
eichihello. someone has an good idea for a good working soundcard for ubuntustudio? the one I have at the moment makes ugly sounds00:27
rlameiroeichi: is it onboard?00:34
rlameiroyour card that is00:34
rlameirobecause, usually on board cards output a lot of noise, more if it is on a laptop00:35
rlameirorule of thumb, is to use a external interface00:35
rlameiroeither usb or firewire, depending on what you need00:35
rlameirothere are people using internal saund cards like the delta 1010 etc00:36
rlameiroUSB interfaces are suported on linux if the comply with the usb specification00:36
rlameiroyou can check for that if they run in windows or mac without installing drivers00:37
rlameirousually that is stated on the box or on the specifications list00:37
eichiokay. at the moment its onboard, yes00:50
eichibut dont have windows or mac00:50
* ParadoxGuitarist chuckles06:21
eichihttp://www.arlt.com/Hardware/Multimedia/Soundkarten/? can someone tell me one soundcard, which woks good and ootb in ubuntu?10:33
jussi!hardware | eichi10:48
ubottueichi: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection10:48
danboidailo: Hi!13:52
danboidAutoStatic, Hi! Guess why I'm here? :)13:52
AutoStaticHello danboid, yeah I saw your mail on LAU :)13:53
AutoStaticAnd iirc ailo was working on a similar tool13:53
danboidAutoStatic, Thats right! Whats this tool called? Has it got a webpage, git or whatever yet?13:53
AutoStaticWasn't it a rewrite of ubuntustudio-controls?13:54
AutoStaticailo posted some screenshots13:54
AutoStaticBut ailo should know best, I'm only guessing here :)13:54
danboidWell I missed that13:54
danboidAutoStatic, OK, I can wait 'til he re-appears13:56
AutoStaticI think ScottL should know more about it13:58
danboidScottL, ?13:59
danboidUS 11.04 has moved to XFCE right?14:00
AutoStaticAh, found something14:00
danboidAutoStatic, Is it the audio-system-check you're thinking of?14:01
AutoStaticHmmmm, that only checks, no testing14:02
AutoStaticAnd USC only sets things up, no testing either14:03
danboidAutoStatic, Yeah, not quite what I'm after14:03
AutoStaticThere's the realtimequickconfigscriptthingamajigshiznitz script ;)14:05
AutoStaticBut that only checks too, no testing either14:05
AutoStaticAnd I picked up somewhere that FalkTX was working on integrating or turning that script into a GUI thingy14:06
danboidYes, FalkTX would seem to be the dude most likely to come to the rescue here- I hope! :)14:08
ailodanboid, Yes, I believe falktx has done some work on integrating sound systems, like PA and jack for KXStudio. He's been working on a -controls type of application that controls jack and does a system check and a bunch of other things. I myself have only been working on setting up Ubuntu for realtime audio pretty much.14:48
danboidailo, Hi!14:49
danboidailo, Any idea what falk's app is called?14:49
ailodanboid, I think it's called Cadence14:51
ailoJust looking if I can find the git repo14:51
ailodanboid, git://repo.or.cz/cadence.git14:52
ailodanboid, It's a bunch of apps14:53
ailodanboid, The README explains a lot14:54
ailoIt's under development..14:55
danboidailo, Thanks! I've gotta shoot off for a short while now but I'll take a look later and see if its what I want15:06
holsteinpast meeting logs https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Meetings/2011June515:54
eichihello. I'm again searching for a soundcard, I can by for best ubunt studio support18:44
orngjce223I know nothing about hardware. You might try #kxstudio or #opensourcemusicians for a faster response18:55
holsteineichi: ?20:08
holsteinRME is arguably the best quality, and well supported20:08
eichiholstein: okay. but got now a Creative Audigy 2 ZS20:09
eichihelp was from my main-distribution IRC channel (archlinux) but should work with ubuntu same or better ;)20:10
holsteineichi: ?20:34
holsteindepends on what you want20:34
holsteinif you are interested in playback20:34
holsteinjust use what you got20:34
holsteinanything creative is sub-par for recording20:34
eichihm okay. hm, not good ;) but its 10€ now. better then onboard. then maybe i should buy a better one next weeks20:37
eichibut recording is "only" voice. no complex instruments of course20:38
Krassliggood day20:43
holsteinstreaming a session21:00
holsteinKrasslig: hello21:01
holsteineichi: doesnt matter what you are recording, if you want it to sound good...21:01
Krassligubuntustudio hmmm21:01
Krassligis this the best program for producing music on linux?21:02
holsteinubuntustudio is not a program21:02
holsteinits a collection of apps21:02
holsteinanyways, im going to be busy for a bit...21:02
holsteincheck us out http://holstein.shacknet.nu:8227/stream.ogg21:02
danboidWas it someone in here who tipped me off about cadence earlier?21:04
holsteinKrasslig: check out #opensourcemusicians when you get a chance21:20
holsteinlinks to tutorials for using the software included in ubuntustudio and other goodies :)21:20

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