[01:03] does ppa have kde sc 4.7 yet [01:13] where can i find kde 4.7 ppa repo ? [01:15] TheBuntu: It doesn't exist yet [01:15] ok [01:18] genii-around: what dont exist yet... ppa having it [01:18] TheBuntu: Yes. [01:20] ok..was just woundering sence kde ...Wednesday, May 25, 2011: KDE 4.7 Beta 1 Release === sillytones is now known as rwwtones === rwwtones is now known as semitones === jml` is now known as jml [10:36] ahoihoi. is alpha1 stable-ish? i'm considering doing an upgrade to it to check it out, but i'm going to wait for beta if it's so broken that it's hardly usable. (i know alpha releases are typically a use-at-your-own-risk, could all fall apart, minefield of nasty sometimes, but other alpha releases in the past have been pretty usable for day-to-day usage.) [10:37] Not stable no, you'd wait for final release for that. [10:38] ubuntu dev versions tend to fall in the former class.. [10:39] "it works for me" [10:42] i don't mean stable as in 'final release' stable. i mean stable as in 'installer will actually *install* it, then it boots into a usable DE, and works for the most part without random crashes, etc'. [10:42] or, as elros said "works for me". [10:42] *with random crashes and breakage. [10:57] arand: that's what i was afraid of. i think i'll just wait for either beta or final release. === jibel_ is now known as jibel [11:07] am i correct when I say that NM breaks ubuntu one atm? [11:07] n4cht: it's the most alpha feeling alpha i've ever worked with [11:07] if that helps you :) [11:08] stuff is just missing [11:09] Ian_Corne: that was actually very helpful. in that case, to get my gnome-shell fix without giving up ubuntu, i'll just compile from git in my home dir so it doesn't break unity. [11:10] I've not even tried gnome-shell [11:10] But from what i read here, gnome3 stuff isn't that stable either [11:30] oh. you know what? i just remembered seeing a virtual machine specifically for testing new ubuntu releases when i was doing a search for vbox with apt. maybe i'll use that and test oneiric that way? [11:35] * n4cht is installing testdrive. === Pretto is now known as laudeci === laudeci is now known as Pretto === Pretto is now known as laudeci === laudeci is now known as Pretto === Pretto is now known as laudeci [16:36] How to add users in Oneiric? Users and Groups seems to be broken? === laudeci is now known as Pretto === Pretto is now known as laudeci === laudeci is now known as Pretto [16:42] charlie-tca: adduser from commandline? === Pretto is now known as laudeci === laudeci is now known as Pretto [16:43] Ian_Corne: thanks, it does seem to be the only way === Pretto is now known as laudeci === laudeci is now known as Pretto === napster__ is now known as napster === IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi [20:09] the worst alpha ever [20:10] Not enough things breaking? [20:10] unity+gnome3 = crazy non working WM [20:14] and mine was actually working, just installed this weekend. but... it is Xubuntu Oneiric [20:14] can't go wrong with lubuntu [20:15] I'll reinstall xubuntu [20:16] minor quirks, of course, like email and news start offline now [21:19] !info inkscape #lucid [21:19] '#lucid' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable [21:19] !info inkscape lucid [21:19] inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.47.0-2ubuntu2 (lucid), package size 19566 kB, installed size 86024 kB [21:19] !info inkscape hardy [21:19] inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.46-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 14070 kB, installed size 60876 kB [21:19] cwillu: rmadison is handy for doing those sort of comparisons. [21:20] * cwillu googles [21:20] something I have to _install_ first? [21:20] * cwillu scoffs [21:20] cwillu: Its in the devscripts package. [21:21] somebody was just looking for a livecd with inkscape .45, which I wasn't sure existed [21:21] cwillu: rmadison is just a cli interface to http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/madison.cgi anyway, so you could use that === yofel_ is now known as yofel === jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna [22:32] good evening folks [22:33] hei [22:33] i had to reinstall natty today BUGabundo :p [22:33] ahahahah [22:34] natty?? [22:34] that's old [22:34] had no GUI anymore in 11.10 [22:34] gnome is a mess in 11.10 [22:34] and i needed my laptop :D [22:34] sure it does [22:34] just a very BAD one [22:34] nono, it didn't work anymore [22:34] not at all :D [22:34] sure does [22:34] gnome-do is rocking here [22:34] oops [22:34] but no updates coming [22:35] very strange [22:35] NM is broken [22:35] I even managed to get VBox working again, and it only took three days! [22:35] :D [22:35] need to file that , once I figure what's causing it not to work [22:35] charlie-tca: I had to reinstall do to gnome3 and NM [22:35] My updates on xubuntu today pulled nautilus in [22:35] :( [22:35] charlie-tca: ahahahahaaha [22:35] Maybe it's more productive going to the nm channel? [22:35] autch [22:35] BUGabundo: you did a reinstall? [22:35] my bright is going it self to MAX [22:36] I didn't know that was even possible ;-) [22:36] going blind here [22:36] wow I lower it and it increases it again [22:36] :/ [22:36] uh-oh [22:36] charlie-tca: yah, so I got ext4 again [22:36] woot [22:36] sounds like power manager did something wrong? [22:36] well, clean install [22:36] PM has been wanking for weeks [22:36] is there still a power manager in 11.10? [22:36] w00t! clean install at that? [22:37] Ian_Corne: what about doing a dual boot with 11.04/11.10? [22:37] apt-cache policy gnome-power-manager [22:37] gnome-power-manager: [22:37] Installed: 3.0.2-0ubuntu1 [22:37] Oh, yeah, I do that, but managed to screw my 11.04 install up bad today [22:37] charlie-tca: unity already doesn't work anymore in 11.04 because of the setting i have in my homedir [22:37] from 11.10 [22:38] so no real use I guess [22:38] meh [22:38] yeah, I believe that. Got to separate everything these days [22:38] glad i have my tablet now [22:38] running ubuntu classic atm [22:38] it saved my weekend [22:38] I need to start kmail [22:38] a tablet wouldn't be able to run eclipse, which i need :D [22:38] but I'm afraid it will eat all my email [22:39] Ian_Corne: if you *need* something, then you shouldn't be running +1 :) [22:39] 'cause the only thing I *need* on this laptop [22:39] is ff, chromium and pidgin [22:39] BUGabundo: i know [22:39] and one of those is having problems with NM [22:39] except i've been doing it for a long time :D [22:39] Ian_Corne: I know you know :D [22:39] but I can always reinstall in 30 mins [22:39] like I did just now [22:40] * charlie-tca thinks we all know, and advise others not to do what we do. [22:40] and then not be able to use your /home [22:40] charlie-tca: still we keep doing it and blaming something [22:40] seems so [22:40] BUGabundo: isn't that why we do testing? [22:40] we are just masoquist [22:40] no [22:40] we should test stuff ready to work [22:41] we are 4 months away that being useful [22:41] LOL [22:41] but that is not near as much fun [22:41] yeah [22:41] after alpha4 its lame [22:41] please don't say that [22:41] but before alpha 3 its really not usefull [22:41] there are enough people refusing to test before beta [22:41] maco: we are joking :) [22:41] light up [22:41] If you start testing accessibility after alpha3, it stays fun! [22:41] by the time beta comes around, there's no time to fix! [22:41] BUGabundo: I always have all my stuff saved somewhere :) [22:41] I ALWAYS ask ppl to test a daily iso every so often [22:42] to make sure their apps/hw works for them [22:42] Ian_Corne: _cloud_ [22:42] ok...just afraid someone's gonna see and go "see? even THEY say we shouldnt test!" [22:42] ahaha [22:42] maco: this ISN'T testing [22:42] this is masoquism right now [22:42] no one minimaly sane would run what we have [22:43] lol [22:43] and I run this in bare metal with no replace hw [22:43] glad I got the tablet [22:43] oh, now that is just plain trouble [22:43] *if* I would file bugs for ALL that is currently broken [22:43] LP would crawl down [22:43] At least I got spares here. video cards, HD, cables, etc. Everything but the motherboard ;-) [22:44] but half is not yet ported [22:44] half is not yet merged [22:44] and some weird half was forgotten somewhere [22:45] but sometimes, I get really really tired of the breakage [22:50] +1 [22:50] DAMN YOU POWER MANAGER [22:50] fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu [22:51] hmmm [22:51] can I send my optoptrician bill to canonical? [23:04] anyone else having failed to use first key presses?