
micahgrobert_ancell: hi, I finally got a lightdm crash w/apport on, so I reported w/apport00:37
robert_ancellmicahg, oh awesome.  I didn't see the bug # though?00:37
micahgrobert_ancell: still needs retracing00:38
chrisccoulsonb'ah, i can't get enigmail to work with the latest thunderbird00:51
micahgchrisccoulson: I assume you rebuilt against the new -dev and bumped the compatiblity version00:56
chrisccoulsonmicahg - yes, i'm using the latest trunk source00:56
chrisccoulsoni've already found the issue ;)00:56
chrisccoulsonthey gave every JS component the same class ID, which is never going to work in a million years00:57
chrisccoulsonyay, it works \o/01:02
TheMusochrisccoulson: Sounds like you are really pushing the TB on CD. :)01:09
chrisccoulsonheh :)01:09
chrisccoulsonit's a shame there's no space ;)01:09
TheMusoBecause thunderbird is more accessible than evolution.01:12
micahgrobert_ancell: does lightdm have a concept of theming, or is that just another greeter?01:15
robert_ancellmicahg, the theming is done by the greeter, so there is a GtkBuilder greeter which is highly themable, the example GTK one just has background/GTK theme options01:15
micahgrobert_ancell: I don't see a gtkbuilder greeter in the package list01:17
micahgis that the vala one?01:17
robert_ancellmicahg, no, it's developed by an external developer, I can never work out which is the root repository, but this is one: http://lxde.git.sourceforge.net/git/gitweb.cgi?p=lxde/ldm-gtk-builder-greeter;a=tree01:21
micahgrobert_ancell: ah, ok, so we can have one greeter with multiple themes then?01:22
TheMusogross even01:37
TheMusowhoops wrong window01:37
rickspencer3_RAOF, robert_ancell, TheMuso, jasoncwarner how is life in upside down tomorrow land?03:30
TheMusorickspencer3_: Fine thanks. :)03:30
RAOFSlightly cold :)03:32
RAOFMy office needs a bit more insulation in the roof :)03:33
rickspencer3_TheMuso, what are you up to in 11.10?03:34
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3_  still getting used to saying "winter" for june/july03:36
jasoncwarnernot used to that!03:36
TheMusorickspencer3_: a11y again mostly. Getting at-spi2 in, trying to get the Qt a11y stuff at least into the archive and somewhat working, working on ubiquity a11y improvements.03:36
* bryceh waves03:37
rickspencer3_hiya bryceh03:39
rickspencer3_hi jasoncwarner03:39
rickspencer3_TheMuso, sounds good03:40
rickspencer3_TheMuso, are you working on 3d unity, getting the dash to be accessible and all?03:40
TheMusorickspencer3_: Will be once the dx team ramp up on new unity stuff again03:41
TheMusomy first priority is actually ahving a working a11y environment in oneiric03:41
TheMusoTo that end, I hope to upgrade this afternoon.03:44
rickspencer3_TheMuso, it's about that time, I suppose03:45
rickspencer3_personally, I shall wait until Dublin to upgrade03:45
jasoncwarnerrickspencer3_ I'm running it as a daily test machine. If you install the gnome upstream theme, it is quite usable. Though I wouldn't suggest everyone update just yet ;)03:47
rickspencer3_jasoncwarner, yeah03:50
rickspencer3_I figured I'd wait until Dublin, right before A2, and lots of developers around if it breaks :)03:50
braiamhiya all04:19
=== pitti_ is now known as pitti
pittiGood morning05:36
TheMusoMorning pitti.05:41
pittiTheMuso: hey Luke! now that at-spi2 is in main, should we change the seeds now?06:58
pittior are these pulled in via dependencies?06:58
pittiTheMuso: want me to rebuild the meta package for your seed changes from yesterday?06:59
TheMusopitti: I should have made all the necessary seed changes by now, if you need to do other seed changes and rebuild the meta, go ahead.07:25
pittiTheMuso: ah, so at-spi-* packages don't get seeded, but pulled in by dependencies?07:25
TheMusoOh hang on, one of them needs to be seeded, let me take care of that.07:26
pittiTheMuso: I don't have changes of my own, I just want your's to get into the daily images07:26
TheMusoah ok07:26
TheMusopitti: Ok pushed, just had to see at-spi2-core, the rest of the stack should be pulled in with deps.07:27
pittiTheMuso: thanks07:28
pittiTheMuso: uploaded new meta; so tomorrow's dailies should have the new goodness07:33
cdbspitti: Also could you kindly add appmenu-gtk3 to meta?07:38
cdbsargh it isn't seeded yet07:38
TheMusopitti: sweet thanks.07:40
pittihm, shouldn't that be pulled in by indicator-appmenu once it's ported to gtk3?07:40
pitticdbs: ^07:40
* cdbs 07:41
* cdbs looks at the blueprint07:41
didrocksgood morning07:58
pittibonjour didrocks07:58
didrocksguten morgen pitti! How are you?07:58
pittiI'm great, thanks! how about yourself?07:59
didrocksseems you reminded about the reminder  :)07:59
didrocksI'm fine, thanks!07:59
pittihad a nice Taekwondo training again yesterday07:59
pittiI still need to get used to the more intense training in this club, though07:59
didrocksoh? the level is higher than in your previous club?08:01
pittioh yeah; everyone else is miles ahead of me08:02
didrocksat least, it's challenging then :-)08:04
cdbsdidrocks: Hey, you've already implemented a static quicklist for gnome-terminal08:05
cdbsdidrocks: but it ain't working08:05
didrockscdbs: yeah, I know, there is a bug in unity I guess08:06
didrockscdbs: see the changelog, I reported it IIRC08:06
didrockscdbs: you're welcome to find the bug (the exact same quicklist on another application works, and it's the right desktop file which is matched)08:07
cdbsdidrocks: upstream, right? Yeah, its GNOME bug #65153108:07
ubot2Gnome bug 651531 in general "Add Quicklist support for unity" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65153108:07
didrockscdbs: no, the bug is in unity08:07
didrocksnot in the quicklist08:08
cdbsdidrocks: okay, /me searches for a bug registered on Unity08:08
didrockscdbs: bug #79056308:08
ubot2Launchpad bug 790563 in bamf "Static quicklist in gnome-terminal doesn't work" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79056308:08
cdbsah thanks08:08
didrocksI think it's bamf08:09
didrocksnot sure08:09
didrocksdidn't get a ook08:09
* cdbs diggs in08:09
cdbserr, digs08:09
didrockscdbs: btw, when do you think you will have time to look at the integration spec? (unity/apps)08:09
cdbsdidrocks: I've looked at it, what else is needed?08:09
didrockscdbs: doing the WI? :)08:10
cdbsdidrocks: I just marked 2 INPROGRESS08:10
cdbsdidrocks: will complete most of them by Friday08:10
cdbsall should be complete by A208:10
didrockscdbs: excellent, keep us posted if you don't have the time to finish everything in it, we can give in hand in case08:10
cdbsits a trivial task ;)08:10
didrockscdbs: right, but don't overload you in case you don't have the time :-)08:11
cdbsmvo: Hey, when one runs update-manager, the progress dialog that comes up, is it a part of update-manager itself or is it a part of aptdaemon?08:12
glatzorcdbs, it is part of aptdaemon's gtk python module08:13
cdbsthanks for the info glatzor08:13
mvocdbs: that is part of aptdaemon08:20
mvocdbs: it has a set of helpers and gtk python progress widgets08:20
cdbsmvo: Is it possible to somehow determine inside aptdaemon whether its being run from software-center, synaptic or update-manager?08:20
cdbsDoes s-c even use aptdaemon? :)08:21
glatzorcdbs, Each transaction has got a MetaData property.08:23
robert_ancellRAOF, do you know much about multiseat?08:23
glatzorcdbs, the client can set it accordingly. SC stores the app name and icon.08:24
RAOFrobert_ancell: Not very much, although I understand that much of the dificulty is basically in divying up the input devices.08:24
micahgis there a guide for porting from libnotify1 to libnotify4?08:25
robert_ancellRAOF, I think essentially it's just running multiple X servers with different configuration files (-config) or one config file and using -layout.  Does that seem to make sense?08:25
glatzorcdbs, http://packages.python.org/aptdaemon/dbus.html#org-debian-apt-transaction-the-transaction-interface08:25
RAOFrobert_ancell: Yeah, that'd be it.08:25
mvocdbs: not trivially currently, but that should be relatively easy to add08:25
cdbsglatzor: mvo: Thanks, I got my answer with some digging (into the code) :)08:26
glatzorcdbs, what do you want to achieve?08:26
robert_ancellRAOF, will -layout cover all the different options, or do you need to pass other flags, e.g. -keyboard, ...08:26
micahgrobert_ancell: sending another lightdm crash, the retracer is catching up, so you should see them soon08:26
robert_ancellmicahg, cheers, will get to them tomorrow08:27
cdbsglatzor: you'll soon know :) I'm trying to get aptdaemon to pass the ProgressBar values to libunity and display it on the appropriate LauncherEntry08:27
glatzorcdbs, what it help you to get the dbus sender name?08:28
didrockscdbs: the experience from installing from software-center is planned differently FYI08:28
glatzorcdbs, would ..08:28
cdbsdidrocks: yeah, I'll have to treat it differently for s-c, but it'd be funny if the progress bar comes up both on the UM and SC icons if the user is installing something using SC08:29
didrockscdbs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter#Learning how to launch an application08:29
cdbsTo avoid that, I'll have to display the thing only when U-M is running08:29
RAOFrobert_ancell: I'm not sure.  What more would you need?  Default input keymap is system-wide, but can be changed per-session.  You can specify the input groupings in the ServerLayout section.08:29
didrockscdbs: this is what should happen when you install an application, no progress bar in SC08:29
didrocksso yeah, filtering for u-m is the first step which will be needed :)08:30
robert_ancellRAOF, I don't know, my guess is you just need to choose the input and output devices, and my guess is -layout will be able to select all that08:30
cdbsdidrocks: Oh yeah, that'd be nice, iOS-style!08:30
didrocksdon't know how this is :-)08:31
RAOFrobert_ancell: Yeah.  If your xorg.conf has the appopriate ServerLayout sections you should be able to select them with -layout, and they determine an input/output grouping.08:31
glatzorcdbs, I could export the pid or process name of the client application in the aptdaemon transaction if this makes your life easier08:33
cdbsglatzor: I'm working on it this way: U-M would set something like clientname to update-manager and aptdaemon gtkwidgets.py would query that. If it exists and is set to u-m, it'll display the progress on the Unity launcher08:34
cdbsany objections? I've already implemented it, just to test it08:35
glatzorcdbs, I am not familiar with libunity. The progress bar is controlled by the application and not by unity?08:37
cdbsglatzor: Its libunity which does that. It can control any desktop file's launcher icon08:38
cdbsglatzor: and it can be controlled from a non-related app as well08:38
didrocksglatzor: basically, you just use libunity to give a gtkmenu/progress bar count, emblem count, and then libunity contact unity over dbus which renders the result08:39
didrocksglatzor: we have also some timeout and other nice things to avoid having something stuck if the application dies08:39
glatzorcdbs, would you like to share your (early) code?08:40
glatzordidrocks, thanks.08:40
didrockspitti: you still find package victims to kill in ubuntu-meta \o/08:42
pittididrocks: that was TheMuso :)08:42
didrocksoh, the spi2 transition :-)08:42
glatzorcdbs, s-c can handle multiple transaction - so it is quite difficult to get the overall progress. furthremore s-c doesn't make use of the gtkwidgets. it has got a custom progress implementation08:43
didrocksTheMuso: hey, btw, do you have any news on the Qt a11y patch?08:43
* didrocks tries a Qt rebuild in his ppa, crossing fingers08:43
didrocksgood morning rodrigo_08:57
pittihey rodrigo_09:02
rodrigo_hi pitti, didrocks09:03
seb128hey desktopers09:05
seb128hey rodrigo_ pitti09:05
rodrigo_bonjour seb12809:05
cdbsglatzor: My current implementation is forced-filtered to update-manager only09:06
cdbsglatzor: yeah, I'm currently fixing some issues, will push a branch soon09:06
didrocksseb128: salut!09:07
seb128lut didrocks ;-)09:07
pittibonojur seb12809:07
seb128hey pitti09:08
seb128how is everybody today?09:08
seb128pitti, well done on the icon theme!09:09
pittiseb128: merci09:09
seb128DBO, great work on those "bugs contributors can start on"!09:10
seb128really nice description and hints on how to start etc that's nice09:10
seb128we should do the same for some desktop bugs ;-)09:10
seb128smspillaz, didrocks: oh, and nice work in getting the compiz sru out ;-)09:11
seb128(lot of nice things in this start of week)09:11
didrocksseb128: thanks :)09:11
seb128pitti, btw did you see my gdm ping yesterday?09:12
pittiseb128: uh, seems I missed that, sorry09:12
seb128pitti, no worry, I was asking if you think you will have time for gdm this week or if we should upload with the locale patches not applied or we should switch to lightdm now that kees acked the mir bug09:13
pittiseb128: oh, kees did? let's switch then, yes09:13
pittiseb128: I can look into gdm 3 now09:13
ubot2Ubuntu bug 787353 in lightdm "[MIR] lightdm" [Undecided,In progress]09:13
seb128well not sure if it still need a mir team ack09:13
seb128or just kees one09:14
pittikees is a MIR member09:14
pittiseb128: I promoted the package now; robert already seeded it, so I'll drop gdm from the seeds, and rebuild -meta in two hours09:15
seb128ok, in fact doko bounce the bug to the security team so I'm not sure if kees reviewed with a security hat, mir hat or both09:15
seb128ok great09:15
pittithat's the usual workflow, anyway09:15
seb128robert_ancell, get ready for some bug report ;-)09:15
pittihm, gdm-guest-session will need to be ported as well then09:15
seb128robert_ancell, hey btw ;-)09:15
* pitti drops that from the seed for now09:16
robert_ancellseb128, duh duh duh!!!09:16
seb128robert_ancell, how are you? how is the lightdm hacking going? ;-)09:16
robert_ancellpitti, working on guest session support for next release, will probably ping you to review implementation09:16
pittioh, rad09:16
robert_ancellseb128, good.  Working on getting regression tests working (man it's hard to unittest a system service), but need them earlier rather than later09:17
pittirobert_ancell: do you think we should change gdm-guest-session to also support lightdm? (it's not very gdm specific really)09:17
seb128robert_ancell, is it working for those who tried? I didn't dare yet, I was about to when ogra mentioned he didn't get anything out of a spinning cursor for a session with it ;-)09:17
pittior do you want to bundle it all into lightdm itself?09:17
robert_ancellpitti, well guest session is an Ubuntu specific patch right?  I figure we should just drop support for guest sessions in GDM09:17
didrocksrobert_ancell: also, we need to work on the session management in general as we discussed, prepare to get flood with requests :-)09:17
pittirobert_ancell: in upower etc. I added a daemon option which makes it connect to the session bus instead of system bus; then you can run the test suite under dbus-launch, even during package build09:17
pittirobert_ancell: correct09:18
pittirobert_ancell: but gdm-guest-session is mainly an apparmor profile and a script to construct a temporary home dir with settings, etc.09:18
robert_ancellseb128, yes, it seems to work generally well.  I think pitti had some problems with locale, and micahg is getting crashes (waiting for stacktraces) but he seems to be the only one09:18
pittirobert_ancell: 90% of it should apply to lightdm, too09:18
robert_ancellpitti, the difficulty is dealing with PAM and the password database09:18
pittiright, we need to align lightdm's .dmrc/locale handling to gdm09:19
pittirobert_ancell: ah, indeed; I wonder if it's possible to tell libpam to use a different root directory for its stuff, like /tmp/test.XXXX/etc/shadow etc.09:19
pittiseb128: sorry about the reminder reminder; by now my brain just reminds me all by itself when I start working on a Tuesday :/09:22
seb128pitti, that's ok ;-)09:22
didrocksbtw, any idea about what should be done for sound-theme-freedesktop ?09:23
didrocks(libcanberra depending on it)09:24
seb128didrocks, drop the depends?09:24
didrocksseb128: seems that the kubuntu guys readded it09:24
didrocksI'll talk to apachelogger09:24
seb128thanks, I commented on the bug where he added the depends yesterday09:25
seb128does he do IRC?09:25
didrocksseb128: yes, generally09:26
didrocksseb128: btw, he answered on the bug report in case you didn't notice09:26
seb128he responded to my comment asking if we ship hicolor-icon-theme on the CD...09:26
didrocksright :-)09:27
seb128didrocks, well I don't want to start trolling on the bug so I don't intend to respond at that one09:27
seb128I will wait to see him on IRC09:27
seb128his apachelogger his nickname?09:27
didrocksI was so suprised getting those sounds yesterday09:27
seb128didrocks, but feel free to respond on the bug if you want09:27
seb128didrocks, what sound does it add to the desktop?09:28
seb128I didn't ugprade yet09:28
didrocksseb128: well, I didn't see you started the discussion, so better you handle it09:28
didrocksseb128: like, if you try to make some shell completion on the terminal and there is no match09:28
didrocksyou have some kind of a bip09:28
seb128didrocks, it's not using the speaker right? ;-)09:29
didrocksbasically, all the cases we had sound event in 4.10/5.04 (it was dropped after that IIRC?)09:29
didrocksseb128: not the system speaker, thanks god :-)09:29
seb128I think I turned sound effects off by then already so not sure what we had :p09:29
didrocksI remember to get some in at least the two first ubuntu releases. so yeah, probably turned off at 5.1009:30
didrockssome kind of back in time effect, interesting :-)09:30
=== fenris is now known as Guest8457
=== ronoc_ is now known as ronoc
pittioh, nice! http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/20110607/09:35
pittidown to 712 MB09:35
rodrigo_pitti, cool, and what else is going to be removed to get it down?09:36
seb128pitti, did your icon theme change already landed or was that before it?09:36
fta2is there a problem with python-notify in oneiric? API change or something?09:41
pittifta2: this is deprecated09:42
fta2bug 79327409:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 793274 in my-weather-indicator "crash on startup on oneiric with libnotify:ERROR "code should not be reached"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79327409:42
seb128fta2, the libnotify api changed, cf my GNOME3 email on the lists09:42
pittiuse gir1.2-notify-0.7 now09:42
seb128pitti, well python-notify should still work09:43
pittinotify-python probably needs to be updated for the current libnotify to at least work09:43
seb128the _new function just dropped an argument09:43
pittiseb128: right09:43
seb128pitti, I did that on friday09:43
pittiseb128: btw, http://paste.ubuntu.com/620662/ :)09:43
pittiseb128: that's the delta between yesterday's and today's alternate09:44
pittia little bit of gnome cleanup, too09:44
fta2seb128, well, it's broken since ~ that date09:44
seb128fta2, well as said the new libnotify has an api break, the new() function dropped an argument09:45
seb128fta2, so it's likely the python clients need an update09:45
micahgseb128: is there a porting guide for the new libnotify?09:45
seb128but python doesn't have sonames so the transition doesn't happen in a smooth way as it does with C libs09:45
didrocksoh, shipping 5 xml compiz file for g-c-c instead of 2 is noticeable, fun :-)09:46
seb128micahg, "guide" no, there is the GNOME3 email I sent on the lists09:46
micahgseb128: ah, ok, will review that then09:46
rodrigo_didrocks, xml files for what?09:46
seb128micahg, it's basically dropping an argument from the new() call, not sure how much of a guide that required09:46
didrocksrodrigo_: files in /usr/share/gnome-control-center/keybindings/09:46
didrocksrodrigo_: we sed the metacity files for compiz and change the wm name09:46
seb128micahg, they also deprecated the function to position a bubble next to a systray or widget so if those are used they should just be dropped09:47
didrocksrodrigo_: as metacity split in 2.34 the file from 2 to 5, I did that yesterday for compiz as well09:47
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:47
pittihey chrisccoulson09:47
chrisccoulsonhi pitti, how are you?09:47
pittiI'm great, thanks!09:47
didrockshey chrisccoulson09:47
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks :)09:48
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:48
pittichrisccoulson: so you could sleep a little longer again?09:48
pittichrisccoulson: did your daughter stop getting teeth? :-)09:48
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, my daughter has started sleeping in now09:48
seb128pitti, at-spi2 on the CD, great09:48
chrisccoulsonbut she is making up for it by waking up several times in the night instead ;)09:48
seb128so we should be very close of dropping the old libgnome, libbonobo etc09:48
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, how are you?09:48
seb128well tomboy still keep part of it09:48
seb128chrisccoulson, I'm fine thanks, what about you?09:49
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, good thanks :)09:49
seb128chrisccoulson, shame that you are getting sleep again just when you got a new coffee machine to help you deal with the no sleep issue :p09:49
chrisccoulsonheh, i'm glad i've got a coffee machine which doesn't leak all over the kitchen now :)09:50
chrisccoulsonleaking coffee machine = wasted coffee ;)09:50
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i keep having weird focus issues in oneiric :/09:52
chrisccoulsonit's affecting more than just firefox now for some reason09:52
rodrigo_hey chrisccoulson09:54
chrisccoulsonhi rodrigo_, how are you?09:54
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, fine, although starting to get nervous, as I need to go to the dentist in a little bit :(09:55
rodrigo_but fine apart from that :)09:55
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, oh, is that just for a regular appointment?09:55
chrisccoulsoni hate the dentist too ;)09:55
chrisccoulsonhe removed one of my teeth for no reason!09:55
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, no, just a fix-me appointment :)09:56
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, ugh, really?09:56
seb128rodrigo_, did you figure when mono will get gsettings binding?09:57
chrisccoulsonrodrigo_, yeah, i had impacted lower wisdom teeth a few years ago, and my dentist suggested removing one of the top ones might help09:57
rodrigo_seb128, no, no answer back from allan09:57
chrisccoulsonand he could remove the top one without me going in to hospital09:57
chrisccoulsonbut it made no difference and i ended up having to go to hospital to have the bottom ones removed anyway ;)09:57
rodrigo_chrisccoulson, ugh09:57
chrisccoulsonso my dentist owes me a tooth! :)09:57
rodrigo_yeah, he should pay it back :)09:57
seb128rodrigo_, what are you on working on this week btw? Just trying to figure where we stand for the remaining updates, it seems mostly stalled for some days09:58
rodrigo_seb128, working on the g-c-c related work items, but I can take some updates09:59
* rodrigo_ looks at the versions page10:00
seb128rodrigo_, no, that's ok, there is no hurry on the remaining ones10:00
seb128I'm doing gnome-user-share10:00
seb128out of that yelp is the only easy one remaining it seems10:01
rodrigo_ok, will do some in idle times10:01
seb128we should probably build it with gtk3 rather than gtk2 as well10:01
seb128rodrigo_, don't bother, better to focus on one thing and we need the g-c-c work done as well ;-)10:01
rodrigo_ok :)10:01
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
* pitti blames didrocks for using black magic for gdm's 30_don_t_save_failsafe_session.patch10:11
didrockspitti: it's not black magic, it's code :-)10:12
pitticalling undefined functions is not something they taught me in the 3rd magic school grade yet!10:12
didrockswhat? /me checks10:12
pittiI'm looking for get_session_comment_for_file()10:12
pittinone of our patches defines it, and it's not in gdm upstream's trunk nor gnome-2-32 branch10:13
seb128was it in on of the patches I dropped?10:13
* didrocks bzr pull to latest version10:13
pittinevermind, guys10:13
didrocksah see! :-)10:13
didrocksall blaming me without any reason \o/10:14
* didrocks will cry in a corner :-)10:14
* pitti hugs didrocks10:14
* didrocks hugs pitti10:14
rodrigo_ok, dentist time, bbl10:14
pittieww, good luck!10:14
seb128rodrigo_, good luck...10:15
didrocksyeah, my function was entirely removed in r33410:15
didrocksgood luck rodrigo_!10:15
seb128didrocks, so it's not me \o/10:15
didrocksseb128: no, you're safe! ;-)10:16
didrockspitti: seb128: your take on naming the additional split of compiz-plugins and compiz-plugins-main to add -addon? (compiz-plugins-addon and compiz-plugins-main-addon) ? (this is to avoid the confusion with compiz-plugins-extra which is in universe)10:29
pittiit's confusing either way :)10:29
seb128didrocks, what is the split about? just shipping by default what is activated?10:29
didrocksit will be :-)10:29
didrocksseb128: right10:30
didrocksand ccsm will recommends those10:30
seb128I would so add a -default rather which only ships the default10:30
pittididrocks: so compiz-plugins (default), c-p-main-extra (binary splitout from main package), and c-p-extra (universe source/binary)?10:30
seb128and keep the old name for the other ones with a depends on -default10:30
pittiright, or c-p-default and and c-p10:31
didrocksso, compiz-plugins-default, compiz-plugins-main-default10:31
didrocksand the leftover in compiz-plugins and compiz-plugins-main10:31
didrocks+ compiz-plugins-extra which we don't touch and already in universe10:31
seb128that would be my choice but I don't have a strong feeling, your call really10:31
didrocksok, thanks for the suggestion seb128 and pitti :-)10:32
didrockswell, if I asked you, it's because I wasn't happy with -addon :-)10:32
didrocksyour suggestion is better10:32
seb128great ;-)10:32
seb128it also means for those upgrading there is no change10:33
didrocksand so ccsm will recommends compiz-plugins and compiz-plugins-main (and suggest c-p-extra)10:33
pittigdm_3.0.0-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb -- wohoo! (and with just two patches disabledv)10:34
didrocksnice :-)10:34
seb128pitti, \o/10:35
pittiah, so that's how that works now10:35
pittiit still has a gconf dependency and ./var/lib/gdm/.gconf.mandatory/%gconf-tree.xml, though10:36
seb128pitti, we should copy the patches from debian10:37
pittiyeah, I'll merge with Debian as the next-next step (after porting the patches)10:37
pittithey also have 3.0.410:37
seb128the naming difference is just annoying10:38
lucidfoxI've been thinking of going through bugs in gnome-shell and closing as invalid those reported for unstable versions in PPAs and other unofficial sources10:48
lucidfoxSounds good?10:48
pittilucidfox: for crashers etc., yes; if there are ones which are easy to check, like UI bugs for feature requests, these should be checked before closing, or left open IMHO10:49
seb128sorry got some issues after restart due to partial updates ;-)10:56
kinoucho`hi seb128, didrocks and fredp11:00
seb128lut kinoucho`11:01
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
lucidfoxis it okay to close gnome-shell crashes on karmic?11:02
lucidfoxkarmic has reached end of life anyway11:02
micahglucidfox: yes :)11:02
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TheMusodidrocks: Still waiting on one more which I am chacing up, I want to have them to you by EOW.11:04
didrockshey kinouchou11:06
didrocksTheMuso: ok, thanks :) if you don't have latest one by EOW, is it possible to start feeding the others first?11:06
lucidfoxBy the way, are there any plans to implement Ubuntu indicators in gnome-shell?11:16
pittiI thought the goal was to keep g-s as "vanilla" as possible?11:17
lucidfoxnot in upstream, obviously11:17
pittiyay, all gdm patches ported now11:30
chrisccoulsonwoot \o/11:30
chrisccoulsongo pitti!11:30
ogra_to ldm ?11:30
pittiseb128: still pondering to follow Debian in the gdm -> gdm3 renaming; much easier to merge then11:43
seb128pitti, do we care about merging?11:43
pittiseb128: asked the other way around, do we care of perpetually maintaining it ourselves?11:43
seb128pitti, we have a diff, we will never get in sync anyway11:44
seb128so we have to maintain it ourself11:44
pittino, but we could reduce our delta, and then it's a lot easier than doing everything on our own11:44
seb128well the delta is low11:44
pittidiffing the two debian/s is useless right now11:44
seb128sed -i 's#gdm3#gdm#' debian11:45
seb128then diff11:45
seb128that's what I did the other day11:45
pittiand rename all the files11:45
seb128rename 's#gdm3#gdm#' debian11:45
seb128it's 2 commands11:45
seb128well I don't like much that they namespace they config dir in etc differently11:45
seb128it means we will have to migrate conffiles11:46
seb128it also breaks some other softwares that rely on the upstream naming11:46
seb128I would be fine renaming the binary but I would like to keep the files in /etc/gdm and names gdm.something11:47
pittiyeah, that sounds fine11:47
seb128or we can make /etc/gdm3 a symlink to /etc/gdm?11:47
seb128pitti, I talked to Josselin this week about it, he's fine renaming the source package back to gdm but he doesn't want to rename the binary in debian back to gdm11:48
seb128he said there is no migration path from gdm 2.20 to gdm3 so it should not be an upgrade but a package switch users decide to do11:49
seb128which is fair11:49
pittihmm; that's no different to GNOME 3 at large, though11:49
seb128well, it's not likely they will rename the binary anyway, I just wanted to mention it11:50
seb128so if we want to lower the diff we should probably rename ours gdm311:50
seb128in summary I'm fine renaming as long as we don't rename the etc dir, but symlink gdm3->gdm should work there11:50
pittieven with above s/gdm3/gdm/ the diff is still 34822 lines :/11:50
pittiI'd like to keep /etc/gdm as well11:51
pittigdm and gdm3 conflict anyway11:51
seb128pitti, does that include patches?11:51
pittioh, and .svn stuff11:51
pitti18900 lines without .svn11:51
seb128you can copy 91_dconf_override.patch and 92_gsettings_path.patch over11:52
seb12804_fix_external_program_directories.patch has a libexec equivalent in debian iirc11:52
seb128pitti, well I think it you filter out the patches we have they don't have we should be down to a reasonable diff11:52
pittiI'll start on those first then11:53
seb128somebody should check with upstream if those plymouth integration patches are still needed11:53
seb128and if they are why they are not upstream, every distro use plymouth nowadays11:53
pitti9300 lines without patches, of which a third is the changelog already11:53
seb128pitti,  29 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 701 deletions(-)11:55
seb128is what I had after a rename 's#gdm3#gdm#' gdm* in the debian dir11:55
seb128and the equivalent sed11:55
pittiah, and there's quite some debian/po-up/*.po noise11:56
seb128oh, I only diffed diff -Nu the debian dirs11:56
pittiwhich is half of the diff11:56
lucidfoxhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/539305 <-- hmm, not sure what to do with this one12:02
ubot2Ubuntu bug 539305 in gnome-shell "[Lucid] Regression: All Applications list is no longer hierarchical displayed" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:02
lucidfoxit's basically a UI feature request that was implemented in the final release, but not implemented in Lucid (obviously)12:02
seb128close it saying it has been fixed in newer versions and that it the lucid GNOME was not ready for gnome-shell and that bugs will not be fixed there12:03
seb128it's not likely any fixes will be rolled for versions before GNOME3 so the bugs about all versions can be closed12:04
lucidfoxOkay, and this brings us down to 20 new/53 open. Lots and lots of incomplete bugs asking to retest with the final 3.0.x release12:08
lucidfox(down from 56 new/~70 open)12:09
chrisccoulsonok, enigmail is testing my patience now :)12:16
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seb128chrisccoulson, so you avoid working on desktop things to work on universe components?!12:39
chrisccoulsonseb128, i'm responsible for enigmail ;)12:39
seb128why? it's in universe!12:39
chrisccoulsonunfortunately, quite a lot of thunderbird users are using it12:40
seb128is that another reason to not make tb default?12:42
seb128ok I stop trolling and go back to work ;-)12:43
chrisccoulsonheh :)12:44
seb128chrisccoulson, btw joke aside would you be interested by working on gnome-screensaver this cycle to bring the hacks code back?12:46
chrisccoulsonseb128, yeah, sure12:46
chrisccoulsoni need to do some non-mozilla stuff to maintain sanity ;)12:46
didrocksdo you still have any trace of sanity? :-)12:46
seb128well feel free to say no if you prefer to do something else, but you did some hacking on gnome-screensaver before12:46
seb128we need a way to make it look like unity rather than gnome-shell I guess and we said at UDS we would bring the animations (or "hacks" or whatever they are called) back12:47
seb128(which might just be a "undo the commits that dropped that code")12:48
seb128well it's for sure not as trivial as reverting one commit they did quite some cleaning in a serie of patches12:48
seb128but the code from the 2.9x should still work12:48
rodrigo_hmm, in fact, I was expecting we stayed at 2.91.x, but we already have 3.0, which has the hacks removed12:49
seb128rodrigo_, we can shuffle the 2.91.n to 3.0 diff reversed in a patch if needed12:50
didrocksso, win from the compiz split ~1.5MB13:00
ogra_didrocks, awesome, so we can add 15 100kb wallpapers now !13:02
didrocksogra_: noooooooooooo :-)13:02
didrockswe can add 1/10th of thunderbird :p13:03
* ogra_ votes for the addressbook then :)13:03
fta2cyphermox_, ping. just rebooted my oneiric box, NetworkManager trashed my resolv.conf13:18
fta2seb128, is metacity still used? got an apport after a reboot... (in fact, several)13:20
seb128fta2, dunno, you are asking the wrong person there13:21
fta2who should I ask?13:21
seb128it's used in unity-2d not 3d13:21
fta2i'm using 3d here13:21
seb128fta2, try didrocks13:21
didrocksfta2: hum, are you sure you are using unity-3d? metacity shouldn't start13:22
didrocksfta2: try to pgrep it13:22
fta2didrocks, i see compiz & various unity processes13:23
fta2it sure looks like 3d too13:24
didrocksfta2: so, no metacity? I think you started the classic session or unity-2d at some point and got the crash at this time13:24
fta2nope, no metacity13:24
fta2the crash is an assert13:24
fta2 #2  0x00007f5a85f5d51d in g_assertion_message (domain=<value optimized out>, file=<value optimized out>, line=<value optimized out>, func=0x479040 "meta_ui_get_default_window_icon", message=0xdb0150 "assertion failed: (default_icon)") at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./glib/gtestutils.c:135813:24
fta2         lstr = "754\000\377\177\000\000\225\247\016\210Z\177\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000Ç‚G\000\000\000\000"13:24
fta2         s = 0xdd8cf0 ""13:24
fta2 #3  0x00007f5a85f5dae0 in g_assertion_message_expr (domain=0x46b6bf "metacity", file=0x47827a "ui/ui.c", line=754, func=0x479040 "meta_ui_get_default_window_icon", expr=<value optimized out>) at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./glib/gtestutils.c:136913:24
didrocksfta2: when did the crash happened?13:25
fta2i got 5 apport popups just after a reboot+login13:25
fta2incl desktopcouch-service and metacity13:26
didrocksfta2: right, but sometimes, the popups doesn't appear immediatly from my experiment13:26
didrockshence the timestamp of the crash file will be useful to see when you used metacity13:26
fta2it's a fresh one13:26
ogra_the apport popup should really show a timestamp ;)13:27
ogra_application "blah" crashed a13:27
didrocksfta2: did you ever fallback to unity-2d?13:27
ogra_t 12pm13:27
didrocksI would be interested to know under what conditions metacity started13:27
fta2didrocks, i don't think so, it just booted fine, albeit slowly13:28
didrocksfta2: do you still have the crash file? what is its timestamp?13:28
fta2i'm sure it's fresh, because i have a script renaming the crash files, so i can collect several for a given process13:29
fta2i still have it13:29
fta2oh, it's metacity started by gdm13:29
didrocksah, that's more interesting :)13:29
didrocksso yeah, makes sense then13:30
fta2but i didn't request that, i was using unity 3d (oneiric) before the reboot13:31
didrocksfta2: gdm is using metacity in the greeter13:32
fta2ok then13:32
fta2so it's crashing ;)13:32
didrocksnot there, but it seems it can :-)13:32
didrockswell, I think we won't have a wm with lightdm13:32
fta2is lightdm already the default?13:33
didrocksfta2: since 1 hour, yeah :)13:33
ogra_didrocks, omg, really ?13:37
didrocksogra_: it's a full gnome session13:37
ogra_what ? lightdm ?13:38
didrocksogra_: no, we are talking about gdm13:39
didrocksoh, the "omg" was about the switch?13:39
didrocksyeah, be prepared now! :-)13:39
ogra_i didnt manage a single successfull login with it yet13:40
didrockstime to annoy robert :-)13:40
fta2didrocks, same problem. it seems it just needs its icons back (at least the one on the bottom right corner of the gdm bar is missing)13:50
didrocksfta2: ok, would be nice if something works on it, I'm more stuck with a Qt issue right now13:51
fta2and n-m trashed my resolv.conf once again. i removed it13:51
cyphermox_fta2: if you explain what is broken I can offer guidance or fix it13:52
fta2a boot with an empty resolv.conf results in an empty & unusable black screen with just a mouse cursor13:52
cyphermox_but why is resolv.conf empty?13:52
fta2cyphermox_, how should i know? n-m is not even supposed to manage my network13:53
fta2cyphermox_, it replaced my custom resolv.conf with just "# Generated by NetworkManager"13:54
zygamvo, hi, quick question13:54
zygamvo, do we have any channel for reporting bugs on for-pay applications13:54
fta2cyphermox_, fortunately, it was easy to spot, and i also use etckeeper so i'm sure it didn't change anything else13:54
ogra_geez, the new screensaver unlock is really unintuitive13:57
* ogra_ just had his screen lock for the first time in oneiric13:57
kenvandineogra_, i agree13:57
mvozyga: no official channel, what is the problem? you file a bug or a support request13:57
ogra_lightdm should manage that imho ;)13:57
zygamvo, I'd like to report a bug on uplink but I don't know how13:58
kenvandineogra_, that would make the most sense... and a familiar login screen13:58
mvozyga: we used to have a requirement that there must be a launchpad project, let me inquire what happend to this14:00
mvozyga: there is no official one currently, the only way is to talk to the publisher directly14:05
zygamvo, right but that's not something an ordinary user can do14:05
zygamvo, do you know if the apps are tested in any way?14:06
zygamvo, my problem seems fundamental and makes the game totally unplayable14:06
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mvozyga: they get basic QA but not in depth - is it maybe a problem releated to the graphics (opengl?) or something different? if opengl it may just be a driver issue?14:07
zygamvo, it's partially related to graphics, I'm on nvidia drivers, the problem is  that the game opens an unresizable, non-fullscreen window14:08
zygamvo, and the size of the window is exactly the size of the display14:08
zygamvo, so the bottom part (the part that is taken by unity panel) is invisible14:09
zygamvo, unfortunately that's where this game puts all the controls in14:09
zygamvo, it could be a fullscreen bug but I have no way to tell14:10
chrisccoulsonw00t, enigmail works finally \o/14:29
chrisccoulsonit *really* works this time :)14:29
highvoltagehas it not been working at some point? I haven't noticed :)14:32
chrisccoulsonhighvoltage, yes, since we udpated to the thunderbird beta14:33
chrisccoulsoni'm just about to upload the latest trunk version, but getting it working has been a pain14:37
pittiI need to run out for a bit, I hope I'll be back in time for the meeting14:51
pittiif not, can you please start without me?14:51
seb128he said that we can slack and there is no meeting if he's not back right? ;-)14:59
kenvandineseb128, that is what i heard14:59
seb128which is the evo about box saying 3.0.0 when the package is 3.0.2?14:59
kenvandineseb128, speaking of evo, i was just swearing at it... hangs right when i need to look up a conf # for a meeting... damn it!15:00
lucidfoxI want to report a crash in gnome-shell - how do I generate the stacktrace and dumps and such after I've reproduced the crash?15:10
seb128lucidfox, check on the GNOME wiki I guess15:11
seb128lucidfox, you better reportbugs upstream or to debian, the package is coming from debian and nobody is working on the launchpad bugs15:12
lucidfoxno, not upstream - to Launchpad15:12
lucidfoxI'm not sure the problem isn't Ubuntu-specific, though15:12
seb128well upstream probably has instructions on how to report an useful bug15:12
seb128use those and report a bug on launchpad15:13
chrisccoulsonwe should hook JS exceptions in to apport ;)15:13
seb128then wait if somebody one day show up with interest to look at those ;-)15:13
seb128chrisccoulson, did you just volunteer? ;-)15:13
chrisccoulsonit can't be that difficult can it? how do we do it for python?15:13
chrisccoulsoni could probably have a look if we think it's worth it. is there anything other than gnome-shell that uses it?15:15
seb128chrisccoulson, not sure, they have been talking to do it for mono and I don't think they ever did15:15
seb128it might require something from the runtime side, pitti would know better15:16
seb128chrisccoulson, well, I would say it's useful but for g-s which is in universe so it probably comes after other work on your list ;-)15:16
chrisccoulsonand i've got plenty of work on my list ;)15:17
seb128chrisccoulson, but feel free to pick it up as an after work project if you like I guess ;-)15:17
chrisccoulsonmmmmm, more coffee15:24
rodrigo_hmm, gsettings-desktop-schemas is a lp:ubuntu... branch, so no need to push, right? it will be imported with the upload, right?15:30
seb128rodrigo_, correct15:30
seb128it's a bit inconsistent now but for small sources which are sometimes in sync with debian it's easier to use lp:ubuntu than to deal the vcs and control update etc15:31
seb128hum, iz didrocks bog!!15:32
didrocksno, I have no bug :-)15:32
seb128didrocks, new installed softwares are not in the alt-f2 unity dialog but they are in the dash one and in the lens15:32
seb128you likely miss an update event somewhere15:32
didrocksseb128: oh sure, I already have a bug about it that I openeded15:33
didrockshum, is it meeting time?15:39
seb128didrocks, reminder says 15:30 utc which is in 50 minutes15:40
seb128but I never now if it's now or one hour later... ;-)15:40
didrocksargh, scrap an hour :-)15:40
chrisccoulsondidrocks, your clock is fast ;)15:40
didrockschrisccoulson: well, not when rebuilding Qt… :p15:41
seb128didrocks, I had to build webkit, I opted for the ppa (ab)use ;-)15:41
chrisccoulsondidrocks, oh, perhaps it's 23 hours and 10 minutes behind rather than being 50 minutes fast ;)15:42
didrocksseb128: right, but I try to build several versions in // and I don't want to create tons of ppa :)15:42
didrockschrisccoulson: heh15:42
chrisccoulsoni've just had to remove one really angry bee from my room15:43
rodrigo_ugh, no upload rights for gsettings-desktop-schemas15:50
seb128cjwatson, ^ can you add it to the desktop set?15:50
seb128rodrigo_, or drop cjwatson an email15:50
seb128so he can deal with it later15:51
seb128rodrigo_, wait for pitti to be back he knows the magic to give you rights in a temporary way15:52
rodrigo_pitti, ping me when you're back :)15:53
Laneyany TB member can add packages to the set15:55
rodrigo_TB = Thunderbird? :)15:56
seb128which bring us back to pitti or cjwatson basically from people who are around :p15:57
rodrigo_no, seriously, what does TB stand for?15:57
Laneytechnical board15:57
rodrigo_ah, ok15:57
highvoltage~/win 2215:58
seb128kklimonda^, hi, do you have any plan to update transmission?15:58
seb128ok, meeting in 9 minutes16:21
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
ftapitti, hi, did you have time to look at the multi-arch issue with apport-retrace?16:22
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting reminder in 5 mins16:24
seb128pitti, wb16:25
pittichrisccoulson: right, the runtime would need to write an apport-style file into /var/crash/16:26
* kenvandine waves16:26
* pedro_ waves16:26
pittichrisccoulson: or call e. g. /usr/share/apport/js_crash (which can use python-apport) and feed it some data16:26
chrisccoulsonpitti - oh, that sounds easy enough16:26
pittirodrigo_: you still need to mail cjwatson16:26
rodrigo_pitti, already mailed him, so done :)16:26
pittirodrigo_: what's your LP id?16:27
rodrigo_pitti, rodrigo-moya16:27
pittirodrigo_: done16:27
rodrigo_ok, thanks!16:28
* rodrigo_ uploads16:28
* pitti hugs didrocks and buys him 1.5 beer (for saved MBs)16:29
Laneypitti: couldn't you just add it to the set? (since you are in the team which owns that set)16:30
pittiLaney: same result -- the set is autogenerated, so it won't stick16:30
pittijasoncwarner, Sweetshark, bryceh, chrisccoulson, didrocks, tremolux, Riddell, kenvandine, cyphermox, mterry, rodrigo_, seb128, tkamppeter, pedro_: meeting time16:30
Laneyoh, it is?16:30
Laneydidn't know that16:30
* tremolux waves16:31
* Laney stops interrupting16:31
rodrigo_hi all16:31
* didrocks hugs pitti back and start counting how many he has to buy to Martin for the number of saved MBs :)16:31
chrisccoulsonhello everybody :)16:31
tkamppeterEveryone has printed from his iPhone?16:31
pittican I print from android?16:31
pittitkamppeter: nice fixes!16:31
chrisccoulsondidrocks, do i have to buy you a beer for every MB i consume with tbird?16:31
chrisccoulsonyou're going to be getting very, very drunk16:31
pittinow THAT sounds like a balanced budget!16:31
tkamppeterpitti, unfortunately only with an app.16:31
chrisccoulsonheh :)16:31
didrockschrisccoulson: heh, it's tbird, so it's more than a 1 ratio! :)16:31
seb128what do I need to do to get people being me beers? ;-)16:31
pitticlean GTK 2 :)16:32
pittianyway, let's start16:32
pittikenvandine: anything new from partner?16:32
kenvandinefrom DX16:32
kenvandinegtk2themeshim will land next week, this provides a gtk2 theme based on a gtk3 so we only need to manage a single theme16:32
pittioh, it's in the wiki16:32
kenvandineyup :)16:32
pittioh, nice!16:33
pittia CSS theme interpreter for GTK 2?16:33
kenvandineand tedg is going to spend some quality time with LP to get all the gtk3 ports mterry did merged16:33
kenvandinesomething like that16:33
pittiare any indicators still missing which need help?16:33
pittimissing -> need to be ported, I mean16:33
kenvandinei think datetime16:33
kenvandineand the applet16:34
kenvandinei should put together a list of what is done and what needs to be done :)16:34
mterryappmenu, blocking on wnck debian packaging issues16:34
rodrigo_also, vino indicator patch needs porting, but that's not indicators themselves16:34
seb128indicator-applets as well, I had a look but there was a first patch from mterry that needed to be reviewed and merged then there is some gtkstyle hacks to clean16:34
seb128mterry, ok, let's not bother about that just move the wnckprop in the libwnck316:34
pittimterry: oh, anything we should fix in Debian libwnck then?16:34
mterrypitti, yes.  libwnck-3-dev ships wnckprop as does libwnck-dev, so both can't be installed at once16:35
mterryI filed a bug, but wasn't sure how maintainers wanted to deal with it, so didn't file a patch16:35
seb128pitti, we should just move it to libexec or something16:35
pittiah, but we need to, so that we can build both indicator variants from one source, I guess16:35
mterrypitti, right16:35
pittiok, let's discuss after meeting16:35
seb128pitti, it's a debug helper, not something for users16:35
mterrythis was actually blocking a gtk3 port of libbamf, which appmenu needs16:35
seb128pitti, right, let's sort that after the meeting16:36
pittikenvandine: how did the telepathy indicator shim go?16:36
kenvandinethat is all i have, no update on U1 right now16:36
pittiI saw the package land16:36
kenvandineit provides most of the functionality we had before16:36
kenvandinenot quite done with it16:36
pittibut nice to see it land at last16:36
kenvandinedropped those huge patches from empathy :)16:37
pittiyou already did?16:37
kenvandinepitti, i gave up on vala for it, and rewrote it in C16:37
pittiok, thanks16:37
pittididrocks: thanks for the unity wiki update; anything to discuss from your side?16:37
didrocksnothing special in addition to what is on the wiki16:38
didrockswhich is: please, test the SRU if you have a natty box16:38
didrocksand I suffer with Qt :-)16:38
pittididrocks: the fun with g++ 4.6?16:39
didrockspitti: yeah, depending on the definition of "fun" :-)16:39
didrocksI put great hope in my current rebuild on rebuild on rebuild from my ppa :-)16:39
pitticrossing fingers!16:39
didrocksbut upstream is reactive, so should be fine16:40
pittitremolux: what's the word on s-c?16:40
tremoluxwell, lots of small things in this week's release16:40
pittiI see you have quite a number of big WIs for alpha-2 on it16:40
pittido you think it's realistic, i. e. do you actually have time to work on them, or are you busy with fixing non-WI stuff?16:41
tremoluxthis may change I think, also because we will be getting new UI design requirements in about 3 weeks16:41
tremoluxI think I'm going to have to check priorities on those16:42
tremoluxthe WIs I mean16:42
pittioh, does that mean we should move the a2 WIs to a later point, and do something UI agnostic first?16:42
tremoluxyes, maybe the UI-specific ones16:42
tremoluxmakes sense16:42
pittiwant to do that yourself? you probably have a better idea what's prone to change and what not?16:43
tremoluxyep, I will16:43
tremoluxsure...oh, on thing16:43
pittiyou, didrocks, and chrisccoulson have the most/biggest WIs for alpha-216:44
tremoluxthere is a task for enhancing the Unity launcher integration16:44
tremolux(I wanted to make sure didrocks knows)16:44
tremoluxbut we can talk about that  :)16:44
didrockstremolux: thanks for working on this! :-)16:44
didrocks(and good luck, not an easy task)16:45
pittimterry also has a lot, but these look comparatively small and realistic <- mterry, check?16:45
mterrypitti, yeah I believe so16:45
mterrypitti, I can do a recheck this week16:45
pittimterry: is your main blocker the MIR?16:45
mterrypitti, for deja-dup?  No, the main blocker is largely waiting for duplicity to release with my Ubuntu One backend16:46
mterryThough I suppose I could distro patch it; upstream said they would take it16:46
mterryI'm giving them another week, since that's when I'll do another DD release anyway.  I can distro patch if it hasn't landed by then16:47
pittiok, sounds good16:48
pittichrisccoulson: should we discuss TB/downsizing here, or will that be discussed in tomorrow's meeting?16:49
chrisccoulsonpitti - we can wait until tomorrow16:49
pittithis is probably the biggest A2 spec16:49
pittiwell, at least your first one on http://people.canonical.com/~platform/workitems/oneiric/canonical-desktop-team-oneiric-alpha-2.html#chrisccoulson is done, I think :)16:50
chrisccoulsonpitti - yeah, i should close that one :)16:51
rodrigo_yes, when do we plan to start uploading gnome 3.1.x?16:51
rodrigo_after A2?16:51
pittigood point, I was about to ask the same16:51
pitticould we already start with glib 2.9 and gtk 3.1?16:51
pittiseb128: ^16:51
pittior do you think it's too early?16:51
rodrigo_I think it should be ok, no big changes in neither of them, afaik16:52
rodrigo_big changes = incompatibilies16:52
seb128rodrigo_, the issue is not changes it's to keep with bi-weekly updates16:52
seb128we spend lot of time to do every point updates when we start early and that cut in time we have for workitems16:52
rodrigo_yes, but it'll give us time to rebase again, if needed, our patches16:52
seb128but I did plan to start looking at glib 2.29 this week16:52
rodrigo_yes, right16:52
seb128we could start with the stack for sure16:53
seb128rodrigo_, well the issue is not patches rebasing, it's doing a stack of point updates, building, testing etc every 2 or 3 weeks16:53
seb128it usually cost 2 days full for 2 or 3 people16:53
seb128but agreed we can start slowly on it16:53
rodrigo_seb128, right, so maybe we could just wait for 3.1.2, do the 1st upload, and then wait for 2 releases?16:54
pittior just update the platform libraries, and keep the apps for now?16:54
pittiit might be better to do the theme development etc. with gtk 3.116:55
rodrigo_also, some stuff in WI is only in 3.1, like the NTP stuff16:55
rodrigo_in g-s-d16:55
seb1283.1.2 seems a good one to start but let's not force ourself to update everything just because there is a tarball maybe16:55
rodrigo_but yes, starting with the stack is better :)16:55
seb128let's update things we have interest in16:55
seb128I will have a look to glib 2.29 tomorrow16:56
pittino need to do the threadmill with every gnome-panel version etc.16:56
seb128that will be needed for gtk 3.1 and it will need some packaging change for the gdbus utilities that landed16:56
seb128I would like to get it in debian as well if possible16:56
seb128sounds fine for everybody?16:57
pittiright, stuff like gdbus-code-gen becomes a blocker16:57
seb128the things we will need most next is the indicator stack on gtk316:57
rodrigo_seb128, yes, sounds great for me16:57
seb128but dx and mterry and some others are working on that16:57
seb128well it's not technically breaking anything, gnome-panel works without indicator but it would be nice to get those so unity is not blocked on another transition if they want to switch16:58
pittiok, thanks everyone17:00
seb128pitti, back to you?17:00
pittisounds like a wrap?17:00
seb128it does ;-)17:00
tremoluxthanks everybody17:01
seb128pitti, mterry: so libwnck-dev, libwnck3-dev is pretty trivial, we should just move wnckprop out of the path or version the binary name, I've no strong opinion either way it's an utility for debugging17:04
pittiis there any chance that other projects rely on the path or name?17:05
pitti/usr/bin/wnck3prop seems easy enough17:05
mterryseb128, yeah, I don't care either.  Versioning it seems easy enough17:05
mterryWe should probably tell upstream so they can version it themselves at some point17:05
seb128vuntz, ^17:05
seb128mterry, done :p17:05
mterryI can make that change in ubuntu, but it's a debian thing too17:06
pittisimilar to gtk-update-icon-cache-3.017:06
seb128let's discuss it on #debian-gnome oftc17:06
pittimterry: we aren't in sync right now anyway, so if you want to go ahead and patch it in ~ubuntu-desktop/libwnck/ubuntu, please do; I'm happy to commit it to Debian, too17:07
mterrypitti, OK17:07
seb128pitti, we are for libwnck317:07
pittioh, separate source, right17:07
seb128but yeah maybe we should rename the old one since we have a diff anyway and it's the deprecated one17:07
seb128so we can keep the "right' name for the current one17:07
pittido we even need the 2.0 wnckprop?17:07
pittiwe could just drop it and version the conflicts17:08
seb128pitti, no, I don't think so, it was added in some recent cycle and it's only a debugging thing17:08
pittiit doesn't seem like a tool where you need multiple versions of17:08
mterryshouldn't give different results17:08
seb128having one version is enough17:08
pittimterry: that's what I thought17:08
seb128we probably don't want to debug on old libs anyway17:08
mterryOK, so I can drop it from our libwnck and fix up the conflicts17:08
mterryBut Debian may be interested in same change anyway17:09
pittiyes, we should do it in Debian17:09
seb128mterry, right, I'm mentioning it on #debian-gnome see what they think17:09
pittiand then merge libwnck17:09
* pitti goes back on beating up gdm then17:10
pittijust got ack for committing another patch upstream17:10
seb128pitti, let me know if you need help on gdm testing or patch porting17:11
pittiseb128: not yet; going ok for now, just a ton of work :)17:11
seb128I'm done with gnome-user-share epiphany-browser and webkit updates I had on my list17:11
pittiseb128: do you want to sort out the libwnck issue?17:11
seb128pitti, can do17:11
pittiok, cool17:11
seb128well mterry suggested dropping the libwnck-dev wnckprop for now so maybe let's do that to unblock17:12
seb128we can reshuffle when the debian guys reply17:12
seb128chrisccoulson, stop selling your email clients! :-)17:26
chrisccoulsoni was just pointing out that conversations view already exists for thunderbird, and will probably be the default at some point ;)17:31
didrocksseb128: he just wants more work it seems17:31
didrocksit exists in anjali :-)17:31
seb128hum, I still wonder why I argue, less work for desktop if we switch ;-)17:32
chrisccoulsondidrocks, i haven't tried it in anjali. is it as good as thunderbirds conversation view? ;)17:32
mterrychrisccoulson, how do I enable conversation view?  Is it still an extension?17:33
chrisccoulsonmterry, yeah, it's https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/thunderbird/addon/gmail-conversation-view/17:33
didrockschrisccoulson: can only be best, I didn't see thunderbird one but I have strong and biased opinions :)17:34
didrockschrisccoulson: this will be available y default?17:36
chrisccoulsondidrocks, that's the impression i got from talking to mike and blake at UDS. they certainly want it merged in to the tree17:36
chrisccoulsonand everyone agrees that it's awesome  ;)17:37
didrocksexcellent :-)17:37
didrockshum, Qt build with some compiler option removed -> still fail17:49
matttbeI'm want to report a bug that a friend has because he is using the Gnome3 ppa and it seems we have to report the bug here.17:51
matttbeGThumb doesn't work if we are using the Gnome3 ppa on Natty because GThumb needs libbrasero-media but this librairy now uses GTK3 and GThumb is still not compatible with it.17:52
matttbeThis bug has been reported and fixed on Ubuntu Oneiric (LP: #793438) but don't hesitate to integrate this version on the Gnome3 ppa.17:52
ubot2Ubuntu bug 793438 in gthumb "[Oneiric] Gthumb needs libbrasero-media1 which is no longuer available" [Undecided,Fix released]17:52
matttbeIf you want, you can use my GThumb package (which has been integrated on Oneiric and I used packages from Gnome3 ppa as dependences) => https://launchpad.net/~matttbe/+archive/experimental/+copy-packages17:52
seb128matttbe, thanks, but I don't think we want the ppa to turn in an oneiric copy, the fact that we would solve those integration issues before natty is why we decided to use a ppa and not put GNOME3 in natty17:55
seb128we appreciate the efforts but the recommended way are either to use 2.32 on natty or to upgrade to oneiric17:56
matttbeseb128, yes, you do what you want with your Gnome3 ppa ;)17:57
matttbeI mostly wanted to report the fact that GThumb doesn't work if we are using your ppa.17:57
seb128matttbe, thanks17:58
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=== Nijerian_Prince is now known as davmor2
LinSkyratei have messed up my apache default config (apache2) in Ubuntu 819:03
LinSkyratesome trick to fix that?19:03
LinSkyraterestore original f.eks19:03
micahgLinSkyrate: you probably want #ubuntu-server19:06
LinSkyrateits ubuntu-server19:06
LinSkyrateim installing ulteo and need to use ver 819:06
micahgLinSkyrate: I was referring to the IRC channel, you're in #ubuntu-desktop19:07
seb128hum, hate when my cpu fan is spinning and the load is over 1 with nothing showing up in top or iotop or in ps ax diffs19:09
seb128how other people debug those? ;-)19:09
jcastrohey seb12819:09
seb128(the ps ax would be to spot a process going down and up again every second or so)19:09
seb128hey jcastro19:09
jcastrowhen launching banshee I get like a 3 second blank grey banshee window, and then it paints19:09
jcastrodo you see anything like that?19:09
seb128dunno, I use rhythmbox19:09
seb128but others on the channel can probably reply to you ;-)19:10
kenvandinejcastro, yes19:10
czajkowskikenvandine: is there a way to make gwibber refresh faster than hitting refresh, min time is 5 mins, seems very long compared to web twitter or tweetdeck ?19:10
kenvandinethose are using the twitter live stream19:11
kenvandineif we refresh more often, it causes problems... at least with the current design19:11
czajkowskiah ok19:11
kenvandinewe might be able to get the twitter live feed for oneiric19:11
kenvandineno promises :)19:12
czajkowski5 mins just feels like an age19:12
* kenvandine actually prefers 15m :)19:12
kenvandinejcastro, i think that is relative to your library, i seem to recall it loading it instantly in a guest session19:13
jcastrokenvandine: that can't be right I only have like 3k songs.19:13
kenvandinethat is a lot more than 019:13
kenvandinethis isn't new behavior though, natty has it too19:14
mterryTheMuso, is ldtp working in oneiric?  it wants to remove python-pyatspi219:18
seb128ok, that's driving me nuts19:31
seb128what's creating load and no using cpu or io?!19:31
walters_seb128: what version of linux?19:32
walters_3.0-rc1 ish?19:32
seb128walters: no, 2.6.3819:33
walters_i saw https://lkml.org/lkml/2011/5/30/22 go by recently19:34
seb128thanks, not likely it but that's interesting ;-)19:34
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pittigood night everyone!20:17
didrocksgood night pitti20:18
mterryTheMuso, OK, apparently ldtp2 can handle at-spi2 just fine, it's merely a packaging bug that they don't install together right now.  But now I'm curious how to start at-spi along with unity's session20:28
czajkowskidaft question has anyone seen when running unity (2d in this case) where the update manager pops up with stuff to update but then hangs there and when you click install updates does diddly squat ?20:55
seb128kenvandine, could you check what ubuntu-artwork gconf-defaults key should be converted to gsettings-override when you have some time?21:09
seb128chrisccoulson, you didn't sponsor much yesterday, you should review https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/evolution-exchange/3.0.2-0ubuntu1/+merge/63032 as well ;-)21:10
chrisccoulsonheh, my patch-pilot days always occur when i've got a dozen other things to do as well ;)21:10
seb128cyphermox, just noticed that you updated it, you should probably request review from ubuntu-desktop (so it shows up on the versions list) and ubuntu-sponsors when you do request sponsoring21:10
seb128emails are easy to not read but those teams are used to build the webpages we use21:11
seb128chrisccoulson, is there any day when you don't have things to do? ;-)21:11
seb128smspillaz, didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/ubuntu/oneiric/compiz-plugins-main/fix-793897/+merge/63657 seems trivial to review21:12
chrisccoulsonseb128, nope ;)21:12
chrisccoulsoni can review that merge though21:12
seb128heh, I guessed so ;-)21:12
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks21:12
didrocksseb128: I pinged smspillaz already about it. I want that upstream an not carry a distro patch21:13
seb128smspillaz, didrocks: https://code.launchpad.net/~kzmd/ubuntu/natty/compiz-plugins-main/popup-delay-fix-772177/+merge/63536 as well21:13
seb128didrocks, you should so the "Request another review" and add sam for those ;-)21:13
didrocksseb128: do you want me to commit the second one? :)21:13
didrocksnot sure you will like it :p21:14
didrocksI remember having seen that one, didn't answer on this21:14
seb128didrocks, no, I want it out of the sponsoring queue with a comment if we can ;-)21:14
cyphermoxseb128: got it21:14
seb128didrocks, before somebody else find it trivial and apply and upload21:14
seb128(which will happen it if sits there)21:15
seb128didrocks, i.e if it's wrong just put it as work in progress or rejected21:15
didrocksseb128: yeah, I totally missed that one :)21:15
didrockssaw it, didn't answer, sorry21:15
cyphermoxdidrocks: your qt4-x11 build is getting to the point where it's using all of the cpu on my laptop ;)21:16
kenvandineseb128, will do21:16
seb128kenvandine, thanks21:16
didrockscyphermox: I warned you it's intensive :)21:17
cyphermoxyou did.21:18
cyphermoxI switched to another system ;)21:18
cyphermoxI should make my buildd know about sid; I could have shipped the build there and forgotten about it21:19
didrockscyphermox: yeah, that was why I asked you that, I thought you would build in your buildd21:22
cyphermoxall I had was a pbuilder chroot ready, on a different system21:22
didrocksok, no worry as long as it's soon finished :)21:23
cyphermoxonce it's done I'll copy the tarball over and write the embroidery so it works properly ;)21:23
didrocksheh :)21:23
cyphermoxdidrocks: is there a decent chance a build on sid will actually work any better ? :P21:25
didrockscyphermox: different gcc parameters21:25
didrocksso yeah21:25
cyphermoxah, right21:25
didrockscyphermox: basically, one it's built, install it on your box21:25
didrocksthen unity-2d-places (wait 10s so that it's loaded)21:25
didrockson another terminal unity-2d-panel21:26
didrocksclick on the ubuntu icon21:26
didrocksand check that the dash appears and unity-2d-places don't segfault21:26
cyphermoxis this all already seeded into ubuntu-desktop or do I need to install unity-2d?21:26
didrocksit's seeded, so you should have it :)21:26
ftaseb128, bug 683959 ?21:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 683959 in linux "unexpected load with 0% CPU and no activity" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68395921:36
chrisccoulsonright, just moving downstairs and then i will review/sponsor evo-exchange21:40
rojanuHi, I have dual monitor, when launching firefox on secondary monitor it can not be maximised as there is no top panel, any ideas?22:01
brodergrr. it seems that when nvidia updated the 173 driver for x 1.10, they broke the xinerama protocol22:24

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