
Laneycjwatson: was waiting for ppc00:39
Laneybut yes, I tend to agree00:39
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palhmbshey is there any releaseteam members here?07:20
palhmbsI want to know if ubuntu have a specific future Roadmap page that we can link to on --- >> https://help.launchpad.net/BlueprintRoadmaps07:21
palhmbscause currently it's just dumb to have a dead link07:21
palhmbsthe web shouldn't be _always_ broken07:21
palhmbsif ubuntu don't have a roadmap blueprint, then maybe another blueprint roadmap should be set as the _example to all_07:22
slangasekpalhmbs: looks like poolie just deleted this page as obsolete?08:02
palhmbsnow launchpad can't try to palm that dead link off anyone anymore....08:03
palhmbss/off/off onto/08:03
palhmbsslangasek, I was hoping for a good example of a well thought out roadmap, unfortunately it doesn't seem that Ubuntu can provide one....08:05
palhmbsat least I can't find one.08:05
slangasekthat doesn't appear to be what that page was referring to08:05
slangasekUbuntu has things like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDSProceedings/O, but I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for08:06
palhmbswe probably need to refer to an archived view of the original Ubuntu Roadmap08:12
palhmbsI wonder if archives.org would have it08:12
slangasekpalhmbs: I don't understand what it is you're trying to achieve.  the page has (rightly) been deleted because the feature it documented is no longer part of launchpad.  Are you proposing to use help.launchpad.net to document examples of some other kind of roadmap not implemented in launchpad?08:21
palhmbshttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+roadmap -- was an example of a good roadmap08:21
palhmbsI'm just suggesting that for people wanting to create their own blueprint _some_ example would be nice / helpful08:22
slangasekthat wasn't a pointer to a blueprint08:22
palhmbsunfortunately I've just helped delete a page, which will probably make the web more broken / with dead links08:22
slangasekit was a pointer to a blueprint *roadmap*, a feature which no longer exists in launchpad08:22
palhmbsoh :-0 really?08:23
slangasekthere are plenty of blueprints available in Ubuntu that could be used as examples, but that's not what that page was about :)08:24
slangasek(blueprints are all via https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/)08:24
palhmbsright, I see08:26
palhmbsoh well, hopefully this ends my wild goose chase08:26
palhmbsI wanted to create a blueprint for a new project - something that's not possible currently08:26
palhmbshow might I setup a new project so that I can write a blueprint for it?08:27
slangasek#launchpad is a better place for such questions, but the link for registering a new project is on the launchpad frontpage - "register a project" :)08:29
palhmbsslangasek, thanks08:29
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cjwatsonLaney: are you sorting out the haxml build failure?13:58
Laneycjwatson: it's building now? (from autosync)13:58
cjwatsonoh, so it is, fair point13:59
Laneywas waiting for that13:59
cjwatsonLaney: should I remove haskell-web-routes-quasi on powerpc, or is powerpc intended to get ghc-ghci at some point?14:03
Laneycjwatson: OOD binaries?14:04
Laneysee debian bug #629038 — it will arrive for ppc at some point14:09
ubot4Debian bug 629038 in ghc "ghci available on sparc, should provide ghc-ghci" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/62903814:09
cjwatsonlibghc-web-routes-quasi-dev | | oneiric/universe | powerpc14:09
cjwatsonlibghc-web-routes-quasi-dev | | oneiric/universe | amd64, i38614:09
Laneybut I wouldn't bank on it being before a new upstream of ghc14:09
Laneywhich I have no appetite for putting in oneiric :-)14:09
cjwatsonwell, right now, the web-routes-quasi powerpc binary is uninstallable and unbuildable14:10
Laneyif there's a non-abi-breaking upload then I'll do that14:10
ScottKLaney: geordi needs to be rebuilt for the boost transition, but it's also a ghc6 package.  Would you mind taking a look at it and updating it to libboost1.46-dev when it makes sense from a ghc perspective?14:11
Laneyright, killing it is correct then14:11
cjwatsonok, will do that for now14:11
LaneyScottK: looks rc buggy - do we still want it?14:11
ScottKLaney: I don't have an opinion on it.  I just want to get rid of boost1.42.14:12
Laneywill look into killing it14:12
ScottKIt seems pretty dead in Debian, so removal is a reasonable choice.14:12
LaneyCCing you14:15
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