
ali1234AlanBell: so i've mostly got blending working with melt00:33
ali1234i could do a thing where it puts on the name of the person, the subject, and the date over a suitable blank space in the title clip00:33
ali1234something along those lines00:34
ali1234they would come from a text file or something00:34
BigMaci just installed ubuntu 11.04, but near the end of the installation i got the message "unable to install bootloader" so i chose to proceed without installing the bootloader, and when the install process was finished, i was prompted to reboot, only to find that i got booted into windows, how do i solve this?02:11
ali1234boot the livecd again, chroot into the ubuntu install, and install grub manually02:23
ali1234ah, i figured out the odd unity behaviour... this is funny02:26
ali1234if a window is on the bottom row of workspaces and it overlaps the bottom edge, it comes back on the top workspace02:27
ali1234then if you are on the top workspace and you click the launcher, unity thinks the window is on the top workspace02:27
ali1234even though only maybe 1 pixel of it is visible02:27
ali1234so then you don't get taken to the bottom workspace where *most* of the window is02:28
ali1234and it looks like nothing happened02:28
AlanBellmorning all07:49
AlanBellopenshot is full to bursting of awesome07:54
JGJoneshow does it compare to the piviti update? (as that now comes with effects doesn't it?)08:14
JGJonesbtw - was wondering as there's no use listening to any fans of Apple since to them it's all new - but was there anything *new* announced instead of replications of stuff that already exist elsewhere?08:15
DJonesMorning all08:16
AlanBellI don't think pitivi has effects beyond a simple fade08:16
MartijnVdSthat's because there isn't a company behind it that has power!08:17
AlanBellopenshot has nice effects, a fast user interface, and fully awesome blender integration (which will be more awesome in Oneirirc with a new enough blender to get that working by default)08:17
AlanBelland openshot does chroma key for bluescreen fun08:18
MartijnVdSooh nice08:21
* MartijnVdS has a green shirt that should work well :)08:21
JGJonesI'm sure I read that a new version of piviti have just been released with plenty of effects, one which include bluescreen? Not sure, let me check their blog08:26
MartijnVdSJGJones: If by "bluescreen" you mean it crashes a lot, sure08:27
JGJonesbut agree...openshot is full of awesome :)08:27
hoovergood morning08:27
JGJoneshttp://thiblahute.blogspot.com/2011/05/pitivi-pre-release.html - it's good at least to see that piviti is still in development at least, so we don't only have openshot - chroma key as well08:31
JGJonesdoesn't go into details about what effects though08:31
JGJoneswill try it out later. See if it crash a lot less :D08:32
JGJonesgood news...pitivi didn't crash within minutes.08:39
JGJonesOpenshot is still more awesome08:39
djszapiHi! Is there any off-topic channel ?09:02
djszapilike #ubuntu-de-offtopic09:02
DJones!ot | djszapi09:05
lubotu3djszapi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:05
dutchiedjszapi: off-topic chat is fine in here, as long as it is CoC-friendly and doesn't get in the way of people offering suppoort09:05
djszapi5well, I have uk related question, #ubuntu-offtopic is not really the best09:06
DJonesdjszapi: Thats an understatement, it can be a bit off the wall in there09:07
danfishmorning :)09:12
danfishanyone using amazon s3?09:12
MooDoohello all09:30
AlanBellJGJones: yeah, I couldn't find any details of the supported effects, you would at least think there would be someone saying "woot, we have a star wipe!!!" or something like that09:38
popeymorning all09:41
MooDoomorning popey how are you today?09:43
popeytickety boo09:50
=== denny- is now known as denny
=== dogmatic69 is now known as googleBot2
AlanBellat last Matt Assay is talking about Ubuntu http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/07/ubuntu_sexy_nun_netbooks/09:56
=== googleBot2 is now known as dogmatic69
mfraz74Is anyone else having problems with Firefox 4 saying that they don't have any extensions?10:25
dogmatic69mfraz74: i had that problem10:26
dogmatic69lost everything10:26
dogmatic69and after installing them all again, restarting it, they were all gone again10:27
mfraz74dogmatic69: I keep having it. Only way I've found so far is to download a new extension. Firefox then finds all my previous ones10:27
dogmatic69switched back to chrome10:27
TheAshManI recently changed the IP of one of my servers and whenever I log in it displays two versions of the "welcome" screen. The second version has the old IP on it. How do I remove it?10:28
TheAshManthe second one also says "System information as of Fri May 13 15:32:01 BST 2011"10:29
mfraz74TheAshMan: have you tried asking in ubuntu-server?10:29
BigRedSI suspect cping /etc/motd elsewhere will get rid of the first one10:36
BigRedSbut I know there's non-standard things going on there on a ubuntu server10:37
BigRedSand I've never looked at them in any detail other than seeing them on login10:37
TheAshManBigRedS: Yeah, you're right. Sorted it out10:37
=== kazade is now known as lukeb
=== lukeb is now known as kazade
brobostigonmorning everyone.10:45
BigRedSer, mving rather than cping10:46
BigRedSbut I imaginne you guessed that10:46
BigRedSg'morning brobostigon!10:46
brobostigonmorning BigRedS10:46
gordwe might not have the best update process in the world, its kinda annoying sometimes. but my 3ds is updating and it makes a constant beep as it does so, at least we do don't do that ;)10:53
* popey files a wishlist bug10:54
gord"there is no ubuntu mascot running across my screen as i update. plz fix kthx"10:55
davmor2morning all and good morning czajkowski11:07
gorddoes anyone who knows anything about the firefox search stuff know how to get it to search google.co.uk instead of .com?11:12
BigRedSsomewhere in about:conf IIRC11:12
BigRedSthat's a specific as I know11:12
popeygord: i thought it went to .com and then redirects to .co.uk based on IP geolocation11:13
gordpopey, searching through the search box in the top right? nope11:14
gordalthough when i'm travelling it does send me to random countries google.. geez i don't know how it works11:14
popeymine goes to .co.uk on windows here11:15
popeyright, its a cookie11:15
popeyi then click "go to google.com" immediately below the search box, and do a new search and the results are shown on google.com, not .co.uk11:16
gordstill can't force it to go to .co.uk =\11:17
popeyask keybuk ☺11:19
gordheh went and tried to get an extension to manually set it, they don't work for firefox 6. serves me right11:21
livingdaylightOpen-sourced blueprints for civilization - http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/marcin_jakubowski.html - Another project adopting the open-source model; nice!11:23
livingdaylightIronic, however, given this particular talk including open source, that at the beginning of the film it says: " This inspired thinking shared with you by MICROSOFT" lol11:25
livingdaylightnice to see microsoft acknowledge that open-source is inpsired thinking and supporting it! :p11:26
BigRedSfirefox *6*?11:28
gordthere is also a firefox 7 if you want that ;)11:29
BigRedSheh. FF4's broken enough things for me :)11:29
gordfirefox 5 is the new beta for the next release, stuff lands in there from, firefox 6. firefox 6 is where they try out new UI ideas, stuff lands in there from, firefox 7, thats the dailies, thar be dragons ;)11:29
gordits a nice system really11:30
Nggord: it's just a shame that they are facing irrelevance in the face of Chrome ;)11:37
ubuntubhoyanyone here able to help with a Nvidia problem ?11:38
JGJonesgord & popey - if you travel on North East rail where they do free wifi - Google goes to the Swedish page (language and all)11:38
dogmatic69ubuntubhoy: maybe state your problem and someone will11:38
ubuntubhoyGot a mate who has install 11.04, working fine, but he uses a TV as his monitor11:39
ubuntubhoyits widescreen but is detected as a generic monitor so only gives him 4:311:39
TheAshManhe installed the vidia drivers?11:39
ubuntubhoyany way to force the widecreen resolutions ?11:39
ubuntubhoyyeah, he is using the prop drivers11:40
ubuntubhoytried adding a monitor section to xorg.conf11:40
TheAshManhe using the nvidia tool to manage the graphics? or the default management tool?11:40
ubuntubhoywith 3 widescreen res options, but without luck11:40
ubuntubhoyTheAshMan, just checking11:41
dogmatic69skype ~= broken11:55
ubuntubhoyTheAshMan, sorry for the delay, he tried both, and got the same result from each, 4:3 resolutions only12:01
mattiissyl0: :)12:17
issyl0matti: !12:17
issyl0matti: How are you?12:18
mattiissyl0: OK :)12:18
mattiissyl0: You?12:18
brobostigonafternoonings matti :)12:19
mattiHey brobostigon-san ;]12:19
issyl0matti: Very tired.  :-(12:20
* matti hugs issyl0 12:21
issyl0matti: *hugs*12:21
ubuntubhoyTheAshMan, any idea's ?12:25
d3ngar_Hi there12:25
MartijnVdS\o everyone12:26
brobostigono/ MartijnVdS12:26
d3ngar_I have a USB drive, partitioned to NTFS, but I can't mount it cause it wasn't removed properly12:26
d3ngar_How can I fix this?12:26
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: have you tried the disk utility?12:26
d3ngar_No, what disk utility?12:26
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: which version of Ubuntu do you use?12:28
d3ngar_I found the disk utility12:28
MartijnVdSok :)12:28
d3ngar_But I don't know what to do with it :)12:28
d3ngar_File System is clean12:28
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: select the disk, then the partition on it, and select the option to check for errors12:28
d3ngar_Already done12:29
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: you might have to put it in a Windows machine, "safely remove" it and try again12:29
d3ngar_Disk is clean12:29
d3ngar_I don't have a Windows machine :)12:29
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: was it "Clean" before? or did it become clean after checking?12:29
d3ngar_I don't know12:29
d3ngar_There was no errors12:29
d3ngar_I just pulled it off my netbook and put it in my laptop :D12:30
d3ngar_And now I can't access it12:30
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: try clicking the "Mount" option12:30
d3ngar_Tried, it's not working12:30
d3ngar_Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 13: $MFTMirr does not match $MFT (record 0).12:30
d3ngar_Failed to mount '/dev/sdb1': Input/output error12:30
d3ngar_NTFS is either inconsistent, or there is a hardware fault, or it's a12:30
d3ngar_SoftRAID/FakeRAID hardware. In the first case run chkdsk /f on Windows12:30
d3ngar_then reboot into Windows twice. The usage of the /f parameter is very12:30
d3ngar_important! If the device is a SoftRAID/FakeRAID then first activate12:30
d3ngar_it and mount a different device under the /dev/mapper/ directory, (e.g.12:30
d3ngar_/dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc1). Please see the 'dmraid' documentation12:30
d3ngar_for more details.12:30
d3ngar_Sorry to spam12:30
MartijnVdS!paste | d3ngar_12:30
lubotu3d3ngar_: Pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://pastebin.ubuntu-uk.org (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the #ubuntu channel topic)12:30
d3ngar_Any ideas?12:31
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: mapper/nvidia -- that's not the USB disk12:31
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: that's some motherboard RAID bit12:31
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: make sure you've selected the correct disk on the left side12:31
d3ngar_I don't care for that12:31
d3ngar_I care for my stick12:32
d3ngar_It's not a SoftRAID or anything like that12:32
d3ngar_It's just a memory stick12:32
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: Your stick is also not /dev/mapper/nvidia_eahaabcc112:32
d3ngar_That's a big f*cking if12:32
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: Please click your USB stick in the left panel of the disk manager12:32
d3ngar_But this if is not valid12:33
d3ngar_And then what?12:33
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: THEN select the check option12:33
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: and/or the mount option on the right side12:33
d3ngar_Already did12:33
d3ngar_It's not working12:33
d3ngar_The above error message12:33
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: Then I have no idea, sorry12:34
d3ngar_Thanks though :)12:34
d3ngar_There was a way to force mount the drive, no?12:34
ubuntubhoyd3ngar_, does it still work in the netbook ?12:34
d3ngar_No, unfortunately I get the same error12:34
ubuntubhoyI take it you need the data on it ?12:34
d3ngar_Kinda :S12:35
d3ngar_Well, it's still on the netbook too12:35
ubuntubhoywhat does gparted say when you select it form there12:35
d3ngar_But I should be able to mount this with some force parameter12:35
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: it shouldn't give you the "nvidia" error message if you selected the right disk on the lef.t12:35
d3ngar_MartijnVdS: Definitely is the right device ;)12:36
ubuntubhoytry gparted12:36
ubuntubhoysee what info it gives you12:36
d3ngar_It keeps saying to run chkdsk twice12:37
d3ngar_But I don't have Windows12:37
d3ngar_Shouldn't have gone with the NTFS partition, I guess...12:38
ubuntubhoywhy is it setup as an ntfs disk then ?12:38
ubuntubhoymakes no sense12:38
d3ngar_Because a large mem-stick comes pre-formated as NTFS12:38
ubuntubhoyso you re-format when you get it12:39
ubuntubhoyespecially as you dont use windows12:39
d3ngar_Yes, thanks for the hindsight :P12:40
d3ngar_I tried force mounting it, but I get the same error12:41
ubuntubhoyre-partition, and format, then just copy the shit over again12:41
ubuntubhoywill probably be quicker than trying to find a Win PC to use12:42
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: install ntfsprogs, it contains /usr/bin/ntfsfix12:42
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: run that on your partition12:42
d3ngar_But now I'm also worried about the big 2 TB external HD I got12:42
d3ngar_it's NTFS too :(12:42
d3ngar_Who knows, one power cut...12:42
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: never uncleanly unmount12:42
d3ngar_Thanks Martijn, I try this12:42
MartijnVdSor always use Windows12:42
victorppopey, the membership board meeting is today at 9pm UK time - right?12:43
d3ngar_Game on!12:44
d3ngar_ntfsfix did the job!12:44
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: woohoo12:44
MartijnVdSd3ngar_: time to migrate to a proper filesystem now ;)12:45
MooDoovictorp: this meeting? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA12:45
d3ngar_but what to do with my big 2 TB hard disk?12:45
d3ngar_I guess I leave it for now12:45
d3ngar_Don't have space to put it anywhere else12:45
victorpMooDoo, ack - that one12:45
MooDoovictorp: :)12:48
victorpMooDoo, I guess that the time remains the same regardless of BST12:48
MooDoovictorp: a useful tool - http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=7&month=6&year=2011&hour=20&min=0&sec=0&p1=012:49
MooDooso 8pm utx is actually 9pm due to BST12:49
MooDooi think12:50
MooDoodavmor2: oi you, why you so quiet?12:51
davmor2MooDoo: Busy dude I'm afraid12:51
MooDoodavmor2: pah!  that's a new one :p12:51
MooDoooooo looks like you can get ubuntu membership for contributions within the irc area....cool13:03
LaneyI can contribute cows13:03
Laneydoes that count?13:04
MooDooLaney: ubuntu branded cows?13:04
Laneycould be13:04
popeyvictorp: yes13:04
dogmatic69anyway to talk to iChat people with empathy?13:26
BigRedSI tend to talk to them with condescension13:29
diploah, back on 10.1013:33
diploMuch quicker13:33
dogmatic69diplo: than?13:33
diploOne thing after another was going wrong13:34
diploNothing seemed to work correctly :(13:35
diploDefo a nvidia issue, needed the PC day to day13:35
shaunodogmatic69: if they're anywhere near recent, it should just be jabber13:36
dogmatic69shauno: the office is full of them, just cant see them13:36
shaunoah .. no idea how you'd find them if they're using bonjour rather than a server13:37
dogmatic69thought empathy should do it, since it replaced jabber13:37
dogmatic69apt-get install jabber13:38
dogmatic69now what?13:38
shaunolooks like you need an empathy plugin called salut - http://linux.die.net/man/8/telepathy-salut13:41
shaunothat adds XEP-0174 to empathy, which is xmpp/jabber without a server13:41
shauno(atleast, I assume empathy uses telepathy .. I'm kinda outta touch with most of that)13:43
davmor2dogmatic69: did you setup a local user name at the end of the setup process?13:44
dogmatic69davmor2: did not ask anything13:44
dogmatic69it used to work out the box 9.10 iirc13:45
dogmatic6910.10 nothing13:45
dogmatic69just used to use my msn account and it connected to all the mac's in the office13:45
davmor2dogmatic69: in empathy open accounts and click on add and select people nearby, the default for this part used to be accept no it is not accept13:46
davmor2under people nearby add you username and real name and that should be it done13:47
dogmatic69davmor2: ah13:48
dogmatic69nice that works13:48
dogmatic69davmor2: that connects to bonjour or something though. good enough13:49
davmor2dogmatic69: that is the one that mac uses for local networks as I say when you used to create an account it was added by default they changed that behaviour which is a bit sucky13:51
davmor2dogmatic69: windows does something similar but only when using certain applications for connection13:51
dogmatic69ah ok13:52
dogmatic69i see13:52
dogmatic69anyone used that thingy for using one mouse/kb across many pc's13:52
dogmatic69almost like vm but real pc's13:52
shaunohmm I know what you mean but the name escapes me13:57
BigRedScan't see that being like VMs, though, you still have one monitor per PC13:57
shaunoyes :)  or atleast, that's the one I'm thinking of13:58
* hamitron loves synergy13:58
hamitronI'd rather have multiple PC and displays, using synergy, than twinview tbh13:58
BigRedSthat's still the pinnacle of my "Someone really should have solved this problem by now.... OH MAN SOMEONE DID!"13:58
hamitrononly bad thing I've found, some anti-cheat stuff for games doesn't like it13:59
BigRedSahh, 'cause it hooks into the keyboard drivers14:00
davmor2hamitron: you cheat at games wuss14:00
hamitronI do spend money on hardware to gain an advantage....14:00
hamitronso yes14:00
victorppopey, thanks14:01
hamitronbut if you want to see how often I complete things, just check out the station on the minecraft server14:01
davmor2hamitron: I only look at walkthroughs from time to time when I get really stuck on the whole hack and slash games are pretty easy look for the area with no dead bodies and that's where you haven't been14:02
hamitronI never follow walk through14:02
hamitronbut there again, it is pretty simple working out how to win in a racing game.....14:02
davmor2hamitron: come last over and over again right?14:03
hamitronI also never play single player games14:03
hamitrondamn it! don't tell everyone ;/14:03
hamitronout of 26 racers, a good result for me is top 6 :/14:04
hamitronso not the fastest no, but I'd say I am consistent and fair :)14:04
dogmatic69does this look like bash? https://gist.github.com/72691514:26
BigRedSelif, esac give it away14:27
BigRedSer, fi and esac14:27
dogmatic69trying to figure out how to make this work14:27
jimR_anyone have problems with banshee ?14:28
davmor2jimR_: yes lots14:29
JGJonesthey scream a lot don't they?14:30
jimR_is there anything out there that will sync to a media player other than banshee ... that does not14:30
davmor2jimR_: it depends if the media player is supported when you plug it in does it say do you want to open this in banshee?14:31
jimR_yes it does and it appears in the device pane14:32
davmor2jimR_: In that case try Rhythmbox good chance it'll work14:33
jimR_I have just changed over from windoze for media manipulation I'll download RB and see what it does14:36
jimR_just installed RB it does not run !14:40
BigRedSwhat does it do?14:42
livingdaylightFacebook’s Gone Rogue; It’s Time for an Open Alternative - http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2010/05/facebook-rogue/14:50
* popey points livingdaylight at diaspora14:51
* livingdaylight googles14:51
popeyits linked in the comments14:51
* popey has an account on diaspora14:52
MooDoolivingdaylight: https://joindiaspora.com/14:52
* MooDoo has signed up for an invite14:52
Laney[citation needed]14:52
livingdaylighthadn't got to the comments, but Thanks! I'm so ready for an alternative to fciabook14:52
MooDoolivingdaylight: write one ;)14:52
* brobostigon also has a dispora account14:52
livingdaylightMooDoo :p14:53
popeyi have one invite left if someone wants it14:53
MooDooyeah i'll have it popey :)14:53
livingdaylightpopey, me!14:53
livingdaylightcan MooDoo  then invite me; or vice versa?14:53
livingdaylightwhat, one can't just join?14:54
popeynot at the moment14:54
livingdaylightinvite only?14:54
popeyits in testing14:54
* brobostigon checks his invites.14:54
MooDoolivingdaylight: yeah invite only14:54
Laneypretty sure there's some misinformation in that article14:54
* brobostigon has 9 invites.14:54
livingdaylighthopefully brobostigon has some14:54
popeyright livingdaylight I'll send you one14:54
popeylivingdaylight: what's your email address?14:54
MooDoobrobostigon: may i have one?14:55
popeypm it to me if you want is sekret14:55
brobostigonMooDoo: yes, whati your email?14:55
Laneyis disapora worth anyones time yet?14:55
MooDoobrobostigon: prjmellors@gmail.com14:55
livingdaylightcheers ;)14:55
brobostigonMooDoo: sent.14:56
MooDoobrobostigon: thanks :)14:56
brobostigonMooDoo: you're welcome, :)14:56
livingdaylightme in 5 tags? hrmm....14:57
MiLLohi!  does anyone know how to install itunes on ubuntu so i can get it to talk to my iphone?  since i've moved to ubuntu i've had no success in connecting it at all - it is a jailbroken 3gs15:05
JGJonesI can't even be arsed to use Facebook (I actually deleted my account...much better) so I doubt I'll even use dispora too :)15:05
JGJonesMiLLo, I'm afraid you're out of luck - you cannot get iTunes on Ubuntu, Apple does not release a version of iTunes for it.15:06
MooDooJGJones: wine15:06
kazade_MiLLo, also, don't attempt to run it through Wine, Wine has no USB support15:06
JGJonesLast I checked iTunes doesn't run that well at all on Wine (unless it's a very old version of iTunes)15:07
MiLLowhat is my best alternative then?15:07
kazade_Banshee or Rhythmbox15:08
DJonesWould itunes in a Windows VM work15:08
JGJonesDJones, yup it would15:08
kazade_I've found Rhythmbox to be more reliable with an iPhone than Banshee15:08
davmor2MooDoo: don't you like banshee15:08
BigRedSshould do15:08
MiLLoi'm not too fussed about itunes specifically, but i have a program - "mywi" which allows free tethering, and it apparently requires installation of itunes15:08
MooDoodavmor2: not really looked at it as rythmbox works fine for me15:08
MiLLoi did try banshee/rhythmbox - but it comes up with mounting errors every time i try15:08
davmor2MooDoo: haha15:08
JGJonesRhythmbox/Banshee can connect to iPhone but it only sync songs (and photos too I think) but nothing else, ie iOS updates.15:09
MooDoodavmor2: is banshee that much better?15:09
davmor2MooDoo: I hate it15:09
MooDoodavmor2: well i'm not going to try it on the very recommendation ;)15:10
MiLLoi've just connected iphone to ubuntu15:10
MiLLo"unable to mount millo's iphone"    "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)"15:11
MiLLoit's probably an obvious error, but i'm relatively new to ubuntu and i've spent the last 5-6 weeks with no internet - wifi issues (another, long, annoying story)15:11
davmor2MooDoo: don't get me wrong it has some really good points but for some reason it has stupidly sucky points that invalidate the good points15:11
MiLLoanyone have any suggestions on the above error? (sorry to be a pain)15:15
dogmatic69MiLLo: i fixed that the other day15:16
* MiLLo gazes at dogmatic69 in wonder...15:16
dogmatic69history does not have the thing i did :/15:17
dogmatic69what is the easiest way to see what was installed recently15:17
ormirethave a look in /var/log/dpkg.log15:20
dogmatic69MiLLo: try apt-get install ipheth-dkms15:21
MiLLocheers dogmatic69 trying that now!15:21
dogmatic69not sure if that is the one, but should be15:22
MiLLounable to locate packag15:22
dogmatic69sudo apt-get install ipheth-dkms15:24
MiLLoyeah that's what i tried15:24
MiLLowait tab?15:24
MiLLothat i didn't try15:24
dogmatic69auto complete ftw15:24
MiLLoi pressed ipheth then tab15:25
MiLLofilled in with utils15:25
MiLLoand downloaded that15:25
MiLLobut it still won't locate dkms15:25
dogmatic69maybe its under some other source15:25
MiLLohmm, i'm on natty - if that makes a difference15:25
MiLLook, at the risk of sounding really retarded - i go on that link15:26
MiLLohow do i specifically download/install?15:26
MiLLonormally i tend to just copy the terminal text - but there is none15:27
DJonesTheOpenSourcerer: AlanBell Any interest in this15:27
dogmatic69MiLLo: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/ipheth/1.0-1ubuntu115:27
dogmatic69"Removal requested on 2010-11-02."15:27
dogmatic69following the links, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+source/ipheth15:28
MiLLoipheth_1.0-3build1.debian.tar.gz (3.4 KiB15:29
MiLLoi just downloaded that15:30
MiLLobut i'm not 100% on how to extract/install15:30
MiLLoi've extracted - but not sure what is the file i use to open/install15:30
ormiretMiLLo: it looks like the name changed: the ipheth-utils package you found earlier is that.15:30
MiLLooh right15:31
MiLLoso i've now installed it?15:31
dogmatic69might need a reboot15:31
MiLLothink i might have to do that15:31
MiLLostill getting same error message15:31
MiLLoback in 515:31
MiLLothanks btw15:31
MooDoolooking at the files it needs compiling doesn't it?  unless i've just downloaded something different15:32
ormiretMooDoo: you might have downloaded the source package (ipheth), the binary package is ipheth-utils15:33
MooDooormiret: yeah probably lol15:33
MiLLonooope.. same error message15:34
MiLLomy ubuntu hates me.  wifi - dead.  iphone - dead. :I(15:36
kazade_MiLLo try sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice215:36
ormiretMiLLo: ipheth looks to be for tethering, the message you posted earlier was about mounting. Which do you want to do?15:36
kazade_you probably have it already15:37
MiLLoi can't do both ormiret?15:37
kazade_also sudo apt-get install libimobiledevice2-utils15:37
ormiretMiLLo: probably, but it's probably best to solve one problem at a time. I don't think the ipheth stuff will help with mounting (but I don't know how the iphone does either so they could be all mixed up together).15:38
MiLLoright ok15:39
MiLLoif i had to choose - my priority would be so that i can connect iphone to laptop - and share the wifi connection my iphone gets - with my laptop15:39
MiLLoif that makes sense15:39
MiLLoeither wireless or through the iphone usb cable15:39
MooDooMiLLo: dump it for android ;) lol15:39
* MooDoo is teasing15:39
MiLLojust waiting for the idroid MooDoo ;-)15:40
JGJonesWhat Ubunto One Music need is for me to be able to select certain songs etc to sync with Ubuntu One - I don't want to sync my entire library15:40
dogmatic69MiLLo: update to latest ios, then you can share your wifi15:40
MiLLodogmatic69 - but then i have to pay don't i? and then that means installing windows on a vmware (which i probably should get around to doing).. it used to be a case of plugging it in and turning on the app on my phone - but apparently it's playing up needing itunes.  and i'm not sure if the fact it's not recognising my iphone when i plug it in - is the reason the tethering via cable is no longer working15:41
dogmatic69windows on vm for?15:42
dogmatic69you can not connect the phone to vm via usb15:42
dogmatic69i got this to update mine http://tinyurl.com/6fukc9z15:43
popeyi share my iphone over wifi personally, much more convenient15:44
MiLLohow do you mean popey - personally?15:44
MiLLomy basic problem - my laptop won't hold a wifi connection at home, iphone can.  wired isn't really an option - so i'm trying to share it15:45
dogmatic691) get a £50 mac mini 2) jail break iphone, 3) ??? 4)wifi hotspot [pprofit]15:45
popeyon the phone settings -> personal hotspot -> on15:45
popeyjob done15:45
dogmatic69clicking a button > plugging a cable15:45
popeyalso means I can put the phone in an optimal 3g location15:46
popeyand/or near a power outlet15:46
MiLLoso upgrade to latest ios - then do it that way?15:46
MiLLoi'll have to borrow bro's laptop then15:46
dogmatic694.3 has this built in15:46
popeywhat version of iOS do you have?15:46
dogmatic69MiLLo: its better to have your own mac15:47
popey4.3.3 here15:47
MiLLomac is a bad word in my life ;-)15:47
dogmatic69its a pain connecting to other peoples mac's all the time15:47
MiLLorest of my family use windows - i'm the first to break out to ubuntu15:47
dogmatic69i literally only use mine for updates.15:47
dogmatic69you can back up your entire phone + apps on it too15:48
ormiretpopey / dogmatic69: will the personal hotspot stuff share a Wifi connection over Wifi? (I think that's what MiLLo want's to do).15:48
popeyi thought it was 3g over wifi15:48
popeyyou cant share wifi over wifi15:48
dogmatic69you want to use your phone as a wifi dongle15:49
MiLLoi had an app for it (I get the pun)15:49
MiLLobut it requires itunes installed15:49
popeywhat exactly do you want to do15:49
dogmatic69mac minis got wifi, :D15:49
popeynot what apps do you need15:49
popeywhat is the task you want to complete15:49
MiLLolaptop = refuses to connect to routers wifi.  iphone = loves my routers wifi.  i want to access wifi through laptop (wired not an option)15:50
popeyoh thats odd15:50
dogmatic69MiLLo: how about a £10 wifi dongle?15:50
popeyI would fix the laptop :D15:50
popeyor that15:50
MiLLoI just don't see why i should have to pay for something, that should work - i want to fix it popey, but i've been trying things for 5-6 weeks now15:51
MiLLoand apart from the rare occasion it holds connection - it's constantly dropping15:51
MiLLoand it only happened once i moved to natty15:51
popeywhat type of laptop is it?15:51
popeyis it a broadcom chip?15:51
MiLLotoshiba satellite a50015:51
dogmatic69MiLLo: hold on, is it not working on ubuntu and was with windows?15:51
dogmatic69nvm, :D15:52
MiLLoworked with windows, 10.10 (rare occasion of dropping), natty - 2 days in, it's experienced two types of connection errors15:52
JGJonesMiLLo, just a thought - what channel is your wifi on?15:53
MiLLotried it15:53
JGJonesMy ASUS transformer wouldn't connect to my router at all - I was using channel 13 (as no-one around here use it, they all use channel 1-4) but the ASUS isn't able to use channel 13, so switch it to 12 and all was fine.15:54
MiLLodamn, my dad (just to ensure i can't play with settings) has changed password so i can't find out what channel15:54
JGJonesIt's just a thought - but I realise that if the channel was an issue (ie if your laptop can't see channel 13 - then you will not see the wifi at all, not even the name)15:55
MiLLoit'll connect15:56
MiLLothen drop randomly15:56
MiLLoeither straight away, 2 minutes in, or even several hours in15:56
MiLLobut then often constantly connect, drop, connect drop15:56
MiLLothen give up15:56
davmor2MiLLo: What chipset is the wireless in the laptop?15:56
MiLLorealtek something or other i think15:57
MiLLonot sure how to check15:57
JGJonesdavmor2,  - I think the toshiba satellite a500 does use a broadcom chip - not certain15:58
JGJonesas I fixed a toshiba satellite laptop recently, it might have been a A500.15:58
JGJonesrealtek - that's a sound chip I believe15:58
MiLLowhat's the best way to check?  it was easy on windows - device manager.. on natty i don't have a monkeys!15:58
MiLLoi thought realtek was sound as well, but i'm sure when i was asked before - it came out with realtek as network chip15:59
JGJonesoh yeah15:59
JGJonesit can be used for wired network too15:59
ormiretMiLLo: open a terminal and run "lshw -class network"15:59
JGJonesRealtek RTL8191SEvB wireless16:01
MiLLosounds about right16:02
MiLLoany ideas?16:02
JGJonesThere's a thread here - with a suggested fix at the end - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=163589216:03
MiLLoi think it may be the router personally - as most devices have had issues with it to some extent - my laptop more than others16:03
ormiretMiLLo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/687692 offers some possible fixes16:03
JGJonesThe problems that was described there sound similar to yours - when you do connect it disconnect a lot16:03
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 687692 in linux (Ubuntu) "Realtek 8191SEvB wireless card drops connections and can't reconnect without reboot" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:03
MiLLoTHAT is exactly it16:05
MiLLoso many times i have to reboot to stand a chance of any connection16:05
MiLLoright - apparently it shouldn't be an issue with x64 - i'm running x64 (I think - should be, it's a 64bit processor) - and i'm suffering issues16:06
JGJoneswell I've read the whole thread...it does exist on x64 too16:07
MiLLoyou're reading far faster :P16:07
ormiretYou can reset teh wifi without having to do a full reboot with "sudo rmmod r8192se_pci; sudo modprobe r8192se_pci" not really a fix though.16:07
MiLLoyeah... after 5-6 weeks of this and no real internet - i want a fix now16:08
MooDooMiLLo: was that a now and stamp your foot ;)16:08
JGJonesSeem to be a problem with hardware accelerated WEP on that card?16:08
JGJonesin the ubuntu thread I posted earlier, a suggested fix was this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10222011&postcount=1016:09
AlanBellDJones: thanks, that was interesting16:09
AlanBellany quick android handset reccommendations?16:21
MooDoohtc desire?  desire hd?  samsung galaxy16:22
MiLLoor galaxy s216:22
MiLLowhatever you want to call it.16:22
MiLLoJGJones, ormiret - should i try the idea at the bottom of the link ormiret gave me - remove network manager and just use wicd?16:23
dogmatic69AlanBell: iPhone4 ;)16:24
JGJonesas that said - wicd is buggy16:24
JGJonesand at your risk of course :)16:24
=== ChrisB_ is now known as Guest97277
JGJonesSamsung Galaxy S2 - Cyanogen mentioned via twitter that they've got one and will now work for Cyanogen for it. Plus it's supposed to be an insanely fast phone.16:25
BigRedSyeah, that looks like a complete reversal compared to my Galaxy :(16:25
MiLLoso what would you recommend is my best plan then JGJones?16:26
BigRedSwell, :) I suppose, but I'm still not sure I don#'t dislike samsung yet16:26
JGJonesOr if you just don't want to root - but want updates asap - Nexus S then.16:26
AlanBellgalaxy S seems to have gingerbread already which is good16:28
* JGJones is in love with his Nexus One.16:29
* brobostigon hugs his htc dream,with gingerbread.16:30
AlanBellwhat is the batter life like on the galaxy S?16:30
ali1234mmm... deep friend galaxy s16:31
MiLLohas anyone found the flash videos through ubuntu slightly buggy?16:31
BigRedSI get a couple of days out of mine16:31
ali1234MiLLo: yes, extremely, all the time16:31
MiLLolike half the screen showing as black when playing vids16:31
BigRedSI think it was worse on stock firmware, but I'm not really sure16:31
ali1234MiLLo: known bug16:31
brobostigonmy htc dream,with 2.2.1, lasts justunder a day.16:31
MiLLono fix i take it ali1234?16:31
ali1234the fix is to install an unsupported beta version of flash player16:32
MiLLooooh, i've not noticed this - any ideas of name/location?16:32
JGJonesNexus One - Most of the time, it last a day. Now it last 2-3 days (since I got an Android tablet, the phone isn't used as often ;-))16:32
dogmatic69AlanBell: htc announced that they not shipping locked roms anymore16:33
ali1234MiLLo: bug 76107416:33
lubotu3Launchpad bug 761074 in flashplugin-nonfree (Ubuntu) "flashplugin-nonfree draws white rectangles" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/76107416:33
ali1234(sometimes the rectangles are black)16:33
MiLLoyeah my rectangles are more black than white16:34
JGJonesMiLLo, Honestly, I don't know what the best solution for you - personally I'll try all suggested fixes in the launchpad thread as well as in the forum. If none of them work, then in extreme cases get WICD but frankly, I'm more likely to just get a USB wifi stick until a fix is available (Network Manager too useful to get rid of)16:35
ali1234MiLLo: it depends on which sites you go on16:35
ali1234whether you get black or white16:35
ali1234so that's normal16:35
MiLLohmm... JGJones - did you/someone say that usb support doesn't work through vmware?16:36
JGJonesMiLLo, um...for what? Oh was that in reference to iTunes?16:36
ali1234usb works in virtualbox OSE now16:37
MiLLoyeah - if i was to install windows/vmware - then run itunes through it16:37
ali1234which is great16:37
ali1234i would expect it to work in vmware16:37
MiLLowhich is better vmware or virtual box?  or is it splitting hairs?16:37
ali1234splitting hairs really16:37
JGJonesMiLLo, if so, then it was some other dude that said Wine doesn't support USB, but you can use USB on virturalbox16:37
ali1234i prefer virtualbox because it is open source16:37
JGJonesMiLLo, I use virtualbox myself too - they even provide a repo for updates.16:38
ali1234in terms of reatures there's not a lot to differentiate the free versions16:38
MiLLook, vbox it is :)16:38
MiLLoi'll get these issues sorted if it kills me - i love ubuntu to bits, really nice and lot more freedom over windows -  but it's just been small issues like these (or big in the wifi case) that is making me regret the choice16:39
JGJonesMiLLo, no worries, there's always the lovely helpful people in here to help. (/me awaits bribery money)16:40
BigRedSMiLLo: if it's any consolation, I have exactly these issues whenever I find myself configuring Windows :)16:40
MiLLohmm, i've just thought - i doubt it'd be possible, but - say i got itunes working in vmware, and thus my usb wifi sharing connection - can i then transfer that connection somehow outside the virtual machine onto my normal ubuntu system?16:41
MiLLoif that makes sense16:41
BigRedSdepends what you mean by 'transfer'16:41
JGJonesMiLLo, hah yeah...I'm have a pain in the arse time trying to find drivers for bloody Windows for a Sony VAIO SZ7 laptop.16:41
BigRedSyour vm can give it up, and let the host OS use the USB connection, yeah16:41
BigRedSbut that wont mean that the host OS necessarily knows what to send down i16:41
MiLLoali1234, what was that beta flash thing you mentioned?16:43
ali1234MiLLo: it is on the bug report16:43
MiLLois it?16:43
MiLLook, how do i run/install ppa?16:44
MiLLoi understand it's like a package repository16:44
MiLLobut that's far as i know16:44
MooDoooops do you have one in mind?16:50
MiLLoi 'think' i've figured it out16:51
MiLLoit depends if sudo apt-get dist-upgrade does what i want it to16:52
MiLLoso far looks so good16:54
BigRedSMiLLo: it probably doesn't16:56
BigRedSbut I've not read any of the preceeding messages16:56
MiLLoi basically followed this: http://linuxers.org/howto/how-install-software-ubuntu-ppa16:57
MiLLoand used this ppa: ppa:sevenmachines/flash16:57
MiLLoi've restarted firefox16:58
MiLLoand will hopefully find out soon whether or not it works for me16:58
MiLLoi still get black boxes when i watch the nintendo e3 presentation17:03
MooDooawesome watching meetings in ubuntu-meeting to see what goes on :)17:09
JGJonesDoes Google Chrome for Linux have inbuilt Flash?17:09
daubersMooDoo: More interesting watching Nintendo e3 keynote :)17:09
=== hamitron is now known as hammie
JGJonescos if it does - you could use Google Chrome for flash?17:09
marxjohnsonHmm anyone here good with RAID?17:10
brobostigonam i dreaming, or does in android 2.3.4, when you hit a notification, it slides abit left to right?17:10
daubersmarxjohnson: Depends what kind17:10
JGJonesbrobostigon, you mean you slide notification out of the way in the notification?17:11
marxjohnsonI've got 2 disks in a RAID 1 array, but in /dev I've got sdb and sdc which both show in fdisk as 1TB. I only expected to see 1. Does that mean I've configured it wrong17:11
daubershardware or software raid?17:11
JGJonesI have that with Cyanogen - list of notification, can slide some out of the way to skip them and leave the rest (rather than clear all)17:11
davmor2MiLLo: try it in chromium it's not flash at fault it's FF17:11
dauberssounds like it's setup in a jbod17:11
brobostigonJGJones: not exactly, because when i hit a notification, from k9,it slides abit, and then opens k9.17:11
daubersWhich raid card?17:11
marxjohnsonWhatever's in the ProLiant Microserver :-) I'll find out17:12
marxjohnsonand what's a jbod?17:12
daubersAh :) Fakeraid17:12
daubersjbod = just a bunch of disks17:12
marxjohnsonok, so have I set it up wrong or do I just do whatever to one and it'll mirror to the other?17:13
daubersYou've set it up wrong. You should just get one block device back17:13
marxjohnsonI'll try again then, thanks!17:14
daubersAs a warning, the raid on motherboards is pretty pants17:14
daubersIt's not real hardware raid17:14
marxjohnsonthat's OK, my job doesn't depend on it or anything17:15
daubersheh :017:15
marxjohnsonI just need something better than a single disk in a USB enclosure17:16
daubersheh :) If its just for linux, I'd rather trust maddm17:17
marxjohnsonis that software RAID?17:18
daubersBest is a real HW raid (not fakeraid like mobo's have), then software raid, then fakeraid17:23
marxjohnsonah cool17:25
marxjohnsonyeah just found a howto looks pretty straightforward17:25
MiLLodamnit, anyone watching the nintendo e3?  i'm missing the stuff on 3ds now, browser chrashed and won't reload page17:30
gordMiLLo, new mario kart17:31
JGJonesFree zelda17:31
MiLLodoes it look good?17:31
JGJonesyou're missing so much17:31
JGJonesnot even watching it.17:31
d3ngar_Hey, another quick question17:31
MiLLoit cut off just at the start of the mario kart presentation17:31
JGJonesMiLLo, Tried Google Chrome? I think it have inbuilt flash17:31
MiLLoand chromium won't load it up17:31
gordit looks good17:31
* czajkowski pokes gord 17:32
MiLLojust stuck on loading page..  firefox is buggy but least it's loading it =.17:32
JGJonesChromium is open source so it won't include Flash - it'll use the plugin installed on your system.17:32
d3ngar_I have a remote computer that forwards a port to me via SSH (the VNC port), but somehow I can't connect17:32
d3ngar_Is there a way of checking if the port is open17:32
JGJonesd3ngar_, nmap17:32
MiLLowell there's no rectangle issue on flash with chromium17:34
MiLLoi didn't like chrome for windows - but this is a good bonus point for chromium over ff now17:35
davmor2MiLLo: There is a fix for it in Natty I don't have it since the update this morning but you might not have it if you installed a newer version from a ppa this is why I don't use ppas for production machinces17:36
MiLLohmm, i'll give chromium a go - might be better on ubuntu than windows17:37
MiLLoif nintendo decided to emcompass a media machine as well as games - i reckon they could destroy sony and microsoft out of the water17:40
MiLLothe wii wasn't great technically and the end results were embarassing to both sony and microsoft17:40
MiLLosame with nintendo ds - psp was far superior, yet the ds was far more popular17:40
MiLLoanyone watching this?17:48
MiLLo#wiiu looks awesome17:48
=== seeker_ is now known as seeker
davmor2czajkowski: stop breaking the hsbc webpage you vandal18:05
davmor2seeker_ is known as new_seekers18:05
gordi'm just gonna give nintendo access to my bank account, they can figure out the rest18:17
=== JGJones is now known as Nintendo
Nintendogord - please provide me with your bank account details18:27
NintendoJust /msg it to me thanks18:27
gordtoo late, just gave it to a nijerian prince18:27
=== Nintendo is now known as JGjones
=== JGjones is now known as JGJones
JGJonesdamn always worth a try....next time....18:28
BigRedSany magic-mail smtpd users knocking around?18:53
lostynot sure what that is mate18:53
=== davmor2 is now known as Nijerian_Prince
BigRedSit's an smtp daemon, qmail-alike18:54
lostyahh ok, yea im no help to ya on that im afraid18:54
Nijerian_Princegord: thank you for your bank details I am now a very poor man you need more money man how do you expect to live on that!18:54
=== Nijerian_Prince is now known as davmor2
czajkowskidavmor2: it's being silly18:58
czajkowskinot my fault18:58
* bigcalm waves from Paris18:58
davmor2czajkowski: of course it's you woman ;)18:58
czajkowskidavmor2: i will kill you you know this don't you18:59
davmor2bigcalm: bad day to go to Paris did you not hear that the USA are making a film about the destruction of man kind you can only guess where they blow up first right18:59
bigcalmSounds like the introduction of Team America19:00
davmor2pictures bigcalm like this in a bit \o     /19:00
davmor2bigcalm: Nice have a good time in paris :)19:01
bigcalmThank you davmor2 :)19:01
bigcalmTime to find some dinner19:03
* AlanBell has shiny new Galaxy S 219:03
LcawteI want one :P19:04
LcawteI'm trying to organise the re-kickstart of the Gaming Team :|19:04
MiLLoxvidcap a good screen video recorder?19:05
davmor2AlanBell: nice infact nicer than bigcalm in paris19:06
popeyMiLLo: no19:09
popeyMiLLo: thats what I use19:11
MiLLoumm... popey - that's just a bunch of text to me :P19:14
popeyits a script19:14
MiLLolike i recognise some of the codec names etc.19:14
* davmor2 wonders why if I listen to Absolute 80's via mp3 I get the artist and song and via ogg I don't :(19:23
Core_UKanyone else having issues with youtube full screen?19:42
* czajkowski tickles davmor2 19:43
davmor2czajkowski: nice, I'm not ticklish though19:44
* czajkowski hugs davmor2 19:44
davmor2hugs czajkowski back19:44
SuprEngrlost the freenode channel name for the podcast [please help or i'll cwy]20:37
SuprEngrhmmm... just as i suspected... thanks for nowt20:40
PlagueEvening all - are there any iMac users here by any chance?20:45
lostynot me Plague - wouldn't mind one though, they sure do look pretty20:46
czajkowskiPlague: some but might not be the best of time to ask20:47
czajkowskiPlague: podcast on in #ubuntu-uk-podcast folks are tuned in there20:47
PlagueI do like mine but I think if I was to be fair, they're not worth what Apple charge for them (got mine from the refurb store - brand new but not full apple price)20:47
Plaguethanks for that czajkowski - il have a nosey20:48
bigcalmhttp://cuth.eu/eiffel :D21:24
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] A use for EFI - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/137710.html21:28
JGJonesPlague, price-wise I think they're only worth their price immediately after a "refresh" - at least for the laptops that is...then, there's not much that match them spec-wise21:33
JGJonesactually I think it's a clever move. Apple know prices goes down, and soon others will catch up and surpass them but they continue to use same spec and same price, getting bigger profit as they go until the next refresh. The refresh serve to make people think they're fastest for price (but forgetting it's for a short time)21:34
michaelany one online21:41
=== michael is now known as Guest33721
Guest33721any theme manager fir gnome321:42
* AlanBell wonders what other interesting things to do with a new android phone21:42
Guest33721really god one/.21:42
AzelphurAlanBell: http://preyproject.com/21:42
AlanBellAzelphur: good point, and there is a samsung version of that built in21:42
Guest33721well which changes the whole system theme21:42
Guest33721i use gnome tweak tool21:43
AzelphurAlanBell: http://www.yaaic.org/ ? :D21:43
AlanBellGuest33721: gnome 3 isn't in ubuntu until Oneiric anyway21:43
AlanBellAzelphur: using ssh and irssi connectbot21:44
Azelphur!ubuntu+1 | Guest3372121:44
lubotu3Guest33721: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04 - Natty has been released! - Support in #ubuntu21:44
Azelphurstupid factoid bot.21:44
Guest33721thats right use ubuntu11.04 and gnome shell /gnome321:45
Guest33721well windows look crap with the default settings21:46
AzelphurGuest33721: you'd be better off looking for a gnome channel, everyone here is using gnome 2/unity21:47
lubotu3Oneiric Ocelot is the codename for 11.10 - Oneiric support in #ubuntu+121:47
Azelphuryou fixed it \o/21:47
AlanBellI poked the right people21:47
Guest33721wonder if it any good21:48
brobostigoni am using gnome3/gnome-shell Azelphur, infact a few people do, so no one, is not accurate.21:49
Azelphurbrobostigon: then go answer him :D21:49
Guest33721tell me. brobostigon21:50
brobostigonAzelphur: i didnt see, any definate question, other than a statement declaring, thats thingsdontlook very nice, with defaultsettings.21:50
Guest33721do you any good theme manager21:51
Guest33721for gnome shell21:51
brobostigonGuest33721: i would get thre tweak tool, from the gnome3-teams repo, with that you can play with it/them, and more.21:51
Guest33721which ones21:52
brobostigonthat, it is in their ppa.21:53
Guest33721i have compize & emerald & gnome tweak tool21:53
Guest33721emerald theme manager doesn't work21:53
Guest33721must be to old21:53
brobostigonGuest33721: compiz will clash with gnome-shells WM, both wont run at the same time.21:54
Guest33721gnome tweak tool.well how do you install themes21:54
brobostigonGuest33721: yes, with gnome tweak tool, you can edit gnome-shell themes.21:54
brobostigonGuest33721: not tried, so no idea. sorry.21:55
Guest33721i like to install some nice themes21:55
brobostigonGuest33721: ok,the tweak tool page, says you caninstall newthemes with it, so i am presuming here, i will tell you where, and what format thosethemesneed to be in.21:56
Guest33721tell me21:57
Guest33721sent me  link of the page21:57
brobostigonGuest33721: i truly dont know, i havent tried yet, so i dont know, up to acertain point.21:57
brobostigoni give up.21:58
brobostigongood night everyone, sleep well.22:50
wintellectnight brobostigon22:51
brobostigonnight wintellect o/22:51
ubuntuuk-planet[Jono Bacon] Unity Quality in Ubuntu 11.10: Help Make It Rock - http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/06/07/unity-quality-in-ubuntu-11-10-help-make-it-rock/23:29
ali1234half of these "design bugs" mentioned in that blog posts actually read like "hey, how can we make unity even worse?"23:57
ali1234like this one for example: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/65651923:57
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 656519 in unity "Alt+Space window accessibility menu should not be accessible by right clicking on a window title bar" [Low,Triaged]23:57
ali1234"unity just isn't annoying enough guys, we need to make it MUCH worse for 11.10"23:57
lubotu3Ubuntu bug 723861 in Unity Foundations "Right clicking on the desktop still displays the “Create Launcher...” option." [Wishlist,Triaged]23:59
ali1234what? why should it be removed? that makes no sense? when unity crashes, making a launcher of "gnome terminal" is the only way to restart a half decent window manager23:59

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