
charlie-tcaastraljava: I was the entire Xubuntu testing team for two years00:32
SiDiwait, what?00:33
SiDithere is a team made of several people now?00:33
charlie-tcaHello, SiDi 00:34
charlie-tcagot about three people plus myself now00:34
* SiDi thought charlie-tca was a computer cloud's outer world interface with a human communication plugin00:34
* charlie-tca seems to have a real testing team starting00:34
SiDihow many developers are there now on Xubuntu?00:35
charlie-tcatwo or three00:35
charlie-tcathree, I think, might be highter00:35
charlie-tcaWe are gaining!00:35
SiDithree who write code? Oo00:35
charlie-tcawell, three who package?00:36
charlie-tcaWe just keep trying... :-)00:36
SiDiokey, thats still a nice improvement :)00:37
micahgcharlie-tca: almost ready, trying to get a USN out00:37
Unit193charlie-tca: I'm doing alt guided resize install, restart, update, restart with a check of the install wording?00:47
charlie-tcaIf you can, that would be great. If you are not comfortable with that, I will do one.00:49
Unit193I was just putting it all in one line to make sure I got it all!00:50
charlie-tcalooks right to me00:51
Unit193I had to do a manual resize on a real install00:51
charlie-tcadid it work?00:51
charlie-tcaIt counts as a manual partitioning install00:51
micahgcharlie-tca: ok, here00:55
charlie-tcaI'm here00:56
micahgcharlie-tca: k, so you wanted to talk to me about timelines?00:56
charlie-tcaI don't remember...00:56
charlie-tcawhat timelines?00:57
micahgcharlie-tca: lightdm00:57
charlie-tcawhen will be able to seed it?00:57
charlie-tcado we have to build the front-end?00:57
charlie-tcawhen will it be ready to try something with css?00:57
micahgcharlie-tca: well, I need to talk to mr_pouit about that, when he wants to switch, we don't need to build anything to make the switch00:58
charlie-tcamr_pouit: you around tonight?00:58
micahgbut I have been getting frequent crashes lately00:58
charlie-tcaoh, oh00:58
micahgI'd almost like to wait until robert_ancell looks at my crash first00:58
charlie-tcaThat would not be so good. Is it something Ubuntu is doing to it?00:58
micahgyeah, I think it's lightdm itself00:59
charlie-tcaoh, it's like 2 am in France. mr_pouit is probably sleeping/resing00:59
micahgwill try him in the morning00:59
charlie-tcaI am ready to toss gdm. It is upgrading to gdm3, right?01:00
micahgalready is gdm3 I think01:00
micahgoh ,no not yet...01:00
charlie-tcaI see no reason to fight with it again to make it work right for us01:00
charlie-tcaHow hard is building the lightdm front going to be?01:00
micahgyeah, it should drop quite a bit of the oversizedness as well01:01
charlie-tcaMaybe I will take a look, if it isn't in some language I can't figure out01:01
micahgcharlie-tca: idk, there's an example greeter in there, depending on how much customization you want will probably say how hard it'll be01:01
charlie-tcaI want it pretty, I want it be right, I want it to be usable mostly, though01:02
charlie-tcaI solved one of my claws-mail issues. I had a domain expire01:02
charlie-tcaMaybe tomorrow I will try to set up thunderbird. 01:02
charlie-tcaI heard it is not as hard as I seem to think it was for me to set up01:03
charlie-tcaAs soon as mr_pouit gives us an okay, I am willing to push lightdm in. We can deal with a few crashes in it, can't we? 01:03
charlie-tcaDo the crashes block the login?01:04
micahgno, they just kill X after a certain while :)01:04
micahgor after a certain action01:04
charlie-tcaOh, well. Normal stuff01:04
charlie-tcaAre you sure it is lightdm? I got those with natty, a lot, with kernel oops and panics01:05
charlie-tcaSoon as I finish setting this system up, I can add lightDM to it.01:05
micahgyes, got an apport crash even :)401:05
Unit193charlie-tca: It was stable non-xubuntu01:06
charlie-tcaOh, goody01:06
charlie-tcaUnit193: oh,01:06
charlie-tcaUnit193: then it can't count, huh?01:06
* Unit193 is too lazy to read up...01:06
charlie-tcaThat's okay.01:07
Unit193charlie-tca: Would it be helpful to try an alt kernel with it?01:07
charlie-tcajust discussing with micahg about getting lightDM in. Seems to be crashing a little for him now, but I told him we handle it01:07
charlie-tcawith natty?01:07
charlie-tcait isn't the kernel doing it, that we know yet01:08
charlie-tcaI haven't had it running long enough to see if it will panic for me.01:08
Unit193Helpful in general testing...01:08
charlie-tcajust discussing with micahg about getting lightDM in. Seems to be crashing a little for him now, but I told him we *can* handle it01:09
Unit193Did you see the pastebin? And is LightDM themed?01:09
charlie-tcawhat pastebin?01:09
charlie-tcawe can theme lightdm, we get to build a front-end for it specific to Xubuntu.01:10
charlie-tcaI seem to have missed a pastebin. Do you have the url?01:10
Unit193I'm asking if it's themed at all01:10
charlie-tcaOh, I don't know. I don't have it running yet01:10
charlie-tcamicahg: Is lightDM got any theme yet?01:11
Unit193Not asking you to help, just letting you know http://paste.ubuntu.com/620327/01:11
micahgcharlie-tca: well, instead of "themes", there are greeters01:11
micahglightdm-greeter-example-gtk, lightdm-greeter-example-vala-gtk, lightdm-greeter-example-python-gtk, lightdm-greeter-example-qt01:12
charlie-tcaUnit193: that is normal for the development releases. We will be seeing that all through the cycle.01:13
Unit193charlie-tca: That's my Natty box01:14
charlie-tcaIt looks like the answer to themes is a definite sortof01:14
charlie-tcaoh, sorry01:14
Unit193(I started one week from release)01:14
charlie-tcaThe updates will add/remove bytes from the hard drive, so that too is normal. It won't always be the same amounts, though01:15
Unit193That's not the correct size (And it's hit the same number)01:15
charlie-tcaIt's okay. Most of the numbers are just estimates, and depend somewhat on the sector sizes, drive sizes, and file sizes. 01:16
charlie-tcaI can't really explain it all, but it is straight in my head. I wouldn't worry about it.01:17
charlie-tcaI got three systems here, and the installed size always comes out different, sometimes by a few gigabytes, due to the way the drives are.01:18
Unit193It's just really annoying...01:18
Unit193That's just running updates...01:18
charlie-tcaI don't read most of the numbers01:18
Unit193It wouldn't help to test an install with an alt kernel?01:22
micahgcharlie-tca: so, the lightdm greeters support theming apparently01:22
charlie-tcaGreat! so now all we have to do is get started with it :-)01:23
charlie-tcaNow I am more determined to get it in and working01:30
xrdodrxLightDM can be themed with simple HTML and CSS :)03:08
xrdodrxIt's great, I really want it in the next Ubuntu03:09
xrdodrxif doable in the schedule, of course03:09
charlie-tcaI don't think I can help getting it into Ubuntu03:09
xrdodrxoh, xubuntu**03:09
xrdodrxSorry, charlie-tca . habit03:09
charlie-tcawe will have it in xubuntu as soon as we can get it added03:10
charlie-tcaOkay, time to see how bad I broke this now.03:21
micahghi mr_pouit, are you around?07:38
eeehello everyone. Does anybody know how to set firewall up?08:52
Unit193eee: This is the Xubuntu dev channel, questions really only go in the support channel ( #xubuntu )08:54
mr_pouitmicahg: pong (feel free to handle the lightdm switch)10:07
micahgmr_pouit: I'm not a xubuntu-dev, so I can't access the seeds10:08
micahgmr_pouit: and do you want me to work on the merges as well (I remember just asking about syncs)10:09
mr_pouitoh, right, send me a mail then, so I don't forget to update the seeds when I'm around my gpg/ssh keys ;-) (this utc+2 evening)10:12
mr_pouitor maybe it's more straightforward to propose a bzr branch merge on lp?10:12
mr_pouityou can do what you prefer ;p10:12
mr_pouit(and maybe you should be in xubuntu-dev already? ;-)10:13
micahgmr_pouit: I could attempt that if you like, this would be  my first time modifying the seeds10:13
mr_pouitit's not that difficult, you probably only need to touch /desktop, and s/gdm/lightdm/10:14
mr_pouitmicahg: for the merges, I've reviewed them quickly, let me put that in a wikipage, and after you can choose the ones you want to do (and we can discuss what to sync  or dpkg-vendorify)10:16
micahgmr_pouit: ok, I have holidays this week, so I probably won't get to much before sunday, I'll propose a merge for the seed now though10:19
micahgmr_pouit: I'm going to add the GTK example greeter for the moment, that's the one I've been using and seems to have deps that match xfce10:21
micahgmr_pouit: merge proposed10:27
micahgand they're jump to gdm 3.0, so the seed change is just in time :)10:35
micahgmr_pouit: xubuntu-artwork also needs to not recommend xubuntu-gdm-theme or it will get pulled in, can I just upload a new version with that change or is there a branch somewhere10:39
mr_pouitmicahg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Oneiric/DeltaReviewAndCleanup for the merge reviews10:46
mr_pouita quick review I did last week, so maybe not completely up to date10:46
mr_pouitmicahg: for xubuntu-artwork, it's https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/oneiric (feel free to completely drop xubuntu-gdm-theme from the package, it's hacky, ugly, and we'll introduce xubuntu-lightdm-theme later I guess)10:48
micahgmr_pouit: ok, thanks, I'll propose a merge for that as well, do you want me to upload based on the merge proposal?10:49
micahgactually, I'm really tired, so I'll just make the proposal10:50
mr_pouitlp:~micahg/ubuntu-seeds/xubuntu.oneiric looks fine, thanks!10:51
micahgmr_pouit: cool, my first seed change :)10:51
mr_pouitgrbml stupid and slow wiki11:04
mr_pouitI can't even find the page where are my user prefs11:04
micahgmr_pouit: BTW, merge proposed for artwork as well, I left the files intact, and just modified debian/*11:04
micahgmr_pouit: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Oneiric/DeltaReviewAndCleanup?action=userprefs11:05
micahgmr_pouit: ok, heading to sleep now, will review your wiki page over the weekend, have a good week!11:07
mr_pouitaha, the french userprefs page has been spammed, that's why I can't access my prefs ;D11:08
mr_pouitmicahg: thanks, have a good vacation ;-)11:09
micahgmr_pouit: thanks11:09
charlie-tcaGood morning / Good afternoon14:48
GridCubegood morning14:49
GridCubecold morning tho14:49
charlie-tcarainy here14:50
charlie-tcaNow got Oneiric with lightdm running.14:50
GridCubetoday my a tecnich from my isp came :D no my internets went from 20kbs to 300kbs14:50
charlie-tcaIf I go away, well... it might have crashed :-)14:50
charlie-tcathat must be really nice, huh?14:51
GridCubeit should be at 3000kbs thi14:51
GridCubeyes i can see youtubes14:51
charlie-tcacan't please some people... ;-)14:51
GridCubethats a huge success14:51
charlie-tcaI would like to be faster than my average 157kBps here14:51
charlie-tcaand I have to share that with 4 computers14:52
GridCubeonce i live a whole month at 20kbs14:52
charlie-tcaI been living with something real close to that for a year now14:52
GridCubegods it was like dialup era14:53
charlie-tcaI know15:01
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astraljava2011-06-07 18:08:39 (2.68 MB/s) - `100Mnull' saved [104857600]16:08
astraljavaI apoligize, I just had to.16:08
ablomenastraljava, 17:51:43 (7.89 MB/s) - `debian-6.0.1a-i386-netinst.iso' saved [198064128/198064128] << amateur :P16:12
astraljavaablomen: Grrr.16:12
astraljavaSo, Unit193 doing the 32-bit tests today?16:13
charlie-tcaCan not change permissions or owner from the GUI in Oneiric16:35
charlie-tcaMaybe that is related to Users and Groups being broken?16:35
astraljavaSounds like it, but I can't be sure since I always do that via CLI.16:36
charlie-tcaUnfortunately, for anything like changing owner/group/permissions, it requires a restart now16:58
GridCubei know this might not be something ubuntu does, it sound more like something firefox does, but if you install firefox on windows you get installed, among the embebed browsers a searh on the RAE (Real Academia EspaƱola) Dictionary, but if you install firefox on linux you dont get the dictionary unless you particularly install the search plugin17:55
charlie-tcaSounds like a spanish specific install ?17:56
charlie-tcaI think firefox doesn't install any dictionary by default. I don't know why, but it might be worth a bug at mozilla17:57
GridCubei mean in windows it does17:57
GridCubebut then firefox does not come pre-installed17:57
charlie-tcaMaybe even file a wishlist bug in launchpad for Ubuntu to install a dictionary by default?17:58
GridCubeprobably, for the localization rigth17:58
charlie-tcaright. Windows is pretty specific on apps and proprietary everything17:58
GridCubeyou choose a language and it downloads the firefox search addon17:58
GridCubeif available of course17:58
GridCubejust saying is something that calls my attention when i install firefox on ubuntu17:59
GridCubeeven i do a fresh install17:59
charlie-tcathat's a good wishlist bug for us17:59
charlie-tcaIt gets people thinking about why we aren't doing it.18:00
GridCubeok so i add up a wishlist bug18:00
GridCube(not now, now i have to end my paper, NO DISTRACTIONS)18:00
charlie-tcakarma... :-)18:01
micahgcharlie-tca: firefox uses the system dictionary18:04
charlie-tcaWhat if you did not install a system dictionary?18:05
charlie-tcadict is not a default for us, neither is dictd18:05
micahgcharlie-tca: it uses hunspell18:13
GridCubei'm not talking about the "while you write" dictionary18:27
GridCubeim talking about the search box, the one you can choose to have google or ask or whatever, 18:28
GridCubein a fresh install of ff on windows one of the search engines, is the drae18:28
Unit193astraljava: Correct18:42
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=== Nijerian_Prince is now known as davmor2
astraljavaUnit193: Cool, I'll kick back and watch the game, then. :D19:02
charlie-tcamicahg: I have lightDM crashing every login now19:56
micahgcharlie-tca: cool :)19:58
micahgdo you have a test case or is it random>19:58
charlie-tcatest case = login19:58
micahgcharlie-tca: oh wow!, well should mr_pouit not change the seed?19:58
charlie-tcait is every time, very consistent19:58
micahgcharlie-tca: is this a clean install?19:58
charlie-tcaLet's get it in the seed19:59
charlie-tcano, it is no longer clean19:59
micahghe said he'll try to do that tonight19:59
charlie-tcaIt doesn't seem to affect anything, I just get a crash report each login19:59
micahgcharlie-tca: can you enable apport to see if you can get a crash that's reportable?19:59
micahgoh cool19:59
micahgcharlie-tca: can you file on LP for retrace please? robert_ancell said he'd look at mine today19:59
charlie-tcaWant me to report it next crash, or just report the crash I have in /var/crash19:59
micahgcharlie-tca: either should be fine, I didn't have a reproducer, so I reported 220:00
charlie-tcaI will file one20:00
charlie-tcaThe more users we have using lightDM, the better the reports will get and the easier to get things fixed.20:06
charlie-tcafingers crossed now20:07
charlie-tcaPlease wait while bug data is processed. This page will refresh every 10 seconds until processing is complete.20:07
charlie-tcatwo minutes and counting20:07
charlie-tcahm, I don't think something is working20:10
charlie-tcastill hasn't got through to launchpad20:10
Unit193I'll install it after I'm done "testing"20:12
charlie-tcamicahg: bug 794215 has a coredump attached20:12
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 794215 could not be found20:12
micahgcharlie-tca: cool, thanks20:15
charlie-tcano problem20:15
charlie-tcareporting issue with users and groups too20:19
micahgcharlie-tca: robert_ancell put out a call for testing, so I think we'll get prompt feedback20:20
charlie-tcahm, my day for coredumps20:23
charlie-tcaanyone heard from drc the last few days?22:03
DarkEracharlie-tca, dunno about today but if i'm not mistaken he was around yesterday and sunday22:05
Unit193I found the xubuntu-testers on LP, shouldn't they all be testing Xubuntu? :P22:05
charlie-tcaI must have missed him, then. I haven't seen him since about Friday or saturday22:06
charlie-tcaUnit193: yes, but some will be testing an installed version only, some will test milestones, and some will test periodically22:06
Unit193Ah, ok!22:07
charlie-tcaand some will not upgrade to oneiric yet, but will be upgrading by alpha322:07
charlie-tcamr_pouit, micahg : nautilus is installing as part of todays Oneiric updates22:21
charlie-tcaUnit193: Oneiric 64bit desktop image fails to install today from the desktop22:22
Unit193OK! I test 32buit anyway!22:23
charlie-tcaUnit193: 32bit installations work today?22:23
micahgcharlie-tca: awesome :)22:23
charlie-tcamicahg: my thought exactly. It even opens on login!22:23
charlie-tcaat least it is hard to miss :-)22:24
Unit193charlie-tca: I had some issues with the install I was trying to do (User error) And I don't have the resize option22:24
charlie-tcaYou have to have an existing full disk install to get the resize option22:25
micahgcharlie-tca: it's gdm -> gnome-settings-daemon -> nautilus-data -> nautilus22:25
charlie-tcaCan we get gdm replaced by lightDM? (seems like an echo in here)22:25
micahgcharlie-tca: mr_pouit has the merge proposal from me, hopefully he'll be able to get to it tonight22:26
charlie-tcaThat would be great!22:26
charlie-tcathanks, micahg 22:26
micahgwell, at least the CDs are down a little in size from yesterday22:27
charlie-tcaI don't track sizes so good, either they fit a cd-r or they do not fit a cd-r22:28
micahgI think we're going to not fit on a cd-r until close to alpha 322:29
micahgwell, let's see how much dropping gdm gets us22:30
charlie-tcawhat if we throw out all the languages except english?22:30
micahgthat + s/gdm/lightdm would probably do it, but why bother at this point?22:30
micahgcharlie-tca: are you interested in seeding lightning and having calendar support out of the box in Thunderbird?22:32
charlie-tcaso we an alpha2 that fits a cd, and people will then download and try it?22:32
charlie-tcaA lot of xubuntu users can't do USB installs22:32
micahgcharlie-tca: ah, ok we can try to get it down to 720MB for alpha2, maybe lower22:32
charlie-tcalightning would be great if we can do it22:32
charlie-tca720 don't fit a cd-r22:33
charlie-tcawhere do you b22:33
micahgwell, overburning it bies :)22:33
charlie-tcawhere do you buy one that size?22:33
micahganyways, let's just see where we are at the end of the week22:33
charlie-tcaLast I tried, xfburn said anything bigger than 703 will not be done22:33
charlie-tcaagreed, waiting patiently, sort of22:34
micahgxfburn needs some help :), but yeah, I think the cutoff that Ubuntu will be enforcing is 70322:34
GridCubeD: i did zsync whit the iso file and it says its updated, but today erlier, when i killed the download, it said that it had a 38% difference D:22:43
GridCubehow do i force a checksum22:43
charlie-tcazsync does an automatic md5 check22:44
GridCubeit said so22:44
charlie-tcaYou can do a manual md5 check using 22:45
charlie-tca md5sum imagename.iso22:46
charlie-tcagrab the md5sum from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/22:46
charlie-tcaIf it says it is correct, you are up to date22:47
GridCubei don't see a md5 for alternate22:51
GridCubei dont even see an iso for alternate22:51
GridCubethats why then22:52
GridCubesomehow the alternate iso is not available22:52
charlie-tcalook in http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily/current/22:53
charlie-tcafor the alternate image22:53
GridCubethats correct then22:54
charlie-tcamicahg: I think we should install enigmail, too, for those without the knowledge to install it themselves.22:59
charlie-tcabut, we will soon run ourselves in the ground to do that kind of thing22:59
micahgcharlie-tca: ok, it's fine with me, let's see how we're doing on space at the end of the week though :)23:00
Unit193So I installed another OS just so I could do my test -_-23:03
charlie-tcaexactly, micahg 23:03
charlie-tcatake it a day or week at a time23:04
charlie-tcaXubuntu 64bit desktop installed from cd menu works23:26
charlie-tcagoing fight with moinmoin desktop edition and python in oneiric now. 23:36

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