
=== Saviq_afk is now known as Saviq
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didrocksgood morning07:58
MacSlowola everyone08:21
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andyrockgood morning09:28
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oSoMoNgood morning09:44
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andyrocklamalex, hi! yesterday evening you ran away!10:17
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Andy80hi :)11:30
andyrockjcastro, ping11:38
Andy80andyrock: pong :P11:45
andyrockAndy80, you are not jorge! :P11:49
Andy80I know :P11:49
andyrockAndy80, i need him! :)11:49
Andy80andyrock: you know what time is it in USA? :P11:54
andyrockAndy80, i know11:56
andyrockAndy80, bug jcastro is online11:56
andyrockAndy80, when i sleep i am not on freenode :)11:57
Andy80andyrock: it depends! I often leave my PC on and connected, even when I sleep :)12:08
andyrockAndy80, you can mark yourself as away... ALT+A using XChat! :)12:12
Andy80it would be better to have an auto-away feature12:13
andyrockAndy80, hurray laziness... :P12:14
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Andy80it's not lazyness, it's usability: there's no reason to manually do something that a computer can automatically do for you :)12:28
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* mgedmin wishes the one-liner fix for bug 778256 would get committed some day sooner rather than later13:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 778256 in unity (Ubuntu) "Notification area ("system tray") missing when using dual monitors of different sizes, with their bottoms aligned" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77825613:00
nerochiaroAndy80: your patch is approved :)13:41
Andy80nerochiaro: woow :)13:41
Andy80thanks ^_^13:42
nerochiarothanks to you, really13:42
Andy80I've to go now, but I'll ask you for more bugs later or tomorrow :)13:43
kenvandinegood morning tedg14:01
Zhenechheya tedg :)14:04
tedgGood morning kenvandine and Zhenech (and the rest of #ayatana that obviously doesn't love me) ;-)14:04
Zhenechtedg, do you have a clue whethere there are plans to port indicator-applet to libpanel-applet-4?14:05
Zhenechi asked ken already, but he told me to ask you :)14:05
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tedgZhenech, Which one is -4?  Is that the dbus one?  I'm pretty mterry already did that.14:06
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Zhenechtedg, yepp, dbus one for gnome314:06
tedgZhenech, Yeah, so I think trunk works with it.14:07
Zhenechtrunk as in lp:indicator-applet? nope :)14:09
didrocksKaleo: so, we tried to backport some patches with gcc 4.6, but it didn't work. Some help to get a smaller testcase that unity-2d-places would be appreciated: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-19736?focusedCommentId=155853#comment-15585314:11
seb128Zhenech, tedg: trunk is likely not enough, the oneiric version use gtk3 and some of gtkstyle things the applet use have been deprecated, mterry patch is not enough to make it build14:15
dakersmspillaz, man the invisible window sucks14:17
tedgAh, uhg.14:19
Kaleodidrocks: I understand, have you tried some of the QML examples and demos in qt4-demos?14:22
Kaleodidrocks: one of them has got to crash :)14:22
didrocksKaleo: I didn't compile them, just tried with qmlviewer without any issue14:24
Kaleodidrocks: there is a bunch of examples with cpp files in /usr/lib/qt4/examples/declarative/14:25
didrockslet me try some14:25
didrocksKaleo: the launcher has no issue, the place before asking to show it, as no issue as well14:26
Kaleodidrocks: I understand14:27
Kaleodidrocks: I'm trying to think of what is special there14:27
didrocksKaleo: /home/didrocks/work/qml/behaviors/wigglytext.qml seems to segfault14:30
Kaleooh oh14:30
didrocksKaleo: does it work for you in natty?14:31
Kaleodidrocks: yes14:31
didrocksok, maybe we have a better test case then14:31
Kaleodidrocks: maybe it's a different crash14:31
Kaleodidrocks: what's the trace?14:31
Kaleodidrocks: it also works fine with Qt 4.814:32
didrocksKaleo: don't have the debug symbol, it's slightly different: http://paste.ubuntu.com/620890/14:33
Kaleodidrocks: yeah, hard to tell14:33
lamalexandyrock, yah sorry about that!14:40
andyrocklamalex, don't worry... you understand the bug?14:41
lamalexno, i think my trackpad might be preventing me from reproducing it14:42
andyrocklamalex, have you a mac?14:44
andyrocklamalex, so you can't reproduce the problem... someone else will look to it, no problem14:44
lamalexandyrock, yah i've a macbook pro14:45
boulabiarsmspillaz: just a quick hint about invisible window bug, I got it when I have really many tabs open in GoogleChrome and the invisible window is dead only when I quit Chrome.  The invisible window is generated when I right click to get the menu (and the area is the area defined by the right click menu)14:45
boulabiarI wish this helps14:46
andyrocklamalex, you have to buy a simple mouse... i'm jogging14:46
coz_boulabiar,  out of curiosity,, is this nvidia?14:49
boulabiarcoz_: no ati opensource driver14:50
coz_boulabiar,  oh ! hmm I am surprised, I will have to test here with nvidia to see if I get the same14:51
boulabiarand I only get this with chrome and in very rare conditions as I have cited, I never have this problem with another app14:51
coz_boulabiar,  ok  I assume chromium is not going to have anything much different about it,,  so I will log into Unity and test it,, about how many tabs are opened?14:52
boulabiarabout 5014:55
boulabiar(in my case)14:55
coz_boulabiar,  oh :)  ok I will try to open about 50 tabs :)14:56
boulabiardoing some hibernation/sleep then wake can help you getting the bug faster :)14:56
boulabiargood luck14:56
coz_be back in a bit14:56
coz_boulabiar,  hey guy,, ok in Unity, chromium browser, nvidia,, about 57 tabs,, I didnt any ghosted windows,, I assume you mean a window that has a shadow border but no contents ,, yes?15:06
boulabiarI mean a window where you can't receive mouse events15:10
boulabiarif you click/scroll on that window with a mouse nothing happens15:10
coz_boulabiar,  ok,, no nothing happened here at all , other than slowing things down15:10
coz_boulabiar,   I am guessing this is a driver issue,, more than compiz15:11
boulabiarI don't know,15:11
boulabiarif you make a xwininfo it returns Google Chrome15:12
coz_boulabiar,  mm,, ok ,, again I am not sure,, nothing was odd here with nvidia at all,, the only thing that happened the system began to slow down with 57 tabs15:13
coz_boulabiar,  to be honest t hough,, I only go into Unity if someone is having issues,, I dont use it regularly15:15
boulabiarthanks coz_ for your try15:16
boulabiarI am uploading a video to show the problem15:16
coz_boulabiar, oh cool ,, i would like to see that15:16
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boulabiarthe video is there15:20
Prettohy guys, I am writting a Launcher and quicklist editor for unity, can you take a look on it? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2250861/Screenshot.png comments will be very usefull15:23
coz_Pretto,  first thing I noticed is spelling error,,, "Unity Launcher Editor"  ""Manager <<  your unity launcher ,,,,15:25
Prettocoz_: thank you, I will correct that15:26
coz_Pretto,  I love utilities ,, so this looks cool :)15:28
coz_I just dont understand the Unity icon,, it is the worst15:29
coz_Pretto,  not for your utility,, the Unity icon by itself it a bad icon , in my opinion15:29
Prettocoz_: It will be replaced soon with application icon15:30
coz_Pretto,  oh I didnt mean on your utility though15:30
coz_thats fine15:30
coz_Pretto,  it looks fine on that,, I just think the design of the icon sucks :)15:30
Prettocoz_: hehhehhe15:31
Prettothis week I will release the fist beta, I hope I have better icons in time15:31
coz_Pretto, no no,, the icons are fine15:32
coz_Pretto,   even on your utility the Unity icon looks pretty nice,, and I doubt that particular icon is going to change any time soon, so keep it :)15:32
mgedminPretto, are you the author of lp:unity-launcher-editor? it's awesome!15:45
mgedminor is that a different thing, with a very similar name?15:45
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mgedminit doesn't look like your screenshot...15:45
andyrockJohnLea, ping16:20
JohnLeaandyrock; pong16:20
andyrockJohnLea, about this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/76707516:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 767075 in unity (Ubuntu) "Launcher - when the user reveals the Launcher by moving the pointer to the left side of the screen, the Launcher should unfold at exactly the point entered" [High,Confirmed]16:21
Kaleodidrocks: there was a slight change to the packaging of Unity 2D in revision 58616:21
Kaleodidrocks: I think it should be fine but let me know16:21
didrocksKaleo: let me check16:21
cyphermox_tedg: ping, got a merge request for the about-to-show event for libappindicator16:21
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JohnLeaandyrock; yes I know that bug, go ahead..16:22
andyrockJohnLea, was you to write the template right?16:22
andyrockJohnLea, the template to resolve the bug...16:23
JohnLeaandyrock; I wrote the original bug, yes16:23
JohnLea^ 'bug report' I mean16:24
didrocksKaleo: shouldn't we just install usr/lib/qt4/imports/Unity2d directly in libunity-2d-private0 ?16:24
Kaleodidrocks: I don't know what that means16:24
didrocksKaleo: let me push a change, I check and it should be fine, that will be easier16:25
Kaleodidrocks: you mean creating that hierarchy of folders usr/lib/qt4/imports/Unity2d inside libunity-2d-private0 ?16:25
didrocksKaleo: no, I mean that: http://paste.ubuntu.com/620969/16:26
andyrockJohnLea, well according to me the solution is not perfect...16:26
andyrockJohnLea, someone (maybe DBO?) said to call setmouseposition16:27
DBOthat were me16:27
andyrockJohnLea, but (according to me) we need _enter_y16:27
DBO_enter_y gets set when SetHover is set to true16:28
DBObut it gets set from _mouse_position.y16:28
DBOso _mouse_position must be correct before SetHover becomes true16:28
DBOso you are correct, I am just trying to find the most logical way of doing what you see clearly needs to be set16:28
JohnLeaandyrock; I only wrote the bug description above the "==========================", I did not specify setmouseposition16:29
DBOI wrote the stuff below ====================16:29
DBOhello? is this thing on?16:29
andyrockJohnLea, i got it! :)16:29
JohnLeaandyrock; as long as "The Launcher should slide out and the Launcher accordion should flatten out centred on the icon in the same vertical position as the user's pointer. There should be no auto-scroll." I am happy16:29
DBOping JohnLea16:29
JohnLeapong DBO16:30
DBOokay so now the question is did andyrock read what I just said...16:30
Kaleodidrocks: good point :)16:30
andyrockDBO, i read it! :)16:30
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didrocksKaleo: just pushing? no need of merge req. for tis?16:31
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andyrockDBO, i will try to resolve this bug...16:31
Kaleodidrocks: one question: what's the deal with all the source files that are in the Unity2d directory?16:31
Kaleodidrocks: won't they be copied over to?16:32
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didrocksKaleo: oh? I didn't see other file in Unity2d just grepping the install files16:32
didrocksKaleo: let me do it again16:32
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didrocksKaleo: there is none? grep import debian/*install16:33
didrocksKaleo: let me build to check16:33
didrocksKaleo: just a note, packaging change has to be described in debian/changelog16:36
Kaleodidrocks: good point16:37
Kaleodidrocks: hmmm16:37
Kaleodidrocks: ok16:37
didrocksbuilding the package, will see for sources16:37
Kaleodidrocks: I'm an idiot16:37
didrocksdon't tell that :-)16:37
Kaleodidrocks: your patch should be fine, if you see no problem after testing, feel free to push to trunk16:38
didrocksKaleo: ok, nice! (+ adding some message to debian/changelog)16:38
Kaleodidrocks: thanks16:40
didrocksKaleo: yw, thanks for noticing me when there is packaging changes :)16:41
Kaleodidrocks: always :)16:41
Kaleodidrocks: I'm using testdrive to reproduce the  various bugs but am having trouble figuring out the right -vga parameter16:41
Kaleodidrocks: -vga cirrus is "working"16:41
didrocksKaleo: hum, pitti is on amd64, so maybe that can have an impact16:42
Kaleodidrocks: and now I would like to see the bug you were looking at earlier (the crash)16:42
Kaleodidrocks: "It happens on the i386 and amd64 images, in kvm and on real hardware, so it doesn't seem hw specific at all."16:42
didrocksdon't tell me it doesn't crash?16:42
Kaleodidrocks: it would if I could find the right vga parameter16:42
Kaleodidrocks: other than cirrus16:42
Kaleodidrocks: I tried -vga std but it does not even get me to X16:43
didrocksKaleo: try to ping Dustin? he probably know more kvm than I am16:45
Kaleodidrocks: how do you test?16:45
didrocksKaleo: I don't test, I'm using oneiric16:45
Kaleodidrocks: :D16:45
Kaleodidrocks: of course16:45
didrocksheh :-)16:46
andyrockDBO: well, SetDndDelta is called properly16:46
DBOandyrock, and still no dice?16:47
DBOare you checking the value of _enter_y inside SetDndDelta?16:47
andyrockDBO: sometimes works, sometimes not16:48
DBOcan I see the changes you made16:48
andyrockDBO, sometime the function MouseIconIntersection (x, _enter_y) returns (nil)16:49
DBOis enter_y set correctly?16:50
andyrockin setdnddelta _enter_y is ok16:50
DBOit may have to do with the fact that the launcher is hidden16:50
andyrocki add: setmouseposition (...,...)16:50
DBOyou know what16:50
DBOwhen it calls MouseIconIntersection16:51
DBOah this is the problem16:51
DBOsee the x value passed16:51
andyrockcenter.x = 33 by default16:51
DBOokay here is the problem16:53
DBOthe x needs to account for the hide state16:53
DBOwhich is actually accounted for... annoyingly... in FillRenderArg16:53
DBOyeah that will take a little refactoring16:53
DBObut basically whats happening is its lookng for an interesection where the icons are not16:53
andyrockok, let me try :)16:54
Kaleodidrocks: I am restructuring a bit the code in Unity2d, like we discussed some moons ago17:25
Kaleodidrocks: my first change is removing /usr/lib/qt4/imports/UnityApplications and migrating its classes to /usr/lib/qt4/imports/Unity2d17:25
didrocksKaleo: so that will move to the -private package?17:28
Kaleodidrocks: correct17:32
Kaleodidrocks: and to be precise there are no new files17:33
Kaleodidrocks: I am basically removing the UnityApplications.so17:33
Kaleodidrocks: and its features are migrating to the Unity2d.so17:33
didrocksKaleo: excellent! refactoring FTW!17:35
jcastrodidrocks: http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/229600-1/day_6_in_search_of_unity.html17:42
jcastrodidrocks: I don't get the part about using wubi doesn't make video drivers work?17:43
jcastroMy wife is on wubi/11.04 and unity works fine17:43
didrocksjcastro: i'm looking at it. For me wubi should work, but I didn't try for a while17:43
jcastromaybe he just needs to run the additional drivers (jockey) thing by hand17:44
didrocksdid he installed the nvidia driver?17:44
jcastroyeah I'll just tweet him some info17:45
jcastrobut afaik, jockey doesn't care about wubi right?17:45
Kaleodidrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/unity-2d/reorg/+merge/6373617:47
Kaleodidrocks: this MR contains a packaging change (the one discussed above)17:47
didrocksjcastro: no, it doesn't afaik17:48
didrocksKaleo: ok, still fail with the additional option for Qt. Trying building with -O117:49
Kaleodidrocks: you are talking about the segfault?17:50
Kaleodidrocks: as a result I got: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fboucault/unity-2d/reorg/revision/58917:55
Kaleodidrocks: "unity-2d-places and unity-2d-spread do not depend on unity-2d-launcher."17:55
didrocksKaleo: \o/17:57
didrocksKaleo: I'm waiting for some update to finish to testbuild the change17:57
didrocksI won't be able to test the runtime though because of the Qt issue17:57
Kaleodidrocks: thanks17:58
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jcastrodidrocks: sorry for the bugspam yesterday, I reorged the backlog design bugs19:10
jcastro(I just sent a mail to ayatana-dev about it)19:10
andyrockDBO, about the bug, after studying for the school, I've had a look (again)19:12
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andyrockif i force x to 0 in MouseIconIntersection all works well19:13
andyrockthis is because x coordinates of hitarea seems crazy!19:14
DBOthe x coordinates should be set to negative19:15
andyrockyes they are negative, why?19:15
DBOandyrock, because the icons are off-screen to the left?19:17
andyrockDBO, right. But they are both negative and positive19:18
andyrockhow i can explain19:19
DBObecause of the tilt19:19
DBOso the bottom right edge of some of them would be positive19:19
andyrockso we check if the pointer is inside an icon, when they are still in moviment?19:20
andyrock*still moving?19:20
DBOyou have to check19:21
DBOat that point19:21
DBOthe trick is to place the x value such that it is in the middle of the icons current rendering target19:21
DBOwhich means doing the offset calculation instead of just the width /219:22
andyrockDBO, i got it...19:23
andyrockso the calculation of center.x is wrong!19:23
DBOyes! :)19:24
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andyrockthe problem now is the offset calculation :)19:26
DBOits amazing where a little bug fixing will lead you19:27
NafaiDBO: thanks for the reply, I actually did forward the mail onto ayatana-dev per jcastro's suggestion :)19:27
DBONafai, yeah I just responded to you a second time saying I just noticed that19:27
DBOI am looking over your patch now19:28
DBOits excellent work, I dont see off hand why the keynav isn't working yet19:28
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NafaiI just saw Luke's UDS interview on youtube.  Is this channel or is #ubuntu-accessibility a better place to discuss helping with accessibility in Unity?19:33
DBONafai, here works well enoguh19:34
jcastrohey DBO19:49
DBOhey jcastro19:49
jcastroif I tag up the ux-backlog ones with the right tag19:49
jcastrocan you delete them?19:49
didrockswe can do that with a script I guess19:50
jcastroit's less than 20 bugs19:50
jcastroI'll just do it19:50
didrocksok :)19:50
jcastroremove the milestone in each bug?19:51
jcastroor will deleting the milestone just unset it in each bug?19:51
jcastroDBO: ok, remove ux-backlog-219:51
jcastrooh cool, it autounset the bugs, nice work launchpad!19:52
jcastroDBO: ok, kill ux-backlog-119:53
jcastrodidrocks: what does "too-late" tag mean?19:54
didrocksjcastro: was design requests too late for natty19:57
jcastrohmmm, ok now what are we supposed to do with them19:57
DBOleave them as a monument to their sins19:58
didrocksDBO: sin is definitively a FFX reference for me now20:03
Kaleodidrocks: please don't set the status of an MR to Approve if you have not performed code review + functional review :)20:27
Kaleodidrocks: you can still approve individually but not the whole MR otherwise it gets merged20:27
Kaleodidrocks: if you see what I mean20:27
didrocksKaleo: oh ok, as you set to approve the oneiric branch without testing functionnality for packaging changes, I was thinking it was the policy if code review + building was right, sorry about that20:28
Kaleodidrocks: nah, it was exceptional20:29
didrocksKaleo: ok, gotcha, sorry about that20:29
Kaleodidrocks: cause y'a know, Oneiric is not quite supported by me yet :)20:29
Kaleodidrocks: latest ISO failed to show me X in virtualbox :(20:29
didrocksit will be soon, I'll make sure of it :)20:29
didrocksyou should try a dual boot otherwise20:30
KaleoI really would love to help but I am stretched thin accross many more things than I can handle :)20:31
KaleoI'll debug the virtualbox failure as soon as possible20:33
didrocksKaleo: welcome to this club, not private enough in ubuntu unfortunatly :)20:33
didrocksok, got a small backtrace for Qt20:33
didrocksall attemps right now with compiler flag failed20:33
Kaleocan I see?20:33
didrocksKaleo: http://paste.ubuntu.com/621176/20:33
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Omegathis is the kool kid's klub21:14
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thumperjcastro: hi22:40
holizzI'm trying to get started with a bitesize bug in Unity. As it turns out I'm not very good with C++ so I have no idea what to do when a build fails other than install more development libraries. Can anybody offer some help? http://pastie.org/private/6oab4u37aab6rywgaejjw22:52
holizz(This is on Oneiric)22:53
* Nafai looks23:03
holizzNafai: Thanks for looking.23:19
Andy80holizz: Unity or Unity-2d?23:25
holizzAndy80: The 3d version. (lp:unity)23:26
Andy80holizz: can't help you then :\23:27
Andy80holizz: I've just started with unity-2d23:27
holizzAh. Well, good luck on your end.23:29
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