
NCommandercjwatson: so just to touch base, is there any major issues with the l-h migration on ARM?10:53
ogra_yes, its ugly :P11:01
cjwatsonNCommander: I'm finishing off fixes to the ext2/ext3 handling at the moment; I then need to go through and do an audit, but I'm not aware of anything major right now11:14
NCommandercjwatson: oh great. If you need any assistance, give me a ping11:15
cjwatsonoh, and I need to send an updated jasper patch to Debian (just to make '--initramfs none' actually work properly)11:15
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bdmurrayIs the crash in bug 792652 really about debconf?19:55
ubot2Launchpad bug 792652 in ubiquity "ubiquity crashed with ValueError in command(): I/O operation on closed file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79265219:55

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