
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (RocketSnail appears to be flooding, but emergency mode is on)00:10
hypatiathere we go02:31
=== beerlogger is now known as winelogger
rwwperscitus is setting off my spider-sense. Not least because they're on my list of people to watch closely for some reason.04:03
IdleOnerww: probably because they have a bad attitude04:53
rwwIdleOne: you know, I was going to give them that wikipedia page, but I didn't feel like explaining every audio vocabulary word on the Wikipedia to him.05:12
rwwIs there a mental thing that renders people unable to study context or make intuitive connections? because if so I think bullgard has it.05:13
IdleOneI don't know but I am no English teacher so...05:14
IdleOneI think he needs to do his own damn book research btw05:15
rwwI decided to just stop talking to him. If other people do the same maybe he will stop asking so many dang questions.05:16
IdleOnehe's lucky I bothered looking it up...I have had a headache for the past 14 hours05:17
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from rinkukokiri)07:11
FlannelPeople are touchy tonight.07:49
ikoniawhy does theuser keep joining and parting here08:42
Jordan_Uikonia: Ban forward here, 40692. Might not understand what's happening.09:12
ikoniaseems to know he has to quit straight away09:14
Jordan_UI don't quite understand why it's a ban forward rather than just a ban, though I have no objection to it.09:16
ikoniachange it to a falt ban if that's better suited09:22
Jordan_U"falt ban"?09:23
Jordan_UAhh, flat.09:23
=== winelogger is now known as omglogger
=== omglogger is now known as transitlogger
ubottuIn #ubuntu, rqven said: !ask What is the problem with my wireless connection : http://pastebin.com/XH17w6PM, it work fine and then have a big lag!13:58
bazhangrqven, please dont prefix questions with a !14:00
bazhangthat attempts to add a factoid to the bot, and does not help you get your question answered any faster14:01
rqvenOh sorry, I don't want a fast answer it's somebody on the ubuntu who told me to do that, I'm not experimented with this system14:04
bazhangno worries :) please don't idle here btw14:05
rqvenbut how can I solve my problem?14:05
bazhangask in #ubuntu and be patient, don't say !ask at the beginning however14:06
rqvenok thx14:07
topylioh i'm so going to steal Pici's quit message!15:42
=== Corey__ is now known as Corey
Piciokay then21:23
Piciikonia: chanserv's autoban in #ubuntu21:24
ikoniaoh, I didn't see21:25
ikoniahello p-e-n-i-s-bird21:27
p-e-n-i-s-birdYOU MAKE STAFF YET?21:29
ikoniaok, bye21:29
p-e-n-i-s-birdMMMM, IdleCock, you're so gifted21:29
p-e-n-i-s-birdlet me suck your penis21:29
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  Tm_T, tritium, elky, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, imbrandon, PriceChild, Madpilot, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, tsimpson, gnomefreak, jussi, topyli, or nhandler!21:29
ubottuLjL called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()21:29
ubottup-e-n-i-s-bird called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()21:29
ubottup-e-n-i-s-bird called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()21:30
CoreyBooted from -offtopic21:32
CoreyAnd shortly thereafter, it was booted from the network.21:33
PiciAnd they all lived happily ever after.21:34
LjLexcept it's an ipv6, so he can be back whenever he feels like, but ok :P21:37
PiciWell, if you know how wide the address range was you could ban it.21:37
LjLwell that would involve... meh, i don't even have the force to say it ;(21:38
CoreyIt's not hard.21:38
jussiExcept klines are not always ip based.. right?21:38
CoreyNo comment. :-)21:38
jussihehe, Ive n dea, guessing21:39
PiciI remember a certain other staffer didn't want to discuss how klines worked the last time this came up ;)21:39
nhandlerPici: Our usual policiy is not to reveal any information that you couldn't find on your own22:29
LjLcan i find that policy anywhere?22:34
LjLif not, then well... ;)22:34

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