
cjohnstondaker_: et al my comment on bug 79373901:23
ubot4Launchpad bug 793739 in hall-of-fame "HOF doesn't work with django 1.1.1 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79373901:23
=== daker_ is now known as daker
dakercjohnston, ok10:02
nigelbdaker: did you get the ical working on summit?11:21
dakerwhich ical ?11:22
dakeri was working on the color field11:22
nigelbdaker: yeah, that needed the ical right?11:29
nigelbwell, eventually.11:29
nigelbI thought you said you were getting an error from the summit ical11:29
dakernigelb, ah no that's on LD bug #74212612:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 742126 in dateutil "_thread not available on Python 2.6 (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74212612:09
nigelbdaker: ahh, ignore me then ;)12:09
dakerskype down again13:03
Ronnieping cjohnston, mhall11917:46
mhall119pong Ronnie17:46
Ronnieis it already clear which items we want to display on the home page?17:46
mhall119Ronnie: I'd say 80%17:47
Ronniei have not very much time to sort it out and find the info. All the time i have i will spend on designing itself17:47
mhall119Ronnie: will you be around for tomorrow's call?17:47
mhall119Ronnie: I'd say that if you can even just get the layout done, nevermind the content, then the rest of us will be able to fill it in17:48
Ronniei guess not. maybe on thursday17:48
mhall119sorry, call is next wednesday, not tomorrow17:49
Ronniethe layout depends very on the content17:49
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: daker: do you guys have a few minutes to get Ronnie our input?17:50
Ronniemhall119: next call is 15 june, if im right, not tomorrow17:50
mhall119Ronnie: that's right, I was thinking it was weekly17:50
Ronnienext wednesday is still free17:51
mhall119I assume we're still using http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5184/5763041728_9d776baccd_o.jpg as our starting point17:51
nigelbmhall119: Are we starting with just 25 selected feeds?17:52
mhall119at this point, I'd say the blog feed, upcoming events and twitter feed are correct17:52
mhall119nigelb: I don't know how many we'll have to start, Jono and the LC will manage that17:52
Ronniei think, the upcoming events part is too small17:52
mhall119Ronnie: if we just list global events I think we can get it in17:53
Ronnieif it is global events, its good17:53
mhall119maybe to 60% width on the blogs and 40% on the events and twitter?17:53
mhall119that would give more room17:53
Ronniei think 70/30 will be good enough17:54
mhall119I'd like to split the "Slider Images" part into rotating images and a google map of upcoming events17:54
mhall119again, 60/40 or 70/30 split on that17:54
Ronniei think it will look messy if the slider image part is splitted17:55
mhall119I'm unsure of the 4 bottons + text in between, I think the buttons should be secondary nav links17:55
mhall119those don't really seem "tab-worthy" to me, since they'll never change17:55
mhall119Ronnie: any idea where we can cleanly integreate a map of upcoming events?  I would really like to see that on the homepage17:56
mhall119maybe above the Upcoming Events box?17:56
Ronniei think the map should at least span half the content-page17:57
mhall119hmmm, that doesn't give us anywhere to put it, really17:58
mhall119why so large?17:58
mhall119it can be a non-interactive image that just links to the /events/ page17:58
Ronnieits hard to find places on a small map. i dont like small maps17:58
mhall119I just want something that, at a glance, will tell visitors "Oh look, there are events coming up all over the world"17:59
mhall119it doesn't have to immediately tell them if there's one close by17:59
Ronnieim thinking about a tab system, fo rthe large part of the page (tabs: blogs, map, feeds ... )17:59
mhall119hmmm, that adds extra steps to see that information, which will mean it won't be seen as often18:00
mhall119I'd rather the homepage serve up teasers of information, with links to pages that have the rest18:00
mhall119for example, the feed might only show 3 or 5 entries on the homepage, but have a link to another page with the last 50 or so18:01
Ronniewe should also watch for 'too long' blog feeds. we need to truncate these18:03
mhall119they're already being truncated, I'm not storing the entire content18:03
mhall119we'll link to the source for that18:04
Ronniedo you also filter out the images?18:05
mhall119yeah, I'm stripping out all html tags18:06
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nigelbmhall119, cjohnston: Could I mark you both as contact along with me for folks wanting to help with summit?19:14
mhall119nope, just you19:18
cjohnston+1 for mhall119's comment19:18
nigelbmhall119: err, seriously?19:19
mhall119list us19:19
mhall1192nd and 3rd19:19
mhall119hey, it's your project now19:19
mhall119it's like a curse, it's yours until you fine someone else to trick into taking over19:20
cjohnstonmhall119: how did we pull that one off19:23
cjohnstonwtf.. instructor is sending me a .pub file19:25
=== nigelbabu is now known as Guest33238
Guest33238cjohnston: publisher file?19:26
Guest33238that's weird.19:26
Guest33238gimp might be able to open it (if you're lucky)19:26
nigelbmhall119, cjohnston: http://nigelb.me/ubuntu/2011/06/08/new-domain-and-summit.html19:42
cjohnstonnigelb: clearly you didnt follow all of my tutorials :-P19:46
nigelbcjohnston: heh, I skipped a bunch ;)19:46
cjohnstoni kinda wish i was still running nginx19:49
YoBoYcjohnston: do you want an online converter for your .pub file ? ^^19:49
cjohnstonI found one already.. Thanks YoBoY.. worst part of it all.. it provided me with nothing19:50
cjohnston(the file, not the converter)19:50
Pendulumnigelb: no, just needed to know where I needed to be :)20:06
* nigelb waves to Pendulum20:06
nigelbok, so bug 668555 is probably the easiest bug to start with.20:06
ubot4Launchpad bug 668555 in summit "add blueprint url to ical feed (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66855520:06
nigelbDo you have bzr installed?20:07
cjohnstondo i see a new contributor?20:08
nigelbmhall119: ^^ ;)20:08
cjohnstonpen.. just a warning.. nigelb isnt happy that he was elected project lead.. so he may try to push that job to you :-P20:08
Pendulumcjohnston: no way he can push it, I'm too new and don't know enough :P20:09
nigelbPendulum: so, you can branch the summit trunk with "bzr branch lp:summit"20:09
cjohnstonthis is nigelb we are talking about though20:09
Pendulumplus I want something that gets me hacking experience, not project management. I have enough project management experience as is20:10
Pendulumnigelb: done20:10
cjohnstonwell.. in this case, project management == lead hacker ;-)20:10
Pendulumyeah, totally not qualified for that :-)20:11
cjohnstonall you have to do is hack on production like our current project lead and you will be fine!20:11
Pendulumas I said to nigelb in PM, the point in my doing this is that I am useless at learning things through tutorials and just need to jump in and learn by osmosis20:11
cjohnstonthats how i learn20:11
nigelbPendulum: okay, so there is an install file, set up everything until the end of "To run summit:"20:11
nigelbPendulum: let me know if you run into any trouble with those steps20:12
Pendulumbut it is warning to the rest of you that I am very beginner at all of this20:13
cjohnstonPendulum: mhall119 had to walk me step by step to get started20:13
nigelbmhall119: for the blueprint url, should we be using a custom X-BLUEPRINT field?20:14
Pendulumsorry, that was a 'Pen does something stupid and has to restart so she can get her mouse back' thing20:22
* Pendulum finds bugs in the set-up instructions ;-)20:51
mhall119nigelb: in ical?20:57
nigelbmhall119: yeah20:57
mhall119for what reason?20:57
nigelbmhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/66855520:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 668555 in summit "add blueprint url to ical feed (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [Undecided,New]20:57
mhall119I think summit would benefit more from a JSON API than cramming everything into an ical21:00
nigelbmhall119: hrm, so you're voting that one off the ical?21:00
nigelbmhall119: (can you comment on the bug? :-))21:01
mhall119that's my opinion, unless dan has a good reason21:01
nigelbok, I'll tackle bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/793018 with Pendulum then21:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 793018 in summit "Pull the summary from the launchpad blueprint and push it out via the iCal to Guidebook (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Confirmed]21:03
dakernigelb, is that the bug 793019 report  for the color field ?21:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 793019 in summit " Make the colors for the track a database field instead of in the css (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79301921:03
nigelbdaker: yes21:03
Pendulumnigelb: I think we can probably move back here unless you're worried about confusing other people :)21:07
PendulumI'm done with stupid questions for now ;-)21:07
Pendulumor at least the ones that are so stupid I don't want them in a channel :P21:08
nigelbPendulum: okay, we'll first fix bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/665589.21:09
ubot4Launchpad bug 665589 in summit "Importing blueprints unreliable (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:09
nigelbThis is probably the easiest bug ever :)21:09
dakernigelb, this the error i am getting when i add the color field http://paste.ubuntu.com/621201/21:10
nigelbthere's a line in the schedule/models.py/summitmodel.py where we use urllib to get data from launchpad.  Occasionally, it times out becuause of a 502 error.21:10
nigelbSo we'll use try, except and catch the error from urllib221:10
nigelbdaker: do you have data from uds-o in summit?21:11
nigelbPendulum: take a moment to read the bug and figure out if you can find the line which needs fixing :)21:11
dakernigelb, no21:11
nigelbdaker: scroll through your meeting table and see if any of the fields have a . in the name,21:12
nigelbdaker: that's the error i had.21:12
dakernigelb, if we reached the num of RETRIES what and it didn't respond what the function should do ?21:16
nigelbdaker: which function?21:17
nigelbdaker: that's run manually21:17
nigelbso if we try and it doesn't work, we'll just fail gracefully21:17
nigelbinstead of a 2 page traceback.21:17
nigelbs/run manually/run from terminal21:18
Pendulumnigelb: do you mean in schedule/models/summitmodel.py ?21:19
nigelbPendulum: Yes21:19
dakerPendulum, nigelb http://paste.ubuntu.com/621210/21:19
nigelbdaker: Thanks21:20
=== daker__ is now known as daker
dakernigelb http://paste.ubuntu.com/621210/ what do you think ?21:25
nigelbdaker: i got that earlier too.  That's perfect.21:26
dakerPendulum, do you want to implement it ?21:31
Pendulumdaker: I'm working in PM with nigelb to actually write the code myself so I understand what I'm doing :)21:32
Pendulum(yes, I know duplicating work, but this is how I learn. I've not actually looked at your paste :) )21:32
cjohnstonmhall119: et al, bp in ical is so that people on their phones or whatever can have easy access to get to the bp.. and i think it might have had to do with what Dan was trying to do last UDS mhall11922:03
dakermhall119, cjohnston any idea http://paste.ubuntu.com/621247/ ?22:07

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