party, folowed by a geek nic, and yesterday I wrote the rules and bases for our loco/langage team new web design :D07:31
YoBoYand you ?07:31
nigelbI had a bad weekend, work..07:32
YoBoYi have some week ends like that sometimes07:36
=== daker_ is now known as daker
nigelbmhall119: ok, so I marked a few of the summit bugs as bitesize for any new contributor who's interested.12:32
nigelbI'll blog about it later today for more attentino.12:32
mhall119nigelb: +1 awesome work you've been doing13:41
cjohnstonmhall119: pong14:00
=== yaili_ is now known as yaili
mhall119cjohnston: I saw you made an 'oneiric' series for LD14:27
mhall119is that going to be out development focus for major features this cycle?14:27
mhall119or did you want to make a 0.4 branch line?14:27
nigelbmhall119: Ok, so remember the bug about having summit pop notification when somethign changes?15:02
nigelbThe only way I see us doing that is if (a) we remove render.py (b) summit has an API which will be polled by JS on that page and the JS displays that pop up/notification.15:02
nigelbThat's a huge set of changes, I'm not sure if we can get it done by uds-p15:02
cjohnstonmhall119: that was to make it work with status... so pretty much just for the stuff we have on the bp15:06
mhall119cjohnston: okay, so where do you want major changes being made?15:16
cjohnstonmhall119: we can leave as is, or create a new branch.. whatever you guys want15:23
cjohnstonI didn't create branches or anything.. I just made the series15:23
cjohnstonand its the same on summit as well15:24
cjohnstonMy test is Thursday night.. hopefully friday I can do a little work15:25
cjohnstonnigelb: mhall119 ^15:25
* nigelb hugs cjohnston15:25
nigelbcjohnston: All the best!15:25
nigelbjledbetter: Erm, I meant to ping you here :)15:27
mhall119cjohnston: status only checks blueprints right?15:31
cjohnstonand bugs linked to the blueprints15:33
cjohnstonwhich is creating a few issues that we need to figure out15:33
mhall119cjohnston: okay15:33
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: did we ever get a weekly IRC meeting setup?15:33
cjohnstonneed some way to determine if the work item and the bug are the same and only display it once15:34
cjohnstonnot that im aware of15:34
nigelbmhall119: Not yet, I'll get it up this week.15:34
cjohnstonfriday wouuuuuuld be it for me this week15:34
mhall119that way we can get the technical stuff out of the way before or after the call with jono15:34
cjohnstonI'm off. If you need to get ahold of me, and know how.. Well...15:37
mhall119start a fire?15:37
cjohnstonI'm off till saturday15:38
nigelbmhall119++ haha, start a fire15:42
jledbetternigelb, Ok, it'll be a little while but sure. Definitely rusty with launchpad/bzr :)17:34
nigelbjledbetter: Just ask, we're all here to help :)17:35
jledbetternigelb, Aye aye, cap'n17:35
nigelbjledbetter: I realized today I fixed a bunch of bitesized ones already.17:35
jledbetternigelb, Oh... so you told us there were some then snatched them for yourself! I see how it is ;)17:36
nigelbjledbetter: I snatched them before I thought of bitesize. Then I stopped and started tagging :D17:37
jledbetternigelb, It takes a lot of restraint to not do a bunch of bitesized bugs on Lernanta too. Some are so simple to fix but that's the point, right? Get new blood in on the easy stuff.17:37
nigelbjledbetter: heh, totally.  I'll wait for 3 months or JFDI :)17:38
jledbetternigelb, 3 months is the cutoff? Hm. Longer than I give ;)17:39
nigelbjledbetter: well, with summit, we have certain freedom.  It needs to be fixed before UDS is all :)17:39
jledbetternigelb, True.17:40
jledbetternigelb, Is this the official channel or is it the local community one? Lots of LD dev talk would happen there17:40
nigelbjledbetter: summit's like the site that everyone forgets till the week before UDS and during UDS :p17:40
nigelbjledbetter: We've made this the official channel for all webdev projects17:41
nigelb*community webdev17:41
jledbetterAwesome. Makes more sense than doing all the dev talk in there :) I left it a while ago when I last pruned.17:41
=== daker is now known as daker_
nigelbdaker_: ping18:30
cjohnstonSo I guess we really need to look at caching LTP20:52
mhall119cjohnston: yeah21:13
dakerjust filled bug #79373921:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 793739 in hall-of-fame "HOF doesn't work with django 1.1.1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79373921:42
mhall119daker: we're going to push to move to 1.3 for community web projects21:55
dakerwhy ?21:56
mhall119because it's better than 1.1.121:56
mhall119also we're going to push for South 0.721:56
dakeri know it's better, the servers will be upgraded to 1.3 or what ?21:57
mhall119yeah, we've already talked to IS about getting them to install it from a PPA21:58
dakeroh good :D22:00
dakerso i'll mark it invalid bug 79373922:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 793739 in hall-of-fame "HOF doesn't work with django 1.1.1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79373922:00
* cjohnston thinks mhall119 should see about making that happen. ;-)22:15
cjohnstonmhall119: we should probably ask if HOF can go on cranberry as well.. that way they all have the same requirements22:15
* cjohnston gone22:15
mhall119cjohnston: good idea22:16

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