
=== xGrind-off is now known as xGrind
Andantinoim having a problem with compiz and the desktop cube and all that03:55
Andantinowhen i try to run it, all my windows lose their maximize and minimize buttons03:56
Andantinoand the cube will switch screens but every screen is the same with the same tabs open03:57
Wizardwhat happened with places menu in natty?08:12
eeehello everyone. Does anybody know how to set firewall up?08:49
eeeI'm newbie in irc. can anybody answer me: can you see my posts? is this correct channel?08:55
Unit193eee: This is the correct channel08:56
eeeis firewall for xubuntu really necessary ?08:57
Unit193eee: You may want to look at gufw since it's a gui08:57
Unit193!firewall | eee08:58
ubottueee: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME)  and Guarddog (KDE Lucid and Maverick) also exist.08:58
eeeunit193: ty. but i did not quite understand what are you talking about. can you give me links. and i mean real firewall with interface like firestarter etc09:03
Unit193You could use firestarter... But you can look at some info about gufw in synaptic09:10
Wizardeee: all of this apps Unit193 mentioned comes from network traffic control and they don't have many common options known from 'firewalls' for windoze09:13
eeeok. ty all09:13
Wizardyou will find possibilities of traffic shaping, nat, port blocking and forwarding, packet filtering, deep packet analysis and so forth09:14
Wizardwhat features do you expect from a firewall?09:14
eeei prefer something like Comodo fw. i dont like any application starting or sharing resources without permission09:18
Wizardsorry, i haven't used windows for ages, i don't know comodo, what does it do?09:19
eeei got message from Pidgin. and i guess its already runing , but i dont allowed anything like that09:20
Unit193Wizard: He wants something like whitelisting09:22
eeecomodo asked you every time , when some appl or program want to use your resources or connections09:22
Wizardi'm never gonna understand windows..09:23
Wizardi would kill myself if any app was bothering me to send something or not :/09:24
Wizardeee: i've never heared about such tool09:24
eeeyou can make a rules))09:24
Unit193Wizard: You can change settings in it (I've used an older version, seems nice)09:25
eeebut. i find Pidgin running and i dont allowed this. is it normal?09:25
Wizardxubuntu starts no network tools by defautl, iirc09:26
eeeok . let me see.09:27
Wizardmaybe you started it once and forgot about it.. xubuntu saves session by default09:28
Wizard(this is another nightmares causing behaviour)09:28
eeeits my 3rd session, and i dont think i did started it before, but anyway i found it suspicious.09:30
eeei choose linux for security reasons. and all i worried about is a my passwords. i dont keep any private info here. but i really need something to protect my emails. can you give a advise about my worries? )))09:35
eeedoes anybody knows anything about threats such as worms or troyans for xubuntu?09:44
eeeand what i should do first to minimize risks?09:44
eeeok)) so can anybody explain me how to install firestarter ? i could find::::To install, open the Applications!!!! (where is it???) menu and choose Add/Remove.Select Show: All available applications and search for Firestarter.09:51
eee*i could not   )))09:51
Unit193Menu > System > Synaptic Package Manager09:53
eeeand then?09:54
Unit193There should be a search button09:54
Sysibasically firewall is quite useless, you anyway don't have anything listening those closed ports, open ones need to be open anyway09:55
Wizardeee: there were some malicious scripts hidden in packages with screensaver on gnome-look.org09:56
eeeok .ty09:56
Wizardbasic security hint is to use only official repositories, keep away from ppa and don't install any debs downloaded directly09:57
Wizardi think using LTS will also help you maintaining consistent and secure system09:58
eeety wise wizzard09:58
Wizardнет проблема09:58
eeeLTS? how can i install it. Speak Russian?09:59
Wizarda bit09:59
Unit193There is also a russian channel10:00
Wizardlts - long term support - is a older version of xubuntu, which still recieves security updates10:00
Sysi10.04 currently10:00
cYmenDoes anybody know how to turn on the nocaps modifier for a keyboard layout?10:00
Wizardeee: wikipedia has pretty nice explanation of ubuntu releases10:00
Sysii think you'd need selinux and noscript to have really secure system, if even then10:00
cYmen(It maps caps-lock to control.)10:01
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)10:01
WizardcYmen: setxkbmap -option nocaps <your_layout_here>10:01
eeety all10:02
WizardcYmen: unfortunately xfce does not have neat xkb options editor (like gnome or kde)10:02
cYmenmkay...so where do I autoload that?10:03
Sysisettings -> sessions and startup should work10:03
WizardcYmen: first try it in terminal, if it works10:05
* cYmen reboots.10:07
Wizarddoes anybody use xubuntu with touchscreen device?10:08
cYmenWizard: Seems to work fine. Thanks!10:10
Wizardyour welcome10:10
WizardcYmen: you didn't have to reboot, btw10:10
Sysifor testing it he did10:11
Wizardeee: if it comes about my russian skills - i've been learning it for 1,5 year10:12
eeeanybody knows how to make youtube play videos?10:14
Wizardit says flash is not installed?10:14
Wizardlook for flashplugin in synaptic10:15
eeeok. let me see.10:16
eeewhat is a best package?10:17
Wizardit does everyting for you10:18
cYmenHow can I add shortcuts to network shares to the file manager?10:20
cYmenLike network drives in windows..10:20
cYmenugh I'll just use the shell10:23
cYmengui-schmui :p10:23
eeewhen i mark Adobe Flash Player plugin installer it shows "!" sign and cant be applied before "fix broken package" . does anybody know anything about it?10:31
Sysiupdate package list, if your system is up-to-date10:34
Wizardsynaptics also has 'fix broken' somewhere10:37
Sysimy guess still is outdated package database10:38
Wizardme too10:38
eeeupdate helped. ty10:38
eeestill black screen on youtube, do i need to restart to apply changes?10:45
Sysimake sure you don't have gnash installed10:46
Sysirestarting firefox should be enough10:46
Sysiwhat graphics driver and is your system 32 or 64 bit?10:46
eeelet me see. min10:47
eeehow can i find out about gnash?10:49
Sysisynaptic, or see what plugin you have on firefox10:49
eeegnash is not installed. where i can find out  about firefox plugins? ( i know its too noobish(((10:53
Wizardas Sysi said - firefox restart should be enough10:54
visitor1hi, anybody manages to play flash video fluently under xubuntu 10.04?10:54
* Wizard 10:55
visitor1under firefox it crashes and under opera it uses almost 100% cpu10:56
Sysiwhat graphics card/drivers, 32 or 64bit?10:57
Sysiwhat cpu, fullscreen or always?10:57
visitor1the nvdidia drivers 32 bit, pentium 630010:58
Sysiright click on some video and set off hardware acceleration from settings10:59
Sysiflash is known to eat lots of cpu though10:59
visitor1ok, i will check it out, tough i think i already tried this also11:00
visitor1i heard about light spark?11:00
visitor1but i think its still beta and also needs a newer os version11:00
Wizardwhat is light spark?11:16
Wizardbtw, flash should die a painfull death ;)11:16
BelseruskHow do people find 11.04?11:44
BelseruskRating out of 10?11:45
Wizardworks fine11:55
Wizardah, he quit :P11:55
jrgiffordAny idea on how I could reset a users Xubuntu session?14:13
Wizardjrgifford: you can delete xfce session configuration14:38
jrgiffordWizard: where is that stored?14:38
TheSheepin ~/.cache/sessions14:38
jrgiffordI'd like to reset this guys desktop without losing any data (like pidgin/empathy/chrome/ config etc)14:39
Wizardah, desktop14:39
Wizardthan look at ~/.config/xfce14:40
jrgiffordThanks Wizard and TheSheep!14:44
xubuntu258ciao a tutti14:45
xubuntu258ho un problema14:45
xubuntu258cè qualcuno che m aiutaaa14:45
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:46
Pres-GasHey, what is the proper way to disable the ability to have non-admin users shut down/restart a machine?16:20
Pres-GasI saw some pages that talked about gconf editing the gnome-power-manager, but we are using the xfce4-power-manager16:21
Pres-Gas...or would I be editing something else?16:21
GridCubei don't know16:26
GridCubelet me find out16:27
Pres-GasYeah, I am still googling as well....16:27
xrdodrxwhat would stop them from hitting the power button?16:29
ablomenhttp://embraceubuntu.com/2006/03/20/disable-shutdown-for-normal-users/ << try this16:29
xrdodrxseems like a pointless setting to me16:29
ablomen(also disables the power button on some pc's)16:30
cYmenHm...how do I login to the cups admin page?16:46
cYmenah my user...gna...nvm :)16:47
freed0mЕсть которые по-русски понимают?16:49
charlie-tca!ru | freed0m16:50
ubottufreed0m: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:50
freed0mта ппц ребята. у меня вопрос по xubuntu а не ubuntu16:51
charlie-tcaКак правило, # Ubuntu-RU должны быть в состоянии помочь и с Ubuntu и Xubuntu. Это, к сожалению, только на английском языке канала.16:52
cYmenhm... my printer stopped working and I don't know why :/16:53
charlie-tcacheck the cables?16:53
freed0mБлин)) так ты же на чистом русском написал)))) товарищ)) а переводчик нам поможет?16:53
charlie-tcaout of paper, out of ink?16:53
charlie-tcaЯ использую Google Translate для этого16:54
cYmenhehe sadly no16:54
cYmencups is complaining about the cups/foo/backend/hp failing16:54
cYmenThere are some reports about this but I have yet to find a way to fix it that works.16:55
charlie-tcaMaybe it needs a restart?16:55
cYmenSeems to be a generic error message.16:55
charlie-tcaI don't really know much about printers.16:55
charlie-tcafreed0m: I can try maybe.16:55
cYmenNobody does. Everybody hates printers and wants them to just work. :)16:56
charlie-tcaThere is a couple of developers that works the printer stuff, to the best of my knowledge. Unfortunately, there seldom are any workarounds for printer issues.16:57
freed0mTranslation easy to understand?16:57
charlie-tcanot always - but we can try16:57
cYmenJesus, there is a fucking monkey in the hard disk slot drive noodles.16:58
charlie-tca!language | cYmen16:58
ubottucYmen: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:58
cYmenOh, come on. :)16:59
charlie-tcakeep it clean16:59
cYmenSo I can't say the f word?16:59
charlie-tcaor any other cuss word. You agreed to follow the guidelines when you log in to any #ubuntu/#xubuntu channel17:00
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:00
charlie-tcaor any variation on those words, including a placeholder type word/character17:01
freed0mHow to configure your desktop so you can create links to the program (icon) as for example in Lubuntu / runtu / ubuntu?17:02
charlie-tcafreed0m: just right click on the desktop, add a launcher17:03
charlie-tcafreed0m: in Xubuntu 11.04, you can drag the icon from the menu to the desktop, too.17:03
=== xGrind is now known as xGrind-00f
charlie-tcaI lied to you17:04
charlie-tcayou can't drag it.17:04
charlie-tcafreed0m: the other way is to open Application Finder, and drag the application to the desktop17:05
freed0m<charlie-tca> freed0m: just right click on the desktop, add a launcher:With this method, I know, but it is not very convenient. System xubunru 10.1017:06
charlie-tcaI think you drag the icon from Application Finder, even in 10.10, but am not sure.17:06
Sysidrag from xfce4-appfinder17:06
freed0mFinder is available in ubuntu repositories?17:08
Sysishould there by default17:09
charlie-tcayes, it should already be installed in menu -> Accessories17:09
charlie-tcauses the magnifying glass icon17:09
freed0mNo, I do not see this program in the settings17:11
charlie-tcaпопробуйте установить его тогда. это называется xfce4-appfinder17:11
charlie-tcaI don't the translation for the Application Finder in the menu17:12
freed0mSorry. I found it))) but my questions are not over yet) I have still not tired?17:12
charlie-tcaYou are doing fine. Let's keep trying to answer them.17:13
charlie-tcaSysi: you write any Russian?17:13
freed0mI removed the standard package of sound control Mixer. I downloaded a new (gnome). I put the sound icon in the system Trey?17:21
charlie-tcaI do not know how to do that.17:22
dr4c4nfreed0m: which new sound control?17:23
freed0myes, yes17:23
dr4c4nwhich one did u install other than mixer?17:24
dr4c4nI have three17:24
freed0mI removed the mixer and set a new.17:25
dr4c4nok.. but what is the new one called17:26
dr4c4nis it the pulse audio mixer17:26
GridCubehe said it was the gnome mixer17:26
dr4c4nok, those two actually link to the same thing17:26
dr4c4ni just type mixer or pavucontrol17:27
dr4c4nor gnome-mixer on cmd line17:27
dr4c4nu can setup a connection from the control panel if you want, but i just go to CLI17:27
dr4c4nwhat's the problem exactly?17:27
freed0mwait please) i'm translate17:28
freed0mThe problem is how to control the mixer icon in the system tray17:31
charlie-tcaleft-click it, I think17:34
freed0mThe question may seem ridiculous: What are the official system requirements in xubuntu? :)17:35
charlie-tcanot ridiculous :-)      400MHz CPU, 192MB ram to install, works really slow. Better is 512MB ram, 550MHz CPU17:37
charlie-tcaInstalling using the alternate cd requires 2.5GB hard drive17:37
freed0mgraphics card?17:38
charlie-tcaany graphics card should work. Some of the old cards fail, like the ATI Rage17:38
charlie-tcaWe have no parameters for graphics cards.17:39
charlie-tcafreed0m: I have graphics cards from 1998 still working with Xubuntu, but they won't work for Ubuntu.17:39
GridCubewhere can i get help on abiword?17:41
GridCubefor some reason it started to think for me and decided i dont whant to write what im writing17:41
freed0mMy system: Intel Celeron 2.00GHz (400mhz), 1.2GB RAM, Graphics Card NVIDIA 128MB frames, but for some reason the system freezes.17:41
GridCubeit doesnt let me use " it chages it to « and then it turns ' and ` to "17:42
GridCubeoh there is a "smart quotes" thing17:43
GridCubewho in earth...17:43
GridCubefreed0m, how it frezees? when you open thunar?17:46
freed0mAt the opening of the Center Ubuntu Applications17:48
freed0mCPU 100%17:48
charlie-tcafreed0m: system is good for Xubuntu, freezes is because of something else. Probably looking for network or you need to run update-manager17:50
charlie-tcaGridCube: abiword help here or online docs17:50
charlie-tcaGridCube: http://www.abisource.com/help/en-US/index.html17:51
charlie-tcaall abiword help is now online. It opens in firefox, so if firefox is already open, help opens there.17:51
GridCubethanks charlie-tca i found out what was the thing that was messing whit my writing, lets see if i can end this paper17:52
freed0m<charlie-tca> run $ sudo apt-get update?18:00
charlie-tcafreed0m: yes18:00
charlie-tcaand also sudo apt-get dist-upgrade18:00
charlie-tcasee if it helps18:00
freed0mapt-get dist-upgrade I upgraded to version 11.04, but it is not good18:02
charlie-tcaapt-get dist-upgrade won't upgrade to 11.04 unless you change the file in /etc/apt/sources.list to natty instead of maverick18:03
charlie-tcahowever, if you do sudo apt-get upgrade, you only get some of the updates, and many will not be installed for you.18:04
charlie-tcaYou need to use either apt-get dist-upgrade or the update-manager to get all the updates installed18:04
freed0mWell. I listened to your advice. )18:07
charlie-tcaDebian uses dist-upgrade to upgrade to the next release. We use it for updates only, it will not upgrade to the next release for us without more work.18:08
charlie-tcaNow I got to go walk the dog here. I will be back in a few minutes.18:09
freed0mokey. Thanks you18:10
Wizardgood evening18:29
Wizardof course it's good18:30
Wizardfreed0m: you're the one who was here earlier with nick eee?18:36

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