dholbach | good morning | 07:50 |
dpm | good morning everyone! | 07:53 |
duanedesign | o/ | 07:54 |
dpm | hey duanedesign :) | 07:58 |
nigelb | hey dholbach, ara, dpm :) | 08:09 |
dholbach | hi nigelb, dpm, duanedesign | 08:09 |
nigelb | duanedesign: I see you less often lately. Does that mean you get better sleep? :) | 08:09 |
dpm | morning dholbach, morning nigelb | 08:11 |
duanedesign | nigelb: been busy trying to get a new job | 08:21 |
nigelb | duanedesign: ah! | 08:21 |
* nigelb waves to Rhonda :) | 08:22 | |
Rhonda | popey, duanedesign: Can you suggest a screencast tool for doing video presentations of tools? dholbach sent me here. ;) | 08:22 |
duanedesign | hello Rhonda | 08:22 |
Rhonda | I looked at istanbul and recordmydesktop so far, while the latter is the one that works for me to some degree when I set framerate to 2 FPS. | 08:22 |
duanedesign | I have a script that I use. I had problems with recordmydeshtop | 08:23 |
duanedesign | let me get the link | 08:23 |
Rhonda | I want to do some short screencasts about games presentations, to get more people interested in that area and potential new contributors for our pkg games team. ;) | 08:23 |
duanedesign | also you might try kazam | 08:24 |
Rhonda | Is that packaged? | 08:24 |
duanedesign | http://okiebuntu.homelinux.com/blog/?p=175 | 08:25 |
duanedesign | that is the sscriipt I use a lot ^^ | 08:25 |
duanedesign | here is kazam https://launchpad.net/kazam | 08:26 |
Rhonda | Hmm, looking into it, thanks for the links. | 08:27 |
Rhonda | Hmm, kazam doesn't seem very active anymore. | 08:33 |
Rhonda | duanedesign: Hmm, that script sounds interesting, will have to play with it to make it work with alsa though. :) | 08:56 |
kim0 | morning everyone | 08:57 |
dpm | morning kim0 | 08:59 |
kim0 | dpm: hey :) | 09:01 |
Rhonda | duanedesign: One question, would that script also record sound events produced by the desktop apps, or only that comes in through line-in? | 09:44 |
duanedesign | Rhonda: it should.... Though i have only used it to record my voice while doing screencasts | 09:48 |
Rhonda | Recording games would make it more than just useful to have the music there, too ;) | 09:50 |
popey | i have recorded audio from the computer, but by having a nice big mic | 10:02 |
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popey | Rhonda: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsWwCqZfpAI was a test I recorded at 1080p of me playing a game. i was speaking a bit quietly, but the game sound comes out well | 10:03 |
Rhonda | pulseaudio, right? I don't want to dig into switching to that %-/ | 10:17 |
Rhonda | popey: Does though sound like it's coming in through your internal microphone from your speakers instead of directly from what is sent through the sound system? | 10:18 |
popey | Rhonda: yes, its a default install of Ubuntu so pulse is used. and yes, it's coming from the speakers | 10:48 |
popey | however I understand what you want is possible with jack | 10:48 |
popey | Rhonda: its not an internal microphone, it's a Blue Snowball. | 10:51 |
Rhonda | blue snowball? bilberry flavoured? | 10:51 |
dpm | hey popey, I'm not sure how often messages to the loco-council lists are moderated, so I'm pinging just in case - may I ask you to approve the message I just sent to it? | 11:19 |
popey | dpm: done | 11:19 |
dpm | excellent, thanks popey :) | 11:23 |
popey | Rhonda: http://twitpic.com/2rjxal | 11:23 |
czajkowski | morning | 11:25 |
czajkowski | hmm that's the 2nd time recently that loco has been highlighted I think | 11:25 |
Rhonda | popey: shiny! | 11:31 |
popey | czajkowski: its a dude, not the entire loco | 11:37 |
czajkowski | ok | 11:43 |
* czajkowski hugs mhall119 | 12:05 | |
nigelb | popey: wow, is that the mic you use for recording UUPC podcasts? | 12:26 |
popey | no | 12:27 |
popey | we use SM58's for UUPC | 12:27 |
mhall119 | czajkowski: what'd I do? | 12:57 |
popey | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2011-June/245887.html | 13:09 |
popey | _great_ | 13:09 |
popey | Getting pretty sick of the abuse I'm singularly getting from people on that list. | 13:12 |
Pendulum | wtf??? | 13:14 |
* Pendulum hugs popey | 13:14 | |
czajkowski | wow what a rude person | 13:15 |
czajkowski | and rude is me being extremely polite given the channel I am in | 13:15 |
* czajkowski hugs popey | 13:15 | |
czajkowski | you do not deserve that kinda abuse from anyone | 13:15 |
paultag | yeah that's crap | 13:15 |
paultag | you rock popey | 13:16 |
paultag | whoh, can't believe he droped some of the stuff he did | 13:16 |
paultag | that's so far out of line | 13:16 |
paultag | popey: if you put him on moderation why did you let that through? | 13:18 |
paultag | I know transparency and openness is important, but that's clear-cut out of line off topic | 13:18 |
greg-g | popey: I don't know why you even engage :/ | 13:18 |
paultag | greg-g: truth | 13:19 |
Rhonda | pardon my sarcasm, but … popey, you clearly show nazi opression here. *ducks* | 13:19 |
paultag | Rhonda: ha! | 13:20 |
paultag | just like sounder. How dare popey do that. Canonical is oppressing us | 13:20 |
Pendulum | you forgot the brainwashing | 13:21 |
paultag | Pendulum++; | 13:21 |
Pendulum | but I suppose that's because you are brainwashed so aren't aware it happened | 13:21 |
paultag | :) | 13:21 |
paultag | sabdfl is actually just popey's alias to make it look like someone else has "control" | 13:22 |
Pendulum | and they hire an actor for UDS? | 13:24 |
vish | :D | 13:24 |
paultag | popey: duh | 13:24 |
paultag | erm, Pendulum* | 13:25 |
paultag | OK, BBL. Flying to California for a job interview. The unnamed company "Bookface" has got me some pretty nice Jet Blue tickets out. Sitting in the Terminal now | 13:26 |
czajkowski | popey: best of luck | 13:27 |
czajkowski | paultag: best of luck | 13:27 |
czajkowski | stupid damn tab completion | 13:27 |
paultag | czajkowski: thanks! | 13:27 |
Pendulum | paultag: good luck! | 13:27 |
paultag | thanks, Pendulum! | 13:28 |
Pendulum | paultag: once you're back east we should get together. maybe i'll even brave the cape ;-) | 13:28 |
paultag | Pendulum: For sure. I had to bail on doctormo when we had the Ubuntu Hour because of traffic, so we should get something together | 13:29 |
paultag | cape → bos is a nasty drive | 13:30 |
paultag | OK, I'm going to head offline. I love you all dearly | 13:30 |
Pendulum | paultag: well I'm in northern CT so it's probably actually easier for us to meet up | 13:31 |
paultag | Pendulum: humm, yeah. We'll chat :) | 13:31 |
Pendulum | (this is why I don't make boston ubuntu hours) | 13:31 |
paultag | Pendulum: good point. We'll work out the middle point and hook something up | 13:31 |
Pendulum | :D | 13:31 |
paultag | :) | 13:31 |
* paultag waves | 13:31 | |
jcastro | dholbach: around? | 14:35 |
dholbach | jcastro, yes | 14:35 |
jcastro | may I trouble you with a graph thing | 14:35 |
jcastro | I need one more thing for this cycle and then I am done! | 14:35 |
dholbach | what is it? nux/compiz? | 14:35 |
jcastro | "backlog" tag | 14:36 |
dholbach | what about it? | 14:36 |
jcastro | right now you have "bitesize bugs" | 14:36 |
dholbach | right | 14:36 |
jcastro | I need another one for "backlog" | 14:36 |
jcastro | I don't need compiz perse, but it wouldn't hurt either | 14:36 |
jcastro | up to you | 14:36 |
dholbach | so that's 1) bitesize and 2) backlog and 3) general (regardless of tags) for unity+compiz+nux | 14:37 |
dholbach | or separate graphs for each of the three? | 14:37 |
jcastro | seperate graphs of the three | 14:37 |
jcastro | but they're not that important | 14:37 |
dholbach | so 9 graphs total | 14:38 |
dholbach | right? | 14:38 |
jcastro | no | 14:38 |
dholbach | unity.bitesize, unity.backlog, unity.general | 14:38 |
jcastro | I only care about bitesize and backlog for unity | 14:38 |
dholbach | ok, so 6 in total | 14:39 |
jcastro | 5 | 14:39 |
jcastro | the 2 you have now | 14:39 |
* dholbach cries | 14:39 | |
jcastro | ok let me break it down | 14:39 |
jcastro | the 2 you have now | 14:40 |
jcastro | + unity.backlog | 14:40 |
jcastro | +compiz.everything | 14:40 |
jcastro | +nux.everything | 14:40 |
dholbach | ok | 14:40 |
dholbach | I'll note that down | 14:40 |
dholbach | thanks | 14:40 |
jcastro | "everything" being defined as what the top graph you have now is | 14:40 |
dholbach | yep, ok, gotcha | 14:40 |
* dholbach hugs jcastro | 14:40 | |
* jcastro hugs back | 14:40 | |
jcastro | also | 14:40 |
jcastro | may I have a pony? | 14:40 |
jcastro | (hahah you thought I was going to ask for something else) | 14:40 |
dholbach | I'm still waiting for the pink cadillac you promised me at UDS | 14:41 |
dholbach | ok, it was at the end of a long night, but still | 14:41 |
dholbach | promise is promise | 14:41 |
jcastro | was it pink? | 14:41 |
dholbach | that's what you said | 14:41 |
jcastro | dholbach: oh, one more thing | 14:45 |
jcastro | (crap sorry) | 14:45 |
jcastro | can you reset the graphs? | 14:45 |
jcastro | actually | 14:45 |
jcastro | wait | 14:45 |
jcastro | hmmm, I wonder what jono will want | 14:45 |
jcastro | never mind, leave them | 14:45 |
dholbach | resetting them is very very easy :) | 14:45 |
jcastro | yeah I am wondering if I should | 14:46 |
dholbach | let me know when you two made up your minds | 14:46 |
jcastro | or maybe wait another cycle, I'll just ask bacon | 14:46 |
dholbach | :) | 14:46 |
jcastro | heya kim0 | 14:50 |
jcastro | http://www.youtube.com/user/ubuntudevelopers#p/u | 14:50 |
jcastro | a bunch of good server stuff got uploaded over the past few days | 14:51 |
jcastro | (puppet, mcollective, etc.) | 14:51 |
jcastro | if you wanna tweet stuff | 14:51 |
dholbach | ok, seems like my internet at home is fixed again, so I'll work the rest from home today | 14:54 |
cjohnston | blah | 15:18 |
kim0 | jcastro: cool! | 15:18 |
kim0 | checking em out | 15:19 |
* jcastro wishes he had time to check out mcollective | 15:20 | |
kim0 | mostly the same for me :) | 15:21 |
kim0 | in the mean time, enjoying Ensemble | 15:21 |
dholbach | ok, internet is NOT fixed yet - grmbl | 15:52 |
dholbach | 30h and counting | 15:52 |
* popey hugs dholbach | 15:52 | |
* dholbach hugs popey back | 15:52 | |
dholbach | but on the upside: I went to a café nearby and they have chocolate cake | 15:53 |
* dpm hugs dholbach | 15:53 | |
* dholbach hugs dpm back too | 15:53 | |
dpm | I hope my internet does not start failing now. It's starting to rain pretty heavily, and that's also a sign for upcoming internet failures here | 15:54 |
czajkowski | ~~:( | 15:58 |
czajkowski | I really am never going to get the hang of this keyboard | 15:58 |
czajkowski | sooner my new power supply comes the better | 15:58 |
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nigelb | jcastro: would you like to fix the bug you raised in priority? :P | 16:38 |
jcastro | heh | 16:38 |
nigelb | Its really easy, so I'm holding out for a new contributor. Blogging soonish. | 16:38 |
jcastro | jono: do we have UDS dates yet? | 17:03 |
jono | jcastro, sure | 17:03 |
jono | jcastro, get the details from Marianna | 17:03 |
jono | I announced the dates at the wrap-up in Budapest | 17:03 |
dholbach | alright my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow | 17:06 |
jcastro | jono: chow time for me, and then LAUNCH/BLOG time. | 17:10 |
jono | jcastro, cheers | 17:10 |
nhandler | nigelb: What is the bug? | 17:23 |
nigelb | nhandler: pulling blueprints from launchpad and pushing it via the summit ical. | 17:24 |
nigelb | nhandler: we're trying to get new contributors to summit, so I'm staying away from bitesize bugs and blogging about them instead :) | 17:25 |
nhandler | nigelb: It is times like this that I miss LPs old feature to list yourself as a mentor for a bug. This is how I got started with patching packaging bugs (I found all the bugs persia was listed as a mentor for) | 17:27 |
nigelb | nhandler: Yeah, we talked about that at UDS. | 17:27 |
nigelb | nhandler: do you think its a good idea for me to leave a comment saying I'm willing to mentor for that bug? | 17:27 |
nhandler | nigelb: Yeah. It also helps if you are in a position to say, "Here is a link to bitesize bugs for summit. If you find a bug you are willing to work on or want to learn to fix, you can contact person1, person2, or person3 depending on your timezone/other factors and they will help you fix it" | 17:28 |
nigelb | nhandler: hrm, I'll be doing that too. blog post up coming later today | 17:29 |
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch | ||
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jcastro | http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/06/unity-community-contributor-plans-for-11-10/ | 19:05 |
jcastro | OMG CAN YOU ALL GOOGLE +1 PLS. | 19:05 |
Pici | That doesn | 19:06 |
Pici | That doesn't really roll off the tounge all that well. | 19:07 |
jcastro | My grammer and spelling, impeccable they are. | 19:07 |
czajkowski | it reads the exact way jcastro would deliver it to you if he were speaking in front of you | 19:13 |
jcastro | heh | 19:13 |
czajkowski | jcastro: it's a good thing | 19:14 |
czajkowski | it's natural | 19:14 |
Pici | I meant the google +1 thing, not jcastro's writing style. | 19:15 |
jcastro | I am becoming a fan of the G+1 | 19:15 |
jcastro | In the vain hope that it will kill content farms | 19:15 |
czajkowski | jcastro: had never heard of it till you mentioned it | 19:15 |
jcastro | (hah) | 19:15 |
czajkowski | jcastro: will that blog post go on your pblog to go on planet ubuntu ? | 19:17 |
czajkowski | *blog | 19:17 |
jcastro | czajkowski: it's on ubuntu-news already | 19:18 |
jcastro | I guess planet just hasn't updated | 19:18 |
czajkowski | ah ok | 19:18 |
jcastro | http://ubuntu-news.org/2011/06/07/unity-community-contributor-plans-for-11-10/ | 19:18 |
jcastro | posted there first | 19:18 |
czajkowski | kinda like to see this stuff on planet :) | 19:18 |
jcastro | and the OMG story links back to this | 19:18 |
czajkowski | cool | 19:18 |
jono | jcastro, btw, the bugs outlined in your blog...they are not the ones currently assigned to DX right? | 19:18 |
jcastro | I am Amber-safe(tm) | 19:18 |
jono | I know DX picked 20 or so bugs | 19:18 |
jcastro | jono: they are not | 19:18 |
jono | jcastro, awesome | 19:19 |
jcastro | well, they didn't pick 20 as much as we unpicked 40, the other 20 are still in limbo, depending on what jason does when he gets through them | 19:19 |
jcastro | he's adding templates to them still | 19:19 |
jono | jcastro, interesting, Jason said 20 were assigned | 19:20 |
jono | I am going to write up a post too | 19:20 |
jcastro | assigned to whom? | 19:20 |
jcastro | https://bugs.launchpad.net/~unity-community-hackers | 19:20 |
jcastro | 28 are assigned | 19:21 |
jono | jcastro, assigned to DX leads | 19:22 |
jcastro | oh | 19:22 |
jono | Jason told me the DX team had assigned 20 of those bugs to them | 19:22 |
jcastro | ok so out of the original pile, I know "we" have 28, so they have 20. | 19:22 |
jcastro | That leaves 12-ish to resolve | 19:22 |
jcastro | sounds about right | 19:22 |
jono | I want to ensure the community are not working on the same bugs so we don't duplicate effort | 19:22 |
jcastro | it's a grind, he has to add a template to each bug, he'll likely sort it all today/tomorrow | 19:22 |
jono | what is the link again to the list of 60 design bugs? | 19:22 |
jcastro | they won't community ones are explicitly assigned to ~unity-community-hackers | 19:23 |
jcastro | and if DX takes them they assign it to themselves | 19:23 |
jono | jcastro, ok, so we point all community members to the ~unity-community-hackers bug list | 19:23 |
jcastro | yep | 19:23 |
jono | ok, makes sense | 19:24 |
jono | cheers | 19:24 |
jcastro | it's weird right now | 19:24 |
jcastro | he's still going through the bugs | 19:24 |
jcastro | but we have more than enough to start | 19:24 |
jcastro | we just haven't "retriaged" all 60 | 19:24 |
jono | are all those bugs assigned to that team complete with details from Jason | 19:24 |
jcastro | not yet, he's going to finish that up over the next few days | 19:25 |
jono | ok, cool | 19:25 |
jcastro | each bug should have a template by the end of the week | 19:25 |
* jono hungry | 19:25 | |
jono | brb | 19:25 |
jcastro | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/chromium-browser/+bug/692462 | 19:25 |
ubot2 | Ubuntu bug 692462 in unity "unity confused with chromium web apps" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 19:25 |
jcastro | some of them get brutal | 19:25 |
jono | jcastro, where are we tracking work on the bugs in that team? | 19:25 |
jcastro | which is why they aren't all done yet | 19:25 |
jono | as in, metrics | 19:26 |
jcastro | I'm tracking the tag and the team, but I only told daniel about the graph updates today | 19:26 |
jcastro | http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/unity-stats/ | 19:26 |
jcastro | there will be a "backlog bugs" graph | 19:26 |
jcastro | right under the bitesize one | 19:27 |
jono | ok cool | 19:27 |
jono | I am seen to show progress using this new approach | 19:27 |
jcastro | yeah | 19:27 |
jcastro | we were mulling resetting the chart. | 19:27 |
jcastro | but I think what I'd like to do is do 3 cycles with one set. | 19:27 |
jcastro | so we can kind of compare | 19:27 |
jcastro | and then reset at the end of the "major cycle" | 19:27 |
jono | makes sense | 19:28 |
jcastro | that way it's obvious right up front if you're not trending like you did last cycle | 19:28 |
jono | so long as I a demonstrate to other parts of the company how we have generated more community interest and participation in those bugs, I am happy | 19:28 |
jono | brb lunch | 19:29 |
jono | good work jcastro :-) | 19:29 |
jcastro | Italian Stallions ftw. | 19:30 |
jono | :-) | 19:31 |
cjohnston | jono, jcastro work is being started this week to get the new style of burndown charts live! | 19:32 |
jcastro | \o/ | 19:32 |
jcastro | I love them dude | 19:32 |
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jono | cjohnston, nice! | 20:12 |
maco | jcastro: nice graph. any idea what happened to the other bug stat graphs? | 20:13 |
jcastro | which ones? | 20:13 |
jcastro | there's a ton everywhere | 20:13 |
maco | http://people.canonical.com/~brian/graphs/ | 20:14 |
maco | its all blank now | 20:14 |
jcastro | no clue | 20:14 |
jcastro | http://qa.ubuntu.com/report-list/ | 20:14 |
jcastro | in there somewhere probably | 20:14 |
czajkowski | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VictorPalau is up for membership this evening hopefully he'll have folks along to support him, it's a really cool project he;s working on | 20:19 |
JanC | czajkowski: as you did a talk about FOSS in the UK government at FOSDEM, do you have any contacts in the European Parliament (MEPs or people who work there) who are or might be interested in FOSS ? | 21:08 |
czajkowski | EMEA atm | 21:09 |
czajkowski | poke me in an hr | 21:09 |
JanC | okay ;) | 21:09 |
=== daker__ is now known as daker | ||
jono | jcastro, yo | 22:01 |
AlanBell | JanC: what are you after? | 22:03 |
pleia2 | popey: about for CC meeting? | 22:04 |
AlanBell | my guess is popey is travelling back from the podcast recording now | 22:05 |
pleia2 | yeah, I saw him pop in for a moment a litlte while earlier | 22:05 |
pleia2 | wasn't sure where he was travel-wise :) | 22:05 |
czajkowski | he's travelling | 22:06 |
JanC | AlanBell / czajkowski : http://epfsug.eu/ is a (relatively new) FOSS user group in the European Parliament | 22:07 |
JanC | and they are looking for more "patrons", MEP who endorse them (preferably people from different political parties) | 22:09 |
JanC | and more members of course | 22:09 |
JanC | members are people who work at the EP (MEPS, assistants, staff) | 22:10 |
JanC | and supporters are also welcome (external people) | 22:11 |
czajkowski | hmm not sure so tbh | 22:11 |
AlanBell | JanC: I will pass that to some contacts of mine | 22:12 |
JanC | currently most (political) people involved seem to be from Greens/EFA | 22:12 |
JanC | so they really want people from other parties | 22:12 |
JanC | we (ubuntu-be) will also help them with some events in the future | 22:13 |
czajkowski | green party doesnt exist any more thankfuly in ireland | 22:13 |
czajkowski | may they never get in power again >:( | 22:13 |
JanC | eh | 22:13 |
JanC | not sure what they were like in Ireland ;) | 22:14 |
czajkowski | well kinda cause the colapse of the government | 22:14 |
AlanBell | JanC: have you got a government yet? | 22:15 |
JanC | the MEP from the Belgian/Flemish greens is considered as the most competent Belgian MEP by most journalists over here | 22:15 |
JanC | he & a British women were the only ones in the EP complaining & asking questions about the Windows 7 deal... | 22:16 |
JanC | AlanBell: we have had a government all the time... | 22:16 |
JanC | AlanBell: as long as there is no new government, the old one remains in power | 22:17 |
czajkowski | so odd | 22:19 |
JanC | odd? | 22:19 |
JanC | it's called "continuity" ;) | 22:19 |
AlanBell | wow, that has been going on for *ages* | 22:20 |
JanC | of course the current government doesn't have a majority, so getting laws approved is somewhat more complicated | 22:20 |
JanC | but it's not like e.g. the Dutch government has a majority ;) | 22:24 |
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk | ||
paultag | hey guys | 23:10 |
Pendulum | paultag: how's the west coast? | 23:10 |
paultag | Pendulum: different | 23:10 |
Pendulum | cooler than the east coast I hope? | 23:10 |
paultag | I don't speak spanish (like at all), so It's hard for me to understand some people | 23:10 |
paultag | Pendulum: it's not bad at all | 23:10 |
paultag | I'm stressing a bit about the interview | 23:12 |
Pendulum | aww | 23:13 |
* Pendulum hugs paultag | 23:13 | |
paultag | thanks Pendulum :) | 23:13 |
paultag | I don't interview well | 23:14 |
paultag | but I work well, so it leads to me being unemployed :) | 23:14 |
Pendulum | you're awesome. If they don't figure that out, they're the ones who are losing | 23:14 |
paultag | awww, thanks Pendulum | 23:14 |
nigelb | jono needs help picking pictures for his blog posts :p | 23:16 |
jono | :-) | 23:17 |
Pendulum | nigelb: were you suggesting that as a job for paultag? ;-) | 23:17 |
nigelb | Pendulum: No, I was suggesting that as a result of jono's latest post | 23:18 |
nigelb | Pendulum: "This really has nothing to do with this post, but... ewll, I just love ducks..." | 23:18 |
paultag | nigelb: hehehe | 23:19 |
Pendulum | nothing wrong with ducks | 23:19 |
paultag | I'm unemployed. For fulltime work with bennies I'd sort through all the LOLCATS on the internet. | 23:19 |
Pendulum | paultag: I hear ya there | 23:20 |
Pendulum | paultag: although if anyone ever tells you the bennies are Oxford Health insurance, tell them they're wrong and that's not a benefit is a scam and a hindrence | 23:20 |
paultag | Pendulum: I'll keep that in mind. Thanks for the protip :) | 23:21 |
paultag | So far all the compinies I've been interviewing with have *sick* percs | 23:21 |
Pendulum | united healthcare in general isn't great, but oxford seems to be the worst part of united health | 23:22 |
paultag | mmm :( | 23:22 |
* Pendulum has acquired an unpaid fulltime job of getting Oxford to actually pay for her medical care :-/ | 23:22 | |
paultag | holy shit I can't believe it's only 3:30 :( | 23:23 |
paultag | Pendulum: uch, damn | 23:23 |
paultag | I made the mistake of watching the social network yesterday, first time I saw it | 23:24 |
pleia2 | I haven't seen it yet | 23:46 |
pleia2 | paultag: I have laryngitis :( I fear I would make a poor dinner companion this evening | 23:47 |
* pleia2 can whisper and make honking noises, maybe she'd be an amusing dinner companion? | 23:47 | |
paultag | pleia2: it's cool if you're sick, I'm pretty easy going :) | 23:55 |
paultag | pleia2: get better :) | 23:55 |
pleia2 | paultag: thanks :) I'm actually feeling much better than last week, my voice just decided to quit today (didn't even realize until 2 hours into my work day, working from home is funny) | 23:55 |
paultag | pleia2: np :) | 23:56 |
JanC | lol | 23:56 |
JanC | pleia2: as long as it's only admin work and no phone calls... | 23:57 |
pleia2 | hoping it clears up tonight, I have an ubuntu hour + debian dinner to run tomorrow | 23:57 |
* pleia2 will just bring a sign "talk amongst yourselves, I can't" :) | 23:57 | |
pleia2 | JanC: I usually take support calls, just told my boss I couldn't today | 23:57 |
pleia2 | fortunately the phone didn't ring at all, so we made out ok | 23:58 |
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