
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel
ymlHello is there someone aware of the certification testing program ?14:00
ymlI am just finish an 2 hours phone call non sense with dell14:00
ymlwhere I am trying to buy a certified laptop with ubuntu preinstall14:01
ymlthe result is that they propose a FREE DOS version14:01
yml300 € more expensive than the same config with windows14:02
ymlthe value of windows would be "-300€"14:02
jpdsReally? I got a price reduction when I ordered my Dell desktop with FreeDOS>14:03
ymlClose to the technical  reality  but hard to understand14:03
ymljpds: why didn't you order one with ubuntu pre installed ?14:03
jpdsyml: Wasn't offered.14:04
jpdsyml: Windows/FreeDOS.14:04
ymlon their web site they say that ubuntu or red hat are available on some location around the world14:04
ymlbut nobody is able to tell me where and how to order it14:05
ymlin addition on ubuntu certification web site14:05
ymlI read that this computer has everything working only when it is pre install with dell cd14:05
ymlBut nobody is able to tell me where to get this CD14:06
jhobbs /wg 1015:39
czajkowskivictorp: ping16:21
victorpczajkowski, hi16:21
czajkowskivictorp: mind If I have a quick pm re emea ?16:21
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
czajkowskivictorp: can always poke people in here they don't have to be caonnical can be community also :)16:25
=== davmor2 is now known as Nijerian_Prince
=== Nijerian_Prince is now known as davmor2
mterryIs mago (or ldtp) functional in oneiric?  There is an at-spi2 transition it seems, but ldtp is using old at-spi.  I don't know the implications of that19:30
patrickmwmterry, you are correct19:40
patrickmwuntil ldtp supports at-spi2 it won't work19:40
mterrypatrickmw, I'm assuming there's a fix in the pipeline for 11.10.  Is there an 'edge' PPA I can try to get it working today?19:41
patrickmwmterry, I am not aware of one, but I recommend asking nagappan if he can provide a temporary solution or patch19:42
patrickmwmterry, #ltdp19:43
mterrypatrickmw, OK, thanks for your help!19:43
patrickmwmterry, you bet19:44
nagappanpatrickmw, LDTPv2 should work with at-spi220:06
nagappanpatrickmw, the current packaging in Ubuntu removes any at-spi1 dependency package20:07
nagappanpatrickmw, I have reported this issue to jibel almost at end of the release20:07
nagappanpatrickmw, jibel suggested, let us do it for next release20:07
nagappanpatrickmw, if LDTPv2 doesn't work, I should fix it at the earliest20:08
patrickmwnagappan, great, thanks20:08
nagappanmterry, is there a VM I can try playing around ?20:08
nagappanmterry, maybe let me create it ;-)20:08
mterrynagappan, so you are saying that ltdp 2.1.1 in Debian/Ubuntu right now should work with at-spi2 and it's just a packaging bug?20:08
nagappanmterry, correct20:09
mterrynagappan, awesome, let me test20:09
nagappanmterry, I'm interested with the result, please feel free to file any bugs found, let me fix it with high priority :-)20:11
* mterry has to figure out how to get at-spi to launch in unity20:27
jibelmterry, I tested it, but it looks like at-spi2 doesn't /see/ gtk3 apps20:42
jibeland accerciser is broken on oneiric20:43
mterryjibel, hrm.  I thought that was one of the points of the transition?  :)20:43
jibelaccerciser failure is bug 79061320:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 790613 in gnome-python (Debian) (and 1 other project) "accerciser crashed with AttributeError in __main__: 'module' object has no attribute 'PARAM_APP_DATADIR' (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79061320:44
jibellooks like a problem with the gnome transition20:44
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel

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