debfx | EagleScreen: the relevant file is /usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions/gwenview_importer.desktop | 00:02 |
debfx | maybe the problem is that there are two groups in that file | 00:02 |
EagleScreen | I dont uderstand what you mean | 00:04 |
EagleScreen | any file is translated I think | 00:05 |
EagleScreen | adding the tipical line: Name[es]=Abrir con el Gestor de Archivos; makes it translated | 00:14 |
EagleScreen | this files are provided by kdebase-workspace (source) | 00:16 |
debfx | EagleScreen: yes, but we strip those and look up the translations with X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain | 00:23 |
debfx | bottom line is that we need to patch either the device notifier applet or something in kde4libs | 00:23 |
EagleScreen | oh | 00:24 |
ScottK | shadeslayer: It's the last thing we're waiting to merge from Debian and it's blocking 4.6.0 packaging .... | 00:25 |
transitlogger | ScottK: does ffmpegthumbs work with that patch? | 00:30 |
transitlogger | like at runtime | 00:31 |
transitlogger | also, did you try contacting the maintainer? | 00:31 |
ScottK | No idea. | 00:31 |
ScottK | No. Just asked our libav maintainer how to fix it. | 00:31 |
ScottK | That was his recommendation. | 00:31 |
ScottK | If it doesn't work, it's not because of that patch. | 00:31 |
transitlogger | well, yeah, just saying, there is little point in making stuff build if it does not work | 00:32 |
transitlogger | ScottK: if you have a minute, it would be cool if you could try it | 00:32 |
ScottK | It's just a function rename in libav. | 00:33 |
* ScottK isn't running oneiric, so can't test it soon. | 00:33 | |
ScottK | Anyone got an oneiric install they can see if ffmpegthumbs works in? | 00:34 |
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=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
yofel | morning | 06:40 |
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debfx | apachelogger: pkg-kde-tools currently adds the X-Ubuntu-Gettext... key to the end of desktop files, but it should put it into the [Desktop Entry] group | 10:08 |
debfx | or am I wrong? | 10:08 |
apachelogger | debfx: what else would be in there? | 10:19 |
apachelogger | i.e. in what case would EOF != partOf(DesktopEntry) | 10:20 |
debfx | apachelogger: solid actions | 10:20 |
apachelogger | where may they be found? | 10:20 |
debfx | e.g. /usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions/gwenview_importer.desktop | 10:21 |
apachelogger | debfx: yeah | 10:21 |
apachelogger | very wrong | 10:21 |
apachelogger | <3 l10n architecture | 10:21 |
debfx | also I noticed that the translations in .notifyrc files aren't stripped | 10:23 |
apachelogger | debfx: they are not .desktop files :P | 10:24 |
apachelogger | by the definition of the mangler anyway | 10:24 |
apachelogger | actually, I was thinking about poking upstream to adopt a new l10n system similar to what we do | 10:25 |
apachelogger | loading the l10n from mo files makes sense in terms of up-to-dateness | 10:25 |
debfx | apachelogger: yeah, but which part does the mangling? | 10:25 |
apachelogger | like if you have a desktop file and copy it to your autostart dir | 10:25 |
apachelogger | it will have outdated l10n at some point | 10:25 |
apachelogger | debfx: something with mangler in the name | 10:25 |
apachelogger | pkgmangler or something | 10:25 |
debfx | ah ok, I thought pkg-kde-tools would do that | 10:27 |
mfraz74 | at what point should the sun-java packages be renamed to oracle-java? | 10:28 |
shadeslayer | ScottK: i won't be able to do before 10th, so if someone else wants to take it up, i'll remove my name | 10:53 |
Riddell | Mamarok: not liking kubuntu-devel any more? | 11:02 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: so like, see you at DS :D | 11:03 |
shadeslayer | oh | 11:04 |
shadeslayer | Mamarok: happy birthday!!! | 11:05 |
* jussi waves to davmor2 | 11:08 | |
davmor2 | jussi: told you it was here that I'd heard of your nick :D | 11:08 |
jussi | hehe | 11:08 |
jussi | how are things davmor2? anything interestinghappened? | 11:09 |
davmor2 | jussi: yes thanks :) | 11:09 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: huh? | 11:22 |
shadeslayer | apachelogger: pm | 11:22 |
apachelogger | shadeslayer: I dont see no nothing | 11:22 |
Mamarok | Riddell: why do you think that? | 11:27 |
Mamarok | shadeslayer: thank you :) | 11:27 |
Riddell | Mamarok: I got an unsubscribe notice | 11:27 |
Mamarok | whut? | 11:27 |
Mamarok | that was certainly not me! | 11:27 |
davmor2 | jussi: how are thing with you? did you learn anything interesting at UDS? | 11:28 |
Mamarok | Riddell: but I did indeed not get any mail since May 29th | 11:29 |
Mamarok | actually May 23rd | 11:29 |
Mamarok | hm, not true, that was a cross-post to kde@ | 11:29 |
Mamarok | so the last mail is from May 13 | 11:30 |
Mamarok | the day I was moving | 11:30 |
jussi | davmor2: learnt lots, was very cool. Currently a very exciting time atm, with the baby coming. Went to the ultrasound this morning, saw the heartbeat etc :=) | 11:31 |
Mamarok | Riddell: how is this even possible? I was subscribed with various mail addresses so I could post from more than one, all gone | 11:32 |
Mamarok | I am certain I did not unsubscribe | 11:32 |
davmor2 | jussi: prey for a boy, girls are too much trouble ;) especially when they are older :) "What do you mean your seeing a boy! Your 21 you don't see boys yet!" and you know it.... | 11:33 |
jussi | hahahahah | 11:33 |
ScottK | Quintasan: Can you merge kdepim? As usual shadeslayer is too busy to do actual work. | 11:58 |
ScottK | davmor2: What I tell them (having three girls) is "You aren't allowed to date until after you're married." Eventually they realize that's unlikely to produce a result they are interested in. | 11:59 |
davmor2 | ScottK: I found sharpening a BIG knife on the doorstep put off potential boys :D | 12:01 |
ScottK | I did have to give one a speech on proper behavior once. | 12:01 |
ScottK | Later the $DAUGHTER in question told me "We had talked about it. We were going to kiss, but then he said he was afraid if you caught us you'd beat him up." | 12:02 |
ScottK | To which I thought "Win". | 12:03 |
debfx | the avahi package dropped support for qt3, which kde3libs requires | 12:27 |
debfx | so I guess we just let it die this cycle | 12:27 |
ScottK | It's removed from Debian, so it should go. | 12:30 |
debfx | we first need to merge papaya, gambas2 and regina-normal from Debian | 12:32 |
debfx | then we can remove kdelibs and kdewebdev-kde3 | 12:32 |
ScottK | I already filed a sync request for regina-normal. | 12:34 |
debfx | I'll have a look at papaya | 12:36 |
jussi | ScottK: you are a very scary man... | 12:45 |
ScottK | People tell me that, but I don't see it myself. | 12:46 |
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debfx | bug #794513 :) | 12:53 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 794513 in kdewebdev-kde3 (Ubuntu) "Please remove kdelibs and kdewebdev-kde3 from the archive" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 12:53 |
jussi | shadeslayer: project neon wont update my stuff unless I specifically ask it to install certain things, right? | 12:56 |
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq | ||
jussi | Hrm, I just noticed our partition/disk manager has back up and restore of partitions, which is damn cool. | 13:50 |
debfx | apachelogger: why do we have 3 implementations of the desktop file processing in pkg-kde-tools? ^^ | 14:18 |
debfx | that should be converted into a dh_kde_translations script | 14:19 |
shadeslayer | jussi: eh what? all of p-n's deps are inside the ppa | 14:19 |
shadeslayer | jussi: so everything is installed in /opt | 14:20 |
maco | ScottK: i find it weird being so close in age to your daughter | 14:23 |
ScottK | If age is a state of mind, there are probably days you're older than I am. | 14:24 |
maco | heh if age is a state of mind, then im older than my passport says. had someone boggle when he found out i wasnt in my late 20s | 14:25 |
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq | ||
didrocks | debfx: ScottK: so, i found that the crash was impact a lot of QML apps. Using -fno-strict-aliasing seems to workaround it and lead to no crash anymore (gcc 4.6 should be more agressive with this optimization). I reported upstream the relevant logs of warning and push meanwhile a new Qt with this | 14:48 |
didrocks | + btw | 14:48 |
ScottK | fabo: ^^^ Thoughts? | 14:49 |
apachelogger | debfx: so we can haz fun | 14:51 |
apachelogger | I am going to berlinz \o/ | 14:54 |
didrocks | for the desktop summit? | 15:01 |
apachelogger | yes | 15:01 |
didrocks | see you there then :) | 15:03 |
* apachelogger hugs didrocks | 15:03 | |
* didrocks hugs apachelogger back | 15:04 | |
fabo | ScottK: it needs upstream review (most likely ddenis) | 15:19 |
ScottK | didrocks: ^^^ | 15:19 |
didrocks | ScottK: you mean, about ? | 15:20 |
ScottK | didrocks: Yes. | 15:20 |
didrocks | fabo: I don't know ddenis, can you ensure he's aware of that please? | 15:20 |
didrocks | ScottK: ok, just pushing the build change right now | 15:20 |
fabo | didrocks: how xinput2.1 is implemented? I'm curious | 15:21 |
didrocks | fabo: I think it's rather a question for cnd | 15:21 |
fabo | didrocks: sure, I'll ask him | 15:21 |
didrocks | cnd: ^^ | 15:21 |
didrocks | fabo: thanks :) | 15:21 |
cnd | fabo, ScottK, didrocks: ddenis may be able to review it, but he's no longer working on multitouch for qt | 15:22 |
cnd | I'm not sure how responsive he will be | 15:23 |
fabo | cnd: nobody else is working on it ;) | 15:23 |
cnd | I am :) | 15:23 |
fabo | cnd: it depends of the pov, that's why I'm asking how xinput2.1 is implemented? | 15:24 |
fabo | I don't see the Qt xinput2 patch applied so it's something else | 15:24 |
cnd | fabo, the patch should be applied | 15:25 |
cnd | if not, it may be because ScottK backed it out at one point? | 15:25 |
cnd | let me check | 15:26 |
ScottK | IIRC I didn't back it out. | 15:26 |
ScottK | There's a milestoned bug for Alpha 2 about the wacom issue. | 15:26 |
fabo | ok | 15:27 |
cnd | fabo, it's all in patch kubuntu_28_xi2.1.patch | 15:27 |
cnd | it really needs to be cleaned up | 15:27 |
cnd | ddenis just handed it to me and I fixed up some bugs and added it to the package | 15:28 |
cnd | it doesn't really implement XI 2.0 | 15:28 |
cnd | just the multitouch part from XI 2.1 | 15:28 |
fabo | I have XI2 in meego and another path on top to support multiple device | 15:29 |
fabo | s/path/patch | 15:29 |
cnd | fabo, ddenis told me they would likely never add XI 2.0 support as it requires a lot of work, there are some corner-case issues with XI 2.0, and there's not much benefit | 15:36 |
cnd | I should say that here I mean "Nokia would likely never add the support" | 15:36 |
cnd | I'm sure if someone else did the work it could be merged :) | 15:36 |
cnd | is your patch for XI 2.0? | 15:37 |
fabo | yes, it's for XI 2.0 | 15:38 |
cnd | interesting | 15:38 |
ScottK | KDE 4.6.4 is released. | 15:38 |
cnd | can you check to see if it's basically what is in the patch we have for xi 2.1? | 15:38 |
cnd | cause ddenis took some existing XI 2.0 code and added multitouch to it | 15:38 |
cnd | it's just that the XI 2.0 code didn't really do much at the time | 15:39 |
fabo | I'll check what we have in Ubuntu compared to MeeGo | 15:41 |
cnd | fabo, thanks :) | 15:43 |
cnd | either way, is there anything I can do to push the multitouch fix through? | 15:44 |
cnd | it's really causing issues for some of our other developers who are wanting to use qml toucharea :) | 15:44 |
debfx | cnd: I'll merge the branch | 16:16 |
cnd | debfx, thanks :) | 16:16 |
didrocks | debfx: wait, doing it then, as I've the other change pending | 16:18 |
debfx | didrocks: sorry, I've already pushed the changes | 16:19 |
didrocks | debfx: ok, I'll handle the conflict and redo my changes then | 16:19 |
debfx | shouldn't be too difficult as it only touched the changelog and the xinput patch | 16:21 |
didrocks | yeah, bzr rebase helped as well | 16:22 |
c2tarun | what is the channel for kubuntu meeting? | 16:27 |
ScottK | c2tarun: #ubuntu-meeting. | 16:28 |
ScottK | Or not. I don't see it on the schedule. | 16:28 |
ScottK | DarkwingDuck: When/where are we meeting? | 16:29 |
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fabo | cnd: denis disagreess. He'll comment on the patch | 17:14 |
cnd | fabo, ok | 17:14 |
cnd | thanks for scrounging him up :) | 17:14 |
cnd | fabo, so there's a slightly better way to do it, and I will work on getting it updated | 17:23 |
cnd | in the meantime, it is definitely better than before :) | 17:23 |
fabo | great :) | 17:23 |
_Groo_ | hi/2 all | 17:52 |
_Groo_ | anyone knows why nspluginwrapper is segfaulting in natty? | 17:52 |
DarkwingDuck | ScottK: it should be on the wiki and i sent an email | 18:03 |
DarkwingDuck | im rushing home right now. (wife driving) | 18:04 |
DarkwingDuck | ScottK: meeting in just under 3 hours | 18:18 |
debfx | DarkwingDuck: I think ScottK was referring to the fact that our meeting isn't on the #ubuntu-meeting schedule | 18:28 |
maco | ScottK: talked to ev about the prepare patch, made adjustments based on his review, waiting for re-review | 18:28 |
maco | ScottK: is shtylman gone for good? cjwatson says he's the one that wrote the keyboard stuff on kubuntu's installer | 18:29 |
debfx | dpm: why is the app-install-data template in the gnome language pack? it really should be in the default one | 18:39 |
JontheEchidna | I filed a bug about that, sec | 18:41 |
JontheEchidna | bug 649339 | 18:41 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 649339 in Ubuntu Translations " is in -gnome language packs when it is useful in other DE's" [High,Triaged] | 18:42 |
JontheEchidna | looks like it should be fixed once lang-packs start generating for oneiric | 18:42 |
JontheEchidna | debfx: ^ | 18:42 |
debfx | JontheEchidna: aha ok, I wonder why we don't get feedback about such l10n issues | 18:47 |
JontheEchidna | debfx: feedback from users? | 18:47 |
debfx | yeah | 18:47 |
debfx | oh you filed that bug in 2010 | 18:48 |
JontheEchidna | I think Intrepid and jaunty may have scared them all off | 18:48 |
JontheEchidna | (international users) | 18:48 |
ScottK | maco: shtylman doesn't use KDE anymore, so probably. | 18:50 |
debfx | possibly but we seem to have at least a few italian translators that care about kubuntu | 18:50 |
debfx | JontheEchidna: the categories aren't translated in muon sc | 18:51 |
JontheEchidna | debfx: yeah, not sure how to go about translating a custom xml file | 18:51 |
JontheEchidna | well, it's standard XML, but it's not something that I can just i18n() | 18:52 |
JontheEchidna | since it's XML and all | 18:52 |
maco | ScottK: we lost him? | 18:53 |
ScottK | Yup. | 18:53 |
JontheEchidna | debfx: I think if I can generate a .pot from the xml I can wrap the code where I grab the category names with i18n(), and everybody should be happy | 18:57 |
debfx | JontheEchidna: where does that xml file come from? | 18:58 |
JontheEchidna | /usr/share/kde4/apps/muon-installer/categories.xml | 18:58 |
JontheEchidna | In the source, it's installer/categories.xml | 18:59 |
bambee | evening | 19:10 |
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DarkwingDuck | GARRRRRRG | 20:51 |
apachelogger | meeting in 6 min it appears | 20:54 |
DarkwingDuck | Yup | 20:54 |
DarkwingDuck | And my HD JUST arrived. So, while I'm installing everything I'll be attending via my phone. | 20:55 |
apachelogger | ScottK, Riddell_, neversfelde: around? | 20:56 |
ScottK | Yes | 20:56 |
apachelogger | DarkwingDuck: sounds inconvenient to me :P | 20:56 |
neversfelde | apachelogger: yes | 20:56 |
DarkwingDuck | apachelogger: yes it is | 20:56 |
apachelogger | perfect | 20:56 |
ScottK | DarkwingDuck should probably complain to the guy that scheduled the meeting. | 20:56 |
DarkwingDuck | ScottK: yeah i've ripped him a new one lol | 20:56 |
DarkwingDuck | could be worse... but i dont have my notes from spec reviews | 20:57 |
DarkwingDuck | on my sd card | 20:58 |
DarkwingDuck | oh well, ill go off of memory as much as i can :D | 20:59 |
apachelogger | rbelem, fabo: meeting in #ubuntu-meeting now | 21:02 |
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dpm | debfx, there is a bug about that, and IIRC it should be fixed in the next natty langpack | 21:28 |
dpm | debfx, bug 649339 | 21:29 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 649339 in Ubuntu Translations " is in -gnome language packs when it is useful in other DE's" [High,Triaged] | 21:29 |
dpm | (we'll be releasing the next natty langpack this week) | 21:29 |
debfx | dpm: thanks, good to know that it'll be fixed soon | 21:30 |
debfx | ^^ | 21:30 |
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan | ||
* yofel continues with 4.6.4 | 21:31 | |
JontheEchidna | debfx: thanks for the patch | 21:51 |
JontheEchidna | debfx: I think it should work in theory. If the strings appear next time script runs then we'll know that it should be working | 21:53 |
* ScottK hints at JontheEchidna that he should be paying attention to the meeting. | 21:53 | |
JontheEchidna | oh, is that now? | 21:53 |
ScottK | started almost an hour ago. | 21:54 |
JontheEchidna | eek | 21:54 |
JontheEchidna | my conversion is off | 21:54 |
JontheEchidna | ack, I also have a piano recital I have to go to in 5 minutes :( | 21:56 |
JontheEchidna | forgot about that | 21:57 |
JontheEchidna | debfx: One thing, I need to change the i18n call to this: m_name = i18nc("Category", tempElement.text().toUtf8()); | 22:04 |
maco | ScottK: i messaged shtylman on twitter and he said the reason kde/gtk are different on the keyboard thing is that gtk one doesnt display the kbd image and he'll try to get a chance to take a look at that bug and point me in the right direction | 22:04 |
JontheEchidna | i18n can't handle QString | 22:04 |
ScottK | Cool | 22:05 |
apachelogger | rbelem: are you awake now? ^^ | 22:14 |
rbelem | apachelogger, yup | 22:14 |
rbelem | apachelogger, i missed the meeting :-( | 22:15 |
apachelogger | no | 22:15 |
apachelogger | still going on | 22:15 |
apachelogger | plz join | 22:15 |
rbelem | oh! | 22:15 |
rbelem | great :-D | 22:15 |
debfx | JontheEchidna: oh, the no testing included not having done a test build ^^ | 22:22 |
Quintasan | Riddell_: Oh, by the way, did you take a glance at that out of memory magic in bzr? | 22:32 |
apachelogger | Quintasan: we want plasma-active in neon, in fact, we want a snapshot ASAP in oneiric IMHO | 22:32 |
apachelogger | afiestas can help with that | 22:33 |
Riddell_ | Quintasan: it's | 22:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 746822 in Launchpad itself "fails to build recipe with "bzr: out of memory"" [High,Triaged] | 22:33 |
Riddell_ | Quintasan: thoughts are to try installing a newer bzr on those machines, the current one is quite old | 22:33 |
Quintasan | Riddell_: yeah, showstopper for our kdelibs, something and calligra builds | 22:33 |
yofel | kdelibs kde-workspace kdepim calligra | 22:34 |
Riddell_ | go go kubuntu-council administrators | 22:35 |
Quintasan | \o/ | 22:35 |
* yofel goes back to 4.6.4 | 22:35 | |
DarkwingDuck | win 24 | 22:36 |
DarkwingDuck | oops | 22:36 |
yofel | ^^ | 22:36 |
DarkwingDuck | irssi fail | 22:36 |
DarkwingDuck | :P | 22:36 |
* Quintasan goes back to chemistry then | 22:36 | |
Quintasan | apachelogger: Remind me at Saturday | 22:36 |
Quintasan | since I'm trying to learn something for tomorrow and I will be drinking after I am done with that boring school stuff | 22:37 |
debfx | bug #794760 needs a core-dev ack | 22:39 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 794760 in cmake (Ubuntu) "Sync cmake 2.8.4+dfsg.1-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] | 22:39 |
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