
LLStarkssarvatt, is sna enabled on edgers? i want to get some benchmarks.05:22
hyperairLLStarks: there's ppa:sarvatt/intel-sna05:23
hyperairLLStarks: however, the patch required in X itself is missing.05:23
hyperairso it segfaults nicely05:23
Sarvattit doesn't segfault because the x patch is missing, that just fixes rendering corruption.. :)05:24
hyperairSarvatt: i got a segfault!05:24
LLStarkswill sna ship with oneiric and is it comparable to exa, uxa, etc?05:25
Sarvattno it wont05:25
Sarvattit's dependent on the xserver 1.12 video abi05:25
LLStarksthat's alright, we're setting up for PP during the oneiric cycle05:26
LLStarkswill there be any hiccups similar to the gem/uxa transition? that was harsh.05:27
Sarvattpretty much 100% guaranteed there will be :)05:27
Sarvattsorry I didn't update it today, will update it to the latest in the morning05:28
LLStarksso, is the sna ppa (now or tomorrow) ready for vm or live testing in the sense that the desktop is usable?05:29
LLStarks*live as in actual install runing on actual hardware05:29
Sarvattsure if you want to test it, just avoid chrome/chromium because they dont work05:29
LLStarksany benchmarks you'd recommend for showing maximum benefits?05:30
Sarvattthat ppa hyperair linked needs to be activated at the same time as xorg-edgers05:30
LLStarksif at all possible, i'd like to get a hardware table up and running on the wiki. vga string, commit id, benchmark date, results.05:32
Sarvatti dont think it's anywhere near ready for something like that, it's going to be very volatile for some time yet..05:33
hyperairLLStarks: 8086:2a32 -> segfault.05:33
LLStarkscan you boot to recovery terminal?05:34
hyperairLLStarks: ?05:34
hyperairrecovery terminal? 05:35
hyperairwell i can switch to ttys yeah05:36
LLStarksthen that's not so bad.05:36
hyperairin fact, that's how i repaired my X.05:36
hyperairmm yeah it's just a normal X segfault05:36
hyperairit's not a wedge05:36
LLStarksah ok05:36
hyperairi should probably get a proper stack trace 05:36
Sarvatthyperair: http://dpaste.com/551239/ look like that?05:36
hyperairSarvatt: not quite05:36
hyperairSarvatt: it had a few intel_drv.so lines in the middle05:36
hyperairand i lost the log. blargh.05:36
LLStarkspraying that 8086:27a2 works05:37
LLStarkstaking the sna plunge. i hope my body can take it.05:45
LLStarksthe laptop loves it. whenever i test something new it's like "awww, you're still thinking of me. sure, i'll give you some more performance. windows stopped driver updates for me years ago."05:47
* LLStarks crosses fingers05:48
LLStarksholy hell05:52
LLStarks2 fps to 40 fps05:52
LLStarkscan i send a cake to intel?05:53
LLStarkslet's see if it handles 720p gl output05:53
LLStarks...it didn't choke05:55
LLStarksthis is amazing.05:55
LLStarkssmooth 1080p. yup.05:57
LLStarksit's almost as if the i945gm no longer needs vaapi05:57
LLStarkshyperair, no segfaults yet. just the occasional artifact.06:06
LLStarksvery rare.06:06
LLStarksi'm going to be brave and try chromium06:07
LLStarksall seems fine06:07
tjaaltonbryceh: forgot to push xkeyboard-config changes?06:09
LLStarkssarvatt, i've noticed that gl subtitle rendering (is broken on edgers. what component should i file against upstream?06:15
LLStarksand has been for a while06:16
tjaaltonRAOF: moo, you haven't pushed the earlier xkeyboard-config merge to git?-)06:33
RAOFWait, what?06:34
RAOFLet me just get that!06:34
tjaaltonmaybe we should get 2.3.1 for oneiric?06:34
tjaaltondebian didn't put it in unstable yet because they still have gnome2 there and there's some conflict06:35
RAOFI don't know of any reason no to grab that.06:35
tjaaltonbut we already have gnome3 for the most part06:35
tjaaltonin oneiric06:35
RAOFWas the conflict just the naming scheme bits, or something more fundamental?06:36
tjaaltondon't remember the details06:36
RAOFPushed like a jimmyhack.06:37
tjaalton2.1 is "the best for gnome2", nothing more than that06:37
tjaaltonand we already have 2.2.1 :)06:37
tjaaltonso yes, should be no blockers for 2.3.x06:37
RAOFRight.  I'm pretty sure that refers to the naming stuff.06:38
tjaaltonthe dvorak-stuff?06:39
RAOFNo - renaming all the profiles $COUNTRY ($MAP) to $LANGUAGE ($MAP).06:40
RAOFSo the keyboard indicator here says “English (Dvorak)” rather than “USA (Dvorak)”.  Etc.06:40
tjaaltonheh, makes sense06:40
RAOFWhile that was done for GNOME 3, I'm not sure why it's not regarded as appropriate for GNOME 2.06:42
RAOFMmm. Looks like this system's borken enough to no longer boot.06:47
tjaaltoni should work through installing the sandybrigde system.. finally switching to ssd et al06:47
RAOFMaybe I should stop holding out for ivybridge and build a decent desktop system.06:48
LLStarkswait for ivy bridge06:53
LLStarkstr-gate. better than sandy bridge.06:54
LLStarkssole purpose is to embarrass amd for the next year or so06:54
tjaaltonand ~8 months away06:54
RAOFRight.  There's *always* something cool ~8 months away.06:54
LLStarkssandy bridge + x58 is surefine06:54
tjaaltonx58? that's old06:55
LLStarkswait. did i mess up the chipset?06:55
RAOF“After this operation, 258 MB disk space will be freed.”  Hm.  That seems rather a lot.  Oh, wait, it's removing xserver-xorg-core and ubuntu-desktop.06:57
tjaaltonRAOF: heh, which update?06:57
RAOFMultiarch'd mesa.06:58
tjaaltonah, because there's no xserver update to go with it?06:58
RAOFAlso because llvm's not multiarched, so all the i386 drivers are baroque.06:59
LLStarksif it ain't baroque, don't fix it07:26
RAOFActually, that's not quite true.  All the i386 gallium drivers are broke.  i965_dri is perfectly happy to run i386 glxinfo and glxgears.  Score.07:27
LLStarkscan sna be done with stable mesa?08:01
RAOFAFAIK sna is largely independent of mesa.  You're very much not allowed to make backward-incompatible DRI2 changes :)08:03
LLStarkswell, i was wondering if i could test it without a full edgers payload08:06
RAOFProbably, but you get to keep all the pieces.08:07
RAOF“If it breaks, you get to keep the pieces”08:07
hyperairLLStarks: no fair!08:08
hyperairLLStarks: 32-bit or 64-bit?08:08
hyperairmaybe it hates 64-bit.08:08
LLStarksnot that i have a choice08:08
RAOFOh, atom?08:09
RAOFThat was frequently paired with an i945.08:09
LLStarkscore duo.08:09
hyperaircore duo? those support 64-bit, no?08:09
RAOFNo, the core duo *2* supports 64-bit :)08:09
hyperairmodel name      : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5750  @ 2.00GHz08:09
hyperaircore 2 duo.08:10
LLStarksstill more powerful than an atom08:10
LLStarksdespite being 5 years old08:10
* hyperair wants a sandy bridge.08:10
* RAOF is fairly sure anything 686-derived is faster than an atom.08:10
LLStarksatom is 68608:10
LLStarksp3 architechture08:11
RAOFNo, it's not.  It's an in-order processor.  Which is why performance sucks.08:11
* RAOF is pretty sure.08:11
LLStarksyou're right08:11
LLStarksnot p608:12
RAOFWhy must the mesa build system be constructed entirely of hate?09:47
RAOFHm, (a) has this worked, and (b) how small are the gallium drivers now?10:06
RAOFWin! 3.6M 2011-06-07 15:12 r300_dri.so → 1.3M 2011-06-07 19:29 r300_dri.so, 3.5M 2011-06-07 15:12 r600_dri.so → 843K 2011-06-07 19:29 r600_dri.so10:31
tjaaltonso a shared gallium core?10:32
RAOFWith only the *tiny* problem of 19M 2011-05-27 19:49 /usr/lib/libLLVM-2.9.so.110:33
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Prf_JakobHas anybody tried Unity on a git master gallium driver?11:57
RAOFProbably some of our intrepid xorg-edgers cadets have?12:03
tjaaltonprobably yeah12:04
tjaaltoni've only tried swrastg but with 7.10, which lacks tfp support12:04
RAOFI happen to have a nice hot ccache here; want me to try?12:04
tjaaltonyou've pulled a snapshot too?12:04
RAOF(And a radeon 5450ish)12:04
RAOFtjaalton: Mesa build hacking always gets done on master :)12:05
RAOFIt's not sufficiently fun to do twice :)12:05
tjaaltonRAOF: naturally, but is it ending up in oneiric soon?-)12:05
Prf_JakobRAOF: no real need I jast wanted to know if there was a known problem with Unity on gallium, I'm guessing the problem is in our driver.12:06
Prf_JakobUnity works pretty well with vmwgfx except a rendering bug.12:06
RAOFtjaalton: It'll end up in oneiric soon; I just need to finish off the llvm 2.9 mir, which is blocked on actually being able to build openjdk-6b18 on an arm system to check the testsuite.12:07
ScottKWhat mesa is planned for oneiric?12:09
RAOFProblem for KDE?12:09
ScottKMgraesslin just mentioned on one of the KDE lists he'd done 4.7 to work with 7.10.12:10
ScottKThen mentioned if someone was going to use 7.11 with KDE 4.7 they better test it.12:10
ScottKSo not necessarily a problem, but a combination with undefined results at this point.12:11
RAOFAh, right.  Well, xorg-edgers contains 7.11 snapshots, but we won't be switching until 7.11 gets branched.12:11
RAOFOh!  At what point did libGL start to fallback on swrastg_dri?12:13
tjaaltonaiui Sarvatt right, it would be 7.11?12:20
tjaalton"iirc what Sarvatt said,..."12:20
ScottKRAOF: We didn't get 4.7 beta 1 packaged yet either.12:22
RAOFFun multiarch fact: dpkg --remove mesa-utils won't remove the i386 mesa-utils package; you need dpkg --remove mesa-utils:i38612:23
RAOFWow.  glxgears is curiously messed up.12:25
jussiHrm, Im having an issue where I have the laptop setup with the external screen, and only the external screen in use. However, when powermanagement turns the screen off after a period of inactivity, it doesnt come up again when you become active. the machine seems fine and reponsive, but no screen. 13:24
tjaaltonjussi: best bet is to try the mainline .39 kernel13:35
jussitjaalton: how would I go about getting that ? is it relatively stable? 13:36
tjaaltoncertainly stable enough to test that13:37
jussitjaalton: right, however, this machine is on natty13:40
tjaaltonjust install the deb :)13:41
jussiok :) 13:41
tjaaltonit doesn't matter if it's built on oneiric tools13:41
tjaaltonat least, it shouldn't matter much, and hasn't for the usecases I've had13:42
jussiok, was just unsure. Ill let you know how it goes :)13:42
tjaaltonwhich system did you have?13:42
jussiis there a chance it will fix my bug also? (bug 793487)13:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 793487 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu does not shut down when external monitor attached through displayport (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79348713:43
jussiIts a HP probook 5320m13:43
jussialso, do I need to install the headers? 13:44
tjaaltonno need for the headers, unless you have dkms packages13:44
tjaaltonah so it's arrandale, yeah .39 might fix that bug13:45
jussidkms packages? 13:45
tjaalton.39-rc2 has been tested to fix some bugs concerning external monitors13:45
tjaaltondynamic kernel module source, probably don't have them if it's something you don't know :)13:46
tjaaltonused for binary blobs13:46
jussitjaalton: Unfortunately the kernel did not boot. I installed hte headers also, but still no boot. I pressed esc to see the progress, and it seems to stop after apparmor 14:04
tjaaltonjussi: dang14:05
jussitjaalton: Im more than happy to try anything else you ahve to offer though. :) (or try troubleshoot the kernel)14:06
tjaaltonyou could try this one, in case the point release broke something http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.39-oneiric/14:06
tjaaltonat least one person booted that succesfully on natty14:07
* jussi tries14:09
jussitjaalton: unfortunately no go on that either. it gets a little further, but then dies14:22
tjaaltonyou could try rc4 from the parent dir next, it's also built on natty if it makes a difference after all..14:23
tseliottjaalton: the blobs won't work with the new kernel as we prevent the module from building against unsupported kernels14:28
tjaaltontseliot: right, but is it already in natty too?14:29
tseliottjaalton: yep14:29
jussihrm, theres also this in the install proceedure:  W: Possible missing firmware /lib/firmware/rtl_nic/rtl8105e-1.fw for module r816914:29
tjaaltonwell, i was just pointing out when the headers would be useful14:29
tjaaltonjussi: that shouldn't matter14:29
jussiok, just thought to mention it14:30
tjaaltonsome new nic module i guess14:30
jussiright, reboot time. hope this works.14:32
jussiright then. (it boots :D ) now let me shut down and see if it fixes that bug, Ill try the initial bug I mentioned in a min. 14:34
tjaaltonphew, great14:35
jussiright, so that bug I mentioned before (793487) is fixed with this kernel. 14:40
jussikde seems a little slow, not sure whats going on.14:41
jussijust seems. 14:41
jussianywya, Ill go away for a bit, and see if the other bug still persists14:42
jussi(and if someone wants to build the newer .1 kernel for natty, I would be happy to try that.)14:42
tjaaltonthe hwe team has a set of patches that'll hopefully get added to the natty kernel, even though there will be no upstream point-releases anymore for .3814:44
jussiIm also getting a few artifacts left on the screen. 14:44
tjaaltonlooks like it would fix a bunch of issues14:44
tjaaltonwell, it has around 90 commits, of which maybe 8 are needed14:45
tjaaltonrc4 that is, to the drm/i915 code14:45
jussinot artefacts per se, but parts of highlighting etc14:45
tjaaltonRAOF: pushed xserver merge with the fedora pointer-barrier patch added15:12
tjaaltonnow xorg merge finalized so we can start pushing these to oneiric..15:13
apwanyone seen X server dumping ?  on intel ?17:35
apw[ 25658.288] Segmentation fault at address 0x7f039ec3201017:35
apw[ 25658.288] 17:35
apwCaught signal 11 (Segmentation fault). Server aborting17:35
apwthis is natty updated as of this morning17:36
hyperairapw: full stack trace?18:16
apwhyperair, at the bottom of: http://paste.ubuntu.com/621075/18:17
Sarvattapw: one sec, let me get you the bug number18:17
Sarvatti attached a fix to it, its x-x-i-synaptics18:18
Sarvatthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/774978 comment #2518:18
ubot4Launchpad bug 774978 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "xserver crashes in RecordAReply when XRecord is enabled in syndaemon (affects: 91) (dups: 22) (heat: 444)" [High,Triaged]18:18
Sarvattit just started now though? it happened at random before but amazing you went from release till now and just started hitting it18:19
apwyeah first time i've ever seen it18:20
apwi right clicked somewhere and boom18:20
apwoh ... of course i don't use my touchpad most of the time on this machine as i have external keybaord an mouse18:20
apwand i was using the touchpad unusually ... so18:21
hyperairweird, i've been using my touchpad though18:35
hyperairwhy would a touchpad cause intel_drv.so to segfault?18:35
hyperairi see that in the stack trace somewhere18:35
LLStarkshyperair, i've seen it happen in israel due to voltage differences18:57
hyperairSarvatt: IT WORKS.18:57
LLStarksmy xserver choked whenever i used the touchpad18:57
hyperairLLStarks: ah, right voltage differences.18:58
hyperairwell my xserver never choked due to the touchpad18:58
hyperairbut the touchpad itself choked.18:58
LLStarksbtw, all of my observed improvements that i attributed to SNA yesterday were all from the new ddx/mesa/drm WITHOUT SNA18:59
LLStarksi don't get it18:59
LLStarkswhat's crippling the stable stack so much?19:00
tjaaltonSarvatt: time to sru -synaptics?19:00
LLStarkssynaptics needs tapbutton2=219:01
LLStarksfor two-finger middle click19:01
LLStarksright now, it's tapbutton2=319:01
LLStarksthat and out-of-the box two-finger scrolling19:02
* hyperair doesn't observe any improvements to SNA though..19:17
LLStarksintel ddx is overrated19:22
LLStarksi have no idea what's going on between oneiric's 2.15 and the non-SNA git, but something is slowing me down19:23
LLStarksit can't be mesa. this is 2d stuff.19:24
LLStarksi wish i could source this slowdown, but xorg log is clean19:26
LLStarkscan i run -intel master on a stable oneiric stack?19:37
hyperairhmm i wonder why 3d activity causes my entire computer to freeze for short periods of time19:40
hyperairenough to miss a number of interrupts for psmouse19:40
hyperairand enuogh to screw over eth0 transmission19:40
hyperairand enough to make iwl4965 trigger a hardware reset19:41
LLStarksx is just weird19:41
hyperairi think it's more like i915 is doing too much processing in the irq19:42
LLStarksi945gm slowdown with the 2.15 ddx confirmed.19:45
LLStarks2.15git is fine.19:45
LLStarksthere's like zero acceleration in the former19:46
LLStarksand this is without SNA19:47
LLStarkstime for some bisecting19:47
LLStarksshould be fun19:47
LLStarkswait wtf... 2.15-release git is fine. did somebody screw up packaging?19:51
LLStarksnvm. i might be wrong.20:03
Sarvatttjaalton: i dont suppose there's any chance you already did any of the mesa lucid backport? :P21:07
tjaaltonSarvatt: not sure, probably not21:07
tjaaltonsilly sentence21:07
Sarvattyeah it was a long shot, gonna start throwing it together now since thats the last part21:08
bjsniderricotz, is it possible to change the sound theme in gnome 3? it's not an option with the tweak tool21:23
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
ricotzbjsnider, this can be done with dconf-editor21:44
ricotzbjsnider, org/gnome/desktop/sound21:45
Sarvattgot it close, http://sarvatt.com/downloads/mesa/22:06
brycehSarvatt, should I go ahead and upload/sru the fix you posted on #774978?  Or is there more we need to do first?22:11
Sarvattthat'd be much appreciated22:14
tjaaltonSarvatt: would adding -lrt to LDFLAGS help there?22:38

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