
=== fenris is now known as Guest8457
dpmhi chrisccoulson (or anyone else from the mozilla team) - do you think you could have a look at bug 542046 and merge the Traditional Chinese translation?11:27
ubot2Launchpad bug 542046 in ubufox "Translation for zh_TW" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54204611:27
chrisccoulsondpm - yeah, will do that today. just trying to get enigmail working first11:30
dpmgreat, thanks chrisccoulson :)11:30
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
chrisccoulsondang, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/73152595/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.enigmail_2%3A1.2~a2~cvs20110606t2200-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz15:16
chrisccoulsonreally need to patch all of this stuff out :)15:16
ftacyphermox_, about n-m, just to clarify, i was not asking for assistance, i was not even complaining, i was just telling you it ate my conf (twice) for no reason :P15:55
cyphermox_oh, no problem15:55
cyphermox_but if you want me to fix what's broken and help others, you'll have to file a bug report ;)15:55
cyphermox_I'm especially curious about your /etc/network/interfaces file, maybe I screwed something up while porting one of the patches15:56
ftacyphermox_, this box only has 1 eth, no wifi or anything else. and that eth0 was unmanaged.15:56
cyphermox_yup, I remember15:56
cyphermox_but your eth, it has to be configured in /etc?15:56
cyphermox_or is it just auto eth0 / iface eth0 inet dhcp ?15:57
ftait used to not have n-m installed. it just came back last week when i forced the re-install of the ubuntu-desktop package15:57
ftanot sure15:57
ftai always do my /etc/network/interfaces & /etc/resolv.conf manually15:58
cyphermox_but like I'm saying, when an interface is configured in /etc, it should just be ignored by NM, unless it's set to managed=true in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf15:58
cyphermox_well, I'll give it a shot later when I have a bit of time15:58
ftathat file says:15:59
fta(i removed without purging)15:59
cyphermox_ok, then yeah, it shouldn't have touched resolv.conf16:08
cyphermox_like I said, I'll give it a shot later today16:09
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chrisccoulsonm_conley, i'll upload your extensions once i've got lightning uploaded :)17:38
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m_conleychrisccoulson: thanks!18:09
ftachrisccoulson, please pull the bot branch, i fixed something18:16
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, thanks. will do18:16
ftagasp, i'm impacted by debian bug 62522618:18
ubot2Debian bug 625226 in libpam-modules "pam_limits: Unknown kernel rlimit 'Max realtime timeout' ignored" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62522618:18
ftaweird, i'm longer receiving the commit emails from the chromium monitor..18:22
ftamicahg, ^^18:22
ftamicahg, ++ ch12 now stable18:23
micahgfta: heh, one day early :)18:23
ftaincl a buch of sec fixes18:23
ftais lp broken (the bzr emails)?? or is just me?18:23
ftamicahg, seems it's time to drop the -inspector deb18:32
ftaor maybe i can keep it empty and drop it later18:32
micahgfta: let's keep it as an empty transitional package to ease upgrades18:59
ftayep, that was the plan18:59
chrisccoulsonoops, i nearly uploaded the wrong version of lightning there :/19:15
micahgfta: so, there's still a plan to fix ld-gold in lucid19:21
ftamicahg, is that a question?19:22
micahgfta: does the package in the toolchain PPA work for you?19:22
micahgfta: no, just letting you know19:22
ftachrisccoulson, 5th mistake in a week?19:22
ftamicahg, i still can't test, no arm h/w or ppa19:22
micahgfta: I was referring to amd64 and i38619:29
ftatried once with the dailies, it built, and it seemed to run fine, but i didn't do any extensive tests as i reverted it the next day, due to the disaster on the older dists19:30
micahgfta: that was with the one from the toolchain ppa?19:31
ftano, stock oneiric19:32
ftathe ppa is the same for lucid, right?19:32
micahgidk, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-toolchain-r/+archive/ppa/+packages19:33
ftadoko pointed me to ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test19:35
micahgoh, hmm, let me see that one19:35
ftawith 2.2119:35
micahgah, ok, and did that work for lucid?19:36
ftabut he said it's not wanted19:36
ftaso i didn't even test19:36
micahgit is wanted, it's lacking testing at the moment19:36
ftaMay 30 17:03:18 <doko>  17:01:23> fta: 2.21 did need fixes in a lot of packages. can't just update from 2.20 to 2.2119:36
micahghmm, I guess I need to talk to doko19:37
ftaupstream ch asked me to drop gold from lucid as it's clearly producing bogus code19:37
micahgright, that's why we should fix it :)19:38
micahgfta: I'll test that binutils with your test case over the weekend19:41
ftamicahg, bug 79419719:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 794197 in chromium-browser "11.0.696.77 -> 12.0.742.91" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79419719:54
micahgfta: thanks, I only have a few hours left today and am off the next 2 days, but will try to get this building at least19:58
ftai'm finishing oneiric right now, should just take a few more minutes19:58
micahgfta: cool, thanks20:00
ftawhen you merge, don't forget the libjpeg-turbo you dropped last time20:01
micahgk, thanks20:01
ftamicahg, oh, i forgot to drop a few lines from the changelog..20:17
ftaat the top, in the new features list, some don't apply to chromium and/or to linux20:18
micahgflash cookies and the Mac line?20:18
ftai reviewed all the sec bugs, but forgot to come back to the feature list :P20:19
ftamicahg, (sorry, router crashed) screen reader is for win only, and i'm not sure about the launch app from the omnibox, ch-os only?20:27
micahgok, thanks, will remove all those20:28
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
micahgfta: did you forget to push to chromium-browser.oneiric or is LP broke?21:46
micahgor is there a 3rd option :)21:46
ftare-pushing to be sure21:47
micahgk, didn't see in web interface21:47
micahgfta: got it now, thanks21:47
micahgfta: could you please push to .stable as well?21:48
micahgk, only saw r63321:49
ftai'm quite sure i did, but lp behaves strangely today21:49
micahgidk, I tried a bzr pull about 30 minutes ago and got nothing21:50
micahgit's all working now though21:51
ftai still have https://code.launchpad.net/~chromium-team/chromium-browser/channels  stuck21:53
ftaand it's hurting my workflow21:53
micahgfta: there should be a help contact coming into #launchpad soon I think21:55
* micahg has no idea why there hasn't been one all day21:56
BUGabundogood evening folks22:32
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
micahgfta: do we even ship google gears?23:03
ftamicahg, i didn't say we do, it's just no longer supported23:06
micahgfta: ah, ok23:06
ftait was possible to install it from upstream previously23:06
micahgeh, I'll leave that out then23:07
micahgfta: poolie wants to to file a question at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad for your stuck branch and he'll escalate23:07
micahgs/to to/you to23:07
ftanow, i'm off23:12
micahgfta: k, thanks23:14

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