
* genii-around sips01:24
BluesKajclouding ober , muggy day on it's way14:00
bregmawarm and sunny here14:09
bregmathreatening clouds go by on occasion, heading for the city I guess14:10
bregmagoing to be hot and humod, I suspect14:10
BluesKajI'm near Georgian Bay-North Channel /Manitoulin..calling for T-stroms and 29 C ..makes for an uncomfortable day outside14:13
bregmaI'm in the Ottawa Valley, same forecast14:26
BluesKajforecast just changed. ..predicting 31 , muggy and Tstorms ...wonder if I can sqeeze in a BBQ before the late afternoon thunderclouds gather14:33
bregmayou do not like to BBQ in the rain?  Are you mad?14:47
bregmayou could bring the BBQ indoors, just remember to disable the CO detectors first14:49
bregmadang things keep going off14:49
BluesKajdon't use gas .... coals , I can move it into the carport , but that's apita15:02
dscasselYou'll get CO off of coals too. Anything that burns carbon.15:51
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BluesKajdscassel, yeah I'm aware ..I was a labtech in a pulp& paper mill for 32 yrs :)16:49
dscasselBluesKaj: You probably know better than me then. :)16:52
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