=== ojwb is now known as Guest6790 [20:53] morning [20:59] morning [21:08] morning [21:08] Mornin [22:01] morning [22:23] morning [22:24] thumper: how's Dunedin at this time of year? [22:24] cold or wet yet? [22:24] cold [22:24] not so wet [22:24] lots of rain here recently [22:25] sunny for now, at least [22:25] not so cold [22:25] anyone ever used Sympa: https://www.sympa.org/ [22:26] morning [22:29] it's been very warm in wellington for the time of year lately [22:40] chilts: no .. but have you looked at http://groupserver.org/ ? [22:43] I'll take a look, though this is something that's already being used and I have to make additions and fixes to it :) [22:43] so we can't really switch [22:43] ahh ok. [22:43] ah, I think Francois is using that for libravatar [22:44] kiwi software [22:45] far out, it uses Zope! [22:45] :( [22:46] chilts: don't be scared... :) [22:46] how much of zope does it use? [22:47] I am ... though I know my thoughts of zope are tarnished with having to use Plone once [22:47] I know reed likes Zope [22:47] it's not so bad if it's just using a few zope components [22:48] not sure I like the way it downloads all the dependencies (all 30MB) of them, into it's own little virtual world [22:48] I guess DEbian/Ubunut packages would fix that [22:48] gah, bad typing [22:48] oh, that's richard's thing isn't it? [22:49] it's pretty zope i think [22:49] Richard? [22:49] richard waid [22:49] i used to share an office with him [22:50] cool [22:50] mwhudson: you're in Welly aren't you? coming to the PerlMongers quiz next Tuesday? [22:50] it's not about Perl (if you're worried) [22:50] it's just about Open Source in general [22:51] um [22:51] maybe? [22:51] :)