
wallyworldsinzui: stupid mic00:01
sinzuiwallyworld: I had to toggle mute on Sound Preferences > Input. Even though it said it was on, the live check clear said it was not00:02
* wallyworld tries that00:03
wallyworldsinzui: here but mic still broken00:05
* sinzui is now deafened00:08
lifelesswe should do a ndt today00:18
wgrantlifeless: I plan to, once I attack staging.00:22
wgrantimportds need QA.00:22
lifeless oh cool00:22
wgrantThen I need to remerge db-stable.00:22
StevenKWebCat sounds like a fun project00:26
StevenKutilities/shhh.py bin/sprite-util create-css00:32
StevenKTraceback (most recent call last):00:32
StevenKKeyError: u'../images/mute.png'00:32
* StevenK pouts.00:32
jcsackettwallyworld: so, what's the bit that needs dealing with picker wise?00:35
wallyworldjcsackett: sent you an email :-)00:35
jcsackettah, fantastic.00:35
wallyworldjust move a coupl eof line sof js00:35
* jcsackett wades through codeimport emails to find the relevant one.00:36
wallyworldjcsackett: i have code impor temails go to /dev/nul :-)00:36
wgrantStevenK: rm ./lib/canonical/launchpad/icing/icon-sprites.positioning00:38
jcsackettwallyworld: that definitely fits within the scope of what i'm working on now. i'll incorporate it into my personpicker-fixes branch.00:39
wallyworldjcsackett: thanks :-)00:39
jcsackettwallyworld: you're welcome.00:39
StevenKwgrant: Thanks00:40
StevenKAnd another 113 code import mails :-(01:02
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursula
huwshimiStevenK: That's what mail filters are for01:20
StevenKYes, I just fixed sieve01:21
StevenKI think it's working, too.01:21
wgrantjelmer: Still around?01:40
jelmerwgrant: barely01:40
wgrantjelmer: http://staging.launchpadlibrarian.net/72500040/vcs-imports-virt-manager-trunk.log01:40
wgrantSomething to worry about?01:41
jelmerwgrant: somewhat - I tagged one of the bugs associated with the newer-bzr branch qa-bad for this reason01:41
lifelessjelmer: qa-bad meaning 'must rollback'01:42
wgrantAt this stage it is more "must panic"01:42
lifelessso, rollback that rev.01:43
wgrantjelmer: How critical is this?01:43
wgrantCan we just roll back bzr-hg, or do we have to do the whole thing?01:43
wgrantI guess the whole thing.01:43
lifelessrollback the lot, its simplest.01:43
lifelessknown good.01:43
jelmerwgrant: the whole thing, the older bzr-hg won't work (at least isn't tested) with the older bzr01:43
wgrantOK, rolling back.01:44
wgrantbuildbot is even waiting for us.01:44
wgrantAlthough we'll just miss the following db-devel run.01:44
wgrantSo QA will be this evening.01:44
wgrantWhat else can go wrong...01:45
wgrantBuild breakage, qastaging breakage, staging breakage, three RC revs, two bad revs, major QA backlog01:45
lifeless8000000 estimated plans make me cry01:45
wgrant+ deploying a big new feature at the same time01:46
lifelessshortly after01:46
lifelessI agree, it would be nice not to have it bundled in01:46
lifelesswgrant: you redid the tag portlet queries recently right ?01:47
wgrantlifeless: Yes.01:47
wgrantThey still suck.01:47
_mup_Bug #793809: Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-tags-content timeouts <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/793809 >01:47
wgrantWill need bugsummary.01:47
wgrant(which is in!)01:47
lifelessI'm hacking on that now01:47
lifelessjust gthering data on th ecurrent behaviour01:47
wgrantjelmer: Do you have a bzr-hg bug for that?01:47
lifeless(actual time=0.164..0.164 rows=1 loops=323890)01:49
lifelesswhat is 0.16ms * 300K :P01:49
jelmerwgrant: bug 79381201:50
_mup_Bug #793812: doesn't lock target repository when reading tags during fetch <affects-launchpad> <Bazaar Hg Plugin:In Progress by jelmer> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/793812 >01:50
wgrantjelmer: Hm, weren't tags not supported before?01:51
wgrantSo this will only affect branches that were already broken?01:51
jelmerwgrant: tags were ignored before, and *most* of these branches were not working earlier01:51
StevenKlifeless: 48 seconds?01:52
wgrantlifeless: Perhaps we should not roll back.01:52
wgrantGiven that we can roll out to the importds later fairly easily.01:52
jelmerwgrant: (hence my answer "somewhat" to your question earlier; the risk is that there's a couple of branches out there that were previously working that have tags)01:52
lifelessStevenK: yes, and thats what bug privacy costs us01:53
lifelessjelmer: wgrant: I'm fine with saying that this only affects previously broken branches01:54
lifelessbut in that case its not qa-bad01:54
lifelessits qa-ok01:54
wgrantlifeless: It looks like it will break some existing branches.01:54
lifelessfsvo some01:54
wgrantBut bzr-hg is still beta.01:54
wgrantIt looks like there are 15 succeeding bzr-hg branches.01:54
wgrantIn all of LP.01:54
wgrantSo it can't break more than 15 branches.01:54
lifelesssome of them may have tags01:54
StevenKlifeless: "Orsum"01:55
lifelessjelmer: when do you think this will be fixed ?01:55
jelmerlifeless: tomorrow morning01:55
lifelessStevenK: see the plan in the bug I linked if you are interested01:55
wgrantI say we deploy with this, and rerelease to the importds on Friday or Monday.01:55
lifelessjelmer: wgrant: FWIW I wouldn't rollback given this analysis01:55
jelmerYeah, I agree.01:55
wgrantI was trying to convince you of that, but it seems it wasn't necessary.01:55
* mwhudson too, if anyone cares01:56
wgrantjelmer: You've tested the others?01:56
jelmerSorry, I probably should've communicated that a bit better than just saying qa-bad and "somewhat"...01:56
wgrantbzr-git seems happy, but I've not tried bzr-svn.01:56
wgrantIt's late :)01:56
jelmerI've tried bzr-svn and bzr-git01:56
wgrantjelmer: qa-bad today means zomgpanic, since we have downtime in <48 hours.01:57
jelmerwgrant: I realize that, but I also didn't want to say qa-ok while it could break existing branches (I hadn't bothered looking at the graph yet)01:57
wgrantjelmer: Should we qa-ok all the bugs?01:58
jelmerwgrant: yep02:00
wgrantHopefuly 13162 is good.02:01
lifelesswgrant: btw, a window function eliminates the union02:04
wgrantlifeless: Oh?02:04
lifelesstag in (official) or rank() < 10, or something like that02:05
lifelessI won't need to do it02:05
wgrantHmm, true.02:05
lifelessjust noting another technique we could use to tune further02:05
lifeless(49 rows)02:08
lifelessTime: 595.781 ms02:08
lifelessthats for distro=102:09
_mup_Bug #793809: Distribution:+bugtarget-portlet-tags-content timeouts <timeout> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/793809 >02:10
cjohnstonwgrant: thanks for looking at my qa-needstesting's02:27
StevenKcjohnston: Hah. wgrant looks at *everyone's* qa-needstesting's revisions :-)02:28
cjohnstonin that case, there's still one pending.. lol02:29
StevenKcjohnston: He couldn't possibly steal all of your fun.02:29
wgrantcjohnston: I'm waiting on a script to run on qastaging.02:39
wgranthloeung: How's send-bug-notifications.py going?02:39
hloeungwgrant: Still going... and going... and going...02:39
wgranthloeung: Is branchmail eating the CPU or something?02:40
StevenKI had no idea send-bug-notifications.py was the energizer bunny02:40
wgrantI see nothing new in the inbox.02:40
hloeungwgrant: err, I'm seeing it print out lots of "Notifying <email@address> about bug XXXXXX" being displayed on my screen02:41
wgrantAh, yes, Thunderbird was just being slow.02:42
hloeungIt's not just the branchmail, there's quite a few jobs running right now02:44
hloeungso yes, the load is pretty high on that server02:44
StevenKhloeung: Define pretty high? 10? 50?02:48
hloeungStevenK: anything over 10 is high for me, and it's at 1202:49
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #369: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 8 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/369/02:52
wgrantStevenK: Can I have mawson?03:48
StevenKwgrant: Take it, I'm done with it until after lunch.03:48
wgrantlifeless: We are green.03:51
wgrantShall we unfreeze?03:51
wgrantwallyworld: The pickers are healthy when the flags are all disabled?03:57
wallyworldwgrant: afaik03:57
wgrantwallyworld: Great.03:58
wallyworldi last tested that a day or two ago03:58
wallyworldbut there have been code changes since03:58
wgrantI'll check once hloeung's back.03:58
wgrantBy disabling them on qas.03:58
wallyworldi think prod has an earlier version deployed that is fine03:58
wgrantBut that's about to change.03:58
wgrantWell, the earlier version thing is about to change. The fineness hopefully won't.03:59
wallyworldi tested when i put in support for the result ordering to be behind a flag03:59
wgrantBut we've had lazr-js changes and such since.03:59
wallyworldyes, but the lazr-js changes don't use a ff04:00
wgrantSo they are more likely to break even when the FF is off.04:00
wallyworldlazr-js will use json attributes if they are there, which they won't be if the ff is off04:00
wgrantSure. But this is Launchpad.04:01
wgrantI'm still going to test it :)04:01
lifelesswgrant: fully, really ?04:01
wgrantlifeless: Hm?04:01
wgrantOh, QA? Yes.04:02
wgrantBoth are fully green.04:03
wgrantAlready requested.04:04
lifelesslove your work04:04
wgrantWill do it and unfreeze and remerge once hloeung is delunched.04:04
lifelessstorm reference columns paaaain04:06
wgrant~/launchpad/lp-branches/devel$ bzr diff -c13163 | wc -l04:16
lifeless lib/lp/bugs/doc/bug-tags.txt04:26
lifeless  Ran 1 tests with 0 failures and 0 errors in 0.679 seconds.04:26
lifelesswgrant: (48 rows)04:34
lifelessTime: 165.065 ms04:34
wgrantlifeless: Where'd the 49th row go?04:34
wgrantAnd the other 340ms.04:35
lifelessI had forgotten we aggregate up by sourcepackagename04:35
lifelessso it was counting a few hundred K rows too many04:35
lifelessthe extra row was apport-collected04:38
lifelessnot sure why its gone, looking04:38
lifelessis there with spn is null04:41
lifelessmy theory - it was 11th with the duplicates fixed.04:41
lifelessbecause its /all/ source package targeted bugs it had 100% inflation04:41
wgrantThat could do it, I guess.04:42
lifeless 362604:43
lifeless 386904:43
lifeless(not null)04:43
lifelessdiscrepancy handwaved away by multi-task bugs04:43
lifelessthat takes its count to 7K04:43
lifelessand that was 10th place04:44
lifelesshmm,t hats ever04:44
* lifeless checks with open04:44
lifeless rank |          tag           |  sum04:48
lifeless    1 | i386                   | 3460904:48
lifeless    2 | apport-crash           | 2932304:48
lifeless   14 | apport-collected       |  200304:48
michaelh1Hey, the 'Packaging/SourceBuildsdaily builds knowledge base' link at the bottom of 'https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/SourceBuilds/BzrBuilder' is broken.  I can't seem to log in to fix it...04:50
lifelesscan has review ? https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-793809/+merge/6363504:55
wgrantmichaelh1: login attempts seem to hang for me :/04:55
lifelesssso is having trouble probably; we have a bug open on that04:55
=== lifeless changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | devel is release-critical until r13164 deployable | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs:212 - 0:[######=_]:256
wgrantAh, finally worked.04:56
wgrantmichaelh1: Fixed, thanks.04:58
hloeungwgrant: You called?05:09
wgranthloeung: Hi! Three things:05:10
hloeungokay, hit me05:11
wgrant1) Could you please bring PQM out of RC mode (I think both devel and db-devel are RC at the moment)?05:11
wgrant2) Could you remove the disclosure.picker_enhancements.enabled feature rule from qastaging, so we can test how it will behave on production without it tomorrow?05:12
wgrant3) There's a nodowntime deployment request on LPS, to deploy all the stuff before the db-stable merge.05:12
wgrantlifeless: Reviewed.05:17
lifelesswgrant: dunno whats wrong with the indentation05:20
jtvwgrant: if I have a PackageUpload pu, and I do pu.addSource(…), should that be enough to make contains_source become True?05:20
wgrantjtv: Yes.05:21
wgrantjtv: Minus caches, but there might not be any.05:21
wgrantlifeless: Multi-line function calls are meant to be indented like this:05:21
wgrant    foo, bar)05:21
wgrant    bar)05:21
wgrantAnd multi-line function definitions are to be indented like:05:22
wgrantdef something(foo,05:22
wgrant             bar)05:22
wgrantI forgot a space.05:22
wgrantBut you get the idea.05:22
lifelessproblem is both of those are fugly.05:22
lifelessyou'll find indenting like I did already present in the code base05:23
lifeless-> vet, back soon05:23
wgrantlifeless: Hm, I think the postgres planner needs a good killing.05:25
jtvNice argument there: the same person who won't listen to his reviewer and created optional reviews says "I can do it the way I like because we already have places where it's done that way."  :-)05:25
jtvWhat's the problem with the postgres planner?05:29
wgrantjtv: See the last comment in the MP.05:29
jtvThe answer to that is not killing the planner.05:31
wgrantIt would help.05:31
jtvNo it wouldn't — then we'd have to hand-tune _every_ query at the cost of legibility.05:32
jtvWhat Robert mostly uses WITH for AFAICS is as a new optimization barrier.05:32
StevenKI was tempted to read the slides about the query planner from the last Postgres meetup, but I chickened out05:32
jtvIt's just an ever-shifting battleground: we find we can get a query faster (at least for the cases we're looking at) by making it too hard for the optimizer to restructure.05:34
jtvThen the optimizer gets smarter, and most queries get faster — but it breaks that trick.05:34
jtvThe fights over planner hints are endless.05:34
jtvEven though the decision is already made: we're not going to have them.05:36
wgrantYay, I can self-review now.05:36
StevenKBut you have been for months with rs=wgrant05:36
StevenKOr was I not supposed to point that out?05:37
wgrantThat was always for testfixes/merges.05:37
wgrantNo new code :)05:37
wgrantBut yes, shh.05:37
* jtv worriedly pretends he had not heard that05:39
wgrantPickers with dozens of pages look a bit bad.05:41
wgrantBut it'll do.05:41
wgranteg. search for 'launchpad' in the product picker on https://bugs.qastaging.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/123405:41
_mup_Bug #1234: Gina is an unmaintainable mess of command line options, environment variables and shell scripts <lp-foundations> <Launchpad itself:Fix Released by debonzi> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/1234 >05:41
jtvThis is a bit of python syntax I'm still missing: the "if" clause from list comprehensions, but without the "for"05:42
jtvNames = [self.name if self.name is not None]05:42
wgrantYes :(05:43
wgrantfilter()'s deprecation upset me.05:44
wgrantSame with map().05:44
jtvThose have been deprecated!?05:44
StevenKWhat jtv said?!05:44
jtvSurely that's only in MS Python.NET enterprise?05:44
jtvOr some other thing that we don't care about?05:45
wgrantHm, looks like they weren't actually killed from py3k. There were going to be at one point.05:45
jtvPhew.  So their obsolescence was deprecated?05:45
wgrantmap/filter appear to be iterators in py3k, though.05:46
jtvThat makes more sense.05:49
* jtv dreams for a moment about the cool vectorizations we could have if this wonderful language were a compiled one05:50
jtvThen again, modern compilers can do that without it being explicit in the code can't they05:50
wgrantYes :(05:51
lifeless-> vet, back soon]]]]]({{{{{kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkK0;2~")Y9;2~<GF[3;2~String formatting in SQL: Australia says no.05:54
lifelessAlso, calling that "store" is a bit too much of a lie for my tastes.05:54
wgrantDid you forget to take the cat?05:54
StevenKwgrant: Perhaps that was cat clawing despertly in a vain attempt to not be scooped up05:55
wgrantWe can only hope!05:55
lifelessjtv: uhm, I do listen to reviewers - a lot.05:55
jtvShhh you're spoiling it05:55
StevenKNever let the facts get in the way of a good punch line05:56
wgranthloeung: PQM is indeed un-RC'd. Thanks.05:57
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: wgrant | Critical bugs:212 - 0:[######=_]:256
hloeungwgrant: How did you check? Just so I know in the future how to check05:58
wgranthloeung: I landed something :/05:58
hloeungOh hahah05:58
lifelessso, if you look at the query plans *we get*, the planner often treats exists / subqueries as things to run multiple times05:59
wgrantlifeless: Sure. But it should be smart enough to not do that.05:59
lifelessjtv: if you can find a way to get it to not do that, without a with, that would be cool.05:59
wgrantAt least sometimes.05:59
lifelessAFAICT using WITH as a way to declare what is essentially a variable is good style SQL wise.05:59
jtvlifeless: I don't know of a way — I think it's one of those cases where it just wasn't the extra optimizer time.05:59
jtvYes, it's fine.06:00
wgrantlifeless: Perhaps good style, but unconventional.06:00
jtvWell no, that's exactly what it's for.06:00
wgrantRight. But it's not very much.06:00
wgrantI've rarely seen it used.06:00
wgrantAnd it's ugly in Storm.06:00
jtvIt's relatively new.06:00
wgrantRight. New => unconventional.06:00
lifelesswgrant: so, help make it better in storm?06:00
lifelesswgrant: unconventional in our code base perhaps.06:01
wgrantI've read enough horror stories in that MP.06:01
jtvThe main "good" reason to use it is to remove such duplication.  The main practical reason is as an optimization barrier.06:01
lifelessanyhow, when storm is three times the size of direct queries, I really start to wonder why we use it.06:01
jtvHow does it work in storm?06:01
lifelessjtv: see the use of with_ in https://code.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/bug-793809/+merge/6363506:01
jtvAh, great to have that as a keyword isn't it?  :)06:02
lifelessyes (no)06:03
lifelesswgrant: so, I06:03
lifeless've changed the browser/ indenting as its much of a muchness06:03
lifeless(though its still fugly)06:03
wgrantNot a muchness!06:03
lifelessthe bug.py indent is really harder to read06:03
lifelessdef foo............06:04
lifeless                           fwejijw06:04
lifeless    """.....06:04
lifelessdunno about you but that plays havoc with my eyes06:04
wgrantIt's not ideal.06:05
wgrantBut not much is.06:05
lifelessI can raise a discussion on list about this if you like, but this is the sort of thing I really hate about coding standards.06:06
jtvWe've had that discussion.06:06
StevenKWe have06:06
lifelessjtv: I don't think the discussion is over06:06
jtvI hate it too, but having the consistency and stability is probably more valuable than making it prettier in that case.06:06
StevenKCan the bikeshed not change colour again?06:06
lifelessStevenK: I've been consistently arguing one thing.06:07
StevenKlifeless: And you keep bringing it up because the bikeshed is a different colour, it seems.06:07
lifelessStevenK: no, I keep bringing it up because I have neither been convinced that the status quo is a good place to be, nor that what I am arguing for is a bad place to be.06:08
StevenKIOW, the bikeshed needs a new coat of paint06:08
lifelessor to not be a bikeshed06:08
jtvThe great thing is, if we change it now, the people who argued the other way get their say again.06:09
jtvThat can't be bad, right?06:10
lifelessinterestingly PEP8 says we are wrong.06:10
lifelessnot for function definitions06:10
lifelessbut for function calls06:10
lifelessjtv: healthy discussion is fine.06:11
StevenKlifeless: In the words of the Debian Policy maintainers, why must we make hundreds (if not thousands) packages (read as: lines of code) insta-buggy?06:11
lifelessStevenK: you seem you have your troll hat on. Can you take it off please?06:11
jtvIf healthy discussion is fine, by all means let's have more of it.  Now excuse me while I get some work done.06:11
lifelessso I was discussing this with my reviewer; the rest of you just piled in :)06:12
StevenKlifeless: Do I have to? :-(06:12
jtvlifeless: Because you didn't want to listen to your reviewer, which you deny.  Seriously, it's pretty clear to me that you're the one with the troll hat on today.06:12
lifelessright, breath taken.06:16
lifelessjtv: there is a huge difference between dialogue and instruction.06:16
lifelessjtv: if our reviewers are having a dialogue, then its up to the coder to listen and choose; making it an absolute must-be-X stops it being a dialogue and makes it instructions.06:17
StevenKlifeless: In my experience, reviewers can do either.06:17
StevenKlifeless: Must-be-X is usually of the form "That is horrid! *needs fixing*"06:18
lifelessI have been wondering whether removing that from reviewers entirely would help folk understand the cultural distinction06:19
lifelessI'm going to go off to the side and finish this specific discussion with wgrant, we can chew the fat about big picture stuff another time06:20
wgrantlifeless: Hm, so anybody can r-c bless truly r-c stuff now?06:27
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
wgrantMakes sense.06:28
lifelessmore centralised authority undone06:28
lifelesslet folk -shock, horror- make decisions.06:28
wgrantExcept for formatting :P06:28
lifelessI have a list.06:28
lifelesswgrant: ?06:51
wgrantAn OOPS editing a bug.06:51
wgrantTrying to find it.06:51
wgrantI can't find CE anywhere...06:53
wgrantAh, wampee's rsync config has changed.06:53
wgrantAssertionError: Attribute bug_subscribers not in object <BugTask for bug 97266 on <Product at 0xd8588d0>>06:54
_mup_Bug #97266: Suggestions menu next to "Choose..." doesn't do anything <javascrcipt> <lp-web> <project-picker> <qa-ok> <webkit> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by sinzui> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/97266 >06:54
lifelessthat seems undesirable06:54
lifelessHTH did it get through tests06:55
wgrantIt doesn't affect all bugs.06:55
wgrantI bet it's the thing I've rolled back three times already.06:55
wgrantThe dupe subscriptions muting thing.06:55
wgrantI guess one of getDirectSubscribers and getIndirectSubscribers is raising an AttributeError...06:57
wgrantReproducible on qastaging, I guess we should roll back.06:57
wgrantAnd then panic.06:57
wgranthloeung: Hi :(06:58
hloeungwgrant: Hi06:58
lifelesswill this prevent unhiding the subscriptions feature?06:58
wgrantlifeless: It prevents deployment.06:58
wgrantOf anything.06:58
wgrantHence panic.06:58
lifelesseven after reverting the rev ?06:58
wgrantAh. No, probably not. It's ugly, but not entirely critical.06:59
wgrantThe issue is that there won't be a mute link if you only have a dupe subscription.06:59
lifelesswe can deal for a few days lke that I think06:59
wgrantPossibly it must even be a team subscription to a dupe.06:59
wgranthloeung: We need to roll back that deployment, I'm afraid.06:59
hloeungwgrant: okay sure, to what REVNO?07:00
wgranthloeung: 13144, the previous nodowntime.07:00
wgrantlifeless: Fourth time lucky :/07:00
hloeungthat last rollout actually had issues, not sure if it's related - https://pastebin.canonical.com/48230/07:03
hloeungneumayer rebooted itself07:04
wgranthloeung: Not related, but still concerning.07:04
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
wgrantThat's even more concerning.07:04
lifelesswgrant: I need to prep dinner07:05
lifelessI will drop by in a bit to touch base07:05
wgrantlifeless: Thanks, but it should be OK.07:05
wgrantI do wish we had a gary now.07:09
hloeungwgrant: https://pastebin.canonical.com/48232/07:10
wgranthloeung: Hm, you're doing a full redeploy?07:11
wgranthloeung: The deployment tool has an option to rollback to a previous rev.07:11
wgrantThat's already built.07:11
wgrant--rollback-to or somesuch... let me find it.07:11
wgrant00:48 < mthaddon> Chex: should just be ./deploymgr.py --config=lp --revert-to-revno=XXXX lpnet edge07:12
wgrantBut we want all of nodowntime this time.07:12
wgrantNote that the tree has to already be built.07:12
wgrantSo it may be too late if you've already killed it.07:13
wgrantIn which case we will have to recover from that conflict, which is easy enough.07:13
wgrantConflicts reverting this.07:14
hloeungwhat should we do?07:20
StevenKHm, perhaps the deployment manager should remove the sourcedeps.cache07:20
wgrantStevenK: More like we should fix the bug which makes it depend on dict ordering.07:20
wgrantBut we have bigger crises than that right now.07:20
wgranthloeung: Oh, sorry, missed that message.07:24
wgranthloeung: is the old tree still present, so --revert-to-revno will work?07:25
hloeungwhere do I check?07:25
wgrantI'm... not sure. See if you can find the directories with revnos in them, and see if there's an existing one for r13144. Not sure whether it needs to be on prasé or everywhere else.07:26
wgrantdeploymgr is still black magic to me.07:26
hloeungchecked out a couple of servers and it looks to be there07:31
wgrantI guess try a --revert-to-revno and see if it works.07:32
wgrantI think it should.07:32
wgrantThe tree should even still be on prasé, even though that shouldn't matter.07:32
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #177: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 10 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/177/07:33
=== Ursula is now known as Ursinha
wgrantI guess we need to re-RC PQM :/07:38
wgrantOr we could just not bother, since we're sorta screwed either way.07:39
hloeungso cold today07:41
wgrantYes :(07:41
hloeungSeems to be working07:43
hloeungsoybean is back at 1314407:43
hloeungit's currently doin wampee07:43
wgranthloeung: Fantastic, thanks.07:46
wgrantMuch quicker than a full rebuild, see :)07:46
wgranthloeung: I guess we should fix that conflict.07:48
wgrantMight as well just revert the whole tree, I guess.07:48
wgrantBut I don't really know how that works...07:48
hloeungjust leave it with me, I'll ask Tom when he gets online07:49
hloeungnow what about pqm in RC mode? leave that as is?07:50
wgrantI guess we should put it back in RC, just in case. It's just about trivial.07:51
lifelesswgrant: hloeung: re-rc please07:55
lifelessmay as well mitigate the damage07:55
hloeunglifeless: okay!07:55
LPCIBotProject windmill-devel build #178: STILL FAILING in 43 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-devel/178/08:29
adeuringgood morning08:40
jtvhi adeuring08:41
adeuringhi jtv!08:42
lifelessjml`: guten morgen08:55
jml`lifeless: good morning08:55
jml`and good morning to all08:55
jml`huwshimi: good morning08:57
huwshimijml`: Hello! Welcome back :)08:58
jml`who's the other jml...08:58
=== jml` is now known as jml
jmlthere we go.08:58
huwshimijml: Someone had to be you while you were gone08:58
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | devel release-critical again until r13168 deployable | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs:212 - 0:[######=_]:256
jmlhuwshimi: firing up skype now.09:00
jmlhuwshimi: I can hear you. gimme a sec.09:02
mrevellGood morning everyone.09:10
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
wgrantgmb: Dupe muting seems to be somewhat ill-fated :/09:34
gmbI feel like I'm stuck in a Python version of Groundhog Day.09:35
jmlo/` Just put your little hand in mine... o/`09:37
bigjoolsjml is having a relapse09:52
jml... back to Groundhog Day09:53
=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | devel release-critical again until r13168 deployable | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: gmb | Critical bugs:212 - 0:[######=_]:256
jmlwhy might I get a bug task that has a closed status but a null date_closed?10:03
lifelessvery old data?10:05
jmllifeless: Perhaps. the query is modified_since=2011-05-11, status=CLOSED_STATUSES10:09
jmllifeless: it's conceivable that an old bug was modified but not closed in that time10:09
lifelessbug # ?10:09
jmllifeless: I don't know.10:09
jmlafk for a bit.10:10
=== jtv is now known as jtv-afk
lifelessBugs fixed elsewhere 12510:31
lifelesstakes ~ 1 second to generate on its own10:31
jmllifeless: that's pretty bad.10:31
danilosthough, if it took 1 second to fix 125 bugs elsewhere, that'd be pretty good10:34
danilos(not saying this is useful or relevant observation :)10:34
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lifelessdanilos: :P11:07
lifelessjml: it is11:07
lifelessjml: I'm wondering if its sufficiently useful to show a number at all11:08
lifelessjml: should we talk about the wiki briefly ?11:08
jmllifeless: some other day, if that's ok. I'd rather catch up on it via email along with all of the other stuff.11:09
lifelessI have done nothing11:10
lifelesson the basis that all my concerns are technical11:10
lifelessand we don't seem even close to that sort of discussion yet11:10
lifelesss/all my concerns/all the things I'm concerned about *and should be concerned aout*11:11
jmllifeless: yeah.11:12
lifelessjml: but perhaps us talking about it may help with scope or clarity. I dunno.11:12
jmllifeless: my main concern is giving these guys a fighting chance of actually helping with the wiki without smothering them in blockers. honestly, it's pretty low on my priority queue atm.11:13
lifelessjml: yes, there are some competing concerns here11:14
LPCIBotProject windmill-db-devel build #370: STILL FAILING in 1 hr 8 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/windmill-db-devel/370/11:50
LPCIBotProject devel build #783: FAILURE in 5 hr 47 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/783/11:59
gmbAnyone got a spare minute to give me a review on https://code.launchpad.net/~gmb/launchpad/bug-61531/+merge/63672?12:01
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
bigjoolswgrant: are you managing this rollout?12:32
wgrantbigjools: In no official sense, but I have done much of the preparation.12:37
bigjoolswgrant: ok, do you know if db-devel 10648 should have been merged to devel?  It didn't make it since 10647 was merged12:38
bigjoolsnot even sure why it landed there, they didn't change anything under database/12:40
wgrantbigjools: I remerged db-stable earlier.12:41
wgrantUp to 10651, IIRC.12:41
bigjoolswhich saves me a shitload of work!12:41
wgrant10648 depended on stuff in db-devel.12:41
wgrantBut only 10647 was on staging when I needed to do the first merge.12:41
bigjoolsbecause I merged one too many revisions from db-devel yesterday and then did a load of work on top of that12:42
bigjoolssee #bzr :)12:42
danilosgmb, fwiw, the Bug:+subscribe page doesn't offer mute functionality, you have to go to Bug:+mute page for that (regarding your MP, I don't have the time to review it right now, but just noticed this)13:01
gmbdanilos: Ah, bugger. I forgot that had changed.13:02
gmbThanks. I'll update my branch.13:02
danilosgmb, yw13:02
gary_posterdanilos, thanks for mail about bug 788874.  Do you (or wgrant) know if the task is to simply review and shepherd the branch poolie has?  Or is there something more that needs to be done?13:03
* gary_poster looks at branch13:04
bigjoolsplease make the code import emails stop :(13:07
jelmerbigjools: sorry about that :-/13:08
jelmerI wonder if there's an easy way we can clean them up without generating so much noise13:08
bigjoolsput the contact address back until the bug is fixed? :)13:08
* jelmer wasn't aware anything had changed, been getting these for years13:09
bigjoolsit's vcs-imports I think13:09
maxbI don't mind getting ~vcs-imports mails. They are a bit spammy, but it can be useful to review my saved folder of them as a log at times13:11
jelmercanonical-launchpad is a member of vcs-imports, and vcs-imports is set to mail each member individually13:11
jelmerI can certainly restrict it while I do the cleanup13:13
bigjoolsI honestly don't know what the best thing to do is13:14
bigjoolsI just know that some of us are getting more email than we want :)13:15
benjigary_poster: I am indeed.13:20
jmlbenji: good morning.13:26
benjimorning, jml; I trust all is well with you.13:27
jmlbenji: almost everything is very well, thank you.13:27
jmlbenji: however there's a current production issue (see recent discussion on #launchpad-ops), and I was wondering if you'd be able to take care of it.13:27
jmlbenji: wgrant says that it's https://wiki.canonical.com/IncidentReports/2011-05-27-LP-2011-05-27-LP-incoming-mail-wedged come again.13:28
benjijml: sure, I'll be glad to take a look13:28
jmlbenji: thank you.13:28
StevenKIs the topic to date in terms of revision number?13:32
wgrantStevenK: Unless something else has broken since I EODed.13:32
wgrantWhich is not unlikely.13:32
wgrantBut let's see.13:33
wgrantStevenK: It is up to date.13:33
jelmerwgrant: could it be that nothing was rolled out to the importds yet?13:40
bacgmb: after our call could you look at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-789383/+merge/6369513:40
wgrantjelmer: Ah, yeah, about that...13:40
wgrantjelmer: We had deployed it.13:40
wgrantjelmer: Then I got half-way through closing the bugs.13:40
wgrantjelmer: When one of them OOPSed.13:40
wgrantSo we had to roll back.13:40
wgrantSorry, entirely forgot I'd closed a few of them by that point.13:40
jelmerwgrant: ah, ok - what was the OOPS?13:41
wgrantjelmer: See the end of bug #77260913:42
jelmerwgrant: thanks13:43
jelmerwgrant: sounds like you had a tough day... have a good evening :)13:44
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursula
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=== Ursiha is now known as Ursinha
* jml out for lunch & errands.14:36
flacostegmb: so what's the story? is 13154 a blocker or not? from deployment-stable.html and the bug report it looks like it, but i'm not sure from your email exchange with wgrant on the list14:44
wgrantflacoste: It's a blocker.14:44
wgrantflacoste: We had to revert the nodowntime deployment. I guess I forgot to put that bit in the email.14:44
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
wgrantBut simply reverting it is OK; it need not be fixed and relanded.14:46
allenapEyup gmb, got time for a shortish straightforwardish review?14:46
gmballenap: Sure14:46
allenapgmb: Thanks :) https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/derives-from-portlet-bug-793547/+merge/6370314:46
* gmb looks14:46
allenapgmb: Oops, I forgot to retarget to db-devel... one moment.14:47
gmbWoah, conflcty.14:47
wgrantallenap: Why's that db-devel?14:47
flacostewgrant: ok thanks, and i guess gmb is handling the reversal?14:47
wgrantallenap: Unless that has a DB patch, it can land on devel.14:48
wgrantflacoste: I reverted it hours ago, and it just passed buildbot.14:48
gmbflacoste: I thought it had been reverted14:48
wgrantflacoste: Should be on qastaging in half an hour or so.14:48
gmbAH, which it has.14:48
gmbMolto bene.14:48
allenapwgrant: Has db-devel been merged into devel recently? If not, then I strongly suspect this depends on stuff that's only in db-devel.14:48
wgrantallenap: We release in <36 hours. db-devel has nothing that devel doesn't have.14:48
wgrantallenap: It was merged into devel twice yesterday.14:49
allenapwgrant: Okay. I wonder why so many conflicts then :-/14:49
wgrantPossibly a criss-cross... but I deliberately tried to avoid that.14:49
wgrantMaybe you merged devel recently?14:49
flacostewgrant. gmb: thanks a lot!14:49
wgrantflacoste: So we should be deployable again in an hour.14:50
wgrantAnd hopefully nothing more will crop up tomorrow, because we've really had enough of that sort of stuff already.14:51
allenapgmb: https://code.launchpad.net/~allenap/launchpad/derives-from-portlet-bug-793547/+merge/63704 is targeted to db-devel, which gives a sensible diff and can be reviewed. I'll try and land it to devel though, if I can figure out wtf is going on.14:53
gmbRIGHT, TA.14:53
allenapThanks :)14:53
gmbThat was a bit old-man-of-Lancashire.14:54
gmbRIGHTO LAD, TA.14:54
allenapgmb: That's exactly as I interpreted it :)14:54
gmbI shall go and get me cap and pipe.14:54
wgrantallenap: I suspect things should go away if you merge db-devel in a few minutes.14:54
gmbAnd then tek a sken at thy branch.14:54
wgrantOr devel.14:54
wgrantPQM sees a conflict merging stable into db-devel. I do not.14:55
wgrantAhh, there.14:56
allenapwgrant: Cool, cheers.14:57
gmballenap: Approved15:00
allenapgmb: Thanks :)15:00
StevenKjml: O hai, can you recall off the top of your head if there is a bug about ec2 land giving an ugly traceback if the URL provided is not an MP?15:11
jmlStevenK: I don't *think* so. I've tried to make sure bugs like that are tagged ec2land, and I can't see any.15:12
StevenKjml: I'm happy to file one -- I just wanted to avoid the "Oh, damn, someone has had that idea already."15:12
jmlStevenK: that'd be great. thanks.15:13
StevenKjml: Either that, or maybe I fix it.15:13
jmlStevenK: that'd work too :)15:15
StevenKjml: Could not think of an elegant way, sadly. :-(15:16
=== Ursula is now known as U
=== U is now known as Ursinha
StevenKjml: Bug 79406715:16
_mup_Bug #794067: ec2 land gives traceback when URL isn't an MP <ec2land> <Launchpad itself:Confirmed> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/794067 >15:16
jmlStevenK: funny. I could have sworn that bug had been filed.15:18
RawChidHey, from Python I try to load a pot from LP (staging). The code should work and I should have the right permission, nevertheless I get HTTP Error 401: Unauthorized  (Unknown access token). Any ideas?15:18
StevenKjml: Bah15:18
RawChidBy "the code should work" I mean I just checked it out and i works for other people15:19
jmlStevenK: but I can't find it.15:19
StevenKjml: I doubt we can use isinstance() in this case, though15:19
jmlStevenK: to handle this case, you could do this:15:19
jmlStevenK: assume the URL is for a branch; if that branch has exactly one merge proposal that is Approved (or maybe Needs review), then use that merge proposal15:20
jmlStevenK: otherwise assume the URL is for a merge proposal15:20
jmlstill doesn't handle cases where the user specifies http://example.com/whatever or LP object URLs that are neither branches nor MPs.15:21
jmlhow come I still don't have food yet?15:21
StevenKjml: Yes, I was hoping to figure out an elegant solution that handled both cases.15:22
henningegmb: Hi! Can you please review this branch of mine?15:26
henningegmb: https://code.launchpad.net/~henninge/launchpad/bug-347117-duplicate-template-name/+merge/6371015:26
henningegmb: it claims to be a 629 line diff but it's only 238. See the comment. ;-)15:26
cjohnstonhenninge: they are done! yay15:35
henningecjohnston: yes. Thanks for your contribution and sorry it took so long.15:36
wgrantcjohnston: Uh, well, sort of.15:36
cjohnstonNot a problem.. Part of it taking so long was me and my not knowing, then me getting too busy.15:37
wgrantcjohnston: They were deployed for about 20 minutes.15:37
wgrantcjohnston: When we had to revert for unrelated reasons.15:37
wgrantThey will be redeployed on Thursday.15:37
cjohnstonok.. well close enough to being done15:37
RawChidHm, when running I get "The kwalletd service has been disabled". Maybe this has something to do with the authentication error?15:37
wgrantI forgot to reopen the bugs, sorry.15:37
cjohnstonoh well15:39
cjohnstonThey are ready and able to go, and that's as much as I can hope for15:39
cjohnstonAlthough it will be cool when my text is spamming a gazillion people on each bug email.. lol15:39
bacgmb:  can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~bac/launchpad/bug-789383/+merge/63695 ?15:50
gmbbac: Syre15:51
gmbbac: Approved.15:59
henningederyck: Hey!16:02
henningegmb: If you could also have a look at my branch, please, I'd be very happy. ;-)16:02
gmbhenninge: Ah, sorry. I missed your ping. Looking now.16:02
henningegmb: np16:03
gmbhenninge: I like this approach of saying "Everything after line XXX isn't interesting." I'll try and land more changes that way...16:05
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
jmlsinzui: hello16:10
jmlsinzui: I'm moving the disclosure roadmap doc that we worked out to the wiki. Any place that would make sense for you?16:10
sinzuijml, do we have a page for current features? I think it would be helpful to have pages showing the derived distros and disclosure roadmaps16:12
jmlsinzui: no we don't. we are exploring uncharted realms of documentation.16:12
jmlsinzui: and yes I fully agree.16:12
jmlsinzui: but I'm afraid the disclosure feature is the guinea pig for whatever doc / proj. planning experiments we're doing.16:13
jmlsinzui: if you don't have a preference for a location on the wiki, I'll just add it somewhere that makes sense to me.16:13
sinzuijml: forward me the URL after your decision16:14
jmlsinzui: will do.16:14
gmbhenninge: Approved.16:14
henningegmb: thank you very much ;-)16:15
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
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=== gmb changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Performance Tuesday! | devel release-critical again until r13168 deployable | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | On call reviewer: - | Critical bugs:212 - 0:[######=_]:256
jmlhey, what's that word for "post-mortem" that people use to avoid saying "mortem" when they want to talk about a project that's just finished?17:14
timrcon does the on call reviewer process work? I need to assign a reviewer to a merge proposal... original pre-implementation discussion happened mostly w/ bigjools17:15
timrcon does? how does..17:15
bigjoolstimrc: looks like there's no OCR at the moment17:16
bigjoolsI would review your work but I am really swamped, sorry17:17
timrcbigjools, I've seen one for awhile... is there a certain time of day or night I should be here?17:17
timrcgah... I haven't seen one17:17
bigjoolsit depends on the timezone they are in17:17
timrcbigjools, is there a schedule on the wiki, perhaps?17:17
bigjoolstimrc: https://dev.launchpad.net/ReviewerSchedule17:17
bigjoolsI think you missed both of today's17:18
timrcbigjools, naturally :)17:19
timrcI'll wait 'til Wednesday, that's fine17:19
bigjoolsyou'll have to wait, or sweet talk someone17:19
* timrc accidentally drops a hundred dollar bill near abentley's foot... oops... can you get that for me?17:20
bigjoolsbad luck actually, today is the only day where there's no reviewer in north america17:20
bigjoolstimrc: that could be interpreted more than one way ...17:20
timrcbigjools, doh17:22
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!17:22
LPCIBotProject devel build #784: FIXED in 5 hr 23 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/784/17:22
jcsacketttimrc: there's a launchpad reviewers team that you should assign your MP too; many OCR people just work off a queue of projects in +activereviews on their day, so it increases the liklihood that someone will look at it without you needing to nag anyone.17:29
jcsackettit's not a guarantee that someone will look at it without them pinging you, but it's been known to happen.17:30
jmljcsackett: there's a team? OCRs don't just use https://code.launchpad.net/launchpad-project/+activereviews?17:33
jcsackettjml: that's the queue. assigning to the reviewer team means anyone who might be OCR can look at your MP.17:34
jcsacketti conflated two parts of how things work. sorry. :-P17:34
jmljcsackett: isn't that the default anyway?17:34
jcsackettjml: it may well be, but timrc was asking about assigning it to someone.17:34
jmljcsackett: oh right.17:34
jmlsorry. carry on.17:34
timrcjcsackett, I don't this the review team in the directory..17:35
timrcoh man typing skills seriously lacking today17:36
jcsacketttimrc: happens to all of us. i'm assuming you meant "i don't think the review team is in the directory" ?17:36
timrcjcsackett, yep :)17:36
jcsacketttimrc: don't worry about it. as jml pointed out, if you leave that blank launchpad-reviewers is assigned automatically.17:39
jcsackettif i were better at providing help on irc, i would have told you that first before babbling about +activereviews. :-P17:39
timrcok, let me remove cody-somerville from the review... I'm sad because I put this merge proposal in last week which means 100,000+ lines have probably changed :)17:40
cody-somervilletimrc, merge from trunk and push then17:40
timrccody-somerville, yeah yeah, I'm just trying to guilt-trip you :)17:43
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=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
cr3when making database changes, as per /PolicyAndProcess/DatabaseSchemaChangesProcess, where do I make the database changes considering a patch number is only assigned after review?19:25
cr3I'm thinking database/schema/launchpad-2208-00-0.sql but that feels weird, so might as well ask19:27
deryckcr3, make a launchpad-XX.sql and when you have a number rename the file.19:35
deryckcr3, see #10 under "making a database patch" on that page19:36
cr3deryck: excellent, thanks19:37
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=== Ursinha is now known as Ursula
nigelbStevenK: Happy Birthday!20:20
lifelessgary_poster: hi21:48
lifelessgary_poster: can we talk about bug 772609 and the impact on the downtime deploy ?21:48
gary_posterhey on call21:48
_mup_Bug #772609: bug subscription mute link is not shown for membership in a team with a direct or structural subscription <bad-commit-13003> <bad-commit-13154> <qa-bad> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by gmb> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/772609 >21:48
lifelessgary_poster: after your call is fine, if you have time.21:50
derycksinzui, if you're curious, here's the IE filebug issue fix:  https://code.launchpad.net/~deryck/launchpad/ie-filebug-error-500015/+merge/6376321:51
sinzuideryck: I have a working yui test suite on the functional layer. I cannot land it without fixing 5 broken tests that we could not see21:52
deryckoh, cool.  running yui tests via Windmill?21:53
deryckI had forgot you were trying to fix that.21:53
deryckI don't think this will affect that, though.  It was never a problem in yui_tests, only with the big Windmill tests.21:54
sinzuiNo windmill21:54
sinzuideryck: I wrote a simple browser using pywebkit. It loads a page from the filesystem and returns when the command completed21:55
sinzuino polling, no waits21:55
deryckvery cool!21:55
sinzuiWe do have js tests that run in 20 seconds. They violate our fast test policy though21:55
sinzuiAll but 7 tests pass in 45 seconds on my computer. the remaining take the suite into 3 minutes21:56
deryckI can't wait for this to land!  sinzui, I can help you fix the remaining yui tests if you like.21:56
sinzuiI might be able to fix them. two were bad setup/teardowns on our part21:57
deryckcool.  well don't hesitate to ask if you need help.21:58
deryckalright, and with that, I'm out.  until tomorrow everyone....!22:01
gary_posterlifeless: hi.  I was nervous about that bug, but gmb seemed to think it was under control.  I didn't dig into it enough with him to give you any more information than you have already, and in fact I suspect you know more about it than I do.  I am vaguely nervous about it.  f you think a call would help with something, I'm happy to have one22:02
lifelessgary_poster: I don't think we need a call22:02
gary_posterI thought that he needed to land that branch in order to fix something else critical22:03
gary_posterand I thought that this meant that our current state was Really Bad22:03
lifelessAIUI if we roll the patch back again, then we will just be missing that mute klink22:03
gary_posterBut he didn't think so22:03
gary_posterlifeless, I think you are right.  I think I am getting confused about a follow-on bug that a previous branch caused22:04
gary_poster(a previous branch for that bug)22:04
lifelessok, so wgranthas been doing the legwork. I think either he fluffed a little bit of metadata22:04
lifeless-or- qatagger is confused because of too many joined bugs22:04
lifelesseither way, I will get the patch backed out if it isn't22:04
lifelessand that mute button can be fixed post-release-of-the-feature22:05
gary_posterok thanks lifeless.  Completely agreed that this bug is not critical to its release.22:05
lifelessno worries22:05
* gary_poster runs away now. Have a good night all22:05
lifelessits a shame we're running into such friction. night night22:05
=== jelmer is now known as Guest3391
wgrantlifeless: Huh?22:19
wgrantOh, bah, that bug was linked to 13164 too.22:20
wgrantShould be green in 30s.22:20
lifelesswgrant: actually, I added the bad-commit-13164 after looking at the deploy report22:22
lifelesswgrant: did 13164 (the follow-on-oops) also need backing out ?22:22
wgrantlifeless: No, it's unrelated.22:23
wgrantWell, slightly related.22:23
wgrantBut not really.22:23
wgrantYou should be able to see from the diff that's it's safe :)22:23
lifelessI'd only just started looking at stuff22:24
wgrant.... conflict for 7 hours, awesome.22:24
wgrantHas someone QA'd the rollback?22:26
wgrantI pre-QA'd on DF, but let's see anyway.22:26
lifelesswhen I started looking deploy-manager thought things were bad22:26
lifelessand the rollback has no linked bug to qa against from the deploy-report perspective22:27
wgrantIt always considers a rollback to be deployable, anyway.22:27
lifelesswgrant: rev 13164 is linked to bug 77260922:27
_mup_Bug #772609: bug subscription mute link is not shown for membership in a team with a direct or structural subscription <bad-commit-13003> <bad-commit-13154> <qa-ok> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Triaged by gmb> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/772609 >22:27
wgrantlifeless: Yes. I've marked that qa-ok and removed bad-commit-1316422:27
wgrantHmm. Is the Subscribe/Unsubscribe link meant to do nothing when not logged in?22:29
lifelessI don't think we have JIT login yet22:29
wgrantYeah, but normally it's a non-AJAX link which prompts for login.22:29
wgrantBug #79250222:29
_mup_Bug #792502: Bug page subscribe/unsubscribe link doesn't work for anonymous users <exploratory-testing> <qa-ok> <story-better-bug-notification> <Launchpad itself:Fix Committed by gary> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/792502 >22:29
wgrantlifeless: It is green now.22:31
wgrantSo, I think the confusion has stemmed from three things: 13154 vs. 13164 is not very obvious; 13164 shouldn't have had 772609 linked to it; I didn't notice that it did.22:34
wgrantAnyway, sorted now.22:34
lifelessyup, agreed on that22:34
lifelessI thought you had missed 1316422:34
lifeless(because they were similar)22:34
wgrantIt's still good on qastaging.22:35
wgrantSo I think we're fine.22:35
lifelessso we need rc= and testfix to land atm right ?22:36
wgrantAre we in testfix!?22:36
* lifeless was wagging22:36
lifelessok, so rc it is22:36
wgrantJust need RC.22:36
wgrantI have a conflict resolution branch.22:36
wgrantFor stable->db-devel.22:36
wgrantDo I have your blessing?22:36
lifelessaaron had one22:36
lifelessI've just shoved it at pqm22:37
lifelesswith the right headers22:37
wgrantI actually prepared one last night.22:37
wgrantBut decided it would be entertaining to see what happened if I left it overnight.22:37
wgrantPlus it was 1am so meh.22:37
lifelessI wonder if telling postgresql to block %foo% searches would break too much22:38
wgrantOr we could upgrade to 9.1.22:38
lifelessit has indexable substring searches ?22:39
* wgrant googles.22:39
lifelessthats available in 8.422:40
lifelessits just an addon22:40
lifeless(and needs the query to be mangled a little)22:41
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
wgrantlifeless: DId you forget your QA tags again?22:48
wgrantIt doesn't seem to have landed.22:48
lifeless[rc=lifeless][no-qa][r=lifeless] ...22:49
lifelessis what i did22:49
wgrantNot rc=22:49
wgrant[no-qa] is also traditionally at the end, but unlike [testfix] I don't think the order matters too much.22:49
wgrantSomething to consider if it fails again.22:49
lifelessI wonder if julian will facepalm when he gets my reply.22:56
pooliehi all23:03
wgrantlifeless: How is the conflict?23:07
lifelesschecking for cron errors23:09
lifelessabentley: your branch was private and not accessible to canonical-launchpad-branches23:10
lifelessflacoste: ping; would you consider bug 794008 critical ? It's not js, rather css, but still...23:28
_mup_Bug #794008: Opera displays Launchpad _without text_ <opera> <Launchpad itself:Triaged> < https://launchpad.net/bugs/794008 >23:28
sinzuiwallyworld: wgrant: I just got called to pickup my daughter. I will be 20 minutes late23:57
wallyworldsinzui: ack23:57
wgrantsinzui: Sure.23:58

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