
mgariepygood morning everyone14:18
dlbasshello! I have been trying to find out a way to make Ubuntu automatically install updates on its own without asking, but I must be using the wrong keywords because I have found nothing. Can any of you point me in the right direction16:26
=== don is now known as Guest74231
=== Guest74231 is now known as Sander
=== Sander is now known as GreenHippo
GreenHippoHello. When I try to install Edubuntu 11.04 i get a corrupted screen and the system locks up. Same thing happens when I just 'try before install'.20:23
GreenHippo2.6 core 2 duo with 4gb ram 1gb hdd 512 gt240 ddr520:23
HedgeMageGreenHippo: can you describe what "a corrupted screen" looks like?20:24
GreenHippoheavily pixellated20:25
GreenHippono graphics. like looking up at the stars at night with a black background20:26
GreenHippois there a setting i can turn off to lessen graphic use on try or install. like a basic graphic driver20:27
HedgeMageIt sounds like the installer is having trouble detecting what your graphics chipset is.  Have you tried the non-graphical installer?20:28
GreenHippono. there is no choice that i can see on the bootable dvd20:30
GreenHippochipset is nvidia20:30
HedgeMagehold on, I can help but parenting duty calls20:30
HedgeMageI'll be back in a little bit20:31
alkisgTry pressing F6 in the first boot screen and writing "xforcevesa" as a kernel parameter20:33
GreenHippook alkisg, that worked. thanks20:38
GreenHippohad to be something simple20:38
alkisgGreenHippo: you might need to install nvidia-current in text mode after the installation20:38
alkisgAs you'll hit the same problem then20:38
GreenHippoim installing on a spare hdd that ill be switching between various computers. so will install a generic video driver20:39
GreenHippoits connected to the pc via a usb dongle20:39
alkisgAll open drivers are installed by default, so you'll get nouveau, which appareantly has a problem with your card and won't work20:40
GreenHippoi see20:40
alkisgAnyway try it first and you'll see about fixing it later on20:40
GreenHippook. thanks for your help. its very much appreciated20:40
Pacifica hi there. having a strange problem with ltspfs: usb sticks work beautifully on the thin clients but USB DVD drives no longer work22:58
Pacificarunning ubuntu 10.04 server 64bit with 32bit clients22:58

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