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dholbachgood morning07:50
pooliehi dholbach08:09
dholbachhey poolie08:10
jmarsdenWho might know the status of the SAN upgrade that should provide more disk space for the Ubuntu ISO build machines, and so allow Lubuntu to use that build infrastructure this cycle?  Per UDS discussion this was going to happen "in a few weeks"... I don't know how to get updated status :)08:14
micahgdholbach: ^^08:18
dholbachmicahg, no idea08:19
dholbachcjwatson or pitti might know - I never even heard of this being a problem08:19
RhondaSomeone good a good tool for producing a screencast? istanbul somehow is dysfunctional for me, recordmydesktop only is in sync when setting frame rate to 2 per second, …08:20
* Rhonda . o O ( Rhonda: please ask in #ubuntu, this is off-topic here )08:20
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dholbachRhonda, talk to popey or duanedesign in #ubuntu-community-team08:21
jmarsdendholbach: Thanks, I'll email cjwatson.  It is needed for Lubuntu to become really really "official" as a Ubuntu variant... or that was my understanding from the UDS session about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-lubuntu-o-integrate-ubuntu-ecosystem08:26
dholbachjmarsden, awesome - I'm sorry for not being more helpful, but I don't know anything about CD image creation08:32
micahghi Laney08:53
cjwatsonjmarsden: it's making progress - hardware's been installed, waiting for a sysadmin to provision the storage, last I heard09:21
StevenK /win 2209:22
hrwif package got built and 'some binary packages for this source are not yet published in the repository.' is visible then it means that someone has to check and accept NEW binary packages? (source one passed NEW already)10:15
geseryes, someone == archive admin10:20
geseryou can see the queue at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+queue10:21
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hrw12 NEW binary packages. nice set10:37
hrw18 when amd64 and i386 counted10:37
jtaylorwhy is the latest thunderbird update a security update? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/3.1.10+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.210:51
jtaylorseems purely cosmetic10:51
Laneymicahg: chrisccoulson: ^10:54
sorenjtaylor: IIUIC, tt fixes a regression that was introduced in a security update.10:54
micahgjtaylor: yeah, see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-1122-3/10:54
jtaylorah thx, overlooked the regression tag :/10:55
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Restlesscan anybody help with advocating my package?12:34
RestlessI need the second advocate: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhash12:34
Restless(I'm new on the channel, so don't what is the shortest way into distro)12:36
tumbleweedRestless: this package doesn't look ubuntu-specific, please consider maintaining it in debian, and getting it into Ubuntu that way12:43
Restlesstumbleweed: I'm not too familiar with debian, so it will take longer time12:47
evaluateRestless, if your package builds fine under ubuntu and doesn't depend on any ubuntu specific packages (which I don't think is the case for your application), it should have a fairly high chance of building fine in Debian too.12:49
evaluateYou will need a couple of changes in the debian/changelog and possibly a couple of other places, but the rest should be fine. You then just need a mentor that uploads your package to the Debian repo and you're done. :-)12:51
tumbleweedRestless: we don't encourage bringing new packages into Ubuntu through REVU. Debian is better suited to maintaining most packages, as packages have explicit maintainers. In Ubuntu packages that nobody cares about can go unnoticed and uncared for for a long time12:51
Restlessevaluate: I possibly need to install debian, get familiar with their bug-tracking and so on... :)12:52
evaluateRestless, yeah, you would need a sid box for building your package, but you could also use a VM or a chroot. Also, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/maint-guide/ should give you most of the information you need to know about packaging for Debian.12:53
Restlessevaluate: ok, sounds like a plan12:55
evaluateRestless, also, for bugs there is 'reportbug', which is fairly easy to use IMHO, and the BTS itself isn't too complicated either.12:55
Laneythe BTS is fine once you get used to it12:55
LaneyI probably prefer it to malone12:55
geserfor bug filing in Debian using reportbug is ok, but when I want to attach a patch, I find LP easier to use (unless I didn't figure out an easy workflow for it yet)12:59
hrwgeser: reportbug allows to add patch12:59
geserhrw: to an existing bug?12:59
hrwgeser: mailto:BUGNUMBER@bugs.debian.org?12:59
evaluategeser, there are also emails, y'know?13:00
hrwgeser: attach patch to mail and done13:00
hrwgeser: Debian BTS is mail centric13:00
Laneyor bts --mbox show bugno if you want to reply to a specific mail13:00
evaluategeser, http://www.debian.org/Bugs/server-control might help...13:01
geserI know, but I need to remember to write a proper subject (for the maintainer who gets the mail; or copy&paste it from the existing bug), don't forget to really attach the diff to the mail when writing some explanation and perhaps even download the mbox for proper threading (I like to be nice to the maintainer)13:02
Restlessevaluate: what debian version do I need to install?13:04
Laneyyou can make an unstable chroot13:05
Restlessis debian-6.0.1a-*.iso ok?13:05
evaluateRestless, your package will first go into debian sid (also known as unstable) so you should best build against that one.13:05
Laneyif you want a full install then get a testing image and upgrade it to unstable13:06
evaluateRestless, you can theoretically install any version and then just point your sources.list file to sid and do an upgrade (or dist-upgrade)13:06
Restlessok, I'll try http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/weekly-builds/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-testing-amd64-DVD-1.iso13:06
Laneyyou might want to use the net installer to download less stuff13:07
Restlesssound better :)13:07
tumbleweedgeser: bts --mbox show (it's awesome)13:07
Laneytumbleweed: beat you to that :-)13:07
Laneyand yes it is great13:07
geserwill try it out the next time13:07
tumbleweedLaney: he didn't seem to listen to you :)13:07
* Laney sulks13:07
Laneywhat MUAs does that work with?13:08
tumbleweedmutt works well, obviously13:08
Laneythat is all i've ever used it with13:08
tumbleweedI guess anything that you can feed an mbox to13:08
Laneywonder which ones those are13:12
* ScottK would imagine any that run on *nix can read an mbox.13:16
tumbleweedthere is of course a difference between being able to read an mbox and making it easy to view a random mbox. For many you'd probably have to "import" the mbox, even if it used mbox storage internally13:20
Laneyindeed, it has to be able to take it on the commandline for this interface to work13:21
* ScottK would have imagined wget + import would work, but OK.13:33
Laneydoes, but mildly more cumbersome13:34
ScottKchrisccoulson: You are TIL mongodb.  It needs to get off of boost1.42 and onto 1.46.  Debian has a much newer version.  Would you please look into updating it to the newer boost?14:14
chrisccoulsonScottK, is it urgent? i can take a look at it when i get some free time, but i only ever worked on mongodb before to port it to a newer jsapi14:33
ScottKchrisccoulson: Not urgent.14:33
chrisccoulsonok, that's fine then :)14:33
ScottKYou might talk SpamapS into it.  IIRC he has some interest.14:33
Laneylucas: hey, how do you populate upload_* in UDD? Directly fed from somewhere or parsing -changes@?15:30
Laney(I'd quite like to add ubuntu counterparts for a DEX thing)15:30
lucasLaney: parsing of list archives15:30
LaneyI'll likely be able to repurpose it then15:31
lucaswould the DEX infra rely on UDD, or are you setting up something separate ?15:31
Laneyit's just a query I want to run at the minute15:31
Laneymeasuring ubuntu uploads relative to debian15:32
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Laneybut I figure it may be more generally useful, hence wanting to smush it into UDD15:34
tumbleweedLaney: hrm, any chance of importing ubuntu upload history? that would be really handy for determining sponsorship15:49
Laneytumbleweed: yeah, that's what I was talking about15:50
Laneybut what do you mean?15:50
tumbleweedLaney: list-sponsorships in lp:~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/extra-scripts15:51
Laneyquick summary?15:51
tumbleweedendorsements: it generates a list of sponsorships that you've done for someone. Also theoretically useful for sponsorees wanting to find who to contact for endorsements.15:53
Laneyah ok15:53
tumbleweedcurrently scrapes -changes archives, but a UDD table would make it a lot faster15:53
Laneyshouldn't be too hard to do15:53
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micahgScottK: chrisccoulson: I was going to take mongodb, but it needs porting to mozjs185, I also was going to as the Debian folk why they're using xulrunner-dev instead of libmozjs in Debian18:14
chrisccoulsoni thought i already did mongodb?18:14
micahgchrisccoulson: it's ported to xulrunner 2.0 IIRC18:14
chrisccoulsonah, ok. that's probably 99% of the way there already then18:15
micahgchrisccoulson: yeah, it is18:15
micahgI'll try an actual merge over the weekend (short week this week)18:16
micahgchrisccoulson: unless you actually want to do it :), I figure you have a lot of other stuff you're working on18:17
chrisccoulsonyeah, i've got a lot of other stuff to do first ;)18:17
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jtaylorconcerning https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tahoe-lafs/+bug/78246120:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 782461 in tahoe-lafs (Ubuntu) "too high version dependency on pycryptopp" [Undecided,New]20:14
jtayloris it possible to upgrade pycryptopp via -updates, it only has two depends, one of which is broken by the current version20:15
jtaylorthe current upstream is 12 releases newer than the debian pacakge, so I guess this would never be approved?20:15
micahgjtaylor: its only rdepend is tahoe-lafs, so that could probably be ok, what's the diff between the versions?20:18
micahgIANA ubuntu-sru member :)20:19
jtaylor373 files changed, 83419 insertions(+), 76662 deletions(-)20:20
micahgjtaylor: oh, fun...20:23
micahgjtaylor: let's get it in oneiric first :)20:23
micahgpreferably through Debian20:24
jtaylorI asked the maintainer to do so a month ago ._.20:24
tumbleweedjtaylor: considering the last 3 uploads were team uploads, I think you can add yourself to uploaders and go for it20:27
tumbleweed(assuming you'll be caring about it in the future)20:27
jtaylorI don't20:30
tumbleweedwell just team upload it then20:30
jtaylorI jsut got drawn into it as tahoe is a rdep of one of my packages20:30
jtayloroh nice, POX already started packaging the new version in svn20:35
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